Pregnant body art. Body art for pregnant women: entertainment or therapy? What is body art for during pregnancy

The methodology is based on elements of emotional-figurative therapy, family constellations, work with color, bodily practices and aromatherapy. The peculiarity and success of our art sessions is that we work directly with the subconscious of the expectant mother, allowing us to find negative attitudes (even those that are hidden very deeply and mom does not even suspect that they exist), remove them, work through, dispel fears of childbirth, discover new positive images in yourself, tune in to harmony, cope with the pain of childbirth, receive a powerful resource and support that will make childbirth a magical, wonderful experience of meeting the Baby!

Here's what our moms say:

“I was at a session of body art therapy with Valeria Zhemchug shortly before the birth! In the process of work suddenly appeared beautiful image- a golden child, we drew it on the stomach, connected by an umbilical cord with the Placenta - the Earth! I left the shooting inspired, confident and beautiful! And on April 6, my boy was born 🙂 I felt that our joint creative work helped me in childbirth, I kept the mental image of the “golden child” in my head, and this set me on the right emotional wave, helped me not to concentrate on pain, to let it go. Thanks again for your amazing work!"
Marina Paramonova, Moscow

"Lerochka! Huge thanks to you for what you do! And these are magical things)) Thanks to the session of body painting therapy, we spent a busy and fulfilling day, got a great experience, pleasant emotions, the belief that only happiness and harmony will inevitably await us, that childbirth is our personal, positive fairy tale! Thank you for the body art, for the studio, for shooting, and that our faith in ourselves, loved ones, has strengthened and become even brighter after talking with you! Thank you to our whole family!”
Alexandra Ananchenko, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

“If I am still pregnant, I will definitely want to create my own resource image for childbirth! I really liked this idea. Lera first communicates with a woman, asks questions, looks for that image (animal, tree, flower, element ...), which will respond in the soul with recognition and joy! And then she draws it on her tummy… Gradually, the woman transforms, as if the image leads her to the depth of unity with herself, trust in her body and Mother Earth, She Who Gives Life. Beauty in the eyes, in the clothes, in the atmosphere - and photos for memory! And then this image as a talisman, as a talisman, as a close friend, you can take home and be with him until the birth and, most importantly, in the birth! In childbirth, in moments of pain, excitement, anxiety, your image-friend will shine in your memory, give strength, fill you with self-confidence. After all, when you go on such a journey for the first time with someone, you feel calmer. ”
Natalia Tomilina, doula, mother of 4 children


An art session can be individual or group, with a photo session in the studio or in a homely atmosphere.

In a cozy, inviting atmosphere, you draw the image of Childbirth - with paints or pencils, relaxed, meditatively, to convey all your feelings.

After that, you discuss this image with our psychologist, and an exciting journey into the depths of your subconscious begins!

Gradually, you will feel a pleasant transformation in your body, in your sensual connection with the baby, new strength, warmth, overflowing joy and trust in your feminine essence, the generic source!

You colorfully depict a new, positive image that you will take on your Childbirth as an assistant that gives strength, confidence and calmness. Now he is your "tuning fork", helping you tune in to the right "wave", a new vector of relationships with the Kid!

The body painting therapist reinforces your feelings by embodying this image on your tummy, communicating with the Kid through paints and brush touches. Natural oils and aromas help to create an atmosphere of complete relaxation and comfort…

You breathe in a new way, get used to it, merge with it! Enjoy the source of female power before the future birth!

After some time, you get your photos in a new way - so that, looking at them, you can be charged with energy and positive before meeting the Baby!

Psychologists call drawings on the belly of pregnant women one of the ways of self-expression, which makes it possible for the expectant mother to establish contact with the child. A few years ago, this type of body art was a novelty, but today many girls in an “interesting” position decide on such an experiment, decorating their belly with colorful compositions and getting a positive charge, which is so necessary during pregnancy.

The art of drawing on the stomach (Gestation Art) is rooted in the distant past. In ancient Egypt, body painting was an integral part of religious rites and rituals, and in India and other countries of Asia and Africa, body art on the body of pregnant women is still given serious importance.

According to ancient beliefs, drawings on the stomach protect the expectant mother from negative energy, give health and help to safely resolve the burden. However, today Gestation Art is gradually losing its symbolic meaning and becoming more of a tribute to fashion trends.

So, fans of the singer Beyoncé have long discussed the appearance of their favorite in public in a bright ethnic costume with a naked, rounded tummy, which was literally dotted with patterns drawn with henna. Her experience was repeated by other celebrities, attracting the attention of the press and delighting their fans with glossy photo shoots in fashion magazines. With the light hand of the stars of show business, painting on pregnant belly becomes a mass phenomenon and allows expectant mothers to emphasize their individuality and just have fun!

Fashionable, stylish and… useful!

Long gone are the superstitions that forbid women in position to openly show their belly. Today, the beauty of the female body during pregnancy becomes an object of admiration, and the drawings on the body allow you to once again emphasize the uniqueness and uniqueness of a woman during this period.

  1. Pregnancy, especially the first, dramatically changes a woman's life. Gestation art helps many girls to realize their new state and understand the inner world, relieve stress and even overcome the fear of childbirth.
  2. Contemplation of a colorful composition on the belly of a beloved woman allows her partner to look at her beloved with different eyes. Some couples experience a surge of emotions at this time and gain closer contact.
  3. In the process of drawing, the baby, who is on the other side of the “palette”, gets the opportunity to touch the outside world, feel and adopt positive energy from his mother.
  4. If a woman already has children, body art is a great chance to introduce them to a future brother or sister. In addition, kids will be happy to take part in coloring their mother's tummy, help them dream up and choose a plot, and most importantly, create an atmosphere of ease and positive.

The finished drawing should definitely be captured in the photo. Moreover, this can be done both at home and order a studio photo shoot from a professional photographer. The unique moments of pregnancy, the charm of maternal forms and colorful pictures will remain in your memory for a long time and will allow you to remember these moments with trepidation many years later.

Let's start drawing

Burning with the desire to create a unique masterpiece on their own tummy, expectant mothers are wondering how and where to do it best. Many cities have special gestational painting studios, and some beauty salons employ professional artists who create spectacular and stylish drawings on the belly of pregnant women. At home, you can also do body art and, having shown Creative skills, independently realize their most creative ideas and fantasies.

In the studio or at home?

If your own artistic skills are not enough, or you want to see a real picture on your stomach, you can turn to a professional who has sufficient experience and will be able to convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing on the “canvas” as accurately as possible. It can be either your own sketch of the expectant mother, or finished composition selected from the artist's portfolio.

Important! Paints and accessories for body art are harmless, but allergic reactions should not be ruled out, which during pregnancy can occur even to the usual means. Therefore, before the start of the session, you need to study the composition of all consumables in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Studio painting will take time (depending on the complexity and volume of the picture), since many ladies are not limited to painting the belly. Sometimes, in order to create a harmonious look, you want to decorate your arms and legs, do makeup and even make a hairstyle to match the entire ensemble, and as a bright end to a beauty session, you can order a professional photo session.

At home, the body art process will be faster and much cheaper. In addition, the drawing process itself can be turned into an exciting game, involving the husband and older children in the business. Here you can use not only professional body paints or theatrical makeup, but also ordinary gouache. The main thing is to do an allergy test (put a little dye on your hand and check in an hour for redness or itching) and, if everything is in order, start the creative process.

Tools and materials for creativity

You can make a beautiful drawing on the belly of a pregnant woman with your own hands using various means, which are easy to purchase in specialized stores or in the stationery departments of any supermarket and even cook yourself. Suitable for this:

  1. Gouache paints, which are best mixed with glycerin or petroleum jelly for durability (take 5 g of any product for 50 g of paint). This coating stays on the body for about a day and is easily washed off with warm water and soap.
  2. Watercolor. But unlike gouache, watercolor drawings are less bright and durable.
  3. Theatrical make-up, characterized by a wide range of colors and a palette of shades. The cost of makeup exceeds the cost of gouache or watercolor, but the drawing on the stomach will be brighter, more colorful and will last for several days if you are at home all this time and do not cover your tummy with clothes. It is very easy to remove the coating with micellar water or make-up remover milk.
  4. A set for body art, which includes a contour pencil, paints and an airbrush (spray for paints).
  5. Henna for painting on the body, which should be mixed with 100 ml of strong black tea (in a ratio of 1: 1), add the juice of 1 lemon and let it brew for 3 hours. Before starting a painting session, the tummy should be lubricated olive oil, and after drawing the picture after 3 hours, the stomach should be wiped with a dry cloth and covered with a “fixer” (2 tablespoons of sugar mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice).

Important! Acrylic paints not suitable for gestational painting. Such a coating forms a film on the skin and clogs the pores, in addition, it can cause a rash and even provoke a burn.

The optimal time for Gestation Art is the third trimester of pregnancy. At 7-9 months, the stomach reaches a solid size, and the flight of fancy can not be limited, creating the most incredible compositions. You can complement the ensemble with beautiful linen or use a top and long skirt. An airy chiffon scarf or a bouquet of flowers covering the chest will look no less advantageous, and the most daring young ladies can do without clothes at all if they paint not only the stomach, but the whole body.

Waiting for a boy

If the gender of the child is already known, you can beat this fact. While waiting for the boy, you can decorate your tummy with juicy green, bright blue and purple colors, as well as focus on "boyish" plots, including:

  • sports and outdoor games (ball for football or basketball);
  • characters of popular cartoons (Boss Baby, minions, Nemo fish, Ricky the turtle, Sponge Bob and even the notorious Wolf with the words “I’ll sing right now”), and if twins are expected, you can portray two heroes at once (Chip and Dale, Tom and Jerry, Winnie - Pooh and Tigger);
  • fruits, berries and other favorite treats (watermelon, pumpkin, apple, orange, M&M's dragee, Kinder Surprise and even a hamburger);
  • all kinds of round objects (an aquarium with fish, a globe with a detailed world map or a New Year's ball);
  • cool images of babies with the caption "See you" or "I'll be there soon";
  • automotive topics (cars, planes, ships, submarines or starships, and so on).

However, it is not necessary to draw a specific object - pictures of the night sky, seascapes and simply abstract motifs look very impressive on round tummies. The main thing is that mommy herself likes the drawing, and in the photographs, the plot of Gestation Art was complemented by her radiant smile.

Pictures for girls

In anticipation of the daughter, it is better to choose a more delicate color scheme, focusing on pink and pastel colors. But if the expectant mother likes bright motives more, why deny yourself such pleasure?

As for the main theme of the drawing for the girl, the following can serve as an idea:

  • floral and fruit motifs;
  • heroes of favorite fairy tales and cartoons ( gold fish, the Frog Princess, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, the deer Bambi, Smeshariki);
  • Barbie and Shelly dolls;
  • muzzles of animals;
  • birds with chicks;
  • various types of decorative and ornamental painting;
  • comic pictures with a portrait of a future baby and so on.

Cool drawings on the belly of pregnant women cheer up and allow expectant mothers to fool around a little, remembering their own childhood, when sometimes there was not enough album sheet for coloring. Bright original compositions on the stomach will bring a lot of positive emotions and fill the days with joy in anticipation of the birth of a small miracle.

Drawings on the abdomen in pregnant women photo:

If in the third trimester you decide to have a photo session, plan to capture your tummy and shoot with your husband in several images, be sure to contact a specialist before shooting who will paint your belly. It costs quite a bit of money, but you will get a lot of emotions and see an amazing picture on yourself, under which you will clearly feel the sound of your baby's legs.

Search the Internet, look through newspaper ads and find salons that provide this service. Surely, in every city there are body painters, among whom there are those who are engaged in gestational painting.

Having found a specialist, look through his portfolio, what wearable drawings he can offer you. You can calmly point your finger at an already finished sketch or consult with the master and make a sketch of what you would like to see on your tummy yourself.

Think carefully about the colors that will be present in your drawing - your mood, the behavior of the child, and the color of the photographs depend on them. Remember that the black shade will convey the fear that you are experiencing, red will tell you about the changes and activity you want, green will tell you that you feel a lack of attention from your spouse, blue will demonstrate your readiness to become a mother, and purple will become a symbol of the happiness you experience. and pleasure.

Kiev artist Angelina notes that more and more studios in the capital are asking her to help in conducting photo shoots for pregnant women and to paint a luxurious picture on the tummy of the expectant mother. The girl also has a lot of private orders that she performs on the road. The price of the order depends on the complexity of the drawing and the wishes of the client, on average it is about 250-300 UAH. In terms of time, the process takes 35-40 minutes, but in an hour Angelina promises to create a real masterpiece.

DIY body art

If you live in a small town or in a village and you can’t find a belly painter, don’t despair - you yourself or together with your husband can create a picture no worse than the one that the master would have applied. First of all, you need to stock up on the tools necessary for painting. So, the most accessible of them is gouache - the one that is used to draw posters and write slogans. In combination with petroleum jelly or glycerin, it stays on the body for almost a day (50 g of gouache and 5 g of petroleum jelly / glycerin). You can apply a drawing with ordinary brushes, one of which is used to draw a contour, and the second - to sketch. Do not worry - gouache is safe and will not harm either mom or baby. It washes off easily with soap and water.

You can also purchase theatrical makeup, which costs more than regular gouache and comes in a wide variety of colors and shades. It does not blur, and the picture on the tummy can last for several days, unless, of course, you stay at home and walk around the apartment in a topic. If you intend to take a walk, wash off the drawing with makeup remover milk, as otherwise it will ruin all your clothes.

Suitable for gestational painting at home and watercolors. However, dull colors still force them to be abandoned in favor of gouache and theatrical makeup.

If you want to contemplate a real masterpiece on your tummy for at least a week, then buy yourself a professional body art kit. It includes a pencil with which contours, paints are drawn different colors and an airbrush with which you can evenly spray the paint. But keep in mind that this set is very expensive and hard to find in the free market.

Henna is another way to prolong the life of your masterpiece. Prepare a solution of 100 ml of strong brewed black tea, the juice of one lemon and 100 g of special henna for painting on the body. Move the mixture carefully and let it brew for about three hours. Then mix 2 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. lemon juice - with them you will subsequently fix the resulting picture on the tummy. Before you start creating, grease the belly with olive oil, apply the drawing with the prepared solution and leave it for three hours. Then gently wipe with a soft, dry cloth and lemon juice with sugar. A masterpiece written with henna can last up to a month on the body. This is a great option for future moms who are going to go to the sea - with your beautiful tummy, you are guaranteed to become the queen of the beach.

What are we drawing?

Your body is able to receive all your thoughts, fantasies and dreams. Therefore, put on your tummy everything that can please you, cheer you up and what you have long dreamed of drawing. If you suffered from morning sickness throughout your pregnancy and gained a lot of extra pounds, draw a cloud to make you feel light. If you dream of solitude and the closeness of nature, apply trees, grass, a lake and a country house to the “baby house”. And if you want to become even sexier for your significant other, then think about a small drawing closer to the bikini area.

Be sure to involve your husband in the work. As practice shows, men are very fond of carrying out all kinds of manipulations with the bodies of their girlfriends. Joint gestational painting will bring both the spouses themselves and the parents with the baby very close.

While you are drawing on the tummy, tell the baby in detail and step by step what you are doing. Of course, he hears you and quietly rejoices. And also promise him that when he is born and grows up a little, you will create masterpieces every day. Life itself will tell you stories.

Drawings on the abdomen in pregnant women have become very fashion trend among women. How? You did not know what body art for pregnant women is? These are drawings on the tummy of a pregnant woman, made in different styles and different colors.

What they don't come up with! They use gouache, face painting paints, henna, theatrical makeup, lipstick and even professional body art kits.

Professional body art

In any city now you can find a professional artist who will make you a painting of the whole body or just the tummy, whatever you wish. Here everyone decides how much to open their body for such pictures. Someone gives the master "under painting" only the tummy, and someone and the whole body. What kind of pictures just come up with! The only pity is that all this is then quickly washed off. Paints for pregnant body art are selected safe and water-soluble, for example, gouache.

Cheerful face painting

When face painting is used in work, and future mom and the baby in the tummy enjoy and light massage. Face painting is water-based paints, they are easily washed off after a fun photo shoot.


Quite an interesting painting in a kind of "Indian" style with henna will last on the belly of a pregnant woman for quite a long time. This is painstaking work that will take a long time, and it dries for a long time, so tune in to sit for a couple of hours in one position. It is important to choose a master who will pick up an interesting ornament.

Painting with the whole family

If the family has younger children who are really looking forward to a brother or sister, drawings on the stomach can be made a kind of message to the unborn baby. Turn this "drawing communication" into a game, so you can bring babies closer to each other even before birth.

Dad can also be chosen as the main artist. Let him paint on the tummy with different brushes while doing the massage.

Paints for pregnant body art

Before creating body art for pregnant women, apply either a makeup base or tone cream. They will help you accurately correct the drawings.

Any paints for pregnant body art can be used, as long as they are water-based and can be easily washed off with water. For example, gouache, face painting, theatrical makeup, body art kit.

To prevent gouache from cracking after it dries, add a little baby cream or glycerin (ten grams per hundred grams of paint) and then draw on the stomach.

If you don’t skimp on a kit for doing tattoos at home, then the drawing on the stomach will last for quite some time, and there are also various stencils in the kit.

For henna painting, you can prepare the solution yourself. Mix lemon juice, strong tea leaves (100 ml) and one hundred grams of special henna for body painting, leave for three hours. Before drawing, grease the skin with olive oil.

After three hours, wipe the drawing on the stomach, first with a dry cloth, and then with a mixture of lemon juice and sugar (one to one). After a while, the picture will become brighter.

In addition, for body art for pregnant women, you can use water-based felt-tip pens, cosmetics, cooking cream, finger and watercolor paints. Most importantly, dream up! You can draw with anything, even ordinary ink or gel pens.

How? You don't know what to draw?

Very often, funny faces, emoticons, comics are drawn on the tummies. Something that doesn't take long. Cartoon characters, children's characters will also look good on a pregnant tummy. Anything that fits into a ball or has the shape of a ball can also be easily depicted on the tummy of a pregnant woman.

Feel free to show your tummy in the form of an aquarium, a globe or a pumpkin. You can repeat the drawing every month, adding some element. It will be very interesting to look at the photographs of how the tummy grows, how the baby grows. From these photos you can later make a collage for a family album. And the process of body art for pregnant women is filmed.

Such fun activities bring together all family members and the unborn baby very much. Mom will be charged with positive emotions, it will be easier for her to prepare for such a crucial moment as childbirth.

So, What do you need for pregnant body art?

  • A wish!
  • Excellent mood.

An artist who agrees to do such a job. Both a professional artist and a dad sitting next to a computer or TV, younger children who abandoned their toys, and even a grandmother who came to visit will do.

Body art of pregnant tummies - photo

Any water-soluble paints (gouache, watercolor, face painting), water-based felt-tip pens, henna, tattoo or body art kits.

Brushes of different thickness, preferably soft.

Wet rag or wet wipes to wipe off bad luck.

Foundation to apply before painting.

A camera or a camera phone to capture not only all the resulting beauty, but also the whole process of creating body art for pregnant women.

Have you now learned what body art for pregnant women is? I think you understand that this is not only a beautiful drawing on the tummy of a pregnant woman, but also positive emotions, good mood and unity of all family members.