Pregnant body painting drawings on the tummy. Is it possible to draw on the belly of a pregnant woman? What is pregnant body art?

Body painting on the stomach is drawn with different materials and applied different ways. For example, with a brush, sponge or airbrush, and there is also a mixed technique - airbrush + brush. We mainly work in mixed media. Thanks to her, body painting on the stomach looks more gentle and professional.

How long to do pusiart

Puziart is usually done from 4 months of pregnancy, when the tummy is already growing. This is the most important condition! On a small tummy (for a short period) - a large drawing cannot be made. Although this has its own + puffiness is not so obvious and expectant mothers feel calmer. And at the same time, mostly pregnant women make a drawing on their stomach in a more late dates pregnancy 6-8 months, then the tummy is so round that the whole picture fits on it!

Drawing on the abdomen in pregnant women

Drawing on the tummy appeared more than 10 years ago. And abroad, the drawings on the belly of a pregnant girl are not surprising. In Russia, face painting on the tummy is slowly gaining its popularity and we hope that soon we will be pleased with the drawings on the bellies of pregnant women everywhere.

Drawings on the stomach in pregnant women photo

Body art on the tummy is divided into two main areas:

  • simple drawing on the belly of a pregnant woman
  • intricate belly pattern

Let's see!

Although they are quite simple and at the same time look very gentle and beautiful. And so pay attention to the complex patterns on the tummy photo

Undoubtedly more complex puzie art looks more impressive! These works will not leave you indifferent! And so let's see cool drawings on the stomach of pregnant women.

But do not forget that everyone has different tastes, so we will select a drawing to your taste and advise the most advantageous option for you.

Draw on the belly

Yes! It's not as easy as it seems. Some tried to make drawings on the tummy on their own.

That is, of course, not the future mothers themselves! And their lovely husbands! It's very touching! And it's nice that in the end you still choose professionals. That is, of course ndash Aquagrim Studio! We help you make this event unforgettable! Drawings on the tummy are done different materials. Body painting on the belly of pregnant women is done with special paints for face painting and body painting. Safe paints with certificates are used. And so look at the face painting on the stomach of pregnant women.

And also the drawing on the tummy is done with henna, this is a temporary tattoo for a week. Let's see Mehendi on the tummy of pregnant women

Just a couple of decades ago, pregnant women could not even think of decorating their rounded belly with drawings, and even more so, putting it on display. Fortunately, today morals are freer and we can afford to relax and enjoy our position to our heart's content.

Body painting for pregnant women has become a great opportunity to establish contact with an unborn baby, convey some of your positive to him and tell everyone around you how much you love your state of expectation of a miracle.

Professional body art of pregnant women

Usually, future mothers turn to salon masters before a photo shoot, wanting to capture unusual shots with their husband and other family members. Professionals are able to offer a lot of options for body painting on the belly of pregnant women, whether it be drawings of a baby in the womb, animals, Smeshariki, an image of the globe with all continents. Balls, watermelons, ultrasound photos remain quite popular.

There are also more complex drawings: sometimes a highly artistic one appears on pregnant tummies, whole paintings that claim to be works of art, 3-D drawings, even stucco elements and textiles.

And some like to decorate not only the stomach, but the rest of the body - chest, arms, etc. If the case is taken good specialist, that is, there is every chance that it will be a masterpiece.

Body painting for pregnant women at home

Probably, you or family members yourself are good at drawing, and the soul asks for a holiday. Then you boldly take a brush and start creating according to your mood and inspiration. It can be even the simplest drawings, most importantly - from the heart.

Be sure to use safe paints:

  • special for drawing on the skin (face painting);
  • simple watercolor or gouache combined with petroleum jelly;
  • professional paints for body art.

And you can, following the ethnic traditions of the Eastern peoples, use henna for painting.

Below are some pictures of maternity body art ideas.

Pregnancy is a time when expectant mother everything is allowed. She can afford any eccentricity. In this sense, "salty" for breakfast, lunch and dinner, passion fruit at two o'clock in the morning and tears in three streams with or without reason, one might say, is a classic of the genre. But body art on a pregnant tummy is already something new. Well, of course, why not decorate yourself and the "house" of the one who lives inside, and whom you already love so much? You say, rather strange fantasies? But psychologists don't think so. They are sure that self-expression in the style of Gestation Art helps the expectant mother to establish contact with her baby and recharge during pregnancy.

What is Gestation Art?

Gestation Art, or gestational painting, or body art on a pregnant tummy has been known in Europe for more than ten years.

Finally, society has ceased to treat women waiting for replenishment in the family as beings who arrived from another planet. Today, the appearance of a pregnant woman in a tight top or with an open tummy no longer shocks others, but only causes a smile and even a kind of sense of solidarity.

Sunk into oblivion and all sorts of prejudices about the fact that pregnant women are not allowed to do that, and this, and even more so to be photographed. Future mothers with great pleasure agree to capture themselves in anticipation of their little miracle. There is nothing shameful in showing the baby, when he grows up, his mother's tummy, in which he spent whole before his birth. And if this tummy is also painted, can you imagine the delight of the growing “curious”? Surely, you are already interested in this idea. Then for you - more about pregnant body art.

Gestation Art is a way to make your pregnancy brighter and leave unique pictures as a keepsake. After all, usually, a session of a pregnant body art ends with a photo shoot.

Decorating your tummy is fun and safe. It is better to draw on it in Then the “canvas” already has a rather impressive size, and the process will be much more interesting for you. The baby, too, may well participate in the session, tumbling a couple of times and pushing you from the inside with a leg. This means that he really likes what you get. But first you need to choose paints for body art. And there are several options here.

Paints for pregnant body art

It turns out that there are plenty of ways to decorate your tummy with a future mother. The main thing is to decide what result you want to achieve, how much you are willing to spend on it and how long you want to enjoy painting on your stomach. Depending on these requirements, you will choose paints for body art.


If you decide to try to paint your tummy yourself, and this is your first experience, then it would be quite reasonable to use ordinary gouache. You can buy it at any stationery store.

  • Application technique

Glycerin or petroleum jelly (in a ratio of 15: 1) must be added to the paint so that the drawing does not crack when it dries. And you can get creative.

  • pros

Gouache is available and cheap. Washes off with water.

  • Minuses

But the paint gets dirty and flows. Wash it off the same day.

  • Idea

Before drawing on the stomach, you can glue rhinestones. It's completely harmless. And your drawing, for example, a heart or an asterisk, will become even more expressive.

Theatrical makeup

With the use of makeup, which can be seen, for example, on the faces of clowns in a circus, you can create a real riot of color. It is specifically designed to be applied to the skin and is safe for pregnant women and children.

  • Application technique

Body art set

If desired, you can apply a more durable pattern on your tummy. To do this, you need to purchase a semi-professional kit for body art (body painting). It comes with a pencil, paints, fixative and airbrush. With a pencil, you can draw thin lines on ornaments and contours. Paints in such kits come in a variety of colors and shades, and they are applied to the skin using brushes or an airbrush. An airbrush sprays paint over large areas. And the fixer allows you to save the brightness of the picture for a long time.

  • Application technique

Please read the user manual carefully. Usually, before applying the drawing, you need to clean the skin with a scrub and dry it thoroughly.

  • pros

With the help of a body art kit, you can bring to life any, even your most intricate idea. And the pattern will remain for a long time, even under clothes. Without a fixative, you will enjoy the view of your painted tummy for three days, and with a fixative - up to a week.

  • Minuses

These kits are far from cheap.

  • Idea

Here, there are no limits for the flight of fancy. Get creative and enjoy it. Draw what you think your kid would like. Many mothers depict feathers on their tummies soaring in the sky. And they claim that it helps them feel light as fluff.

Biotattoo with henna

This is a one piece creation. To create it, use the Indian mehndi technique. Painting on the skin with henna is more suitable for applying small drawings. The mehndi technique is quite complicated.

  • Application technique

Use only red henna. Buy specially prepared paint for drawings on the skin. Or, sift the henna for hair coloring through a cotton cloth to obtain the smallest dust. This must be done with a mask. Then add to the henna (of which you should have about 1/4 tea cup) the juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup of strong tea and 1 drop of eucalyptus or any other oil. Mix everything and leave to brew for 4-5 hours at room temperature. Then make a plastic cone and fill it with henna paint. Before drawing, mix 2 tsp. lemon juice with 4 tsp. Sahara. Prepare a cotton swab. With a swab of sweetened lemon juice, you will moisten the design during its application so that it is better fixed. Before drawing on the skin with henna, you need to lubricate it with eucalyptus oil. Cut off the tip of the cone and you're good to go. A regular toothpick is perfect for fine lines. When the drawing is ready, leave the henna on the skin for 2 hours, then shake it off and wipe the skin with oil. After one day, the picture should darken. Agree, this technique is more complicated than the previous ones. But you can enjoy the result much longer.

  • pros

Henna biotattoo lasts up to two weeks on the skin. And its cost is available to everyone.

  • Minuses

Henna, usually, does not draw large drawings. And pictures can only be one-color.

  • Idea

To simplify your task, use stencils to draw a picture.

In the hands of a professional

Those mothers who want to see a real masterpiece on their own, and at the same time have a certain amount of money, should contact the salon, where a professional artist will bring to life whatever you wish. Choose a drawing from an artist's portfolio, sketch your own, or simply describe what should be depicted on your belly. Usually, after a session of body art, a photo session of the expectant mother is held. Be sure to invite your husband to this wonderful event.

Believe me, you will remember such a photo session for the rest of your life. And colorful, bright, unusual images, captured in the photo, will always remind you of the happiest moments of your marriage.

We draw ourselves

You can also decorate your tummy yourself. Surely, both you and the baby living in it, and the daddy of the little one, will like this idea. Your body is the perfect canvas for gestational painting. Everything you dream about, everything you live by, can be depicted on it. Imagine and create. Share the joy of creativity with your husband and the little man inside you - not yet born, but so dear. Think about your baby. While drawing the picture, tell him what you are depicting on the "house" in which he lives. Describe what a wonderful world awaits him after birth. Share your dreams with him. After all, very soon you will be dreaming together. And paint together, but on other canvases ...

Psychologists call drawings on the belly of pregnant women one of the ways of self-expression, which makes it possible for the expectant mother to establish contact with the child. A few years ago, this type of body art was a novelty, but today many girls in an “interesting” position decide on such an experiment, decorating their belly with colorful compositions and getting a positive charge, which is so necessary during pregnancy.

The art of drawing on the stomach (Gestation Art) is rooted in the distant past. In ancient Egypt, body painting was an integral part of religious rites and rituals, and in India and other countries of Asia and Africa, body art on the body of pregnant women is still given serious importance.

According to ancient beliefs, drawings on the stomach protect the expectant mother from negative energy, give health and help to safely resolve the burden. However, today Gestation Art is gradually losing its symbolic meaning and becoming more of a tribute to fashion trends.

So, fans of the singer Beyoncé have long discussed the appearance of their favorite in public in a bright ethnic costume with a naked, rounded tummy, which was literally dotted with patterns drawn with henna. Her experience was repeated by other celebrities, attracting the attention of the press and delighting their fans with glossy photo shoots in fashion magazines. With the light hand of show business stars, painting on a pregnant belly becomes a mass phenomenon and allows expectant mothers to emphasize their individuality and just have fun!

Fashionable, stylish and… useful!

Long gone are the superstitions that forbid women in position to openly show their belly. Today, the beauty of the female body during pregnancy becomes an object of admiration, and the drawings on the body allow you to once again emphasize the uniqueness and uniqueness of a woman during this period.

  1. Pregnancy, especially the first, dramatically changes a woman's life. Gestation art helps many girls to realize their new state and understand the inner world, relieve stress and even overcome the fear of childbirth.
  2. Contemplation of a colorful composition on the belly of a beloved woman allows her partner to look at her beloved with different eyes. Some couples experience a surge of emotions at this time and gain closer contact.
  3. In the process of drawing, the baby, who is on the other side of the “palette”, gets the opportunity to touch the outside world, feel and adopt positive energy from his mother.
  4. If a woman already has children, body art is a great chance to introduce them to a future brother or sister. In addition, kids will be happy to take part in coloring their mother's tummy, help them dream up and choose a plot, and most importantly, create an atmosphere of ease and positive.

The finished drawing should definitely be captured in the photo. Moreover, this can be done both at home and order a studio photo shoot from a professional photographer. The unique moments of pregnancy, the charm of maternal forms and colorful pictures will remain in your memory for a long time and will allow you to remember these moments with trepidation many years later.

Let's start drawing

Burning with the desire to create a unique masterpiece on their own tummy, expectant mothers are wondering how and where to do it best. Many cities have special gestational painting studios, and some beauty salons employ professional artists who create spectacular and stylish drawings on the belly of pregnant women. At home, you can also do body art and, having shown Creative skills, independently realize their most creative ideas and fantasies.

In the studio or at home?

If your own artistic skills are not enough, or you want to see a real picture on your stomach, you can turn to a professional who has sufficient experience and will be able to convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing on the “canvas” as accurately as possible. It can be either your own sketch of the expectant mother, or finished composition selected from the artist's portfolio.

Important! Paints and accessories for body art are harmless, but allergic reactions should not be ruled out, which during pregnancy can occur even to the usual means. Therefore, before the start of the session, you need to study the composition of all consumables in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Studio painting will take time (depending on the complexity and volume of the picture), since many ladies are not limited to painting the belly. Sometimes, in order to create a harmonious look, you want to decorate your arms and legs, do makeup and even make a hairstyle to match the entire ensemble, and as a bright end to a beauty session, you can order a professional photo session.

At home, the body art process will be faster and much cheaper. In addition, the drawing process itself can be turned into an exciting game, involving the husband and older children in the business. Here you can use not only professional body paints or theatrical makeup, but also ordinary gouache. The main thing is to do an allergy test (put a little dye on your hand and check in an hour for redness or itching) and, if everything is in order, start the creative process.

Tools and materials for creativity

You can make a beautiful drawing on the belly of a pregnant woman with your own hands using various tools that are easy to purchase in specialized stores or in the stationery departments of any supermarket and even cook it yourself. Suitable for this:

  1. Gouache paints, which are best mixed with glycerin or petroleum jelly for durability (take 5 g of any product for 50 g of paint). This coating stays on the body for about a day and is easily washed off with warm water and soap.
  2. Watercolor. But unlike gouache, watercolor drawings are less bright and durable.
  3. Theatrical make-up, characterized by a wide range of colors and a palette of shades. The cost of makeup exceeds the cost of gouache or watercolor, but the drawing on the stomach will be brighter, more colorful and will last for several days if you are at home all this time and do not cover your tummy with clothes. It is very easy to remove the coating with micellar water or make-up remover milk.
  4. A set for body art, which includes a contour pencil, paints and an airbrush (spray for paints).
  5. Henna for painting on the body, which should be mixed with 100 ml of strong black tea (in a ratio of 1: 1), add the juice of 1 lemon and let it brew for 3 hours. Before starting a painting session, the tummy should be lubricated olive oil, and after drawing the picture after 3 hours, the stomach should be wiped with a dry cloth and covered with a “fixer” (2 tablespoons of sugar mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice).

Important! Acrylic paints not suitable for gestational painting. Such a coating forms a film on the skin and clogs the pores, in addition, it can cause a rash and even provoke a burn.

The optimal time for Gestation Art is the third trimester of pregnancy. At 7-9 months, the stomach reaches a solid size, and the flight of fancy can not be limited, creating the most incredible compositions. You can complement the ensemble with beautiful linen or use a top and long skirt. An airy chiffon scarf or a bouquet of flowers covering the chest will look no less advantageous, and the most daring young ladies can do without clothes at all if they paint not only the stomach, but the whole body.

Waiting for a boy

If the gender of the child is already known, you can beat this fact. While waiting for the boy, you can decorate your tummy with juicy green, bright blue and purple colors, as well as focus on "boyish" plots, including:

  • sports and outdoor games (ball for football or basketball);
  • characters of popular cartoons (Boss Baby, minions, Nemo fish, Ricky the turtle, Sponge Bob and even the notorious Wolf with the words “I’ll sing right now”), and if twins are expected, you can portray two heroes at once (Chip and Dale, Tom and Jerry, Winnie - Pooh and Tigger);
  • fruits, berries and other favorite treats (watermelon, pumpkin, apple, orange, M&M's dragee, Kinder Surprise and even a hamburger);
  • all kinds of round objects (an aquarium with fish, a globe with a detailed world map or a New Year's ball);
  • cool images of babies with the caption "See you" or "I'll be there soon";
  • automotive topics (cars, planes, ships, submarines or starships, and so on).

However, it is not necessary to draw a specific object - pictures of the night sky, seascapes and simply abstract motifs look very impressive on round tummies. The main thing is that mommy herself likes the drawing, and in the photographs, the plot of Gestation Art was complemented by her radiant smile.

Pictures for girls

In anticipation of the daughter, it is better to choose a more delicate color scheme, focusing on pink and pastel colors. But if the expectant mother likes bright motives more, why deny yourself such pleasure?

As for the main theme of the drawing for the girl, the following can serve as an idea:

  • floral and fruit motifs;
  • heroes of favorite fairy tales and cartoons ( gold fish, the Frog Princess, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, the deer Bambi, Smeshariki);
  • Barbie and Shelly dolls;
  • muzzles of animals;
  • birds with chicks;
  • various types of decorative and ornamental painting;
  • comic pictures with a portrait of a future baby and so on.

Cool drawings on the belly of pregnant women cheer up and allow expectant mothers to fool around a little, remembering their own childhood, when sometimes there was not enough album sheet for coloring. Bright original compositions on the stomach will bring a lot of positive emotions and fill the days with joy in anticipation of the birth of a small miracle.

Drawings on the abdomen in pregnant women photo: