Proper polishing of nails. How to polish your nails - the rules of care from the best specialists

If the appearance of the nail plate has minor changes, for example, some irregularities in color or surface, you can resort to polishing. Otherwise, we will talk about the treatment of nails or the whole organism as a whole. Today we will look at how to eliminate minor changes by polishing your nails.

The benefits and harms of the nail polishing procedure

Nail polishing not only gives nails a beautiful appearance, but also stimulates the blood circulation of the nails, activating their growth. When polishing, yellowness on the surface of the nail plate and irregularities are removed. Nails become smooth, shiny and visually healthy.

However, before you start polishing, you need to know that not everyone will benefit from this procedure. For example, brittle and exfoliating nails should not be polished, as this may increase their fragility. If the salon master still recommends polishing, then soft files or wax polishing are used for such nails.

Even for strong and healthy nails, polishing should be done no more than once a month. It is better not to polish at home, but to go to the salon and trust the master, who knows what and how to do. By performing this procedure on your own, you can harm your nails, and then look at them with the expectation of improving them. appearance within a few months.

Polishing accessories

Polishing at home can be done if you have the skill. To do this, you need a set of nail files for polishing and other devices. With this set, you can begin the procedure.

Nail files differ in hardness. They are usually numbered to help you follow the order in which they are used. Nail files can be various options: flat, double-sided or three-dimensional with four faces. In addition, nail files differ in the quality and properties of the material from which they are made. The best can be considered nail files for professional use, that is, those that are used in salons. The choice of nail files also depends on the condition of your nails.

buff- This is a tetrahedral bar, each side of which has a different degree of roughness. All sides should also be numbered, which makes it easier to follow the correct sequence of steps when polishing.

In addition to nail files, grinding is carried out with paste. Polishing pastes contain abrasive particles, complexes for strengthening nails.

The salon uses a lot various means and devices for effective and safe nail polishing:

1. Special machine for grinding
2. Files of different hardness;
3. Special double-sided pads
4. Scrubs, creamy substances, oils with medicinal elements, pastes with medicinal components.

Sometimes polishing occurs by simply applying cream to the nail for one minute, without any additional steps. And sometimes with the help of a polishing machine.

Eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, camphor, avocado or jojoba oils, extracts from ginger root, chili and other components are used as nourishing and healing components. In the salon, the polishing procedure takes from 10 to 60 minutes. It depends on the condition of your nails and the products used during the procedure. When using the machine, the time is significantly reduced.

How to polish nails?

The polishing process takes place in several stages.

1. First stage- preparatory. Remove the previously applied varnish from the nails and cut to the desired length. Then steam the nails and enrich with minerals. The best option at this stage there may be a bath with sea ​​salt and lemon juice.

The second version of the bath is a mixture of heated vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe your hands with a dry cloth. You can use baths with iodine and orange or lemon juice diluted with warm water.

Other mixtures are also useful, such as iodine-oil or iodine-salt. Instead of iodine, iodized salt can be used. Usually at this stage, the edges of the cuticle are trimmed or removed with tweezers. Dry processing of the cuticle is also possible - it is pushed back.

2. Second stage. Sometimes at this stage, before starting the initial polishing, a soft grinding procedure is carried out. Soft polishing is performed with a nail file against the growth of the nail, this allows you to lift the keratin scales and thoroughly clean the surface of the nail, as well as remove yellowing and slight irregularities.

Primary polishing of the nail allows you to smooth out keratin scales, remove micro-scratches formed after grinding and all irregularities. Unlike grinding, primary polishing is performed in the direction of nail growth. At this stage, polishing is carried out with the hardest nail file.

3. Third stage- polishing with a soft nail file. The entire surface of the nail is also processed here.

4. The final stage- application of vitamin creams and oils. Creams and oils help nourish the nail with useful substances and give it shine and smoothness, improve the structure of nails and accelerate their growth. Oils used for polishing nails should be natural. It is these oils that contain vitamins and minerals.

The technology of the procedure is of great importance, namely:

you need to move the nail file carefully, without exerting strong pressure on the nail;
movements should go in the direction - from the center of the nail to its sides, and always in one direction, you should not make movements - "back and forth";
first one side is processed, then the other.

Wax polishing

Since polishing with nail files is contraindicated for brittle and brittle nails, in this case polishing with wax pastes can be a more favorable and useful procedure. This procedure in the salon is very popular. When polished with wax, moisture is retained in the nail plate, in addition, wax nourishes the nail with useful elements contained in it.

For this type of polishing, a special nail file with a rubberized coating is used. Wax is applied to the nail and lightly rubbed into it and into the cuticle. Then the nail begins to polish with a file with a rubberized coating. This procedure lasts until the surface of the nail becomes even and smooth.

At the final stage of such polishing there will be application nourishing oils on nails and cuticles.

In the beauty industry, many types of polishing compounds have been created. For example, DNC biowax. The composition of the wax, in addition to the wax base, includes cosmetic paraffin, silicone, White clay, extract of eleutherococcus and. This great combination helps to fill cracks and uneven nails, as well as nourish them with beneficial substances. This tool is used quite sparingly.

Nail polishing

Polishing nails allows you to give them shine and smoothness. However, no less effective procedure is the grinding of the nail plate.

What is the difference between these procedures?

We will immediately answer this question - polishing affects the nails much more strongly, and therefore can be performed no more than once every six months. The reason for this is that by grinding more often, you can get weakened and thin nails. Therefore, for those who have weak or brittle nails, polishing should be abandoned altogether.

In the process of polishing the nail, the top layer is almost completely removed, that is, such a procedure with weakened nails can be done only if medically necessary, for example, this will help get rid of the nail fungus that lives in the top layer of the nail. Grinding in the cabin is performed using a special apparatus. And it is better to do it in the salon, as there the master will help to make a full range of procedures and services for the restoration and treatment of nails.

Polishing nails is a procedure that allows you to give your nails a shine and a healthy appearance. After polishing, the nails become perfectly smooth, so the varnish lasts longer on them, and the base base is no longer required to level the surface. But still, polishing is best done no more than once a month and, if necessary:

1) if the nails are in transverse or longitudinal grooves;

2) if pigmentation occurs when using low-quality varnish.

Each of us knows firsthand how difficult it is to look flawless every day. Really, modern world literally requires women and girls to be on top and take care of their appearance. What can we say if a woman is the owner of a company or a director.

There is no one to blame, the share of the weaker fair sex has always fallen and will fall a lot of difficult tests that only temper real women and make them stronger, so let's not complain, but consider another important issue regarding our beauty. Namely, what is nail polishing, why is it needed and how to properly polish nails.

Let's start in order. Of course, you have visited a manicure salon at least once in your life, and, as a result, you know that nail polishing is an important part of such a procedure.

It turns out that this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an excellent drug that stimulates blood circulation and provides our nails with a beautiful and healthy appearance. In addition, due to the abundant supply of nutrients, the nails begin to grow faster. However, it is worth making a reservation right away, since the magical procedure cannot be carried out more than once every two months. And the main indicator is the nails that have grown at least one third.

Necessary Precautions

By the way, before you learn how to polish your nails at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The last are thin nails and they are exfoliating. Of course, this does not mean at all that the owners of such nails will not have to feel the benefits of polishing at all, just for a start, the “material” needs to be brought into the proper state, or, simply put, cured.

Fortunately, modern nail care products give excellent results, and in combination with vitamin complexes, they will cope with the problem at once.

Materials and tools

Now is the time to bribe what you need. We will need polishing files or special pads, a regular nail file, nail clippers and various nail creams or oils. By the way, all this can be purchased in a set, which also includes a special convenient bath for manicure. Let's get started.

Polishing steps

To begin with, we make a relaxing bath for nails: pour warm water, if desired, if you need to whiten your nails, add a few drops of lemon juice. Needless to say, before polishing, the old varnish must be removed and the surface of the nail become dry and clean.

  • Then everything is as in the standard manicure procedure: we cut the nails with special tweezers to the desired length, if necessary, and adjust the shape with a regular nail file.
  • Here we come close to polishing. Take a close look at the nail polish pad. You probably noticed that one side of it is hard, the other, on the contrary, is softer. We start with a tougher one, with which we clean the surface of the nail along the entire length, remove roughness and unnecessary irregularities.
  • Next in line is the soft side, which echoes its predecessor and also “walks” along the entire nail. The turn of lotions and oils has come, the task of which is to fix the result and give the nails a healthy and radiant exterior. You can use a special polishing liquid. And so with each nail.

This will be the final stage of the treatment procedure. It is creams and oils that will provide your hands with softness and tenderness, and the pad has already taken care of the health of your nails.

All girls know that in order to create a beautiful and high-quality manicure, it is necessary to prepare the nails. First you need to remove the cuticles around the nail, give desired shape, polish and apply the lacquer itself directly. And it is on the polishing process that the final manicure will depend, how it will fall and how long it will last.

Why and how to polish

First of all, you need to know that nail polishing is carried out not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for health, since in the process of creating a glossy look, the blood begins to circulate better, which in turn leads to their growth. That is why in order for the nails to have a beautiful and healthy look they need to be polished. However, quite often you should not resort to rubbing your nails to a shine, as they can become brittle. It is enough to carry out this process no more than 1-2 times a month.

The grinding process consists of several stages:

  1. Surface grinding (soft). It helps to remove the moisture that they secrete from the nails and speed up the process of updating their layer. Also, with the help of soft polishing, you can remove the ugly yellow color of the nails and make them more even.
  2. Primary polishing. It removes small scratches on and evens out the keratin layer.
  3. Secondary polishing. This procedure makes the nails more glossy and gives them a beautiful color.

Polishing at home

It is not necessary to visit the salon in order to give the nails a healthy and beautiful look. Polishing can also be done at home, for this you need only a special polishing nail (with an abrasiveness of 300 grid or more). It is also better to purchase a special polish and cream that are applied to the nails after the procedure. This is very important, because after the rubbing process they need restoration and vitamins necessary for their health and beauty.

DIY process:

  1. Prepare a bath. To do this, take a small amount hot water and add a few tablespoons of lemon juice or regular salt to it;
  2. Place your hands in the solution and give and steam;
  3. Prepare nails. Remove any remnants of the previous manicure and cut to the desired length;
  4. Using an orange stick, gently remove the cuticle;
  5. Using the buff, start polishing. Direct it in one direction from the very end of the nail to its center.
  6. Do the same with all fingers;
  7. I use a fine spray on a nail file to polish my nails until they shine.
  8. Apply a nourishing or regenerating cream.

Do not be upset if you do not have a special nail file for polishing nails at hand. Many girls do not know how to polish their nails without a nail file, but it's quite easy and simple. It is necessary to take a suitable piece of fabric, but only necessarily suede and apply a little starch to it and the replacement for the nail file is ready.

Wax as a polishing agent

Polishing can also be done with the help of wax, especially for those girls who have naturally weak nail plates that are prone to foliation. It helps feed them essential vitamins makes them strong and healthy. In order to polish the stratum corneum of the finger with wax, you should prepare a polishing file that has a rubber surface and wax. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Apply wax and rub it into the horny plate and the skin adjacent to it.
  2. With the help of a buff, process the fingers until they begin to slide.
  3. Moisten the treated fingers with cream or oil.

Nail polisher

To create a beautiful manicure, many women use a special polisher. There are several types of such a tool:

  • . It consists of 3-4 surfaces on each of which there is a different degree of roughness.
  • Disc for . Disks made in the form of a circle of small sizes, on the surface of which there is sand intended for polishing the place where the nail begins.
  • Set 3 in 1. It consists of a special buffer, sandpaper surface and the polisher itself.

Why you should use a polisher

The polisher has a big advantage. Only thanks to him can you put the nail plate in order, namely:

  • Remove jagged edges and make them smoother.
  • Smooth out any unevenness on the surface and ensure a comfortable application of the varnish.
  • Eliminate various stains.
  • Make nails more shiny, beautiful and attractive.
  • It will improve blood circulation, thereby stimulating the growth of the nail plates.

As a rule, after the polishing procedure, the nails acquire a mirror shine, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. But when carrying out this procedure, moderation should be observed, otherwise it can make the nails thin and brittle. Grinding is an important process in nail care, and only with the help of it they will become not only beautiful but also healthy.

Precautionary measures

When rubbing the nail plates on your own at home, you should familiarize yourself with all the available contraindications. First of all, this applies to girls who by nature have a thin exfoliating stratum corneum. Of course, this does not mean that they should completely forget about nail care and refuse such a necessary procedure as polishing. No. Just before you start polishing, you should carefully examine your nails and bring them to the desired state, or, more simply, conduct a course of radiation. And you shouldn't be afraid of this either. Currently, the choice of the buyer there are many special nail care products that do an excellent job with their purpose. It is even better to use such products together with special vitamin complexes that will not only help cure nails, but will also keep them beautiful and healthy.

Nail polishing is a very peculiar manicure procedure that gives the nail plate perfect smoothness and a beautiful glossy sheen.

Grinding of nail plates is able to make their surfaces perfectly smooth and even, to give them radiance, well-groomed, healthy appearance.

Nail polishing is often used as one of the milestones manicure.

Often such nail care method are used as the final stage in the process of men's manicure, because the polished ones acquire shine and there is no need for an additional varnish coating.

In addition, grinding itself, is Not only cosmetic procedure, but also preventive, because during its implementation, the upper stratum corneum of the nail, which is the carrier of harmful bacteria, is removed.

The main advantages of this cosmetic procedure are:

Your nails need polishing if:

  • if there are longitudinal grooves or irregularities on the nails;
  • if there are stains from varnish or other coloring substances on the nail plates;
  • if the nail plate looks dull and unhealthy.

To give the nails a perfect smoothness, a polishing procedure is necessary.

But never do not confuse cosmetic procedures grinding and polishing nail plates. The grinding procedure should be treated very carefully and it is allowed to perform such a procedure no more than once every six months. Otherwise, you will run the risk of turning your healthy beautiful claws into weak and lifeless ones. If you have problems with delamination and brittle nails, then you should consult a specialist about the advisability of the grinding procedure.

After all, unfortunately, nail polishing has some disadvantages. Such a cosmetic procedure can contribute to the thinning and weakening of the nail, especially if they tend to delaminate.

Based on this, some manicure masters advise performing nail polishing no more than once a month. If you use professional tools when polishing nails, then after a while the nail plate will recover, the nails will become stronger and shine.

Grinding of the nail plates is carried out using special files, which are made of a smooth mineral with a diamond or sapphire coating.

Also exist a variety of cardboard nail files, which are covered with fine-grained abrasive material. Such a tool has three surfaces different colors, which are intended for processing different types. The pink surface is for the initial processing stage, white surface - for smoothing irregularities and a gray surface - to give the nail plate a beautiful glossy shine.

Nail polishing process can be perceived as a preventive or cosmetic procedure. But in any case, the implementation of each of them must be approached seriously and a plan of all actions must be drawn up in advance, having prepared all the required tools in advance. All of the following tools must necessarily be treated with alcohol.

To polish nails at home, you will need the following tools:

  • polishing machine for nails;
  • nail file with diamond or sapphire coating;
  • nail file made of smooth mineral;
  • cardboard nail file.

Technology process grinding easy to perform. Absolutely the entire grinding process, unlike the use of varnishes, which can damage and dry out the surface nail, at all safe.

With proper grinding, this process is fast and high quality.

Before starting the procedure experts advise well wash your hands with soap, this will make it possible to remove the fatty film from the surface of the skin of the hands. Then, using a nail file with a pink surface, you should start grinding. To do this, with extreme caution, movements should be made from the base of the nail bed to its edge. After that, the surface will acquire some roughness. Then use a nail file with a white surface, in the future, you should perform the procedure until Bye the nail plate will not acquire gloss and smooth surface.

After all the above procedures, the nail must be cleaned of white dust and again thoroughly washed with soap and water. After a good drying of the hands, it is necessary to carry out the last stage of grinding. The very last stage of processing with a gray nail file will give the nail plate shine and a magnificent shine. Once again, having cleaned the nail of white dust, you should apply on her special agent for recovery, which contains at its core beneficial minerals. They will be able to assist in the restoration of the damaged nail plate. If you perform the entire grinding procedure in the right way, then in the future no problems should arise.

In conclusion, on a polished nail, it is necessary apply cuticle oil and already proceed to polishing procedure. Without a procedure polishing, polished nail plates will have noticeable scratches.

Every woman strives to be well-groomed and look good in everyday life, not to mention festive events and parties. Beauty lies in the details, so it’s not certain what the importance and attention is paid to nails. It is not always enough just to make up them, they must be correct, of the same shape, healthy, and the skin around them should be moisturized and even. Many cosmetic procedures are not only aesthetic value, but also beneficial to health. This can be said about the polishing of the nail plates, which can be done both in the salon and on your own at home.

What is nail polish?

Nail polishing is a separate procedure during which the nail plate is exposed to a finely abrasive coating. Such manipulations allow you to give your nails shine, healthy appearance and grooming. After the procedure, the nails become perfectly smooth and pleasant to the touch, the varnish lasts longer on such a coating, and the base leveling agent is no longer required.

In addition to the visual effect and practical benefits, polishing well stimulates blood circulation and provides an active flow of nutrients to the plate. It is believed that a regular and properly performed procedure accelerates the growth of the nail and improves its quality.

Is it worth doing the procedure: benefits and harms

Improving the quality and appearance of the nail plate - positive side procedures, however, such results are real only if all the rules and restrictions are observed. The most important condition is not to abuse the procedure. One way or another, when polishing, the nail thins slightly, as the tool removes part of the top layer to give it evenness.

Polishing should be done in accordance with the indications for the best effect:

  • grooves and other depressions or irregularities appeared on the nails;
  • stains from coloring substances (varnish and other things) remained on the plate;
  • lack of healthy shine;
  • delamination.

If the polishing procedure is abused, there can be a lot of harm, namely a strong thinning of the nail plates, damage to the visible part of the matrix and disruption of the normal growth process. Also, you should not perform such manipulations if your nails are already too thin, fragile, or affected by any diseases. These conditions are not absolute contraindications, since the procedure becomes relevant immediately after the nails have been put in order.

Ways to polish nails at home

For polishing nails, various tools can be used - from nail files to special devices. But before carrying out any manipulations, the nail plate must be properly prepared. To do this, remove the varnish coating, if any, and use tweezers and an ordinary nail file to give the nails a beautiful desired shape. To soften the tissues, it is best to use a bath - dip your hands for 5 minutes in warm water with gentle hand soap or a special composition. The next step is to remove the cuticle with tweezers or push it back. Only then can the polishing process begin.

It is worth noting that additional useful components, such as essential oils, can be used during the polishing procedure. For nails, avocado, tea tree, jojoba and other oils are perfect. This addition creates an active therapeutic effect.

How to buff polish

The buff is a four-sided bar, each side of which has a special coating. It can be either different or the same abrasiveness (roughness) from all sides. It is best to purchase a tool with different coatings - it is more convenient and practical. Often the sides are numbered on the buffs, which is just perfect for the procedure at home - you don’t have to guess which side to start processing the nail plate from.

The technology of the procedure is of great importance:

  • move the tool carefully, without exerting excessive pressure on the plate;
  • movements should be made from the center of the nail to its sides, always in one direction, you should not make sawing gestures back and forth;
  • first one side is processed, then the second.

At the end of the procedure, a special therapeutic composition can be applied to the nails or essential oil for extra nutrition.

How to use the Fix Price machine

The device is represented by a compact typewriter-pen, powered by batteries. Due to the softness of the nozzle and not too fast roundabout the device does not act aggressively on the nails, but only removes irregularities and gives the plate a beautiful appearance.

When using the machine, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • no need to put pressure on the handle, you need to move along the nail barely touching it, so as not to damage the surface;
  • do not spend many times with a nozzle in one place, due to active work machine will be enough and one holding.

Using such a machine several times and adapting to the features of its work, you can significantly speed up and simplify the process of polishing nails.

We use a special nail file

The nail file for polishing the nail plate has the same principle of operation as the buff, but it is presented in a different form - it is oblong and larger. You can find several options for the tool: flat, double-sided or three-dimensional, which has a coating on four faces, like a buff.

When choosing a file, it is better to give preference to the professional version, as it can be washed and disinfected. Ordinary polishing blocks should not be exposed to liquids.

Polishing DNC biowax that adds shine

The composition of the wax, in addition to the wax base itself, includes cosmetic paraffin and silicone, eleutherococcus extract, white clay and castor oil. This combination of components helps not only to fill the cracks and irregularities of the nail, but also to additionally nourish it with useful substances. The composition is sold in a small jar with a screw cap, for one procedure you need very little composition.

To achieve the effect of the shine of the nail plate, the wax must be applied with a buff or file: lubricate the nail plate with it and completely rub the composition with the help of polishing movements.

Electric file Scholl Velvet Smooth

It is sold in a set that includes the pen itself and three nozzles of varying degrees of abrasiveness: for correcting the shape of the nail, for grinding and for polishing.

The file works on a battery, has two speeds, which allows you to select the mode of operation depending on the desired effect and the condition of the nails. The procedure for processing the plate is very fast, one swipe of the selected nozzle is enough. Preparation for the procedure and actions after it are no different from those already described above.

Cream Lady Victory

The product is available in a small jar (volume 35 ml) with a screw cap. The consistency of the composition resembles soft plasticine Pink colour, when applied does not create any color coating.

Polishing cream is an auxiliary composition, it is used in combination with or a soft file. For one use, you need to apply a little cream on the nail plates, distribute, and then carry out the standard procedure. Thanks to the use of the composition, the nails become very even and shiny, its composition fills micro cracks and creates a smooth, glossy surface. The consumption of the composition is very economical, which fully justifies its cost.