Who will give 5000 rubles. Military pensioners receive a cash payment. The procedure for receiving a one-time payment

The Pension Fund Department for the Sosnovsky District answers numerous questions from citizens regarding the payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners and the indexation of pensions next year.

1. When and who will receive a payment of five thousand rubles?

Pensioners will receive a one-time compensation payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles along with a pension for January 2017. The payment will be unclaimed - you do not need to apply to the Pension Fund or submit an application.

A lump sum payment will be made to pensioners who receive a pension through the Pension Fund of Russia, permanently residing in the territory Russian Federation. The implementation of the lump-sum payment will affect 17,000 working and non-working residents of Sosnovka who receive insurance pensions and state pensions.

At present time runs work on the preparation of a federal law, which should spell out all the essential conditions relating to a lump-sum payment: the circle of persons - recipients of the payment, the amount of the payment, the procedure and conditions for its implementation.

2. Why is the payment one-time?

In the current economic situation in the country, the procedure for annual indexation of pensions was changed in 2016. Previously, until 2016, pensions were indexed taking into account the growth in consumer prices (insurance pensions) or the growth of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (state pensions).

In 2016, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed by 4 percent from February 1, 2016 (with inflation for 2015 - 12.9%), and from April 1, state pensions were indexed by 4%.

In this regard, it was decided in the form of a lump-sum payment to compensate pensioners for the remaining period of 2016 until the new indexation in 2017, the difference between the inflation rates for 2015 and the indexation carried out since February 1, 2016. The amount of a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles approximately corresponds to the average amount of payment that a pensioner would receive during the second indexation.

3. Indexation of pensions in February 2016 was carried out only for non-working pensioners. Will there be a lump sum payment for working pensioners?

The decline in living standards due to the high growth in consumer prices has affected almost all pensioners. Under these conditions, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to implement lump sum payment all categories of pensioners, including workers.

4. How will pensions be indexed in 2017?

In the current economic situation in the country, the procedure for the annual indexation of pensions was changed only for 2016.

A decision was made to restore the indexation of pensions in full from next year 2017, based on the accumulated inflation of the previous year for insurance pensions and on the increase in the level of PMP for state pensions, that is, in accordance with the basic federal pension legislation.

The draft main characteristics of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 provide for an increase in pensions in accordance with the basic current pension legislation. The increase in insurance pensions will be carried out based on the consumer price growth index over the past year.

Indexation of state pensions, including social pensions, from April 1 will be carried out taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum over the past year.

Author: Svetlana Anatolyevna Dmitrieva, head of the department for assigning, recalculating, paying pensions and evaluating the pension rights of insured persons of the UPFR in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region

The information disseminated about a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in January 2018 is not true. Recently, messages have been circulating in social networks and instant messengers that pensioners need to urgently apply for the payment of 5,000 rubles. to the pension fund. The deadline is December 20th. In this regard, the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for North Ossetia declares that this information is inaccurate.

Recall that a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. was made to all pensioners in January 2017. In 2018, this payment is not provided by law. We also appeal to pensioners with a request to check the information on pension payments posted on the Internet or received in SMS messages on the official website of the PFR (www.site) or by calling the “hot line” of the Branch 51-80-92 .

In 2018, insurance pensions, including a fixed payment, for non-working pensioners will be increased by 3.7% from January 1, which is higher than the forecast inflation rate. The amount of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost pension point- 81.49 rubles (in 2017 - 78.58 rubles). From April 1, 2018, pensions for state pensions, including social ones, will be increased by 4.1% for working and non-working pensioners.

5000 rubles to pensioners in January 2018: will they pay a lump sum
Five thousand rubles each as a lump sum payment at the beginning of 2017 were paid to all pensioners. People with a pleasant surprise received this money.

Quite reasonable questions are now being asked: will there be something similar in 2018? Let's try to understand the current situation.

Immediately it is necessary to explain to pensioners that next year they will not pay 5 thousand rubles to pensioners. It was a one-time measure taken to compensate the population for inflation and rising prices.
However, there is no need to worry too much for working and non-working pensioners in 2018, since a certain increase in their pensions will still take place.

Unemployed pensioners will increase pensions on January 1

From January 1, 2018, indexation of insurance pensions will take place, the growth will be 3.7 percent. In monetary terms, this is approximately 300-500 rubles. Social pensions, they are received by those who do not have a day of work experience (disabled people, disabled children, those who have lost their breadwinner, etc.), will increase by 4.1 percent from April 1. Depending on the disability group, this is from 175 to 500 rubles.

The unemployed will receive a raise in 2018

Working pensioners who work officially will not be able to count on regular indexation. The government assures that there is no money in the budget, therefore, in the foreseeable future, the return of the indexation process for this category of those in need is not expected.

The only support measure is the recalculation of pensions in August. It is calculated based on the value of the pension point, in 2018 it is 81 rubles 49 kopecks. The increase can be a maximum of 3 such points or 245 rubles.

When will the lump sum be paid in 2018

It should be noted that this payment will be implemented without application. In addition, payments will be made according to a special schedule in January 2018.
All pensioners will have to receive 5,000 rubles each (approximately from January 9 to January 27) on the day they receive their pension, if the lump sum payment cannot be paid on time, for objective reasons (for example, the absence of a pensioner), then it will definitely be paid but later.

Withholding from payment

It was envisaged that deductions based on executive documents, decisions of PFR bodies, court decisions on the recovery of pensions and other social payments due to abuses by the pensioner, established in judicial order, from the amount of the lump-sum payment are not made.

Thus, out of 5,000 rubles in 2017, no one was entitled to withhold alimony, tax arrears, overpayments of pensions, etc. In 2018, such a question does not arise at all, since there simply will not be a lump sum payment.

Problems with pension indexation

Over the past 2015, the inflation rate in Russia amounted to 12.9%. According to the legislation, it was necessary to increase pensions for all categories of citizens in 2018 by the same amount, who receive these payments for old age, insurance, disability or loss of a breadwinner.
However, in reality, pensions were indexed in February 2016, only by 4%, while the promised 2nd indexation in the fall of 2018 did not take place, the reason for this, according to the Government of the Russian Federation, was the difficult economic situation in the country, as well as the lack of sufficient amount of funds in the Pension Fund.

Therefore, it was decided to replace the 2nd indexation of pensions in 2018. for a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles (see whether Russia plans to index pensions for 2018).

Social security of disabled residents of the country is an indisputable achievement of today's society. The system of calculating and issuing pensions in Russia is constantly being improved.

The reform of the system of pension payments is carried out in order to more fully reflect the length of service and wages recipients of pensions, an increased social standard, the need to ensure a minimum subsistence level for disabled citizens.

Payments to ordinary pensioners are financed from the financial resources of the pension fund.

Pensions to the former military are paid from the special fund of law enforcement agencies. Some pensioners are paid from two sources.

Indexation by 6.6% at the beginning of 2020

The indexation (increase) of pensions in accordance with the degree of inflation and the increase in the subsistence minimum has already become a traditional phenomenon for Russia.

Such a procedure is carried out to comply with social obligations and prevent a decrease in the standard of living of pensioners.

In 2015, changes affected the mechanism for calculating pensions. The purpose of the reform was the desire to reduce the deficit of the Pension Fund without raising the retirement age, and without significantly reducing the social standard for non-working recipients of payments.

Inflation expectations for 2016 assumed a level of 12.9%. Traditionally, indexing at the appropriate level was expected.

After fierce disputes in the government (due to the economic situation, various indexation figures were called - 5.5%, 6% or, in general, 0%), the adopted legislation divided the process into periods and adjusted the percentage increase to only 4% in the first half of the year. 8.9% was supposed to be paid to pensioners at the end of 2016.

Why such low indexing

The low percentage of indexation was caused by the tough economic situation that has developed in the country due to the imposition of sanctions and the fall in oil prices.

It was assumed that the second indexation would be carried out in the second half of 2016 (in the summer, from August 1). The implementation of the "old" pension legislation would create an extremely powerful burden on the Russian budget due to insufficient funds from the Pension Fund.

In this regard, the final decision on additional indexation was postponed until the improvement of economic indicators.

One-time payment instead of indexing

Dmitry Medvedev in August announced the government's intention to replace the next stage of indexation, which was supposed to be carried out at a rate of 8.9%, with a lump sum payment of five thousand rubles, which every citizen receiving a pension would have to receive.

The basis for this decision was the economic situation in the country. Such surcharges people retirement age will be able to receive in January 2017.

The Ministry of Social Policy assures that the one-time amount compensates for indexation, but at the same time it modestly omits the fact that the pension base will not be increased accordingly to inflation, and the real, not nominal, value of the pension will decrease.

In 2017, when pensions for 2016 will be indexed, the base for the amount of compensation will be taken into account exactly the pension, and, accordingly, the supplement will be less (the one-time amount will not be included in the base).

Why is the amount of 5 thousand rubles declared? From August 1 to the end of the year - 5 months, the average amount of pension contributions is 13.20 thousand rubles. In the case of conventional indexation, when calculating from an inflation index of 12.9, this amount comes out to 1,000 rubles per month. Therefore, multiplying 5 by 1000, we get an increase of 5,000 rubles. in January.

Watch a short video explaining the pension fund's January 2017 lump sum payment.

Single payment law

In November of this year, the State Duma adopted Law No. 385-FZ "On a lump-sum payment to citizens receiving a pension."

In accordance with the document, by the end of January 2017, the amount of 5 thousand rubles will be provided to 43 million people staying in Russia as of December 31 this year.

Working pensioners will also receive a one-time increase. Funds will not be paid to persons entitled to Russian pension, but living in Transnistria, Belarus, other states.
To finance the implementation of the law, the government will need to find 220 billion rubles. Even those segments of the population who received a pension only once have every chance to count on compensation (one-time payment).

Military pensioners will also be paid 5,000 rubles

In the original version of the law No. 385-FZ, such targeted assistance to army pensioners is not allowed. It was motivated by the fact that pensions for military pensioners are an order of magnitude higher than social ones.

However, after Putin's intervention, the State Duma nevertheless decided to adopt an amendment fixing a one-time payment of five thousand rubles during January 2017 to military pensioners.

It will be financed at the expense of targeted funds of law enforcement agencies and only partially from the pension fund.
According to conservative estimates, more than two million former military personnel or members of their families are listed as receiving pensions in Russia.

How long does it take for the government to make this payment?

The law "On a one-time payment to citizens" specifies the terms for additional payment of funds in the period from January 9 to January 27, 2017.

Virtually no additional documents are needed. If an army pensioner is entitled to two pensions at the same time (from the Pension Fund and the military), then a one-time amount of 5 thousand rubles will be due, and will be paid, for both.

What to expect next for military pensioners

In 2017, the government provides for the indexation of pension payments to all categories of recipients of benefits.

The core inflation index will be known only by the beginning of 2017. According to the President, the inflation index for 2016 is expected to be approximately 6%.

So, returning to the topic of this article, we can draw the following conclusion - military pensioners definitely receive a one-time payment in January 2017, and this is already good.

So what can we expect from pension reform Nobody can say for sure right now. Therefore, we will follow the news and promptly inform you about all the changes on the pages of the site.

Watch the speech of the Chairman of the Union of Pensioners of Russia Valery Ryazansky "What awaits pensioners in 2017".

2015 was not an easy year for the Russian economy: the decline in energy prices, the fall of the ruble, anti-Russian sanctions, etc. All these factors led to an increase in consumer prices. Inflation reached 12.9%. The rise in the cost of living was primarily felt by low-income strata of the population and disabled citizens, including pensioners.

The Government of the Russian Federation decided on the first indexation of pensions in 2016, and, based on the results of budget execution for the first half of the year, to consider the issue of additional indexation.

The economic situation for 6 months of 2016 did not stabilize, so it was decided to replace the second indexation of pensions with . Such a value, on average, corresponds to the amount that a pensioner could receive after additional indexation, but does not increase the pension itself, the amount of which will remain the same. The one-time payment was made in January 2017.

Compensation was paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in an unclaimed manner.

For 2018, a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles is not planned, since the usual indexation procedure has been restored.

Problem indexation of pensions in 2016

For 2016, due to the current economic situation in the country, the order was changed. According to the basic legislation, pensions are increased annually according to the following indicators of the previous year:

  • insurance pensions - at the rate of inflation;
  • pensions under the state pension provision (including) - on the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

On the eve of 2016, the issue of the upcoming indexation was hotly discussed, the implementation of which in full could significantly increase the expenditure side of the budget. The inflation rate in 2015 was 12.9%.

The Government of the Russian Federation decided to index insurance pensions in 2016. in two stages: in February by 4% and additional indexation in the second half of the year, but with a caveat: “Given the current situation in the economy and social sphere» . In this way, apparently, it was supposed to most painlessly fulfill the requirements of the law on raising the size of pensions to the level of actual inflation of the previous year.

To implement this decision, on December 29, 2015, Federal Law No. 385-FZ was adopted, which suspended the provisions of the legislation on the procedure and conditions for increasing pensions and established:

  • February 1, 2016 indexation coefficient - 1.04 (4%) for , (April 1, 4% were also increased);
  • possible additional indexing pensions based on the results of budget implementation in the first half of 2016.
  • pensions for working pensioners. Now they can receive a pension, taking into account indexation, only after the termination of employment.

Lump sum instead of indexation

On August 23, 2016, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev announced the replacement of pre-indexation with a lump sum cash payment. This decision was made due to the persistence of the tense economic situation and insufficient budgetary funds. Moreover, the Ministry of Finance opposed the second indexation, as it would increase the base for raising pensions next year, 2017.

According to members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the lump sum payment should compensate pensioners for the difference between the inflation rates of 2015 and the 4% that occurred in February of this year.

The payout will be 5 000 rubles, which will correspond on average to the amount that a pensioner would receive at the second indexing.

However, the due date for the lump sum payment has been extended by January 2017. The main reason for the delay is the lack of necessary resources this year. The Ministry of Finance was instructed to find money for the upcoming additional payment, which is about 221.7 billion rubles. Other reasons are discussed in the media, for example:

  • The transfer of compensation to the next year is probably due to the need to legalize a one-time payment as a way social support, because in current legislation only indexing.
  • One-time nature pension payment is considered a more convenient way for pensioners to compensate, as said Dmitry Medvedev, such an addition to the pension will not be “smeared out” for several months.
  • But, most likely, this is a more economical option for the budget, since this payment will not increase the size of the pension.

In February 2017, the amount of pension that citizens receive now. If the Government decided to carry out additional indexation in the fall of 2016, then next year it would take significantly more funds for.

Which pensioners will be paid 5 thousand in January 2017?

For an indexation surcharge in the form of 5,000 rubles at the beginning next year about 45 million pensioners can count, who:

  • permanently reside in the territory of Russia;
  • are recipients of pensions as as of December 31, 2016.

Thus, those citizens who live abroad and receive a Russian pension (and there are about 288 thousand of them) cannot apply for the payment. They will not implement it.

Since, by its legal nature, a lump-sum payment is a new expenditure obligation of the state, carried out for the social support of Russian citizens, in order to fulfill it, in accordance with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, an appropriate legislative act.

Currently, a law has been developed that contains all the basic conditions for receiving this monetary compensation: recipients, the amount, procedure and conditions for its payment - this is Federal Law No. 385-FZ of November 22, 2016 "On a one-time cash payment to citizens receiving a pension".

Will working pensioners receive a one-time payment?

From January 1, 2016, the indexation of the fixed payment and the adjustment of the insurance pension were canceled and the February increase did not affect the amount pension provision these citizens. Despite this, working pensioners received a one-time payment in January 2017.

  • This decision was due to a fairly high growth in consumer prices, which was reflected in the decline in the living standards of almost all pensioners, including working ones.
  • It will also serve as some kind of compensatory support in connection with.
  • In addition, a lump sum payment, in fact, is one of the types of social support for citizens from the state, and not an indexation of pensions.

Will there be a payment to military pensioners?

Since military pensioners are not recipients of pensions through the Pension Fund, the bill did not initially provide for payment to such citizens. The fact is that this category of pensioners is produced by the department in which they served - it can be the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. However, later (November 8, 2016) V.V. Putin included military pensioners among the recipients of the lump sum.

Thus, those citizens who, after retirement, continued to work and acquired the right to receive, and which they have already been assigned or they will have time to issue it before December 31, 2016, and those who have not been assigned a pension through the PFR, received this year 5000 rubles.

When will the 5,000 be paid?

Funds for a one-time payment are included in the PFR budget for 2017 as a transfer from the state budget. Citizens will charge it in January 2017.

The payment must be unclaimed and there is no need to submit an application to the Pension Fund.

This payment will be made by the territorial bodies of the FIU based on the information they have. Therefore, in order to receive compensation, citizens do not need to submit any certificates.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia will establish the procedure for making payments. According to the explanation of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection M. Topilin, for the implementation of payments will be separate charts. Some pensioners will receive an additional payment simultaneously with the January pension, others separately from it. In the latter case, this applies to those citizens who receive their January pension in December.

Another important feature is the payout amount. cannot be lowered due to deductions under executive documents, decisions of pension authorities and courts.

  • The money will be delivered by the organization that usually brings in the pension.
  • If the pension is transferred through a credit institution, then the payment will be credited to the pensioner's bank account.

Will there be indexation of pensions in 2017?

In August of this year, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev, announced that it would be held in the usual form according to the results of cumulative inflation for 2016. When preparing the next year's budget, the Ministry of Finance has already provided money for indexation following the results of 2016 - this will require more than 270 billion rubles.

In addition, the provisions of the law that suspended the general indexation procedure for 2016 are valid until January 1, 2017. Therefore, the provisions of the basic legislation on increasing pensions based on inflation or living wage pensioner in the Russian Federation resumes.

About inflation rate for 2016 said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

  • He said that the law on the federal budget for 2017 provides for the indexation of pensions for this year's projected inflation rate of 5.4%.
  • And in 2018-2019, pensions will be indexed by 4.5% and 4%, respectively, and only for non-working pensioners. These coefficients are included in the draft budget for 2017-2019.
  • At the same time, it is noted that in 2017-2019 the Ministry of Finance of Russia offers working pensioners do not index pensions.