What benefits does a single mother receive? Registration of state assistance by birth. Loneliness benefit

Single mother - in our time, this phrase no longer causes former condemnation. Incomplete families, where, as a rule, there are not enough fathers, are found more and more often. Moreover, among single mothers there are many successful, but very lonely women. Russian legislation provides for them a number of benefits, subsidies and payments. However, not all incomplete families can count on state support.

Law against society

If in society a single mother is considered to be a woman who brings up a child (or several children) alone, then legislators have their own position on this matter. So, according to current legislation, a single mother is a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock (or after 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage), and if it is not properly established who the father of the child is (voluntarily or in judicial order). If the child was born in marriage, or 300 days have not passed since the dissolution of the marriage, but the ex-spouse disputed paternity and there is a corresponding court decision certifying that the man is not the father, then in this case the woman is considered a single mother.

This status is also acquired by a woman who has not married and adopted a child. In other cases, the legal status of a "single mother" is not assigned to a woman, which means that she does not enjoy benefits and payments. And oddly enough, but the widow is also not considered a single mother, although in this case the family is assigned benefits in connection with the loss of one breadwinner. If the father of the child is deprived parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered single, and the father, deprived of his rights, is still obliged to pay alimony.

Simply put, a mother is not considered single if the child has an official father, and it doesn’t matter if he is alive or not. Thus, in the child's birth certificate, the column "Father" must be empty, or this column is filled with unofficial data with the clarification "recorded from the words of the mother."

A dash or "according to the mother"?

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, both versions of the outline of single motherhood carry a lot of differences. Civil registry office workers sometimes recommend that single mothers do not write their father on the birth certificate, but simply put a dash. And they are absolutely right, because in the future it can free you from a number of bureaucratic difficulties.

It's no secret that for a mother to travel abroad with a child, a notarized permission from the father is required. If the place of the father in the birth certificate is vacant, the mother will not need to prove to the customs officers that the father entered from her words is not legally real.

The legislation provides for a huge number of situations when certain actions relating to a child cannot be performed without the permission of the second parent. Another example that confirms the advantages of an empty column is registration at the place of residence. If the parents are registered at different addresses, then for the permanent registration of the child at the place of residence of the mother, the consent of the father and an extract from the "daddy's" house register are not required. Of course, the law clearly states that the employees of the passport office are required to register the child with the mother if there is a birth certificate, the mother's passport and her application, but this will still have to be proven. Muscovites have a particularly hard time. Our capital, as you know, is not rubber, so the procedure for registering a newborn here is seriously complicated.

And most importantly, nowhere in the legislation does it say that medical intervention in the body of a child requires the consent of both parents, as a rule, one is enough. But there are cases when, with risky, but the child needs operations, doctors required permission from both parents.

So the main advantage of a dash in the “father” column is the absence of bureaucratic problems and the need to spend money on a notary every time.
However, there is one caveat to this state of affairs. According to the civil code, children are considered heirs of the first line, so the child will not be able to inherit property from the actual father if there is no official record of paternity.

Loneliness benefit

The legislation provides for a number of benefits and allowances for single mothers. And although there are not so many of them, they still exist. It is also worth noting that a large number of mothers simply do not know about them, but it would be nice to know. In any case, if the mother wants to know everything in detail, then you should contact the social protection committee at the place of residence. The local inspectors are required to tell about all the procedures, benefits and payments in force in each specific area.

According to the Social Insurance Fund, the state allowance for non-working mothers for each child until they reach the age of 16 is 1,873.10 rubles. regardless of status. For working mothers, the allowance is 40% of average earnings.

To receive a monthly allowance for a child, you need to write an application, take with you a birth certificate, a certificate from the Housing Office that the child lives with his mother, a work book, a savings book and a mother's passport and contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. Information about family income is indicated in the application in writing. The requirement of other documents on income is not allowed by law. However, RUSZN, where all "children's" benefits are issued, has its own rules: here you must provide a certificate from work from the accounting department confirming the parents' income for the last 3 months.

Comprehensive program from the Government of Moscow

In every subject Russian Federation additional benefits for single mothers may be accepted. For example, in Moscow there is a comprehensive program of measures for the social protection of its residents, including single mothers, for whom separate benefits are provided.

Monthly compensation payment for children to single mothers with an average per capita income below living wage(receiving benefits from the Russian Federation) is 500 rubles; above the subsistence minimum - 170 rubles. Plus, single mothers, regardless of average per capita income, are also entitled to a monthly compensation payment for the food of children under 3 years old in the amount of 500 rubles. This also applies to families with many children and student families, families with disabled children, military conscripts, as well as cases where a parent is wanted for non-payment of alimony.

In addition to this, Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 6, 2004 No. 199 PP established an additional one-time allowance for young families in connection with the birth of a child. Single mothers under the age of 30 who are registered at their place of residence in Moscow are also entitled to receive this allowance. The amount of this allowance depends on the number of children in the family. At the birth of the first child, the amount of the allowance is five times the subsistence minimum (3,611.45 rubles) established by the Moscow Government - 18,057.25 rubles; at the birth of a second child - seven times the subsistence minimum - 25,280.15 rubles; at the birth of the third and subsequent children - ten times the subsistence minimum - 36,114.5 rubles.

Kindergarten and school

Children of single mothers can enjoy free two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) school meals.

They are also provided with benefits for tuition fees in children's art schools (music, art, sports and others) of the system of the Committee for Culture of Moscow. The amount of payment for children of a single mother is 30% lower than the usual payment. The exemption applies to students of art schools until they reach the age of 18.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 No. 677 “On Approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” - to a preschool educational institution children of working single parents are admitted first of all, and the payment for the maintenance of children of single mothers in preschool institutions has been reduced by 50%.

The labor code says

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a number of “labor” benefits are also provided for single mothers.

First, there are significant differences in the payment of child care allowances. In case of inpatient treatment, such allowance is assigned in the amount determined depending on the duration of the continuous work experience of the person caring for the child. In outpatient treatment - for the first 10 calendar days single mothers, depending on the length of continuous work experience, and, starting from the 11th day, the allowance is calculated in the amount of 50% of earnings, regardless of the length of continuous work experience. Benefit for caring for a sick child preschool age is given to the mother for the entire period of treatment, and the allowance for caring for a sick child aged 7 to 15 years - for a period of not more than 15 days, unless a longer period is required by a medical opinion.

Secondly, the Labor Code provides for some guarantees when terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Single mothers are not affected by a reduction in the number of employees, dismissal due to inconsistency with the position held due to insufficient qualifications or as a result of a change in the owner of the organization’s property, making an unreasonable decision by the head of the organization, his deputies and the chief accountant, which entailed a violation of the safety of property, its misuse or other damage property of the organization, termination of access to state secrets.

Thirdly, when the enterprise is liquidated, single mothers, as well as pregnant women, as well as women with children under the age of 3 years, are provided with guarantees in the form of compulsory employment, which falls on the shoulders of her current employer.

Fourthly, at the request of a single mother, she should be granted additional annual leave without saving wages at a convenient time for up to 14 calendar days. Such leave can be attached to the annual paid leave or used separately - in whole or in parts. The transfer of this leave to the next working year is not allowed. But this is only if the collective agreement provides for a guarantee of additional annual leave without pay.

And finally, a working single mother who is dependent on a disabled child is provided with 4 additional paid days off per month.

The tax code too

Remarkably, in the Tax Code, a single mother is an unmarried mother. It is these mothers who receive the tax deduction. However, as soon as mom gets married again, this raspberry will end. In accordance with paragraphs. 4 p. 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code, taxpayers are provided with a standard tax deduction in the amount of 300 rubles for each month of the tax period for each child of taxpayers who support the child, who are parents or spouses of parents, guardians. For single parents, this deduction is doubled. A single mother is entitled to a tax deduction for the cost of supporting a child until the child reaches the age of 18.

And Housing - no

The only code that practically does not address the problems of single mothers is the Housing Code. In it, the rights of single mothers are equated in one fell swoop with the rights of complete families. That is, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 36 of the Housing Code, residential premises are provided primarily to single mothers, but only if they need to improve their living conditions.

What is written in the legislation with an ax, of course, cannot be cut down, but we all know that every mother, not only a single mother, has to fight with all her might for her rights. The only difference is that a single mother does not have so many of these forces, and our bureaucratic machine is so swollen that sometimes the constant running around collecting a lot of “necessary” papers may seem simply pointless.

The status of a single mother is established by various regulations.

The definition of the status of a single mother is given in. According to this document, a single mother is considered a woman who alone takes care of and raises her children. This applies to both natural and adopted children.

The ruling specifies the following circumstances, affecting the presence of this woman's status:

  • the parents' statement indicating paternity was not sent to the registry offices;
  • the child was born out of wedlock (or 300 or more days after the dissolution of the marriage or the death of the spouse);
  • The adoptive parent of the child was a woman who was not a member of the marital relations;
  • if paternity has not been established;
  • the man indicated in the child's birth document is not his father according to the results of a genetic examination.

By Labor Code This status is assigned to a woman who raises a child on her own, regardless of whether he has a father.

From a social point of view, a mother is considered single if the document on the birth of a child father is missing(or information about him was entered at the direction of the mother).

Types and amounts of benefits for a single mother

  • . The amount of transfers depends on the availability of employment. If a woman has a permanent job, then she is entitled to an amount from 34 000 rub. Unemployed women are charged 7500 rub.
  • upon the birth of a child. Its size is fixed and is RUB 16350.33. The appointment does not take into account the fact of employment.
  • Monthly child allowance single mother to achieve . Benefits can be calculated based on a woman's average earnings over a two-year period. When a woman has less experience or low income, the minimum wage is taken as the basis for the calculation.
  • Monthly transfers until execution to kid. The amount of the benefit is fixed and amounts to 50 rub.

Regional allowances

At the level of subjects of the Russian Federation, single mothers may be provided with additional payments. What allowance a single mother receives, its amount and the procedure for accrual are established by local authorities.

Single mother's allowance in 2017 at a level of earnings below the subsistence minimum, it has:

  • 4500 rub. - with the age of the child from one and a half to three years;
  • 2500 rub. for children of other ages.

Additionally, this category is entitled to compensation for expenses due to inflation ( 750 rub.), as well as to offset the rise in food prices ( 675 rub.). If the mother's earnings exceed the established minimum, then the amount of transfers in the first case will be 300 rub.

How much are payments in, set by local law:

  • 2859 rub. - for a child under 1.5 years old;
  • 1061 rub. - for children of preschool age;
  • 986 rubles. - for schoolchildren.

Benefits for single mothers

Single mothers are entitled to the following labor benefits:

  1. preservation of the workplace in the event of a reduction in staff (if a woman is raising a child under 14 years old);
  2. employment after the liquidation of the organization;
  3. 14 days of vacation without pay at any convenient time;
  4. if the child is under 5 years old, then work beyond the established period and at night is possible only with written consent;
  5. full payment according to the sick leave when caring for a child of preschool age.
  1. providing a set of linen for a newborn;
  2. providing food until the child is 2 years old;
  3. free medicines and medical products at the conclusion of a doctor;
  4. 50% discount on certain medicines;
  5. treatment in a sanatorium with a specialist opinion;
  6. enrollment in kindergartens out of turn;
  7. 50% discount on the payment for the child's stay in kindergarten;
  8. free meals at school;
  9. one-time payment to buy office supplies and school uniform;
  10. 30% discount in institutions of additional education.

The procedure for applying for benefits and allowances for single mothers

How to receive the necessary payments depends on their type and whether the woman has a job. Apply for child support and benefits can be at the place of employment or in the departments of social protection. To receive payments and preferential conditions, you need to provide a package of documents:

  • ID confirmation;
  • statement. View and download here: ;
  • a document establishing the fact of the birth of a child;
  • employment history;
  • confirmation of the absence of the second parent;
  • a certificate confirming the composition of the family;
  • income document for 3 months;

The absence of a second parent is established by the following documents:

  1. certificate in the form F-25 from the registry office;
  2. document on the death of a parent;
  3. a court decision declaring a parent dead or missing.

It is allowed to go through the registration procedure through multifunctional centers. Documents are sent by the applicant personally, by mail or through a representative.

After accepting the package of documents, the information provided is verified. The final decision is made in up to 10 days. The applicant receives a notification of a positive decision or reasons for refusal.

Funds are provided from the moment when the right to material assistance arose. The duration of the payment depends on the age of the child. Eligibility for financial support must be renewed annually.


  1. single mother status established by various legal acts.
  2. This category is entitled to similar child care benefits as for complete families.
  3. Additional transfers are due to women with low income.
  4. Definite scroll guarantees single mothers labor legislation.
  5. Benefits in social sphere cover medical care and provision of educational services.
  6. Single mother's allowance depends on her income and the age of the child.
  7. Regional authorities provide additional transfers for children or increase the amount of payments.
  8. The increase in payments for this preferential category is carried out annually according to inflation rates.

The most popular questions and answers on single mother benefits

Question: Hello. I am raising a single child and have single mother status. I am planning soon marry. Tell me, if a woman with the specified status enters into a marriage union, how will this affect the receipt of material support?

Answer: Hello. Marriage registration is not an obstacle to receive child benefits.

Exception are cases where the spouse becomes the official father of the child as a result of adoption procedures. Then the woman's right to receive benefits as a single mother is lost. If this circumstance is not established, then the transfers are made in the same order.

Unfortunately, a single mother is a common occurrence both in modern Russia and throughout the world. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but the result is the same: mother and child need help. Assistance to single mothers from the state is expressed as follows: additional child allowances and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, a preferential queue when applying to a kindergarten, and much more. You will learn more about all the rights, benefits and benefits in 2019 for single mothers in this article.

single mother status 2019

The legal definition of the status of a single mother reads as follows: "A single mother is a woman whose child does not have a father's name on the birth certificate." It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it does not explain anything. After all, we are talking about a morally, and often socially disadvantaged person who is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of a child - a growing citizen of our state.

single mother Not recognized by single mothers

A woman who has given birth to and is raising a child (children) out of wedlock, if the child's paternity has not been properly established:

  • there is no joint statement of parents to the registry office about paternity
  • no court order to establish paternity
A woman raising children in an incomplete family, i.e. after divorce (divorced or already divorced) and for some reason not receiving alimony from her ex-spouse.
A woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or within 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage, if the spouse (former spouse) is recorded as the father of the child, but paternity is disputed in court and there is a court decision that has entered into legal force that the spouse (former spouse) is not the father of the child. A woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage, its recognition as invalid or from the moment of the death of the spouse. In this case, the spouse (ex-spouse) is recognized as the father of the child (part 2 of article 48 of the Family Code) and the registry office will register the child for the spouse (ex-spouse), even if he is not the biological father of the baby.
A woman who, while not married, adopted a foster child. An unmarried woman raising a child whose paternity has been established voluntarily or by court order, even if the man does not live with her.

Payments and benefits for single mothers 2019

First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, are eligible for federal payments and childbirth benefits.

How much do single mothers earn? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation and for an exhaustive list of payments and benefits, you should contact the district branch of the center for social protection of the population. Consider payments on the example of Moscow.

Additional payments to single mothers in Moscow

Benefits paid in 2019 to single mothers at the expense of the city budget are provided for by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated October 31, 2017 No. 805-PP. However, the ruling states that families with incomes below the subsistence minimum can count on some payments.

A single mother in Moscow is entitled to the following payments, regardless of family income:

  • Monthly compensation payment due to the increase in the cost of living to single mothers (fathers) for children under the age of 16 (students under 18) - 750 rubles. for those receiving a monthly allowance for a child, 300 rubles. - for those who do not receive such benefits.
  • Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which a parent avoids paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.
  • The monthly compensation payment to a single mother (father) caring for a child with a disabled person of group I or II up to 18 years old (up to 23 years old for a disabled person from childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 12 000 rubles

Payments to single mothers if the income is below the subsistence level:

  • from 0 to 3 years - 15 000 rubles.
  • Monthly allowance for single mothers for children aged from 3 to 18 years old - 6,000 rubles.

In the department of social protection, you must provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months. The optimal period for applying for these benefits is the one in which maternity payments do not fall into income.

labor benefits

Speaking about labor benefits for single mothers, the following points should be noted:

  • In the event of a reduction in staff at the enterprise, a single mother cannot be dismissed if she supports a child whose age has not reached 14 years. Dismissal is illegal when the management of the enterprise changes and even when such an employee does not correspond to the position held. However, precedents in which a single mother was fired due to regular serious disciplinary offenses are recorded.
  • In addition, a single mother, in the event of a reduction due to the liquidation of the enterprise, can count on the provision of another job. By the way, the responsibility for subsequent employment lies directly with the administration of the enterprise where the reductions were carried out.
  • A single mother, like any other mother, is given an allowance if she cares for a sick child. The allowance paid for inpatient treatment is calculated depending on the length of service. Outpatient treatment involves the payment of a single mother's allowance for the first 10 days of full size and at a rate of 50% of wages for the rest of the time.
  • Care for a sick child under 7 years of age provides for payment sick leave without any restrictions. If the child is older than 7 years, you can expect to pay 15 days of sick leave.
  • A single mother has the right to receive leave at her own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.
  • Single mothers with a child under 5 years of age cannot be involved in overtime work, night work, holidays or weekends.
  • The mother of a child under 14 years of age (including single parents) has the right to a part-time job, established at her own request.
  • In addition to the above, single mothers can count on employment benefits, since a potential employer does not have the right to refuse employment because of the presence of children. In case of refusal to hire, the administration of the enterprise must provide a clearly formulated motivation for the refusal.

Single parent child tax credit

A single mother is entitled to receive a double tax deduction for the cost of maintaining each of her children up to the age of 18. If a child over 18 years of age is a university student, the double tax deduction will be maintained until the age of 24. This means that a certain amount of income will not be subject to income tax, namely 1,400 rubles for the first and second child and 3,000 for the third and subsequent ones.

What benefits cover the rest of the life of single mothers?

  • the right to receive free sets of baby clothes for a newborn child;
  • the right to a temporary waiver of payment for the removal of solid food waste and for cleaning the territory of an apartment building if the child is under 1.5 years old;
  • the right to receive free meals in the dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years old;
  • the right to purchase a number of medicines at a reduced cost with a discount of up to 50%;
  • the possibility of a free visit to the massage room, if there is one in the children's clinic;
  • in addition, children of single mothers in general education schools should receive two free meals a day in the school canteen.
  • children of single mothers, when enrolling in additional educational institutions, such as art and music schools, can count on a 30% discount on tuition fees.
  • again, such children go to preschool institutions out of turn and with a 50% discount.
  • and finally, every year the children of single mothers can expect to receive a sanatorium voucher.

Housing for single mothers

The target program “Affordable housing for young families” should be especially noted. Under this program, mothers under the age of 35 may qualify for part of the cost of housing. Single women who decide to take out a mortgage also have the opportunity to acquire housing. Read about how realistic this is in our detailed material.

Now the situation in the country is developing in such a way that many women are forced to take shape as single mothers. And not even, because there is no man nearby, but simply in order to receive at least some extra penny for the maintenance of the baby.

Benefits for a single mother

Not all mothers qualify for this status. The thing is that the legislation of the Russian Federation at the moment is very strict about any social payments, the issue of single mothers is particularly acute. Why:

Many mothers do not register their civil husbands as fathers, living with them. All this is done, of course, in order to receive additional assistance from the state. But in this case, do not forget that there are executive services that have the right to check your status. And if you live with a man, have income from him, and neighbors or relatives can confirm this, your status as a single mother will "hang" in the air.

If the mother nevertheless recorded someone as a father (even dad or grandfather, uncle or brother), this is no longer considered the status of a single mother. The law is set in such a way that if a child has a father entered in the certificate, it means that he has a full-fledged family and it doesn’t matter how they live and what kind of relationship they are.

Also, the status of a single mother is not granted when the child still has an official father. That is, if a woman divorced while pregnant, but the father does not deny his participation in conception, then she can simply claim the alimony laid down by the state, and the mother also has the right to involve the father in the court order to raise the baby. But here it is already a voluntary matter for the mother herself.

According to article 48 of the Family Code, the father is considered to be the one who is entered in the birth certificate of the baby. This registration can only be challenged in court, and the mother, biological father or the child himself, but already at the age of majority, has the right to do so.

Sometimes a woman can get the status of a single mother even when she is married. In this case, a dash is simply put on the birth certificate. And even if she marries again, this status is not reset. It ceases to act when the lady's husband adopts a child.

Who is or is not eligible for single mother status

Eligible for status

If the child was born out of wedlock, paternity is not indicated by the mother and she is raising him alone.

If within three hundred days the child was born, and the marriage was annulled, and paternity was challenged in court.

If the child was adopted (adopted) by a single woman.

Not eligible for status

If the marriage was terminated with the father of the child, who is included in the birth certificate, but the father still does not pay alimony.

If the father of the child is established by court order, even if he does not live with the mother of the child.

If the child's official father has died, there is a death certificate or is deprived of parental rights. In this case, the woman also does not have the right to the status of a single mother.

Allowance and benefits for a single mother

  1. First, do not forget that there is no such thing as a "single mother" in Russian legislation. But, nevertheless, all the same, the system of the Russian Federation, which operates in the interests of mother and child, allows the regions to independently solve preferential problems and accruals for single mothers and fathers as well. So, what is the preferential system for a single mother under Federal law:
  2. If a woman is registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks, she is entitled to a one-time payment of benefits (already after childbirth and without registering her father).
  3. A single mother is also entitled to an allowance for childbirth and pregnancy if it is established by social services that the child does not have a father, and the mother will give birth and raise him also alone.
  4. One-time cash payment after childbirth for a single mother.
  5. Up to one and a half years of the child, a single mother will receive monthly payments from the State.

In many regions of Russia, there is support for single mothers exclusively by the local management committee, which provides for payments:

  • Up to three years of a child raised by one mother.
  • Payment to single mothers with many children, youngest child who are under three years of age.
  • If a single mother has proved her status in a judicial or social order, she is entitled to receive child support until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Benefits for a single mother and her child

  • Linen (diapers, sheets, pillowcases, etc.) after childbirth.
  • Nutrition for the newborn. It is provided free of charge.
  • Newborn massage (if necessary).
  • When the child goes to school, he is provided with meals in the canteen.
  • Office supplies are also free of charge.
  • Education in various additional schools with a special direction (humanitarian or technical) will be -30%.
  • When registering a child for school, a single mother will have the right to do this out of turn and plus another 50% discount she is entitled to.
  • Vouchers for sanatorium holidays within the country.

Labor laws to protect single mothers

Naturally, the Labor Code comes to the defense of a single mother and it is not so easy to deprive her of her job, even if she really, let's say, "sabotages." A lot is provided here. So what does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide:
  1. It is prohibited to fire a single mother within the framework of the Labor Code (only if she herself writes a statement of her own free will), even if the enterprise where the woman worked was liquidated, for whatever reason, the owner is obliged to employ a single mother in another enterprise under personal control.
  2. Work on holidays or other after hours maybe only if the single mother gives written consent to this.
  3. Business trips for a single mother are also exclusively by her agreement.
  4. If a single mother goes on sick leave, she is paid in the amount of the minimum monthly rate.
  5. If a woman has a child who is under 14 years old, she can work part-time, but she is charged the same rate as for all working hours.
  6. If a single mother is trying to get a job and she is refused, this refusal must be very deeply motivated, set out in writing and justified. Otherwise, the employer may receive a court fine.

Housing for a single mother

If a single mother has not yet reached the age of 35 and lives with her child (children) in a rented apartment, she is entitled to compensation in the amount of 6,400 rubles. Provided that the rental housing was issued under a contract of employment and certified by a notary. Also, a single mother has the right to register for a place in the queue for free housing. But it is worth remembering that benefits are given to a single mother only if her status of “needy” and “large children” is proven, while the executive service checks the proper screening of the children and the condition of the mother (alcohol, drugs, dissolute lifestyle).

Benefits for regions

  1. The legislation of the Russian Federation has very clearly established the procedure for regional benefits for single mothers. It depends on some factors and the accrual of funds also depends on these indicators:
  2. Employment of a single mother.
  3. Amount of children.
  4. The minimum wage for a single mother.
  5. In which region does she live (each region is provided with independent calculation of payments and their establishment).

What to indicate in the documents to confirm the status of a single mother

  1. Absence of father on birth certificate.
  2. Official refusal of the father from the child.
  3. Official confirmation that the biological father will not take part in the upbringing of the child and has no claims against the mother.
In any case, it is easier for a mother to draw up documents right away and receive everything required from the country and the Law, than just fight through the authorities when the baby is already older.

Being a single mother is a titanic job. A woman alone bears a baby, gives birth, and then brings up. Unfortunately, she cannot expect moral support from anyone, but she can receive material assistance from the state. How much do single mothers earn? What social guarantees and payments are possible for them and how to raise a baby if she is left completely alone?

Who is a single mother?

It should be noted right away that Russian legislation does not regulate which woman can apply for this status, and which one does not. But how to get the status of a single mother in this case?

Officially, women who give birth and "raise" children alone are recognized as single mothers, while the baby officially does not have a father. A woman should not be in a formal union with a man when she was pregnant.

In addition, women raising adopted children on their own can expect to receive this status. How to get the status of a single mother if the baby was taken from orphanage? The same rules apply here, that is, the mother must not be married and the adopted child must not have an official father.

Roughly speaking, single mothers include all women whose children have a dash in the line "father" in the birth document. When registering a baby, a woman receives a special certificate that documents her status.

Does the state help

Despite the fact that government officials from time to time show interest in single mothers and do their best to help them financially, the state budget is strictly limited.

To the question of how much single mothers in Russia earn, one can answer unequivocally that it is not much. Of course, women with this status have some privileges compared to mothers in complete families, but the income cannot be called large.

State guarantees for single mothers

Any woman, including a single mother, who is officially employed is entitled to maternity payments. For this, the expectant mother must be registered with the antenatal clinic before three months of pregnancy.

Payment lump sum payment is made on the basis of a woman's average cash income. What child benefit does a single mother receive when applying for a lump sum payment? Last year, the allowance amounted to 33,089.10 rubles.

It is also worth noting that not only working women, but also unemployed mothers are entitled to receive a one-time subsidy. Last year, the amount of the payment did not reach 15,000 rubles, but every year its size increases (is indexed).

Also, single mothers, like women with complete families, until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years can count on a monthly allowance, which is 40% of her average salary.

What else can mothers expect without work

The state is trying to help not only working single mothers, but also unemployed women who are raising a baby on their own. How much can a non-working single mother expect? Benefits are transferred only if the woman, against her will, was left without monthly earnings. In 2016, the amount of the payment was 2,718.34 rubles for 1 child and 5,436.67 for 2 babies.

Sometimes a non-working mother can receive 40% of her previous earnings. However, this is only possible if she is left without a job due to the liquidation of the enterprise.

After the age of the baby has exceeded 1.5 years, any mother, including a single mother, will receive only 50 rubles per child until they reach the age of three.

Documents required for registration of status

Before you figure out how much single mothers get, a woman needs to formalize her status. To receive benefits and payments, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Here is a sample list:

  • a statement drawn up according to the model;
  • the passport;
  • documents that would confirm the fact of the birth of the baby;
  • a certificate confirming that the family consists of only two people;
  • a certificate issued by the registry office of the mother;
  • certificate confirming the fact of residence of the baby in this region;
  • documents to confirm the official income of the mother;
  • details for the transfer of funds.

After the documents are collected

After a single mother has collected the entire package of documents for receiving benefits and payments, she needs to transfer all the papers to the social service. It is desirable to transfer documents in person, but it is also possible through a representative. In the latter case, the representative must have a paper in his hands stating that the single mother entrusts him with the transfer of documents, certified by a notary.

The social worker must personally make sure that all the papers are collected correctly and in full, and after that he sets a period during which it will be decided what payments are due to a single mother.

It is worth remembering that the term for consideration of papers cannot be more than 10 working days. You can also submit documents through multifunctional centers and electronically in personal account on the public services website.

On electronic services, everything is also described in detail, what benefits a single woman can count on and how much single mothers receive.

Regional lump sum guarantee

Helping single women is not only the state, but also local governments (most often regional authorities). Most often, at the regional level, a one-time allowance (single mothers can count on it if they collect the relevant documents).

For example, in Moscow, if a woman is under 30 years old, she is entitled to a payment in the amount of five times the subsistence minimum for 1 child, seven times for two, and ten times for three or more babies.

To receive such a payment, a single mother must have a residence permit in the city of Moscow.

AT Krasnodar Territory Everybody large families receive a payment of 100,000 rubles. Also, in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory, it is provided for the issuance of land plots to parents with many children, though without ownership and without the right to sell the plot.

Monthly allowance for single mothers at the regional level

Regional authorities have the right to establish their own monthly payments single women.

For example, a single mother in Moscow can, in addition to maternity leave, receive another monthly 2,500 rubles per child until they reach the age of one and a half years and from the age of three until they come of age. A payment of 4,500 rubles is due to single Muscovites who are raising children aged 1.5 to 3 years. In addition, single mothers in Moscow can receive almost 1,500 more rubles for high food prices and for low quality life.

Such payments exist in almost all Russian regions. At the same time, a woman retains the right to receive them even if she is married. But if a man decides to adopt a baby, then all benefits and allowances will automatically be withdrawn from the mother.

Guarantees for single mothers from employers

It does not matter at all what benefits a single mother is entitled to and how much single mothers receive, in any case, such women are entitled to certain guarantees from employers.

  1. A single mother cannot be fired while she alone is raising a child under the age of 14. And here the employer will not be able to violate this requirement. A single mother cannot lose her job even if she does not meet the requirements for the position.
  2. If the enterprise where a single woman works is liquidated, the employer is obliged to provide her with another place of work with the preservation of earnings.
  3. If a woman is treated with a baby in a hospital, then the sick leave is calculated based on her length of service, but if the mother is treated with a child at home, then the first 10 days the sick leave is paid in full, and after that half of the earnings are saved.
  4. If a child who has not reached school age falls ill, then the sick leave is paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings.
  5. A single mother can take 2 weeks of vacation at any time convenient for her.
  6. Single mothers do not have the right to refuse employment because of the presence of a baby. If the employer ignores this requirement, then the woman must demand a refusal from him in writing and report the violation to the appropriate authority.
  7. A single mother cannot be required to work overtime.

Social guarantees

In addition to guarantees from the employer, there are also social guarantees that a single woman can count on.

  1. There has always been a long line in kindergartens, but a single mother should not suffer from this. Benefits for kindergarten are for single-parent families.
  2. A woman raising a baby alone can count on his free meals during his educational process.
  3. Also, single mothers are provided with compensation for the payment of a preschool institution.
  4. A mother can apply for a one-time allowance for the purchase of school supplies for her baby.
  5. Provision of certain medicines free of charge and 50% discount on the purchase of other medicines.
  6. Single mothers have priority over complete families to receive vouchers to sanatoriums and health facilities for the baby.


So, in the end, it’s worth revisiting who is considered a single mother and what payments are due to a single mother.

  1. A single mother can only be recognized as a woman who "raises" the child alone, in the birth certificate of which there is a dash in the line "father".
  2. The status of a single mother is also assigned to that woman who can document the absence of a second parent in a baby.
  3. A mother raising a baby alone can count on increased social benefits.
  4. Some regional authorities establish special subsidies for single mothers, sometimes creating comfortable conditions for them to raise a baby.
  5. For registration of benefits and payments, a single woman must apply to social authorities or multifunctional centers.
  6. Some benefits can be obtained directly from the employer or through the State Services portal.
  7. In order for social services to be able to establish payments and benefits, a woman needs to collect a certain package of documents.
  8. A single mother also receives guarantees from the employer. She cannot be fired, she can choose her own vacation time, they cannot leave her to work overtime and send her on long business trips.
  9. A single mother can receive compensation for payment kindergarten, the right to free meals for a school child and expect to receive free and discounted medicines.