DIY “Gifts of Autumn” crafts made from natural materials for kindergarten and school. DIY autumn composition: the best master classes with photos Small autumn compositions

Before talking about crafts on the theme “Gifts of Autumn,” it’s worth devoting a few words to the design. After all, as a rule, an autumn exhibition of crafts is also a big holiday.

Decor for the autumn harvest festival: garland with apples

Let your first crafts on the theme “Gifts of Autumn” be decor for the holiday. Make a garland with apple prints - share good mood with others.

For the garland you will need:

  • apple,
  • paints,
  • marker,
  • fabric flags,
  • rope.

Cut the apple in half and stamp the halves on the flags. When the paint dries, use a marker to draw in the seeds and stalk - the picture will be more realistic. Attach the finished flags to a rope and hang them above the window or above the entrance to the room.

In this way you can decorate a festive tablecloth or a bag for spare shoes. In this case, it is better to use acrylic for crafts.

Drawings... on the leaves

The designs on the leaves are very decorative. Some people get weevils, some animals, some abstract motifs. Thanks to the interesting texture and shape, these crafts on the theme “Gifts of Autumn” look very good.

From the leaves you can make figures for puppet theater. For these you will need eyes and popsicle sticks. With the help of figures you can perform performances.

Rows of birch trees running across the sky

Have you ever drawn a birch trunk with a plastic card? You need to dip the card in paint, draw a vertical line with the edge of the card and “stretch” the paint across the paper from this line. Then draw a second line and a counter “blot”. Complete the drawn trunks with bright brush strokes - leaves and grass.

If, when making this craft on the theme “Gifts of Autumn”, the whole class or group uses paints of the same colors, it will be possible to assemble a large common panel.

Crafts for home decor on the theme “Gifts of Autumn”

Whatever you say, it’s annoying to create things that will sooner or later end up in the trash. To preserve the good memory of autumn days, using PVA glue and dry leaves, decorate an old aquarium, candlestick or pumpkin - you will get useful crafts that will decorate any home.

The leaves can also be covered with a layer of PVA on top, then the colors will be bright longer.

And also Any pumpkin can be painted or decorated with decoupage. Saturated Orange color the basics look very impressive, even those who are not good at drawing can make their own little masterpiece.

Various animals

And finally, traditional and a win-win crafts on the theme “Gifts of Autumn” - animals from natural materials. In addition to pine cones, acorns and vegetables, we advise you to stock up on toothpicks and plasticine - they will hold together the individual parts of the crafts.

You don't have to be a designer or florist to be able to create composition from gifts of nature, which will decorate your home interior, loggia, terrace, office space or garden plot. So I wanted to create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the house. What I ended up with delighted everyone at home and guests.

And the source of inspiration for this unusual autumn composition was the rowan tree, which grew so beautifully in the country house. In my opinion, the rowan fruits, in color and shape, are simply the ideal material for autumn creativity.

Bunches of rowan berries look very attractive in a wreath or candlestick; it is also appropriate to place them on a table or near the fireplace. These berries go well with autumn leaves, reminding us of our favorite season.

Compositions from autumn materials

However, you should not limit yourself to mountain ash. Autumn fruits are very rich and varied. These are chestnuts, acorns, cones, viburnum branches and oddly shaped seed boxes, as well as late apples, pumpkins, autumn flowers and strange leaves. They can be found in the forest, on a personal plot, in a garden, in every park or square.

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 21 bright ones for you composition using the gifts of autumn. Create a sunny mood. Just can't take your eyes off!

  1. Such a magnificent multi-layered wreath using dry lavender, various greens, apples and decorative pumpkins can decorate not only the doors, but also the windowsill of a country house.
  2. And here is one of the simple but quite elegant compositions using rowan fruits.

  3. Fire is a fascinating element, especially pleasant to watch on cold autumn evenings. And if there is no fireplace in your house, as a symbol hearth and home you can use such an unusual and cozy candlestick made from natural materials. Would you like to have one of these in your living room?

  4. I simply admire this composition with its extraordinary approach. Perhaps I’ll take it into service!

  5. Amazing magnificence!

  6. Who said that autumn floristry is only wreaths on the door and bouquets of flowers in pumpkins? How do you like this autumn cake made from natural materials? Surprise your guests with such unusual decor.

  7. Physalis wreath to decorate the front door.

  8. Pumpkin is better than any other fruit for creating autumn compositions. This type of ikebana is easy to do and, most importantly, looks very impressive.

    If desired, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or simply decorated with very delicate and beautiful carvings. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting pumpkin compositions.

  9. Topiary is an almost eternal bouquet that is very easy to make with your own hands. Such a berry tree will elegantly complement the interior and add comfort and warmth to the house.

  10. Another wonderful wreath using rowan fruits.

  11. This fall I really want to create a cornucopia-shaped arrangement for my home. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is depicted mostly curved, filled with flowers, fruits, berries, seeds and, according to legend, brings prosperity and happiness to the house.

When preparing an autumn composition, it is important to pay attention to compatibility of natural materials and the harmony of their proximity to each other, as well as take care of the conditions in which they will have best view. For some compositions, the selected elements must be in the freshest form, for example, cut flowers, branches of a bush or tree, fruits.

For others, pre-drying of the workpieces is required. After drying, some elements can be polished and finished with varnish or a composition containing wax, for example, this can be done with chestnut fruits, dried leaves, pine cones, and acorns.

All materials collected in a forest or park should be collected in dry weather, and under no circumstances after rain. Materials for creativity should be chosen without traces of dirt and dampness, otherwise something that is damp may become moldy.

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Evening is an amazing time when the whole family gets together and unsuspecting parents find out that they need to bring autumn crafts to the kindergarten for tomorrow. To prevent this situation from taking you by surprise, we recommend preparing in advance and familiarizing yourself with ideas for children's crafts.

We have prepared many step-by-step and colorful master classes for you different levels difficulties. We are sure that you will definitely find something worthwhile for yourself.

Hedgehogs are all different

Did you know that the Soviet cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog” 15 years ago was recognized as the best animated film of all time? You see what a difficult animal this hedgehog is. It is definitely worthy of repeated embodiment using various natural materials.

Volumetric hedgehog made of seeds and plasticine

A cheerful and thrifty hedgehog, cheerfully carrying mushrooms on its back, may come to visit your apartment in the fall. To do this, you will need to stock up on simple natural materials, an hour of free time and involve young assistants in the work.

For joint creativity you will need:

  • foil;
  • leg-split;
  • black and brown
  • unpeeled seeds;
  • PVA glue;
  • acorns and leaves for decoration.
Make the base of the hedgehog from foil. You can immediately tear off a large piece of foil and form it into a drop-shaped piece. Or roll a separate ball for the body and a small cone for the spout and connect them together, wrapping them in foil.

Cover the hedgehog's body with black plasticine and its face with brown plasticine. This important stage can be safely entrusted to the child; nothing will be spoiled, and all the flaws will then be hidden.

Lubricate the muzzle with a thin layer of PVA. Also moisten the twine a little with glue and wrap it tightly, row by row, around the face, starting from the nose. You'll have to stop there for now and let the glue dry. Remember that this should happen naturally. On a radiator or when drying with a hairdryer, the plasticine will melt.

The next stage is the design stage. You need to make needles for the hedgehog from the seeds. Start work from the head, arrange the rows of seeds in a checkerboard pattern. Stick the “needles” into the plasticine as tightly as possible to each other.

Decorate the face with plasticine eyes and nose.

Mushrooms can be easily made from acorns by simply covering their caps with brown plasticine. If you wish, you can attach real leaves to them. Using plasticine, attach the mushrooms to the back of the hedgehog.

Such a cutie will definitely please your child, and will also allow you to enjoy joint creativity.

Hedgehog applique made from dry leaves

While walking through the autumn park, you collected beautiful bouquet yellow leaves? Great, add glue and cardboard to them and we’ll make a cute hedgehog.

All you need is to draw an outline. Your baby will be happy to glue the leaves on himself. Just show him how it's done.

You can download the hedgehog template, we offer you 4 options:

Hedgehog applique made from seeds

You liked the idea of ​​using seeds for your hedgehog's needles, but volumetric craft seems too complicated to implement? We have prepared another simple MK, which features a funny hedgehog, seeds and plasticine.

With a little perseverance, you can make a surprisingly cute and simple craft for kindergarten.

Paper hedgehog

We bring to your attention another idea that even kids from junior group. An original and cute applique using autumn leaves will not take you much time. It also comes with a paper cutting template, making it even easier for parents.



You’ve already got your head full, what else could you do to surprise the seasoned kindergarten teachers who are waiting again and again for crafts from your child? We offer to capture their imagination with surprisingly realistic mushrooms made from the simplest materials at hand.

To work you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • water; starch;
  • long nails or thick wire;
  • cardboard;
  • paints and brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • dry tea leaves or poppy seeds.
To begin, together with your child, select the types of mushrooms that you want to bring to life. From thick cardboard, cut out the base circles for their future hats.

Pierce each circle in the middle with a nail. It will serve as the base for the leg. Instead, you can use thick steel wire. But it’s better not to bother and buy a dozen or two potential “mushroom legs” at your nearest hardware store.

Now it’s time to cook the paste. Boil a liter of water. Stir 5 tbsp in a glass of cold water. with a heap of potato starch. While stirring boiling water, pour starch into it in a stream. Stirring, bring the paste to a boil. It is ready to use, all you have to do is wait for it to cool to room temperature.

Coat the mushroom preparation with paste. Roll a cotton wool ball for the hat, dip it in paste and glue it to the hat. Wrap the mushroom stem with moistened cotton wool. Repeat this procedure several times until you get the fungus of the desired size and shape.

Don't forget to squeeze out excess glue from the cotton wool! The resulting blanks must be completely dried on a radiator or in a warm oven. Already at this stage the mushrooms turn out very nice.

The moment has come creative work- painting. It is she who will turn faded preparations into real autumn mushrooms. You can paint crafts with any paint: acrylic, gouache or watercolor.

Color the caps according to the selected types of mushrooms.

Wait for the paint to dry completely. Cover the end of the leg with a thin layer of PVA and dip it in dry poppy seed or tea leaves - this will simulate the remains of earth.

For additional shine and chic, you can coat the mushroom caps with any colorless varnish.

You can decorate a beautiful basket with mushrooms - your craft will not go unnoticed. And the secret of making realistic mushrooms will long excite the imagination of everyone who is lucky enough to see them.

These hand made beauties are the result of the efforts made.

Don't have a suitable basket? No problem! A beautiful composition using moss, coniferous or dry twigs and real dry leaves can be decorated in a regular cardboard box either on a small stump, or independently.

Imagine and think outside the box - in kindergarten, and any other creativity, this is only welcome.

Autumn trees

Has your child already wondered why in the fall the trees change their green attire to a bright yellow-orange decoration? So it’s time to satisfy his curiosity, and at the same time his craving for creativity.

Plasticine tree

We offer you a beautiful and simple plasticine application that even the youngest naturalists can handle.

For work, prepare colored plasticine and cardboard.

Draw a tree trunk on thick cardboard. Now let your child roll a lot of thin and long plasticine sausages in 2-3 shades of brown.

Glue them along the tree trunk, alternating shades for realism. Fill in the entire contour of the trunk and don't forget about the branches.

Add some more branches for a lush crown.

Roll out many thin sausages of red, orange and yellow flowers. Roll each sausage into a spiral shape. You will see that your child will really enjoy this exciting activity.

Glue the spirals in random order onto the crown of the tree. Shape the tree to the desired size.

Make blades of grass from green plasticine. “Plant” the grass near the tree.

Complete the applique with falling leaves.

This is the kind of man-made beauty we have. A bright frame will make the picture even more expressive.

Application “Confetti Tree”

An original idea for an autumn tree is to decorate it with paper confetti. Check out step-by-step master class by watching the video we suggested. Confetti can be easily and simply cut out using a regular hole punch. Using this technique, you can quickly grow an entire fantasy forest.

Pumpkin seed trees

Have you noticed how much a pumpkin seed looks like a leaf? And creative individuals not only noticed this, but also used the similarity to create an original application from this natural material.

See our step-by-step MK photos and be inspired to create your own masterpieces.

Unusual trees made from cereals

We continue to increase the level of creativity. Now, to create a craft, colored cereals will be used. Do you have rice, semolina or millet in stock? Then try to master this method of creating an application.

Or this option:

"Macaroni" tree

The unusual shape and safe composition of various pasta products makes it possible to use them in preschool creativity. Find bow- or leaf-shaped pasta and “grow” your own unique tree.

Unusual "button" trees

And if you accidentally have a lot of unnecessary multi-colored buttons lying around at home, then we know how to use them for a good cause. Try to create a bright panel that will decorate your cottage or nursery. And armed with wire and pliers, you can master the art of button bonsai.


Autumn is harvest time. And even if you didn’t plan to collect a real harvest, surprise everyone with a realistic nylon pumpkin. You can make it as for a children's competition autumn crafts, and just for fun, and at the same time get acquainted with an interesting technique for making nylon vegetables and fruits.

To work you will need:

  • painted nylon;
  • filler (foam rubber or padding polyester, even ordinary cotton wool will do);
  • needle and thread;
  • thin wire;
  • a small piece of wire;
  • green tape;
  • scissors;
  • brush and paints.
From the selected filler, form a ball the size of the future pumpkin. Cover the ball with yellow nylon folded in 3 layers. Tie the shell with thread and trim off the excess.

Using a needle, make jumpers with thread. Do them at the same distance until you go around the entire workpiece in a circle.

Use small pieces of thin wire to make round blanks for the leaves.

Cover them with green nylon, secure its ends with thread and trim off the excess. Slightly deform the edges of the leaves, giving them a realistic look. Wrap the ends of the wire with tape.

Wrap a piece of wire with tape. Wind it around the handle and carefully remove the resulting spiral. The result is a branch-tendril, which we will attach to the pumpkin.

Collect a pumpkin branch, gradually connecting the leaves and tendrils with tape in a random order.

At the top of the pumpkin, fix a piece of wire and wrap it with tape. Attach a branch with leaves to the tail.

To achieve realism, tint the depressions orange. Blot excess moisture with a napkin.

As a result of the efforts made, a wonderful handmade autumn gift was obtained.

Ideas for inspiration

We have prepared for you a photo selection of unusual autumn crafts to motivate you to take action. Watch and be inspired to create together.

Spectacular composition made from natural materials

Dry twigs and grass, a bunch of viburnum, a few smooth pebbles, a pine cone and sand, thanks to imagination, turn into a cozy rural courtyard with a wooden house under a thatched roof. This craft looks very unusual, and you can get it absolutely free. All you need to do is go for a walk in the nearest park.

Yellow leaf bird:

Printable bird:

Bouquet of maple leaves

In autumn, fallen golden leaves just beg to be picked up. Walking through the park, it’s so easy to pick up a whole maple bouquet, but natural beauty instantly disappears in the apartment. It can be fixed. We will teach you how to do beautiful roses from maple leaves. Such a bouquet will create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the room and will delight you with its warmth for a long time.

Autumn crafts from twigs and threads

A little imagination - and dry twigs collected during a walk can be turned not only into crafts for the kindergarten, but also into spectacular souvenirs or bright decorations interior

Simple paper crafts

Unusual autumn leaves can be created with my own hands, and turn an empty paper bag into a picturesque tree with a spreading crown.

A few more printable templates:

Just give free rein to your imagination and follow the step-by-step photo instructions.

Children make DIY crafts “Gifts of Autumn” from natural materials for kindergarten and school different ages. Figurines of various animals, cars, boats, ships and steam locomotives made from vegetables, original bouquets of dry leaves and spectacular compositions of ripe fruits and berries are shown at traditional exhibitions and festivals children's creativity, used to decorate classrooms and given as gifts to family, friends and acquaintances. In this review, we have collected for you interesting and simple master classes with photos, with the help of which you will learn how to create unusual crafts one of the simplest and most accessible gifts of autumn.

DIY “Gifts of Autumn” crafts step by step with photos – “Bouquet of Roses”

Autumn is a fertile time, providing us with a huge amount of bright and beautiful natural materials for making with our own hands. interesting crafts and original compositions. In this master class, we will tell you step-by-step how to create a chic, spectacular and catchy craft “Bouquet of Roses” from the most ordinary maple leaves that cover the avenues and streets of cities at the end of September. Such a composition can be presented as an exhibit at the traditional school festival “Gifts of Autumn” or presented as a pleasant gift to friends or close relatives.

Materials for making a bouquet of flowers from maple leaves

  • maple leaves of bright colors
  • viburnum branches with berries
  • periwinkle leaves
  • threads

Step-by-step instructions with photos for the “Bouquet of Roses” craft for the “Gifts of Autumn” festival

Crafts “Gifts of Autumn” for kindergarten from natural materials

In kindergarten, you can make simple but effective crafts from natural materials for the “Gifts of Autumn” exhibition. A caterpillar constructed from fresh vegetables, fruits and bright beads will look very successful and unusual. By working on creating a figurine, children will be able to develop fine motor skills and learn attention, accuracy and perseverance. The teacher's help will be required at the very minimum - only to cut carrot rings with a knife and tell the kids how best and faster to string decorative beads onto a string. The children can handle everything else just fine on their own, and then they will happily boast to each other about the results of their work.

Natural materials for making caterpillars in kindergarten

  • apples - 5 pieces of the same medium size
  • orange cherries – 25-30 berries
  • cabbage leaf – 3 pcs
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • small multi-colored beads – 35-40 pcs.
  • twine – 20 cm
  • large blue beads – 2 pcs.
  • satin ribbon – 80 cm
  • rectangular disposable foam plate – 1 pc.
  • bamboo sticks
  • toothpicks
  • matches

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a caterpillar in kindergarten from natural materials for the exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”

  1. Wash and wipe dry unspoiled, dense green apples with whole skin and no external defects. paper napkin.
  2. Turn the foam plate upside down and cover it with cabbage leaves. This design will serve as a pedestal for the future figurine.
  3. Peel the carrots and chop into rings about 0.5-0.7 mm thick. Place the rings on top of the cabbage leaves in pairs, equidistant from each other. These are the legs of the caterpillar.
  4. String four apples lengthwise onto two bamboo sticks. This is the body of the future figurine.
  5. On the fifth apple, use toothpicks to secure two blue beads in place of the eyes, and line the smiling mouth with match heads.
  6. Remove the pits from the cherries. Secure one berry with a match in place of the spout. Place two toothpicks in place of the ears and string three large cherries onto each.
  7. Make a bow from a satin ribbon and secure it with a toothpick between the caterpillar's ears.
  8. Attach the finished head to the body using a bamboo stick and install the entire structure on a pedestal. Scatter the remaining cherries randomly around.

Crafts “Gifts of Autumn” for school for the exhibition – “Boat”

With the coming of the new school year schools hold bright and large-scale events where children of different ages demonstrate their abilities. One of the most beloved and popular is the exhibition of crafts “Gifts of Autumn”, for which students create beautiful exhibits from natural materials with their own hands. In this master class we will look at the option of making a “Boat” craft from vegetables.

Materials for creating the “Boat” exhibit for a school exhibition

  • zucchini squash - 1 large
  • carrots – 4 pcs.
  • cabbage leaves – 3-4 pcs
  • matches
  • bamboo sticks
  • thick thread
  • chain
  • sheet of cardboard
  • metal chain

Step-by-step instructions for making a “Boat” craft for the “Gifts of Autumn” exhibition at school

  1. Wash the zucchini thoroughly and wipe dry. Then carefully cut off part of the skin on top and scoop out the pulp with a spoon so that the indentation resembles the deck of a ship. Align the edges with a knife and decorate with match heads. Place them at an equal distance from each other. Then tie the edges with thick thread.
  2. Stick a long bamboo stick into the center of the deck and place a cabbage leaf on it. This is a ship's sail.
  3. Cut an anchor and a flag from the thickest carrot. Cut thinner carrots into rings. Trim the remaining carrots to a length of 4-5 centimeters and use toothpicks to attach them to the upper back of the deck. This is the crew of the future ship.
  4. Build a ladder from matches and threads and attach it to the outer side of the deck.
  5. Secure the carrot rings with toothpicks like portholes. Attach an anchor to the bow and attach a chain to it.
  6. WITH outside nose, make a depression in the zucchini and insert a small carrot into it.
  7. Place cabbage leaves on a thick rectangle of cardboard and place the ship on top. Place a carrot flag on the top of the mast.

Crafts “Gifts of Autumn” from vegetables – figurine “Hare”

Both elementary school students and kindergarten students can make “Gifts of Autumn” crafts from fresh vegetables in the shape of various forest and domestic animals. Natural material is very beautiful and diverse. It allows you to show maximum imagination and makes it possible to realize the most unexpected and daring children's ideas and ideas. In this master class with photos we will tell you in detail how to make a cute and original hare figurine from various seasonal vegetables. This craft is perfect for an autumn exhibition or will serve as a spectacular decoration. festive table, set on the occasion of the birthday of a child or adult.

Materials for crafts from vegetables “Hare” for the autumn exhibition

  • cabbage – 2 small heads
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • cherry tomato – 1 piece
  • raspberries – 1 piece
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • zucchini – ½ piece
  • asters – 3 flowers
  • paper
  • toothpicks
  • bamboo sticks – 2 pcs.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make “Gifts of Autumn” crafts from vegetables for an exhibition

  1. Remove crumpled and torn leaves from the cabbage, and fasten the heads of cabbage together with bamboo sticks. This design is the body of the future figurine.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, wipe dry with a paper towel and cut lengthwise into equal halves. On two of them, make three vertical grooves along the skin using a knife or thick needle. Using toothpicks, attach the cucumber pieces to the bottom base of the cabbage head. Now the hare has legs.
  3. On the top of the second cabbage, which acts as the animal’s head, cut two wide indentations with a sharp object and insert the remaining two halves of the cucumber into them. These are ears. To disguise the location of the cuts, decorate the head with aster flowers, which are attached to the cabbage with toothpicks.
  4. From half a zucchini, cut two long strips about 1 centimeter thick. In front, make one vertical cut on them and attach them to the body like legs with toothpicks.
  5. On the front of the top cabbage, make a deep cut where the mouth should be and insert a piece of thick white paper into it. Draw eyes on whatman paper using felt-tip pens, carefully cut them out and glue them to the cabbage with Moment glue.
  6. Cut the cherry tomato in half. Secure one part with a toothpick in place of the nose, and place the second under the mouth.
  7. Stick three toothpicks into the cabbage on each side. This is a mustache.
  8. Tie the figure beautifully around the neck satin ribbon, insert a whole carrot with tops into the paws and voila! - the hare is ready.

When the leaves are falling outside the windows, and the forests and parks are full of berries, acorns, chestnuts, it’s simply a sin not to use all this and create crafts “Gifts of Autumn”. The creation we create can decorate our home, serve as a gift to family and friends, or take part in the school autumn festival.

Crafts “Gifts of Autumn”

“Gifts of Autumn” crafts photo will not leave you indifferent; you will definitely want to do something with your own hands. The simplest original material - autumn leaves. You can make very unusual bouquets from them, bright and festive. We will need maple leaves and any others, but preferably in dark, rich shades. First, let's make the flowers. To do this, bend the sheet in half horizontally, always with the top side facing out, and roll it into a tight roll. The core is ready.

Next, take the next piece of paper and also bend it in half, but the fold line should not be clear and rigid. We place our core in the middle so that its upper edge is located just below the fold. After this, we wrap one edge first, then the other. We've got the first petal. We do the same for all the other petals, slightly shifting each subsequent leaf in a circle. The number of petals depends on how lush we want our flower to be. Usually five to seven leaves are enough to create a rose. We secure the finished rose with threads at the bottom, put it aside and proceed to create the next one.

After we have made a sufficient number of flowers, we proceed to the next stage - we wrap each finished flower with a bright leaf and again fix everything with thread. We collect the finished roses into a bouquet and continue decorating. Let's complement the composition with viburnum branches. If there are still free spaces, you can add bright green periwinkle leaves to them. It turns out to be a very beautiful contrast with the bright red viburnum. At the end we frame our bouquet large leaves maple. Don't forget to secure everything with thread. All that remains is to choose a beautiful vase or just a colorful glass and place our bouquet. You can learn how to make bouquets from other materials, for this, look at ours.

And how beautiful crafts on the theme “Gifts of Autumn” come from grape leaves! This is enough complex material, because grape leaves are not as flexible and elastic as maple leaves, but it is difficult to find such a wealth of shades. Let's stock up on materials and patience, because the end result is worth it. We will need green and mixed variegated grape leaves, viburnum branches with leaves. In addition, scissors, glue, rubber bands for money (they are in the stationery departments), threads, yellow flower net. Let's select a suitable vase and you can start. Roll the grape leaf bent in half horizontally into a tight roll. Be careful not to ruin your work, as grape leaves are more fragile than maple leaves.

The middle of our rose will be variegated, and the first petal will be green. Carefully wrap the center with a folded piece of paper. Next, alternate green and variegated petals. We fix both the core and each petal with threads so that they do not unwind. We finish with a green petal. Please note that we only keep the petiole on one or two central leaves; we cut off the rest before rolling. We wrap the finished rose with a green grape leaf, so that the flower is framed by cloves.

We choose the number of flowers for the bouquet as desired. When our roses are ready, we cut the mesh into pieces of such a size that the edge of the mesh is slightly higher than the flower. We dress all the roses in a net and again secure it with threads. It is fashionable to roll small buds separately from green leaves. After this, we divide the viburnum into small branches, so that they have both berries and leaves. We connect the buds with roses using rubber bands. Now you can start placing the composition in the vase. We place flowers with buds, individual grape leaves and viburnum branches evenly. As you know, grapes are a very tasty berry, we have an original recipe for salad with grapes.

DIY crafts “Gifts of Autumn”

After a walk in the forest, there is usually enough variety of materials to make DIY crafts “Gifts of Autumn”. These can be nuts, acorns, bright berries, unusually colored herbs and leaves. Let's try to make a wreath. For it we need the following: cardboard for the base; walnuts; acorns; chestnuts; Pine cones; oak leaves; pine needles; small twigs with leaves; glue and scissors.

We cut out a base circle of any size from cardboard, but not too small so that it is convenient to place everything on it. Lubricate the base circle with Moment glue and alternately place oak leaves and pine cones on it; chestnuts; nuts and acorns.

We try to place it evenly. The base of the wreath is ready, now we fill the gaps with everything we have at hand: pine needles, acorn caps, twigs, etc. Instead of glue, you can use a heat gun if you have one. Take your time so that the work looks neat and pleasing to the eye. Before attaching the material with glue, attach it to the base and make sure that everything is placed well. We will need patience, but the result will please the eye. To completely dry the wreath, you need to leave it on the table for a day. If everything is stuck firmly, you can hang it on the wall as a decoration. Otherwise, it is better to decorate the table with our creation - it will turn out to be an excellent candlestick. Moreover, as beautiful decoration You can do .

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with various flower bouquets of roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and even exotic orchids. If you have to go to a birthday party, but still want to surprise, try doing something like this unusual bouquet. You can collect materials for it on a walk in the forest or in a city park, or perhaps at your own dacha. In addition to leaves and twigs of rowan or viburnum, you will need jute threads and a glue gun.

We use jute threads to make the basis for the bouquet. To do this, wrap the inflated ball with thread and lubricate it with wallpaper glue. When everything is dry, release the air from the balloon and remove it. First, let's make flowers from bright aspen leaves. We roll the leaves from the cent and secure them with hot glue as we work. We will need approximately 15 lush roses. Place the finished roses evenly on the base and secure with glue. Fill the remaining gaps evenly with rowan berries. The warp threads should not be visible. Ready composition put on a decorated bottle.