What are the forms of the beard. Note to bearded men: choosing the right beard shape

A beard for every man is a manifestation of individuality, a special style and distinguishing features his character. Historically, the beard represents a symbol of masculinity, and both in those days and today, many men demonstrate military qualities and manifestations of their strong character, style and attitude to fashion with the help of a beard.

Many centuries ago, the beard showed imperious character, endurance and strength. Today, a beard is an image and a tribute to fashion, but not a manifestation of physical strength.

Fashion trends do not stand still and people follow them. This also applies hairdressing Therefore, people are increasingly turning to professionals for help in the hope of changing their image. This applies not only to appearance, clothing design and haircuts, but also to beards and mustaches. It is very important to understand for all those who would like to wear a beard - it is not suitable for every type of face, so you need to choose a certain shape for yourself. Equally important is the density of the bristles.

Features of the choice of the shape of the beard

Especially often charismatic and creative people wear a beard, emphasizing their strong character. The choice of form is a purely individual process. Some men choose mustaches, sideburns or a beard to hide certain imperfections on their face (scars, scratches, imperfect face shape, scars, etc.).

An incorrectly chosen beard shape can do the opposite effect - distort the appearance and change the contour of the face. That is why a beard hairstyle is a scrupulous and responsible process that requires experience, knowledge and skills.

When deciding on the shape of the beard, consider the density of the bristles and its color. For example, dark hair should not be made too voluminous in order to exclude a strong contrast of the face and beard, and also to avoid the visual fullness of the cheeks.

When choosing the shape of a haircut on the face, the height of a man also plays an important role. For example, short men you need to choose a small beard, and for guys of medium and tall height, almost any will do. Moreover, in order to improve the proportions of the body and visually increase the oval of the face, it is a thick beard that will help tall men.

How to choose the right form for yourself is shown in the video:

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The following criteria will help determine the form:

Triangular face contour

To equalize the proportions of the body, since the top of the chin is much wider than the bottom, you should make a long or classic beard.

round oval

A beard in the form of a trapezoid will help to make an almost perfect facial contour. The shape of such a beard should connect the temples and a mustache is very suitable for it, the edges of which should be lowered down.

Rectangular face contour

A horseshoe beard and sideburns will help elongate the face.

oval shape

If you have the right oval shape, then you can not only wear any beard, but also constantly experiment! In this case, you have no restrictions.

Square shape

beard hairstyle options

There are a huge number of varieties of beard hairstyles today and if you decide to let go of facial hair, you can choose the right shape for you.

Popular trendy haircuts beards - on video:


Another such beard is called "Russian" or "full". In this case, the beard is preserved in its natural form. Basically, it does not require special care and clipping. Of course, the only rule for a classic beard is thick and stiff bristles, since it will not look good with sparse hair. In addition, such a beard is also not suitable for blondes, especially if blonde hair also rare. The undoubted advantage of the classics is that it can be adjusted to fit your face shape.

rounded beard

Canadian - this is another name for this shape of a beard, it suits almost all the representatives of the stronger sex, but not for those who have a rounded face contour. In this case, the Canadian will additionally help to add volume, which is not entirely aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. In its classic version, the Canadian is worn round, but it can also have variations: it is very important that the lower part of the hairstyle and the mustache on both sides merge at the mouth in a narrow strip.

"Hollywood" stubble

Such a beard is made around the lips and along the extreme jaw line. Everything else should be shaved clean. Among Hollywood stars, this stubble hairstyle is also quite popular.

Combined beard

Such vegetation is also called "balbo" (for mixing several styles). This form was invented by a very talented person who devoted his life to the profession of a hairdresser. Such a beard is made simply and looks like the letter "T". In addition to it, there may be a mustache, but this is to taste and not at all necessary. Visually, the balbo resembles a Hollywood beard, but with one difference - the absence of a thin connecting strip that connects the beard and mustache.

In addition, in this form, one more rule must be observed - shave off excess hairs at the bottom of the corners of the mouth. Balbo is more suitable for square and round facial contours, as it perfectly corrects and smoothes the shape.

balbo anchor

This is a slightly modified version of the previous form of the beard (balbo). Unlike the previous version, the anchor has a clear contour and a small size of hairs. Among other things, the anchor is a cone-shaped beard with a sharp end and a small strip of hairs from the chin to the lower lip.

It is due to this form, resembling an anchor, that the beard got its name. It is very original, but it is difficult to do. Sometimes only the master can do this, because in case of violation of symmetry or touching of the cone, the beard will have to be shaved off altogether. The anchor helps visually lengthen the face (stretch it), so this shape is ideal for men with a round and square contour.

Van Dyck

This style was founded among barbers under the emotions of seeing the work of the artist A. Van Dyck. Characteristic distinguishing features of this bristle styling are a long, twisted mustache and a vertical strip of hairs that start at the chin and stretch to the middle of the lower lip.

Such a haircut of vegetation is visually able to narrow the face, so it is especially suitable for men with a wide oval.

"Goat" haircut

Such a beard has a small vertical stripe under the lower lip and is very popular in many countries, especially among young people.

Sometimes the most creative men do this hairstyle on the chin and it differs in length (they braid pigtails or wear it loose).


It is also called the "island" - this is the most easy hairstyle beard, which involves a small strip of hair under the lower lip in the center.

Skipper uniform

This style is gaining popularity in very wide circles around the world. The beard is characterized by the absence of a mustache and is performed in two variations: short haircut and a long beard that is located between the neck and jaw line. With the help of such bristles, you can correct the wrong contour of the chin (if the owner of the beard has an irregular shape) or sharply highlight the lower jaw, outlining it with the help of such vegetation.

Suvorov haircut

This style of beard consists of sideburns that are vertical down, which rise at the corners of the lower jaw and connect with the mustache. In this case, the chin remains completely shaved. The Suvorov beard is able to visually expand the face, so it is recommended to wear it for men with a narrow contour.

duck tail

A beard in this style has an identity with the Russian, but its difference is that it looks more well-groomed (not so long and trimmed properly).


It is also called a "fork", because visually it resembles this kitchen utensil. Such a haircut includes dense vegetation on the cheeks and at the bottom of the chin, as well as a mustache. The tip of the vegetation is bifurcated, which is what resembles a French fork. This hairstyle on the face has distinguishing feature- the longer it is, the more popular, exotic and creative.


Another such beard is called a "sail". With this image, the chin is clean-shaven, and thick sideburns are connected to the mustache in an upright position. In the classic version, the side hair on the beard remains long and combed to the sides or up.

"A curtain"

Curtain-style beard has a "creepy" shape - this is when the hair falls down the lower part of the face along the line of the chin, which must be perfectly shaved.


These are the main styles of beard hairstyles, but each owner of facial hair can come up with their own original style. The most important thing, as already noted, is to choose the right form.

If you do a haircut on your face, you should prepare and know the basic rules. The video shows how to properly trim a beard and all the features of such scrupulous work:

If you have dark, uniform, thick stubble, you can experiment with your beard as you please. Even guys 18-20 years old make beautiful beard hairstyles and wear them with pride. Canadian, front sight or anchor is most suitable for young people, but everything is individual here. Adult men most often choose thick Hollywood stubble, Russian form, French, etc.

The beard should emphasize the advantages and hide the existing shortcomings, and not vice versa - this is a priority.

How to properly care for such vegetation - in the video:

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Many representatives of the stronger sex are the owners of a beard, because it not only saves time, but also looks quite attractive. A beard suits almost everyone, since its types and shapes are completely different, and taking into account the type and characteristics of the face, you can choose the right option.

It is worth considering what types of such vegetation can be, and what is taken into account when selecting.

Varieties of haircuts (photos and names)

There are quite a few varieties.

The most famous options are:

1. Russian (full)

Gives the appearance of the owner of strength and brutality.

Reference! The peculiarity of such bristles is that it does not require much effort in maintaining the shape.

Edging can be done both in the salon and at home. This is a short beard with a mustache that covers the chin, the area around the mouth and the neck to the Adam's apple.

2. Hollywood Style (Bretta)

This haircut was relevant back in the 30s of the 20th century, and now it is back in fashion. A small beard with a mustache covering the chin and lower jaw. Also suggests the presence of sideburns.

3. In the style of "Balbo"

One of the hottest haircuts right now. Somewhat reminiscent of the already mentioned Russian, but there are no sideburns.

It looks very neat even with sufficient massiveness, it can be complemented by a mustache.

4. Goatee

Despite not the most pleasant name, such a beard looks quite stylish. There are no mustaches, the cheek area is as smooth as possible, and the beard remains only in the area of ​​the lower lip and chin and has a width identical to the mouth.

5 Lumberjack Style

Reminds me of a Russian beard. The vegetation is massive and voluminous, but it looks well-groomed.

6. Anchor style

Assumes the presence of antennae, which are separated in the center by a thinly shaved strip.

7. Box

The spade-shaped beard that became popular back in the 60s. The hairs can be of any length.

8. Sail

With this type, sideburns turn into a mustache and make up a rather attractive overall picture. The chin is clean-shaven.

9. Garibaldi

A rather thick and wide beard, connected with sideburns. The mustache is also very thick. Can be supplemented various types mustache.

10. Irish beard

Complemented by a fu manchu mustache, passing down to the cheeks, framing the top of the mouth and hanging down.

11. French beard

Also known as the French Fork. It is full, starts with sideburns and closes the cheeks.

12. Verdi's beard

Has a round shape. The cheeks are partially shaved, the mustache is lush.

13. Round

Simplified classic, rounded at the bottom.

14. Square

With this type of hair, a characteristic square shape is given.

15. Chinstrap (Chinstrap or skipper's beard)

Along the chin line it looks like a strap. It is a thin strip that moves along the line of the chin and cheeks.

16. Islet

Minimalistic beard, where a small circle of hairs is located only in the middle under the mouth.

17. Screen or Chin Curtain

It starts near the temples and moves to the chin, completely opening it.

18. Goatee or goatee

Reminiscent of a goatee, but has a round shape and covers the entire chin area.

Often combined with massive elongated sideburns.

Important! If a man himself cannot decide on a suitable beard style, then almost any barbershop has the possibility of computer modeling from a photograph, which will help you choose the right option.

Some types of beards can be created at home on your own, but there are also quite specific options that are best left to a professional.

What types of beards are popular in our time is described in the video:

Mustache Varieties

Many of the men can go with a mustache, and you can successfully complement the image with them. They can be combined with a beard, or be without it.

The following types of mustaches are distinguished:

  • English mustache. Tapered, elongated mustache, suggesting pointed ends and a shaved area above the corners of the mouth
  • Emperor's mustache. Dense vegetation that is directed upwards and is located above the upper lip.
  • Dali. Strongly curled up and elongated mustache, named after a famous artist. It is worth considering that they require constant careful styling.
  • Pyramidal mustache. They are narrowed at the top, widened at the bottom. They look like a pyramid, hence the name. In turn, they have several types.
  • Walrus. A rather thick mustache that runs along the entire width of the lips, and can cover not only the upper, but also the lower.
  • Horseshoe. Lush mustache, resembling an inverted horseshoe. They reach the jaw line.
  • Fu Manchu. Somewhat reminiscent of a horseshoe, but the difference is in the shaved areas above the corners of the lips.
  • Chevron. Solid and wide mustache, completely covering upper lip.
  • Pencil. Thin tapered mustache. They can have different shapes, taking into account individual preferences.
  • Artist's brush. We are talking about a wide mustache framing the upper lip. They are often stacked, creating a round shape.
  • Handlebar. Antennae can have different lengths. Their ends curl up. For styling, a special tool is used.
  • Toothbrush. Medium-sized, rather dense mustache, located directly under the nose. A similar type was worn by Adolf Hitler.
  • Shade. Similar to the "artist's brush", but the difference is in the sharp edges.

How to choose the right mustache shape is described in the video:

No mustache

If a man prefers not to wear a mustache, then he can choose one of the following haircut options:

  1. Screen (Lincoln) beard. It involves the connection of the temples and runs along the entire chin.
  2. Old Dutchman. It differs by square outlines and by the fact that the area above the undermouth is as smooth as possible.
  3. Norwegian skipper. It resembles a goatee and is distinguished by a wide cover in the lower part of the face.
  4. Model "Insect". In execution, it is similar to the jaws of a beetle.
  5. Goatee. It is located on the chin and slightly lengthens towards the end.
  6. Island. Not below the mouth.

How to choose the shape of the beard according to the type of face?

It is extremely important that the beard matches the oval of the face, otherwise, even with perfect execution, it can ruin the whole image.

The form is determined taking into account the following characteristics:

  • In an oval face, the length is slightly longer than the widest part, the cheekbones are clearly defined.
  • In a rectangular, the largest measure is the length. The size of the forehead and chin is approximately identical.
  • A round face has identical lengths and widths. Its lines are smooth, the chin is not clearly expressed.
  • In the shape of a square, the length and width are also the same, the forehead is angular, the chin is noticeably outlined.
  • The triangular face has a narrow forehead, the bottom being its widest part.
  • In diamond-shaped, the length is slightly greater than the width, the top and bottom of the face are narrow.
  • Inverted triangle. With this type, the width of the oval will be slightly less than its length. The bottom of the face is narrow, while the forehead, on the contrary, is quite wide.

Reference! For a more precise definition of the shape, you can use a ruler.

Now it is worth considering the features of the selection of a beard for the mentioned species.

Selection by face shape:

  1. Round face. This shape needs to be stretched a little. A beard will do neatly cut, directed to the cheekbones. A goat or skipper uniform may also be suitable. A good choice is a geometric shape. But sideburns then do not need to be used.
  2. Oval face. A generic type that suits almost everything. Men with this type of face can safely experiment with different beard shapes. However, the shade, density, and growth of hairs are also taken into account.
  3. Square face. This type looks very masculine, and the task of the beard is to emphasize this. A full beard is appropriate. Also, the vegetation can be careless, focusing on the bottom of the face. Too long hairs are better not to do.
  4. Narrow long face. Here it is important not to stretch the oval even more. You can also pay attention to a full beard, but it is better to complement it with a mustache. Owners of a narrow oval are not recommended to use rounded lines.
  5. Diamond shape. The task is to visually reduce wide cheekbones. Full massive vegetation, as well as a mustache, will help to make the proportions more correct.
  6. Inverted triangle. Owners of this type should be given the volume of a narrow jaw. Most often, massive beards are used for this, going from one temple to the second. The accent is the hair below the cheekbones. Sideburns are also allowed. Even more correct proportions can be achieved by shaving the chin area.

Although a successful beard can be chosen for almost every face, there are a number of men for whom it is generally not suitable.

These include the following:

  • If the vegetation is stiff, then the beard may look too rough and sloppy. An alternative then can be bristles.
  • If fluff grows on the face, it is better not to grow a beard, because its appearance can be simply ridiculous.
  • We must remember that the vegetation needs care, it needs to be cut and corrected from time to time. For those who are not ready for this, it is better to abandon such an idea.

In the form of a barber tells how to choose a beard according to the shape of the face:

A well-chosen beard can significantly improve the appearance of the stronger sex. But the form and shape are of great importance.

In order not to make mistakes, it is better to get the advice of a specialist who will give valuable recommendations not only on the type of vegetation, but also on proper care.

Recently, fashionistas around the world go with a beard. However, this does not mean that the growth of facial hair should be left to chance. There are different styles of beards that will make their owners stylish, as well as emphasize the dignity of the face and hide its flaws.

Matter of form

A guy who is seriously thinking about changing his image and bristles needs to consider one important point- a beard style that suits a particular face shape. You need to be careful, because she is able to change the appearance beyond recognition - to reduce or increase the size of the oval of the face, to make the latter more bold and courageous.

The choice of a suitable beard should be taken seriously, primarily based on the shape of the face. Special attention should be paid to the shape of the mustache and sideburns, as well as their presence or absence.

To wear a stylish beard, it is best to turn to the advice of experts:

Choosing a beard according to the shape of the face

An incorrectly chosen beard style will not only not decorate, but also make handsome guy uncouth "bullshit". People will bypass, and girls are unlikely to like such a man.

Therefore, do not rush to grow a beard on your face, imitating any celebrity. To look brilliant and stunning, you need to know how to choose the shape of the beard according to the type of face.

A thin face with sharp features

In this case, a small beard (no more than 2 cm) will become an ornament. It will make your face softer and rounder. A mustache would also be appropriate here.

Round face

For this face shape, you need to do something completely different. In this case, the shape should not be softened, on the contrary, it must be made more elongated. It is best to choose a square or wedge-shaped beard. The goatee beard is suitable for men with a round face shape - it will become more accurate. And sideburns are best avoided, they will give the face a comedy.

Square face

No mustache

Recently, a beard without a mustache has become widespread and popular. And they attribute this to the fact that less care is needed, because there are no mustaches. At the same time, not every girl loves excessive vegetation on a man's face.

You can choose such a beard without a mustache:

  • old Dutchman - a thick beard from temple to temple, the length can be absolutely any, you just need to shave your cheeks;
  • island - a beard in the form of a small dotted vegetation located under the lower lip;
  • goatee and mini goatee;
  • a Klingon beard, which implies a shaved mustache above the lip, with the remaining parts on the sides joined.

Therefore, if a man does not like his mustache, you can safely shave it off and choose a different type of beard.

Useful about the beard

  1. To maintain the complex shape of the beard, it is best to use a clipper. Experts advise initially to mark the contour with a pencil or pen - this way you can achieve perfect symmetry.
  2. To keep a beard in perfect condition, it must be groomed daily. It is best to purchase a special comb or brush for combing. Special balms and shampoos will also benefit. Every morning, using a machine with a special nozzle, you need to adjust the length of the hair.
  3. If the beard has started to turn gray or you just don't like her hair, then it can be dyed. Here it is important not to make a mistake with the paint, you need to choose a special dye for men, which only gives the necessary shade. The effect is the same, but the hair remains healthy, and the color is as close to natural as possible.
  4. Experts joke about sideburns growing out of your ears. From there, the hair must be removed. If there are few of them, you can use tongs, otherwise a special machine will help.
  5. The beard retains odors, including tobacco. To make the facial hair smell pleasant, you need to use special aromatic oils, because daily washing will not help.

You need to understand that a properly selected beard will become an advantage for any man, emphasize his attractiveness, intelligence and masculinity. This is a great excuse to grow facial hair, but you need to sort through all the styles of beards and choose the one that will suit a particular type of face.

Do women like men with beards? Of course, yes, but only on condition that she is well-groomed, tidy and very to their face. Therefore, in order to choose a beard that best suits the type of your face, we advise you to use the following recommendations:

  • Choose a beard according to your height. If the growth is small, then the beard should be purely symbolic and not voluminous, but with an average, a large one will do.
  • Blondes can afford thicker hair, but brunettes should not overdo it with sizes.

Choosing the right beard is easy if you know what type of face you have. Each face needs a little correction, because few of us have a perfectly oval shape.

And the presence of a beard in men can visually correct some of the problems of appearance: decorate or give the appearance a more masculine image.

Video on the selection of a beard

A beard for every face type

In order to choose the right type of beard, you need to take into account your facial features.

Many men think that as soon as they stop shaving, a stylish and well-groomed beard will immediately begin to grow. In this case, they are confused. A beautiful beard takes some effort. First, you need to go without shaving for at least 2 weeks. During this time, you will feel all the "charm" of an unshaven face - itching, an unbearable desire to scratch, discomfort. But believe me, the result is worth it! After two weeks of torment, you will be able to model for yourself exactly the type of beard that really suits you. For greater convenience, there are special programs that allow you to choose a beard online. On the example of your own photograph or painted faces, you select your image. This is very convenient and gives you the opportunity to try a variety of beard variations without much damage.

Pick up a beard online

With the help of a free online program, you can. Upload your photo (or try on a type photo) and try on any type.

Post Views: 16,814

What will you need?

  1. Ability to grow facial hair
  2. Hairdresser (or maybe you can do it yourself)
  3. Patience!

Step 1

Study the shape of your face. Of course you know what you look like. You have looked at yourself in the mirror many times. But you didn't look at yourself with an imaginary beard on your face. Is your face round? Do you have square cheekbones? Is your mouth too small? These are very important details that make up the characteristic features. We have already written about how you can choose the type of beard for the shape of your face, we recommend reading it.

Ryan Gosling is an example of a triangular face shape.

Step 2

Stop shaving. This is the most obvious step, but often not enough. Some beard lovers prefer to wear the so-called goatee and shave their beard in this way after a few days of growing hair. However…

Step 3

After two weeks of not shaving, reexamine your face. You made it - great result! During these 14 days, you went through a state of constant itching 2 times - the first time around day 4, the second time around day 12. some according to you appearance may decide that you are homeless. Everyone who wants to wear a beautiful well-groomed beard goes through this. It's OK! It's just uncomfortable and doesn't always look good and makes you feel like you're in the company... like a teenager!

Photo from paulmitchell.edu

Step 4

Determine the nature of hair growth. See where they grow and grow best. In some people, hair grows in close proximity to the nose. Some mustaches do not even reach the chin. Determine the height and shape of the hair accordingly.

Step 5

Mentally sketch out your beard. If you understand that you will be able to wear a wide beard, it may be a good idea to shave the hair on the top of the cheek and neck. A full beard will suit you if you have good hair growth and if you have a bunch of mustache and beard. If you have a round face, then you need to make it visually thinner. "Goatee" can create such an effect. Also, if the hair on your cheeks does not grow well, choose a "goat beard" or the now popular "Chinstrap" style. If your mustache doesn't grow well, try a Lincoln style beard.

Step 6

Now let your hair grow. Once you have chosen your desired beard style, let your hair grow unhindered. Even if the beard has reached the required length, you may need a little more time to fill in the exposed spots on the face.

Step 7

This is an indefinite step that offers several options for what should be on the face. If you are not a sissy, or a fan of Heavy metal, you can choose for yourself a "full" beard. If you are a jazz connoisseur, you are more likely to wear a short, neatly trimmed beard. If you are a fan of nightclubs, dating women, then you most likely need a "goat" beard. If you are a resident of Texas or California, go for a mustache!

Some facts: beard grows best in spring and summer and grows by about 14 cm, and the presence of a beard and its "quality" depend mainly on genes and hormones.

And remember - the choice of a beard is purely individual, do not limit your imagination and experiment with different styles.