Light air hairstyles with elastic bands for hair. Original hairstyles with elastic bands for girls. Weaving braids with rubber bands in the form of hearts

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It is important for all girls to look bright. In the image, it is important that there is fashionable makeup, spectacular clothes and a neat hairstyle. It can be done not only by a stylist, but also with your own hands at home. You need a little skill, a comb, accessories and means of fixation. Fashionable hairstyles can be used for girls too. In some there are braids, weaving. There are fashionable styling of ponytails. To decorate a Greek hairstyle, you can use a headband or diadem.

Hairstyles with elastic bands are quite simple and fashionable. They go great with bangs. It is easy to do them yourself, including at home. For long, medium and short hair, it will be possible to perform styling from tails, braids, weaving. Will look great on Greek hairstyle, in which the original diadem is wrapped around the head. Laying is decorated with a rim.

Hairstyle with rubber bands/Hairstyle with rubber bands/Hairstyles with rubber bands.


  • It saves time, because the work will require elastic bands, a comb. This does not require complex installation. You can use silicone rubber bands or make them from improvised material.
  • The procedure will not take more than 10 minutes.
  • Any hairstyle for short and long hair will look original. And it is suitable for any occasion.
  • Fashion styling can be easily done with your own hands at home, even if they have never been done.
  • Hairstyle with rubber bands is suitable for all types of strands.

Hairstyle with Rubber Bands| Unusual Hair Weave | Video Lesson 2013 Step by Step Instruction

With long hair

To create an original styling for long hair, you need 8 silicone rubber bands. It won't work for short ones because of the length. Accessories perfectly keep their shape and look original. This option is perfect for girls.

  • You can not wash the curls before the procedure, you just need to treat them with mousse.
  • Then they should be separated with an even parting.
  • Each part is also divided in half to get 4 strands.
  • After that, you should take one strand, divide it into 2 parts, tie 2 ponytails.
  • The same work is carried out with other strands. As a result, 8 tails should come out.
  • It is necessary to capture the tail that is located in the temporal part. Add 1 strand of 1 bandage to it, and thread the elastic again. Everything is done in the same way with other bundles.
  • At the end, you get 1 tail, which is threaded into the first elastic band.

There are many rubber bands around the head. Based on them, it will turn out to make an excellent version of the Greek hairstyle with the help of a diadem. In this case, the creation of tails is performed in a circle. You can decorate with a rim. This hairstyle is great for girls. It can also be done for everyday use.

EASY WAY to make a braid / braid without braiding #VictoriaR

Original styling for every day

Children's hairstyles with elastic bands can be performed on long and short hair. Make the original styling with the help of simple rubber bands.

  • The curls should be combed, at the top, separate 2 strands and fix them with an elastic band.
  • Then the elastic should be lowered a little, make a hole, and thread the tail through it. Then the accessory returns to its place.
  • Then you need to take small strands on both sides, and secure with elastic bands. Everything is performed by analogy with the previous stage.

In this case, a lot of rubber bands will also be located around the head. You can add them with a rim. The option is more suitable for girls, because in this case it will be possible to carefully collect long and short hair.

5 quick and stylish hairstyles for every day | G.Bar | Oh My look!

Creating a braided bun

Hair bands that include weaving are more suitable for girls. In this case, braids will be located around the head. In addition to rubber bands, you will need to use invisibility.

  • It is necessary to create 2 braids near the temples, as well as 3 behind. They should be secured with rubber bands.
  • Then the weaving of the beam is performed. You will need a back braid that wraps around the base. Drop-down strands should be collected in a bundle and secured with hairpins.
  • As a result, 4 braids remained. They need to be wrapped around a bundle, forming a circle. At the end, weaving is fixed with varnish.

Many rubber bands serve great decoration. Weaving and braid styling is great for girls. It will be possible to decorate it with a rim or diadem, like a Greek styling. It is easy to do with your own hands, if you practice a little.

TOP 10 Bundle Options Without a Donut! Hairstyles for school every day!

air laying

With elastic bands, original easy styling for short and long hair is obtained if you use a lot of elastic bands to attach ponytails. To create it, you need a comb and varnish.

  • It is necessary to comb the strands, creating a parting.
  • Then you should select 1 strand on both sides and 1 from the center.
  • After that, they must be collected in a ponytail and fixed with an elastic band.
  • You need to create a hole in the center of the beam, and thread the tip of the strands through it.
  • Then you need to carefully pull out the strands. It is necessary to select 2 side strands, fasten them with a tail and fix with an elastic band.
  • Then the strands are pulled out of the tail.
  • Everything is done until there are no curls left. At the end, fixing with varnish is performed.

There are many beautiful styling that you can do with your own hands. There are clear tutorials for this. Even if something didn’t work out the first time, it will definitely work out the next. It is better to practice in advance with the implementation of complex styling, and then it can be performed for any life occasion. Hairstyles with rubber bands always look original. Usually they do not require additional accessories in the form of hairpins, since the rubber bands themselves are an unusual decoration.

Hairstyle From Elastic Bands for EVERY DAY TO SCHOOL with your own hands!

Rubber bands are a truly magical accessory that in a matter of minutes helps to create many different (both everyday and very elegant) hairstyles without the help of curling irons, styling products and a lot of hairpins.

To create evening options, it is better to take inconspicuous silicone rubber bands, and for creating children's and everyday hairstyles, any will do: large and small, bright and neutral, with and without decorative elements. It all depends on the purpose for which this or that installation is performed.

Simple ponytail hairstyles

The main advantage of such styling is the speed of their implementation: the process of creating a simple masterpiece from your own hair will take no more than ten minutes. They help out in cases where you need to urgently put your head in order. Options for hairstyles for a long dress are discussed in.

Silicone rubber band for medium length curls

intricate weaving with rubber bands

Having prepared eight small rubber bands (preferably silicone), they begin to create an everyday hairstyle. Let's figure it out.

  • After carefully combing the hair and lightly spraying it with a spray that facilitates combing, they divide it with a vertical straight parting into two equal parts.
  • Each half is again divided in two and four identical strands are obtained.
  • Now, from each such strand, divided in half, two tails are made with the help of small rubber bands. As a result, the entire mass of hair is divided into eight equal bundles.
  • Taking the extreme ponytail located above one of the temples, the bundle adjacent to it is freed from the elastic band and, having combined the strands, they are again pulled together with an elastic band.
  • A similar manipulation in a circle is done with the remaining tufts of hair.
  • The voluminous tail, which ended up in the hands by the end of the operation, must be threaded into the last elastic band located at the opposite temple.

The option with silicone rubber bands, merging with the color of the curls, is suitable for a fairly adult girl. If the hairstyle is designed for a child's head, you can take accessories in bright colors.

Double-sided stacking of multi-tiered tails

multi-tiered tail styling with rubber bands

  • Having performed a straight vertical parting, the hair is divided into two equal halves.
  • Now, from one half of the hair, a tail is made, consisting of six tiers. To do this, you need to perform six horizontal partings.
  • From the hair of the upper part, make a small ponytail and tighten it with an elastic band.
  • Having reached the second parting, the second strand is attached to the tail. Put on the rubber band again.
  • In a similar way - from parting to parting - create a multi-tiered tail. The last latch should be located just below the ear.
  • Strands of the second half of the hair are laid in the same way.

Made with silicone rubber bands, this hairstyle will give the look of an adult girl a touch of childish spontaneity.

In addition, on the basis of the tail, you can do This is a great option for everyday hairstyles.

Laying from inverted tails (for long curls)

tail styling inside out

  • Having combed the hair back, two small strands are separated from the upper part of the hair and pulled together with an inconspicuous rubber band into a small ponytail.
  • Slightly pulling it down, part the hair and, turning the tail, pull it into the hole formed. The latch is returned to its original position.
  • Separating a new strand from the right and left sides of the head, fix them again with an elastic band and do the same manipulation to twist the new ponytail.
  • The remaining curls, together with the inverted tail, are fastened with an elastic band at the base of the neck.

If you decorate your hair with fresh or artificial flowers, hiding the fixing elastic bands, you can get a festive styling option.

Original ponytail

ponytail with many elastic bands

  • Having collected the hair in a not too high ponytail, fix it with a strong elastic band.
  • Separating a small curl from the tail, wrap it around the elastic band, masking it under the hair.
  • The resulting tail is pulled in several places with several inconspicuous clamps, trying to place them at the same distance from each other. To add volume to the tail, you need to fluff it up by slightly pulling the hair out from under the elastic bands.

Hairstyles with braids for adult girls

Braided hairstyles will always be at the peak of youth fashion, as they are not only beautiful and able to emphasize the young age of their owners, but also extremely practical.

Fishtail braid with headband

fishtail braid

  • Having thoroughly combed the curls, they put a beautiful narrow hairdresser on the head.
  • Now the side strands must be tucked under the rim so that it is in the center of the hair roller.
  • Having straightened the loose curls, they are combed again and divided into two parts. After that, they begin to weave the fishtail braid.
  • One half of the hair must be taken in the right hand, the other half in the left.
  • Separating the outermost small strand from the right side of the hair, transfer it to left hand. The same manipulation is done with a strand separated from the left side of the hair.
  • So - strand by strand - they shift the hair from one hand to the other until all the strands get into the braid.
  • The end of the braid is fixed with an elastic band.

If you stretch the strands a little, having disheveled the weave, you can get original version openwork braid.

How to weave french braid from rubber bands, read in more detail.

Pigtail woven with rubber bands

original weaving decorated with roses

This extraordinarily spectacular braid is made without weaving hair: only with the help of silicone rubber bands. This elegant or otherwise festive event.

  • Before styling, it is advisable to straighten well-combed strands with an iron.
  • Separating two small curls from the temples, connect them at the back of the head, fixing them with an elastic band.
  • Now the strands located just below are separated from the temples and also fastened with an elastic band.
  • The tail just obtained is threaded into a hole located at the base of the tail made first.
  • Again, two temporal strands are separated and, having made a tail, thread it into the base of the higher tail.
  • Do the same with the rest of the hair. When weaving reaches the level of the neck, the strands are separated from the sides of the tail.
  • The end of the original pigtail is fixed with an elastic band. If desired, you can tie a bow over the elastic satin ribbon or braid.

So that individual hairs that have come out of the hairstyle cannot spoil it appearance, they are lightly sprinkled with varnish of medium fixation.

Video: tail styling technology

If you are tired of the usual tail, add some zest to your image. Multi-tiered styling "Bubbles" is perfect for special occasions. You can see the implementation technology in our video.

Children's hairstyles for little girls

children's hairstyle “Gossamer”

Hairstyles for little girls should be not only beautiful, but also strong enough, capable of holding on to their heads for a whole day without being disheveled. Having made one of the hairstyles we offer, every mother can be sure that the head of her little princess will remain neat until the evening.

How to make a cute headband with transparent small rubber bands

  • After carefully combing the hair, they perform a horizontal parting from one ear to the other, separate a wide strand, divide it into three parts and begin to weave a French braid-headband.
  • Having reached the opposite temple and having absorbed all the hair from the parietal zone of the head into the rim, they continue to weave an already simple three-strand pigtail for the entire length of the hair. The end of the braid is tied with an elastic band.
  • Having collected and carefully combed all the curls remaining at large, they collect them at the crown in a ponytail, attaching a newly woven pigtail to them. The tail is fixed with a strong elastic band, on top of which you can place another one - with a large decorative element.
  • The braid, which has become part of the tail, can now be dissolved, and the tail itself should be carefully combed again.
  • On both sides of the tail, two thin strands are separated and a three-strand braid is started. Due to the different thickness of the strands, it will turn out to be unusual - thin curls will wrap around the voluminous central strand.
  • The end of the braid is decorated beautiful rubber band(preferably if it is the same as the one placed at the top of the tail).

Wreath around the head with elastic bands

a wreath around the head with multi-colored rubber bands is a great hairstyle for a kindergarten

To create this hairstyle, you will need eight bright little elastic bands.

  • The special beauty of the wreath will be given by the original way of dividing the hair with a system of radial parting. To achieve this effect, first perform one straight parting, dividing the curls into two parts. Dividing each half in half, get four bunches of hair. Having fastened three of them with clamps for a while, the fourth part of the hair is divided diagonally into two triangles. With the help of elastic bands, two small ponytails are made.
  • In the same way, the remaining three parts of the curls are radially divided and, as new partings are created, ponytails are made. As a result, the small head is divided into neat triangles, and the tails are arranged in a circle.
  • Now we have to close them in a ring. To do this, pick up the tail, located above the left temple. Having removed the elastic band from the adjacent ponytail, combine both strands into one bundle and pull them together with a common elastic band.
  • Moving on to the next tail, repeat the above manipulation.
  • Having combined all the ponytails into one wreath, they decide what to do with the remaining hair. If a short ponytail remains, you can leave it free by stretching the very first bunch of hair into the elastic band. The long tail is hidden by passing through several rubber bands.

Weaving a fountain with rubber bands

This simple one is a bit like the wreath described above. To complete it, you will have to purchase thirteen beautiful rubber bands (preferably two contrasting colors so that you can alternate them).

  • To complete the fountain, the curls of the little beauty must be divided into twelve triangles, using the method described above.
  • Along with the creation of partings, small ponytails are performed, placing them around the circumference.
  • It remains only to combine all these small tufts of hair into one common tail-fountain, pulling it off with an elastic band at the crown.

Beautiful braids for short hair - step by step

pigtails, rolled into flagella

  • On a small head, with the help of rubber bands, four ponytails are made, located on both sides of a straight parting.
  • After that, they begin to weave thin braids. Weaving a pigtail, stretch its tip into an elastic band located in the next tier (on the other side of the parting).
  • The finished hairstyle is an original braid of crossed braids. It ends with two small ponytails located at the base of the neck.

hairstyle with elastic bands for girls with long hair

Hairstyles with elastic bands are real magic wands that come to the rescue in an environment of acute lack of time. A rare children's hairstyle can do without them: both everyday and festive. However, the speed and simplicity of their implementation does not mean that they cannot be elegant in a festive way. With the help of elastic bands, stylists create real masterpieces, photos of which can be found on the Web.

Picking up the girl kindergarten or school, the elders often do a neat hairstyle with an elastic band.

This does not require much time or high skill. In such models, the hair must be securely fastened so that they have a minimum of freedom.

Otherwise, the child may accidentally damage them. The most suitable hairstyles for little girls are ponytails or pigtails for medium or long curls. Short hair looks good too.

Hairstyles for hair of any length with an elastic band are very popular.

This fact is explained by the following considerations:

  • minimum time;
  • universality;
  • saving.

To do everyday styling for little girls or women of any age, expensive appliances and accessories are not required.

It is enough to have a few rubber bands, a comb, patience and a desire to get results. When there is no beautiful rubber band at hand, you can easily make it yourself.

Hair collected in a model using elastic bands will look great both in the office and in a nightclub.

An important feature of hairstyles that are formed using rubber bands is their simplicity. To put your hair in order, 12 minutes is enough.

Hairstyles of this type are easily done with your own hands, even in cases where a woman does not have any experience in this matter.

Models with elastic bands for girls and girls can be made on hair of any length. Before choosing the right styling for your image, you need to correlate it with your external data.

Here you need to have taste and measure. The quality of the curls, the outlines of the face, the shape of the auricles and other nuances affect the choice.

For a long time, the so-called stationery gum was used to fix hairstyles. Today, rubber bands are made from silicone.

The store sells two types of rubber bands:

  • ordinary;
  • spiral.

For little girls, it makes sense to stock up on products of both the first and second types. Silicone rubber bands are produced by the most different colors. Unlike other accessories, they are completely harmless to hair.

They have the necessary elasticity and do not injure the strands when used. Rubber bands are indispensable when children's hairstyles are made. Ideal for any type of hair.

How to choose rubber bands?

Hairstyles for long curls, for the most part, require a certain fixation.

For these purposes, cosmetics and special accessories are used, including silicone rubber bands.

Today, every hairdresser has in his stock a set of rubber bands of different types and colors. Every woman who does her hair with her hands knows how to use rubber bands.

When choosing rubber bands for your own needs, it must be borne in mind that medium hair very often has to be fixed in a certain position. Therefore, gum must be selected according to thickness, color and price.

The cost of quality products is higher, they will last longer. It is desirable to have a variety of colors. It is convenient to use transparent products.

Use rubber bands, put on and take off in such a way as not to harm the hair.

Hairstyles for long curls

For girls, a hairstyle with multi-colored rubber bands for long hair is easy to style on your own. You should stock up on rubber bands of the right color and in sufficient quantities in advance.

The first condition that must be met when styling with elastic bands is that children's strands must be washed and dried. Then carefully comb without disturbing the structure.

In this case, the curls are collected in a ponytail at the crown and fixed with a thick colored elastic band. The tail must be divided into 6 or 8 strands and secured with rubber bands.

Each strand is divided into two parts and connected to the adjacent half. A circle is formed at the top of the head, which must be fixed with invisibility.

In modern conditions, elegant hairstyles are very often done in last moment. The presented version is not intended for little girls.

Long curls must be combed, collected in a loose tail at the back of the head and secured with an elastic band. At the temples, you can leave loose strands that curl into large rings with a curling iron.

The hair above the elastic is divided into two parts. And in the resulting hole you need to skip the tail.

After that, the gum needs to be pulled up a little and that's it. The hairstyle is ready.

fast beam

Many years of experience convincingly show that doing the same hairstyle day after day quickly gets boring. In addition, long hair requires a lot of attention.

In order not to waste time laying a complex model, it is enough to lay the curls in a bun and fix with an elastic band.

Curls need to be collected in a ponytail at the back of the head. Then divide them above the gum into two parts, and pass the tail into the hole formed.

But not entirely, but only a part, so that a beam is formed. This beam must be fixed with invisibility.

"Spider line" for girls

Children's hair "spider web" with the use of rubber bands is easy to fit with your own hands and looks very impressive. It can be done for the holiday, and for every day.

Plus, the hair in this model is securely fixed and does not prevent the child from being active in games. Hair is not done quickly. Here it is important to observe proportions and accuracy.

The curls are divided by a circular parting into two parts. Top part at the crown is fixed in the tail. And from the lower strands, weaving a braid according to the French type begins.

In this case, one of the three strands is taken from the tail. As a result of such weaving, a cobweb is formed.

Mesh model

Many children's hairstyles using rubber bands are made according to patterns that are used for various conditions.

When the "mesh" is made to holiday event then use elastic bands of bright colors. For everyday use, modest shades are allowed.

Weaving this hairstyle begins with the separation of the strand in front of the head, above the forehead. Hair is divided into thinner strands of 4 or 6.

Each strand is fixed with a colored silicone rubber band. Then two adjacent strands are divided in half and these halves are combined into a separate strand. This is how weaving is done.

Hairstyles for strands of medium length

You can make a hairstyle using rubber bands on medium hair without much effort. The difficulty of laying is determined by the complexity of the model.

For everyday needs, it is enough to fix the ponytails with rubber bands and you can send the child to kindergarten.

When the hairstyle is being prepared for a gala event, a more rigorous approach is required to the design of the hair.

One of the models that can be assembled using only rubber bands is called a "bun". In the process of laying, you will need two dozen silicone rubber bands and a donut.

Medium hair allows you to make almost any hairstyle that is presented by stylists for all to see. Children's models with a tail serve as a clear confirmation of this.

First, the hair is collected at the crown and fixed with an elastic band in the tail. Then you need to step back from the base five to eight centimeters and fix the hair again with an elastic band, grabbing the strands from below.

And act in this way as long as the length of the hair allows. The result is a very pretty hairstyle.

When collecting a child for school or kindergarten, we often stop at braids or ponytails, since there is always time within 5 minutes for a hairstyle.

But you always get a banal classic braid or ponytail, but there is not enough time and ideas for something spectacular.

Therefore, we want to give you the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba hairstyle for 5 minutes - this is a braid of ponytails with elastic bands, in this article we will consider: a step-by-step weaving scheme, a photo, a video from YouTube, a version of a braid with elastic bands around the head, as well as various variations based on this weaving.

We suggest starting with a description and a video tutorial. Let's get started right now! You are ready?

  • Where to buy rubber bands? How much are?
  • In professional hair stores, weaving rubber bands will not work, they are of poorer quality, as well as on Aliexpress. The cost is about $ 1.5 for 350 pcs, but the price for the promotion will be lower on Aliexpress. The price in the store may vary, but you should definitely clarify that they are for hair.

    If your elastic bands are torn and burst, then use 2 pcs at once.

  • How to shoot?
  • Most the best option- this is to cut or tear the rubber bands, in this case the hair does not tear out and there is no discomfort.

    Gently pull one turn of the elastic band and tear it or cut it, then it is easy to remove the remaining elastic band.

  • How not to lose them?
  • Put them on a hair clip or mustache, so you have them all stored until you take them off. They will not get confused or crumble, as in a bag or box.

  • How to weave so that the hair does not get tangled?
  • Use water to lightly dampen your hair, or use hair wax to make it less frizzy and easier to separate. Use a tendril or clip to hold the folded ponytail.

The main advantage of such weaving is that it preserves the length of the hair, so if you weave the usual one from 3 strands, then the length will decrease several times.

Having chosen the appropriate option, we prepare the source materials: elastic bands 3-10, comb, moisturizer or wax if the hair is very electrified and sticks to the comb or hands.

Graduation time in schools and kindergartens is coming soon, and if the thought of a hairstyle causes you to panic, then our site will help you.

To create an unusual and at the same time exquisite hairstyle, weaving with lacing and hearts from hair will help you to get acquainted with them.

Before weaving

We comb the curls carefully to avoid knots or tangles. If you are used to styling your hair and treating it with foam or other styling products, do it.

We determine how our braid will be placed:

We study the scheme of execution and weaving step by step

All options will give the same result:

  • tie ponytails and stretch new ones through them;
  • wrap the next strand around the ponytail.

Do-it-yourself tail scheme

Now that the location of the braid has been chosen and the scheme is clear to you, it remains to move on to the practical part. Check again if you have prepared everything for weaving and proceed.

Weave a braid of rubber bands on the tail with our own hands:

  • tie a high or low ponytail with an elastic band;
  • divide into two identical strands (strand under the strand);
  • tie them both with rubber bands;
  • pass the bottom strand through the top;
  • pull up the rubber.

Make sure that the rubber bands are fixed at the same distance.

With beads

We offer to decorate any variation of the braid with beads, which will make even the everyday version of the hairstyle festive.

  1. We pass a silicone rubber band through the bead. Lightly pull on the edges.
  2. Now thread one loop into another to make a loop, and the rubber band itself is firmly held on the bead.
  3. Now, to create a hairstyle, we already use rubber bands with beads. We fix each strand with a bead, we fasten the rubber band, as it were, like on a button.
  4. We do this with any braid. On the finished hairstyle, we make sure that the beads are in the middle and do not move.

The video will teach you step by step how to make an exquisite decoration from ordinary silicone rubber and beads:

Now you can pamper your princess every day with a quick elastic braid or use it as an addition to an already chosen hairstyle.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair look very beautiful on any person. And no matter how old, you can do it for both children for matinees and adults. The main plus of this hairstyle is that they are absolutely harmless to the hair, and are not inferior in beauty to other hairstyles. In fact, there are a lot of options for such hairstyles. They can be used for any important events, business meetings, everyday options and even for a wedding. In addition, for the implementation of hairstyles, the length does not matter whether it is medium or long hair. Below we present you with several options for creating hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair. Hairstyles are created using small silicone rubber bands, combs and hairpins.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair video:

Hair styling with rubber bands

This is a modest and elegant hairstyle. You can make it yourself using rubber bands. It can be worn not only every day, but can be used as an evening option. You will need:

  1. Comb
  2. Rubber bands
  3. Invisibles

First, select a small part of the hair on the left and connect the same on the right and tie the tail with an elastic band. Also select the left lower part and the right part, tie with an elastic band. The strands should be medium, the effect will be much better than from large or very small ones. Next, lift the lower tail above the upper one and push it into it. Take the tail, which is located below, we begin to stretch the strands to make it seem more voluminous, repeat the work on the right. We do the same until the hair at the back of the head runs out. Tie at the end with rubber bands. We bend the remaining tail inward and pin it with hairpins. It can be used as an option for work, if for an evening event, it should be decorated with a decorative hairpin or flowers. Spray with hairspray at the end. Today, wedding hairpins and jewelry are very popular (see details about wedding hair piece).

Scythe with rubber bands

To begin with, carefully comb the hair, then separate a small part of the hair at the crown and tie it with a silicone rubber band. Now we lift this strand up and fix it with a clamp so that it does not interfere. After that, we do the same, separating the lower part. Let's take the top one, divide it into two parts, lowering it onto the lower tail, while the lower one should be sent to the top and also stabbed with a clamp. We connect our two strands with an elastic band, and now we lower the upper tail, dividing it into two parts. And so, gradually I raise, dividing and connecting, we do until your hair runs out. At the end, connect the hair with a hairpin and fluff the braid, pulling out the strands one by one. After giving airiness, fix with varnish. By the same principle, you can make two beautiful lush braids. To do this, you need to divide the hair into parting.

Wedding hairstyle with rubber bands

We comb the hair and separate it from one side and the other along the middle strand, connecting it into a ponytail. From the hair under the tail on the left, select a strand and twist through the tail. And so we repeat 3 times. Then on the right side we do the same. Let's fluff up the bundles a little to give a little lightness and volume to the hairstyle. Then we make such a ponytail from below and alternately tighten 3 strands into it from both sides. Continue until the hair runs out. If you need extra volume , pull it out with a comb . Now sprinkle with varnish and give the correct shape to the hairstyle with a clip. Leave a couple of minutes in this position, sprinkle a little more with varnish and, when removing, you will see that the hair has repeated the shape of the hairpins. Fix your hair with hairspray again.

Wedding hairstyle video tutorial

Hairstyle with elastic bands for medium hair - "Mermaid"

We separate, as usual, the strands on both sides and connect them into a tail. Then we make the same tail below the first. Then we twist them together 3 times, getting a flagellum. We tighten the elastic bands at the base, dissolve the flagella to create volume. We leave these ponytails, create new ones, twist them together, as close as possible, pulling the ponytails to each other. Continue until the hair runs out. At the end, fix the result with varnish.

Video tutorial hairstyles "Mermaid"



We connect the tail, on both sides, twist it and pull it up, then give it lightness. We also draw out the upper hair to create additional volume . Twisting the tail again, you should get a bow. Fasten with an elastic band at the bottom. We take the lower parts of the hair and also tie it, twist it, give lightness to the hairstyle, twist it a second time, getting a bow and fixing it with an elastic band. Thus, we make the last bow, and tie the rest of the hair into a ponytail, and leave it. Finish with hairspray.

Video lesson hairstyles with elastic bands "Bows"
