How to weave a heart out of rubber bands on a slingshot. How to make a heart out of Rainbow Loom rubber bands step by step on a small machine. Weaving beautiful hearts from elastic bands according to photo and video lessons

Remove one row from the machine - you will not need it. Also remove the extra columns so that it turns out as shown in the figure below.

Start by preparing one elastic band and wind it around the hook in four turns.

Throw the resulting loop on the column of the far row and on the opposite.

Pull the right end of the upper loop on the machine and transfer it to the adjacent ledge.

On the reverse side, do the same.

Pass the hook through the middle of the knot, throw another iris over it and pull it out.

Transfer both received loops to the third columns as shown in the figure.

Remove layers from the central opposite columns.

Pass the hook through the knot and throw one layer of rubber bands on the tip.

Pull it through the knot and put it on two opposite central columns.

Take one iris, twist it two turns on your fingers and put it on three columns of the row closest to you at once.

Twist one more round circle with a figure eight and throw one part on the three protrusions of the near row, and the second on the three protrusions of the far one.

The next circle is twisted in two turns and put on two opposite ledges on the left.

The next iris, twisted in the same way, is put on the opposite ledges on the right.

Now we are interested in a layer that is stretched over all the columns and intersects in the center of the figure.

Start the hook on the right from the inside and grab one row, which creates a crosshair.

You take it out and throw it off the central column inward.

Throw off the same layer from the left corner ledge.

Do the same with the right and left ledge at the top.

Put two irises on the left pins of the machine. In the same way, put on a pair of blanks on the right pins.

The light layer, which is closer to us and covers all three lower bases, is thrown off to the center.

To do this, grab it and move it to the middle.

Now work with the extreme corner posts that are closer to you, which now have six rubber bands.

First, grab the two middle layers and move them to the center of the structure. Do the same with the other pair.

In the same way, do this operation with the rightmost ledge.

Turn the machine over and repeat the same steps with the opposite extreme ledges.

Turn the machine again front side towards you and put on one layer on the first three ledges of the row closest to you.

You continue to weave the next elastic band, twisting in the form of a figure eight and put one part on the three protrusions of the first row, and the second on three opposite ones.

Put on one iris on the side ledges.

As you did before, grab the crosshair layer with right side and continue to weave, transferring it to the middle.

Similarly, discard this layer from the pins of the machine from the extreme upper and lower protrusions.

As a result, you should get such a design of rubber bands.

Now throw the middle layer to the center using a hook.

Now pay attention to the side ledges, each of which has five layers.

Pull the central elastic band and throw it to the center.

Then transfer the double bottom one to the center as well.

Do the same with the right ledge.

Turn over the base of the machine and continue to weave in the same way, moving a single, and then a double layer from both extreme ledges.

Again, turn the base of the machine with the front side facing you.

Please note that there are four layers of elastic bands on the central ledge. Pry off the bottom pair and bring it to the middle.

Do the same with the opposite column.

You hook the left bottom pair with outside and take it inside.

With the extreme right ledge, do exactly the same. Repeat these steps for the opposite extreme pins.

As a result, on the machine you should get such a workpiece.

Now take three blanks and put them on, without twisting, on the right and left opposite pins.

Now take two pieces of rubber bands and put them on but the side protrusions of the extreme opposite pins.

You are now almost done with your heart shaped rubber band keychain.

Remove two layers from the left and right columns and, turning them over in the form of a figure eight, put them on the middle pin.

Turn over the base of the machine and repeat the same steps again.

Turn the base of the machine over again and put a ring of a different color on the two central columns.

Now under the blue layer you have six rows on each side.

You must transfer these layers to the center. You are unlikely to be able to capture everything at once, so we advise you to transfer two layers of rubber bands.

In the same way, you throw off the rows from the opposite side.

Attach both loops to the hook of blue color and remove the workpiece from the machine.

From this blue pair thrown over, make a loop.

To do this, slip one end of the loop inside the other and tighten it tighter.

That's all! Now you know how to make a keychain in the form of a heart on the machine.

See the video at the beginning of this weaving method for more details.

As you can see, quite a lot of columns are involved in order to quickly and conveniently make such a keychain. However, for enthusiasts and people with weaving experience, below we will give two more video tutorials, according to which this craft can be woven on a fork and on a slingshot.

The most, perhaps, the most romantic and touching day of the year will come very soon. Valentine's Day. And on this holiday we give our loved ones valentines. Today we will do heart- from latex rubber.

We will need rubber bands in three colors. You can take any you like. Now we will take pink, lilac and white rubber bands.

We will also need a hook.

Weave rubber heart we will only use a hook, we do not need any machine.

So, we throw two pink ones on the hook, then twist them and put them on again.

That is, on the hook we should form four loops.

We remove all the rubber bands from the hook onto a pair of pink rubber bands.

Here we use pink rubber bands all the time.

Now we skip the hook into the very first pair of rubber bands. It forms a ring at the very bottom.

And now we move the four right loops and collect a chain of three pairs, only through the left rubber bands on the hook.

Insert the hook into the ring again and repeat the previous row. With the fourth pair, we again connect the weave.

Again we dive into the ring with a hook and pass through it already two pairs. We connect the third.

We repeat one more time.

Now we just skip one pair of rubber bands through the loops on the hook.

Weave three more rows, passing two pairs through the left rubber bands and the third pair through everything.

We have four loops on the hook, we will collect a chain of two pairs through them.

We skip the hook to the center (ringlet) and draw one pair through all the rubber bands.

We make a knot and weave it in the back into any loops so that it is not visible. The middle of the rubber heart is ready.

In this circle, we work with lilac rubber bands.

We put the hook into the central hole (ringlet) and draw one pair of lilac rubber bands through it.

Weave a chain of three pairs.

Insert the hook into the same loop and repeat the row two more times.

We will also weave through the next loop, only we will insert the hook into the same loop three times.

Through the next loop, insert the hook twice.

Through the next two loops we will draw a hook one time.

Now we collect a chain of two pairs. This is necessary so that the lower part of the heart is sharper.

We introduce the hook into the same loop and pass one pair through it. With another pair we will connect all the rubber bands.

Through the fourth we knit three times, and through the third also three times.

That is, on the right side we do the same as on the left.

At this stage, when we have two loops left to the center, we collect a chain of three pairs.

Insert the hook into the center of the heart and draw one pair through all the loops on the hook. We make a knot.

We have to make a white frill.

We pass one white elastic band through the central hole. And we form a tight knot out of it.

We put the hook into the next half-loop (behind the back wall of the loop) and draw one elastic band through it. There should be 3 loops on the hook. Let's draw the left one through all the rest. And now insert the hook into the next loop and repeat.

Here is such an openwork and tender heart obtained from rubber bands!

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The use and application of multi-colored elastic bands is very wide and popular. They are used for weaving a variety of accessories and figures, as well as for the manufacture of entire compositions. Many of you have already heard or even wove bracelets from elastic bands. In our article, we will introduce readers to such an interesting and unusual weaving as a heart made of rubber bands. We will talk about weaving figures, both with and without a loom.

How to weave a heart out of elastic bands using a slingshot: a master class

To form one heart, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Special slingshot;
  • Hook for weaving;
  • Twenty-six elastic bands.

To weave an elastic heart, you can use rubber bands of the same color or make it rainbow and multi-colored. So, first you need to take one latex rubber band and wind it in three turns on the right side of the slingshot. Count ten rubber bands and continue your weaving figures. The first pair of elastic material must be placed on a special slingshot. Next, crochet off all the elastic bands from the right arc of your slingshot.

Take the next batch of rubber bands and place on the posts of your slingshot. After that, use the hook to remove the rubber bands from the left and right sides of your slingshot. Lower down the arcs of the slingshot those elastic bands that you have already formed into weaving. Then place a few more elastic bands on the machine. After that, discard the rubber bands from two columns. Next, you need to repeat throwing two elastic bands on the columns and throwing them.

Move the formed braid of elastic bands forward and take it by the very tip. Using a loop, throw this tip onto the right column. Move the rubber band behind the back of the slingshot. Again, take ten elastic bands for weaving. Throw the first pair on the right side of the loom. Remove the next loop on the left side, lower the entire structure a little lower. Now place the next pair of rubber bands on the slingshot. Remove a pair and place the next elastic bands again. Move the rubber bands from the right side of the machine to the left side.

In that part of the finished weaving that hangs on the loom, you need to find the first loop of elastic and insert a hook into it. Pull this loop firmly over the right column of the slingshot and remove all weaving from the loom. Your elastic heart is now complete.

We make a heart out of elastic bands without using a machine: features of weaving

Of particular interest are always techniques where there is no need to use special machines, so you can weave a heart out of elastic bands without a machine, which will become an excellent keychain.

Without using the machine, you, of course, will not get a voluminous heart, as in the master class described above, but such a craft will be an excellent start in mastering a new popular technique.

First you need to figure out how many rubber rings you need to make such a pendant. They can be immediately laid out in front of you, so as not to get confused in the order of priority. So, you need one rubber band, eight times two, then two times two singles, three more singles separately, again eight times two, and one more for closing.

To form this product, you only need a hook, with which you will weave. It is necessary to place an elastic band on it, making three turns. Now the pair of elastic bands must be hooked and lowered three turns on them. Leave two "ears" on the hook. Then remove the next pair again and leave new "ears" on the hook. This must be done with all the paired rings that you have prepared in advance.

In the case of such weaving, this technique will resemble the creation of an ordinary bracelet from an elastic material. However, in this manufacturing option, the weaving will not be located in a circular direction, but wrap and create our heart from rubber bands.

A selection of thematic video for the article

Let's take a look at a few interesting videos on the topic of the article. In the proposed material, you can find a visual demonstration of the process of weaving hearts from elastic bands with your own hands. You will be able to understand the main stages of the work on the formation of the product. Happy viewing and learning.

Silicone rubber bands have recently become very popular. Absolutely everything is woven from them: bracelets, key chains, various figurines and much, much more. In today's article, we invite you to consider detailed master class on weaving cute and charming hearts from rubber bands.

There are several ways to weave rubber bands: on a loom, with a hook, on a special slingshot.

Of course, it is most convenient to weave from high-quality material and on special equipment - on a machine, but if it is not difficult for you to find the material itself, since there are numerous fairly high-quality Chinese fakes on the market today, then there may be problems with the equipment. That is why we suggest that you consider the method of weaving hearts without a loom and other specialized tools. And for greater clarity, at the end of the article will be provided detailed videos basic styles of weaving: loom, crochet and slingshot.

With a hook

The most affordable option is crocheting, though volumetric figure you will not succeed, but such hearts are very cute. For example, from such hearts you can weave an original bracelet or keychain.

But before you get started, there are a few simple rules to consider:

  1. When choosing rubber bands, try to choose the smallest, with a minimum diameter, otherwise your hearts will turn out sloppy.
  2. The hook should be as comfortable as possible for you, preferably with a silicone handle and a suitable size.
  3. For this work, you will need two hooks.

Completing of the work:

  1. We put one elastic band on the hook and wrap two more times around it. Thus, we get three loops.

  1. Then we put on two elastic bands and stretch them through the previous three loops.

  1. Thus, we should get the following.

  1. We take the next elastic band and put it on the hook.

  1. We stretch through it the next two loops.

  1. We put on the hook the extreme elastic band of the double loop, and then the loop of the stretched elastic band. More details are shown in the photo below.

  1. In the same way we put on another 8 rubber bands.

  1. Now it's the turn for the second hook, on which we drag all our loops. This is necessary for weaving the second half of our heart, for weaving which we repeat everything from the 2nd step.

This is how we should end up with it.

  1. Next, we need to connect these two halves. For clarity, the photo used an elastic band of a different color. We stretch the elastic band of lilac color through the first six loops and fix it on the finger.

  1. From the remaining loops we separate 6. We cross the first three with each other and the last three. We do all this without removing the loops from the tool.

  1. We move the first three loops to a lilac elastic band.

Interested in making jewelry out of rainbow loom bands? Read how to weave a heart out of elastic bands, as well as a bracelet called "Angel Heart". These products look very cute and romantic. They will help you emphasize individuality and simply attract attention.

Accessory options with hearts

If you are thinking about how to weave a heart out of rubber bands, then you probably decided to make a romantic accessory for yourself or prepare a gift for someone on Valentine's Day. It is worth immediately identifying two types of products - those that are woven from volumetric hearts, and those where this element is built in the form of a pattern obtained by weaving rubber bands in a special way. The first way you can make such accessories:

  • keychain;
  • pendant;
  • bracelet;
  • hair band;
  • ring;
  • earrings.

The second method is used mainly to weave only bracelets, although option is suitable and to create a ringlet and a rim.

Materials and tools

Before learning how to weave a heart out of rubber bands, check out the list of what you will need, prepare everything at once and start following step by step instructions. So, you will need the following:

  • Rubber bands of one or more colors.
  • Hook (special or regular knitting).
  • Slingshot, machine or alternative tools (homemade tools or just your own fingers).

How to weave an angel's heart out of rubber bands or an ordinary heart-pendant, choose for yourself. The bracelet is easily made with a slingshot. A machine with two columns is also suitable. Weaving on the fingers is possible, but some actions are not very convenient to perform with one hand when the other is used as a working tool.

How to weave an angel heart rubber band bracelet (getting started)

This is an ornament consisting of a chain openwork hearts, is not very difficult to implement. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Put on both columns of the slingshot an elastic band of color No. 1, crossing it with a figure eight.
  2. Put the second elastic band of color #2 on both horns, without twisting, like all subsequent ones.
  3. Drop the first elastic band from the left column through the top to the middle.
  4. Move the top band from right to left.
  5. Slide another color #2 elastic over both horns without crossing over.
  6. Remove the lower loop from the right column through the top to the middle.
  7. Transfer the top loop from the left column to the right.
  8. Slip color #1 elastic over both horns.
  9. Drop loops from each horn along the top elastic band of color No. 2 to the middle.
  10. Slip color #2 elastic over both horns. From this moment on, a sequence of steps will follow, which will be repeated in the future until the desired length of the bracelet is obtained.

Pattern template in weaving a bracelet

The sequence below from steps 1 to 8 is repetitive:

  1. Throw off the bottom loop from the left column to the middle, and then transfer the top loop from the right to the left.
  2. Slip another color #2 elastic over both horns.
  3. Throw off the bottom loop from the right column through the top to the middle, and then transfer the top loop from the left to the right.
  4. Put on both horns an elastic band of color No. "1.
  5. Throw off the top loop of color No. 2 from the left column to the middle.
  6. Through the next loop of color #2, pull the hooked lower elastic band of color #1 and also slip it to the middle.
  7. Now you need to do the same with the right column. Throw off the top loop to the middle, and pull the bottom loop through the previous elastic band and throw off also to the middle.
  8. Put on both horns again the elastic band of color No. 2.
  9. Throw off the lower elastic band of color No. 2 on the left horn to the middle, and also transfer the top elastic band of color No. 2 from the right to the left. We can assume that you know how to weave an angel heart rubber band bracelet. After all, this step is already a similar course of a repeating sequence of actions.

When you finish braiding to the required length, you need to fasten the bracelet. Throw off the lower loops from both columns to the middle through the top. Put on both horns an elastic band of a suitable color in sequence. Remove the lower loops again towards the middle, and transfer the remaining upper loop from the right column to the left. Stretch a pair of elastic bands from the left column to both and carefully put on the clip-lock. Fasten the second part of the clasp at the beginning of the bracelet.

The product has been completed.

Your product is double sided. If you used a contrasting color scheme, then the sequence of hearts and the weaving of the middle part are clearly visible in the pattern. To master the principle of weaving and remember the sequence of steps, you can make the first bracelet from identical rubber bands. You will learn how to weave an "Angel Heart" from rubber bands, remember the steps, and then you can already use two color shades, but it will be easier to weave when you do not have to look at the instructions at every step. You will clearly understand which gum that forms - a heart or a middle, so you can even combine hearts in one bracelet different shades, for example, two through two identical with a contrasting middle.

How to weave an angel's heart without a slingshot

If you do not have the specified device, you can completely do without it. If you have a machine, it is enough to use two columns from your design. If this tool is not available, but you still want to make a bracelet, you can try to make it right on your fingers. The middle and index are used on the left hand if you work with the right. Another option is to make a semblance of a slingshot yourself. You can take a plastic disposable fork and remove the middle two prongs, or assemble a tool from felt-tip pens or any other rods or sticks.

How to weave a heart figurine from rubber bands

The instructions below are for weaving using only a hook. It's quite convenient and fast. When choosing rubber bands for weaving, buy the smallest diameter and even ones, otherwise the figure may turn out to be sloppy. If you can’t weave a heart out of rubber bands on a loom in any way, then you can definitely master the crochet option.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Put the first elastic on the hook and wrap around it an additional two times. You get three loops.
  2. Take the next two rubber bands and thread them into the rings on the hook, removing them from the tool. Put the second ends of the paired rubber bands on the hook as well.
  3. The right pair of loops is still not involved. Work on the left side. To make it, you need seven rubber bands.
  4. Take the first one and thread it through the left pair on the hook, removing it from the tool.
  5. Put the left loop from the first pair back on the hook, and then the left end of the working elastic band.
  6. Take the next elastic band and thread it through the two leftmost loops, removing them from the hook, then repeat the sequence from the previous step.
  7. Repeat the previous step with five more rubber bands. For each half of the heart, seven pieces are used.
  8. Take the second hook and carefully place all the elastic bands on it one by one.
  9. Turn the hook over and weave the second half of the heart in the same way as the first of the seven elastic bands.
  10. Take another elastic band and throw the leftmost six loops on it. Slip both ends of the elastic band over the finger of your left hand.
  11. Of the next six rubber bands, swap the left three with the right ones, that is, going to the right.
  12. Throw the three elastic bands transferred to the left onto the right loop located on the finger.
  13. Take another elastic band and thread through the remaining loops on the hook on the right.
  14. Fasten the resulting four loops to get a keychain.

Heart bracelet

Do you want to know another way to weave a rubber band bracelet? Heart made to order previous section, can be used as the main element. It is beautiful to apply it in one copy in the center of a woven thin bracelet.

Another option is a strip of repeating similar hearts. To do this, you need to continue weaving the next heart on the remaining four loops according to the instructions above. Weave the desired number of hearts to the appropriate length of the bracelet, install the clip and you can try on.

So, you have learned how to weave a heart out of elastic bands and very beautiful romantic bracelets. Create an effective set original jewelry for yourself and your friends.