Easy ways to teach kids to count. Score is fun and easy! How easy is it to teach a child to count in his mind? How to teach a child to solve examples up to 20

When the first steps of mathematical science have been completed, the basic knowledge of the first ten digits has been mastered, it's time to start teaching the preschooler to add and subtract numbers of the second order. If the baby is already fluent in single digits and can work with the first ten, distinguishes what is more and what is less, knows the composition of the number, then further learning will not be difficult.

The most important requirement is to understand mathematics. Do not memorize numbers like a rhyme, do not count on your fingers and do not peep into your neighbor's notebook. Understanding is the basis of knowledge.

Correct base

Unfortunately, many parents teach their children to count to 20 too quickly, without instilling in them an understanding of the essence of numbers. Such children often, after being asked to count to 20, get confused in the numbers and skip them. In this case, there can be no question of solving mathematical examples, because the child does not know how to count. He only memorized the word order mechanically.

In this case, parents should help their baby learn to count and place special emphasis on the first ten natural numbers.

It is the help of parents in teaching a preschooler that plays a major role. It will not be possible to transfer their powers to teachers and tutors - both of them will give homework that needs to be done at home. Otherwise, knowledge that is not supported by practice will soon be forgotten.

If the kid is in no way interested in understanding numerals, refuses to count the ill-fated sticks and dashes, interest him.

You can use several simple and proven methods to get your child interested at first and start instilling knowledge in him in a playful and everyday manner.

  1. Let your child understand that life is indispensable without knowledge of the account. Explain where mathematics is needed, for what, in what area. For example, building houses - the need to calculate distances so that the houses are even and strong, or correctly calculate the proportions for mixing the concrete mixture, or, for example, how many pills you need to drink in order to stop getting sick and not get poisoned, etc.
  2. Count everything in a row: steps in the entrance, pigeons, passers-by, benches, sweets, windows in houses, clouds. Count together with the baby, do not be silent and call the numbers. With practice, the child will quickly memorize.
  3. Play spies and find the hidden figure. When reading a book or magazine with your toddler, name a certain number and ask your child to look for it on the open page.
  4. Learning to compare. Take sweets, nuts, buttons or small toys, put them in two piles with different amounts of content and compare. Recalculate and determine which is more and which is less. Having taught to distinguish numbers in the order “more - less”, you can teach a preschooler to answer the questions: “How much more / less is this number?”.
  5. Learn to understand forward and backward counting. You can use number blocks or cards, shuffle them, and challenge your child to put them in the correct order.
  6. Guessing game. Think of a number from 1 to 10 and ask your child to guess it in 3 or 5 attempts. When he speaks, orient him in the direction of "more" and "less" and then reward him for diligence.

Educational games awaken excitement and interest in learning new things. They are the best way to instill in your child the desire to learn and explore the world.

Counting and solving examples up to 20

When the count to 10 has been mastered and the child has become fluent in the first ten digits, it is time to move on to a new stage and learn two-digit numbers, count examples within 20.

Memorize numbers

In order for the child to memorize the sequence of numbers well, it is best to use 20 identical objects (this will make it possible to clearly explain everything to the baby) or, again, cards with numbers.

In two rows in the amount of 10 pieces we lay out objects or cards. The first line is the first ten, and the second line is the second ten.

It will look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

We explain to the child that there is a similarity in numbers after 10. By visualizing numbers and tens in this way, you will help your child remember their sequence and names more effectively. We see the number 11 - we say "one" and add the ending "11". We do the same with other two-digit numbers - “thirteen”, “fifteen”, “sixteen”, etc.

Work with the child to repeat until he remembers the names of the numbers.

Solving examples

Before proceeding with solving examples and learning within twenty, a preschooler must understand such concepts as "tens" and "units". For the initial stage of learning, you can use cubes, sticks, or try to learn from the abacus, and then teach the baby to count in his mind. At the age of 5 or 6, he should be able to count without the help of fingers or other foreign objects.

For the first lessons, it is better to use such exercises for children in which you do not need to perform calculations with the transition through a dozen. Examples are suitable where all mathematical operations occur with a whole ten or tens and with a certain number of units that are added or subtracted.

That is, a dozen is the basis of the entire example.

Place the cubes, sticks, or other items you are working with in order, 10 in number. Explain to the kid that this is a dozen. Then ask them to add a few more items to this number, let's say 4. Say: "Ten plus four equals fourteen." After you have taught your child to add, make up examples with subtraction in a similar way, for example:

13-10=3 etc.

The next stage is calculations with the transition through a dozen. Such examples are given to the guys a little more difficult. Here you will need knowledge not only of whole tens and individual units, but also a general idea of ​​the composition of a single number.

  • What is the number 3? From 1 and 2, or 1 and 1 and 1.
  • What is 7? This is 1+6= 2+5= 1+1+1+4 etc.

Do the same with all the numbers that the child knows, disassemble them into their component parts. Then it is good to apply this knowledge in solving examples.

Let's take an example:

We decompose the second term into two component numbers so that when added to the first term we get ten, and then we add the remainder:

4+(6+3)= 10+3=13 i.e. 4+9= 13

Let's consolidate our knowledge with a few more examples:

5+(5+2)= 10+2= 12

8+(2+7)= 10+7= 17

In the same way, you can solve examples with subtraction:

16-(6-1)= 10-1= 9

13-(3-5)= 10-5= 5

That is, in order to make a calculation, we decompose the second term in such a way that when subtracting from the first term we get a ten, and then subtract the remaining number.

It is also convenient to show the baby work with addition and subtraction in a column. In such examples, tens and ones are more clearly visible, what to add or subtract with.

Finally, a few tips for parents.

  • During math classes, be patient with your little student and do not get annoyed by his misunderstanding, and even more so do not shout.
  • Do not put pressure on the child and do not force him to study if he does not want to. Let him go, because he still will not concentrate. And next time, figure out how to get him interested in classes.
  • Control the time of classes, do not keep the baby for hours to solve the example. One lesson should last 10-20 minutes. Children quickly lose concentration, and long-term activities can not be called effective.
  • At your leisure between times, constantly train with your baby. When you cut the cake, count how many pieces you got, when you set the table, count the number of guests and ask them to bring the right number of plates, etc.

The main thing is that a calm environment, patience and parental love one day will still give a positive result. Do not compare yourself to others, but take care of your child. Remember that all children are different and everyone needs an individual approach.

From the age of three or even two years, parents begin to think - how to teach a child to read and count? The fact is that it is during this period that babies become the most inquisitive and positively perceive the desire of adults to teach them something, new knowledge falls on fertile ground - children quickly assimilate new information and begin to actively use it in their games and communication with others. the world. However, it is not so easy to explain to a child the principles of counting, the basic principles of geometry and orientation in space. The child may skip some numbers, or swap them without understanding the logic of the count. This is because the memory of the little man is arranged in such a way that they remember only what interested them, frightened or delighted them.

In psychology, certain age periods are distinguished when it is correct to master some principles of counting with a child:

  • at the age of two, the child is able to carry out ordinal counting, that is, to count objects in turn from one to ten;
  • at the age of three or four, children learn to count consciously, group objects, divide, etc.;
  • when the age reaches four or five years, the ability to count in the mind is formed and children become capable of understanding abstract concepts.

If parents adhere to age characteristics, then it will be much easier to teach counting.

The task of parents is to make the learning process as interesting as possible for children, in this case, the development of the principles of mathematics will be easy and imperceptible.

Mental Counting Principles

At a younger preschool age, parents begin to wonder: how to teach a child to count in his mind? Psychologists and educators have developed several rules and exercises, the use of which will quickly teach children to count in the mind.

The basis on which the development of new knowledge should be built is the child's readiness for exercises with a mathematical bias, the fascination of classes, their frequency. It is possible to simply teach a child to count in the mind in stages, keeping the sequence of exercises:

  1. Before starting training, it is necessary to explain to the baby the concepts of “more” and “less”. For example, when reading books, pay his attention to the drawings - which objects are depicted more, which colors are less, etc.
  2. Use the concept of "equally" in games. Ask your child to share items among family members or peers equally.
  3. This is the right time to start learning addition and subtraction. At the same time, use well-known objects: fruits, toys, sticks. At 3-4 years old, the baby should understand that when adding objects, it turns out more, and when subtracting, less.
  4. Also, using known objects, show that if you swap them, the total number will not change.
  5. Continue counting up to 10. Show different types of addition and subtraction within this number. Double-digit numbers will come later - when the child is easily oriented in single-digit numbers.
  6. Ruler - will help to teach counting in the mind. Use your fingers to put off steps on it and show the child. Subsequently, the ruler will become an indispensable assistant at school.
  7. Learn in the format of the game - memorization will not give the desired effect, but will provoke a negative attitude towards learning after a while.
  8. At this stage, the baby should understand the principles of the order of counting, i.e. how much it was at the beginning, how much was then added or taken away, and how much it turned out in the end. Try to wean from addition and subtraction on the accounts, or the use of objects as a visual aid and strives to teach how to carry out these operations in the mind.

Learning to count can be carried out by parents in any situation: during the game, walking, or when an adult is doing household chores.

You don't have to use numbers - count everything you see, for example: how many trees do you see? Or, after dinner, ask a question: how many plates do you see on the table?

Counting exercises

  1. Learning to count within 10

At home, you can play the following games with your child:

  • Teach the basics of finger counting by introducing your child to the numbers up to five. However, remember that it is easy to teach it, but it is much more difficult to unlearn it. Many children up to grade 5 count using their fingers, which negatively affects their further development. To subsequently wean the baby from this simple method of counting, use special techniques developed by psychologists and teachers.
  • Draw or find pictures with objects depicted on them in an amount of from one to five pieces, do not show the numbers to the baby yet - this can confuse him. Mastering new knowledge using pictures is considered the most effective method when children are under three years old.
  • Watch developing cartoons and programs together - there is a specialized program and video on the Internet that use various techniques and techniques for mastering the account.
  • You can teach addition and subtraction on the abacus - in toy stores there are colorful and interesting options for children.
  • Read rhymes for little ones that include counting and other mathematical tricks.
  • Well, do not forget in any free time and at any time to use the opportunity to count the objects around you together with the baby.

  1. Learning to count to twenty

The field of how the baby has mastered counting on fingers up to five and numbers up to ten, and does not “float” in their sequence, you can start learning to count up to twenty by using the following methodology:

  • First of all, explain to the child that the next numbers after 10 consist of two digits. Explain that the first digits represent tens and the second digits represent ones.
  • Take two containers or boxes. In one, put a two-digit number (for example, 12 or 13) of objects familiar to the child, and in the other several units or one object. This technique will allow children to visually see the difference.
  • Explain that units always follow one another - first 11, then 12, 13, etc.
  • After the baby understands the basics of counting to twenty and adheres well to the sequence of numbers, give him tasks to strengthen the acquired skill: for example, ask him to serve you 12 forks, or collect 15 berries.
  1. Learning to count to one hundred

When the baby enters the senior preschool age (4-6 years), you can teach counting up to one hundred.

  • First, tell about the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40 and further up to 100, which is only nine tens. Explain that 10 to 20, 20 to 30, etc. there are still units, give examples.
  • Learn one ten every day. At the end of the day - repeat, first using any available items. If absorption is poor, return to the beginning of your studies.
  • Do not forget about educational games - when most of the numbers are mastered, write the numbers in a row one by one, skipping one. The child's task is to find him.
  • Be sure to praise! Try not to use the phrases “you are doing it badly”, “you are not capable”, etc. Do your best to keep a positive motivation for learning.

Mathematics is the queen of sciences

Do not forget that mathematics is not limited to addition and subtraction. In the third, fifth grade, children begin to be introduced to other rules of mathematics - multiplication and division, as well as the basics of geometry - they are taught to distinguish between various geometric shapes, to distinguish longer or shorter ones, which are smaller or larger, etc. Parents who want to independently, before the child enters the first grade, teach him the basics of mathematics, must adhere to several rules:

  1. To begin with, determine the time for conducting classes: firstly, you need to study at least 30 minutes a day, and secondly, the duration of one of your “lessons” should be no more than 10-15 minutes, so as not to overwork those who are not yet ready for an active brain baby activities. This can provoke a negative attitude towards the subject, which may manifest itself later, when the child goes to the first grade.
  2. Regular repetition of the material covered in the context of new exercises. This means that you should not just memorize - if you have mastered 2 + 2, return to this when you work out the length or width of the segments.
  3. In the case when you notice that the baby does not cope well with the task, or he does not understand you - do not persist, it is better to return to simpler tasks and after a while use more complex examples again. Adjust to children's thinking, it is significantly different from the thinking of an adult. First, they get used to new knowledge, then understanding comes, and only then - the information is remembered.

We consider a column

It is necessary to carry out addition and subtraction in a column when these actions are impossible or difficult to perform in the mind.

It is necessary to start learning to count in a column with an explanation of how single-digit and multi-digit numbers are obtained, how they should be written. Then show that actions with numbers are carried out bit by bit - ones with ones, tens with tens, etc.

When adding numbers that form a sum of more than 10, the baby may have difficulty. Let's say you need to add 12 and 29. 9 + 2 = 11 - explain to the child that when writing down one unit, the second must be left "in the mind" in order to then add to the sum of the next column of numbers, i.e. 1 + 2 = 3 and + 1 (which was "in the mind"), the total is 4 in the first column and 1 in the second, i.e. the sum of 12 and 29 is 41. If the baby is left "in the mind", it turns out badly, you can write these numbers over the first column.

The road will be mastered by the walking one!

If you are thinking about how to teach your child to count quickly, you are in for a difficult and long job. In the classroom, classes can be tedious, and many children do not absorb the material well and begin to fall behind, unable to cope with the load.

It is you who can form a craving for learning, an interest in mathematics and lay the foundations of practical thinking.

Let you have a development program for your baby - make learning a game, use developing materials, create comfortable conditions and your baby will go to first grade with positive motivation and a desire to learn new things.

Olga Artemova
How to teach a child to count to 20 and tens

The main reception of the account within 20.

Before proceeding with the explanation of the algorithm, it is necessary to prepare the ground - to focus child on that knowledge that he will need.

We study the numbers of the second ten

Prepare sets of identical items - up to 20 pieces. Suggest child count ten objects and put them in a row from left to right, as we write in a notebook.

Explain to the child that ten is another ten, or "twenty".

play with ten- put another object on the first row and tell that it is one - or a unit. We put "one" on "twenty", so one" on "twenty" - it will be eleven.

We select a number, correlate it with a given quantity - put it next to it.

Do the same with different numbers, build the rows "two - by - twenty", "three - by - twenty" and so on, until child will not understand the principle of forming numbers from 10 to 20.

We learn the algorithm for the formation of hundreds

Posting ten sticks, remember what it is ten or"twenty".

We lay out the second row and say that this is two "twenty", that is, twenty.

In the number "Twenty" twenty ones or two ten– this must be understood. Don't forget to select the appropriate numbers.

Similarly, we form the number 30 (40, 50, 60, 70, 80 - in order, not in one day).

We compose the numbers 40 and 90 in turn, but focus on child that these numbers have unusual names - forty and ninety. They need to be remembered.

Eventually, child must understand the rule Dozens count exactly the same, as well as units, but with the prefix "twenty".

When the baby learns the number (10, the name and composition of the number 10, dozens must be tied in bundles. Together with as a child, count 10 sticks and"pack" them. In what follows, you will use the term " dozen", Not counting sticks.

You: TWO…

Child: …TWENTY!


Child: …TWENTY


For mental counting, it is useful to add and subtract numbers according to dozens: four ten plus two tens, we get six dozens.

In addition, the account dozens(10, 20, 30 - up to a hundred and vice versa) increase number recognition and improve orientation child in such terms, How tens and hundreds.

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With admission to primary school, a change in the main activity of the child occurs: more and more time is now occupied by educational activities. Much attention during this period begins to be given to teaching oral counting. And in this matter, the actions of the teacher and the parent should be the same: if the child is required to be able to count in the mind in a lesson, but this process is not controlled at home, then the skill will take a very long time to form.

How to develop the skill of oral counting?

Many teachers do not recommend, because with this method they do not strive to remember the result, because the necessary tool is always nearby. And if there are not enough fingers during the counting, then the child will experience difficulty.

It is undesirable to constantly apply sticks to find the result. Working with large numbers, the child can get confused and come to the wrong decision. Of course, it will not be possible to completely ignore these methods, but it is better to use them to explain the material, and not constantly. Gradually reducing their use, you need to come to the skill of mental counting.

It is based on three components:

  1. Capabilities: a child, in order to learn to count in his mind, must first develop the ability to concentrate attention and remember several things at the same time.
  2. Knowledge of fast counting algorithms and the ability to choose the most effective in a particular situation.
  3. Constant training , which will automate the solution of complex problems and improve the speed and quality of the calculation.

The last component is the main one, but the importance of the first two should not be underestimated: knowing a convenient algorithm and having the necessary mathematical skills, you can quickly solve the necessary example.

The development of mental counting skills in younger students is based on two types of activities:

  1. Speech - before performing an action, the child first says it out loud, then in a whisper, and then to himself. For example, when solving the example “2 + 1”, he says: “to add 1, you need to name the next number”, and in your mind determines that it is 3 and calls the result.
  2. Motor - first, he adds or removes objects (sticks, cars) to calculate the result, then he does it with his finger, and at the last stage - with his eyes, performing the necessary actions in his mind.

You can invite your child to work with numbers using the benefits offered by different methods.

Zaitsev's technique

Allows you to educate a child who thinks logically, who knows how to analyze information and generalize it, highlight the essential. For students in grades 1-2, these manuals will help to understand arithmetic operations with numbers.

To study mathematical tricks, you will need special cards (“Hundred Account”) with numbers 0 - 99 and tables clearly showing the composition of numbers (the required number of cells is filled in).

First, the child gets acquainted with the numbers of the first ten, determines the composition of its number, and then proceeds to arithmetic operations with the learned numbers.

N.A. Zaitsev conducts a video lesson with children according to his own methodology.

Work is being done with colored cubes and boxes with cells that can fit 10 cubes . With the help of a set, children are explained the concepts of “composition of a number” and “ten” and are taught the skill of oral counting.

Even a smart child can sometimes not understand the simplest things. This does not indicate his dullness or lack of intelligence, most likely this indicates a lack of interest.

After all, children can perceive information and remember it only when it evoked an emotional response in them. Children experience bright positive emotions during an interesting game, so it is better to teach the skill of counting in the mind in a game activity.

For example, children imagine that the cubes are gnomes, and the box is their house. There were 2 gnomes in the house, 3 more came to visit them. The task is clearly demonstrated, the lid of the box closes and the question is asked: “How many gnomes were in the box?”. To answer the question, children will have to count in their minds, without relying on cubes.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated, children learn to add and subtract with the transition through a dozen, and then two-digit numbers.

The video story will tell about teaching children according to the method of Sergey Polyakov


Knowing simple arithmetic rules and patterns will help you quickly find the result in your mind:

  • To subtract 9 , you can first subtract 10, and then add 1. Similarly, subtract the numbers 8 and 7, only then add 2 and 3, respectively.
  • The numbers 8 and 5 are added like this: first, 2 is added to 8 (to get 10), and then 3 (5 is 2 and 3). Similarly solve all examples of addition with the transition through a dozen.

Algorithms for adding two-digit numbers are suitable:


In the first case, the second term is rounded up to tens, and then the added number is subtracted. In the second, the bit terms are first added, and then the results.

When subtracting, it is convenient to round the subtrahend:


For training, you can use special computer programs or games:

  1. "Shop" . The child can play the role of both the seller and the buyer, all calculations must be done in the mind. Prices for goods are set depending on the ability of the student.
  2. "Merry Account" . An adult throws a ball to the child and names an example that needs to be answered. Thus, the account is brought up on the machine.
  3. "Chains" . A chain of examples is given, the children need to find the final result without writing down the intermediate results of the calculations.

If the child regularly counts in his mind, then this skill will develop. Such classes will be a good base for and with three-digit numbers.

The video story will tell you how to teach a student to quickly count in his mind - not mental arithmetic

Parents often ask how to teach a child to count within 20. Sometimes a small student successfully performs calculations up to 10, but does not fully understand how to add / subtract large numbers.

The material contains examples of exercises, an analysis of the main mistakes that parents often make during classes.

general information

Calculations are often harder for young students than reading. For a child to love mathematics, it is important for parents to know the basic rules and teaching methods. “But what about the school, the teachers?” many will ask.

Of course, the main burden falls on teachers, but when doing homework, parents must correctly explain certain rules and find errors. When adults understand how to instill a love of mathematics, classes are much easier.

You still have to pay attention to learning to count. Such is parental work, there is no escape from joint activities with a child. Even when visiting a tutor (children's development center), homework must be done. If parents know the basic techniques, modern teaching methods, it will be much easier for an adult and a child.

How to teach to count within 20

Teachers, parents give recommendations, offer proven algorithms, thanks to which a small student will understand what dozens are, how to learn more complex concepts. Always check whether the “young mathematician” has memorized the material covered, do not skip, even if the study takes not 2–3 days, but a week.

Where to begin


  • learn the names of the numbers of the second ten;
  • You will need two sets of cubes. Items must be the same;
  • the child must lay out 10 things in a row, always from left to right;
  • say that 10 is ten, it is called "twenty";
  • put another one on the first row of cubes. It turned out - 11 or one plus "twenty" \u003d eleven;
  • put two, then three, four dice on the twenty. It turned out: three - for - twenty, four - for - twenty and so on;
  • let the little student put the cubes himself, add a familiar number to ten;
  • Did the child clearly remember the scheme for constructing numbers from 11 to 19? Proceed to the next step.

How is a hundred formed?


  • most children who have mastered the formation of numbers up to 20 quickly understand how to make two, three, four tens to a hundred;
  • the beginning of the exercise is the same: lay out 10 cubes, say that it is a dozen or “twenty”;
  • next put the same row of ten cubes, it turned out two rows. Title: two plus "twenty" = twenty, three plus "twenty" = thirty;
  • Leave 40 (forty) and 90 (ninety) for later, say: these round numbers have a different name. Show that the ten always has a “0” at the end, because the number is round, the numbers 1, 5, 8, and so on are added to it;
  • 50, 60, 70, 80 are even easier to remember. Ask how many tens are in the number 50. That's right, five. Let the children name the first number, add the word "ten" - it will turn out FIFTY. When the student understands the principle, ask, "How many tens did you find at 60, 70, and 80?" Sure, six, seven, eight. So new names will turn out: SIXTY, SEVENTY, EIGHTY.

Counting to 20 without going through ten


  • take out the same cubes again;
  • let the child build a row of ten pieces;
  • put on top (required from left to right) two more cubes. It turned out 12;
  • next, according to the same principle, build the number 15;
  • explain to a small student how to quickly add 12 and 15. Add 1 + 1 ten, it turns out 2 tens or TWENTY;
  • add units: 2 + 5 = 7. Now there are TWENTY and SEVEN, together - TWENTY SEVEN;
  • back up the explanation with cubes. Let the child count if there are really 27 cubes on the table;
  • consolidate the lesson, let them try different options until the “young mathematician” understands the principle;
  • addition mastered? Proceed to subtraction: the principle is the same;
  • go through a dozen only after fully understanding the material with any numbers from 10 to 100.

Advice! By the beginning of training, the child must clearly understand where the tens are, and where are the units in a two-digit number, clearly know the concepts of “left - right”.

Ten counting rules

Use a table that shows the composition of the number. Children need to understand how to get numbers in different ways. For example, 8 = 3 + 5, 4 + 4, 6 + 2, 7 + 1, 8+ 0. Without the skills of quick counting, addition / subtraction from 0 to 10, you cannot move on to more complex exercises.

The task of parents: explain that one of the numbers needs to be decomposed by two to get 10, then add the remainder. The rule is easy to understand with an example.


  • task: find how much will be 18 + 6;
  • 18 is 10 and 8;
  • write down in a new way (10 + 8) + 6;
  • ask how much from 6 is missing to ten to add to 8;
  • right, 2 (the table “Composition of the number” is useful);
  • now write 6 as 2 and 4. That's 10 + 8 + 2 + 4, or 10 + 10 + 4. Two tens plus four ones equals TWENTY-FOUR;
  • when the child remembers addition, explain subtraction in the same way;
  • Always keep the Composition of Numbers table handy. Children will be less lost, easier to navigate.

Constantly conduct "training between cases" to better remember the composition of the number. Speak more often, connect the child, let him finish the phrase: “There are 3 plates on the table on the left, I put 3 more plates on the right. How many items in total? That's right, 6. Show another way: “I will put 2 plates on the left, 4 plates on the right, again 6 plates” and so on (1 + 5).

At the address, read the instructions for using children's drops in the nose Vibrocil.

  • conduct classes in a playful way. Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren react sharply to boring tasks, "gray", inexpressive pictures;
  • give simple examples, look for characters to count, understandable by age. A small student should easily recognize objects, animals that need to be counted. For example, a cat is suitable, a porcupine is not (many kids think that this is a hedgehog with long spines, they do not immediately recognize and call the animal). Orange is suitable, kiwi is not (an exotic fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a potato, you can make a mistake) and so on;
  • math games are a great option for developing activities. Dominoes, lotto, a labyrinth that you can travel with the help of chips, cubes with a large image are suitable. Buy games, make cardboard cards yourself;
  • interest the child, tell how important the account is in everyday affairs. Count the steps in the entryway, the chairs near the table, the windows in the store, the blue or white cars on the road. When shopping in a supermarket, ask your child to serve 1 carton of milk, 2 bagels, 3 packs of cottage cheese, and so on from the shelf. Say: "There are 4 bananas in the basket, I will put 1 more, it will be 5 bananas." Speak all numbers clearly. Such conversations often "strain" parents, often seem boring, empty, but it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of classes for children;
  • workout in between. This technique clearly demonstrates what numbers and calculations mean to people. Unobtrusively teach your baby to the world of mathematics. When setting the table for dinner or lunch, say: "I put 5 plates, I put 5 forks." Gradually, the little man will understand that each time the number of cutlery and dishes is different. Put one plate, sound it, add another one - call the number again and so on;
  • regularity, perseverance - one of the main rules. Conduct training in between times, invent fairy tales with a mathematical bias about surrounding objects (animate / inanimate).

  • ask for help from the "young mathematician", let him tell you how many cats are sitting near the entrance. Crumble bread, ask to count the pigeons that have flown in for food. Often 10, 20 or more birds fly together. Here is a good reason to show that "you counted to 10, but there are more numbers, for example, 11, 15, 20, and so on, to count all the birds";
  • game in a cafe/shop. Many parents and experienced teachers advise a simple technique for teaching counting, especially for adding and subtracting numbers through ten. By adding another 1, 2 or 5 rubles to 10 rubles, the child will understand what the number 15 \u003d 10 + 5, 20 \u003d 10 + 10 is. Make paper money from dense material. You will need "coins" and "banknotes" of all denominations, even those that are not in real circulation. Draw 3,4,7,8 rubles: you will get any number when added to 10. What size of "money" to choose? To clearly see the denomination;
  • school. Another useful game. Children love to be teachers. Give them this opportunity, solve examples, sometimes with errors, so that the "teacher" can correct you, test your knowledge. If the little teacher himself made a mistake, gently tell me, do not laugh. Check the correctness of the solution on cubes, apples, counting sticks, think together who is right. Praise for knowledge, promise to correct the grade, pull up mathematics;
  • to add numbers within 20, use visual aids, counting sticks, cubes. To study numbers from 0 to 100, a regular soft meter, which is used when sewing, will help. The “young mathematician” will see all the numbers, understand which one is to the left, which one is to the right. It is convenient to explain that 12 is less than 17 because it is to the left. You can measure 12 and 17 cm of fabric, cut off, compare pieces, confirm the correctness;
  • introduce the concepts of "plus" and "minus" later, when the rules of addition / subtraction up to 10 are learned;
  • always explain every word in the problem. Until the student understands what the condition means, he is unlikely to solve the problem. At first, come up with examples yourself, look for good textbooks with interesting, understandable tasks;
  • in case of difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for advice from a tutor, teacher of a children's center or teacher. The main thing: to find a person who understands not only mathematics, but also child psychology. The task is quite difficult, but solvable;
  • psychological contact with a small student is a prerequisite for successful learning. Shouts, humiliation, constant reminders of failures discourage study, provoke self-doubt, heavy complexes.

Arm yourself with the advice of teachers, parents, try to teach children to count correctly up to 20. In some cases, the material is easily absorbed, in others, perseverance, patience, and long explanations are required. Do not despair, do not scold the "young mathematician", consult with teachers, psychologists. Only regular classes, encouraging the slightest achievements will bring results.