Week of games and toys in the preparatory group calendar-thematic planning on the topic. Thematic week "Games and toys" in the senior group. Planning for the week Week of games and toys Vorobyovy Gory

GBOU ITSH named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union P.R. Povovich

Week of games and toys in

preparatory group №6

Educators: Shevtsova N.V.

Golubeva O.N.

Moscow, 2015-2016 academic year

Day 1 11/16/15 "Merry Game Library"


Main goals:

Develop children's play skills

To teach to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role, to interact in

game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow

game rules,

Deliver joy from joint games.


Morning exercises "We are toys"

Purpose: to develop the ability to perform physical exercise figuratively, emotionally, expressively; develop a sense of rhythm and tempo.

Didactic game"Acceleration-Deceleration"

Goal: Same as in the Zoom In and Zoom Out game

Game progress: suggest, for example, imagine raindrops flying at the speed of a strong wind. And if, on the contrary, they fly very slowly, like maple parachutes? What will change?

Didactic game "Negation"

Purpose: to stimulate the speech freedom of the child. Learn to explore the possibilities of words, master them, master and apply previously unknown declensions, meanings and shades of words.

Game progress: at first, the children name the direct action, the object, the quality of the object (Mom arranges the cups. The light is on in the room. The cups are in the closet.). And then they say the same thing with the negative prefix “not”. Find a synonym for the word in Russian (Mom does not arrange the cups. She cleans them. The room is dark. Etc.)


Conversation with children "Stories about toys"

Purpose: to develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, to show

empathy for the problems of their heroes; cultivate skill

be attentive to the ideas of your comrades, listen to

end, show interest in the creativity of peers.

Role-playing game "Journey to the Children's World"(with the distribution of roles by gender: boys - drivers, father, son; girls - mother, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier)

Purpose: to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively; be able to dramatize to form interest in joint games with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.

P / and "Five steps"

Purpose of the game: to cultivate ingenuity and quickness of thinking.

Several players take turns. Children need to take 5 steps at a fast pace and for each step, without pauses and stops, pronounce any name (female or male, depending on the task). The players who completed the task are marked. The game can be made more difficult by inviting children to name not names, but, for example, animals, fish, birds, etc.

P / and "The ball to the neighbor"

Purpose of the game: to fix a quick pass of the ball in a circle.

Players line up in a circle at arm's length from each other. Two players standing on opposite sides of the circle each have the ball. On a signal, the children pass the ball in a circle in one direction, as quickly as possible, trying to make one ball catch up with the other. The player who has 2 balls loses.


"Observing Seasonal Changes"


  • to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night);
  • to consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not heat).

Progress of observation

Not hot, not summery

Rising from the river

autumn, last,

Warm days. A. Isakovskaya

Late autumn is called "silver". Puddles are drawn in by the first thin ice, silver stars-snowflakes fly to the frozen ground, ice-covered tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with hoarfrost silver in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely peeks out, the days become cloudy.

  • What is the pre-winter called?(Silver autumn.)
  • Why?

Try to guess the riddle.

And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver.(Frost.)

The teacher invites the children to come up with riddles about late autumn.

Occupation: Garbage collection on site.

Target: nurture a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Outdoor games: "Trap", "Homeless Hare".


  • exercise in running without bumping into each other;
  • cultivate agility and endurance.

Individual work

  • An exercise to develop balance.
  • Target: learn how to run up and down hills.


Reading fiction:Poems by A. Barto "Toys" and fairy tales "Ball"

Purpose: to develop focused attention, imagination, empathy, educate careful attitude to toys.

D / and "Artists"

Purpose: development of orientation in space. Game progress. The facilitator invites the children to draw a picture. Together they think over its plot: a city, a room, a zoo, etc. Then everyone talks about the planned element of the picture, explains where it should be in relation to other objects. The teacher fills in the picture with the elements offered by the children, drawing it with chalk on a blackboard or with a felt-tip pen on a large sheet of paper. In the center, you can draw a hut (the image should be simple and recognizable) at the top, on the roof of the house - a pipe. Smoke comes up from the chimney. Downstairs, in front of the hut, sits a cat. The task should use the words: above, below, left, right, from, behind, in front of, between, about, next to, etc.

Viewing a computer presentation "Matryoshka"

Purpose: to consolidate and replenish children's knowledge about the Russian folk toy-matryoshka, its varieties

2nd day 11/17/15 "Day of Russian folk games and toys"


Main goals:

Give an idea of ​​folk toys, folk crafts and

folk games;

Amuse children; educate character, mind, will; develop moral

feelings; physically strengthen the child; create a certain mood;

nurture interest in folk art


Morning exercises "We are toys"

Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​folk toys, folk crafts and

games; draw children's attention to gender division

in games and fun.

Viewing the presentation "Bogorodsk toy"

Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about DPI, Bogorodsk toy in particular

D / and "Guess what number is missing"

Purpose: to determine the place of a number in the natural series, name the missing number.

Material. Flannelgraph, 10 cards with the image of circles on them from 1 to 10 (on each card there are circles of a different color) flags.

Content. V. arranges the cards on the flannelograph in the sequence of natural numbers. Invites the children to see how they stand, if any number is missing. Then the guys close their eyes, and V. removes one card. After the children guess which number is missing, show the hidden card and put it in its place. The first person to name the missing number gets a flag.


The game "Mysteries of Carlson"

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to correlate an object and its attribute.

2. Exercise children in asking what questions? which? which?

3. Fix the agreement in the number of app. with noun.

4. Develop attention, observation.

Material: pictures of Carlson, pictures of objects: watermelon, clown, ball, hedgehog, lake, fox, needle, mittens.

Game progress: a picture depicting Carlson is pasted on the center of the magnetic board, next to it are subject pictures and pictures of qualities symbols. Carlson addresses the children: You can, guys,

Guess my riddles?

If you listen carefully

Guess for sure!

Pictures of qualities are pasted next to Carlson: round, solid, heavy, sweet. Children are invited to name the qualities and guess what subject the riddle is about. The child looks for the desired picture and calls: “Watermelon - what? Watermelon - round, sweet, hard, heavy, etc.

P / and "Dreamers"

Purpose of the game: develop creative imagination.

The players walk in a column one at a time, the teacher loudly calls any object, animal, plant (boat, wolf, chair, etc.). Children stop and by posture, facial expressions, gestures try to portray what the teacher called. The most interesting image is noted. Each player tries to come up with his own figure.


"Watching the First Snow"

Target: to learn to notice changes in nature, to see the beautiful.

Progress of observation

Rain yesterday morning

Knocked on the window glass

Fog over the ground

I got up with clouds. ...

At noon the rain stopped

And that white fluff

On the autumn mud

The snow began to fall.

The night has passed.

It's dawn. No clouds anywhere

The air is light and clean

And the river froze. I. Nikitin

The teacher makes a riddle for the children.

Stars are falling from the sky

They lie down on the fields.

Let them hide under them

Black earth.

Lots and lots of stars

thin as glass;

The stars are cold

And the earth is warm! (Snowflakes.)

The people say: “The snow that has fallen on the green foliage will melt in the next two or three days”, “The first snow is nalezhek; the first solid snow falls at night.

  • Autumn completes its third business: undressing the forest, fettering the water, covers the ground with a cover of snow. Uncomfortably around: rain-lashed, bare, black trees stand.

On the ground sprinkled with snow, everything stopped growing. But it's not winter yet - pre-winter. Still no, no, and a sunny day is issued. And, wow, how happy the sun will be for all living things! You look, mosquitoes crawl out from under the roots, flies fly up into the air. The snow melted ... And at night the frost will strike again. While he is still small - but he does not order to yawn.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • How long does the first snow last?(Two or three days.)
  • What does he feel like?(Wet.)
  • When does the first solid snow fall?(At night.)

Catch a snowflake in the palm of your hand and examine it.

Compare two snowflakes.

Determine the place where the snow melts faster.

Find a place where the snow hasn't melted yet.

Labor activity

Warming the roots of trees with snow.

Target: reinforce the idea of ​​​​the protective properties of snow.

mobile game

"One, two, three - run!"

Target: develop speed of running, agility, coherence of collective actions, ingenuity.

Individual work

"Get in the hoop."


  • exercise in the ability to act on a signal;

to consolidate the ability to throw objects at a target.


Manufacturing Christmas toys from salt dough"Chick"

Purpose: to show the process of making toys from salt dough, continue to sculpt in different ways

3rd day 11/18/15 "Day of outdoor games"


Main goals:

Teach children to use familiar outdoor games in free activities;

Positive emotional mood from joint activities;

Improve children's health;

Activate existing knowledge and skills of children;

Develop children's motor skills, dexterity.


Exercise "Who will collect toys with their feet more"

Purpose: development of psychomotor functions, dexterity; wellness

tasks - light foot massage, excitation of active points on the feet.

Conversation with children about the benefits of sports, gymnastics, outdoor games; what calm sports games know


Viewing the presentation "Dymkovo toy"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the Dymkovo toy, painting elements, colors

Drawing "My favorite toy»

Purpose: to convey the image and your attitude to your favorite toy in the drawing.

Mobile game of low mobility "Donkey heavy truck"

Purpose: to activate the movements of children; develop sense of touch

in space; amuse the children.


"Snowfall Watching"


Clarify ideas about the properties of snow;

To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Progress of observation

Light fluffy

snowflake white,

What a pure

How brave!

Dear stormy

Easy to carry

Do not go up azure -

Begging for the ground...

K. Balmont

In the cold season, instead of rain, it snows. Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. At high altitude, it begins to freeze and turn into tiny crystals. These crystals combine into tiny hexagonal stars - snowflakes, which slowly fall to the ground in the form of snow.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • Where do snowflakes form?
  • What do they look like?

Research activities

What kind of snow can be sculpted? Try to make a snowball.

Labor activity

Collecting snow in a pile to build a slide.

Target: keep working together.

Mobile game "Crow - Sparrow".


  • learn to listen carefully to the command of the educator;
  • develop attention;
  • continue to learn to navigate in space.

Individual work: "Do not knock down the flag."


  • continue to “snake” between objects without knocking them down;

develop attention and observation


Outdoor games "Find a mate", "Burners", "Owl".

Purpose: positive emotional mood from joint activities;

develop children's motor skills, dexterity.

4th day: “Day of role-playing games”.


Main goals:

To systematically enrich the experience of children;

Develop children's play skills;

To teach to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role, to interact in the game in accordance with the plot, to negotiate, to follow the game rules;

To carry out the social development of children in the game;

Deliver joy from joint games.


Morning exercises in the form of exercises from funny songs

Conversation with children and looking at illustrations on the topic: “The driver”, “We are going on the bus”, “The main one on the road”.

Purpose: fixing the rules of conduct in transport, on the road; gender

distribution of professions: traffic controller, male driver, conductor

Woman, etc.)

D / and "Pick a figure"

Purpose: to exercise in comparing the shape of the objects depicted in the pictures with geometric shapes.

Material. Stand on which the models are placed geometric shapes, pictures on which objects are drawn, consisting of several parts.

D / and "12 months"

Purpose: to consolidate the concept of months.

Material: cards that show objects from 1 to 12.

Content. B. lays out the cards face down and shuffles them. The players choose any card and line up in order according to the number indicated on the card. They turned into "12 months" Each "month" remembers what he can tell about himself. The facilitator asks questions: “The fifth month, what is your name?” What is the name of the second month? Then the tasks become more difficult: “January, come up with a riddle about your month. October remember the proverb about your season. March, what is your year? September, name the fairy tale where your season meets. April, in what fairy tales does your season occur? Further, the game can be complicated. For this, a set of pictures depicting the seasons and pronounced seasonal phenomena is used. The players look at the pictures and choose those that correspond to his month or season.


Plot- role-playing games"Chauffeurs", "Rules of the Road"

Goal: (with the distribution of roles by gender: boys -

drivers, father, son; girls - mother, daughter, seller, conductor, cashier), to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively; be able to dramatize to form interest in joint games with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.


"Helicopter Surveillance"


  • consolidate knowledge about air transport;
  • generate interest in the profession of a pilot.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

It will fly up without acceleration -

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian...(helicopter).

  • What does a helicopter look like?(Large, with a large screw on top.)
  • How is a helicopter similar to a dragonfly?(Outward appearance.)
  • What are helicopters?(Sanitary and rescue, military, cargo.)
  • What is the profession of a person who operates a helicopter?(Pilot.)
  • What other modes of transport do you know?(Ground, water, underwater.)
  • What are the differences between a helicopter and an airplane?(An airplane has a higher speed than a helicopter; a helicopter can hover in the air, but an airplane cannot; an airplane needs a runway to take off, but a helicopter can take off.)

Labor activity

Area cleaning.

Target: strengthen the ability to work together.

Outdoor games


Target: practice running with words. "Zhmurki".

Target: learn to navigate in space with your eyes closed.

Individual work

"Cross the river."

Target: exercise in walking on a log straight and sideways.


Salt dough painting

Carrying out games - satellites: "A trip to the zoo, theater, museum",

"We're going to the store."

Purpose: to develop creativity; to form interest in joint games with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.

5th day: Day of theatre, theatrical toys and dramatization.


Main goals:

Clarify children's knowledge of theater as an art form;

To form a desire to be like positive theatrical heroes;

The development of creative and acting abilities of children of senior preschool

age, imagination.


Morning exercises "Toys"

Conversation with children about the theater, its origin, its types, its significance


Game-dramatization "Teremok"

Purpose: -to form correct environmental assessments in children, creating situations that require the manifestation of care, attention, sympathy, responsiveness, compassion, as well as the beginnings of an ecological ideal with the help of riddles and fairy tales about animals, where good triumphs over evil, beauty over ugliness;

Improve your transmission skills emotional condition heroes with facial expressions, gestures, body movements. To consolidate children's ideas about the regular sequence, seasonal changes in nature through oral folk art;

To teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters in the fairy tale “Teremok” (bunny - jumps, chops firewood, gets wet in the rain; frog - jumps, heats the stove, cooks cabbage soup, shivers from the cold; mouse - cleans up, bakes pancakes, hid in the teremok from the rain; the cockerel plays the harmonica, sings songs, looks for friends, etc.), as well as accompany the movements of the characters with simple songs to music, encourage imagination, creativity, individuality in the transfer of images. Make children want to play roles in costumes, perform in front of their peers in a certain sequence;

To develop the ability of children to consistently and expressively tell the fairy tale "Teremok", to develop speech, thinking, imagination;

To cultivate friendship, camaraderie, the ability to act in concert, a sense of beauty, compassion for nature, a desire to protect and preserve it.


"Watching Snow and Ice"


  • consolidate knowledge about the various states of water;
  • to form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • What is ice made of?
  • What properties of ice (snow) do you know?
  • How are snowflakes formed?

We are snowflakes!

We are the parachutes of winter.

We are circling over you

We are friends with the winds.

Ice is frozen solid water, it is worth warming an ice floe in the palm of your hand, and it will immediately drain from your fingers in a thin stream. Signs of ice: shine, smoothness, hardness, brittleness. Stroke the surface to determine smoothness. Strike to detect strength and brittleness.

Water evaporates from the seas and oceans. Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it is always very cold. There, at a height, the steam freezes into tiny ice crystals. The crystals are combined into snowflake stars.

  • What snow in warm weather?(Sticky, heavy, wet uh, raw.)
  • What snow in frosty weather?(Dry, fluffy, light, crumbles.)

Dense, trampled snow melts more slowly than loose snow; dark dirty snow melts before clean and light snow.

Research activities

Compare the freezing time of pure and tinted water in large and small molds.

Compare the rate of melting of snow packed tightly or loosely in a glass.

Labor activity

Care of plants growing on the site.

Target: to form an interest in work in nature, environmental consciousness.

Outdoor games

"The Wolf in the Den", "The Mousetrap"


  • to teach on a signal to jump over the moat and back;
  • develop speed, agility, endurance.

Individual work

Lasagna. Goals:

  • develop coordination of movements;
  • develop courage and determination.


Leisure “We play and sing together, we live together in the kindergarten!”

(together with the younger group)

see script

Attention! Attention!

In our GBOU School 1248 joint venture №7

from 14 November to 18 November 201 6 held "Week of play and toys"

We love to play very much: you know, friends! It is impossible for a child to live without games. We understand adults - today is a new century. Without knowledge and study there is no chance of success! They offer us tests, and everyone wants to understand: What do we lack, well, how to entertain us? And we just want to play quietly. To the family, to soldiers, to checkers, to skip jumping. And the dolls stayed too long, everyone is waiting and waiting for children, And we are waiting for good news - Let's play with friends again! Return to your childhood, stay with us in it, AND best friends we'll call adults!

"Week of play and toys" dedicated « World Children's Day ».

Every day of this week will be dedicated to separate topic and will take place in a special atmosphere.

Of course, parents do not have the opportunity to attend every event - but it is better if the closing or opening of the toy week takes place with the participation of parents. Then it becomes possible to acquaint parents with the program of the whole week, to engage in a conversation about the benefits / harms of some toys and the features of organizing a children's game.

In SP№7 there is a good tradition of holding a competition between parents to create the most creative children's toy. Then the toy week in kindergarten ends with an amazing exhibition that can give kids a lot of interesting experiences, and perhaps - thanks to the efforts of the most practical moms and dads - and some new interesting toys for group activities.

The "toy" theme is so wide that ideas with organization theme days does not occur.

It's sports toy day at the gym or on playground, musical toy day - in a music or assembly hall. Day of theatrical toys, where you can improvise a performance with the kids. It's great to organize a day of folk toys, and not only tell, but also show the kids what their grandparents played with when there were no Barbie dolls and transforming robots, remember the songs and nursery rhymes that could accompany children's games. Or maybe even visit the museum, asking its employees in advance to focus the attention of the kids only on the “toy” exhibits, so that the tour does not drag on and tire the kids.

And let the toy week in kindergarten end with a real “toy ball”, with fun music, games and a small “doll” treat, to which preschoolers will “invite” their favorite and most faithful ... toys!

We invite parents, grandparents to participate in the week "Games and toys".

Good luck creative inspiration!

Implementation plan

"Weeks of play and toys" in kindergarten

Part one

Monday: "Journey to Fairy Land of Games"

Motto of the day:We come to kindergarten, there toys are waiting for the guys. The Fairy invites us to visit, Plays fun with us!


    Opening of the Week of Games and Toys. Entertainment in the group "Journey to the Fairy of Games"

    Conversation " Magic world toys "(teacher's story about the history of the toy, looking at illustrations and various toys in the group room)

    Exhibition "My favorite toy" (children bring their favorite toys from home for one day, arrange an exhibition together with the teacher)

    Drawing on the topic: "My favorite toy."

Meeting with the Fairy of games and toys in each group takes place in different ways.
Somewhere the Fairy will invite children to an exhibition, somewhere she will leave her traces in the form of magical leaves and flowers, and the children will look for her in a magical forest, having learned a lot of interesting things from toy history along the way, somewhere the Fairy will prepare a theatrical performance, etc. .
In each group, conversations about the history of toys will be very interesting and informative. Children will not only see the toys that our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers played with, but they themselves will play with pleasure with straw, rag, wooden, knitted dolls, dolls - krupenichki.
At the end of the day, the children will draw their favorite toys and arrange an exhibition called "My Favorite Toy".

Tuesday: "Day of health and outdoor games"

Motto of the day:Who wants to become strong and dexterous, Hurry to kindergarten for training!


    Conversation "Where do vitamins live"

    Physical culture leisure "Health path" (for a walk)

    Design of the photo newspaper "Healthy Family"

On this day, the children were happy to get acquainted with vitamins A, B, C. We found out where they live, what they are for, read poems about vitamins, solved riddles, etc.
Each group went through its own “Health Path”. At the start of the track, the kids got air balloons with a picture of vitamins. Throughout the journey, the children gained strength from vitamins, demonstrated their dexterity, strength, speed, resourcefulness.

Wednesday: "Day of theatrical toys and dramatization"

Motto of the day:A fairy tale, a fairy tale, a joke, Telling it is not a joke!


    Exhibition "Theatrical Toys" (toys made by the hands of educators, children and parents)

    Open screening of the dramatization

    Theatrical games in groups

On this day, in each group at the exhibition, theatrical toys made by the hands of parents and children, educators and children were presented.
Children, together with teachers, prepared theatrical performances and organized open shows for children from other groups.

Thursday: "Day of musical games and musical toys"

Motto of the day:Now the game is not entertainment, But with great significance, We will play musical games, Develop our voice and ear.


    Show - presentation of musical noise instruments

    Folk games, games - fun in groups

    Independent activity of children in the corners of musical creativity

    Summing up the results of the thematic week

The children had a lot of fun visiting the music hall that day. Here they not only saw musical noise instruments made by children and parents from different groups, not only heard about their purpose, but also became members of the musical noise orchestra themselves.
In each group, the children played folk games, fun games. On this day, the corners of musical creativity were replenished with a variety of didactic material of our own production.
Conducting a thematic "Week of games and toys" contributed to the creative search for teachers and the improvement of pedagogical skills.


Motto of the day: World Den b child.


Literary d osug toys

Mla dour groups

For this holiday, you need to rummage through the library collections.
Wonderful children's poets wrote whole cycles of poems called "Toys".
One of the most famous and well-known is the cycle of poems by Agnia Barto.
But there are poems about toys by Valentin Berestov, Mikhail Yasnov, Emma Moshkovskaya, and other poets.
And writers wrote stories. Gianni Rodari, for example, wrote a fairy tale about the journey of toys on the Blue Arrow train. What kind of adventures with toys did not happen!
Poems and fragments of fairy tales can form the basischildren's performances .
Can arrange
an exhibition of crafts based on fairy tales about toys .

Entertainment scenario for the World Children's Day "Cinderella" for children wed d her, senior and preparator b groups.

Preschoolers enter the hall to the music, perform movements, then sit down.
HOST: Conversation"Convention on your rights" .

Hello guys. Did you know that for more than 50 years, at the end of November, Children's Day has been celebrated all over the world? Back in 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the practice of celebrating world day child as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

(poems written by the author N. Maidanik)
Autumn day in November
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?
Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
Englishman, Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!
To be able to live peacefully
People in joy, love,
adults around the world
Today they give a holiday to children!
Many holidays in the world
Do not count everyone!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
Celebrates the whole world
From Paris to Hong Kong
The message is on the air:
Congratulations! We love! We believe!
We will save the world!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Dear children
Happy flowers!
Our boys
And baby girls!
We cherish you
We grow, we love
As you grow up
We do not notice!
You are our joy
And our difficulties
So become
Smarter and better!
You are our pride
And luck in life
You are grateful
Us continuation!
SONG "SOLAR CIRCLE" the children go to the middle of the hall, stand in a semicircle, then sit down in their places.
HOST: Quiet. Something is wrong here. Do you hear someone crying?
Cinderella hid in the house and cries.
HOST: Guys, tell me where they cry in such fun party? (children's answers) Let's knock and find out who lives here?
They knock, Cinderella comes out and cries.
HOST: Dear girl, why are you crying?
CINDERELLA: Today there is a festive ball in the palace and I really want to go there. Here she is wearing an elegant dress. But the evil stepmother asked me so much work that I'm afraid I won't be able to complete it on time. (enthusiastically) And so I want to dance, sing, have fun. (crying)
HOST (toward the guys): Guys, can you tell me what kind of hero came to us, from what fairy tale? (children's answers) Right. After all, we won’t leave Cinderella in trouble, we’ll help you do all the housework?) Dear Cinderella, the guys and I decided to help you. You agree?
CINDERELLA: Oh, how good. (takes out a list from his pocket). The first thing the Stepmother instructed was to sort out the peas and beans.
CINDERELLA: What good fellows you are, you managed such a difficult task so quickly.
HOST: Yes, our guys know a lot and can do a lot. What else do you need to do around the house?
CINDERELLA: Remove the rubbish from the floor.
HOST: Well, it's quite simple, our boys can do it in no time.
GAME "SWEP THE FLOOR" Balloons scatter on the floor and give a broom for cleaning, sweep everything into a corner of the hall.
HOST: Did our boys manage?
CINDERELLA: Yes. And the last task is to cook vegetable soup.
HOST: Our girls will cope with this difficult task
After the game, the evil Stepmother enters.
STEPMOM: Well, well, the floor is clean, the soup is ready, and the beans are taken apart.
CINDERELLA: I did everything, can I go to the ball now?
STEPMOM: You keep saying you did it? Have you stroked my daughters' dresses, watered the flowers in the winter garden, fed the fish, planted parsley and dill for the winter?
LEADING: Dear, you can’t do this with small children, they also have their rights, and they have their own choice. Cinderella did everything you asked her to. So let her go to the ball.
STEPMOM: Don't be like this!
HOST: Guys, let's help Cinderella, persuade Stepmother to let her go to the ball.) We will now tell you how good it is to be friends and have many friends.
Poems read by children about friendship and friends
HOST: Did we persuade you to let Cinderella go to the ball?
STEPMOM: I really don't know what to do? No! All I decided - NO!
HOST (addressing the guys): Guys, let's help poor Cinderella one more time, persuade the evil Stepmother. Let's shout together in unison - LET IT GO! shout
STEPMOM: closes her ears - That's enough, stop it, yours took it, so be it - Cinderella is going to the ball today.
CINDERELLA: How wonderful!
HOST: We have a holiday today. WE celebrating World Children's Day. So stay with us. Do you agree?
And of course without Have a good mood, fun - the holiday will not work. So let's have fun, games are fun to play.
You need to specially prepare for these games - find out what folk games they liked to play in the old days; prepare equipment for them and master two or three games. Games can be very different - round dance or mobile.
Learning new (that is, forgotten old) games is very useful in the company of parents.
It is proposed to mothers and fathers, grandparents to remember what games (moving, verbal, board, round dance) they played in childhood.
Can they remember the rules? Show game? Learn to play it?
It's not that easy! Are there those living today who famously jumped through the rope when the famous Bartov's "I am both sideways, and on the spot, and with two legs together" was written? Do the current parents remember how they jumped into the classics “without stompers”? Have you forgotten what a "beat" is? A little more, and our children will no longer be able to even imagine it: shoe polish boxes, into which sand was poured in the 60s, will soon completely disappear.

Show class! "Games of our yard":"Burners", "Boyars", Shtander, tag on one leg, "Ocean is shaking", "Paints", "Yes-no", bouncers.

STEPMOM: It's fun with you guys, but it's time for us to go home.

HOST: Until we meet again.

TOY EXHIBITION « Interesting toys for group lessons.

Part two. Game education.

Competition of scientific and methodological works

The competition accepts works in the following categories:

    Implemented project of a toy library for preschool children

(The games themselves and toys with detailed description)

Action "Good toy"

There are children who live in orphanages. Children who are often and seriously ill and spend a lot of time in hospitals.
You can make toys with your children with your own hands (with the help of parents) as a gift and send them to the baby's house, to Orphanage or children's hospital.

Saida Jalilova
Plan of the week "Week of games and toys" from 21.11–25.11.2016.

Monday. Day of Russian folk games and toys

Morning. Conversation about nesting dolls (N.V. Aleshina. Acquaintance with the environment and social activities p. 34)

Didactic game "Find the legs of the matryoshka"

Learn how to assemble nesting dolls correctly.

Physical education "We are funny nesting dolls"

Walk. P / I “The sea is worried”, “We are funny guys”, “Blind Man's Buff”.

Develop dexterity, attention; learn to run without bumping into each other.

Evening. Coloring matryoshkas.

Tuesday. Knowledge Day "I want to know everything"

Morning. OOD. Topic: "Water coloring"

Purpose: to reveal the properties of water; develop curiosity, the desire to experiment, explore.

(Organization of experimental work in the preschool educational institution. P. 73)

Evening. Didactic game "Who will collect toys sooner", "What is made of what".

Wednesday. Day of sports and outdoor games

Morning. morning exercises

Sports games in the physical education class

Walk Outdoor games "Catch up with a toy" Purpose: to improve running in one and different directions

The mobile game "Bird and Cat" Purpose: to develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Thursday. Visiting a fairy tale.

Morning. Morning exercises "Journey to a fairy tale" Purpose: to raise the muscle and emotional tone of children; develop imagination plastic expressiveness.

Round dance game "Grandma Yozhka"

Viewing the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" (shows the older group).

Evening. Didactic game "Tell a story" Purpose: to develop attention, memory, coherent speech.

Friday. Favorite Toy Day.

Morning. Exhibition "My favorite toy". Children bring their favorite toys from home, arrange an exhibition together with the teacher.

Toy story. Purpose: to teach to talk about your favorite toy, describing it in detail and interestingly; learn to listen carefully to your comrades, not to interrupt.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing "My favorite toy" Purpose: to continue to teach children to depict round and oval objects.

Walk. The mobile game "Shaggy Dog" Purpose: to develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

"Fox in the chicken coop" Purpose: to develop children's dexterity and ability to perform movements on a signal.

Evening. Games with the constructor "House for toys".

Related publications:

Week of games and toys Week "Games and Toys" - Development of children's interest in various types games and toys; - Support for free creative self-realization c.

Week of games and toys Week of Games and toys. Monday. Day of Russian folk games and toys. 1st half of the day Walk 2nd half of the day Exhibition "Folk toy".

Calendar plan thematic week "My favorite toys" (junior group) Methodological development according to the Federal State Educational Standard. I bring to your attention the calendar plan for the thematic week "My favorite toys" for the younger group.

The last week of March has become the Week of Play and Toys in our kindergarten. For a whole week, children and adults devoted almost all their time.

Week of folk games and toys Week of folk games and toys For more than a hundred years, the attention of scientists has been attracted by folk toys. After all, it is in a traditional toy, widely.

Perspective plan of the first week of the project "Visiting a fairy tale" (August 2016) PERSPECTIVE PLAN of the first week of the project "Visiting a fairy tale" (August 2016) senior - preparatory group Project goal: creating conditions.

Action plan of the Health Week 2016 I APPROVE the head of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No." ___ Order No. ___ dated "___" ___ 2016 Plan of events within the framework of the Week.

Plan of educational activities within the framework of the week "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy" (senior group) 04/04/2016–04/08/2016. TOPIC OF THE WEEK "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy" Tasks: 1. To form systemic ideas about the world around us, about the role.

GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596 preschool department 1889
Summary of the game lesson
within the framework of the week "Games and toys"
for children of the preparatory group
“Swim, play, complete tasks!”
Prepared and hosted:
Instructor for physical education
Kriventseva N.N.
2016-17 academic year year
Introducing children to swimming.
Strengthening the basics of swimming (sliding, diving, exhaling into the water)
creating a cheerful, joyful mood in children;
formation of a sustainable interest in water activities;
development of coordination of movements and orientation in space;
development of visual and tactile perception;
development of communication skills (facial expressions, pantomime, emotions, speech, cooperation);
coordination of breathing with movements;
removal of psycho-emotional stress in children by means of playing on the water.
Inventory: swimming boards, hoops, balls, a raft, sinking toys, fins, literary material. The course of the game session:
Dry warm-up:
1. Walking in place
2.I.P. feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Mahi hands. Up, stand on your toes - inhale, go down on your foot, hands down - exhale
3.I.P. hands on shoulders. Hand rotation back. 8-10 times
4.I.P. feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Torso twists 1-2 to the left, 3-4 to the right. 8-10 times
5.I.P. legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs. 10-12 times.
6. Breathing exercise. I.P. standing still, legs together, arms along the body. A sharp wave of the hands - inhale, sit down - exhale. 5-6 times.
Children go down the stairs into the water. Build at the edge.
Teacher: Guys, today we have children of the youngest and middle groups kindergarten. They also work out in the pool. But they still have a lot to learn. Here we are today and show the guys what we can do! And what do they learn too! Well, ready!
In water
Teacher: There is an interesting riddle:
“What are we too lazy to do?”
Children's answers.
Teacher: Do not be lazy to breathe. We inhale the air through the nose, where it is cleaned of dust, microbes, moistened and warmed. Let's check how your nose breathes. Free? And to breathe easier, you need to know important rules.
1 - breathe through your nose,
2- do not raise your shoulders when inhaling,
3- in breathing, the stomach should be actively used.
1. Game exercise "Who has more bubbles!"
Children exhale into the water at the side of the pool.
2. Exercise "Diving"
Teacher: Guys, now you need to take a deep breath 3 times and dive under the water and not breathe. I will be counting the seconds. As soon as you feel that you can no longer sit under water - come up, but at the same time remember - how long have you been sitting under water without breathing.
Teacher: Guys, now you know that thanks to breathing we live and speak. And for swimming you need to be able to breathe properly!
Now we will show how you can lie on the water!
3. Exercise "Starfish"
Well done boys! Now let's show the guys how we swim! Everyone swim up to the side and complete the tasks!
4. Relay race with objects (ball, swimming board, bowl).
Well done boys! So we competed a little!
And now we will show the guys how you can swim underwater in a tunnel of hoops! Stand one after another - inhale - hold your breath - dive and swim through the tunnel! Well done boys!
And now let's show the guys what divers we are!
5. Game "Divers"
Well done! We collected all the toys and showed the children!
Guys, in order to learn how to swim, you have to be attentive and disciplined. Now the guys will show a game in which you have to be very careful!
6. The game "Ice and water"
Well guys, well done! You did everything well and played well, and for you - a surprise!
7. The game "Riding on a raft"
8. The results of the lesson. Farewell to the guests.
9. Getting out of the water.

Attached files

From October 29 to November 4, 2016, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills invites children to take part in the traditional Week of Play and Toys.

This is another event that takes place as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

The event is aimed at enriching the gaming experience of children and adolescents with a variety of traditional and modern gaming forms that contribute to a more complete disclosure of creative potential, spiritual, intellectual and physical development. Play and Toy Week has been held at the Palace since 1950 (in 1957, in connection with the Student Youth Festival, Play and Toy Week was held twice).

Guests of the holiday are waiting for world game novelties, folk games and attractions, entertaining scientific and educational programs, experiments, experiments, exciting workshops, fairs of original games and toys and much more.

Two game programs will be held daily at the Palace:

- from 11:00 to 13:00 - team game-journey "Play, city!". Within two hours, organized children's groups of 10-15 people aged 6 to 14 under the guidance of guides will go through the games presented at the Week and complete game tasks. To complete the tasks, the guys will need to show their dexterity, dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to work in a team, make friends and have fun.

- from 15:00 to 18:00 - game program "Let's play!". During this game program children together with their parents and friends will be able to play all the games and toys presented at the Week. Among them are Spinning Tops, Kubari, Stilts, Pebbles, Nimble Winders Cosmodrome, Air Hockey, Table Football, Path-Kubari, Ring Throwers, Storming the Fortress, Jugglers ”,“ Comet balls ”. In addition, the children are waiting for the game library board games, entertaining experiments, workshops on making models and toys, outdoor games and competitions.

About 12 thousand children, teachers and parents are expected to take part in the event.

Thematic blocks:

— "Pavilion of discoveries": entertaining scientific experiments and experiments that develop interactive games and toys, radio-controlled models, construction kits.

- "Creativity": theatrical games, a young artist, master classes in the manufacture of folk toys.

- "Board games game library": Mind games and puzzles, strategies, logical tasks and quizzes, games for the development of fine motor skills.

- "Sports ground on the table": table hockey, table football, air hockey, novuss.

— "Virtual Reality": games based on modern computer technologies and visualization tools.

— “Make with your own hands”: workshops on the manufacture of flying models of aircraft, physical toys, crafts made of paper, wood and other available materials.

- "Outdoor games": spinning tops, yules, head over heels, throwing toys, ring throws, nimble winders, jugglers, a force ball, tightrope walker, stilts, pebbles, outdoor games in a circle.


The Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills (GBPOU Sparrow Hills) is the largest state multidisciplinary school in the system of additional education in the city of Moscow. The Palace of Pioneers includes 23 educational units, more than 2 thousand educational programs, of which about 700 are additional education programs. Training is provided both on a budgetary and paid basis. About 30,000 children from 1.5 to 18 years old study in laboratories, studios, art and technical workshops, sports schools and sections of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

The history of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers began in 1936, when the Moscow City House of Pioneers and October was opened in Stopani Lane (today Ogorodnaya Sloboda Lane). In subsequent years additional education developed intensively, and the need to create even more opportunities for children soon became apparent. On June 1, 1962, the grand opening of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren took place on Leninsky, and today - Sparrow Hills.

Many graduates of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers have become famous artists, scientists, writers, directors, athletes, etc. IN different years people who later became celebrities and pride of Russia studied here: actor and director Rolan Bykov, theater and film actresses Natalya Gundareva, Olga Kabo, Lyudmila Kasatkina, theater and film actor, film director Sergei Nikonenko, film director Stanislav Rostotsky, ballerina Natalia Bessmertnova, artist ballet and choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev, opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, writer Sergei Baruzdin, Soviet swimmer, 1976 Olympic champion Marina Koshevaya and others.