DIY Christmas tree toy nutcracker. DIY New Year's Nutcracker toy. Master class with step by step photos Make a nutcracker out of the box with your own hands

Hello, my dear fellow citizens of our puppet country)). I want to show today my new creation - the Nutcracker. The doll was ordered urgently (3 days) by Father for the Orphanage. Here's what I got.
The order was unusual in that I had not yet made such forms of dolls. Naturally, there is no way to refuse Batiushka, and even for orphans. Therefore, I postponed all my affairs for 3 days and began to get inspired)) - I found a suitable picture on the Internet with the image of the Nutcracker ... I opened all my cabinets, boxes and caskets ... and my soul flew to Paradise)). There was no time to take pictures, so there are not many pictures. Here is what I managed to capture for your attention.
The doll came out 50 cm. For the frame, I used thick corrugated cardboard (from boxes) in several layers. Pasted with foam rubber (substrate under the laminate). Inside for density - foam tiles. Finishing with fabric (velvet, suede, knitwear), leather, plastic, decor. elements. In short, I used everything that was at hand at that moment at home))

This is how my fairy tale character turned out. Tomorrow Father will tell how the children reacted to such a toy.
Thank you all for showing interest in my thread! Good luck and inspiration to you!

Master class do-it-yourself craft - a New Year's toy. Workshop of Santa Claus.

DIY nutcracker from boxes

Author: Mikhailova Maya Valerievna
Job title: teacher of fine arts, ChUOO secondary school "Znayka", Moscow, Sailor Zheleznyak Boulevard, 29-A.
Description of work: this work will be of interest to educators, teachers of additional education, parents and children. Can be used as a Christmas decoration for a Christmas tree (can be hung as a Christmas tree toy on a large Christmas tree, for example, in the assembly hall of a school or kindergarten, can be planted under a Christmas tree), can be used as a visual aid when reading the fairy tale "The Nutcracker", can be a toy for a child, you can take it to an exhibition of New Year's crafts in a kindergarten.
Target: make a craft - a New Year's toy "The Nutcracker".
Tasks: to teach children how to make a toy out of ordinary boxes, to cultivate a child’s interest in fairy-tale characters, to develop a love for making crafts, to love crafting.

Master class making crafts "The Nutcracker".

From the bright reflections of candles,
Among the nuts in a slide,
Flashy tinsel sparkled
On the branches of the Christmas tree with a peg.
Against the background of gnomes and balls
Cheerful one, lucky one,
All wooden from myself,
Open-mouthed, Nutcracker.
Nutcracker - this is a New Year's toy, a Christmas tree toy made of wood, designed for chopping nuts. I made my nutcracker from boxes, but not for cracking nuts, but for beauty and play, for the delight of small children. I think that you can make it no worse than your nutcracker.
We will need.
1. Shoe box, size approximately 19 by 30 cm. The size of the box sets the size of the craft.
2. 5 boxes of tubes of cream or toothpaste. They can be all the same size, or 2 can be smaller for the Nutcracker's hands.
3. 4 toilet paper rolls for a wig.
4. Fluffy tinsel of any color.
5. Twine.
6. Paper tape.
7. Scissors and cutter.
8. A simple pencil and a black marker.
9. Brush for paint and glue.
10. White, gouache.
11. PVA glue.
12. Ruler.
13. Cardboard is not colored.
14. Colored paper.
15. Velvet paper.
16. Gold foil.
17. White sheets and soft pink.

Stages of work.
1. Making the body of the Nutcracker.
A. Leg making.
For the legs, we need 3 boxes of cream or toothpaste of the same size.
Cut one box in half.

Got two feet.
We attach the feet to the leg, connect half the box with the whole box with paper tape as shown in the photo.

do the second leg in the same way.

Legs are ready.
b. Hand making.
It's easier with hands. Open the box from either end. We make a palm. The lid that closes and opens is four fingers, the side carton is the thumb, and the hole. this is a palm, it must be closed with paper tape as shown in the photo.

We do the second hand in the same way.

In the box, you need to make 5 holes, for the arms, legs and for the loop on top of the head.
First, use a ruler to mark where the holes will be.
On the top surface of the box we find the center by dividing the sides in half.

On the bottom surface of the box we find where the legs will be attached. To do this, we also find the center and mark one leg from it.

Then, we divide the width of the leg in half and find a hole for one leg. And from the center we measure the same distance to the hole for the second leg.

Hand holes. Sides of the box. We measure from the top edge the height of the head on the right and on the left is the same, where the hair ends.

Then, we divide the width of the side in half and a little lower from the border of the face and caftan there will be a hole for the hand.

On the other hand, we also find a hole for the second hand.
We make holes according to the marks. You can use an awl, and if there is no awl, then you can use a cutter.

Now we make holes on the covers of the boxes of arms and legs. We find the middle of the lid by crossing the diagonals.

Attach the first leg.
We take the twine and push the twine from the outside through the hole made in the lid of the box.

Tie a thick knot on the inside.

We close the box, hiding the knot in it and seal it with tape.

Leave the long end of the twine and cut it off. Then, we stretch the end of the twine from the outside into the hole for the leg in a large box and stretch it through the upper hole as shown in the photo.

Similarly, we attach the second leg.

Attaching hands. As on the leg, we stretch the twine from the outside through the lid of the hand box, tie a knot, close the box and seal it with tape. Next, we stretch through the holes for the hands through and through. And we stretch the end of the twine through the lid of the box of the second hand. Tie a knot tightly and seal the closed lid with tape.
Attention! Hands should be positioned in such a way that if the palms are pointing up, the thumb is looking back.

So that the arms do not sag, we stretch the twine perpendicularly through the horizontal rope of the arms and pull it through the upper hole where the ropes from the legs are collected.

We combine all the ropes at the top and tie them with a tight knot, forming a loop so that you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree and it was convenient to hold it.

Close the lid of the box and seal it with tape.

Hair. It is most convenient to stick on paper tape after attaching the lid from the shoe box. We attach bushings from toilet paper as shown in the photo.

We do this front and back.

The places where the parts are fastened with adhesive tape must be glued with PVA glue. Wait until it's all dry.
G. Hat making.
The hat is made of cardboard according to the pattern in the photo.

Cut out two pieces.

We attach with adhesive tape from the outside in front and behind, it is better to do this before the face and the entire nutcracker are in color.
2. Revival stage of the Nutcracker. Working with colored paper
From pale pink paper, we cut the face to size, draw parts of the face with a marker and glue it on the box.

We glue the hands with the same soft pink paper.

At the back, instead of the face, glue a sheet of white paper. This is a white wig.

Making a coat. We glue the rest of the box and hands with red paper. Velvet paper can be used on the front. If the paper is not self-adhesive, then it is better to stick it on super glue or instant glue.

We will return to the caftan. now legs. We glue each leg with white paper.

Boots, black or blue velvet paper. But you can use regular paper too.

On the caftan we make a collar from a yellow strip and the cuffs on the sleeves are also yellow.

On the collar, draw with a marker the lower jaw with teeth.

From gold foil we cut out buttons with fasteners for the caftan.

On the hat we glue green velvet paper cut out along the pattern in front and behind. The inside can be sealed with plain green paper.

We decorate the hat with a golden circle and white paper feathers.

The tale of the Nutcracker is one of the most beautiful New Year's stories. To add a little fabulousness to your home holiday, you can make a toy Nutcracker.

How to make a Nutcracker on a Christmas tree - see below.

Toy "Nutcracker" from felt on a Christmas tree - a master class

To make a Nutcracker out of felt with your own hands, we need:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • felt in light beige, dark beige, red, white and black;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • black beads;
  • beads and sequins of golden color;
  • thread and needle.

Operating procedure:

  1. Let's make a paper pattern of the future Nutcracker from felt. Cut out the torso, hat, nose, hair, wig, feather, head, teeth, sleeve, hand, leg and boot from paper.

  2. We will cut out all the details of the Nutcracker from felt. From beige felt we will cut out the head and four details of the hand. From dark beige - nose. From black - four parts of the boot. From red - two parts of the body, four parts of the sleeve and two parts of the cap. From white - a feather, teeth, two parts of hair, four parts for legs and six parts for a wig.

  3. Sew the hands to the details of the sleeve.

  4. We sew the details of the hands in pairs, leaving holes on the side.

  5. Fill your hands with sintepon.

  6. Sew up the holes on the sleeves.

  7. Sew the details of the boots to the details of the legs.

  8. Sew the details of the legs in pairs, and leave the unsewn edges at the top.

  9. Fill the legs with padding polyester.

  10. Sew hair to the head.

  11. Sew the head to the body.

  12. Sew the details of the cap to the details of the body.

  13. To the part of the body to which we sewed the head, we will sew the part of the teeth.

  14. We embroider stripes on the teeth that separate the detail of the teeth into individual teeth. Sew on beaded eyes and a nose.

  15. We will sew the details of the body of the Nutcracker, and at the bottom we will leave an unsewn section.

  16. Fill the body with a padding polyester.

  17. We put the legs into the lower part of the body and sew the lower part of the body, sewing the legs as well.

  18. Sew arms on the sides of the Nutcracker's torso.

  19. We roll the parts of the wig into tubes and sew them with small stitches so that they do not unwind.

  20. Sew the details of the wig on the sides of the head.

  21. Sew a feather and a golden sequin with a bead to the hat. We will make buttons on the body - for this we will sew three golden sequins and three beads, placing them from top to bottom.

  22. The Nutcracker is ready. Now you can plant it under the Christmas tree or on a spruce branch next to other toys.

The angular hero with kind eyes and a noble heart is remembered by everyone who read the fairy tale about the Nutcracker, watched the cartoon or theatrical performances. A master class on making crafts will introduce children and adults to the classics and create a festive atmosphere.

You can make a Nutcracker with your own hands from different materials and using different techniques. If you are a master in a certain direction, then you can safely use your skills in practice to create an exclusive toy.

Can you crochet? Great. Do you work with wood? Amazing. Do you want to make paper toys? As easy as pie. The main thing is to remember all the distinctive details that characterize the character. Crocheting a Nutcracker is a little more difficult and will require certain skills. We decided to make the Nutcracker out of felt.

Preparation of materials

Felt is easy to work with, and it also has a pleasant texture and gives off warmth, which is so lacking on cold winter evenings. A do-it-yourself felt toy, wherever it is, on the Christmas tree, under the Christmas tree, on the New Year's wreath, gives comfort to the house. It harmoniously looks next to the fireplace or with candles.

For work we need:

  • felt - more red, a little white;
  • leatherette - can be taken from an old bag or wallet;
  • satin ribbon - narrow fit;
  • matchboxes - 6 pcs;
  • cotton pads;
  • cocktail straws;
  • feathers;
  • skewers;
  • sequins;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue gun;
  • white sheet of paper - landscape and notebook are suitable.

The working process

Matchboxes will be the basis of the figurine of our character. Therefore, we advise you to immediately decide on the size. To do this, decide where the finished toy will stand or hang.

  • We take six matchboxes and connect them together. The result is a rectangle. This is the body of the Nutcracker.

  • Glue the boxes with paper. The base is ready. Let's start decorating it.
  • From a small triangle you need to make a nose and glue it.
  • For the face, select the third part of our rectangle. We paint over it with paint of beige color. Acrylic is better.
  • We cut out clothes from red felt and dress the character. The material is also attached with glue.

  • We make bangs from cotton pads and form curls, four things on each side.

  • We glue an impromptu white tail made of felt from behind to the head and tie it with a black cord.

  • We put on a headdress, fasten the feather with the help of a hugger, which can be taken in the accessories department. This will be replaced by an ordinary piece of colored paper covering the tip of the pen.

  • From straws we cut out handles along the entire length of the body and legs.

  • We glue the parts with red felt.
  • We draw a big mouth on paper and glue it on the red uniform.

  • A golden satin ribbon can be tied on the body or glued again.
  • This is the belt of our character. In the role of buttons, the smallest buttons or sequins.
    We attach the arms and legs.
  • We sew shoes from black leatherette.
  • Finishing touches: draw a face, decorate the costume with sparkles and insert a skewer into a satin belt.
  • If you plan to hang a handmade toy on a Christmas tree, then make a loop from a lace or thick thread. Our Nutcracker is completely ready.

    Other ideas

    The shape of the toy is quite simple, which allows you to come up with a lot of other ways to make the Nutcracker with your own hands. For example, you can use a small wooden block as a base. On it you can draw all the main details: face, uniform, headdress. Then buttons, ribbons are glued, and a champagne cork, cut in half lengthwise, acts as handles. A hairstyle can be made from paper twisted onto a regular pencil.

    Many children and adults like the unusual Christmas tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". Its author, T. Hoffman, tells about the incredible story of the Nutcracker, which was dreamed of by a seven-year-old girl, Maria. We admire the deeds of the noble Nutcracker, Marie's courage and resourcefulness and, of course, we condemn the evil mouse king.
    I propose to do it in honor of your favorite fairy-tale heroes under the name: “Heroes of the Nutcracker”.

    Materials you will need:

    • felt sheets in red, pink, grey, brown, white and green
    • red, black, blue, gold and silver paint
    • scissors
    • pen-pencil
    • hook or white thread for hanging the product.

    Children can participate in the entire manufacturing process: draw, cut, glue and paint. All stages are harmless, easy and exciting.

    Craft Nutcracker

    To begin with, cut blanks from felt with scissors: squares measuring 7.5 cm × 7.5 cm. All figures will be approximately the same size, so there should be several shapes and different colors.
    Cut out a round shape from beige felt. First, I recommend drawing a circle on the fabric, outlining any small round object.

    Cut out three shapes from white felt: round for the face, zigzag for the hair and beard (chin).

    I recommend using red felt for a hat. Cut out a trapezoidal shape, but on the figure you will place it upside down: the bottom side is shorter than the top.
    Glue the cut out shapes, forming the shapes as in the picture. To do this, use glue and a glue brush.

    Use paint to create face shapes. I recommend to practice on a napkin first. When the paint is applied, be sure to allow time for it to dry completely.

    Mouse King

    We create the second craft. To do this, cut out a gray circle. Tip: first circle a 250 gram jar with a pencil, leaving a trace for ease of cutting.
    Also cut out two small circles to create the Mouse King's ears.
    Cut out 2 small circles, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, to create the inside of the ears.
    Cut out a crown from yellow felt.

    Glue the blanks so that you get the head of a mouse. Use brushes and glue to work.
    Draw the mouse's face with paints: eyes, nose, cheeks, teeth and decorate the crown.
    Be sure to wait until the paint dries.

    We create the figure of the girl Marie.

    Cut out a triangle from pink felt. Cut out two small ovals to create pink felt ballerinas.
    Cut out a small beige circle, 2.5 cm in diameter. Also cut out two thin small rectangles to create the legs. Use gray felt to create a small crown. Glue all the shapes, forming a girl figure.
    Draw Marie's face with paints: eyes, mouth, cheeks, hair, and also decorate her dress.
    After the paint has dried, glue a hook or thread to the back of each item, forming a loop.

    Do-it-yourself New Year's crafts "Heroes of the Nutcracker" are ready!

    "Nutcracker". Kremlin ballet.