Trading day scenario. Scenario of a corporate party "let's compliment each other" Cheerful scenario of a professional holiday trade day

Script for adults. Designed for corporate events in a cafe or restaurant. Used verses from the site PozdravOK. ru. It is necessary to prepare the necessary props in advance, if desired, you can change contests and questions.

Music is playing in the hall while all participants of the corporate party are gathering. An evening dedicated to the professional holiday of trade and service workers is led by a small group or one presenter. The hall is festively decorated, at the entrance there is a poster “Trade is the engine, capital is a reliable ship, and we are its sailors.”

- It's already evening, it's the night,
And everything around was quiet, finally,
I look, it goes quietly through the square,
A slightly unusual person.
Dressed, like everyone else, in ordinary clothes,
But, I managed to catch something in the image,
His face shone with a ray of hope
Gave the mood of love.
I'm not mistaken, this is the seller of luck,
And I was ready to buy everything
And I didn't even need to surrender
I bought the opportunity to have an interesting life.
After all, you are not selling goods, you are selling products,
The buyer does not notice on the fly,
that you give a piece of your heart
Your love, care, kindness.
With your professional holiday, dear friends, fill your glasses and drink for yourself, for good luck sellers!

(Musical composition sounds.)

- Fanfare sounds solemnly
Valuable gifts are waiting for their customers
Diplomas, diplomas, for the most, most,
To celebrate hard work.
For congratulations and presentation of valuable gifts, the floor is given to the boss (full name).

(Each award and congratulation is sounded by the corresponding solemn music.)

- On a warm July evening,
Everyone who is closely connected with trade,
Accept this congratulations
And wish you success.

Let luck smile
The trading business is booming
Solve difficult problems!
May your God help you with this.

Oh, almighty ancient Veles!
Trade affairs to all masters
Send your blessing
Success, happiness and kindness!

Not much and not enough is said here.
Fill your glasses to the brim
There is only one truth in words
Glasses must be drained to the bottom!
Musical pause.

All people are divided into two groups: sellers and buyers. And you, like no one else, know what sometimes picky buyers come across. Moreover, you yourself often become buyers.

Now, I will ask you questions, and you try to answer them.
1. You want to buy something, but the product is high on the shelf, what are you asking? (May I see? Give me that thing? Etc.)
2. The seller did not hear you. (Knock. Come, please!)
3. The seller came up, but did not want to get the goods from the shelf. (I need to see that thing over there. Please give it.)
4. The seller dissuades you from buying this and offers something else. (Are you out of your mind? Give me a complaint book.)

On another sheet of paper, write down the answers to other questions.

1. The buyer, he asks. Is the seller's kiss included in the price of the goods? (No.)
2. The buyer pinched your soft spot, your actions. (Give a slap in the face. I'll call the police. What do you allow yourself.)
3. The buyer got your phone number and promises to call every hour. (My husband is jealous. Dear, leave me alone. Go out.)
4. The buyer gives you a rose as a sign of gratitude. (Thank you! Very nice, come again.)

Then two players are selected from those present. One buyer, another seller. They read the recorded answers, it turns out a funny monologue.

- You need a lot of health
Bubbling champagne in glasses
There is only one truth in words
We drink to the bottom of health.

A musical pause, during which several people are selected, they are given stars with numbers. A competition "For professional suitability" is being held. The person under the star number one is called. His task is to determine as accurately as possible how much money is in the bag. Small coins of different denominations must be placed in the bag. Then, recalculate, if the amount approximately coincided, then the participant is awarded the diploma “Expert of the Mint”. Participant number two is asked to indicate the exact amount of paper money in the bundle. If he guesses correctly, then a diploma is awarded to the “Best Collector of Waste Paper”. The player at number three must say by eye how much a piece of cheese weighs, for the most accurate answer, the diploma “Taster of the Year” is awarded. Competitor number four must not make a mistake in guessing the displacement. He must determine how many grams of vodka are poured into a glass, for the exact answer, the letter "Fighter against drunkenness." And participant number five must blindfold guess what he was fed. Use a little-known fruit, for example: avocado, mango, passion fruit. For the correct answer, the diploma "Connoisseur of the Year" is awarded.

- Yes, you can't be taken with your bare hands.
Craftsmen in their field, do not take away!
For your knowledge, for your becoming
I'll offer to raise a glass!

A musical break during which two or three participants are selected. They go to the utility room, where the host dresses them in gypsy costumes, you can also take men, they will cause more laughter in this costume. The task for the participants is to “squeeze” as many items or money as possible from those present. At the end of the competition, count the results of "begging" and reward the winner with a gypsy horse (toy). For the participants and all those present, announce the dance "Gypsy".

Oh, where have we gone?
Trade, ancient craft
It doesn't take a lot of talent to do this.
I am ready to give a grant for talents.
DJ turn on the tape recorder
I announce a dance marathon.

Trading Day Scenario

Here, the main words have already been said in relation to the holiday, the participants in the celebration sipped the wine. Everyone is in a great mood. What? Now your way out!

For the trading day scenario, invite three men (you can discuss the action plan with them in advance). Dress them up in clothes that symbolize some countries. Give each piece of paper with the text. Yes, and most importantly, prepare bags for the participants, or a bag (you can also have a bag) with treats. And what kind? You will understand by reading the text to the end.

Presenter: Oh, girls, hurry up!
Get out on the porch!
Merchants have arrived!
All handsome, well done!

And you, guests, come in,
Show us your product.
Where have you been? What have you seen?
Tell us all about!

Merchant 1: I, the girls are not melting,
I'll tell you about the edge
Where wine flows like a river
Grape dashing!

There is a wide range.
I didn't take much with me.
Winemakers treat,
But the secret is not revealed!

Presenter: Oh, girls, pour!
And put up your glasses.
Celebrating Trade Day!
We welcome the holiday! (Try the wine)

Yes, wine is truly amazing,
But we are doing well!
So as not to tempt merchants!
You can only take it.

Merchant2: I have been across the ocean,
He often went to sea.
And for you, my beauties,
Caught a lot of fish.

But I went to the nearest port,
People met me there
Didn't expect it myself...
Wholesale fish sold all!

And I haven't forgotten about you
I bought everything in the store, (here you can insert the name
your store.
The fish there is amazing!
The meal will be great!

Presenter: Yes, it's really delicious,
Your stomach will not be empty.
The fish melts, right in the mouth,
Nothing that is all in the bones!

Only a fish, under the wine ...
Vedas 2: Do not twist your face,
We also have a table
Vodka is on the table!

Presenter: Well, colleagues, pour,
Have a fun holiday!
To increase sales
Competitor, we were not afraid!

Merchant3: Ah, I flew in from the south,
I really wanted to meet!
I was terribly surprised
Are you growing lemons??

Neither lemon nor tangerine
I didn't see an orange!
Where is the peach? Apricot?
Good to bring with you!!!

Help me girl
Take everything out of the bag.
Wash apples and pears
And eat bananas!

You girls don't be shy
Eat grapes.
A holiday, after all, with us!
But, sorry, the wine is off you!

Moderator: What will be our answer?
Shall we pour him some wine? Ile no?
All fruits are very good!
Pour the guest from the heart!

Everyone raises their glasses, and once again congratulations and the brightest wishes sound. I suggest that you prepare in advance the text “script for the day of trading”, with pleasant words, relating specifically to your company. Do not miss the opportunity to solemnly congratulate the authorities.))) (but do not flatter too much)

Date in 2019: July 27, Saturday.

The life of a modern person is impossible without the acquisition of various services and goods. Moreover, not only clothes and products, but also communal and entertainment services, knowledge and intellectual developments became the subject of purchase. The producer or owner is connected with the buyer by people who ensure the execution of trade operations. We will congratulate these workers on their professional holiday at the end of July.

The first trading operations appeared when a person learned to barter in kind. But the introduction of monetary units put merchants on a new level and laid the foundation for the development of trade. The modern development of the industry has acquired new directions related to the introduction of electronic technologies, the principles of logistics and effective management. From this, the work of the seller acquired new qualities that require special knowledge and behavior from a person, which made the profession not only attractive, but responsible and important for the development of the state economy. It is not for nothing that on the Day of the Trade Worker, everyone honors the work of the seller with respect and gratitude and celebrates the holiday in Russia.

history of the holiday

Not only the development of the country's economy, but the well-being of every person directly depends on the quality of trade services. After all, buying and selling has become an integral part of personal life and production processes. And if the first merchants were exclusively males, today people of different ages and genders, as well as entire corporations and even countries, act as sellers.

The profession itself has no restrictions on either age or gender, but makes great demands on the skills of the seller, his professional and specific training, the ability to communicate, and find compromises.

In fact, the industry employs a huge number of both professional trade workers and amateur sellers.

But the fact that people in this profession do not have their own holiday was first raised by the Soviet authorities in the 60s. The official date was the fourth Sunday in July, but in 1988 the holiday changed the date and began to be celebrated in March, on the 3rd Sunday.

This state of affairs continued until 2013, when, on the basis of a presidential decree, the final floating date was set to fall on the 4th Saturday in July.

Who celebrates Trade Day

In Russia, Trade Worker Day in 2019 will be celebrated on July 27th. And you need to know who to congratulate on this day. Definitely, employees of all stores, as well as supermarkets and retail warehouses. And not only sellers, but also people who provide the entire complex process of trade: merchandisers, administrators, storekeepers and even movers and cleaners, as well as drivers and managers.

It is worth remembering about workers in the service sector. After all, utilities and household services are an integral part of trade, and congratulations will be received by people who supply water, gas, electricity, communications as a commodity, maintain buildings and communications, repair and clean, and provide household services.

But do not forget about another type of modern trade, carried out through the Internet. For many, virtual deals have largely replaced physical purchases. But behind them are real people who have to monitor all processes, answer questions, fill out applications and deal with purchases and mailings.

Several million people are involved in trade in Russia. And if we take into account that relatives and friends will celebrate with them, then we can safely call Trade Day a holiday for almost a third of the country's population.


Any successful purchase brings joy. Congratulations to you, the salesperson who is helping to purchase this little joy. I wish you a good mood and positive emotions. Let the smiles of grateful customers illuminate your life and materialize into green banknotes.

We sincerely congratulate all trade workers on their professional favorite holiday. We wish that buyers are always understanding and friendly, the calculations are correct, and the salary is high. Let the assortment of goods help to attract more customers and increase revenues at times.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

Happy Trade Workers Day.

For a purchase to always go

Friendly large crowds.

Everyone to smile

And once again came

Your pocket to be filled

Work was a joy and did not anger.

Let sales grow

And they raise your salary

There are fewer evil bosses for you,

And simple buyers.

So that the work is in the mood,

Show so that you can

I congratulate you on the holiday

And I wish you a happy day.
Trade drives progress

Although work is a clear stress.

Goods are in high demand

And don't go back.

Our aspiration is profit,

Could you sell well?

Goods for a tricky request

Price is always another issue.

Good luck,

Good luck without giving up.

Happy Trade Day.

Let there be demand and profit.

Contests for corporate parties on Trade Day

Often a professional holiday is celebrated among colleagues in the form of a corporate party or just fun gatherings. When you prepare the script in 2019, do not forget about the competitions that will appeal to all sellers:

  • excellent entertainment;
  • board game;
  • entertainment competition;
  • cool contest;
  • board game

Cheerful script for a corporate party

3 | Voted: 25

A fun scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, far from salads on the table and beautiful outfits create a mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any party in the office.

This entertainment program can easily be interpreted to celebrate a company's birthday or the New Year. Just add the appropriate congratulations. If you want to run more contests, here is a selection of fun games and fun.


Hello colleagues!

For a cool corporate party

Gathered a friendly team.

Everyone forgot about the dress code

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning

Songs to sing and light!


Are you ready to have a good rest? To get back to work on Monday? Then let's start our corporate party! You are a single team, and this is what makes the company successful. I propose to test your ability to act together in the next competition.

Contest "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand in front of the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked with a line), they are given large baskets. Near each team there are a lot of balloons and a line that they cannot cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. Those, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. It takes 3-5 minutes to complete the task, the team wins, in the basket of the captain of which there will be more balls.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But, the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have a little refreshment, you can continue the entertainment.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees without problems find a common language with him, understand each other perfectly. This will be confirmed by the next game!

Silent dialogue game

The leader and the subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take a day off tomorrow?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The chief, of course, does not hear questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue is very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you come to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners and losers here, however, small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. Let's see how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits in a chair in front of him. The task of the driver is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!

Fanta game

This is a traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we could not help but include it in our fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: the guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly, the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a phantom out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks need to be prepared in advance. For example:

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, observe subordination.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, a dance competition can be held to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

For the game, you need to prepare in advance cards with a description of objects or phenomena of the same subject. For example, for a corporate party in winter, they are suitable: a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled. All leaflets with inscriptions are folded into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like ... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Treasure of the company"

The players are divided into two teams. From the props you will need cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, a couple of chairs. The first player takes a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the signal of the leader, the participants run to their chairs (they are at a distance of 4-6 meters), run around them and come back. Pass the bracelet to the next player - hands free! The winner is the team that will quickly pass their decoration from the first to the last participant and not drop it.


We have a very cheerful and bright corporate party, right? But how can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The host invites everyone to take turns pulling a ball from the drum with a number that matches the gift. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal, in each souvenir the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning.

For example:

  • Notepad - career growth;
  • Candlestick house - buying a summer house or a house;
  • A magnet with a beautiful landscape - a journey;
  • Keychain - buying a new car, etc.

This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish the success and prosperity of the company, the achievement of your goals and inspiration - to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun corporate script. We wish you a bright party!


  1. Greetings;
  2. Official part;
  3. Comic rules of the evening;
  4. Acquaintance "Bouquet";
  5. Wishes for the profession;
  6. Theater of Miniatures “Detective;
  7. Tickets "What is the question - such is the answer";
  8. "Calendar leaves";
  9. Blitz - tournament;
  10. Games, dances, skits;

What you need to prepare:

  • Flowers for the game "Bouquet;
  • Sheets with inscriptions of heroes;
  • Tickets with questions and answers;
  • Tear-off calendar;
  • Game inventory

Q: Good evening, dear friends! Hello! So the long-awaited holiday "Cooperation Day" has come! Today you will find a lot of interesting things, and I sincerely congratulate you on this, rightfully deserved, wonderful day! Our holiday is summer, so let's combine it with the sun, kind smiles and good mood! Now let's get to know each other. (Leader introduces himself). You already know me, and now I would like to get to know you. The game is called "Bouquet". You take a bouquet and name yourself and pass it with a smile to your neighbor or neighbor, who in turn will also smile at you!


Q: Let me toast, wishing you good and sunny days!

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile

Give a smile to your friends!

Give to passers-by and good people,

You can't live without a smile! TOAST!

Q: Let's not forget that we have a professional holiday, so we would like to pay special attention to trade and consumer cooperation workers! The profession of a salesperson is subject to danger and a kind of risk: thieves, shortages, rude buyers ... the police ... We offer a life situation. Let's play detective!

Scene "Theatre of Miniatures". Prepared guests perform, play skits.

Scene about the seller and the buyer

The buyer approaches the consultant.

BUYER: Tell me, do you have a book called How to Succeed and Influence Others?
INTERVIEWER: She's long gone
BUYER: And “How to submit a report quickly and dump from work to Zainka”?
CONSULTANT: No. But I can advise “How to quickly hit the bath on Friday”
BUYER: I'm not interested. Is there a book called "How to borrow a couple of grand and not give back longer"?
CONSULTANT: There is none
BUYER: And "How to meet a girl and bring her home on the first day"?
BUYER: Ah...
CONSULTANT: (interrupts) There's a book called "How to Dump Your Counselor and Find Books Yourself"

Scene about the police

Two operas are talking

1st: Seryoga, is there anything to read?
2nd: I'll see now ... Have you read Akunin?
1st: Yes, I read everything Akunin
2nd: Wonderfully writes, agree!
1st: Yes, he can. Is there Ulitskaya?
2nd: No, Vadik took Ulitskaya to read. Pelevin is.
1st: Is it interesting?
2nd: Well, in general, yes ... (holds out a folder with a file) Here, see for yourself
1st: (reads a sheet from the folder) I, Alexander Mikhailovich Pelevin, being in a state of intoxication, inflicted three knife blows on citizen Uvarova ...

Funny scene about the police 2

Employee 1: Where do we have tea?! He's a tease! He's Lipton! He's a bag on a string!
Employee 2: It's in the closet! He's Plywood! He's "The Dump"! He's "Understand, finally"!
Employee: Where's the sugar?! He is also "Sweet", he is also "Sticky", he is also "White Death"!
Employee 2: Today at 9:45 Moscow time, I recorded the absence of sugar. Operational and investigative measures yielded a result: the trail leads to the 15th office.
Officer 1: Operational group - go!

And now each of us will be able to play the role of ... an actor! (The host distributes roles and invites participants to come out to him to play theater). Your task is to perform all the actions of the heroes of the scene that I will pronounce. The key is to improvise!

fairy tale performance

Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Blow Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.

The curtain opens…

Castle. A Princess sits on a Throne in the palace... A beautiful Prince enters... Sends a kiss to the Princess... They begin to be nice... At this time, an evil Dragon flies in through the Window... with three Heads and an orgomic Tail..., grabs the Princess... and flies away... The Prince sets off to save the bride... Saddles his Horse… and rushing like an arrow to the Dragon’s cave… Clouds block the sun…, Trees creak in alarm… Wind knocks the Horse down… and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave… The Dragon appears… Its three Heads spew flames and smoke… The battle begins… The Prince cuts off the first Head …, second and third… The Dragon’s body is convulsing…, the Tail is dangling from side to side… The Princess runs out…, stumbles over the Tail… and almost falls… The Prince catches her… They kiss… The tail continues to dangle…

The curtain closes...

Q: we wish everyone good luck and faith, so that everyone will have good news,

Happiness to all without end and without measure, And now let's be together, together,

For our holiday, we will fill the glass again,

Let's just smile at each other again

Let work give joy and love,

We'll be back here in a year!

For all the good things, for your team!


Q: And now let's play a question and answer, often we get completely different answers from life, which we would like! I am sure that people with a sense of humor have gathered here, so we will succeed! Question and answer game.

  1. do you want to become a ballerina?
  2. are you always this cheeky?
  3. Do you like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  4. do you go to the casino?
  5. do you make mistakes in your life?
  6. do you want to have a lover?
  7. do you often go to weddings?
  8. do you often fall out of bed?
  9. Do you enjoy kissing your husband (wife)?
  10. are you under the influence of alcohol?
  11. do you eat at night?
  12. would you like to get drunk today?
  13. Do you like Borya Moiseev? (girl)
  14. how often do you climb to a neighbor's cottage?
  15. do you like your boss?
  16. can you buy love with money?
  17. Do you succumb to the temptation of love affairs?
  18. do you like swimming naked?
  19. do you often eat that much?
  20. Are you adventurous?
  21. Are you thinking about spending the night in someone else's bed?
  22. do you wash in the bathroom?
  23. Do you dream of performing in a striptease?
  24. do you snore in your sleep?
  25. Are you willing to kiss in public places?
  26. do you like women?
  27. do you like vodka?
  28. Do you want to win the contest for the sexiest ass?
  29. you give bribes to the policeman?
  30. do you meet on the street?
  31. How much time do you devote to love affairs?
  32. want to kiss me?
  33. do you like frog legs?
  1. I can't imagine my life without it.
  2. I don't answer political questions.
  3. I love you, but at someone else's expense.
  4. Only on pay day.
  5. No, I am a very shy person.
  6. I find it difficult to answer the truth, because I do not want to spoil my reputation.
  7. Only when I feel a little weak.
  8. You can try it away from home.
  9. I don't know myself, but others say yes.
  10. This is my hobby.
  11. Just not here.
  12. Please don't put me in an awkward position.
  13. Ask a more sober one.
  14. Why not? With great pleasure!
  15. My blushing is the most striking answer to this question.
  16. Only when I rest.
  17. Youth is long gone.
  18. Without witnesses, this case, of course, will go.
  19. This opportunity should not be missed.
  20. I'll tell you this in bed.
  21. Only when you want to go to bed.
  22. You can already try this.
  23. If it can be arranged now, then yes.
  24. Only when there are troubles at work.
  25. If I'm strongly asked to.
  26. I can for hours, especially in the dark.
  27. My financial situation rarely allows me to do this.
  28. No, I tried once (a) - it didn’t work out.
  29. Oh yeah! This is especially great for me!
  30. Damn it! As you guessed.
  31. In principle, no, but as an exception, yes.
  32. Only on holidays.
  33. When I'm drunk (a), and I'm always drunk (a).

Q: Don't be fooled by life's surprises,

May your wishes and dreams come true in the end!

After all, if you have no problems with a sense of humor,

You will save yourself in this world and help everyone!


Q: Our life consists of a string of years, seasons, days of the week, and just numbers. You have in your hands calendar sheets from 1 to 30, the month of June!

Complete the leader's tasks:

  • Gather on the days of the week;
  • Find yesterday or tomorrow, etc.

The host has a drum with numbers from 1 to 10, the drum spins and the host announces the numbers. people from the “calendar” come to him, for example 1 and 7, they formed the seventeenth number of the calendar. They perform a dance in the Spaghetti Dance competition. A GAME!

Q: Maybe this couple was not destined to meet,

But, I want, friends, I still confess,

That you were excellent, a great example for us,

You have become a bright light today in a gray world!


Q: And now the blitz tournament! I will ask you intelligent humorous trick questions and I want to get no less original answers to them!

  • The man was driving a large truck. The headlights weren't on, the moon wasn't there either, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (There was a day)
  • Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)
  • When the car is moving, which wheel is not spinning? (Spare)
  • Why is the dog running? (On the ground)
  • What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
  • Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open)
  • Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
  • What is between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
  • What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)
  • How many peas can go into one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)
  • What happens if a black scarf is dipped into the Red Sea? (get wet)
  • Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
  • What question cannot be answered with "yes"? (Are you sleeping now?)
  • What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
  • What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  • What are we eating for? (At the table))
  • How long can you go to the forest? (To the middle - you go further out of the forest)
  • What disease has never been ill on earth? (nautical)
  • What notes can measure space? (Mi-la-mi)
  • How to pluck a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)
  • A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (None, because the bottom fell)
  • How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)
  • What can be seen with closed eyes. (Dream)
  • Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Same per kilogram)
  • Two birches grow, each birch has four cones. How much? (Cones do not grow on a birch)

B: For agility for ingenuity

For excitement and intensity,

Pour it quickly

Glass full of vodka!


Q: The next game is Men's Revelations. This is a screaming game. Women after each phrase of the leader shout “Yo-ho-ho!” If they agree! And "Oh-oh-oh!" - if you do not agree. And the men add "And a bottle of beer!".

So, let's begin!

So I would like a car ... (the host is waiting for the reaction of the guests) ...

To marry a prima ballerina ...

One currency in the wallet ...

To Nice, if only for a minute...

Every day on the table barbecue ...

And a friend - just chic ...

To catch a buzz on football ...

Their taps generously pour vodka ...

And the job would be easier...

And better health...

B: The sun is shining outside the window,