Volumetric plane made of cardboard. How to make an airplane out of cardboard. Playground decoration, scenery

Many of us (yes, almost all of us!) folded paper airplanes as children. But until now, not all moms and dads know that they were doing aerogs, one of the branches of origami. In Japanese, by the way, it will not be aerogami at all, but kami hikoki - kami \u003d paper, hikoki \u003d plane. So today we present to you the 12 most popular models of kami hikoki - paper airplanes that are ready to bravely cut through the expanses of the ocean of air and will undoubtedly delight your children!

Glider #1

Glider #2

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

The use of paper to create toys is believed to have started 2,000 years ago in China, where kites were invented. The modern paper airplane, according to one of the most popular versions, was invented (yes, yes, that's right!) In 1930 by Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas while building real airplanes.

"Silk" (Silke)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

"Drake" (Canard)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

In 1989, Andy Chipling founded the Paper Aircraft Association, and in 2006 the first paper airplane launch championship was held. Competitions are held in three disciplines: the longest distance, the longest planning and aerobatics - the performance of aerobatics by paper models.


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

However, there are also commercial competitions. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Red Bull Paper Wings. The last world championship was held in Austria, the designers competed in three categories: "aerobatics", "flight range" and "flight duration".

"Gomez" (Gomez)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Numerous attempts to increase the time the paper airplane stays in the air from time to time lead to the taking of the next barriers in this sport. Ken Blackburn held the world record for 13 years (1983-1996) and got it again on October 8, 1998, by throwing a paper plane indoors so that it stayed in the air for 27.6 seconds. This result was confirmed by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records and CNN reporters. The paper airplane used by Blackburn can be classified as a glider.

"Locked" (Locked)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Although it is believed that light paper airplanes fly farther than heavy ones, this claim is disputed by Blackburn. Blackburn's plane, which broke the world record in 1983, was designed on the assumption that the best planes have short wings and are “heavy” at the time of the launch phase, when a person throws them into the air. Although longer wings and lighter weight would seem to help the airplane achieve longer flight times, such a paper plane cannot be thrown high. According to Blackburn, "to achieve maximum altitude and a good transition to gliding flight, the throw must be carried out with a deviation from the vertical of no more than 10 degrees."

Birthday boy


Number of guests

not limited


from 3 years

Holiday duration

1.5 - 2 hours


house and yard
Holiday colors

Blue, cyan, orange, white


Cloud muffins, lozenges, sweets, airplane mousse, cake


Paper airplane garlands, mineral wool clouds, striped holiday caps, a large map of the world, an "airplane" from a cardboard box

Thematic entertainment

Paper plane launch, balancing, packing for speed

The main characters of the holiday of pilots

The theme of aircraft in our house is very relevant. In less than a week, a new toy aircraft model appears in our son's collection. Therefore, the idea for the next birthday of our child was born by itself. And yet, purely by chance, I saw just such a picture - an illustration for the summer holiday of another kid.

Is it really inspiring? Of course, such a holiday requires careful preparation and considerable effort. And not everyone will be allowed on the runway of a real airport. Therefore, we did not dare to repeat the "feat" of the parents of this boy. But our holiday, created at home, turned out no worse!


1. Invitations

Invitations must certainly correspond to the theme of the holiday! It is best to use the air ticket format for this purpose and pack it in a standard airmail envelope.

And the text inside should be in the style of the future game. We "invented" this one:

Russian (French, American, etc. to choose from) airlines invite Mr. (Miss) __________ (guest name) to take part in a festive flight, which is dedicated to the birthday of the head of the national aviation fleet _______ (birthday name) _________.
Flight time: (holiday date and start time).
Direction: ______(address)_____
Seat #: First seat for best friend.
Confirm your flight: (a phone number is provided so that the parents of the invited guest can confirm the presence of the child, or refuse the invitation).

You can fasten envelopes with such a homemade air seal. The base is half a potato. "Ink" - ordinary gouache. Entrust the process of "printing" envelopes to the very future birthday person. Thus, he will feel his importance and delve deeper into the idea of ​​​​a future holiday.

2. Playground decoration, scenery

Of course, it is quite logical that you need to decorate, first of all, the ceiling (as an analogue of the real sky). For this purpose, you can use the entire "hangar" of your child. Plastic, inflatable, rubber planes, wooden model gliders - everything will work! To the ceiling, such "decorations" are best hooked with a fishing line or elastic band. This will create the illusion of real planes hovering over the heads of the guys.

In addition, you can make real clouds from rock wool, or cut them out of plain cardboard.

An excellent solution is a garland of many multi-colored paper airplanes. And of course - Balloons! They are a wonderful decoration for any holiday, especially for a summer one!

For young aeronauts, you can also purchase such an interesting flying machine! A photo session in such an “airplane” will be a great gift-reminder of the holiday!

A balloon plane can be installed near the entrance to your home. It will be a kind of symbol of the upcoming event!

And further. The game involves the use of several diverse zones. For example, we had an airport in the hallway (with passport control, a luggage department, etc.), a waiting room with a cafeteria in the living room, and an aircraft hangar in the nursery. And in the yard we made something like a take-off platform. It turned out interesting!

3. Game props, costumes

Almost all the games scheduled for this evening assumed the distribution of the guys into "pilots" and "passengers of the aircraft."
And what is hallmark pilot? Of course, cap

Well, maybe the badge is a symbol of airlines.

And the passenger? Naturally - luggage!


1. We meet guests

Of course, our little guests could not remain indifferent to the balloon plane. Everyone, as expected, tried on the role of "first pilot". When the guys played enough, we invited them to the house. Immediately upon entering, the roles were assigned. Naturally, the birthday boy became the first pilot. Two more guys - co-pilot and navigator. Girls - so far occupied the vacant passenger seats (we handed them the previously prepared "suitcases" and "passports"). Dad was already waiting in the hallway for the passengers. He carried out passport control.

2. Games, entertainment

While the girls were going through the procedure of checking documents and luggage, the boys were preparing the plane for the flight in a makeshift hangar (there their grandfather was already waiting for them).

So that they would not get bored, our old master showed them different models of aircraft, painted the trajectory of their takeoff and landing on the map ... And also, he allowed them to launch small airplanes - crackers.

And here is our most important invention! Real plane! We made it from a cardboard box from under the refrigerator. Decorated with foil. And the propeller was built from thin fiberboard. He really rolled!

Of course, all our guests did not fit into the cabin of the aircraft. I had to come up with options! We decided to do so. Cardboard box became the cockpit, and the passenger department quickly "grew" out of small chairs that we put on the box - the plane.

(speaking into a shout): Attention! Attention! Boarding of passengers on the flight Moscow - Paris is coming to an end. Fasten your seat belts! Before takeoff - 40 seconds!

It would be nice to hang a large map of the world in the "flight room", right in front of the eyes of little pilots. On it, using a bright marker, draw the route of the aircraft.

(now she pretended to play the role of a flight attendant): Dear passengers! Who wants coffee, tea? Or maybe a set lunch?

Plastic and paper containers for the “transit lunch” were prepared in advance. There were crackers, muffins, sweets.

Attention! Attention! The plane starts landing. Paris airport accepts us! Fasten your seat belts! We are descending!

In "Paris" the children saw the sights (you can show a photo, or a filmstrip, it's more interesting). But! Looking at the masterpieces of Paris, they forgot about time! Need to hurry! Soon the plane will fly to Melbourne! And the suitcases are still in the hotel!

Task 1. Collect a suitcase for speed

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is offered a suitcase and a pile of clothes. The first participant must put everything in the suitcase as quickly as possible, and the second must unpack everything. And so - to the last participant. The team whose last player completes the process of collecting - parsing the suitcase faster - will win.

An interesting type of creativity is the manufacture of paper and cardboard crafts. Often and in kindergarten, and at school, children are given the task of making some kind of paper craft with their own hands. From cardboard, such products are more solid, hold their shape well, and do not wrinkle. With such crafts, the child can play for a long time.

Boys love different equipment: cars, helicopters, planes, tanks. All of these can be made from waste material, which is at hand in any home. This article will discuss how to make an airplane out of cardboard. Consider a few various options starting with the lightest item.

Flat plane made of cardboard according to the scheme

For such an air liner, you need to have a sheet corrugated cardboard. You can use any hard cookie or shoe box. Using the diagram below, silhouettes of parts are drawn on a sheet with a simple pencil. Then carefully cut out each element along the contour with scissors. The inner hole can be cut with a sharp knife.

Before assembly, you need to apply a drawing to each part or paste it with colored paper. In the end, it just remains to put together all the elements. You don't even need to use glue or tape to do this. Do-it-yourself wing and tail of an airplane made of cardboard are simply inserted tightly into the main part of the structure.

Volumetric flying machine

To understand how to make an airplane out of cardboard, you need to carefully examine the photo of the craft. There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to draw a drawing of all parts of the structure on cardboard: a body with a hole for the pilot, a wing, two parts for the tail and two wheels.

Parents can help with the diagram in this case by drawing details with a simple pencil, especially if the child is preschool or primary school age. Further, the boy can already make an airplane out of

The first part of the work is cutting out all the details along the contour with scissors. Then each can be either painted with gouache paints, or pasted over with colored paper. So that the paint does not stain the baby's hands while playing, all the details on both sides can be coated with acrylic varnish. It has no smell, dries quickly, and the plane will look brighter, the colors of the paints will appear more juicy.

At the end of the work, it remains to assemble the parts into a single whole. The wheels are put on a wooden or metal stick. If it does not work out, then you can simply glue them along the edges of the case. That's it, the cardboard airplane model is ready. You can play!

Airplane from a toilet paper cylinder

Before you make an airplane out of cardboard, you need to find: a solid cardboard tube left after using toilet paper, a sheet of corrugated cardboard, a simple pencil, scissors, a knife, a felt-tip pen or paints, a brush, a simple pencil.

In the tube you need to cut a hole for the pilot, bending it forward. The next cuts for the wings and shank will be more convenient to make with a sharp knife. In the back for the tail, a hole can also be made with scissors.

The next step is to draw the details on a sheet of cardboard. These are two oval wings: long and short for the shank. Then you need to draw a triangular tail and round off its hypotenuse. The most complex part of the whole design is the front propeller. When the drawing is drawn up, all that remains is to cut out the elements and assemble the plane. It's already easy. The screw can be glued, or you can put it on a nail or paper clip, having previously glued the nose of the liner.

At the end of the work, the product is decorated. This can be done with paints, felt-tip pens, pasting with colored paper. This is at your discretion.

big model

This option aircraft- the most labor-intensive, and Small child unlikely to be able to do this on his own. The help of an adult will not be superfluous. If your baby is young, then this version of the technique can be made for games by parents or older children in the family.

First you need to have a large corrugated cardboard box. If the parents have recently purchased a refrigerator or washing machine, then the cardboard from the packaging can be used for this craft. Before you make an airplane out of cardboard, you need to consider the size of the future structure. If the box is large, and there are two children, then you can make the design long so that two pilots can sit down calmly at once.

Having cut off the extra parts of the box, they first make the body of the aircraft. You can try on by putting the baby there. Should be comfortable for the feet. Then work on the details begins. Since the model shown is a maize, there are two wings on each side, one above the other. They are fastened together with stops, representing structures in the form of the letter "I".

In order for both the wings and the tail to hold tightly, they need to be glued with strips of paper both from below and from above. You can use adhesive tape, gluing each part a couple of times. The screw is made of less thick cardboard in the form of an ordinary windmill. You can not install wheels, so the baby will have a stronger base and he will not fall. If dad or older brother makes such a model, the joy of the baby will exceed all expectations.

The airplane craft is the perfect toy for kids as well as good decoration interior design for adults, especially those who are fond of flying. In order to assemble one airplane from cardboard or thick paper, it will take several minutes - an average of 5-7. A full-fledged layout with characteristic elements can be created in 10-20 minutes using paints or felt-tip pens for this.

Paper plane by origami

One way to create an airplane with your own hands is to assemble it in the origami way. The Japanese technique is not just a way to create cute paper crafts, but also a full-fledged direction in the art of needlework. The classic aircraft manufacturing option involves the use of one single sheet of paper or corrugated cardboard. No cutting and gluing required. It is best to use thin cardboard so that you do not have to look for additional tools, such as glue or scissors.

For work you will need:

  • A sheet of paper (format A 4) or medium density cardboard - 1 pc;
  • Felt pens and pencils (optional) to decorate the finished model.

The paper sheet will be gradually transformed into such elements of the aircraft as the tail, body, wings and tail.

The steps for the upcoming work are as follows:

  1. The sheet should be folded in half (vertically);
  2. Expand the resulting workpiece;
  3. Fold the two upper edges of the paper to the center of the sheet (during this action, do not unfold the workpiece);
  4. Fold the same corners again - you need to ensure that they connect, but do not intersect at the central fold line (do not unfold the cardboard either);
  5. The next step is to bend the upper sides of the workpiece down to the right and left;
  6. At the final stage, you need to raise the left and right parts of the future figure to form the wings of a flying machine.

The plane is completely ready to fly.

big model

A beautiful flying plane can be not only miniature, but also large. It can be made from a sheet of cardboard or thick paper. You will need to start work, as always, with preparing a place for needlework and the necessary tools.

Stages of creating an airplane out of cardboard with your own hands:

  • Bend the cardboard in half lengthwise by hand;
  • Then bend in half again along a horizontal line;
  • After that, fold the corners so that they touch in the center, but do not intersect;
  • Then bend them up;
  • Starting from the middle of the resulting fold, fold the side corners of the cardboard blank;
  • Unfold the folded paper at the top.

The next stages of work will be related to the formation of all the characteristic elements of the future aircraft. Stages: unfold, slowly, all the corners on the workpiece - you will get triangular workpieces. After that, the person performing the assembly should carefully fold their upper part in half. It is important to consider that, according to the rules, this work should start from the corners located at the bottom of the cardboard or paper.

The next moment of assembly - the side parts should be folded to the center, not by much - by 1-2 cm. After that, the side elements of the aircraft blank should be folded to the middle of the cardboard sheet - a diamond-shaped base should be obtained. Next, the side parts of the diamonds resulting from all the steps done earlier must be tucked up so that a triangle is obtained. After that, the aircraft model should be folded in half vertically. The following stages of work:

  • Tilt the craft in left side, bend a parallel line - you get a wing;
  • Repeat this step on the other side;
  • The resulting wings are bent down (right and left).

At the end, the part of the wing that will be movable will need to be folded in the middle on each side. Such a plane, made of cardboard, will be dense, will be able to take off quickly and high, as well as perform a wide variety of stunts, including those of increased complexity.

Children's version of aircraft crafts

Since children are very fond of making various things and toys from cardboard, paper, and even from a matchbox they are ready to create incredible flying cars, it will be very interesting for them to fold an airplane that can take off. An assembly scheme that is easy and accessible for self-reproduction can be completed in a few simple steps, even for kids. All you need to do:

  • Take a thin sheet of cardboard or paper from a school notebook if the work is being done for the first time;
  • Make a square out of it, for which you will need to fold the lower part of the sheet and tear off this part along the formed fold line;
  • Next, fold the resulting sheet of thin cardboard square shape in half;
  • Bend the upper edges to the center of the workpiece;
  • The next step is to bend the resulting paper or cardboard triangle.

After this stage, it is important to remember that the edges of the workpiece are again bent to the middle, and then the sheet is bent in half. At the end of the work, the corners are carefully bent, which helps to form the wings of the aircraft, without which it will not be able to fly. Also, using corrugated cardboard in your work, the layout can be improved by creating a spectacular tail or voluminous wings - for big plane it will also be an additional decoration, and a small one will be able to stay in the air longer.

If you want to create a real aviation fleet, then you can create hangars or an airport out of the box. You can simulate real routes on a Whatman sheet by plotting the points of departure and arrival. In order for a cardboard airplane created by oneself to fly longer, it should be tossed up with amplification.

There are many options for games using cardboard aircraft; the main thing is to learn how to collect them and, if desired, improve them using additional materials.

Airplane in hand

Thus, the answer to the question of how to make a plane that would fly out of cardboard has been found, it remains to show imagination and create an interesting story game or just put the craft as a decoration. Many people also make airplanes specifically to create a collection of various civil or military aircraft, so the possibilities that open up to a person are almost endless.


Who among us in childhood did not fold paper airplanes ?! A bunch of old notebooks, newspapers and magazines were used. This activity has not lost its popularity to this day. For children, assembling a paper airplane is exciting and quite simple, everyone has a desire to make the fastest and most beautiful model. This hobby is a well-known form of aerogami, one of the ingredients of the art of paper folding.

In this collection, I will show 6 ways to make a paper plane with step by step photos. Probably, the hands of every adult remember how to make an airplane from an ordinary notebook sheet in a matter of seconds. This simple toy, reminiscent of childhood, delights with its flying abilities. At a time when children did not yet know about phones and tablets, it was paper airplanes that entertained the boys at school breaks.

Our airplanes made of plain paper will help you to assemble your own military aviation kit. All models available in this selection of our site are very easy to assemble.

We hope you will not have any difficulties. There are many ways to make a flying plane, we will introduce you to only a part of them. After reviewing the pictures, you can design an aircraft carrier or a fighter that will impress you and those around you. See how to do it here.

DIY paper plane

Of course, making simple “ticks” in the form of airplanes is too easy. Using the origami technique, you can teach your child to fold a model of a combat fighter out of paper. The process of its manufacture is simple, if you follow the step-by-step photos presented in this master class.

To create our fighter, one A4 sheet will be enough. We used blue paper.

Fold the sheet in half first.

After that, we do another addition, but in a different direction.

Now, to the just outlined fold, you need to bend the lower part.

We perform a symmetrical fold from above.

Let's expand the blank of the future fighter and rotate it a little.

Now let's start forming the wings. To do this, bend the upper right corner as follows.

Symmetrical fold is performed on the left.

Let's bend the right side again.

On the left side, we will make the same fold, after which we will straighten it.

On the right side, the folded fold needs to be straightened as follows.

After that, you need to bend the top layer to the right.

Do the same with the other wing.

We return to the right side again. The top layer is slightly bent to the left, focusing on the fold line.

After that, bend the fold down.

On the left side of the aircraft, we perform the same actions.

Let's turn the fighter blank to the other side.

Here we repeat all the folds made earlier. First, we make small folds on the sides.

After that, we bend everything to the center line.

Now we fold the fighter blank lengthwise.

Let's form its wings. To do this, bend the top layer down.

On the other hand, repeat the symmetrical fold.

It remains to form the flaps. To do this, perform the following folds on both sides.

Our origami paper fighter plane is ready to fly.

How to make a well-flying airplane model

Consider comparatively light scheme assembling an origami fighter plane. Surely, boys will be happy to perform such a model. And in the future, you will get a valid, well-flying model. Use the same bright red or a calmer color for work.

The material for work is a sheet of thin double-sided paper (it is desirable that the length of the rectangle be 2 times greater than the width).

Assembling an origami fighter step by step

Take a rectangle (A4 format is also suitable).

Bend the sheet lengthwise clearly in the center.

Lay out the paper and fold the corners from one side to opposite sides, highlighting the X-shaped line.

Bend the second corner to the other side.

Make a perpendicular bend at the intended point, make sure that the side lines match.

Flip paper over and spread out. Then press the sides inward, forming a triangle. The paper will easily succumb to your actions, the previous layout was made for that.

Bend the lower strip under the triangle along in half. Cut off the resulting top layer with scissors.

Take the upper sharp corner first to the left.

In the bottom layer, fold the slope to the center vertical line.

Put that corner back in place first.

Then turn the second corner to the right.

Also join the side slope to the center vertically.

Return sharp corners to their places.

Lift perpendicularly up one of them.

Then lower down, making a fold exactly in the center of the highlighted small triangle.

On the opposite side, do the same.

Move both remaining tabs to the left.

On the top ledge, lower the slope down, aligning with the center vertical.

Turn this folded ledge back again.

Grasp the corner with your fingers and pull out the sharp tail.

Repeat all the same operations on the second ledge and form the same tail, which will be directed in the opposite direction.

Close the protrusions and check the symmetry of the tails.

Move on to the wings. Bend over one of them.

Then the second.

Bend the tails at an angle first.

Then reorient so that they go around the ledges on both sides.

Bend the model in half lengthwise.

Lift both wings up, making 2 more additional longitudinal folds.

Straighten out your origami fighter.

If desired, you can still bend any parts of the wings or the inside to make the model more streamlined.

Our do-it-yourself paper plane is ready!

A paper plane that flies for a long time

Aircraft that fly indoors need a shift in the center of gravity towards the nose. These models fly faster and better, they are convenient to launch into the air. If you decide to compete for time, then it is worth throwing the plane as high as possible so that it can dive for a longer time.

There are as many ways to launch paper airplanes as there are structures to collect them. The most satisfied modeler will be the one who manages to design his own model of an airplane. Any properly folded airplane will have good flying qualities.

A model that flies for a long time - video lesson

Helpful Hints:

  1. Carefully smooth the fold lines with a hard object or fingers.
  2. For products, choose only flat paper sheets. An airplane will not come out right from crumpled, torn and bent sheets.
  3. Try to maintain symmetry about the axis when folding the airplane. If this is not done, during the flight it will tilt to the side.

In order to make a paper airplane, you need to take a rectangular piece of paper, it can be of any color. You can use a sheet from a notebook or a newspaper spread, in general, any paper that you have will do. The density of the base should be medium so that the aircraft flies long distances and it is easy to assemble (it is difficult to fix a straight fold line on an overly dense material).

A paper airplane is a great way to have fun, combining business with pleasure, development is underway fine motor skills, imagination and thinking. Most children are interested creative pursuits. If they fold paper crafts, this will help develop children's fingers.

The child learns to focus on the subject, think creatively and connect his imagination to the case. For a birthday, you can arrange competitions between children who will fold the airplane faster.

There are many aircraft models, but the one from childhood, No1, is the easiest option. He took the paper, closed his eyes - after a couple of minutes the plane had already taken off into the air ... no, after 25 seconds, watch the video!

A simple paper airplane model

People have been dreaming about flying into the sky since ancient times. Since then, centuries have passed, and only a little over 100 years ago, the first prototype of a modern aircraft rose into the sky. As for children's fun, the technology of the 21st century has allowed toy helicopters and airplanes not just to fly, but to perform aerobatics. But these aircraft are expensive and designed for teenage children.

And if your little son is just starting to get interested in aviation, then it's time to start making paper airplane crafts with him. The creation of one of these airplanes is presented in this master class.

For the manufacture of this aircraft model, we will prepare:

  • a sheet of colored paper A4;
  • transparent tape;
  • scissors.

Before work, arrange our sheet horizontally. After that, the upper side corners are required to be bent to the middle.

Similarly, you need to do with the lower side corners, bend them up.

The lower edge of the workpiece of the future airplane must be bent up.

Now our triangle should be folded in half.

Let's unfold the blank of the future airplane and rotate it 180 degrees.

We perform a similar fold on the left side. Now the blank of the airplane has acquired a square shape.

Let's continue the work by turning the craft to the other side.

Here you need to bend the side corners to the center.

We fold the blank of the future airplane along.

Arrange the resulting trapezoid as follows.

Let's begin to form the wings of our aircraft. To do this, we bend the upper layer of the trapezoid at an angle, forming one wing.

In the same way we make the second wing.

The tail part is formed by arching the rear part upwards with the formation of a triangular fold.

Now it's the turn to use transparent tape. We connect the right and left halves with a small piece.

Our plane is ready!

Jet plane from separate paper elements

When a person has a piece of paper and an excess of free time at hand, his hands automatically begin to fold a paper airplane. This is a simple origami that everyone can do. Some inquisitive children go further - they begin to make paper models of real airplanes and spaceships.

Of course, it is far from a fact that by making paper airplanes, a child will grow up to be an aircraft designer. But such an activity develops spatial thinking well, and the child also receives pleasure from the result. If you notice your son has a tendency to model, then suggest that he make a model of a jet plane from separate paper elements.

To create such a paper airplane, we will prepare only 3 square sheets of the same size.

For the convenience of showing in the master class, we use different colors, but the paper plane can be made in the same range. For the front of the plane, we use a red square of paper. Fold it diagonally.

After that, we fold along the other diagonal. So we did it.

This allows you to fold the red square into a double triangle.

At the top layer of the resulting triangle, bend the right corner down.

The left corner of the same top layer needs to be bent down.

On the reverse side of the red blank, repeat the same.

Slightly bend the corners of one layer. And we bend the protruding corners of the other layer up.

After that, we tuck the bent corners inward.

Return the top corners to their original position. This completes the work with the red module.

From the yellow square we will create middle part aircraft. We fold it along two diagonals.

Then we give it the appearance of a double square. This work sequence is similar to the previous module.

At the top layer, bend down the corners.

The side corners of the other layer need to be bent to the center. First we bend the right corner.

After that, fold the left corner.

Now let's fill the slightly protruding corners inward.

Let's turn the yellow blank to the other side.

The bottom corners need to be bent up.

After that, we'll put them inside.

This is how the second module for our paper plane looks like.

We will make the tail part from a blue square. To do this, the initial steps are repeated until we fold the figure in the form of a double triangle.

At the top layer, we bend the side corners to the middle.

After that, we raise them a little. This completes the work on the blue module.

We have obtained such blanks.

You can start assembling an airplane out of paper. To do this, the corners of the red module must be inserted into the yellow one.

So we connected the front and middle parts of the plane.

In order to add the tail, the workpiece must be turned over to the other side.

After that, insert the blue module.

Our jet plane made of paper elements is ready!

How to make a fighter plane out of paper

IN Soviet time mugs were very popular children's creativity at the Palaces of Pioneers. Every second boy wanted to enroll in a car, ship or aircraft modeling circle. The choice of a creative direction was directly related to the professions that were popular at that time: a truck driver, a sea captain or a pilot.

Perhaps in the 21st century these professions are not shrouded in a halo of heroism, but children still make models of tanks, ships and aircraft. We propose to make a paper fighter that will delight the child with its flight. The process of creating such a paper fighter is shown in this master class.

To make a fighter out of paper, take:

  • A4 sheet;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

First, the sheet must be folded in half in the longitudinal direction.

Then we will form the bow, for this we will perform a fold in the form of a corner on one side.

After that, the same fold must be done on the other side.

In expanded form, the blank of the future aircraft looks like this.

Bend the corner up.

Now we bend it in the opposite direction, focusing on the edges of the resulting triangle.

You need to give it the following look.

On the other hand, we do the same.

On the left side, slightly raise the folds made.

Turn the inner corner out.

Now let's bend it inside.

In the upper part of the resulting triangle, we will perform another fold.

Bend the fold made into right side. So we got the cockpit.

We fold the workpiece lengthwise.

In the back, you need to cut along the indicated lines. Therefore, it is better to outline them in advance with a pencil.

Cut out with scissors. So we began the formation of the tail and wings.

Narrow parts at the edges of the wings need to be bent forward.

Let's do this on the second wing of the fighter.

Let's bend the left wing to the side first.

We also bend the right wing.

Fold the narrow parts along the edges of the wings in half.

After that, bend them down again.

The cut part will not be superfluous. From it we will make the tail.

We paste it.

Our paper fighter is ready!

DIY simple paper plane

Collecting to one degree or another is characteristic of every person and especially a child. Someone collects stamps and coins, and someone collects models of cars, tanks or aircraft. At the same time, collecting is not a cheap activity, because each model can cost hundreds of rubles. Therefore, you can start small - for example, a child is quite capable of independently making a semblance of some kind of aircraft model.

Our master class shows step by step manufacturing a simple airplane made of colored paper.

To create it, it is enough to prepare:

  • green sheet of A4 paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

First, fold the sheet in half lengthwise.

Now we outline the future nose of the aircraft. To do this, first bend the corner on one side.

On the other side of the workpiece, you need to do the same.

This is how the blank of the future aircraft looks like if you unfold a sheet of paper.

For further work, for the sake of convenience, we will slightly rotate the workpiece. After that, bend the corner up.

Now you need to make folds on the sides again, forming the nose of the aircraft. First, make a fold on the right.

We make a symmetrical fold on the left.

Again, bend the corner up, combining it with the uppermost edge of the workpiece.

And now the same corner needs to be bent in the opposite direction so that it protrudes about 2-3 cm beyond the edge.

We fold the workpiece along.

We begin to form the wings. To do this, first fold down on one side.

After that, we make a symmetrical fold on the back side.

Raise both wings up. Now we need scissors, with their help we need to cut along the intended line.

Carefully cut along the marked lines. So the wings and tail section of the aircraft were more clearly defined.

Again, bend the wings in different directions. This is how our craft looks at this stage.

We make small folds along the edges of each wing.

For the final formation of the tail, you will need to cut out one more detail from green paper.

We glue it. At the same time, apply glue to the inner fold.

We connect everything neatly. Our paper airplane is ready!

How to make a mangami plane

An airplane made from banknotes interesting craft origami comes from childhood. To complete such a model, you need to remember the folding procedure from start to finish. This tutorial shows how to make a small souvenir and made a craft from a souvenir 100 euro note. These planes fly great, you can play with them for a long time.

At your leisure, make such a toy with your child, then he will launch it up for a long time and admire how far it flies. You can also make two or three airplanes and compete to see whose plane will fly the farthest. It is the airplane that is the most popular and familiar model, and made of money, it also looks piquant.

Material used in the work: 1 euro souvenir banknote, but you can pick up any other type of money.

How to fold an origami airplane out of money

Prepare your banknote. A beautiful green euro bill will be an excellent basis for a small airplane. Or cut out a rectangle of colored paper of the same size.

Fold the bill in half lengthwise. Align opposite corners and long sides. After that, run your finger along the crease.

On the selected median longitudinal line, make a fold of two corners on one side. Form a triangle.

Lower the selected triangle in the opposite direction, but not clearly along the lower base, stepping back by about 1 cm. Draw again along the crease.

Turn the workpiece over with the back side towards you and make a small bend, form a fold about half a centimeter wide. Then do not unbend, but continue folding.

Again, turn the bill over with a folded triangle towards you and try to bend the corners, but not clearly along the middle line, but as if forming a small collar. A small corner should be visible from below.

Lift this small corner up, fixing the bent sides of the bill.

Bend the workpiece in half lengthwise, leaving the corner outside, that is, the fold line should pass clearly through its middle. Press down the sides along the entire length.

Pull the sides down so that the wings of the airplane are highlighted. The nose should be pointed.

Taking the construction with two fingers from below, smooth the wings to the sides and the side parts can be bent upwards at a right angle. The origami airplane from the banknote is ready. Now you need to be sure to launch it into the air to check how far it will fly.

This is an unusual version, which is made from an unusual source material, and is also unique in that the wings have an unusual configuration.

Interesting Facts

  1. In the Middle Ages, papermaking in Japan became widespread, and origami became a samurai art. At the same time, a culture of folding secret letters emerged. In temples, for several centuries, techniques and methods of folding paper into a variety of figures have been practiced. Perhaps, if not for the Japanese crane, we would not know anything about paper airplanes.
  2. Every child and adult dreams of an airplane that will fly 100 meters. Think it's unrealistic? In 1983, Ken Blackburn of America set a world record by surviving a paper plane in mid-air for 27.6 seconds.
  3. The competition to launch the Red Bull Paper Wings has reached the global level. For many years, together with his friends, he was fond of paper airplanes. In 1989, he took a desperate step by creating the Paper Aircraft Association. From under his hand came a collection of rules for launching paper aviation, which is used today in competitions. different levels as the official setting.
  4. The modern airplane came into being in the hands of Jack Northrop in 1930, who co-founded the Lockheed Corporation. He used paper models for carrying out test tasks in the design of real aircraft.

Do you still think that paper airplanes are simple art? Then let's put together a plane that flies well and folds quickly - perhaps you will become the owner of a new record.

Working with paper is a real pleasure. A model with ironed even curves will fly high and will not lose shape for a long time. First get used to simple layouts, then move on to more complex models. Toddlers like to make origami, so they will be happy to keep you company in this matter.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with origami, then first do simple models. When you find mutual language with paper and realize that your models fly well, then move on to more complex designs. Based on photos and videos from detailed instruction you will be able to make an airplane yourself, the game with which will become a favorite thing for you and your children! Make several models at once and arrange a real show on the street.

Remember your childhood - launch a paper plane into the sky! Flying weather!