The best paper plane according to the scheme. How to make an unusual paper plane. DIY paper plane

Who among us in childhood did not fold paper airplanes ?! A bunch of old notebooks, newspapers and magazines were used. This activity has not lost its popularity to this day. For children, assembling a paper plane is exciting and quite simple, everyone has a desire to make the fastest and most beautiful model. This hobby is a well-known form of aerogami, one of the ingredients of the art of paper folding.

In this collection, I will show you 5 ways to make a paper plane with step by step photos. Probably, the hands of every adult remember how to make an airplane from an ordinary notebook sheet in a matter of seconds. This simple toy, reminiscent of childhood, delights with its flying abilities. At a time when children did not yet know about phones and tablets, it was paper airplanes that entertained the boys at school breaks.

Our airplanes made of plain paper will help you to assemble your own military aviation kit. All models available in this selection of our site are very easy to assemble.

We hope you will not have any difficulties. There are many ways to make a flying plane, we will introduce you to only a part of them. After reviewing the pictures, you can design an aircraft carrier or a fighter that will impress you and those around you. See how to do it here.

DIY paper plane

Option 1 - combat fighter model

Of course, making simple “ticks” in the form of airplanes is too easy. Using the origami technique, you can teach your child to fold a model of a combat fighter out of paper. The process of its manufacture is simple, if you follow the step-by-step photos presented in this master class.

To create our fighter, one A4 sheet will be enough. We used blue paper.

Fold the sheet in half first.

After that, we do another addition, but in a different direction.

Now, to the just outlined fold, you need to bend the lower part.

We perform a symmetrical fold from above.

Let's expand the blank of the future fighter and rotate it a little.

Now let's start forming the wings. To do this, bend the upper right corner as follows.

Symmetrical fold is performed on the left.

Let's bend the right side again.

On the left side, we will make the same fold, after which we will straighten it.

On the right side, the folded fold needs to be straightened as follows.

After that, you need to bend the top layer to the right.

Do the same with the other wing.

We return to the right side again. The top layer is slightly bent to the left, focusing on the fold line.

After that, bend the fold down.

On the left side, do the same.

Let's turn the fighter blank to the other side.

Here we repeat all the folds made earlier. First, we make small folds on the sides.

After that, we bend everything to the center line.

Now we fold the fighter blank lengthwise.

Let's form its wings. To do this, bend the top layer down.

On the other hand, repeat the symmetrical fold.

It remains to form the flaps. To do this, perform the following folds on both sides.

Our origami paper fighter plane is ready to fly.

Option 2 - not a complicated paper plane model

People have been dreaming about flying into the sky since ancient times. Since then, centuries have passed, and only a little over 100 years ago, the first prototype of a modern aircraft rose into the sky. As for children's fun, the technology of the 21st century has allowed toy helicopters and airplanes not just to fly, but to perform aerobatics. But these aircraft are expensive and designed for teenage children.

And if your little son is just starting to get interested in aviation, then it's time to start making paper airplane crafts with him. The creation of one of these airplanes is presented in this master class.

For the manufacture of this model, we will prepare:

  • a sheet of colored paper A4;
  • transparent tape;
  • scissors.

Before work, arrange our sheet horizontally. After that, the upper side corners are required to be bent to the middle.

Similarly, you need to do with the lower side corners, bend them up.

The lower edge of the workpiece of the future airplane must be bent up.

Now our triangle should be folded in half.

Let's unfold the blank of the future airplane and rotate it 180 degrees.

We perform a similar fold on the left side. Now the blank of the airplane has acquired a square shape.

Let's continue the work by turning the craft to the other side.

Here you need to bend the side corners to the center.

We fold the blank of the future airplane along.

Arrange the resulting trapezoid as follows.

Let's begin to form the wings of our aircraft. To do this, we bend the upper layer of the trapezoid at an angle, forming one wing.

In the same way we make the second wing.

The tail part is formed by arching the rear part upwards with the formation of a triangular fold.

Now it's the turn to use transparent tape. We connect the right and left halves with a small piece.

Our plane is ready!

Option 3 - a model of a jet aircraft from separate paper elements

When a person has a piece of paper and an excess of free time at hand, his hands automatically begin to fold a paper airplane. This is a simple origami that everyone can do. Some inquisitive children go further - they begin to make paper models of real airplanes and spaceships.

Of course, it is far from a fact that by making paper airplanes, a child will grow up to be an aircraft designer. But such an activity develops spatial thinking well, and the child also receives pleasure from the result. If you have noticed in your son a penchant for modeling, then suggest that he make a model of a jet plane from separate paper elements.

To create such a paper airplane, we will prepare only 3 square sheets of the same size.

For the convenience of showing in the master class, we use different colors, but a paper plane can be made in one scale. For the front of the plane, we use a red square of paper. Fold it diagonally.

After that, we fold along the other diagonal. So we did it.

This allows you to fold the red square into a double triangle.

At the top layer of the resulting triangle, bend the right corner down.

The left corner of the same top layer needs to be bent down.

On the reverse side of the red blank, repeat the same.

Slightly bend the corners of one layer. And we bend the protruding corners of the other layer up.

After that, we tuck the bent corners inward.

Return the top corners to their original position. This completes the work with the red module.

From the yellow square we will create middle part aircraft. We fold it along two diagonals.

Then we give it the appearance of a double square. This work sequence is similar to the previous module.

At the top layer, bend down the corners.

The side corners of the other layer need to be bent towards the center. First we bend the right corner.

After that, fold the left corner.

Now let's fill the slightly protruding corners inward.

Let's turn the yellow blank to the other side.

The bottom corners need to be bent up.

After that, we'll put them inside.

This is how the second module for our paper plane looks like.

We will make the tail part from a blue square. To do this, the initial steps are repeated until we fold the figure in the form of a double triangle.

At the top layer, we bend the side corners to the middle.

After that, we raise them a little. This completes the work on the blue module.

We have obtained such blanks.

You can start assembling a paper plane. To do this, the corners of the red module must be inserted into the yellow one.

So we connected the front and middle parts of the plane.

In order to add the tail, the workpiece must be turned over to the other side.

After that, insert the blue module.

Our jet plane made of paper elements is ready!

Option 4 - paper plane fighter

IN Soviet time mugs were very popular children's creativity at the Palaces of Pioneers. Every second boy wanted to enroll in a car, ship or aircraft modeling circle. The choice of a creative direction was directly related to the professions that were popular at that time: a truck driver, a sea captain or a pilot.

Perhaps in the 21st century these professions are not shrouded in a halo of heroism, but children still make models of tanks, ships and aircraft. We propose to make a paper fighter that will delight the child with its flight. The process of creating such a paper fighter is shown in this master class.

To make a fighter out of paper, take:

  • A4 sheet;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

First, the sheet must be folded in half in the longitudinal direction.

Then we will form the bow, for this we will perform a fold in the form of a corner on one side.

After that, the same fold must be done on the other side.

In expanded form, the blank of the future aircraft looks like this.

Bend the corner up.

Now we bend it in the opposite direction, focusing on the edges of the resulting triangle.

You need to give it the following look.

On the other hand, we do the same.

On the left side, slightly raise the folds made.

Turn the inner corner out.

Now let's bend it inside.

In the upper part of the resulting triangle, we will perform another fold.

Bend the fold made into right side. So we got the cockpit.

We fold the workpiece lengthwise.

In the back, you need to cut along the indicated lines. Therefore, it is better to outline them in advance with a pencil.

Cut out with scissors. So we began the formation of the tail and wings.

Narrow parts at the edges of the wings need to be bent forward.

Let's do this on the second wing of the fighter.

Let's bend the left wing to the side first.

We also bend the right wing.

Fold the narrow parts along the edges of the wings in half.

After that, bend them down again.

The cut part will not be superfluous. From it we will make the tail.

We paste it.

Our paper fighter is ready!

Option 5 - a simple do-it-yourself paper plane

Collecting to one degree or another is characteristic of every person and especially a child. Someone collects stamps and coins, and someone collects models of cars, tanks or aircraft. At the same time, collecting is not a cheap activity, because each model can cost hundreds of rubles. Therefore, you can start small - for example, a child is quite capable of independently making a semblance of some kind of aircraft model.

Our master class shows step by step manufacturing a simple airplane made of colored paper.

To create it, it is enough to prepare:

  • green sheet of A4 paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

First, fold the sheet in half lengthwise.

Now we outline the future nose of the aircraft. To do this, first bend the corner on one side.

On the other side of the workpiece, you need to do the same.

This is how the blank of the future aircraft looks like if you unfold a sheet of paper.

For further work, for the sake of convenience, we will slightly rotate the workpiece. After that, bend the corner up.

Now you need to make folds on the sides again, forming the nose of the aircraft. First, make a fold on the right.

We make a symmetrical fold on the left.

Again, bend the corner up, combining it with the uppermost edge of the workpiece.

And now the same corner needs to be bent in the opposite direction so that it protrudes about 2-3 cm beyond the edge.

We fold the workpiece along.

We begin to form the wings. To do this, first fold down on one side.

After that, we make a symmetrical fold on the back side.

Raise both wings up. Now we need scissors, with their help we need to cut along the intended line.

Carefully cut along the marked lines. So the wings and tail section of the aircraft were more clearly defined.

Again, bend the wings in different directions. This is how our craft looks at this stage.

We make small folds along the edges of each wing.

For the final formation of the tail, you will need to cut out one more detail from green paper.

We glue it. At the same time, apply glue to the inner fold.

We connect everything neatly. Our plane is ready!

There are many aircraft models, but the one from childhood, No1, is the easiest option. He took the paper, closed his eyes - after a couple of minutes the plane had already taken off into the air ... no, after 25 seconds, watch the video!

How to make the airplane fly far and for a long time?

Aircraft that fly indoors need a shift in the center of gravity towards the nose. These models fly faster and better, they are convenient to launch into the air. If you decide to compete for time, then it is worth throwing the plane as high as possible so that it can dive for a longer time.

There are as many ways to launch paper airplanes as there are structures to collect them. The most satisfied modeler will be the one who manages to design his own model of an airplane. Any properly folded airplane will have good flying qualities.

A model that flies for a long time - video lesson

Helpful Hints:

  1. Carefully smooth the fold lines with a hard object or fingers.
  2. For products, choose only flat paper sheets. An airplane will not come out right from crumpled, torn and bent sheets.
  3. Try to maintain symmetry about the axis when folding the airplane. If this is not done, during the flight it will tilt to the side.

In order to make a paper airplane, you need to take a rectangular piece of paper, it can be of any color. You can use a sheet from a notebook or a newspaper spread, in general, any paper that you have will do. The density of the base should be medium so that the aircraft flies long distances and it is easy to assemble (it is difficult to fix a straight fold line on an overly dense material).

A paper airplane is a great way to have fun, combining business with pleasure, development is underway fine motor skills, imagination and thinking. Most children are interested creative pursuits. If they fold paper crafts, this will help develop children's fingers.

The child learns to focus on the subject, think creatively and connect his imagination to the case. For a birthday, you can arrange competitions between children who will fold the airplane faster.

Working with paper is a real pleasure. A model with ironed even curves will fly high and will not lose shape for a long time. First get used to simple layouts, then move on to more complex models. Toddlers like to make origami, so they will be happy to keep you company in this matter.

Interesting Facts

  1. In the Middle Ages, papermaking in Japan became widespread, and origami became a samurai art. At the same time, a culture of folding secret letters emerged. In temples, for several centuries, techniques and methods of folding paper into a variety of figures have been practiced. Perhaps, if not for the Japanese crane, we would not know anything about paper airplanes.
  2. Every child and adult dreams of an airplane that will fly 100 meters. Think it's unrealistic? In 1983, Ken Blackburn of America set a world record by surviving a paper plane in mid-air for 27.6 seconds.
  3. The competition to launch the Red Bull Paper Wings has reached the global level. For many years, together with his friends, he was fond of paper airplanes. In 1989, he took a desperate step by creating the Paper Aircraft Association. From under his hand came a collection of rules for launching paper aviation, which is used today in competitions. different levels as the official setting.
  4. The modern airplane came into being in the hands of Jack Northrop in 1930, who co-founded the Lockheed Corporation. He used paper models to carry out test tasks in the construction of real aircraft.

Do you still think that paper airplanes are simple art? Then let's put together a plane that flies well and folds quickly - perhaps you will become the owner of a new record.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with origami, then first do simple models. When you find mutual language with paper and realize that your models fly well, then move on to more complex designs. Using photos and videos with detailed instructions, you can make an airplane yourself, playing with which will become a favorite thing for you and your children! Make several models at once and arrange a real show on the street.

Remember your childhood - launch a paper plane into the sky! Flying weather!

Origami - favorite entertainment not only children, but also adults. The very first thing parents teach their children to do is an airplane. A simple but very interesting toy. Everyone is probably familiar with the classic scheme. But in fact, there are a great many options for paper airplanes. We offer you several original schemes how to make a paper plane. With their help, you can easily diversify your children's leisure time, and have fun yourself.

Paper plane is classical scheme origami. If you are new to this technique, then start with simple models. When you get used to the paper, "feel" it, your planes will acquire excellent smoothness and airworthiness, then move on to complex models. Before any craft, prepare yourself a few sheets of paper so that you can always start over if something goes wrong. Never use wrinkled sheets, in which case the aircraft will not have the desired characteristics. When performing the scheme, make sure that all bends are symmetrical. Also, do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands before the procedure, because dirty stains easily remain on the paper. Make some models at home and take your child outside to run them. This will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

simple paper plane

We all know the classic design of a paper plane since kindergarten. But, if you have forgotten or have not practiced for a long time, then we will remind you of it. A simple plane can be made in two ways.

Method number 1:

  • Take a rectangular sheet of paper, landscape is quite suitable;
  • Bend it in half, then unfold it again, so you get a straight center line;
  • Bend the upper left corner to the center line, do the same with the right;
  • Bend the resulting upper corner down;
  • Then align the vertices again as shown in the diagram;
  • Bend the resulting corner up, it will secure the upper corners;
  • Fold the resulting model in half;
  • Bend the wings in the opposite direction, they will straighten out and the plane will be ready to fly.

Method number 2:

  • Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half lengthwise;
  • Expand and fold the top corners to the center line;
  • Fold the resulting outer corners again to the center line;
  • Fold the figure in half and make the bends of the wings in the center. The second simple paper plane is ready.

Fast paper plane

Many boys want to learn how to make a fast paper plane. Such a model should have a tail folded according to a special pattern. And the nose should be thin and sharp. Then the plane will fly faster.

  • Bend along the sheet, then unfold it;
  • Fold in half, fold both edges from the middle to the bottom, and then unfold their halves back;
  • Expand the sides located on the side and bend inward each lapel - this must be done with the inner lapels, then with the outer ones;
  • Bend a small part of the wings so that they look back, then bend the wings from the bottom by a few centimeters;
  • Fasten the fold line by drawing a finger or a ruler rigidly along it, unbend the wings;
  • The resulting bends must be bent parallel to the bends of the wings.

Cool Glider

A glider is a very cool plane that is not easy to make out of paper, but it is quite possible. A little patience and you will get an original paper plane.

  • Fold the paper sheet in half and unfold again;
  • Lay the sheet with the fold up, wrap the corners inward - you will get a mark in the middle of the sheet;
  • Make a fold in the center of the sheet - you get a sharp nose of the plane;
  • The nose must be folded so that it looks 2-3 mm beyond the edges of the corner bends;
  • Then the paper is folded in the center so that the back is inside;
  • The wings should be bent - experiment with their width, achieving the optimal result.

War Hawk

The hawk is a famous military aircraft. Aviation enthusiasts will be happy to add it to their paper collection. If you do not know how to make such an airplane out of paper, we offer our scheme:

  • Fold a rectangular sheet in half, then unfold again;
  • Fold the side corners to the center line;
  • Fold the top corner with the end to the bottom line of the sheet;
  • Return the corner roll back, but with a slight bend;
  • Fold the model in half;
  • Bend the wings down;
  • Unfold the wings and make additional folds at the edges.

Far flying fighter plane

The fighter plane model is one of the best. It flies very well and is quite strong in its structure. It is a pleasure to play with such an aircraft. step by step diagram for a long-range fighter aircraft:

  • Take an A4 sheet, thinner is better, this will allow it to fly a little further;
  • Fold it lengthwise, then unfold it back;
  • Turn the fold up and fold in half along the short side;
  • Fold the resulting upper corners with an overlap so that the diagonal goes from the center of the top line to its corner in the bottom line;
  • Then the upper corners are folded in half again so that their outer edge runs along the diagonal line, be sure to carefully iron all the folds with a ruler;
  • Open each side like a bud and fold in half;
  • Then, the resulting corners are turned back;
  • After that, the upper parts on both sides are bent inside the aircraft;
  • The craft should be turned over and the same procedure should be done on the other side;
  • Both parts must be opened along the fold line;
  • On the other hand, it is necessary to similarly open the extreme parts, an isosceles triangle should be obtained;
  • The resulting figure should be folded in half;
  • You need to retreat 2.5 cm from the bottom line and outline a line, it is along it that the wings will bend;
  • Gently bend one wing first, then the other, do not forget to carefully iron all the lines;
  • The final touch is wing flexion for stability. To do this, approximately in the middle of the received aircraft, a line should be drawn parallel to the base;
  • Bend the corners up along this line;
  • If you wish, you can additionally make flaps. The plane is ready.

reconnaissance aircraft

If you have already got your hands on simple circuits, you can move on to the issue of creating an airplane out of paper of a more complex design. We offer you a beautiful and original reconnaissance aircraft:

  • Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in such a way as if you are going to make a square out of it;
  • Then fold the sheet in the same way on the other side;
  • You will get a triangle, bend its upper corner to the bottom line;
  • Then turn the corner back, but with a slight bend;
  • Fold the resulting figure in half;
  • Mark a diagonal line and expand the wings along it, do not forget to iron all the bends well. The model is ready to fly.


Another scheme with which you can make an unusual paper plane. The liner has an original shape, as well as excellent flying properties. With such a model, all the boys in the yard will simply envy. So, the liner scheme:

  • As in the scheme of the reconnaissance aircraft, at the first stage, the rectangular sheet should be folded as if you were going to make a square out of it;
  • Fold the resulting upper triangle in half;
  • Bend the top corner so that it protrudes slightly beyond the bottom line of the triangle;
  • Fold the figure in half, leaving the fold of the triangle inside;
  • Next, indent from the central fold and bend the wings along it. Inside the plane you get a small membrane;
  • The triangle bent at the beginning will need to be straightened;
  • The upper parts of the wings need to be bent slightly to outside aircraft;
  • Spread the wings and bend the corners, as shown in the diagram;
  • Decorate the plane with inscriptions and clippings.

We have described 7 for you various schemes that show you how to make a paper plane with ease. Each model has its own individual launch and landing characteristics. Make some aircraft you like, experiment with the width of the wings and flaps. So you will find the most suitable model for your purposes. Or you can create an entire collection together with your child, this will be a great alternative to the time spent by your child in front of the computer.

Modern children prefer to sit all day at the computer or watching TV, and it is very difficult for parents to force their child to go out for a walk. But if the child goes for a walk, then literally in half an hour he returns home, because he simply has nothing to do on the street. And then the initiative should go to the parents - take your son or daughter with something interesting, tear him off the monitor. A paper airplane can diversify the leisure of any child.

Remember how you loved this simple toy as a child and how airplanes were folded out of paper with friends. But childhood has passed, and many parents have simply forgotten how to do it. It doesn't matter, we will tell you how to make a paper airplane and your child will tirelessly run it with you, forgetting about the computer for a long time.

Almost all people did such crafts and, it would seem, what is the use of this, except for fun? But paper airplanes have become a popular toy all over the world and for many people this activity has become a real hobby, and therefore some craftsmen know not only how to fold a paper airplane, but also participate in real competitions.

When was the paper airplane invented?

These crafts were invented over two thousand years ago, but their popularity faded over time. However, lovers of paper crafts appeared, which brought recognition to paper modeling. Such a toy plane is considered the most common form of aerogami - this is one of the branches of origami, the Japanese art of paper folding.

The date of creation of this craft is considered to be 1909, but the more popular date is 1930 and the name of the creator of the paper airplane is Jack Northrop, who was the founder of the aerodynamics company Lockheed Corporation. He was very interested in how to make paper airplanes, but why did an adult man have such a desire? The use of this craft in the air was necessary for the founder of the company in order to test his new ideas for the further construction of real aircraft.

IN modern world hold international competitions on the duration of the flight of aircraft made of paper. It is clear that the winner will be the craftsman who made the longest-flying paper airplane. Every year there is a world championship in paper model launching. In 1998, a record was recorded for the duration of an indoor paper airplane flight, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records and amounted to 27.6 seconds.

Therefore, such a hobby can be safely called a kind of sport. Hold such competitions together with your children and their friends, and you will see that not a single child will be indifferent to such an exciting activity.

What are paper planes

These crafts are the most different types, and it is believed that even a beginner can fold them out of paper. If you are going to make paper airplanes, the schemes for these crafts are both simple and complex. In the simplest scheme, there may be five or six action points. But there is more complex schemes, they can all be searched on the Internet.

It is clear that the folded different schemes models behave differently in the air and land also differently. Some models are made of thin and soft, while others are made of thick paper. Some aircraft fly in a straight line, while others are capable of flying along a winding path.

An example of a beautiful and complex paper airplane model

What you need to prepare to create a model

If you are interested in how to make paper airplanes and what is needed for this, then we will immediately say that you won’t have to spend a lot on crafts. You can make such an aircraft from any paper, take an A4 sheet, but in principle the size of the sheet does not matter much.

The most important thing is that it be square or rectangular. So you need one paper. By the way, in the past, many children made such crafts from an ordinary newspaper, and it turned out pretty well.

Many children have a special craving for creativity. In this case, you can take pencils or felt-tip pens, stickers, and the like and use the original elements to give a unique design to your craft. Kids love origami, and this process will bring them a lot of fun. Creating the longest-flying paper airplane will be not only exciting for the baby, but also useful, and here's why:

  • while folding paper, the child develops fingers;
  • your child will learn to think creatively and turn on his imagination;
  • the child will concentrate his attention on a certain process and will work with you according to a specific plan - and this disciplines.

The basic principles of creating an airplane

Paper is considered to be an easily bendable pliable material, it is a pleasure to work with it, but a properly folded paper model will be quite strong and the given shape will remain for a long time. Follow the instructions carefully when handling paper. It is necessary to carefully iron the folds several times, folding the paper according to the scheme of the paper airplane. There is no need to rush, the more carefully you fold the paper, the better your aircraft will come out.

The duration of the flight in time and the range of the aircraft will depend on many nuances. And if you want to make a paper airplane with your child that flies for a long time, then pay attention to its following elements:

  • tail. If the tail of the product is folded incorrectly, then the aircraft will not soar;
  • wings. The stability of the craft will help increase the curved shape of the wings;
  • paper thickness. You need to take lighter material for crafts and then your "aviation" will fly much better. Also, the paper product must be symmetrical. But if you know how to make an airplane out of paper, everything will turn out right for you.

Simple paper airplane models

This activity will appeal to children of any age - both boys and girls. You can additionally interest the children and tell them about the benefits of launching such aircraft, it is also worth telling that many adults are interested in crafts and launching an aircraft seriously. And then, for sure, your child will want to learn how to make a paper airplane. But first, take care of simple models, and only then move on to more complex models.

classic model

This is the simplest airplane model and to create it you will have to follow these steps:

  1. prepare a regular landscape sheet of paper. Lay it out in front of you with the short side, and we will tell you how to make an airplane out of paper;
  2. fold the leaf in half and mark its middle. Do not smooth the formed fold;
  3. unfold the sheet again and now you need to fold its upper corner so that it is in contact with the resulting center line;
  4. we perform similar actions with the upper right corner of the sheet;
  5. Now let's unfold the paper one more time. You will need to fold the upper right corners with the left ones again, but now you need them not to reach the center line a little. That is, they will go a little obliquely and at the same time they will not completely close the triangle that you folded earlier;
  6. we continue to make further paper airplanes with our own hands. Now we bend a small corner so that it holds all the corners folded up to this point;
  7. at the end of the process, bend the product in half, and the triangle will crawl out of it. Bend the sides towards the central crease and you can start your "technique".

According to this scheme, a classic model of a paper airplane is made.

Flying paper machine "Strela"

First we will do classic version"arrows", and then you will learn how to make airplanes out of paper, which are similar to the classic "arrows", but are made a little differently.

Classic "Arrow"

Do you want something interesting?

Place a sheet of paper on the table with the long side towards you and bend it in half lengthwise. Now you need to bend the corners three times to the edges in such a way that after each new bend the angle becomes half as much.

Some use a protractor, but if the corners are constantly folded to the bottom edge of the aircraft and the lines match, a protractor is not needed.

When you bend the corners for the third time, bend them back up to 90 degrees and in this way you will make the wings of the aircraft.

These are also simple models of paper airplanes and it will not be difficult for any child to make such a “technique” under your strict guidance.

Model "Arrows" No. 2

This paper airplane model is similar to the classic "arrow", but it needs to be done a little differently.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. fold the paper sheet in half along its long part. The upper corners are bent to the line in the middle two times;
  2. fold in half the sharp end to the edge of the divergent wings of the model. Then you can bend the workpiece in the middle;
  3. you just have to select the wings. To do this, they must be bent exactly to the center line and your "fighter" is ready.

According to this scheme, the “Arrow” model of a paper airplane is made

Unusual and complex models of paper airplanes

You already know how simple paper airplanes are made, let's try to do something more complicated and interesting.

Airplane "Glider"

This craft has excellent flight properties. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. Then unfold, and placed with the resulting fold up. The corners of the sheet must be folded inward. You already have the middle of the sheet marked with a fold, and the triangles are easy to make even. The smoother everything is, the better the paper plane will be, which flies for a long time.

Visually divide each of the sides in half and again bend the corners along these far-fetched lines. You do not need to turn the sheet over before this. You should get a sharp and long nose of the plane. It should be bent so that it goes beyond the edge of the bent corners not much - only a few millimeters.

Now we fold the product in half, while the back side of the paper sheet should go inward. Bend according to the old mark, because initially you already folded the sheet. Now it remains to bend the wings of the craft the way you want - you can make them wide or narrow, experimenting with the width of the folded part. So you learned how to make a Glider airplane out of paper.

Hawkeye Aircraft

This plane model will be more difficult, but if you already know how to make simple models, then you can handle this craft.

Let's get to work:

  1. take a thick rectangular piece of paper and place it with the short side towards you;
  2. mark the middle line by folding the sheet in half;
  3. fold one of the top corners so that top part sheet coincided with part of the side. Do the same with the second corner;
  4. you have formed a kind of cross. We press its lateral parts to the middle line of the sheet and fold all the lines well. The right corner of the upper part of the sheet must be bent so that it is flush with the line of the upper part. But at the same time, the fold must be done so that about one centimeter remains to the midline. Do the same with the other side. A centimeter distance is required for the gap between the horns at the front of the airplane and it is necessary that the gap is sufficient;
  5. if you are still interested in how the paper airplane is folded, now you have to perform the most difficult actions. Now you need to bend the received "horns" of the aircraft twice more. An excess is formed, wrap it inside;
  6. the lower corner of the sheet is wrapped back - away from you in the opposite direction. The fold line must be done exactly to the place where the "horns" of the aircraft come out. The process of making this do-it-yourself paper airplane is almost complete;
  7. it remains to fold the product in half, in the center and equip the plane with wings. The wings will have two parts - the inner one should be parallel to the floor, and the outer parts go up a little. It remains to paint the model and run it, but it is worth noting that the ends of the nose of the aircraft are very sharp and such crafts are not suitable for very young children.

We have offered you some options for making such flying "techniques" and we hope that now you know how to make paper planes. The matter remains small - to launch your creation into the air, it is better to do it on the street, and the wind will help it there. The main thing is to have patience, and you will certainly get a perfectly flying paper airplane.

Folding all kinds of airplanes in various papercrafting techniques is one of the most fun ways to spend time with your child. And what opportunities for creativity! Aircrafts you can paint with felt-tip pens and paints, hang it from the ceiling in a room, organize air wars. In the paper origami technique, the planes are nimble, stable and realistic. It turns out that the choice is not limited to one simple model that you mastered back in school.

In this article, we will figure out how to make origami planes, because paper can be used to assemble both elementary and complex types of aircraft.

Before you start making origami paper airplane, read the following guidelines:

  • For large crafts, take a thick paper sheet.
  • Make small parts from thin sheets.
  • Use a metal ruler and a utility knife to make cuts and folds even.
  • For gluing, use transparent types of glue.
  • Follow the accuracy of the work, observe the symmetry, make the folds and cuts even.

Note! The best flight is provided by a large area of ​​the wings, and the curved wings improve the aerodynamic properties. You need to launch the airplane up at an angle of about 40-45 degrees.

Now you can start creating origami planes: paper assembly diagrams are presented below.

Simple Options

We begin to make an origami plane out of paper. The scheme of each model is presented in detail and clearly. Even a child will assemble most of the following twelve models, following the instructions step by step or repeating after an adult. First, practice on elementary types of aircraft, then move on to models that require more care and perseverance.

Note! The dotted line in all schemes marks the fold lines. On them you need to fold the sheet in order to preliminarily outline the places where further bending of the sheet will be formed.

  1. A glider or an arrow is the simplest type of origami paper airplanes that fly quite well over short distances. Glider is able to fold every child, starting from kindergarten age.

The first way is the basic glider model with pointed nose. If you learn how to launch it correctly, it will fly for quite a long time and smoothly.

Slug-nosed variant - The arrow has a good air glide range.

Complex options

Having stuffed your hand on the previous twelve models, you can turn your attention to origami paper planes for tricks of varying degrees of complexity. Here begins a real paradise for those who like to make complex aircraft.

Below is detailed instructions with pictures:

  • Take a colored sheet of A4 format. The thinner the sheet, the higher the flight range.
  • Form a fold in the center along the long side.
  • Bend the workpiece in half lengthwise.
  • Bend and carefully iron one corner.
  • Repeat the same with the second corner.
  • Fold the corners in half again and press the folds with pockets.
  • Open each corner and fold inward to make two rhombuses on both sides.
  • Wrap the corners inward, closing the pockets.
  • Bend the top corners as shown.
  • Also turn off the corners on the other side.
  • Open the pockets again by folding back the pieces on one side and the other.
  • Fold the design along the original fold line.
  • Draw a line approximately 2.5 cm long from the bottom edge of the sheet.
  • Bend two wings along the drawn line.
  • Draw another line on each wing as shown in the photo.
  • Bend both wings - these will be the stability elements of the aircraft.
  • Make flaps to increase the flight range and give stability to the vertical elements of the wings.

Origami is a great art, but there is nothing simpler than a paper airplane. On this page you will find a detailed explanation of how to make those who can fly long and high.

You need:

If paper model throw up correctly, you will see aerobatics tricks! Not surprisingly, for many children and adults, the most interesting game- paper airplane.

Stage 1

Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise like a book and open it. You should have a fold line in the center.

Stage 2

Carefully fold the opposite top corners so that they match up as shown in the picture.

Step 3

Fold the resulting triangle with the tip down and align its top with the fold line so that it looks like a high envelope.

Step 4

This step of the lesson on how to make paper airplanes is one of the most difficult. Fold a couple of upper corners to the center about one centimeter above the tip of the triangle.

Step 5

Wrap the top of the triangle over the folded corners. Smooth out the fold lines.

Step 6

Fold the future airplane along the very first fold line as in the sample.

Step 7

Fold the wings so that the height of the paper airplane body is one centimeter.

Step 8

Fold the flanks of both wings to a height of one centimeter in the same way as shown in the photo.

In order for you to actually get the best paper airplane you've ever made, it's worth taking these little details into account. All of them are here for a reason, but taking into account the balance and center of gravity.

Step 9

Finally, the time has come for the final part of the lesson on how to make paper airplanes. Simply glue the hull or staple the fuselage to keep it desired shape During the flight.

Step 10

Let's get to the fun part - testing!

  1. The main thing now is the correct launch. To make the model do it in the air, point the nose of the glider up and push forward with force. The airplane will cheerfully outline an invisible circle and then it will simply plan. Two corners, bent on the flanks of the wings, did their job!
  2. It is convenient to launch such a design of an airplane from a hill, then it will level out and plan down in the air flow for longer.
  3. One corner of the wing can be left unchanged, and the other can be bent down. After such a transformation, your test aircraft will be able to go into a tailspin! The flow of oncoming air will inevitably pick it up and, like a pinwheel, spin it around the axis of symmetry.

Now you are no longer faced with the question of how to make an aircraft made by you - a real conqueror of the hearts of all generations and peoples! However, most likely, this paper airplane model is not your last one.