How to make a car on the street for kids. Playground decoration: the best ideas for do-it-yourself implementation. Children's and adult sports ground

Natalya Chernikova

I always enjoy looking through the photo reports of colleagues about land improvement. And one can only rejoice at how well equipped playgrounds are. We have problems with this. Of the new stationary equipment, we have only a slide. Everything else is done hands teachers and parents of students.

Every year we puzzle over how to get out of the situation and equip plot.

We mainly use plywood, boards, logs, improvised material for equipment.

So for several years as a developing center for development fine motor skills hands renders good service to the locomotive. At first he was with us.

Over time, the mechanisms of the locomotive fell into disrepair. We have updated it this year. And so the train became.

Its details are bright and interesting.

Nearby is home-made equipment also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. A few years ago, for such equipment, the back of a crib came in handy for us. But it broke down before serving us even 3 years.

Now we have new equipment, made of durable wooden cuttings, metal crossbars. I want to believe that it will serve us for a longer period of time.

The water play center is a boat from a baby bath. I already talked about it in a previous post.

Nearby is Moidodyr, where children can wash their hands using a washstand.

Sand play center is a sandbox and mini sandbox "Cow" which has served us for several years.

For role-playing games we have a plane.

As well as a gas station for cars, a car, a motorcycle, which I also talked about.

We have a creative center: table, bench, stand for fine art works.

And also for many years now, a table in the form of a ram for drawing semolina and sand has been pleasing with its functionality.

When the children are engaged in creativity at the table, the rest of the children run around and play outdoor games at this time. In order to be able to organize building games at the same time, an idea came up - to make another table. And do you know what we made it from? From a wooden coil on which the wires. They dug one part of the coil into the ground, painted the upper part, and made flowers on the surface of the table using colored self-adhesive paper. Our table is large.

There is an opportunity to gather behind him for everyone who wants to play Board games. The plans include an idea to make a bench so that you don’t have to take chairs out of the group every day.

The flowers in our flowerbeds in the form of swans have already grown up, delighting with their beauty.

A health track was made, which I also talked about. Survived until the end of summer.

We have fitness equipment "Apple and Pear" made from plywood. They serve to roll balls. We have been using this equipment for several years now.

For crawling, they made multi-colored gates. An arc from a hoop, plastic colored balls are put on it. They placed the gate where there is at least a little green soft grass.

This year to organize an outdoor game "Carousels" on the veranda they hung a carousel made of several hoops of different sizes and multi-colored satin ribbons.

To organize games for the development of breathing, they made a manual in the form of an inverted umbrella and butterflies.

We are building pans for next summer. I'm looking for ideas from you guys. Thank you.

I wish you all creative success!

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The long-awaited summer is coming soon. I really want the plot kindergarten summer looked bright, lively and interesting! Kindergarten area.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

A playground made with your own hands from improvised means together with a child will serve as a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for performing in the country will help you with this.

The playground for children's pastime in the country plays a role, both in the development of children, and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of an equipped playground for children is that the child is under vigilant supervision, although he does his own business.

A playground in the country can be made from improvised means

By forming a playground for a child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the owner. Although his presence on it takes place before your eyes.

The sandbox in the country can be finished with interesting stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show their own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having a child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child independently using devices will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends to visit and, without interfering with you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner ..

The functional purpose of the playground for the development of children is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of today's adults, in childhood, built huts, climbing frames, swings, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

The car on the playground from the old tires of the attributes of the old car will really appeal to the boys

You can fully realize children's fantasies today .. Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Do not think about technical perfection, make children's dreams come true, and the desires of the child, as best you can, from available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting joint action with the child.

Important! The choice of devices for creating a play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is important first of all. This is the least time and material-consuming place for children's games.

The sandbox is very easy to set up. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the place chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from planks

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional fungus or a canopy.

So that the child does not overheat, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pillar with a height of at least 1.5 meters and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

Canopy for the sandbox can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire may be an option for fencing the sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing, the following materials will be required:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 by 50 centimeters and 1 by 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing compound to be placed in a tire.
  • Board at least 1.5 meters long.

The mechanism for fitting a pipe and a wooden product is also shown in the figure.

Car tires are a versatile material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as the option of using car tires for the manufacture of various jump ropes and loopholes, is shown in the photo.

Jump ropes are often made from tires, half-burying the tires in the sand

For physical development a child needs simulators for the vestibular apparatus, they can be made both from wheels and from logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Also interesting option physical development of the child is the installation of a climbing wall.

A-shaped climbing wall for children with their own hands

For its manufacture ideal option is an A-shaped wall, which can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected from above with bolts. It is advisable to cover with carpet or similar suitable material.

For emphasis, grips are required. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, and they can also be purchased at specialized stores. It is desirable to attach them with bolts for greater security.

For the manufacture of a swing, in addition to tires, any failed furniture elements - chairs, benches and even a skateboard - can be used.

Swing seat can be made from an old chair

We perform a rocking chair by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Pass the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for the child to confidently stay on the swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

Knots should not be tightened too tightly to readjust if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check for yourself its strength, safety and functionality.

Also, a fun element for children is the slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself hill in the country

For its manufacture, boards treated from roughness will be required so that it is not possible to plant a splinter.

The pool in the summer is quite a necessary element. It is easiest to purchase it in a store and install it in the shade. Although independent execution works on the installation of the pool, together with children, and they will remember for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me, it's worth it.

Digging a pit and a drainage hole, attaching hoses for pouring water - all these activities will teach your child engineering skills, and he or she may show interest in them in the future.

In addition to simulators for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses are purchased in stores or built independently. Also, an artfully landscaped building can be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various more calm and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which an ordinary stump is used. Or just various stumps for gatherings

A great option is to combine many elements into one, which will save a lot of installation space.

Another unique, though less durable, are carton boxes, from them you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It is very easy to make a house out of the box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on the playground for children is a place clearly partitioned off for a full view.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting sites so as not to worry that children will trample them.

The playground equipment itself can be different in terms of the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation of more fixtures:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, it's like a variant of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

A stump table and chair would be a good option for a playground

On a similar site, a child, alone or with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, spend the whole day outdoors. Here he plays noisy and quiet games, takes water procedures or engages in similar activities that are useful to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

From various items, they make and complement the playground for children with interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. It can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From ordinary plastic bottles, of which there are many in use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, fantasy will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood, logs to create jewelry. which will be unique in their own way. appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Imagine a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements in the process of growing up. The sandbox required by a child of 2 to 5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve-year-old boy or girl. Although the swing is in demand by children of any age, and by young people, for evening gatherings.

Variations of the elements of the playground, it is possible to make them and with my own hands, weight. Something of necessary elements you will have to buy in the store, but in most cases everything is at hand.

All installations to be installed must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, respectively, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much, in this case, depends on the income of the family, its composition. Male and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. This will be the decisive factor that influenced the choice of the number and technological features of the elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly make a functional interesting space for children's pastime. When installing stationary options made of durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself playground from improvised means in the country 46 photos:

Playgrounds in the country - photo ideas for inspiration

If you have children, then be sure to arrange a playground for them in the country with your own hands. The play space will be the most favorite place for children to stay, where they can feel in charge, feel responsible for their property, and just play without interfering with your summer activities.

Thus, a children's play corner or playground will also be an opportunity for you to realize your creative ideas, plus win additional sympathy from a child.

Children's playground- hill fort

In today's selection, I would like to introduce you to interesting playground ideas that you can do yourself with your children. By involving a child in construction, you develop his skills in handling tools and thinking.

Playground with sandbox

Playground with sandbox

A peculiar version of the children's play area for growth - while the child is small, he will be engaged in the sandbox, in the shade under the house. Then, when he grows up, it will be possible to launch him upstairs, first under the supervision of adults, and then on his own.

Playground of stumps and branches

Wooden playground

If you accidentally have an old tree that needs to be uprooted on the site, then it can be used as a base for a children's playground. Children are very fond of climbing trees, so you can develop hand motor skills, such a playground will always be in demand with your child. This design can also be used as an element of a larger platform.

Swing platform option

Playground with swings and a house

An interesting version of the playground with a house, swings and a sandbox. The house is located near the border of the site, near the fence, behind which there is already a forest. This is an interesting adventure for the child, he will have the opportunity to have his own nook for games, and even watch the neighborhood, looking out of the window of the house. Optionally, you can make one swing and a climbing rope next to it.

Children's playground for games in the country

Another one interesting idea playgrounds with a house, swings, a sandbox under the house and a plastic slide.

Playground from old pallets

Pallet playground

Even from pallets you can make a very beautiful house with your child. In the future, it can be painted and it will not be inferior to other houses. The main value of the building for the child will be that he took part in its construction.

Children's playhouse - drawings and plans

How to make a children's playhouse in the country with your own hands

If you want to make a children's playhouse in the country, I offer a drawing and plans for its construction. A house with a slide, a sandbox and a swing made from a car tire. All dimensions are in centimeters and inches. Having built a playground, you are guaranteed to get free time, and your children will always be busy.

Playhouse Dimension Plan - Top View

Playhouse drawing - view of side A and side B

Drawing of a children's playhouse from side A with a wall installed

Drawing of the playhouse from side B

Plan drawing of a children's playhouse view from side C

Plan drawing of a house for playing children in the country - view from side D

Drawing of the floor in the playhouse for children

Step by step guide to building a playhouse for kids

Playground with sandpit and slide by the terrace

Playground with sandbox and slide

At the terrace, you can make a corner for a playground, providing it with a slide and a sandbox. If you are afraid for overheating of children, then you can additionally make a canopy over the sandbox.

Natural playground

Natural playground on the slope

An interesting solution is a natural playground with a slide on the slope. A good option for sloped areas.

Playgrounds in the form of a ship

Children's play house ship

An interesting playground - the ship will bring the spirit of the seas and wanderings to your site. An adventurer lives in every man and boy, so such a structure will be received with a bang by the male half.

Children's play house ship

Children's playground - gym

Children's playground

The playground can also be equipped with sports elements. In the photo we see a playhouse with a climbing wall, a rope, a horizontal bar, rings and a net. Children will have both fun and physical development.

Children's playhouse under the terrace

Playhouse for children

If your terrace allows, then under it you can build a playhouse. Children will be able to play literally under your feet, and you can always keep an eye on them.

How to make a playground near the house

Children's playground in front of the house

Another interesting idea for a children's playground in front of the house, next to the terrace. There is also a slide and a sandbox and even a playhouse.

Children's playground with a canopy

Beautiful, comfortable playground with a canopy that protects from the sun. The house has a slide, a sandbox, and a furniture play area.

DIY bright playground

Children's playhouse for giving

By painting the playground in bright colors, you will add a positive mood and emotions. Don't be afraid to use open strong colors - kids love it!

simple wooden playground

I also offer budget options for decorating a children's playground made of wood in the country. Using winding branches, you can make an original children's play area.

Simple wooden playground for kids

Playground tree house

Another interesting and creative idea- Children's tree house. Even adults would be happy to sit in such a house, if, of course, the children allow it ... Such a structure can be made even on an old fruit tree, or on a tree next to the site, if there is a forest nearby.

How to make a tree house

Children's playhouse on a tree

Even if your tree is simple, without winding branches, you can mount a platform on it and build a house.

Installation of a platform for a tree house

The photo shows the process of building a site for a treehouse. The frame is mounted on two boards, a safety pin is made under the boards. The design is quite strong and reliable, in addition, you can make a mount from a bar at the corners.

How to make your own playground

Children's playground in the form of a tractor

Of course, one should be realistic and not immediately take on some grandiose projects, sometimes a simple sandbox, with a house or a canopy, is enough. There are many ideas for children's playgrounds and you can find something you can afford.

Simple children's playground

For example, this idea can be supplemented with a sandbox from below and children will be able to play even during the day - the sun will not shine on them. The structure is built quickly and easily.

Playground - universal option

This playground is universal - it has a house for games, and a sandbox, and ladders, and a net, and swings and many levels to climb. One such building on the site will allow you to occupy the child for the whole day, and at night your treasure will sleep without hind legs, playing enough and running.

Children's play space in the country

I hope that you liked the presented playground project ideas and you have chosen something for yourself and your child. A do-it-yourself playground will delight your baby, give you moments of peace, decorate empty corners in the country.

Beautiful children's playhouse

Design option for a children's playground in the country or in suburban housing

There is no doubt about the need to equip a playground on a personal plot. Difficulties arise only in the process of creating a project with your own hands, selecting material and place in conditions of its shortage. However, if you listen to the advice of experts, this stage of the construction of the playground will be easy. And it is not necessary to buy expensive building materials, the site can be equipped using improvised means.

What should be in the playground for children

The traditional elements of the playground are:

  • slide;
  • sandbox;
  • swing;
  • fungus.

Some of these elements can be combined and represent a full-fledged gaming complex. In addition, the site can be:

  • decorative elements that will help in aesthetic education(they can be made from improvised materials, for example, such popular swans from tires);
  • a bathing tank (it doesn’t have to be a pool, a small bathtub is enough for kids);
  • sports complex with ropes and hanging ladders;
  • hut or tent;
  • labyrinth and more.

It all depends only on your imagination and the ability to translate ideas into reality.

Project preparation

The planning process plays an important role in the creation of a playground, as it allows you to solve many important issues.

Location selection

It is very important to observe safety rules during the construction of the playground. This also applies to the choice of the place where it will be located. In this case, you must follow the basic rules:

Particular attention should be paid to the coverage of the playground. It should be as soft as possible, because children are not immune from falls. The coating must dry quickly, as high humidity adversely affects the health of the child. It is recommended to use a special rubber coating, which meets all the requirements, but is quite expensive.

Photo gallery: zone layouts

The layout of objects on the site does not have to be detailed with dimensions On the diagram you need to indicate where and which element will be located The diagram can be a detailed drawing It is not necessary to indicate the size of the shells on the diagram The scheme of the playground can be three-dimensional


Before you decide what should be on your playground, it is recommended to determine its size. They depend on the age of the kids. As a rule, for children under the age of 7 years, a space of about 9 m 2 is enough to play. With age, it is recommended to increase the site (this possibility must be taken into account when planning).

Remember that the shells and their size must be appropriate for the age of the children who will spend time on this site.

Be aware of the so-called safety zones. By default, they should be equal to 1 m. However, there are small exceptions to this rule. For example, the roll-out safety zone should be at least 1.5 m on all sides. A similar area is at the carousel.

Suitable materials

Absolutely any materials, even improvised ones (plastic bottles, tires), are suitable for arranging a playground on a personal plot. However, for key structures, such as a slide and a swing, it is recommended to use only high-quality material, since in this case we are talking about the safety of the child.

For the playground, you can take:

  1. Tree. Preferably conifers. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no knots, rot or mold, or other signs of damage to the tree. Before assembling structures, all wooden parts must be carefully treated with a special water-repellent agent.
  2. Metal. It is recommended to make all fasteners and parts of power projectiles from this material, for example, a horizontal bar.

It is undesirable that there are plastic products on the playground, since it is short-lived, literally after two years of use, microcracks appear on its surface, which make this product unhygienic, and therefore unsafe. The same applies to stones. They shouldn't be on the playground. Even if you need to build a border, then for this purpose it is better to take soft materials, ideally made from plants.

Do-it-yourself construction of a playground in the country from improvised means and materials

The construction of a children's playground on a personal plot will not be a difficult job if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

DIY sandbox

It is not difficult to make this element of a playground, it is enough to follow a pre-drawn plan:

  1. Prepare 10 thick boards 1.8 m long.
  2. At the place where the sandbox will be located, remove the top layer of soil (20–25 cm). Make a small indentation in the center. Over the entire area, it is necessary to pour drainage material, which can be pebbles or crushed stone.
  3. Cut grooves along the edges of the boards (two boards are needed on one side), thanks to which they will be attached to each other. For fixing, you can use small bars (about 30 cm long).
  4. The two remaining boards will play the role of benches. Therefore, they need to be attached flat.
  5. At the end, the sandbox needs to be painted in any color.

How to make a swing

For load-bearing supports, it is necessary to prepare 6 bars with a section of 5x5 cm. Further work must be carried out in the following order:

  1. Pull the racks with bolts on both sides of the future swing.
  2. From above, connect them with a bar, and it is recommended to prepare nests for this in advance.
  3. On the side, you can make a ladder that will serve as an excellent sports equipment for outdoor games.

house made of plastic bottles

This house looks very unusual. And the children themselves can be attached to the process of creation.

First you need to make a metal or wooden frame, and then "sheath" plastic bottles, which can be fixed with a strong whip. In this case, the material must be laid vertically.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

D For the normal development of children, they need to actively spend their free time - run, play, have fun. When creating playgrounds, the main attention is paid to their safety and functionality. To build do-it-yourself playgrounds on a suburban area or cottage, the photos of which you will find in this article, you will need some tools, carpentry, construction and locksmith skills.

Homemade playground

The design of playgrounds with their own hands, the photos of which are posted on the Internet, implies the presence of certain equipment. If you do not have something, do not be discouraged, here are a few ideas that will help you equip a playground.

If you donate (at least temporarily) the extreme entrance to the hill house, then in its place you can hang a basketball backboard with a ring. If you have several truck tires, then you can make an obstacle course out of them.

A sandbox can be made not only from boards, but also from wooden stumps or tires from a car. If you decide to make it from tires, then you will need at least 5 pieces. Enclose the space of the sandbox with tires, putting them in two pieces (one on top of the other). The main thing is to attach the tires to the ground. This can be done with metal pins (3 per tire) and then filled with sand. After that, tires can be painted in any color.

In addition to the slide-house on the playground, you can build an ordinary house, only small in size. If you're good at woodworking, make models of airplanes or ships for kids to climb on. It is not necessary to make them perfectly similar, because the children's imagination can turn any clumsy craft into a masterpiece.

Video: do-it-yourself ideas for children's complexes to give

Playground using ready-made kits

A do-it-yourself playground, the photo and ideas of which are found on the Internet, can also be made from purchased simulators. In stores you will find all kinds of plastic and metal slides, wooden houses and other essential attributes of a playground. To install them on the playground, you need to prepare the base for each simulator. Since the base requirements for different devices are different, please carefully read the manual that comes with the equipment. In most cases, such equipment looks more beautiful than homemade, but lacks the charm that is inherent in everything that a child helped build.

Self-made playground

All do-it-yourself playgrounds whose photos are posted on the Internet always include a slide. Such a simulator is the basis of any playground. It can be made from various materials such as:

Making a slide-house

A do-it-yourself playground in the country, a photo of which you can find on the Internet, always includes a slide or a slide-house. The base of the slide is a frame of 4 vertical posts. You can use only 2 racks, but then the possibility of creativity is reduced and the slide will be limited to one slope and one lift. On a frame of 4 racks, you can make a slide with one slope and several lifts. Make one lift in the form of a ladder, the other with normal steps, and the third with a rope.

This design seriously diversifies children's leisure. For a slide with a straight slope, it is undesirable to make the angle of the slope more than 30 degrees relative to the ground in order to avoid excessive acceleration and injuries.

Helpful advice! If possible, use a plastic ramp sold in stores. With it, children will have more fun than with a straight wooden ramp.

What to make a slide-house

For this you will need:

Foundation preparation

Find a place for the slide and prepare a hole for the frame foundation. We recommend making a square frame with a distance of 1 meter between the posts. The size of the side of the pit should be 1.5 meters, the depth should not be less than 20 cm. Seal the bottom of the pit and pour a layer of crushed stone (fraction 15–25 mm) 10 cm thick there. compact it. You can also get by with small holes for each bar. In this case, the depth of the pit should be at least 50 cm. Saturate the lower edge of the beam with diesel fuel and molten bitumen, the treated part should rise 1.5–2 cm above the ground. Pour a crushed stone pillow on the bottom of the pit - a fraction of 15–25 mm, a thickness of 5 -10 mm. Insert the posts into the pit, level and ensure they are properly oriented - their edges should be parallel to each other (this is not required with logs or round bars). Then pour concrete.

Helpful advice! The less water in the concrete, the stronger it will be. To make thick concrete more mobile, add plasticizers to it, which can be bought at a hardware store.

Bottom harness and slope

Tie the bars with a 50 mm thick board at the floor level of the house, and also install one longitudinal jumper. Fasten the boards to the bars with self-tapping screws at least 100 mm long. From a board with a thickness of 25 mm, make a tray for a ramp. To do this, cut 2 boards, the length of which is slightly greater than the length of the slope. Mark the angles of contact with the frame strapping and the ground, then cut the board with a circular saw or jigsaw. Attach the boards to the harness to make sure you did everything right. Then cut jumpers from the same board. The length of the jumpers is equal to the width of the slope. Lay the long boards on the ground and, using self-tapping screws, attach jumpers to them from the bottom side.

The distance between the jumpers is not more than 30 cm, and install the first and last jumpers 5 cm from the edge. Make such a cutout in the upper edge of the board so that the slope rests on the harness as if on a shelf, and the jumpers are flush with the harness. Attach the ramp to the harness using the corners of the bolts with nuts and self-tapping screws. Set the corners so that children do not get scratched. Fasten the corners to the slope with bolts and nuts so that there is nothing protruding or sharp from the side of the slope. Sew up the slope with plywood using self-tapping screws. They must be recessed by 0.5–1 mm, then puttied and sanded. Secure the bottom edge of the ramp with pins driven into the ground or anchor bolts.


Cut two pieces of board 50 mm thick, the length of which will be slightly greater than the length. Mark and cut the corners of contact with the strapping and the ground. Cut 24.5 mm wide grooves in these boards for the installation of steps, then cut the steps to the required width and assemble the ladder. Fasten the steps to the side boards with self-tapping screws. Attach the ladder to the harness and the ground on the side opposite the ramp. Attach supports and railings to both sides of the stairs. They can be made from a board with a thickness of 25 mm. Supports and railings must be processed using a manual or electric planer to eliminate sharp edges, and then carefully sanded. The upper edge of the railing must be attached to the uprights.

Additional entrances, top trim and roof

On one of the sides, make a ladder from the same bar that went to the racks. Process the cut bars with an electric planer to slightly round the edges. Attach these bars to the posts at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Screw the first bar at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground. Prepare an extreme ascent to the house. To do this, make the same tray as for the ramp, but set at an angle of no more than 20 degrees with respect to the uprights. Tie the posts at the level of the ceiling of the house with a board 50 mm thick. From the side of the extreme entrance, reinforce the strapping with steel corners. Cut and lay the plywood on the floor, then hem the plywood on the ceiling. Sheathe the house with plywood on the outside, making round or oval entrances. Determine the size of the entrances / exits yourself so that the child is comfortable. To make the roof, cut 4 rafters from a 25mm board. The angles of the rafters are determined based on the height of the roof. Attach the rafters to the corners of the frame and connect them together from above using metal corners. Cut the plywood into pieces of the required size and sew up the roof.

Cutting plywood with a jigsaw

Final works

When finished, be sure to sand all the places where the child can drive a splinter. Then treat the slope, steps and extreme rise with parquet varnish. Attach a rope 10-15 mm thick to the top harness on the extreme side and tie knots on it every 20 cm. Paint the house so that it looks beautiful.