Easy tricks for kids. Entertainment scenario “The Magical World of Tricks What magicians say before a trick






How is a child different from an adult? The fact that he believes in miracles! The easiest way to become a real wizard for your child is to learn a few simple tricks. Your reward will be boundless delight and adoration for your baby. And this is a miracle that you will believe in!

How to please your baby? Of course, tricks! This simple magic can be mastered by any parent!

We kindly ask you to rehearse all the tricks in advance so as not to cause tears in the baby instead of a smile! To heighten the effect, also come up with “complex” magic formulas (a couple of phrases from a half-forgotten school German are fine) and try to get at least some wonderful props (a turban from a bath towel and a magic wand from a pencil wrapped in foil count!).

1. Falling glass

Focus: The wizard is seated at a table covered with a tablecloth opposite the audience. There is a glass on the table in front of him. The magician covers it with a sheet of foil, compresses the glass with foil so that it looks like a case that repeats the shape of the glass. Then he moves the glass with the foil towards him to show that there are no holes in the table and puts it back in place. Then he strikes the glass with his palm with force and, lo and behold, there is nothing under the wrinkled foil, and from under the table comes the sound of a fallen glass. The glass fell through the table!

What you need:

Plastic glass (a glass from ordinary yogurt will do)

What's the secret: when you move the foil case with the glass towards you, demonstrating the absence of holes on the table, you imperceptibly drop the glass into your lap. When you return the cover to its place, it is already empty. While slapping it, at the same time let the glass fall from your knees to the floor.

2. Colored water

Trick: the wizard takes a transparent jar, fills it with ordinary water, then closes it with a lid. Then he takes the jar and says the magic words:
You, water-water,
You are my cold friend,
Stand, water-water,
Not light, but green.
Shakes the jar and the water in it turns green!

What you need:

A transparent jar with a screw-on lid
Green watercolor paint (you can use any other color, but then you need new magic words!)

Here's the secret: Apply green watercolor paint to the inside of the lid beforehand. When closing the lid, make sure that the audience does not see the paint. By shaking the jar, the paint will simply mix with the water and color it!

3. A match that cannot be broken

Focus: the wizard shows the audience a match and offers to check if it is intact. Then he shows the audience a large handkerchief, shakes it, shows it from all sides - the handkerchief is completely ordinary! Then the magician puts the match on the handkerchief, folds it several times and invites the audience to feel if the match is there. Of course she's there! Then let one of the spectators break the match without unfolding the handkerchief. You can break a match at least twice - for a real wizard this is not an obstacle! After that, the wizard shakes the handkerchief, and an absolutely whole match falls out of it. Let those who wish to be convinced!

What you need:

Large man's, preferably clean and ironed, handkerchief
Two matches

What is the secret: another match is hidden in the scarf. Before performing the trick, it must be put into the folded hemmed edge of the scarf, which any male "snotty" has. It is only necessary to open this seam for a couple of stitches and push a match into it. When folding the scarf, just feel for this blank and give it to the audience to break it, and then shake out the first (and still whole) one.

4. An apple pretending to be an orange (Hmayak Hakobyan's trick)

Focus: the wizard shows the audience an orange, then covers it with a bright scarf and casts spells. Then he pulls off the handkerchief, and underneath it is not an orange, but ... a real apple, which amazed viewers can even taste.

What you need:

delicious orange
Tasty apple
sharp knife

What is the secret: before showing the trick, carefully cut the skin off the orange. Eat an orange without anyone guessing. Then put an apple (it should be smaller than an orange) into this skin. Showing "orange", hold it firmly in your hand. When you remove the handkerchief with a quick movement, quietly peel off the skin. Put the handkerchief with the skin in your pocket to avoid exposure.

5. Seeds-fidgets

Focus: The wizard opens a can of soda and pours it into a glass. Then he pours rice grains into the same place and pronounces magical spells for several seconds. Restless grains lie on the bottom for a while, and then suddenly begin to float up and down!

What you need:

Chilled soda can
transparent glass
6 long grains of rice

The secret: A can of soda contains carbon dioxide. It is dissolved in a liquid and is under pressure. When you open the can, you release it. Gas bubbles stick to the grains and lift them up. At the surface of the liquid, they burst, and the rice grains fall to the bottom, where they will be lifted up by a new portion of "gaziki". It will be like this until the soda is “exhausted”. Then the grains just fall to the bottom.

6. Arctic cold

Focus: the wizard pours some water into the cup, whispers a magic spell and, in front of the astonished spectators, makes a sharp movement with the cup as if he wants to throw out the water. But instead of water, a piece of ice falls out of it!

What you need:

Opaque cup
small sponge
piece of tape
piece of ice

What is the secret: put a sponge in the cup in advance, which will absorb water and prevent it from pouring out when the cup is turned upside down. The sponge should stand tightly, you can attach it with a piece of tape to the bottom. Immediately place a piece of ice on the sponge, which will fall out when you “splash out” the water. Do it so that the audience does not see the sponge! Be sure to practice beforehand to determine the amount of water. The more, the more effective the trick, but if there is too much of it, it will simply pour out of the cup, the sponge will not hold it. Try to remove the mug immediately after performing the trick so that you are not exposed.

7. Teleporting bead

Focus: the magician in front of the audience puts a bead in a glass. Let him show it to the audience - it is the most ordinary. Then he pronounces the magic formula and abruptly turns the glass upside down. Nothing falls out of it, the bead is gone! The wizard puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a bead from there - it turns out that she teleported there!

What you need:

Paper or thin plastic cup
2 identical beads

What is the secret: cut a hole in the bottom of the glass in advance, through which the bead can freely pass and fall into your palm. When you turn the glass over, the palm will be under its bottom and the bead will already be sandwiched between your fingers. Place the second bead in your pocket in advance.

No one has ever thought about where those incomprehensible words and expressions that we hear at the performances of clowns and magicians come from? to me

for some reason, in childhood, it always seemed that these were inventions of television magicians Akopyan and the like.

With age, both vocabulary and convolutions in the head increase. And, it is often interesting to delve into the etymology of the origin of many words and expressions. The same thing happened with focus.

So how did these spells actually come about?

If you dig into the archives, you can find amazing things:

Hocus pocus, hokuspokus (German), hocus-pocus (English), hokus pokus filiokus (Swedish)

Mass in Europe was celebrated in Latin. The most exciting moment - the transformation of bread into a body - proclaimed the priest: hoc est corpus! - this is the body. Most of the parishioners did not know Latin, and for them these words sounded like just a meaningless magic spell. Therefore, many magicians, taking a coin out of the spectator's ear or releasing doves from an empty box, shouted out exactly this phrase: hocus pocus! This explanation was offered as early as 1694 by the Anglican prelate John Tillotson who wrote:

“In all likelihood, the usual words of magicians “hocus pocus” are nothing more than distorted from "hoc est corpus", that is to say, the expression by which the priests of the Catholic Church make their absurd imitation in their trick of the Eucharist."

Abracadabra, abracadabra (English)

in Hebrew "ha-b'rakah" means approximately “sacred name”, however, there is an opinion that it comes from Aramaic Avra kehdabra which means approximately "I speak, I create".

The word (spell against various diseases) was prescribed to be used in the following way. It was written in a column on a tablet 11 times, with the last letter cut off each time. It turned out a triangle. Such a gradual shortening of this word was supposed to destroy the power of the evil spirit, and the sick person, putting on the amulet, was supposed to gradually recover.

Sim Sala Bim, Simsalabim

was used as a magical formula, probably because it is similar to the Arabic word Simsim, which means a seed. And, if you remember, the seed revealed many secrets: “Open Sezam” in the story of Ali Baba and 40 thieves from the tale of a Thousand and One Nights.

After one of matinees in kindergarten The kids were in for a wonderful surprise. Right in the group, no one knows where the colored screen came from. And when it was removed, the surprised eyes of the kids appeared ... the real wizard. He pulled coins out of the children's hair, using a rubber tube, "poured" milk into the ear of the bravest boy, and then "poured" it out of the other ear. He worked real miracles: all kinds of objects either disappeared in his hands, then appeared again, torn paper and a rope cut into pieces became whole in the most magical way, and even a real rabbit disappeared somewhere. After the performance, the daughter ran around the house, waving a ruler and claiming that it was a "magic wand", and tried to use spells attach a broken handle to the cup. Well, if the baby has an interest in tricks(and this will almost certainly happen after watching some kind of illusion show), it makes sense to support this interest and help the young illusionist learn a few simple tricks. Especially since tricks is not only an interesting pastime. Such a hobby is also a useful developmental activity. It will teach the child patience, concentration, attention and sociability.

Where do we start?

It is especially useful to learn several tricks shy, insecure kids. Indeed, in order to show prepared trick, you need to go, if not to the stage, then at least to the center of the room, where the whole family or friends of the baby gathered for the performance. A storm of applause and the surprise of friends will be the best cure for low self-esteem. First of all, explain to your daughter or son that in order to focus turned out, you need to practice properly. Very often children want everything at once. They get frustrated if they don't succeed after several tries. Remind your child that you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. With your help, a beginner magician cope with the inevitable difficulties, and this will help him in the future to bring the work he has begun to the end, develop a sense of purpose. Many magic tricks require making props. For 5-6 year olds this would be great. creative pursuit. And where the child cannot cope on his own, his mother or grandmother will help him. Here the most ordinary things will be used: strings, coins, cardboard boxes, plastic jars of sour cream and of course colored paper, paints, pencils. Where can I find descriptions of tricks? In children's magazines and books. There is not so much literature like this, but it is not difficult to find it. After all, the door to magic is closed, but not locked. Try to interest the young magician in books on the history of the art of illusion, tell him about the great magicians of the past and present. This will give the child new knowledge and teach a more serious, comprehensive attitude to the topic of interest. Tell your child that, for example, David Copperfield read all the magic literature he could find since childhood, and this helped him become the greatest magician in the world. Proceed according to the principle “from simple to complex”. If the baby does well his very first in life focus, then he will feel more confident in the future. Choose a simple, well-understood trick take it apart with your baby. When the child starts to succeed, let him rehearse in front of the mirror. So he can understand what the audience will see and correct possible mistakes. Practice together what and how your magician will say during the performance of the trick. Explain to him that for an artist it is very important how he behaves on stage. Even the most amazing "magic" will be boring if the "wizard" silently waves his wand. It is quite another thing when an artist smiles and jokes with the audience. So gradually the child will learn not only to speak naturally during the performance, this will contribute to the development of a sense of humor. And also tell the kid that it is very important never to reveal the secret of the trick, no matter how his friends ask him about it. Otherwise, the sense of magic will be destroyed.

One wave of the magic wand

Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and buy a ready-made set for the young magician to demonstrate tricks. There are a lot of them on sale right now. But in this case, the baby can not do without training. After all, a set for tricks is just a “magic” props. And the main advantage of a magician is dexterous hands. And without this, no props will help. And yet, it is much more interesting and useful to get by with “home” means, and make simple props yourself. Such tricks will look much more spectacular. Here are some simple tricks to get you started. We put six coins on the page of the big book. We close the book, we say the magic words "crex-pex-fex." Now we open the book, tilt it so that the coins slip into the hand of one of the spectators. We count them and find that there are ten coins! The secret of the focus is simple. Before starting the performance, you need to put four coins in the spine of an open book and check that they can slip out unnoticed when you tilt the book, but not fall out with any movement. Next uncomplicated trick- It's a trick joke. The little magician comes out to the audience and asks what important detail is missing from his costume. Oops, he forgot to wear a tie! It's okay, because the wizard can do anything. The child waves a magic wand - and the bow tie is in its place! Where did he come from? And the whole point, of course, is in special training. You need to take a thin rubber band and attach one end to a tie. Then we clamp the tie with an elastic band under the arm so that the audience cannot see it. We will pass the free end of the elastic band through the loop on the shirt collar, lower it under the shirt to the waist and firmly fasten it there. Now you need to take a magic wand in your hand. When the baby waves it, the elastic will draw the tie to the collar. A young magician can surprise the audience with the ability to read minds. The child takes a book from the shelf as if at random and asks the audience to name any page number. Then he leaves the room, and the assistant, for example, mother, at this time reads aloud the top line on the selected page. The kid returns to the room and asks the audience to think about the line they heard. Then, pretending to read minds, he pronounces it. This trick is easy for a kid who can read. The whole secret lies in the fact that exactly the same book is hidden behind the door. When the child leaves the room, he simply reads and memorizes the top line on the correct page.

Where are wizards found?

The next trick is similar to the present magic. The young magician holds in his hands an inflated Balloon. Then he takes a long needle, pierces the ball through, but the magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is the most ordinary, the child gently pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts. How is this possible? Help your son or daughter prepare the needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well-pointed and carefully polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of adhesive tape on the ball on both sides - and the props are ready. Only first you need to practice piercing the ball exactly in the places “reinforced” with adhesive tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will immediately burst. And nothing that the kid will spoil more than a dozen balls. But then he will be able to surprise guests at a birthday party or friends in kindergarten with a mysterious trick. And now we will show the audience the magic rice. Your magician fills a plastic margarine jar to the brim with dry rice. Then he covers it with exactly the same jar upside down, turns the jars on their sides, pressing them tightly against each other, and wears them around all four corners of the room, saying that rice is magically transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice has traveled the world. It may not have doubled in taste, but it has doubled in size. We put the jars on a tray, remove the top one ... The container is full of rice, but the extra one came from somewhere! It scattered all over the tray, it became twice as much! But before, rice was easily placed in a jar, everyone saw it. For this trick, we need to pre-conjure over plastic jars. We need two completely identical containers. Take the lid from the jar, carefully cut off the edge of it. Lubricate the edge of the lid with any universal glue and paste it inside one of the jars approximately in the middle. Now the volume of the jar has halved. Let the kid decorate both jars so that they look exactly the same. To do this, they can be pasted over with colored paper and shiny stars. To focus turned out, pour the rice into a regular jar and cover it with the one that we specially prepared by gluing the lid inside. Now it only remains to remember an important detail at the end of the trick: after the “travel around the world”, the jar with the glued lid should be at the bottom. For the successful implementation of the next focus, the baby will have to practice a little. We will need a rope about 1 m long, a thin metal (or plastic) bracelet in the form of a ring, into which the child’s hand can easily pass, and a large scarf. Two assistants tightly tie the hands of the "wizard" with the ends of the rope. The child takes the bracelet in one hand and hides both hands under the handkerchief, which is held by the ends of the assistants. After a few seconds, the assistants remove the handkerchief, and the artist raises his hands up and shows a bracelet hanging on a rope. Of course, here the solution is very simple. After all, there is a second, exactly the same bracelet. The child first puts it on his hand and covers it with a sleeve of a worn shirt or sweater. In the meantime, the assistants hold the handkerchief, imperceptibly hides the bracelet in his pocket, and shifts it hidden under the sleeve down onto the rope. That's the whole secret!

Candies from confetti

Just imagine: a young magician covers a paper cup with confetti with a handkerchief, takes off the handkerchief, and instead of confetti in a candy cup. The real, sweet and delicious. Eat up, friends! And no matter how fantastic it may sound, but with the necessary props, it is not difficult to make such a trick. So, we need a large opaque bowl or a wide vase filled to the middle with confetti (we buy several bags and pour into the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups(one with a lid), candies in candy wrappers, a handkerchief. Before we start training, let's do a little magic over the glass. The one with the lid, fill it with sweets, close the lid, grease it thickly with glue and cover with confetti. It is better to stick confetti in several layers so that they reliably disguise the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the side of the cover, we glue a piece of strong fishing line to it with adhesive tape so that it does not catch the eye, but at the same time it was easy to feel and grab it with your fingers. Cups with the baby can be decorated with stickers. Just make sure that they look absolutely identical (for this, use two sheets of identical stickers). After all this, we bury the glass in a bowl of confetti so that it is not visible. Preparation is over. Let's move on to focus. The magician shows the audience a bowl of confetti and tells them that he can turn the confetti into candy. Don't believe? Now! He takes an empty glass, shows it to the audience, scoops them up with confetti from a vase and pours it back from a sufficiently high height, demonstrating to the audience that all this is ordinary things, there is no secret in them. Scoop up confetti carefully so as not to “light up” the hidden glass. Then the young magician scoops up the confetti again, but at the same time quietly leaves an empty glass under a layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a "secret". This is the first point that needs to be worked out properly. Spectators should not suspect anything. The "secret" cup rises above the bowl and is shown to the audience, the remnants of confetti pour from it, and no one suspects the substitution. The magician shakes off excess confetti (leaving only glued on), covers the glass with a handkerchief and "conjures" over it, saying something like: One, two, three,
Become a confetti candy! And he himself gropes for a prepared loop of fishing line through the handkerchief and pulls the handkerchief from the glass along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly grab the loop and remove the scarf so that the cover under it is not noticeable. After that, the young magician puts the handkerchief aside, and shows a glass full of sweets to the surprised spectators. Well, what do magic candies taste like?

magic vase

And you have probably seen this trick more than once. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck, lowers the end of the rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “enters and exits” freely. Then he turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician takes the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, releases it, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. What is this strange force that tied the rope and the vase so tightly? Finally, the magician utters a spell, the “power” releases the rope, and it freely, without effort, comes out of the neck of the vessel. What? Is there a secret in the vase? Please see for yourself and see for yourself, twirl in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special! And the secret of this trick is very simple. And the kid will be fine with it. Only here, too, he cannot do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first be prepared. We, of course, deceived our viewers that there is no secret. It is, as in any focus. So, as a magic vessel, it is convenient to use a glass ketchup bottle with a narrow neck or any other suitable utensil. The rope needs to be thick and rigid, about half a meter long or less (the child should be comfortable with it). The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Make a glass bottle opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with magical patterns. Now the most important thing. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half the inner diameter of the neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. He descends into the bottle and stays there throughout the trick. You may need to experiment with different balloon sizes to get the perfect focus. So what happens during focus? The young magician shows the audience a bottle and a rope, then shows that the rope freely enters the neck of the bottle and exits just as easily. After that, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. At the same time, the ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to secure the structure properly, and then slowly release it. Akhalai mahalai! The rope does not fall. Then the magician takes the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and releases it. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still keeps the rope from slipping out. To eliminate the "magic power", it is enough just to push the rope deep into the bottle. The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To heighten the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for "magic" and try to repeat the trick themselves. Let someone from the audience pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, and in the meantime he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. Everything, now the bottle can be given to the audience for scrupulous study. It is clear that no one can repeat the trick.

The show starts!

When your young illusionist has a few tricks well rehearsed, you can think of a real house show. Write a performance script with your child, think about the costume, lighting, musical arrangement. The costume will depend on the role that the child chooses for himself. If he wants to be a wizard, then a long, wide robe embroidered with stars will suit him. Or maybe he will represent a gnome or another fairy-tale character. Then you need to dress accordingly. And of course, do not forget about the magic wand, which can be made from an ordinary wooden stick, wrapped in foil and decorated. To impress the audience, put on a spectacular start to your show: the Great Mage and Wizard appears in the room in the most mysterious way. For this trick you will need a large cardboard box(for example, from a TV) in which a child can fit. From it, mother, together with the baby, will make a house. Paste the box with colored paper or paint it with paint. On the one hand, we will draw or paste windows and doors, and on the other hand, we will carefully cut out a secret “door” through which the artist can climb. Separately, we will make a removable roof for our house from cardboard. We will put a table in the room, hung up to the floor with a cloth, at a short distance from it we will set up our house “facing” to the audience. Between the table and the house we will temporarily put a roof from the house, blocking the gap. Your young Copperfield crawls under the table and quietly waits there for the right moment. All is ready. Spectators enter the hall. Mom, in the role of an entertainer, reports that the famous illusionist artist will appear any minute, raises the house, showing that it is empty, and puts it in its place. After that, the "artist" very carefully crawls out from under the table, under the roof into the house. Mom raises the roof, showing that there is nothing between the house and the table, and puts the roof on the house. Now you need to say the magic words, remove the roof, and your little Mage and Wizard effectively appears from the house. Then he demonstrates his art to the audience, be sure to leave some interesting focus just in case he gets called for an encore. Or maybe you will arrange a whole family performance for your guests? After all, mom or dad can also learn a few amusing tricks and perform with their baby. Ready? So, ani-beni-slave! Incredible, magical performance begins!

A task: develop imagination, observation, ingenuity, desire to do something unusual.

How to hypnotize a cane

The cane must be tied approximately in the middle with a thin dark thread, invisible against the background of the magician's clothes. The ends of the thread, the length of which is not more than a meter, are tightly tied to the legs above the knees. After these preparations, the magician goes out to the audience; he, of course, willy-nilly have to mince.

Muttering any wonderful incantations, the magician sits down on a chair, releases the cane from his hands and then makes the necessary passes with a magic wand to "bewitch" the cane, which is ordered to stand "by itself" between the knees.

You can put some kind of hat on her, give the cane a name (call, for example, Emil) and, turning to "Emil", ask him to "say hello" to the guys. Emil will not listen. Then he is forced by hand to lean forward and stand upright again. After that, you can beckon him to you and, "whispering" in his ear, "persuade" to bow.

If you pull the thread, slightly spreading the legs, the cane obeys the magician: it makes the required movements.

Only one thing is important: so that no one sees the thread that must be hidden with folds of clothing. Any movement of "Emil" should be accompanied by the appropriate spells.

A branch from a bottle

AT regular bottle of any shape, a flexible elastic branch is inserted. To its lower end, you must first tie a fishing line of small length, a little longer

the branch itself. A small bead is tied to the upper end of the fishing line. You can also insert a branch right in front of the audience - you just need to hold the fishing line at the upper end of the branch with your thumb. When the branch enters the bottle, the fishing line can be released, so it will hang out through the neck.

Under a magic spell, the magician slowly runs his hands along the walls of the bottle, from the neck down. In this case, you need to grab the bead with your fingers and pull the fishing line downwards too - the branch will begin to “crawl out of the bottle by itself”!

You can put this trick in another way: the magician persuades the branch to remain in the bottle, but it does not "obey", although he even strokes it.

How to turn ink into water

In an ordinary glass, you need to insert a cylinder cut out of its shape from dark purple or black waterproof paper, and then pour water. The audience will see everything only after the magician removes the handkerchief covering it from the glass.

Having shown everyone the glass from a sufficiently large distance, the magician again covers the glass with a handkerchief, makes the necessary passes with his hands, mutters incantations, touches the handkerchief with a magic wand ... Then he again lifts the handkerchief, but in such a way as to grab the paper cylinder from the glass with it.

coin from mouth

You need to take a coin in your hand and press or rub it so hard into the back of your head so that it “appears” from your mouth ...

The secret of the trick is simple: while one hand is still rubbing the coin into the back of the head, it is necessary that the other quietly pick it up and put it in the crook of the elbow. This hand will have to be kept bent, otherwise the coin will fall out. Meanwhile, the magician begins to cough and complain that his throat is tickling, supposedly because of the coin. The hand, bent at the elbow, must be led to the mouth and, moreover, sharply supported with it so that the coin flies out of the elbow bend or, as it were, out of the mouth.

If all the attention of the audience is focused on a heartbreaking cough that suddenly stops as soon as the coin pops out of the mouth, most likely no one will be able to figure out the secret of the trick.

Prankster ball

For this trick, you need to prepare a ball on a thread or fishing line, which is inserted through a hole in the top of a small paper cone, the size of which is such that the magician's hand freely covers it. The end of the thread is fastened around the thumb.

A ball from the palm (from a cone) is thrown into a hat, which must be held in one hand. At the same time, for a moment, the hat must be deflected away from the audience, and the thread must be sharply pulled with the thumb so that the ball is in the cone.

After pronouncing the appropriate spells, the audience can be shown an empty hat - the ball "disappeared". Then the magician can set off in search of him and, in order to amuse the audience, try to find him in the most unexpected places, and then “finds” him in his hand, in the same cone (for this you need to loosen the thread and show how the ball rolls out of your hand ).

How to eat a candle

After a long, hard work, a magician cannot help but get hungry. Then he grabs the “candle” standing on it from the table and ... eats it in front of the whole audience! True, the children "help" the magician: they say the magic words in chorus, which he previously taught them.

The secret of the trick is this: a small “candle” is cut shortly before the performance from an apple, potato, white radish or radish. As a wick, you can use a woven cotton thread, which is first passed through the body of the “candle” with a darning needle, strengthening it in the upper part with a drop of stearin.

The magician enjoys eating the "candle" right in front of the astonished spectators immediately after lighting it. As soon as the “candle” enters the mouth, the flame from the short wick will instantly go out from the sharply exhaled air (you can also pull the protruding tip of the wick from below to extinguish the flame even more effectively).

It is desirable to perform the trick last, so as not to keep the thread in your mouth for a long time.

traveler coin

A coin is placed under one plate, and after that, with the help of all the same omnipotent spells and waving a magic wand, they force it to “move” under the second plate

Well, this, of course, is easier than easy, there is nothing to explain here. “The most difficult thing is still ahead of us,” says the magician, doing even more manipulations, lifting the first plate - and here it is: the coin is again under the first plate!

The whole difficulty of the trick lies in the fact that someone does not accidentally pick up the second plate at the same moment, then the deception will be immediately exposed.

How to crawl through a postcard

The magician claims that any person, whether a child or an adult, is able to crawl through an ordinary postcard. Of course, none of those present at the performance believe this statement.

Then the magician takes a postcard, folds it once in half along the long side, and then with scissors makes transverse cuts at regular intervals towards each other, without cutting to the end: one cut from the side of the fold, the other from the opposite side, etc. At the same time, he, along with the audience, constantly repeats his spells.

After all the transverse incisions are made, the last one remains - a longitudinal incision along the fold. It does not affect one extreme strip on each side (to get a closed circuit).

Now it remains only to unfold the postcard into a long chain, through which anyone, even the fattest viewer, can easily crawl through.

cookies under the hat

You need to take three cookies and cover them with a "magic hat". After a while, the hat is raised - the cookies are in place. The magician asks someone from the audience to eat all three cookies - he will still force them to be under the hat. Again, the hat is placed on the table, the magic wand is manipulated around it, and then the magician, taking it from the table .., puts it on the head of the one who has just eaten three cookies. Now is the time to ask the public: Aren't cookies under the hat?

Egg on top

To carry out this trick, you will need two chicken eggs. One of them needs to be hard boiled. At the sharp end of the second, a small hole is made - the size of the smallest pellets. A sufficient number of them are then laid inside the eggs. The hole now needs to be sealed with plaster or white putty, plasticine, chewing gum. The pellets will first float inside the egg, and then sink down to the pointed part of the egg, so that the center of gravity will accordingly become much lower than usual. Thanks to this, the egg will be able to stand "on top" - especially if it is held in this position for 2-3 minutes while the passes are made.

You can arrange the trick itself like this: the magician asks the audience to cackle as loudly as possible so that an egg appears. Wave a magic wand - and here it is, in the hand of the maestro (boiled egg). But no matter how the magician tries to put it vertically, “on the priest”, it doesn’t work, it invariably falls on its side. Suddenly the magician realized: the egg is not bewitched! Where did the magic wand go? While the search is going on, you can quickly and unnoticed by the audience take out an egg with pellets from your pocket and replace it with a boiled one.

Now, after the magic wand was found and did everything in its power, the egg "obeyed" the magician and stood on top of her head.

How to grow a tree

Before the performance begins, a roll must be rolled up from a piece of green crepe or corrugated paper up to half a meter long and about 15 cm wide. The diameter of the hole should be such that the thumb can freely enter the roll. On the outer edge of the roll must be glued.

“From this trunk I will grow a tree,” says the magician. Children help him: while the magician makes several longitudinal cuts from top to bottom with scissors in a roll (no longer than 7 cm), the audience does not stop repeating magic spells. When all the cuts are made, the resulting strips are folded outward with a pencil and the index finger inserted into the hole of the tube, the paper layers are picked up from the inside, carefully pulling them up.

Soon, before everyone's eyes, a whole "tree" grows - it can be presented to one of the spectators who especially tried to help the magician.

You can extend the fun of this trick by making the tree "not want" to grow if the guys say the magic words too loudly or too quietly.

You can perform the trick in this way: two or three dexterous assistants to the magician receive exactly the same cylinders as the maestro himself, and then they must repeat all his movements. When pulling a tree, they can be helped at first. How great is the joy of the guys if their tree has grown higher than that of the magician himself - the guys probably think that the whole point is that he endlessly made a reservation when he pronounced the required spells, and they did not make a single mistake!

Eternal newspaper

It is necessary to take two copies of the newspaper for the same number and glue them so that the gluing area is no more than 3x3 cm, and two identical pages (preferably the first ones) are respectively facing outward. The inner, facing the magician, newspaper must first be folded to approximately the size of the palm of your hand, and the outer one should be bent into strips so that it is easily torn along the folds.

Having prepared in this way, the magician goes out to the audience, while he can read the newspaper on the go, but only so that the folded and pasted duplicate newspaper is not visible to anyone.

The magician reads aloud jokes allegedly published in the newspaper, a cheerful weather forecast, reports of incidents that have happened to someone from those present, and other incredible things. But one of the notes suddenly causes such anger in the magician that he “loses his temper” and tears the unfolded newspaper into several pieces. He can also crumple them on the table, pressing his hands tightly against a folded duplicate newspaper, even crushing them. Thanks to this, the scraps do not scatter, but a well-compressed lump will close the whole duplicate newspaper.

After a while, the magician "comes to his senses", begins to violently regret that he hastened to tear the newspaper, forgetting to read something important in it. Then, calling for help magic spells, right in front of the astonished spectators, he "resurrects" the newspaper, which turns out to be safe and sound. After that, he unfolds it, finds the right place and reads out loud what interested him.

Lost coin

Drill a hole in an old coin. A fishing line about 20 cm long is passed through it and a knot is tightly tied. An elastic band 10 cm long is tied to the other end of the fishing line. With a safety pin, attach the end of the elastic band to the lining of the sleeve, at armpit level.

The fishing line in the hand is not visible, so the coin can be shown to the public from both sides. In this case, it is necessary to cover the drilled hole with the thumb and forefinger.

The magician then invites a member of the audience to come out to help him perform the trick. The assistant should turn his hand palm up and extend it to the magician. He strongly presses the coin to his palm and says that on command he will have to hold the coin in his hand. The command might be: "Coin-coin, disappear - one ... two ... three!" The audience can say these words in unison. On the count of three, you need to ease the pressure on the coin and, sharply pulling your shoulder back, immediately show your hand - there is nothing in it.

The assistant, who, after counting "three", clenched his fingers, now opens them - he does not have a coin either.

Laying shawl

You need to take a black scarf measuring 35x35 cm, attach a black thread to it in the middle of one of the sides. The other end of the thread must be tied to an eyelet, which is connected to a wooden or plastic egg with a screw or screw. You will also need a hat or top hat. Before the performance begins, you need to put an egg in a hat and cover it with a scarf.

First, the magician lifts the scarf over the hat and shows it to the children on both sides. The thread and the egg are not visible - they are in the hat. Again cover the hat with a scarf. The magician immediately raises the handkerchief again, but in such a way that the egg hangs on a thread behind the handkerchief, invisible to the audience. Now we need to fold the scarf: with the left hand they take the upper ends of the scarf, and the audience needs to be shown that there is “nothing” in the hat either.

After asking the audience to say magic spells, the magician shakes the egg out of the handkerchief into the hat. This can be done in two ways.

The first is to simply raise your right hand and the egg will slide into the cylinder.

The second one is more efficient. It is necessary to lower those ends of the scarf that were upper - the egg rolls into the hat. Next, you need to spread the ends that were lower to the sides, and, holding one of the upper ends, show that there really is nothing in the scarf now. It is folded again, as described above, and under the general clucking, “another” egg falls from the handkerchief into the hat.

The handkerchief can “lay down” the egg a few more times until the fun in the hall reaches its apotheosis. You can put the handkerchief with the egg aside and, with incredible precautions, lift the hat "filled" with eggs. The magician wants to "show" them to the children. But, approaching those sitting in front, he suddenly stumbles and ... turns his hat upside down. Nothing comes out of it. If the magician, noticing the surprise on the faces of the audience, says something like: “Well, we are not real chickens!”, This trick will end with a long-lasting laughter.

magic paper

It is necessary to take a sheet of ordinary white writing paper and draw something (or write) on it with a pen that does not scratch the paper dipped in onion juice. Once the drawing or lettering has dried, it can be made visible with heat.

Thanks to this property of white “magic” paper, it is possible to “conjure” answers to the questions that we ask it with the help of spells.

You can do this this way: show everyone a white sheet, put it on a strong source of heat and then, after asking the right question, conjure until the drawing appears on paper. Here everyone can see with their own eyes that he really exists.

The sorcerer and his apprentice

The magician introduces to the audience his student, whom he has chosen as his assistant. But after all, he must first be taught magic, which means that he must imitate the teacher in everything. The magician picks up a plate, and gives his student another one, which, before the performance, was slightly smoked from below over the flame of a candle.

The magician draws "magic signs" in the air - the assistant repeats his movements. Then he orders the assistant to close his eyes and listen to the commands: run his index finger along the bottom of the plate, make various lines on his face. The assistant, hearing the commands, repeats everything after the magician. At the same time, he imperceptibly draws a "beard", "thick eyebrows" and other black lines on his face. All this time, you can cast a spell, for example, this: “Moon, ascend to the sky, show everyone your eyebrows, nose and mouth!”

Enchanted Whistle

The magician takes a whistle out of his pocket, lets someone else blow it, then blows it himself to check if everything is in order. A magician's apprentice uses a rubber ring to attach a whistle to his magic wand. Then, after a long "magic", the whistle starts to whistle itself.

The thing is that a second whistle is hidden in the sleeve of the magician, to which an ordinary enema is connected with a rubber tube. It should be secured under the armpit. The whistle is heard every time the magician, unnoticed by the audience, squeezes the enema with his forearm.

Children will get special pleasure if they start “talking” with a whistle, asking him questions, for example, such as: “Will there be cottage cheese for dinner today?” The whistle is silent. "Maybe pudding?" The whistle gives a sizzling trill. Children can also ask questions.

Great scent

Three or four chairs are placed in the middle of the veranda. The magician goes outside the veranda, and his assistant asks one of the guys to come out and sit on one of the chairs.

When the magician returns to the veranda, all the chairs are already empty. Nothing, he declares, he has such a sense of smell that he will immediately feel which of the chairs someone has just been sitting on. (The magician, of course, agrees everything in advance with his assistant.) So he sniffed the first chair. Nothing. The second ... At the same time, he every time becomes so that he can see his assistant. As soon as the magician comes to the right chair, how can the assistant imperceptibly give some kind of sign to others. Thanks to this sign, the magician, after appropriate sniffing of the chair, can confidently say - here! Further, the student is expelled from the veranda: he must show what he has learned. The magician prompts him exactly as agreed.

coin guessing

On the table you need to put a few fairly large coins. The magician promises that, thanks to his magical abilities, he will recognize which of the coins was in the hands of the audience. True, for this it is necessary that the viewer hold the coin very tightly and think only about it all this time, then the trick will turn out.

The magician goes out the door. His assistant gives the coin to one of the spectators, and he tightly squeezes it in his hand. About two minutes later, the magician returns and, quickly feeling all the coins, points to the one that really was in his hands.

The secret of the trick is simple: the coin has become warmer than the rest, so it is not difficult to find it. (Make sure that the rest of the coins do not heat up from the sun.)

invisible soap

Before the performance, the magician must rub soap on his moistened hands. You need to rub with soap until your hands are dry and the soap becomes invisible. Now a few drops of water will be enough to make the soap foam.

An assistant brings a bucket and a jug of water. Then he touches the magician's hands with a magic wand and pours a few drops of water on his hands, the soap foams. Now it remains to remove all the accessories for washing and give the magician a towel.

Number Guessing

The magician declares that he can find out what number no more than five will be called by the audience during his absence. He goes out the door. Children come up with a number, after which the assistant calls his teacher back. For some time he tries to "feel" the answer: he feels the door, the face of his assistant, the magic wand. Suddenly he confidently calls the correct number.

The secret, of course, is very simple: the magician first agrees with his assistant about the sign, and when he returns and touches the assistant’s cheeks, he imperceptibly makes the right number chewing movements.

Enchanted glass

The magician is brought a glass filled to the brim with water, and a still moistened postcard or any piece of cardboard cut out in the shape of a square or circle.

The assistant casts a spell, while the magician, meanwhile, presses the wet postcard to the edges of the glass so tightly that there is no air between the paper and the water. Then, still pressing the card firmly against the glass, quickly turn the glass over. Now you can safely remove your hand - the paper is firmly stuck to the edges of the glass, and not a drop of water flows out of it. The glass can also be given to one of the spectators, so that he passes it - still a piece of paper down - to the others.

Focus requires pre-training.

obedient matches

In a plate of water, you need to throw a few matches without sulfur heads. Then the magician lowers the tip of the straw into the water and orders: “Matches, matches, come on, swim away from me!” Matches are indeed immediately removed from the straw. Once again the end of the straw is lowered into the water, but now the conjurer calls the matches: “Matches, matches, please swim here!” And the matches immediately swim up to the straw.

There is, of course, an explanation for this mysterious behavior of matches: one of the ends of the straw must be filled with a small amount of soap. If you then lower it into the water, then the matches will float away from the straw. If we now imperceptibly turn the straw over (its other end is filled with honey), the matches will float towards it, since honey is a non-surfactant, and soap is a surface-active one.

oil motor fish

You need to take a large basin and pour water into it. Then oil the paper and cut out the silhouette of a fish with a slit in the back.

The fish can be put on the water, it stays on the surface, but does not want to swim by itself. Some kind of magic spell is pronounced like: “Fish-fish, stop sleeping, swim soon again,” and at the same time you need to imperceptibly drop a drop of the usual vegetable oil in round part slots. The fish will immediately float up: trying to spread over the surface of the water, the oil will make the fish move.

Exactly the same trick can be done with a stick or pencil, if you scrape a recess in the back and drip oil into it.

Coin jokes

You need to press a coin to your forehead, tilt your head back slightly and leave it there. Then you can wrinkle your forehead several times in a row so that the coin falls. After such a simple operation, the magician must express doubt that the children will be able to drop a coin from their foreheads in the same way. "What are you, it's so easy!" the children will say. Then it is necessary for one of the spectators to firmly press the coin to their forehead, and then, removing their hands, quietly take it with them. The child will still have a feeling of pressure, and in full confidence that it is on his forehead, he will wrinkle his forehead to discard a non-existent coin. Then he will try with his hand - the coins and the trace caught a cold.

A penny on the forehead. For this game you will need a glass of water and a penny. Having dipped a coin in water, it is applied to the forehead. Now you can ask someone with a coin stuck to their forehead something tricky, for example: “Tell me, how many times did you wash your ears today?” Now we need to start counting out loud: “One, two, three”, etc. Vigorously wrinkling his forehead, the player is trying to drop a coin into a glass. The answer to the question will be the number at which the coin finally comes off the forehead.

A penny in a box. It is necessary to take an empty matchbox and stick a small piece of wax or plasticine to its underside. Then, pulling the box halfway out of the shell, you need to put a ten-kopeck coin on its edge. It, of course, should not be visible from the outside and fall out of there, even if the boxes are shaken. The box prepared in this way must be shown to others, pushing the box halfway and showing that there is nothing in it.

It is necessary to take another dime and spin it with a top on the table, as soon as the coin falls, it must be quickly covered with a matchbox. It should be well pressed so that the coin "sticks" to the bottom of the box.

Saying “Abracadabra!”, You need to raise the box higher so that everyone can see that the coin has disappeared! (The spectators should not see the coin.) Now it remains to open the box again and show the spectators that the coin that was missing from the table has “penetrated” inside.

If you manage to deftly and imperceptibly remove the wax from the bottom of the shell, the boxes can even be given to children in their hands.

Focus takes practice.

Match in a napkin

Before the performance, a match must be inserted into the edge of the cloth napkin. In an unfolded napkin, right in front of all the spectators, you need to put a match, let the children touch whether it is in place after the napkin is loosely folded.

Further, the fabric of the napkin is shifted in such a way that a match sewn into the hem remains in the hands (when the napkin is folded, the edge should remain inside it). You can invite one of the spectators to feel for this match and break it - this sound will be well heard by everyone. In addition, the rest can check by touch that the match is broken.

Now it is necessary to “conjure” properly so that the match becomes whole again - unfold the napkin, and the result is obvious: a whole, unbroken match falls out of it.

cut rope

It is necessary to fold the rope, after which the magician's assistant cuts it.

The ends that were in the right hand can be released, and the two ends peeking out of the fingers of the left hand must be asked to tie the assistant.

The lower loop is located between the thumb and forefinger and is not visible to anyone.

Now the rope, which is allegedly cut in the middle and tied in a knot, must be pulled out and the knot taken into the mouth. Children must "conjure" all this time together with the magician's assistant. By pulling either of the two ends to the side, it will be possible to pull the rope out of the mouth, and completely intact: the knot on it has disappeared - because no one knows that the tip of the rope with the knot remained in the mouth, from where it can later be quietly removed.

Mysterious Liberation

A multi-meter tape or rope must be folded in the middle and pushed through the loop on the jacket. Pass both ends of the tape through the resulting eye. It seems that the formed knot cannot be dissolved otherwise than by passing the ends back through the eye.

The magician asks someone from the audience to hold the ends of the tape (or rope). He claims to be able to free himself from such a knot, although he has pulled the buttonhole of his jacket tight. To do this, he only needs to go where there are no spectators, taking with him most of the tape. Now you need to loosen the knot and select the loop so much that you can climb through it yourself. (At the same time, the loop must be drawn from below, from the back, through the head, and then the tape should be removed from the ear.) Having thus freed himself from the tape, the magician returns to the children, where the assistant from the audience is still holding the ends of the tape.

If for some reason the ribbon or rope does not have sufficient length and the magician himself cannot climb through it, he will have to take off his jacket and drag it through the eyelet.

There is another, playful, version of a similar trick. One end of the ribbon or rope is passed through a loop in the jacket, and both ends are given into the hands of one of the spectators. The magician promises the audience that he will get rid of the tape without cutting it or tearing the loops on his jacket. After such a promising introduction, the audience will be waiting for some special trick. But the magician simply takes off his jacket.

How to free scissors

This trick is quite well known, but it always makes a strong impression on kids. The double-folded twine must be passed through the eye of the scissors, and both free ends should be inserted through the loop formed and tightened. In addition, the free ends must also be passed through the second eye of the scissors, and then tied to the leg of the table or to door handle. Can someone in the audience free the scissors without damaging the string?

You need to grab the loop and pull it until it can be pushed through the second eye so that the scissors crawl through this loop, then they will be freed from the twine.

strange thread

The ends of a thread or a thin rope must be tied, the thread folded in half, and the loops at the ends formed should be put one into the other so that they hold each other.

It is very important that a ball of a suitable diameter, a ring or a bead sit tightly in the place where the overlap is obtained. Then no one will notice him, and everyone will decide that the ball is held on by a double thread. The magician or his assistant can sharply pull the thread when the “magic” passes are done, the audience is completely at a loss: the ball turned out to be on its own, and the thread is not broken!


No one has ever thought about where those incomprehensible words and expressions that we hear at the performances of clowns and magicians come from? With age, both vocabulary and convolutions in the head increase. And, it is often interesting to delve into the etymology of the origin of many words and expressions. The same thing happened with focus. So how did these spells actually come about?

E If you dig into the archives, you can find amazing things:

Hocus pocus, hokuspokus(German), hocus-pocus (English), hokus pokus filiokus (Swedish)
Mass in Europe was celebrated in Latin. The most exciting moment - the transformation of bread into a body - proclaimed the priest: hoc est corpus! - this is the body.

Most of the parishioners did not know Latin, and for them these words sounded like just a meaningless magic spell.

Therefore, many magicians, taking a coin out of the spectator's ear or releasing doves from an empty box, shouted out exactly this phrase: hocus-pocus! This explanation was offered as early as 1694 by the Anglican prelate John Tillotson, who wrote:

“In all likelihood, the usual words of magicians “hocus pocus” are nothing but a distortion from “hoc est corpus”, that is, the expression by which the priests of the Catholic Church make their absurd imitation in their trick of the Eucharist.”

Abracadabra, abracadabra (eng.) In Hebrew, "ha-b'rakah" means roughly "a sacred name", but there is an opinion that it comes from the Aramaic Avra ​​kehdabra, which means roughly "I speak, I create."

The word (spell against various diseases) was prescribed to be used in the following way. It was written in a column on a tablet 11 times, with the last letter cut off each time. It turned out a triangle. Such a gradual shortening of this word was supposed to destroy the power of the evil spirit, and the sick person, putting on the amulet, was supposed to gradually recover.

Sim Sala Bim, Simsalabim (Eng.) was used as a magical formula, probably because it is similar to the Arabic word Simsim, which means "seed". And, if you remember, the seed revealed many secrets: “Open Sezam” in the story of Ali Baba and 40 robbers from the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” .