September 1 in different years. Knowledge Day (First call). Knowledge Day traditions

Public Holiday Russia Day celebrated every year and always 12 June. The date was approved on 06/02/1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1113.

How do we relax on Russia Day in 2020, how many days:

In honor of the celebration of the Day of Russia 2020, we will have a rest
3 days in a row: Friday 12 June 2020 to Sunday 14 June 2020 .

The working week leading up to the holiday will be four days.

The Day of Russia holiday itself (06/12/2020) is a non-working day throughout the Russian Federation.

According to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this holiday is included in the number of official non-working holidays (additional days off), both for five days and for six days.

November 4, 2019 is the last additional public holiday this year. Further, the inhabitants of Russia will have the opportunity to have a good rest only at the beginning of 2020, when after the New Year they will have a long New Year holidays, including the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Other events on September 21:

* Day of military glory dedicated to the victory of the Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo. Six and a half centuries ago, Russian troops led by Dmitry Donskoy fought the hordes of the Golden Horde. The battle took place on the Kulikovo field and marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the power of foreign invaders who came from the East.

* International Day of Peace. The event was established by the United Nations and is dedicated to "establishing peace in the world", and most importantly - the cessation of war. On September 21, the opposing sides temporarily cease hostilities (they introduce a "ceasefire regime").

* World Day of Russian Unity- so far this is an unofficial holiday, which has been celebrated on September 21 since 2010.

What is the reason for the conflict between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko:

Relationship between Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko and weightlifter Mikhail Koklyaev heated up in March 2019, after "Misha" posted a video in which he commented on Alexander's conflict with another MMA fighter - Sergey Kharitonov.

Koklyaev joked about "stupid jocks and fighters", summarizing that "...Now it's not only jocks who are dumb."

In a response video, Emelianenko suggested that Mikhail “be more careful,” as he might soon come to visit him at the gym.

The exchange of courtesies continued on the fighters' Instagram accounts, where they made notches on the bench press, stuffed a heavy ball, and fired from a broom.

In the end, everything ended with an agreement to resolve the dispute with the help of fists.

That is, the cause of the conflict is a joke by Mikhail Koklyaev.

When will the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko take place (date and time):

"The most anticipated fight of 2019" between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place on Friday 29 November 2019.

As for the start time of the fight, it is not known exactly, since it depends on how quickly the preliminary fights end. In total, 6 fights are planned in the tournament program, and the meeting between Emelianenko and Koklyaev will be the final one.

The tournament itself will begin on November 29, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. And Koklyaev and Emelianenko as headliners can enter the ring in a period of time from 21:30 to 22:30 Moscow time.

That is, when the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place (date and time):
* On Saturday 11/29/2019
* Tournament start - 19:00 Moscow time.
* The start of the fight Koklyaev - Emelianenko - after 21:30 Moscow time.

Subscribe to our updates, join the site groups in social networks, so as not to miss new important information regarding the meeting of two famous athletes. Closer to the date of the fight, we will announce the exact start time of the fight, as well as where you can watch the live broadcast.

Where will the meeting between Koklyaev and Emelianenko be held on November 29, 2019:

The venue for the fight was chosen "VTB-Arena"(Moscow, Russia) - a multi-purpose sports complex built on the site of the central Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park.

The fight will take place in the VTB Arena Park ring, a small indoor arena that can accommodate up to 13,000 spectators during mixed martial arts.

According to what rules will the duel between A. Emelianenko and M. Koklyaev take place:

The duel will pass by the rules of boxing.

Prediction for the fight Koklyaev vs Emelianenko:

On November 29, 2019, we will receive an answer to the question of what is preferable - strength or speed.

Speed. Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko (younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko) has fought over a hundred fights in various martial arts. His manner of fighting is distinguished by courage, speed and entertainment. Now Alexander is in excellent physical shape, which means that in the upcoming fight he will be faster than ever.

Force. Eight-time champion of the Russian Federation in weightlifting, powerlifter Mikhail Koklyaev, "The Strongest Man of Russia" - is a multiple winner of international tournaments in power extreme sports. It is deservedly famous for its strength, courage and sports character. He claims that in order to knock out Emelianenko, he "needs only 1 hit."

If the fight between Koklyaev and Emelianenko is not a freak fight (staged, for the show), then Mikhail does not have much chance. Of course, there is a video where a strongman slaps 320 kilograms, and therefore, theoretically, he can knock out Alexander. However, Emelianenko is an experienced fighter who has been performing in mixed martial arts for a long time, and therefore is the undisputed favorite of the fight.

Festival "Invasion" - where will be held in 2020:

The open-air rock festival "Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia, held annually in the open-air format by the Nashe Radio radio station.

For 11 years already, since 2009, the venue for the music festival has been a field near the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo in the Konakovo district of the Tver region.

That is, the location of the "Invasion" in 2020:
* the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo, Tver region.

When will "Invasion 2020" be held, the dates of the festival:

The exact date of the festival "Invasion" is announced about a month before it starts - in June. And the dates of the "main event of the summer" vary every year. But this is invariably four summer days - from Thursday to Sunday in either July or August.

That is, we will find out the exact date of the festival in June 2019.

Conducted "Invasion 2020" can, for example, at the end of the first week of July 2020: from July 2, 2019 to July 5, 2019 (forecast dates!).

How many days will the Invasion festival last in 2020:

Starting from 2017, the "Invasion" festival lasts 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.

When asked on this occasion to the General Director of "Multimedia Holding" whether the next festivals will be held for 4 days, the answer was "why not". According to gen. director Kiseleva, since a lot of people are ready to come to the festival on Thursday, the organizers will leave the four-day format of the event in the future. Moreover, if it is in demand, the Invasion can be carried out for 5, or even 6 days.

That is, "Invasion" in 2020 will last:
* 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

When will the sale of tickets for "Invasion 2020" start:

Ticket sales start now in September 2019. Tickets can be purchased on the official website of the event.

How much will tickets for "Invasion 2020" cost:

The price of one ticket in 2020 will vary from 2000 to 10000 rubles, depending on the selected category.

What is the number of the "Invasion" festival in 2020:

In 2020 the festival "Invasion" will be held 21 times (20 times outdoors).

For the first time the festival "Invasion" was held in 1999 in the Moscow House of Culture Gorbunov. This was the only time that a musical event was held indoors, other than the "virtual" Invasion of 2003, when an outdoor performance was canceled due to an explosion a month earlier at the Wings festival, and guest bands sang "live" live in the studio "Our Radio".

Since 2000, the festival has been held in the open air.

What is the theme of "Invasion 2020":

The theme of the next festival, which will be held in 2020, has already been announced. This " Carnival".

The organizers plan to make the upcoming event costumed.

How to get to the site of the festival "Invasion 2020" from Moscow:

From Moscow to the village of Bolshoe Zavidovo can be reached by train. Electric trains depart from the Leningradsky railway station. You can get to the station from Komsomolskaya metro station. It is necessary to choose those electric trains that depart towards Konakovo. You should get off at the station Konakovskiy Mokh.

If you are going to visit the "Invasion" by car, then 115 km from Moscow, moving along the Rossiya highway, you need to turn off near Konakovo and drive to the village of Vahonino, then turn left. Also, you can get to the place along the M-11 toll highway, bypassing all traffic jams and settlements.

How to get to the site of the "Invasion" in 2020 from St. Petersburg:

To get from the northern capital of Russia to Bolshoi Zavidovo by rail, you should choose any train that goes to Tver. Further, you can walk to the bus station (it is located about 1 km from the railway station) and take a bus that goes to Konakovo. And from Konakovo to the glade "Invasion" can be reached by taxi.

The main attribute of this public holiday is the holding of a solemn line or meeting, from which the academic year starts.


During the reign of Peter I in Rus', the beginning of the academic year fell on the period from August to October, and in the villages - from December 1, after all the main agricultural work had been completed.

Until the 1930s, the start date of education in the USSR was floating, but in accordance with the decision of the Council of People's Commissars, it was determined that work in schools should begin in the fall and all children aged 8-10 years old are accepted into the first grade.

In 1935, a single date was adopted that determined the start of work for all schools - September 1. The graduation date depended on the class, as follows:

  • up to grade 3 - June 1;
  • from 4th to 7th grade - June 10;
  • from 8 to 10 grade - June 20.

Now the regulations for the duration of training are set by the number of weeks:

  • for grade 1 - 33;
  • from 2 to 8 and 10 grades - 34-37, but mostly 34;
  • for grades 9 and 11 - 34, except for state exams.

Vacation time is also determined by the number of weeks. Summer holidays must last at least 8 weeks, and during the school year must be at least 30 days. For the first class, the average annual vacation is 37 days.

In 1984, September 1 was officially recognized by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a nationwide celebration - the Day of Knowledge, which was added to the state holidays. F. F. Bryukhovetsky, Honored Teacher of the USSR, is considered the creator of the holiday.


Usually the Day of Knowledge is most solemnly celebrated in schools. Children, depending on the class, line up in the school yard and hold a solemn line. More attention is paid to first-grade students and their first official acquaintance with the school.

By tradition, children and parents present bouquets of flowers to their teachers on September 1, say congratulations and words of gratitude.

After the line, a peace lesson, an introductory class hour and a lesson on labor protection are held. Schoolchildren do not study on this day.

Parents of schoolchildren usually congratulate their children after all the activities by going to a cafe. Middle and higher educational institutions do not hold rulers. For senior students, studies are already starting on September 1, and for first-year students, a meeting dedicated to the initiation into first-year students is held.

On September 1, the head of state and the leadership of the administrative regions come to some educational institutions and make a solemn speech.

August 29th. The bill proposes to assign to local governments the right to postpone the start date of the academic year in educational institutions to October 1. Traditionally, the Knowledge Day holiday will continue to be held on September 1, however, municipalities will be given the opportunity to postpone it depending on objective conditions. “The establishment of September 1 as a single date for the start of the academic year is dictated by a long tradition of unity of command and leveling uniformity, reinforced by the establishment of the Day of Knowledge on this date,” the deputies are sure.

They also believe that the vast geography of Russia, the diversity of its climatic, national and social characteristics make us think about a different approach to determining the start date of the academic year. “The adoption of the bill will allow for a more flexible approach to resolving the issue of the beginning and end of the school year in educational institutions, as well as more efficient use of the warm season for children to have a good rest,” the explanatory note of the bill says. Earlier, the head of the faction explained this initiative by the fact that the transfer of the academic year would prolong the summer due to the warm September. In addition, many parents go on vacation during the velvet season and often take with them children who are still absent from classes for a good part of September.

In the event of a postponement of the start of classes, the State Duma noted, the academic year of classes should end "in accordance with the curriculum of the relevant general education program."

Does this mean that the academic year will end a month later, or whether the curriculum will have to be completed in an accelerated mode, the document does not specify.

Director of the Moscow Lyceum No. 1535 Tatyana Vorobyeva is sure that the bill will not be accepted in the State Duma. “For Moscow, this is an irrelevant issue: all the more so, all metropolitan schools are subordinate to the Department of Education and the Moscow government. This is not the level of the municipality. Do not forget about the final state certification. We cannot shorten the school year by four and a half weeks: this is unrealistic. We already have one of the biggest vacations in the world: I see no reason to extend them in order to more effectively use the warm season for recreation. The State Duma will not be able to make such a decision. Then the law on the Unified State Examination will have to be changed,” the director is sure.

The director of the Institute for the Development of Education, told Gazeta.Ru that individual educational organizations can postpone holidays even without new bills. “This requires coordination with the governing council, as well as an agreement with the municipality. However

the proposal to give all schools a whole month to reschedule seems to me devastating. This will mean the postponement of summer holidays, vacations for teachers.

This is not the first time this risky idea has been discussed: at one time, they wanted to postpone the start of the school year to September 15, ”she said.

The expert also noted that the teaching staff is always thoroughly preparing for the celebration of the beginning of the academic year. “I think blurring key annual launches is very risky. This will not only make school programs change, but will also complicate the life of working people who will have to devote all their time to the child for another month, ”Abankina shared.

It should be noted that this year the transfer of the Day of Knowledge has become especially relevant due to the fact that the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha falls on September 1. So, because of this, in the Moscow school No. 2107, located next to the Cathedral Mosque, a solemn line will be held on September 4.

The Mufti of the capital told reporters that the capital's Muslims consider it reasonable to postpone the solemn assembly on September 1 at a school near the Cathedral Mosque because of Eid al-Adha. The Mufti noted that tens or even hundreds of thousands of believers gather inside and around the mosque, so the transfer of school rulers was adopted “based on the same security considerations, where everyone could spend their holiday without embarrassing each other and without creating uncomfortable conditions For others". Alyautdinov stressed that such a decision takes into account the interests of all "equal residents of the capital." At the same time, the first deputy, in turn, proposed to shift the school holidays by an hour or an hour and a half, since the celebration at the mosque will begin at seven in the morning and last for 45 minutes: after that, the believers will disperse.

Because of Eid al-Adha, the school year will start a day later in schools in Ingushetia. In Karachay-Cherkessia, September 1 is declared a day off, but schools will hold festive lines. In the city of Beslan, located in North Ossetia, the holiday of the beginning of the school year was postponed in connection with the Days of Remembrance for the victims of the terrorist attack on September 1-3, 2004. The academic year at Beslan School No. 1 will begin on September 4th. In other schools of the republic, the lines will begin with the announcement of a minute of silence in memory of the victims.

"Far Eastern hectare" for Kaliningrad schools

The tradition of celebrating the Day of Knowledge annually began to take hold in Russia during the time of Peter the Great. However, even then, not all schools began the school year on September 1: in some educational institutions, it began at the end of August, mid-September or October.

Until the mid-30s of the 20th century, there was no exact date for the start of the school year in the USSR. In August 1930, the Council of People's Commissars decreed: "All children aged 8-10 were to be admitted to school in the fall."

They came to a single date only on September 3, 1935, when the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks established in all schools of the USSR the beginning of classes from September 1 and their end - June 1 (for the first three classes), June 10 (for 4-7th grades). classes) and June 20 (for high school students).

The Day of Knowledge holiday itself was officially fixed in October 1980, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On holidays and memorable days” was issued.

On September 1, ceremonial lines, class hours, safety and courage lessons are traditionally held in educational institutions. Recently, on August 24, 2017, it became known that all Russian schools were required to hold a lesson on state security on Knowledge Day. The department said in a statement that the lesson will be called "Russia Aiming for the Future." All schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 will learn about “important directions in the development of the country, promising areas for applying their own talent in three, five or ten years, as well as opportunities for their own development in Russia.” Teachers will be required to focus on conservation, science and technology, and politics. In addition, children will be told about the innovative economy and the Far Eastern Hectare program.

“Schoolchildren need to be aware of their place in modern Russia and its development, to clearly imagine the possibilities of building a career, creating a family, in conditions of economic and social security guaranteed by the state,” the Ministry of Education believes.

Singapore: business - time, vacation - a month

The authors of the bill note that in many countries there is no fixed date for the start of the school year. “Schools independently set the dates for the beginning and end of the academic year, the duration of the holidays. For example, the federal states of Germany independently determine the period of the school year and holidays. Spain has a floating start date for the school year, but no later than October 1st. There is also no exact date for the start of the school year in the United States, Austria and other states, ”the document says.

In most European countries, the academic year also starts on September 1st. However, schoolchildren in Finland, Denmark, Germany and Scotland were not lucky: they start their studies in August. Moreover, if in Finland and Denmark classes begin in the second half of August, then in Germany everything depends on the school: German children can go to school both in the last week of August and in early September. In Italy, it all depends on the region. So, this year, for the vast majority of Italians, the school will open its doors on September 14, and those who live in the Alto Adige region will begin the school year on September 7.

In the countries of the Southern Hemisphere, where winter begins when summer starts in Russia, and autumn comes in March, a different school schedule. For example, in Argentina, Costa Rica and Brazil, schools open on the first week of February, in Chile on March 1, and in Uruguay on the first Monday of March.

Chinese schools open their doors on the second Wednesday of September. Nevertheless

in many Asian countries, the school year also starts in the spring. For example, in South Korea, school starts on March 3, and in India - in mid-March - early April.

The academic year in Japan begins in April and is divided into three terms. The first one lasts until July 20: after it, the children go on a big summer vacation. The Japanese return to their desks on September 1: then the second trimester begins, which goes until the winter holidays on December 26. The final, third trimester lasts from January 7 to March 25. It is followed by a small spring break, during which schoolchildren move from class to class.

Due to the tropical climate of Thailand, the school year there begins in May and lasts until April of the following year, while they have two breaks from study: one month in October and the second - almost two months - in March-April. Singapore stood out: there the beginning of classes falls either in the first days of January or at the end of November, it all depends on the school. At the same time, the school year in Singapore lasts 40 weeks, and school holidays last a little more than a month.

In Australia, the school year starts after the celebration of the main national holiday of the country - Australia Day, which is celebrated annually on January 26. New Zealanders begin their studies on January 27, however, at the request of parents whose children study in private schools, the start of the school year can be moved to early February.

Israeli schoolchildren usually take up their textbooks on September 1, but sometimes Knowledge Day is postponed to the end of August. The changes occur due to the fact that autumn Jewish holidays fall in September, and after them - the next holidays and breaks in study.

First day of September in Russia, if not one of the most beloved, then certainly one of the most important holidays is celebrated - Knowledge Day. In addition to Russia, this holiday is celebrated in most countries in the post-Soviet space, where the academic year in schools and universities begins September 1. Alas, Ukraine seems to have dropped out of this company, which decided that the Day of Knowledge is a “Soviet relic”, and, therefore, falls under the famous Ukrainian law on decommunization.

When did the Knowledge Day holiday on September 1 appear

Knowledge Day September 1 became a public holiday since 1984, first in the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation. The holiday was introduced by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 15, 1984 "On the announcement of September 1 as a national holiday - the Day of Knowledge." One of the initiators of the appearance of this holiday was the honored teacher of the RSFSR Fyodor Bryukhovetsky.

The date was not chosen by chance - September 1 is the beginning of a new academic year for the vast majority of formerly Soviet, and now Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers and university professors.

Knowledge Day traditions

Traditionally, September 1 in schools begins with solemn rulers, to which children, especially elementary grades, come with bouquets of flowers for teachers. In recent years, a tradition has emerged that is called "Children instead of flowers" - money intended for the purchase of expensive bouquets goes to charity, and teachers are given one bouquet per class.

On the first of September, leaders of the country, subjects of the federation, cities, regions, leading enterprises of the region, etc. also perform at the solemn assembly in schools. On Knowledge Day, regular lessons are usually not held in schools, and special events await children: class hours, lessons in peace and courage, trips to museums, cinemas, amusement parks, etc.

Particular attention on this day is traditionally given to first-graders, so Knowledge Day is sometimes called in their honor - Feast of the first call.

history of the holiday

In fact, in different countries the academic year starts at different times, in many countries this date is floating. In Russia, for example, under Peter I, classes in schools and gymnasiums began at different times - from late August to mid-October, and rural schools traditionally began to study from December 1, when all field work was completed.

Even in the USSR, until the mid-30s, there was no single day for the beginning of the school year, it was only stipulated that children begin to study in the fall. And only on September 3, 1935, a resolution was adopted on the introduction of a single day for the start of classes in all schools of the USSR from September 1.

Knowledge Day in Ukraine

This year, the Ukrainian authorities actually canceled the Day of Knowledge, deciding that its official holding contradicts the earlier law on decommunization, according to which all reminders of Ukraine's Soviet past should be removed from the life of the country. Therefore, on September 1, school principals, in particular, in Kyiv, are allowed to independently decide on the format of the holiday, it was only proposed to make it as less as possible like a “Soviet relic”.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge

Here the summer has flown by
September has come again
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Celebrates the school world.

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in the head!

Here is the breath of autumn
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Can you find it then?

And with any school task,
We know you can do it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They fly by fast!

Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
Opened the door of the native school,
Fascinating beckoning to the world,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly by
Without failures and sorrows,
Let everyone find for themselves
Treasure of valuable knowledge and skills!

special day today
Bright autumn has come
And boys and girls
Invited to the school.

Excellent to study
We give you parting words
And the granite of science is complex
They chewed it up day after day.

Inspiration to you, talent,
Without obstacles on the way
To be interesting
Go to school in the morning!

Holidays September 1, 2019

Today, September 1, many countries around the world celebrate a holiday - the Day of Knowledge, in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic they celebrate Statehood Day, residents of the United States and Canada today celebrate Labor Day, and in the Republic of Uzbekistan - Independence Day.

Knowledge Day (international holiday)

September 1 is a sea of ​​flowers and white bows, the first calls and excitement, traditional lessons of the world, this is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Perhaps for some this is just a return of memory to the past, but for someone it is a new step into the future.
Today - the most long-awaited day will come for those who cross the school threshold for the first time.
September 1 is, first of all, the holiday of the beginning of the new academic year. On this festive day, solemn assembly lines are traditionally held in all schools. First-graders are greeted in schools with special solemnity.
This day is celebrated by the CIS states - Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova.

Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Russia)

Today, September 1, is the Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, whose capital is the city of Nalchik. Statehood Day, or the Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, was established on the occasion of the adoption of a new constitution in 1997. This date was not chosen by chance, since the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed just on September 1, 1921 by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR and after that it became part of the North Caucasian Federal District.

Labor Day in the US and Canada (international holiday)

Today in the United States and Canada, as every year on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is celebrated in the United States and Canada. On September 1, Americans go out into nature and celebrate Labor Day.
Labor Day in America was first celebrated in 1882, initiated by the Central Trade Union. This holiday became a national holiday in 1894. Since then, every year the United States has gratefully acknowledged the contribution of American workers to the wealth and well-being of the country, which has become the property of the entire American people.
April 15, 1872 is considered the birthday of Labor Day. On that day, the Toronto City Assembly of Trade Unions organized the first demonstration for workers' rights.
In the US and Canada, this holiday is perceived by the population of these countries as an additional holiday. Americans and Canadians on this day simply arrange campsites all over the country, their favorite outdoor barbecues.

Independence Day of the Republic (Uzbekistan)

September 1 - Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The state independence of Uzbekistan was proclaimed in Tashkent on August 31, 1991 at the Extraordinary 7th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic, where the Statement and Resolution of the Supreme Council on the celebration of the state independence of this Republic on September 1 were adopted. Subsequently, the adoption of the Law on the Fundamentals of State Independence was planned.
Formally, Uzbekistan gained its independence in December 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the 8th session of the Supreme Council, on November 18, the State Flag of the Republic was approved, and on December 15, its Constitution was published, which was adopted at the 11th session of the Supreme Council on December 8, 1992.

Unusual holidays September 1

Today, September 1, we can celebrate an unusual holiday - Autumn's Birthday and those who wear glasses can celebrate Bespectacled Day.

autumn birthday

September 1 is a wonderful day. After all, this is the first day of autumn, and autumn nature and weather, the time for “eyes of charm”, is the sweetest of all for many of us. And even if the whole day is damp and cold, the mood on this day will still be festive, because “nature has no bad weather” ...

bespectacled day

Today, September 1st, is a holiday for bespectacled people! Imagine, the first age of the first lenses - 2500 years BC, they were found during the excavations of Troy! They wore them then, of course, only as decoration. And for the correction of visual defects, lenses began to be used hundreds of years later. The first glasses appeared in Italy in the 13th century.
Everyone looks smarter with glasses
Serious or mature.
All those who wore lenses
Let's raise a glass tonight!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Thekla Svekolnitsa

Many Orthodox Christians know what a church holiday is today. On September 1, they honor the memory of the three martyrs of Gaz - Timothy, Agapius and Thekla, who suffered for their faith in 304-306.
It is known among the people that Timothy had the gift of eloquence and studied the Holy Scriptures from his very youth, therefore he became a famous preacher of Christianity.
During the reign of the emperors Diocletian and Maximilian, there were strong persecutions of Christians. Once Timothy was brought to court, accusing him of crimes against pagan deities. The martyr, despite cruel tortures, did not renounce his faith, he delivered a sermon about love for all the people of Jesus Christ. For which he was sentenced to be burned.
Agapios and Thekla at the same time in Gaza also suffered for their faith. The pagans gave them to be torn to pieces by wild beasts.
Beets have been used in Rus' since ancient times. On this day, the harvesting of this vegetable began. The people said: "On Fekla, the birthday girl is beets."
The peasants paid attention to Thekla - what kind of wind was blowing. It was believed that if the wind blows from the south, then next year there will be a large harvest of oats.
Name day September 1 with: Andrei, Nikolai, Timothy, Fekla

September 1st in history

A high-rise building of Moscow State University was opened in Moscow on the Lenin Hills
The first large-format cinema in Ukraine was opened in Kyiv.
For the first time, the program “Good night, kids!” appeared on the TV screen.
Military coup in Libya (Al-Fateh Revolution) that brought Muammar Gaddafi to power
The world's first computer chess tournament opens in New York
Qatar declared itself an independent state
A terrorist in the Mausoleum threw a bomb (the sarcophagus was not injured, several visitors died)
The new text of the anthem of the USSR was approved, in which the words about Stalin were replaced
An American-French expedition at a depth of about 4,000 m discovered the wreckage of the Titanic liner that sank after colliding with an iceberg in 1912.
Sovereignty of Uzbekistan proclaimed
Previously unknown subatomic particles - "exotic mesons" discovered
US President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed an agreement to establish a joint center for the exchange of data from early warning and missile launch notification systems.
US Vice President Al Gore and Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov sign an agreement to sell Russian plutonium to the US
A new Criminal Code came into force in Ukraine, in which capital punishment was replaced by life imprisonment
The management of the VGTRK holding changed the name of the RTR TV channel to the Rossiya TV channel
Capture of a school in Beslan (North Ossetia)