Drawings of Bogorodsk toys in the senior group. Presentation "Bogorodsk toy". Legends of the village of Bogorodskoe

Svetlana Mezentseva

GCD theme: « Bogorodsk toys»

Mezentseva Svetlana Viktorovna

Program: "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Children's age: 4 years (middle group).

GCD theme: « Bogorodsk toys» .

Target: the formation of children's knowledge about Bogorodskaya toy.



Introduce students to Bogorodsk folk toy- as a work of Russian folk art.

Draw the attention of children to toy contribute to the understanding of its content.

Learn to see the beauty of wood Bogorodsk toys, her amusement.


Develop interest in folk toy, to the past.

Develop the ability to distinguish Bogorodsk toys.


Bring up careful attitude To toy, interest in its manufacture, in folk craftsmen - masters - wood carvers.

To create conditions for the formation of emotional responsiveness to the means of artistic expression.

To help children get positive emotional impressions from playing together with folk toys.

Planned results: children get to know Bogorodsk toys; learn about the history of the industry (with how craftsmen made them, from what types of wood); get pleasure and positive emotions from the game with Bogorodsk toys.

Form of organization: group.

NOD form: Team work, game exercises, story game, games to music, joint action.

preliminary work: Organization of the exhibition "Russian traditional toy» , solving mysteries toys.

Dictionary of new words: toy craft, merchant.

Equipment and materials:

Demo didactic material

Bogorodsk toys: twitchers Pinocchio, Parsley, wheelchair Goby, Bird talk, whistles.

Illustrations with painting.


Bogorodsk toys.

teacher: Hello guys! Look carefully which toys lie in front of you?

Children: Beautiful painted toys.

teacher Q: What are they made of?

Children: Made of wood.

teacher: Absolutely right! These toys made of wood, since ancient times, artisans of the village Bogorodskoe they were cut with a knife from soft woods - alder, linden, aspen. They say that a peasant family lived in a small village. They were poor people and had many children. The mother decided to amuse the children and make them a doll. I sewed it from fabric, but after a few days the children tore it apart toy. I wove it from straw, and by the evening the doll crumbled. Then the woman took a chip and cut it out wooden toy, and the children nicknamed her Auka. The boys played for a long time toy, and then the doll bored them. And her father took her to the fair. There was a merchant there, a man who comes to shop at the fair. merchant the toy looked interesting, and ordered the peasant to make many of these toys. Since then, they say, most of the villagers Bogorodskoye and engaged in “toy” craft, that is, to make wooden toys.

teacher: And what is unusual about these toys?

Children: They are not like ours toys, made of wood.

teacher: Let's take a closer look Bogorodsk toys.

The teacher demonstrates pecking hens.

The cockerel will wake up.

About the plank, knock and knock.

Together with chickens tuk-tuk.

Never get tired.

Chickens are pecking grains

And they don't lay eggs.

Here are some strange

Wooden chickens!

Children: considering toys.

teacher: Here are the guys toys - jerks. The arms and legs of these toys fastened with ropes, if you pull on them, toys"come alive" and start dancing fervently.

Children: Very interesting toys.

teacher: Yes guys Bogorodsk toys are kind, funny, "live".

teacher: Guys, let's remember Agnia Barto's poem "Bull".

Children: The goby swings, Sighs on move:

"Oh, the board is over, now I'm going to fall".

teacher: Look closely at this Bogorodsk toy. It is called - wheelchair Goby. The truth is like a character from a poem!

Children: Very!

teacher: Also folk craftsmen and made everyone's favorite whistles.

teacher: Guys, let's play with you in game"People's shop toys» . For the seller to sell you some toy, you need to describe it, name it distinctive features. She must be guessed "salesman". Try not only to describe correctly in words toy but also be polite buyers. Buyers can play with Bogorodsk toys.

Children are divided into two commands: sellers and buyers. Buyers describe the building toys, the colors that the toy is painted, sellers guess and let you play.

A melody sounds during the game "Russian hut"

(E. Ptichkin - M. Plyatskovsky).

teacher: Guys, you are so good. Played with respect to each other game. Did you enjoy playing with folk toys?

Children: Very!

teacher: What is the name of the village where folk craftsmen make these toys?

Children: Village Bogorodskoe.

teacher: Right. What kind of wood are they made from? Bogorodsk toys?

Children: From soft, toys cut with a knife.

teacher: Is our lesson has come to an end and you guys can play Bogorodsk toys.

Subject: "Introduction to the Bogorodsk toy"
Educational areas: socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.
Children's age: older preschoolers.
Program tasks:
1. Introduce children to Bogorodsk folk toys, their features, types, manufacturing technology, purpose;
2. To develop children's interest in folk toys, attention, imagination, speech.
3. To cultivate love, respect for the products of masters; to form interest and desire to make a toy according to the Bogorodsk type.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, today we have an unusual meeting, I want to invite you to a small exhibition of folk toys.
The Russian people have long loved to create toys for their children. What are toys?
Children: A toy is a thing that you can play with.
caregiver: That's right, look how many toys we have here and they are all different, some of them are already familiar to you (there are different toys).
caregiver: Today I want to introduce you to Bogorodsk toys and tell a story about them.

The teacher invites the children to sit down and watch a presentation about the Bogorodsk toy

caregiver: This toy is crafted by folk craftsmen. Near the ancient city of Sergiev Posad near Moscow, on a high mountain, among forests and fields, the village of Bogorodskoye is spread.

caregiver: The Bogorodsk wooden toy is about 350-400 years old. The legend says that a long time ago a family lived in the village. The mother decided to entertain her children. She cut a figure out of a block of wood and named it Auka. The children were happy, played and threw Auka behind the stove. Once the husband was going to the fair and said: "I'll take Auka to the market and show it to the sellers there." Auka was bought and asked to make such toys. Since then, the carving of the toy appeared in the Bogorodskoye village and it became known as the “Bogorodskaya toy”.

caregiver: The main difference between the Bogorodsk wooden toy is chip carving (wood is chipped off in small pieces). It is she who creates a textured surface similar to animal hair.

caregiver: What kind of toy is shown?

Children: Bear.

Educator: That's right, now we will finger gymnastics, which is called "Mishka"

Finger game "Bear"
Tuki-tuki, bear (tapping fists against each other)
He runs into his house (they run with their fingers).
Runs into the yard
And a gate for constipation! (clasp hands together)
Hid in a house (hands over head, depicting a roof)
Our furry bear.
Bear loves to sleep
Suck a thick paw (both hands are folded near the ear).

caregiver: Masters made such toys with their own hands, first for their children, and then for other children. In the skillful hands of carvers, aspen, linden and birch chocks turn into wonderful figures.
To make a Bogorodsk toy, you need well-dried linden wood in the open air. This soft wood is good for cutting toys. After drying, the tree goes to the notch. The future toy is processed manually or on a lathe.
The workpiece of the product is first cut down with an ax or cut out with a hacksaw according to a template.


caregiver: The next step is cutting with a special Bogorodsk knife. The masters make the handle of all the tools themselves - according to their own hand. Tools are strictly individual, like a comb or a toothbrush.

caregiver: Then the wooden toy is brought to perfection with different chisels

caregiver: The bending parts are made of willow, and the parts are connected with oak pins coated with PVA glue.
Cover at the end ready product wax and varnish or colored stains.

caregiver: Bogorodsk products are unpainted, preserving the natural color of the tree. Some toys are painted.

caregiver: Guys, we watched a lot of videos, so our eyes are tired and we need to let them rest.

We played, we drew (the actions in question are performed)
Our eyes are so tired
We'll let them rest
Let's close them for a bit.
And now we open them
And we blink a little.

caregiver: Craftsmen create realistic images of the world around them from wood. These are fake figures of people, animals, often from folk fables, stories, fairy tale characters.

caregiver: Particularly interesting are toys with movement: on slats. These uncomplicated, but always witty devices make the toy lively, expressive and especially attractive.
It is worth moving the slats and the brisk work immediately begins.

At that distant time, not a single fair in Rus' could do without a trained bear. It was from here that the image of a bear first got into a toy that could be played with.

Toy "Blacksmiths"

(figures of a man and a bear, who alternately hit the anvil with hammers)

for over 300 years.

caregiver: And now we'll have a little rest

Physical education minute
I ask you to get up - this is the time
Turned her head - it's two.
Hands down, look ahead - these are three,
Hands to the sides - four,
Pressing them against your shoulders with force is five.
And now quietly sit down - it's six.

caregiver: So we got acquainted with the Bogorodsk toy, and now I invite you to the workshop.

Children go to the workshop, sit down at the tables

And now, dear children,
Close your eyes for a minute.
Forget worries, fatigue,
After all, miracles will begin now.

caregiver: I gave you stencils of the Bogorodsk toy "Blacksmiths", but it is not painted, so now you will call on the role of masters and color it.

Children at the tables do the task - paint the "toy"

caregiver: Well done, now we will make an exhibition of your work.

caregiver: Guys, look at what a bright exhibition we got. Now we can sum up. What toys did you learn about today? Why are toys called Bogorodsky? What material are these toys made from? Which toy did you like the most?

Summary of the lesson “Bogorodsk toys» .

Target : the formation of children's knowledge aboutBogorodskaya toy.

Tasks :


Introduce students toBogorodsk folk toy- as a work of Russian folk art.

Draw the attention of children to toy contribute to the understanding of its content.

Learn to see the beauty of woodBogorodsk toys, her amusement.


Develop interest in folk toy, to the past.

Develop the ability to distinguishBogorodsk toys.


Cultivate respect for toy , interest in its manufacture, in folk craftsmen - masters - wood carvers.

To create conditions for the formation of emotional responsiveness to the means of artistic expression.

To help children get positive emotional impressions from playing together with folk toys .

Planned results: children get to knowBogorodsk toys; learn about the history of the industry(with how craftsmen made them, from what types of wood); get pleasure and positive emotions from the game withBogorodsk toys

Dictionary of new words: toy craft, merchant.

Equipment and materials: landscape sheet, simple pencil, colored pencils.

Bogorodsk toys: chicken jerks peck millet, Bear, whistles.

Illustrations with painting.

caregiver : Hello guys! Look carefully whichtoys lie in front of you?

Children : Beautiful painted toys .

caregiver Q: What are they made of?

Children: From wood.

educator : Absolutely right! Thesetoys made of wood, since ancient times, artisans of the village Bogorodskoe they were cut with a knife from soft woods - alder, linden, aspen. They say that a peasant family lived in a small village. They were poor people and had many children. The mother decided to amuse the children and make them a doll. Sewn from fabric, but after a few days the children tore toy . I wove it from straw, and by the evening the doll crumbled. Then the woman took a chip and cut it outwooden toy, and the children nicknamed her Auka. The boys played for a long time toy , and then the doll bored them. And her father took her to the fair. There was a merchant there, a man who comes to shop at the fair. merchantthe toy looked interesting, and ordered the peasant to make many of these toys . Since then, they say, most of the villagersBogorodskoye and engaged in “toy” craft, that is, to make wooden toys .

caregiver : And what is unusual about these toys?

Children : They are not like ours toys , made of wood.

caregiver : Let's take a closer lookBogorodsk toys.

The teacher demonstrates pecking hens.

The cockerel will wake up.

About the plank, knock and knock.

Together with chickens tuk-tuk.

Never get tired.

Chickens are pecking grains

And they don't lay eggs.

Here are some strange

Wooden chickens!

Children: looking at toys.!

caregiver : In the same way, folk craftsmen made everyone's favorite whistles.

caregiver : Guys, let's play with you in game "Shop of folk toys" . For the seller to sell you some toy , you need to describe it, name its distinctive features. She must be guessed"salesman" . Try not only to describe correctly in words toy but also be polite buyers. Buyers can play withBogorodsk toys.

Children are divided into two commands : sellers and buyers. Buyers describe the building toys , the colors thatthe toy is painted, sellers guess and let you play.

Educator: And now let's try to draw with you, our wooden

toys. The children are doing the work.

Subject. Bogorodskaya toy. Bear drawing.

Goals. Develop aesthetic sense; improve graphic skills and
skills in drawing complex objects.

Equipment. Nesting dolls, Bogorodsk toys.

GCD progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Introductory conversation

Educator: Guess the riddle:

Although we are small,
But so nice:
All painted with flowers
And one for the main one.
There are crumbs among us.
Who are we?

Children. Matryoshkas.

Matryoshka display.

U. What were nesting dolls made of?

D. From wood.

U. Now listen to the story of how the others came to be
wooden toys.

It happened a long time ago, maybe two hundred years ago, maybe more, in the village
Bogorodsky, near Moscow.

In winter, the nights are long and it gets dark early. Bored in a peasant hut guys. And so
Once a mother wanted to please her children with a toy. And there is nothing to buy.
She began to think: if you weave straw out of straw, they will unravel it so vividly. If from the test
to blind - it will dry up and fall apart. And she took a log from under the stove, with an ax and
cut out a doll with a knife.

The children were happy with the toy. They lulled, they said: "Ay, ay." And they named her Auk. A
grew up - abandoned their Auka.

Once my mother was going to the market, saw a toy, took it with her and sold it.

Once a cart is going through the village, a peasant is sitting in it and shouting:

- Who sold a wooden toy at the market?

“I traded,” the woman says, “but why do you need it?

- Aren't you going to cut these more? I will buy everything.

- Okay, come to the party.

The woman made toys and ran around the village to tell about her luck, skill
show yours. Her fellow villagers began to make various toys for merchants after her.

III. Introduction to new material

U. Shaggy firs, oaks, birches, lindens surrounded
the village of Bogorodskoye from all sides. In some neighboring villages they wove for sale
bodywork and bast shoes, in others they did wooden spoons and dishes, and the Bogorodtsy
cut toys. They were considered the best toys. They brought toys
fair, not in bags, not in baskets, but in whole wagons. The toys were inexpensive, but
is it a matter of price? The main thing is the joy that Bogorodsk toys gave and
children and adults.

Let's look at the products of Bogorodsk masters. How are these toys different?
the rest?

D. They are not painted.

U. The masters developed their own artistic style, their own
carving style. They saw that toys made from unpainted wood could even be
more interesting, and stopped painting them.

The themes of the sculptures are varied: they are peasants, hunters, animals and birds, scenes
from everyday life, fairy tales.

What fairy tale characters do you recognize?

D. Bogatyr Ilya Muromets on horseback, Tsar Dodon and Astrologer from
fairy tales "Golden Cockerel" ...

U. In Bogorodskoye, they learned how to make toys with movement.
You pull two bars - the toy comes to life. Knock-knock - they beat loudly with a hammer on
blacksmiths on the anvil: a man and a bear.

But there are chickens on the plank - pull the rope, and they will start hastily
peck grain.

Soldiers are marching, horses are galloping, cubs are playing balalaikas. hero
many compositions is a bear, so we will study it today

IV. Independent work


1. Place the sheet vertically. Draw a vertical line. Lungs
mark the height of the bear with strokes.

2. Mark the location of the head by setting how many times the height of the head
fits in the height of the entire figure.

3. With light straight lines, mark the position of the paws. pay attention to
symmetrical character of the figure.

4. In the light sketching technique, continue to refine the position and size
paws, torso.

5. Color the bear brown.

The history of Bogorodsk wooden toys goes back over 350 years. Products are known all over the world, and at one time they were appreciated not only by children, but also by world-famous sculptors. Distinctive feature Bogorodsk toys is the absence of obvious details and strict carved forms in sculptural products. Thanks to this method of manufacture, the toy developed creativity and imagination in children, and for a long time did not bother them.

No less interesting were the moving toys. Their thoughtful design long time worked and didn't break.

The Bogorodsk toy got its name from the village where craftsmen who made wooden blanks lived. The Bogorodsk toy has become so firmly established in the life of the local population that one of the products has become a symbol of the village and is depicted on its coat of arms. This is a movable toy with a man and a bear.

The history of the fishery

The manufacture of Bogorodsk toys began in the 15th - 16th centuries, in the village of the same name near Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region. Initially, craftsmen in the processing and artistic cutting of wood worked on orders from buyers. They prepared the base, which they painted later in Sergiev Posad.

Finally, as a craft, the manufacture of Bogorodskoye toys was formed at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, when the entire process of making toys was transferred to craftsmen from the village of Bogorodskoye. They developed them, deciding on the theme, made the bases and, if necessary, painted them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an artel was organized in the same village, in which masters of cutting toys were trained, transferring to them the accumulated knowledge, techniques and skills. Due to the war and economic troubles, the artel was temporarily closed, and after new force earned already in Soviet times.

Bogorodsky wooden Toys actively exported to European countries. At first, the themes were presented by the life of the common people, later, after the end of the Second World War, the masters went into fairy-tale themes. In more later years the appearance of plots for the manufacture of toys was influenced by events taking place in the country, for example, sending a person into space, popularizing sports, etc.

Types of Bogorodsk toys

Bogorodsk wooden toys were of two types:

1. Sculpture toy

2. Movable toy

The figurines of the sculptural plan were distinguished by the absence of clearly defined features. In them, children, due to the development of their own imagination, could see a bear, a fox and other animals.

Bogorodsk craftsmen also carved toys with moving structures. The figurines were attached by craftsmen to plates that moved relative to each other, springs with buttons were also sent inside them, and another part of the toys were figures fixed on a plate with a counterweight on threads.

The most famous Bogorodsk wooden toys are:

Blacksmiths fixed on plates;

dancing man with a spring inside;

chickens, pecking grains on a circle with a counterweight.

The plot for the manufacture of toys were selected episodes from ordinary life, often covered the crafts and professions of that time. For example, a shoemaker was depicted at the time of making boots, a spinner was sitting with a spindle behind a spinning wheel, lumberjacks were chopping wood, hussars were riding horses, young ladies were depicted with flowers in their hands. Later stories featured bears accompanied by space satellites, vacuum cleaners, carpet cleaners, soccer players, and so on.

Manufacturing technology

Traditionally, Bogorodsk wooden toys were carved from solid linden. Among all trees, this wood is the softest and most pliable.

At first, the harvested and dried trunks were sawn into chocks, and only after that they went to work for the masters.

The artisans split the chocks on their own, with a couple of strokes into four parts. It was this form of workpiece that was most convenient for work. The figurines were cut out with the help of special Bogorodsk knives and files. Expensive types of toys were made from a single piece, and simpler toys were made from the remaining chips.

When selecting chocks, they tried to take those in which there were the least number of knots, since wood with knots is difficult to process for this type of craft. Wood carvers were usually men.

Painting Bogorodsk toys

(Colored (painted) Bogorodsk toys)

After preparing all the elements of the toy, it was assembled and sent for painting. If the composition was not a single structure, but was assembled from many figures or wood chips, the elements were fastened together with PVA glue and wooden glazing beads.

Most often there were Bogorodsk toys that were not painted at all. They allowed children to develop their imagination. If the toys were painted, the painters used bright, saturated and very juicy colors. Elements of Khokhloma and Gorodets painting were traced in the toys, but at the same time they were devoid of small details characteristic of these techniques, since the toys were designed for children.

MBDOU of the city of Astrakhan No. 52 "Rosinka"
Fedorova Olga Pavlovna teacher

Topic: Bogorodsk toy and its masters.
(senior group)

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the variety of folk toys; continue to acquaint with folk crafts. Give the concept of the Bogorodsk toy, its types, manufacturing technology. To awaken children to search activity, to reasoning. To form interest and desire to make a toy according to the Bogorodsk type.

Dictionary activation: Bogorodskaya, Kargopolskaya, chisel.

Material: Bogorodsk toy: dynamic - a grandmother with knitting needles, an old man in a sleigh, chickens, hares are chopping cabbage, a fox is washing, a man and a bear, a she-bear with a cub, a bear-twitch.

Toys: Filimonov cat, Dymkovo rooster, Kargopol - Polkan,a basket, an envelope with a diagram, a chest, an illustration of a Bogorodsk toy, an illustration (the sequence of making a Bogorodsk toy), tools (a hatchet, a knife, chisels), a video cassette of the Bogorodsk toy; silhouette of a man and a bear made of cardboard, 2 strips, 2 wires - for each child.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol toys, watching the cassette "Secrets of the Sirin Bird", an excursion to the toy museum, looking at illustrations, albums "Folk Toy".

Lesson progress:

- Guys, today we have guests at the lesson. And we always welcome guests, what words do we greet guests with?
Children: - hello, welcome, nice to see you, please come in.
- How many good and kind words you said, and in response received a lot of affectionate smiles and shining eyes. "How more people does good, the more he gets.
(the children go to the table, on which there is an envelope with the number 1, a basket with the number 2 and a chest with the number 3)
- Guys, look, what do we have here?
- That's right, this is an envelope, a chest and a basket. And look at them, the numbers. And what does that mean?
- Guys, what are we going to open first?
- Under the number 1 we have an envelope, and in it is a diagram. (children stand in a circle, but do not hold hands, the leader says a proverb to the one standing next to him (on the left) and takes his hand, the children say proverbs and hold hands, at the end a circle is obtained)
- Guys, what a great fellow you are, you know a lot of proverbs, everyone is so different, they don’t repeat. Well done!
- Guys, look what we got?
- Yes, guys, this is a circle, and the circle is a symbol of what? This symbol is the sun. The sun is life. The sun will help us today in class.
- Let's see, guys, what do we have under the number two?
-Under the number 2, we have a chest. Let's sit down on the chairs and see what we have in the chest. (children sit down)
- Guys, look what kind of toys they are, what are they called?
(vos-l opens the chest and puts toys on the table)
- That's right, this is a Dymkovo rooster, look how colorfully painted it is, and this is a Kargopol toy - Polkan, and this is a Filimonov toy - a cat.
Look, the Filimonovo toy is different in that it is elongated.
- Well done, but think about what these toys can tell us?
Children: - about the name of the area: about the master, about his character: about the material from which they are made.
- Yes, guys, each toy can tell us a lot of interesting things, give joy to both children and adults, amuse them. Folk toys have inspired many poets to compose poems. Our children have learned poems, but about those folk toys that we don't have now.
(children read poems)

Dymkovo turkey.

Here is a smart turkey, he is all right.
The big turkey has all painted sides.
He surprised everyone with his outfit, spread his wings importantly.
Look, a magnificent tail, it is not at all simple-
Like a sunny flower, but a tall scallop
Red paint grief, like a king's crown.
The turkey is colorfully beautiful, he is pompous, proud.
Looks down around an important bird - a turkey.

My toys. V. Vasilenko.

Similar to an old fairy tale, they appeared before me.
Their horns look like spruce, their color is yellow, blue.
Dark red and green. Slender goat and deer.
They are ready to amuse me, to be with me all day long.
They willingly found a corner on my table.
My work is monitored so that I can't get tired.
And they have big horns. You can't take your eyes off them.
Surprisingly alive - they will not only ask for food.

- Well done. Very good poems. But really, these folk toys are similar to a fairy tale. (vos-l takes out a sheet, opens it, shows the children an illustration of the Bogorodsk toy)
- Guys, look at this illustration of a toy unfamiliar to us, but it is called Bogorodskaya.
(teacher's story)
Near the ancient city of Sergiev Posad near Moscow, on a high mountain among forests and fields, the village of Bogorodskoye is spread. According to folk legend, a family lived in the village a long time ago. The mother decided to amuse the little children. She carved a figure from a log (show) and called it "Auka". The children were happy, played and threw the “auka” behind the stove. Once the husband began to gather for the fair and said: I'll take the “auka” to the market and show it to the traders. "Auka" bought and ordered more. Since then, the carving of the toy appeared in Bogorodskoye and it became known as the Bogorodskaya toy.
This toy is cut not from any tree, but only from linden, alder and aspen, because this wood is easily processed and allows you to reproduce small details. The wood dries out within three years so that there are no cracks. And only then do they get to work. The tools of the master are simple.
(display of tools: hatchet, knife, set of chisels)
- Guys, look, and in this illustration, the stage of making a toy.
(illustration display)
The master first takes a chock, looks at it carefully, as if he is trying to figure out something. Then he makes a notch with an ax, then processes it with a chisel, and then describes the skin with a sharp knife, opens his eyes, mouth, and, finally, the master gives a name to his toy. Fairy tales are told with toys. The Bogorodsk toy is very different in subject matter - these are figures of animals and people who are busy with everyday activities: sawing firewood, forging metal, drinking tea.


I ask you to get up - this is one, the head turned - this is two.
Hands down, look forward - this is three, with force to press them to your shoulders - this is five.
And now quietly sit down - it's six.

- Oh, guys, we got so carried away that we forgot about the basket. What number is written here?
- Yes, this is the number 3. Three guys are very common in a fairy tale - 3 sons, 3 girls, 3 tasks, 3 wishes, 3 bears.
- And our magic basket. A fairy tale lives in it. I know a lot of fairy tales, today I don’t want to tell you a fairy tale, but show a fairy tale about a Bogorodsk toy, and you will help me.
(the teacher takes out one of the toys from the basket and tells a fairy tale, inviting the children to make movements with toys in the course of the story).

Fairy tale.
Once upon a time there was a grandfather “Because of the forest, because of the mountains, grandfather Yegor rides on a horse himself” (toy show: grandfather rides a horse) and grandmother “Shadow-shadow-sweat in the garden, then the wattle fence in the hut the stove is heated grandmother hurry up” . Grandmother took care of the house, knitting socks. (toy display: grandmother knits socks) And grandmother had chickens. “On the street, 3 chickens are fighting with a rooster, shoo-shoo, ha ha ha, have pity on the rooster” (toy display: chickens peck grain). Grandmother loved her chickens very much, let them out for a walk, fed, looked after them. They lived, grandfather and grandmother lived, but the trouble is, they were old and it was hard for them to do everything, they had no helpers. They lived on the edge of the forest. The animals found out that grandparents needed help, they decided to help them. Grandma decided to bake pies with cabbage. Hares came running and helped to chop the cabbage. “The grass-ant rose from sleep, the titmouse bird took on the grain, the bunnies took on the cabbage” (toy display: hares cut cabbage). The fox-sister came, helped the grandmother to wash the linen. “Today, the fox-sister is washing her fur coat all day long, helping her grandmother” (showing a toy: the fox is washing clothes). Then three bears came. Mikhailo Potapych, together with his grandfather, worked in the forge, knocked with hammers. "What's the noise, what's the knock? Knock-knock, knock-knock. A gray bear, an old grandfather picks up boots, starts a business ”(showing a toy grandfather and a bear knock with hammers). And Nastasya Petrovna decided to take a steam bath for her son-bear cub. “Vodichka-vodichka wash my face so that my eyes shine, so that my cheeks turn red, so that my mouth laughs, so that my teeth bite” (toy display: a bear washes a bear cub). So, the whole day the animals were busy with business, helping their grandfather and grandmother. While the animals were doing their business, the grandmother and Nastasya Petrovna baked pies with cabbage. In the evening they all sat down at the table. “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi, look at the bagels-kalachi, piping hot from the oven, all the blush is hot.”
That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done. These are the industrious animals that lived in this forest.

- Guys, interesting tale? What do you think Mikhailo Potapych, is he very strong? Why do you think?
(the teacher takes out a toy from the basket - “bear-twitch" and shows how he was engaged in physical education)
-Let's show how we can do exercises.

The sun peeked into the bed
One two three four five.
We all exercise
We need to sit down and stand up
Stretch your arms out wide
One two three four five
Bend over three, four
And stand still.
On the toe, then on the heel
We all do exercises.

-Guys, let's remember which toy told and showed us a fairy tale?
- Yes, this toy is called Bogorodskaya. What do you think these toys have in common and how are they similar? - How do they differ?
- Most of the Bogorodsk toys have one attractive feature - these are toys “with movement”. A witty device sets the toy in motion, enlivens it, makes it more entertaining.
- Do you remember what these toys are called?

- Look. These things are now visiting us.
To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty.
To lead us into the world of Russia, into the world of goodness.
To say that there are miracle people in Russia masters.

- Russian craftsmen knew how to work and they put all their skills, all their soul into their work, so the products turned out so beautiful. About hard work, the people put together proverbs and sayings.
- What proverbs and sayings about labor do you know?
(children say proverbs and sayings about work)
- And now, guys, we'll see how real masters work.
(children watch a cassette on which the work of the masters is recorded)
- Did you like the work of the masters?
- Do you remember what kind of toy the masters made? And if you want to turn into masters yourself and make your own toy, let's go and sit at the tables.
(children sit at tables on which silhouettes of a bear and a man cut out of cardboard lie, the teacher explains and shows how to make a toy by attaching silhouettes to the bar with wire).
- Well done. You turned out good masters. (children show how their toys move)
But now, our work has come to an end. From what new toy today we not only met, but also made it ourselves.
- What did you like the most?
- Guys, tonight, when you come home, tell your mom and dad what we did and show us your toys.