Technology of designing and modeling wooden toys. Presentation on the topic "Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products." Presentation of program material

Graphic documentation

Work on preparing for the manufacture of various products begins with the implementation of drawings, sketches and technical drawings, which are graphic documentation.
Drawing is a conditional image of the product, made using drawing tools. It is the main graphic document, after reading which you can find out: what material the product is made of, what its dimensions, shape, and more.
Often the drawing of the product has to be done in a reduced or enlarged form.
Scale - the ratio of the dimensions of the image of the product to its actual dimensions. Strictly defined scales are established, for example, to reduce -1: 2; 1:2.5; 1:4, etc., to increase - 2:1; 2.5:1; 4:1 etc.
In the drawings, the scales are written conditionally: M 1:2, M 4:1, etc.
If the image is made in full size, then the scale is indicated as follows: M 1: 1.
Sketch this is a conditional image of the product, made by hand, but with the proportions between the parts sustained by eye.
A sketch is made if you need to quickly transfer to
paper idea for a new product. Sketches are best done on checkered paper.
technical drawing is a visual representation of the product, in which three sides are visible at once.
According to the technical drawing, it is easy to imagine the shape of the product.

On the drawing, sketch, technical drawing, the dimensions necessary for the manufacture of the part must be put down.
Inscriptions on graphic documents are performed in a drawing font.
Graphic documentation, according to which the release of parts and products in production is organized, is calledtechnological , as it determines the entire manufacturing process of products. It is part of the technical documentation, according to which all production is organized as a whole.

Making a drawing and sketch of a part

Graphic documentation is drawn up using various lines. Instead of the word "thickness" in the drawing, they write a Latin letterS . The largest dimensions of the part (length, width, thickness) are calledoverall . The name of the part, material and scale are indicated in the main inscription in the lower right corner of the drawing or sketch.
Rules for the design of a drawing, sketch and technical drawing
1.Select the scale.
2. In the middle of a sheet of paper, draw the outline of the object with thin lines.
3. Draw extension lines.
4. Draw dimension lines parallel to the contour of the part at a distance of 6-10 mm.
5. The dimension line must be limited to two sides by arrows. The arrowheads must touch the extension lines.
6. The size number is placed above the middle of the dimension line.
7. Circle the outline of the part with a thick line.
8. Fill in the corner stamp (main inscription).

You can read a sketch or drawing in this sequence.
First, find the name of the part and find out what material it needs to be made from. Then consider the image of the part, imagine its shape, find out the overall dimensions. After that, find all the elements of the part in the image, present their shape and size. Study the technical requirements indicated on the drawing.

Assembly drawing

The assembly of a product consisting of several parts is carried out according toassembly drawing. The assembly drawing contains such a number of product views that you can understand itconstruction . It is sized to controlassembly process .

Assembly drawing:
A - front view; B - top view; C - left side view

In the lower right corner of the assembly drawing havetitle block . It indicatesName products,scale and other data related to the product as a whole. In the training drawings, a table is placed above the main inscription -specification , which contains basic data about the parts included in the product. Near the image of each detail is appliedposition number assigned to this part in the BOM. Item numbers are locatedon shelves from which oblique lines are drawn -callouts ending in dots in the image.
Assembly drawing
read in the following sequence. First, they recognize by the main inscriptionName assembly unit,scale . Then get acquainted withappointment Andoperating principle products (according to explanatory note, specifications). The next stage is the study of images
(front view and other views). Then they study the content of the specification, determine the name of each part and the material from which they are to be made. Find parts in all types of drawings, determine the shape and design of each part from the images.
The final stage - determination of ways to connect parts and assembly order.


Practical work

Here are various images of wooden toys. In the conditions of a carpentry workshop, they can be cut out of wood. You also need in the programLibreOfficeDraw to draw a graphic representation of such products.

Get some rest

Topic: Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products.

Slide №1,2


Educational: study with students the elements and sequence

product design and modeling

Developing: to develop the creative activity of students, to teach

apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Educational: to educate students in accuracy, responsibility,

ability to put into practice finished goods

Equipment and tools: carpentry workbench, carpentry

tools, marking tools.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Check readiness for the lesson. Appointment of workshop attendants.

    Repetition of the material covered.

Slide #3 Conversation on the questions: 1. Details of what form are most common in woodworking? In woodworking, the most common parts are prismatic and round in cross-section (having an axis of rotation), such as cylinders and cones. Table and chair covers, drawer walls, frame bars have a prismatic shape. Shanks for shovels, handles for mallets, scoops and files, round legs of tables and chairs, and other products have a cylindrical or conical shape.2. Let's remember where to start creating wood products? (Work on the manufacture of products begins with the implementation of sketches, technical drawings and drawings).3. What is a sketch? Technical drawing? A sketch is a conditional image of a part, made by hand, but with the obligatory observance of the proportions of the elements of the parts. The technical drawing is a three-dimensional image of the product on three sides.Slide #4 4. Is this a sketch or a technical drawing? Prove it. (Technical drawing of the feeder, as it is a three-dimensional image of the product).5. What drawings are called assembly drawings? (Assembly drawing is an image of a product consisting of several parts). Slide No. 5,6 6. Read the assembly drawing of the square. The square consists of a ruler and a base, fixedly glued together with glue at an exact angle of 90°. The base of the square has a groove at the end, into which a ruler is inserted and glued. The assembly drawing shows only those views by which it is possible to determine the design of the product. For the assembly drawing of the square, two views will be enough: the main view (Fig. a) and the left view (Fig. b). The main inscription is placed in the lower right corner of the assembly drawing (Fig. d). It indicates the name of the product or assembly unit and the scale of the image. On the assembly drawing, only those dimensions that need to be controlled when assembling the product are put down. For a square, these are the overall dimensions: 150, 200 and 30 mm. (The word "dimension" in French means "the largest size of the outline.") It is also necessary to control the accuracy of connecting parts 1 and 2 at an angle of 90 °. A specification for the assembly drawing is placed above the main inscription or on separate sheets (Fig. c). It is presented in the form of a table. It lists all the details of the product, indicate the name, quantity and material of the parts. (The word "specification" comes from two Latin words - "variety" and "do".) When reading an assembly drawing, they first study the content of the main inscription, the name of the product and the scale of the image. Then they study the purpose and principle of operation of the product. According to the specification, they determine the names of the parts and the materials from which they are made, find them on all types of assembly drawings and understand the shape and design (device) of the product. Finally, methods for connecting parts and the sequence of their assembly are determined.

    Presentation of the program material.

Slide number 7-13 Design - This is one of the stages of product creation. ("Construction" - translated from Latin means "device".)

Design is part of design and will necessary element your future creative project.

Usually, design begins with a visual representation of the product, drawing up its sketches, technical drawings, and drawings.

Then the necessary materials are selected.

Next, a prototype product or the product itself is made, tested for strength and performance, modified taking into account the shortcomings, and this is repeated many times, from one option to another, until the best product is created according to its purpose.

Before the developer (constructor) in the process

design, there are many options for the product. Multivariance in design is called variability. Variability is inherent in both the design of the product and its appearance - design. (The word "design" in translation from English means "concept, project, drawing.") In a narrow sense, design is the artistic design of a product. On fig. 1 shows the variability of design solutions for pencil holders.

A beautiful and fashionable product, thought out in terms of technical aesthetics (beauty), simplicity and safety of maintenance and operation, is in high demand and is valued more. That is why they work through many options for the product until they find the most suitable one.

So there were various designs tables, chairs, armchairs and other wood products.

Finally, the product must be technological (simple) to manufacture, durable, reliable and economical.

Technological consider the product manufactured with the least expenditure of time, labor, means and materials.

Durable the product perceives a given load without destruction.

Reliable The product will work flawlessly for a long time.

economical consider a product that, when used, does not require additional costs.

Manufacturability, strength, reliability and other properties are also the basic principles of design, manufacture and operation of products.

All of the above are required properties products make it up quality. A quality product is durable and reliable in operation, convenient to use. When designing products, it is very important to choose the right materials for them so that the product is durable and cheap, easily and quickly manufactured, and meets all the requirements for it.

When making several parts from one workpiece, it is important that they are as large as possible and that they are strong. For example, it is uneconomical to make products from a board, as shown in fig. 2, a. If we take the layout layout shown in Fig. 2, b, then all products will be defective (fragile), since their handles will break off along the fibers. According to the cutting scheme (shown in Fig. 2, c), the upper product will also be defective. But if the blank is plywood, then we will get the largest number of products according to the marking scheme shown in Fig. 2, c.

a B C

Rice. 2. Product layout schemes

Slide №14

Modeling. One of the design methods is fashionproduct lamination. Model called a reduced or enlarged sample (copy) of a product that is made in order to understand its structure and principle of operation. ("Model" - from the Latin "measure, sample, norm." "Copy" - from the Latin "set".)

Since childhood, all of you love to build models of buildings, cars, tractors, boats and ships, paper airplanes. And this is just the models of existing structures and machines. The models you made can move, swim, fly.

Models, like real products, are made according to sketches, technical drawings and drawings.

  1. Practical work.

Slide №15

Today we want to make table tennis rackets, because they will be useful to us in physical education classes. The racket can be of any size, shape, weight, but the base must be flat and solid. 85% of the thickness of the base must be wood. The outer surface of the racket, except for the handle, must be matte, red on one side and black on the other. The side of the racquet used to hit the ball must be covered with pimpled rubber with pimples on the outside. (Factory sample show)

Design of the simplest products wood

    Design several versions of the same wood product according to the teacher's instructions.

    Make technical drawings of the best product and drawings of its details.

    Think about whether your product will have sufficient strength, reliability; will it be technological?

    What is the importance of modeling for
    development of your creative project?

    Consolidation of new material.

    • What is product design?

      What is called variability?

      What products are called technological, durable, reliable, economical?

      What products are called quality?

      What is modeling and modeling?

      Why are models made?

    Final part.

Verification of student products. Self-assessment of your work.

Grading. Cleaning of workplaces and premises masterfully

MBOU Znamenskaya secondary school No. 1 Minusinsky district Krasnoyarsk region Technology lesson in Grade 6: "Fundamentals of Design and Modeling of Wood Products" Technology teacher Vityutnev Nikolai Anatolyevich Handle options for metalwork and carpentry tools Handle options for metalwork and carpentry tools Handle options for metalwork and carpentry tools What is the difference between design and engineering design? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Let's try to answer together:

  • The designer is looking for the harmony of function and form in accordance with the peculiarities of human perception. His approach to things is much broader than that of the designer.
  • It takes into account the most diverse functions of a thing:
  • appointment - the ability to satisfy a specific human need;
  • for example, a spoon is a device for eating, a tape recorder is a sound reproduction device;
  • the communicative function of a thing is, as it were, a collective message from the manufacturer to future consumers; descendants will judge the level of development of our production by products;
  • decorative function (as parts subject environment) things is a decoration against which our activities and other functions take place.
Let's try to answer together: If engineering design gives a constructive solution to a thing, then artistic design organizes the forms of an object based on all its connections and functions. The shape of the product has a certain independence, it is designed not only to show the function, but also to produce an aesthetic effect. Practical work

Practical work

"Turning parts according to the drawing and technological map"

You will need:

a lathe with a set of tools: a drawing of a part and a technological map for its manufacture; blank, semicircular grooved chisel, ruler, pencil, awl, sandpaper.

Safety regulations:

1. Do not turn on the machine without the permission of the teacher

2. Attach the tailstock of the machine securely.

3. Check if the workpiece has cracks.

4. Attach the workpiece securely.

5. Before working on lathe prepare workplace: remove everything unnecessary from the machine and around it, spread out only necessary tools and fixtures.

6. Check the working tool: the handles of the chisels must be firmly attached and not cracked.

Practical work

  • 7. Tuck in your clothes. Fasten all buttons. Long hair tuck under your head
  • 8. Put on safety goggles before starting the machine.
  • 9. In the process of turning, periodically stop the machine and tighten the part with the rear center, eliminating gaps.
  • 10. Periodically, as the surface is turned, when the machine stops, bring the handpiece to the surface of the workpiece for 2-3 mm, turn the workpiece by hand on 2-3 turns and securely fasten the handrest.
  • 11. During work, do not be distracted, do not move away from the machine.
  • 12. Perform all adjustment operations only with the machine turned off and stopped.
  • 13. Do not work near the trident.
  • 14. Do not stop the workpiece with your hands.
  • 15. Report all malfunctions to the teacher.
Reading a drawing
  • Reading a sketch or drawing means imagining the device of a part and finding out all the data necessary for its manufacture.
  • You can read a sketch or drawing in this sequence. First, find the name of the part in the lower right corner of the sketch and find out what material it should be made from. Then consider the image of the part, imagine its shape, find out the overall dimensions. After that, find all the elements of the part in the image, present their shape and set the dimensions. And finally, study the technical requirements indicated in the drawing.
Part elements Work order Work order
  • 1. Read the drawing and technological map for the manufacture of a cylindrical part (or a product for your project).
  • 2. Choose a workpiece and plan to work with it under the guidance of a teacher.
  • 3. Mark, prepare and place the workpiece on the lathe.
  • 4. Select and test cutting tools.
  • 5. Perform rough turning with a grooved chisel, stripping with sandpaper. Sharpen only with the permission and under the supervision of the teacher!
  • 6. Remove the workpiece. Check the dimensions and surface roughness of the machined part.
Technological map Technological map Changing the shape of an object. Deformation is the process of changing the shape of a body under the action of an applied force. Force is a physical quantity that characterizes the action of one body on another. Types of deformation during turning: at the first moment, the material is compressed, then the wood fibers are sheared and cut. As a result of these deformations, chips are removed. The essence of the turning process It is explained on the basis of physical concepts: the rotational movement of the workpiece and the translational movement of the cutter cause deformation of the workpiece material and chip removal. Marking - a responsible operation, the quality of the resulting product, as well as the amount of material consumed, depends on its accuracy; poor-quality markup can make it impossible to assemble the product due to a mismatch in the dimensions of the joined parts; this leads to large losses of materials and working time, a decrease in labor productivity; Conclusion: the profession of a scriber in production is very important and responsible. Determine the methods of heat transfer. Heating of the cutter and workpiece as a result of heat conduction; cooling is due to convection. Safety regulations
  • Treat cutters with care as if they were sharp blades.
  • Before turning on the machine, make sure that it is in good working order and that there is a protective cover, and that the tool is properly sharpened and has a firmly attached handle.
  • The workpiece must be selected without cracks and knots and firmly fixed on the machine.
  • It is necessary to work in goggles, in work clothes and buttoned up sleeves, in a headdress.
  • During the operation of the machine, it is forbidden to measure the workpiece, move the hand rest and clean the machine.
  • Hold the cutter while turning with only two hands.
Lesson summary:
  • Assess student responses and work
  • Clean up the workshop
File handle drawing

Thank you for your attention

slide 1

MBOU Znamenskaya secondary school No. 1 Minusinsky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory Technology lesson in grade 6: "Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products" Technology teacher Vityutnev Nikolay Anatolyevich

slide 2

To study with students the elements and sequence of designing and modeling products. Equipment: samples of wood products, tables with graphic images, "Designer" sets Duration of the lesson: 2 lessons of 45 minutes. Lesson type: combined.

slide 3

What is a detail drawing? What types of images, in addition to the drawing, are used in the development of product design? What is a sketch? Technical drawing? What drawings are called assembly drawings?

slide 4

slide 5

Detail drawing "Cutting Board" What do you think? What dimensions required for the manufacture of this product are not in the drawing?

slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Reading an assembly drawing Reading an assembly drawing begins with a study of the contents of the title block and specification:

slide 10

2. Didactic exercise "We read and discuss wise thoughts" It is better to do a small part of the job perfectly than to do ten times more badly. Aristotle Whoever works with love brings poetry into every work. N. G. Chernyshevsky Aristotle -

slide 11

“We read and discuss wise thoughts” A true treasure for people is the ability to work. Aesop Only work gives the right to enjoy life. N. A. Dobrolyubov

slide 12

P. Presentation of program material In technology, it is very important, if not the main thing, to develop a perfect technical design. The constructive solution of a thing is carried out by engineering design. Design is the development of a product design. Construction - structure, arrangement, mutual arrangement of parts of an object, determined by its purpose.

slide 13

DESIGN Design is a complex and multi-operational technological process that includes: visual representation of the product; drawing up sketches, technical drawings, drawings; selection required material; production of a prototype; strength and performance test; elimination of defects

slide 14

When designing a product, it is necessary that it be: Durable - the ability of a product to perceive certain loads without collapsing. Reliable - the ability of a product to perform a given purpose while maintaining the main characteristics. Technological - compliance of the product with the requirements of an economical technology for its manufacture. Economical - compliance of the product with the least labor and material costs in its manufacture. When manufacturing several parts from one workpiece, it is important that they get as many as possible, and for this it is necessary to take into account their correct (economical) placement and marking.

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Design principles: In order to obtain a fashionable, beautiful, convenient and safe product, the designer has to consider a variety of product options, take into account a set of functional conditions and requirements: ease of use; maximum compliance with operating conditions; creation of a harmonious holistic form, high aesthetic qualities.

slide 19

DESIGN The totality of all properties of a product determines its quality. A quality product is durable, reliable in operation, long time does not require repair, few materials were spent on it.

slide 20

Modeling One of the design techniques is modeling. Modeling is the process of making a model of an object according to a drawing. Model - a reduced or enlarged copy of the product, designed to show its device and principle of operation.

slide 21

Modeling A model is created, like a real product, according to sketches, technical drawings and drawings.

slide 22

Variability and design Variability is the change of individual elements of the product while maintaining its basis in order to most successfully solve the design problem. Variability is inherent in the design of the product - its design and appearance ("design" in English means "concept, project, drawing").

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How is design different from engineering design? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Let's try to answer together: The designer is looking for the harmony of function and form in accordance with the peculiarities of human perception. His approach to things is much broader than that of the designer. It takes into account the most diverse functions of a thing: purpose - the ability to satisfy a certain human need; for example, a spoon is a device for eating, a tape recorder is a sound reproduction device; the communicative function of a thing is, as it were, a collective message from the manufacturer to future consumers; descendants will judge the level of development of our production by products; the decorative function (as part of the objective environment) of a thing is a decoration against which our activity and other functions take place.

slide 31

Let's try to answer together: If engineering design gives a constructive solution to a thing, then artistic design organizes the forms of an object based on all its connections and functions. The shape of the product has a certain independence, it is designed not only to show the function, but also to produce an aesthetic effect.

slide 32

Practical work “Turning a part according to a drawing and a technological map” You will need: a lathe with a set of tools: a drawing of a part and a technological map for its manufacture; blank, semicircular grooved chisel, ruler, pencil, awl, sandpaper. Safety rules: 1. Do not turn on the machine without the permission of the teacher 2. Securely attach the tailstock of the machine. 3. Check if the workpiece has cracks. 4. Attach the workpiece securely. 5. Before working on the lathe, prepare the workplace: remove everything unnecessary from the machine and around it, lay out only the necessary tools and fixtures. 6. Check the working tool: the handles of the chisels must be firmly attached and not cracked.

slide 33

7. Tuck in your clothes. Fasten all buttons. Keep long hair under a hat 8. Before starting the machine, put on safety goggles. 9. In the process of turning, periodically stop the machine and tighten the part with the rear center, eliminating gaps. 10. Periodically, as the surface is turned, when the machine stops, bring the handpiece to the surface of the workpiece by 2-3 mm, turn the workpiece by hand 2-3 turns and securely fasten the handpiece. 11. During work, do not be distracted, do not move away from the machine. 12. Perform all adjustment operations only with the machine turned off and stopped. 13. Do not work near the trident. 14. Do not stop the workpiece with your hands. 15. Report all malfunctions to the teacher.

slide 34

Reading a drawing Reading a sketch or drawing means imagining the device of a part and finding out all the data necessary for its manufacture. You can read a sketch or drawing in this sequence. First, find the name of the part in the lower right corner of the sketch and find out what material it should be made from. Then consider the image of the part, imagine its shape, find out the overall dimensions. After that, find all the elements of the part in the image, present their shape and set the dimensions. And finally, study the technical requirements indicated in the drawing.

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Work order Work order 1. Read the drawing and flow sheet for the manufacture of a cylindrical part (or product for your project). 2. Choose a workpiece and plan to work with it under the guidance of a teacher. 3. Mark, prepare and place the workpiece on the lathe. 4. Select and test cutting tools. 5. Perform rough turning with a grooved chisel, stripping with sandpaper. Sharpen only with the permission and under the supervision of the teacher! 6. Remove the workpiece. Check the dimensions and surface roughness of the machined part.