How many toys does a child need? What toys do children of different ages need? What toys do kids need What toys do kids need to buy

We live in times an unprecedented abundance of children's toys. Never in the history of mankind has there been so many factories and plants producing goods for the entertainment of children. For an unprepared person, visiting a toy store can cause stress from the pangs of choice and dizziness from colorful boxes. Understand, what toys does a child need not easy. To sort out this chaos, and make purchases that will benefit not only the manufacturer and seller, but also your baby, read this article.

Answer to this question depends on age. How younger child the less toys you need. And in general, toys are needed less than it may seem to loving relatives. Much more valuabletime, which you can give your baby to make something together or play with a simple ball. And if you do buy something in the store, then make sure that you know exactly what toys the child needs. Our age recommendations will help you.

Newborn 0-2.5 months

To a newborn child, the mother replaces the whole world. This is a period of adaptation to a new life, when mother's love and affection - the best incentives for development. massage and entertain the baby, and will promote development. By two to three months, the baby is already beginning to be interested in objects around.

Just at this point, we collect the collection. With this set, you can easily carry out. Some items you already have at home, some are better to make yourself, and some are easier to buy.

The most favorite toy for a child from birth to 2.5 months - sounding. The baby still does not own hands well, so he loves to listen and look around most of all. New tactile sensations with a child are enough for mom in her arms, during bathing and massage. The baby prefers to look at a light source, at the face of a speaking adult and at something bright, moving, even better if it makes an interesting sound. A light bulb on the ceiling and a nice-sounding mother are always there. Additional entertainment will be bright melodious musical toys and a mobile.

The first musical toys choose from different sounds and from different materials. First, the parents themselves extract sounds from them. You can just rattle-ring, or you can beat the rhythm to the singing. When the baby learns hold objects in hand, rattles, maracas and even a tambourine can be given to his hand. Simple musical instruments will be useful to you after a year, so they are preferable to ordinary rattles.

Toys for baby from 0 to 2-3 months:

    Rings (rubber, plastic)– different thicknesses and diameters to make it comfortable to grab, hold, suck and chew

    rattles that differ in size, sound, color, shape, material

    pouchesthat differ in color(black and white stripes, yellow, blue, green, red), according to the material (silk, velvet, fur, cotton, wool) and filler (peas, flour, sand, cotton wool) - a variety of tactile stimulation, food for brain development

    Sounding toys: rubber with a squeaker, bells, bottles of cereals, peas, maracas, bells, tambourine and so on

    Puppet theater toys: animals, grandmother, grandfather, bun and others

    Flashlight- for games that stimulate the development of vision

    Feather– for tactile stimulation and variety of tactile sensations.

    Safe "life" toys: curlers, beads, wooden spoon, toothbrush and others - lay out around the baby, put in the pen.

    A bright sock, a bandage or a soft bracelet with a bell on the handle- for the development of coordination of movements

    Cards with words, with subject pictures for learning words and counting, grid pictures

    Mobile above the crib

  • Infant from 2.5 to 7 months

    The kid is mastering, actively developing and learning about the world, learning to sit and crawl. Now he likes objects that he himself can consciously take and release from his hands. To stimulate the baby to crawl, we place him on the floor, on, and lay out the toys at a distance of 30-90 cm from him. We continue communicate with the baby, sing songs to him. It is very good if the mother herself sings songs, nursery rhymes and lullabies. The presence of a voice and an ear for music is not as important as feelings. Create using techniques suitable for your family.

    When choosing educational toys for children from 2.5 to 7 months we take into account that at this age the child plays toys lying on his back and stomach, actively picks up everything and puts it in his mouth,. He studies everything by sight, touch, taste and sound. Therefore, your favorite toy should be not only beautiful, bright and educational, but also safe.

    We replenish the home collection educational toys for children up to a year the following topical items:

      Rag balls and cubes- throw, drop, build and destroy turrets

      Soft doll with large features- chat and make friends

      Doll Tumbler or Roly-Vstanka, singing top- stimulate crawling and develop coordination of movements. Beautiful, bright, wooden ringing tumblers can be used both as musical instruments and as a tumbler that you can play on the floor, bed, diaper.

      Bath water toys- pour, study the properties of water and various items in it

      Mirror- an important tool for self-knowledge

      P plastic transparent bottles filled with cereals; store-bought, clear plastic tubes filled with colorful balls

      Balls of different sizes and materials- roll on the floor, throw, catch

      Frame inserts- will be of interest to both toddlers and older children.

      Wooden stick, horizontal bar- exercise

      Sturdy books with hard pages and soft with different surfaces - to develop a love for the book

      Additional cards- continue intellectual development

      Wooden cubes- build the first turrets, knock on the floor and each other

      Large portraits or photographs of relatives- remember and love.

    Toys for children from 7 months

    The main task of a person of this age is collection of information, research. The child shows an active interest in all household items and toys. Make the bottom of your at home safe and accessible for the child: lift and remove wires, all loose and dangerous objects. The lower cabinets and shelves, which a child can reach, are best placed at his disposal. Store there what he can get and play himself - for example, in the kitchen: bowls, pots, ladles. The kid will be with great pleasure "cooking dinner" with his mother. And generally speaking, household activities- a wide field for development. Taking out and loading laundry into the washing machine, hanging the washed clothes on clothespins - develops no worse, if not better, than special developmental classes.

    It is at this age that children are really interested in toys. A lot of them appear in the house, and many of them will delight the child from 7 months to the school itself. So let's complete the collection.

    Educational toys for children from a year:

      cars- roll on the floor, load and unload, carry toys

      pyramid- sort and collect

      matryoshka- collect, play puppet theater

      sorters- jars or boxes with lids, which have holes of various shapes and sizes and objects of various shapes and sizes that can be put through these holes

      cups, investing in each other (nesting toys)

      string or stick with strung objects- develop fine motor skills

      educational toys with laces, buttons, buttons, Velcro, zipper, buckles - develop fine motor skills

      bodyboards- boards with fixed locks, hooks, latches, buttons, etc.

      soft mosaic- develop fine motor skills

      cart- stack, transport, unload

      rolling toys– psychological support during learning to walk. When a child begins to walk, he likes to hold on to something, even if it is not the most reliable support.

      hammer with squeaker- knock, listen, develop coordination of movements

      toy hammer and wooden pegs that can be scored - improve coordination of movements

      building blocks set better than wooden

      geometric figures- study geometry

      insert frames- figures that differ in size, which can be removed from the holes on the board and inserted into place

      musical instruments- develop a sense of rhythm

      "singing" books- listen, and arrange an orchestra. The book plays music, an adult and a child sing to it and beat the rhythm with various percussion musical instruments

      pop-up surprise box, musical clockwork box - to be surprised and rejoice

      rocking horse- develop the vestibular apparatus

      typewriter on which you can sit down - conquer space

      inclined chute with ball– study gravity and inertia in practice

      clockwork toys– watch how they move, rotate, and some even rattle

      puppet show- listen and watch fairy tales and learn to show them yourself

      desk lamp with a button on the panel - turn on and off

      hand walker- train agility and strength

      talking posters- press buttons, listen and receive useful information. Change once a month or more often, depending on the activity of the baby's interest in them. Such posters are quite expensive, so they can be a great gift from loving relatives.

      live sand- sculpt Easter cakes, build castles right at home. Interesting and safe for the baby, comfortable and clean for mom

      household items- do the cleaning, laundry, cook dinner, have a tea party. With toy products and scales, you can play in the store, learn the names of vegetables and fruits, start getting to know weight

      New cards- expand vocabulary and knowledge about the world. You can show the cards to the child, calling them. You can insert cards into small soft photo albums - and this will become the first favorite series of encyclopedias. He will bring them to his parents himself to be "revered"

    Order among favorite toys

    When buying toys for your baby, be guided by the principle “Less is more”. Choose things of high quality, made with love from natural materials. Wooden Toys preferably plastic. Buy toys self made at folk craftsmen . Even if they cost more than Chinese consumer goods, their educational, developmental and educational potential cannot be compared with it. Even more valuable is a toy made by the hands of loved ones and loving people. Soft doll sewn by mom, a development board that dad or grandfather made. You can easily find it on the internet step by step instructions and master classes. Such a thing will become a family heirloom and will be inherited by grandchildren.

    Watch to each toy had its place, do not dump everything in a box. Divide toys into categories, keep order and teach this to your baby. It is good to organize the system of organizing toys and educational materials according to the method of M. Montessori. For this, a children's room or a corner is conditionally divided into zones:

      mathematical (pyramids, sorters, nesting dolls),

      language (cubes with letters, books),

      practical life zone (clasps, laces, items for games with cereals, household items),

      zone sensory development(musical toys, rustlers, rattles, balls from different materials and fillers),

      zone physical development(fitball, hand walker).

    Such organization is useful from the very beginning, that is, from the moment . Mom can see which area needs attention, where what is missing, what is used, and what is idle. The child sees all the toys and chooses what he needs at the moment. Shelves should be installed so that a child who has learned to stand up with support can take out the thing of interest from them and put them back after the game. Learn from the very beginning baby to keep order: natural and joyful, as the final part of the game, mom herself makes sure to put each thing in its place. And the kid will do exactly the same as he can. There should not be too many toys in each zone. To keep the joy of novelty, divide the toys into 2-3 parts and change them periodically. Another a good option– exchange toys with familiar families.

    Consciously choosing the best. Let them not only entertain, but also educate. Develop your baby with pleasure!

The family prepares responsibly for the birth of children - they buy clothes, rearrange furniture, prepare baths and strollers. Baby toys are important. It is not only a means of entertainment. With them, children learn the world, learn to use the senses, so you need to choose them correctly.

Requirements for products for children

Babies should play with safe, environmentally friendly items, because they lick and bite them. There are special requirements for products for small children, but the strictest control should be on the part of parents. When choosing, you should pay attention to such subtleties:

  • The product must be easy to disinfect. These are toys made of rubber, good quality plastic;
  • Colors should be moderate. Too saturated, even poisonous colors call into question the safety of the dye;
  • Musical toys, rattles should make pleasant sounds. A loud annoying ringing can scare a small child;
  • Toys should not have taste;
  • You need to buy products from which the baby cannot tear off, bite off small parts, for example, buttons, buttons. They should not tear, the contents crumble.

At any age, safety is the most important thing for an infant, since the baby is not able to realize the consequences. Adults should be aware of this.

Monthly distribution

The game will be the main cognitive process in childhood. For each month, you need your own game items, because up to a year the baby is growing rapidly. To develop his abilities, he needs the right toy.

The table shows the necessary game elements for the baby by month.

AgeChild developmentWhat to choose
1 monthVision at this age is still weak, near objects seem to be blurry spots. Only by the end of the first month does the baby begin to focusHang black and white images above the changing table, baby's bed geometric shapes. The contrast will help the baby to distinguish the picture.
2 monthsThe baby can turn his head in different directions, drive his eyes, hold a toy in his hands, raise his head.Above the bed, you can hang a mobile, a rattle, a black and white figurine, because the baby begins to be interested in the outside world.
3 monthsGradually, a grasping reflex is formed. The muscles on the back and neck become strong, exercise is of great importance.Well suited rattles are various in shape, material of manufacture - fabric, plastic, wood. A developing mat with an arc, backlight is useful. A gymnastic ball (fitball) can be used while charging.
4 monthsDistinguishes color, shape of objects. There are attempts to capture bright objects, reaching for contrasting pictures.Balls, tumblers, soft animals, bells, tweeters will come in handy. Useful will be objects from different textured materials, toys for the development of fine motor skills.
5 monthsCoordination develops, the baby can grab small objects with his own hands. The first teeth begin to appear.The baby will be happy to play with balls, cubes, bars. Wooden set of geometric figures will develop fine motor skills, bring joy to the baby. To relieve pain from the gums, special teethers with water, which are cooled in the refrigerator, help.
6 monthsChildren can play with their favorite things for a long time, hide an object, find it. They listen to the story, which is spoken interestingly, emotionally with gestures, facial expressions.Musical sounds make the baby listen, look for the source. The bathroom needs items for swimming - fish, ducks, boats, fishing kits. Babies are already interested in books, they love to turn the pages, look at the pages, stroke the animals in the course of the story. Comfortable for sleeping.
7 monthIncreasingly, the baby is in an upright position, so it is more convenient to hold objects, shift them.Suitable for development will be a doll - a tumbler, cubes or cups that fold into a turret. With your own hands, you can make developing panels with buttons, wheels, moving cylinders, telephone disks, doors, mirrors - all this is interesting for babies.
8 monthsThe child has learned to manipulate objects, that is, the ball rolls, and the paper tears. Learns things from different angles.At this age, a pyramid, pegs with a hammer for hammering, games with objects for throwing are suitable. Musical toys cease to interest, no need to insist, this is a temporary phenomenon.
9 monthsThe kid actively explores the space, likes to crawl on all fours, open drawers, check the contents of the boxes.Matryoshkas that are nested one inside the other, similar toys, are well suited. The kid will be entertained by clockwork cars or animals, which he will catch up with. Useful cars, balls. Musical instruments from which you can extract sounds will come in handy - a drum, maracas, a tambourine.
10 monthThe child will learn to unclench his fingers, take things with his index finger and thumb. All movements will be more coordinated. It is at this age that the first signs of the superiority of one hand over the other will appear.time starts logic games. The first educational toy of this kind is a sorter. This is a wooden frame with holes. The kid must insert the elements desired shape into these holes. It is also good to play large mosaics, simple constructors, cubes. Toddlers love to play story games. Even if the boy is growing, the doll should be 4 months old. According to it, parts of the body are studied, the basics of moral education are instilled.
11 monthAt this age, the baby shows signs of intelligence. He knows how to play simple story games, he can choose the right items from toys.For the development of cognitive abilities, a chute with a ball is well suited. During the game, the kid must guess which box the ball will roll to.
Animal figurines during games help children memorize onomatopoeic words, imperceptibly develop speech.
12 monthThe kid learned to use objects for their intended purpose, to imitate adults, to express their emotions and desires with a gesture.The mastered walking skill allows you to play with cars, objects that need to be pulled on a string. For the development of fine motor skills, magnetic fishing, drawing with crayons are suitable. Active children will love the children's tent with a tunnel, balls of different sizes, skittles, and other sports equipment.

In the game, the child learns the world around him, learns to build relationships with it. The choice of toys for your child should not be taken lightly.

The best toys for babies

You can make a top - 10 toys necessary for babies. With them, they will develop basic skills, strengthen the muscles of the arms and back.


The first toy is a rattle. Her sounds fascinate a newborn baby, make her look for the source of the ringing, turn her head. All this is useful for the development of the brain and hearing. Up to 4 months is interesting for the baby.


Mobile or hanging on the bed. Various, multi-colored objects move to a pleasant melody. This encourages the child to focus and hold his gaze. Use this device for 2 months.


Tumbler doll. A pleasant toy with a bright traced face, a beautiful melody is suitable for newborns, older children.


Ragdoll. This is a good choice for a toddler. You can carry it with you, plant it, hug it, feed it. One option is a comforter (night sleep doll). At 3 months, you can replace your mother with such a doll for a short time, at night this will be done by a comforter (mommy wears it a little on herself so that it is saturated with her smell).


Toys are animals. They teach children to be kind, compassionate, caring. The muzzle of the animal must be good-natured with big eyes. Incomprehensible animals are best left for older age. For a child at 4 months old, the animal should have the usual set of paws, tail, ears.


Glove puppets. The doll, put on the hand, comes alive in a fabulous way, begins to sing, speak, move. At the age of 4 months, a baby himself will not be able to control such a doll, but he will want to communicate with her. You can greet her, walk around the apartment, learn to wave your hand, wish good dreams. The meeting with the doll can be done as a ritual in the morning or at bedtime.


Stuffed Toys. Such products should not have a long pile, because children often put it in their mouths, they can choke. For very young children, for example three months, soft toys are not suitable. Toddlers can bury their nose in them, suffocate.

Older children are very happy to play with such monkeys, elephants, cats.

Pediatricians remind that a large amount of dust accumulates in such products, they should be washed more often, exposed to the sun.

№ 9

Books. Already at 3 months old, you can offer your child a book with strong pages and bright pictures. An adult should read a book interestingly, not boringly. Choose items according to the age and interests of the child. At 6 months, you can begin to learn verses in which the child will show words with movements.


Constructor. This is a game for children in 1 year. But building a tower from cubes can also be called the simplest constructor. Be sure to have a designer of geometric bars, it develops spatial imagination child.

There is a huge selection of goods for children on sale. Having 10 types from the list, you can develop all the necessary skills in a child.

Rules for care and cleaning

An overview of the most popular vitamin supplements for children from Garden of Life

How can Earth Mama products help new parents with their baby care?

Dong quai (Dong Quai) - an amazing plant that helps keep the female body young

Vitamin complexes, probiotics, omega-3 from the company Garden of Life, designed specifically for pregnant women

It is necessary to wash toys often, because babies literally lick the dirt off them. Soft toys are machine washed, vacuumed or frozen in the freezer.

Rubber, plastic products are soaked in soapy water for 20 minutes, then wiped with a sponge, rinsed with running water, wiped dry. Also come with wooden objects, just soak for 10 minutes.

Battery-powered educational toys are cleaned with a damp cloth. Then placed in the freezer. Be careful not to get water on the batteries.

With your own hands you can sew wonderful items for babies. On an unnecessary bedspread, you can sew shreds of fabric, leather, drape, ribbons of different textures. Large buttons, wooden beads, rings, tie on ribbons, ropes.

At 3 months, you can put the baby to play. Mom should lie next to her, as she will teach the child to play. Fingering shreds, buttons, you need to make sounds in order to attract the attention of the baby.

Many people like comforter, a soft bunny for sleeping. How to sew, told on the Internet. The baby is pleasant, it will be comfortable to sleep with him. At any age, a comforter is useful, you can take it to the kindergarten, for a walk, this is a little friend.

Socks make cute bunnies, snowmen. Sewing instructions are available online. If you fill several socks with grits, sew them together, you get a caterpillar. On the first toe, draw a funny muzzle that will smile at the baby. At 6 months there will be a great little animal. From the fourth month, it is useful to give such socks stuffed with grits to feel, under the supervision of adults.

The best toys are those that the baby will reach for on its own. For some reason, he likes them. After a year, you can hang a horizontal bar for the baby so that he can hang on it. On the crossbar, the back is strengthened, the spine is relaxed. The second year of life will be marked by new victories.


Now it becomes clear what the baby needs for development. But he needs attention and care from his parents, this is the basis of education, his view of the world around him.

The development of the emotional world of a child is impossible without the existence of toys in it. It is toys that allow you to express your feelings, explore the world around you, teach you to communicate and learn about yourself. Think back to your favorite toys! These are not necessarily expensive huge lions and bears and electric cars and trains. For some, this is a nondescript bear, a tiny baby doll.

Why does a child need a favorite toy?

Then why do we, adults, need not only children, parents and work colleagues, but also friends and loved ones. A child should have a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and console, which will help overcome loneliness when his parents go somewhere, fear of the dark when the lights go out. As friends, the child will rather choose a doll, bear, bunny, that is, a creature similar to a person, close and understandable to him.

Having learned about the desire of the child to have this or that toy, think about whether it is so necessary for him.

The child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to development his perception, thinking, outlook, helping play real and fabulous situations, imitate adults. It is not necessary to buy some toys in the store, you can make them yourself, from this they will be even closer and dearer to the child.

real life toys

Doll family (it can be a family of animals), Dollhouse, furniture, dishes, car, Railway, telephone and others.

Aggression Splash Toys

Soldiers, guns, balls, rubber toys, skipping ropes, skittles and others.

Toys for the development of creative imagination

Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids, constructors, alphabets, board games, puzzles, mosaics, paints, plasticine, needlework kits, etc.

Toys should be chosen, not collected

Toys, as adults imagine them, are no good from the point of view of a child. It often happens that, having bought a toy for a child, our expectations are not justified: the toy remains unclaimed. Why? Because we do not buy for the child, but for ourselves, i.e. what we are interested in, what we would like to have in childhood.

Toys for the little ones must first of all develop the sense organs: ears, eyes, hands. They should be soft and warm, because the child has a need to feel warm. Most best toys for the little ones, those that can be bitten. They should be made of safe materials, wash well, be light, not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child could not choke, and bright.

For a one year old the baby will be interested and useful in pyramids of 3-4 rings, bowls that can be put into each other, multi-colored cubes. Manipulations with these toys not only develop intelligence, but give pleasure and joy when the baby succeeds. Wheelchairs and tumblers are very useful.

For 2 year olds kids are very good with a large multi-colored ball that does not roll under furniture, pyramids of 7-8 rings, soft toys. A large plastic car or box from this age will teach you to be neat, independence, because toys should be folded in them. Now in stores there is a huge selection of baskets and boxes for toys. It is good if the child has his own place for games and toys.

By the age of three the set of toys is expanding. Simple constructors are added to bright toys, which are assembled together with adults. Since at this age the child begins to actively engage in the world of real life situations, then sets of dishes, hairdressing accessories, Dr. Aibolit, furniture, etc. will be useful.

By the age of four role-playing becomes the main activity. Many toys become unnecessary, as the nursery is able to turn a specific object into an imaginary one. Therefore, not purchased toys will bring the greatest benefit, but those made with their own hands together with adults.

By the age of five large toys cease to interest the child. More attention is attracted by sets of animals, soldiers, puppet families. There is a great opportunity to play different situations with the same toys, fantasy and imagination develop, thinking ceases to be concrete, the emotional world is enriched.

At 6 years of age are no longer interested in static toys, but in various constructors, assembling models, board game, needlework. Children love handmade toys. Such toys make him happy and proud. Therefore, any desire of the child to make, sew, glue and give something to someone should be welcomed by parents if they want to develop diligence, perseverance and a desire to do something in life for others in the child.

In the future, the child himself makes an inventory of toys.

Don't force the child never throw away broken or outdated toys with your own hands, because these are his memories, these are his friends. It is better to repair them and give them to other children, in kindergarten… By managing your child's toy world yourself, you can throw away his favorite toys.

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N.L. Kryazheva "Development of the emotional world of children"

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    Toys should be chosen, not collected! In general, I think that a set of toys should be minimal, but multifunctional. That is, I pay more attention to multi-functional toys. And we don’t have 10 balls (3 pcs. And that’s because they are different in size and texture), 20 soft toys(there used to be a lot, but I took a closer look and realized which ones he loved and removed the rest), etc. 1 pistol, 2 cars…. on the one hand, this approach makes my life easier - less mess, on the other hand, the child has everything you need: cars and pistols and balls and a designer and various toys for role playing, moreover, interchangeable, for example, there is a drawer with a drawer, we also have it for tools, when we repair the car, we put another smaller box on it and we already have a cash register, etc.

    At one time we used to give toys as gifts, then we realized that some of the toys were not in demand for more time, moreover, the child stopped cherishing them (“And we will buy more!”). Last year Be more careful when choosing gifts. But unfortunately, children know where the weak link is grandparents! But despite the presence of toys, the child is perfectly able to play with a minimum, to improvise with fictitious objects. And adults more often buy toys not so much for the child as for themselves - what he would like to have in childhood - thereby delighting his inner child.

Yes, do not forget that for the smallest, toys should always be clean, otherwise they will always try to taste everything))

Before the birth of a child, we basically did not buy toys, because we knew that they would give them, and we were not mistaken - so far he has enough toys.

I found information about knitted toys on one of the pages of the site. From my own experience (because I crochet toys and dolls), I know how carefully a child treats such a toy, how he looks forward to the birth of a new friend. Yes, and I, when I knit, seem to be returning to a cloudless childhood.

Very often, parents, under the guise of caring for a child, simply continue their “shopagism”. Previously, they bought a bunch of unnecessary clothes for themselves, and now they are switching to toys supposedly for a child.

I have two granddaughters. The eldest suffers from an owner complex and does not allow the youngest to take her toys. For some reason, my mom doesn't notice. Is this mother's attitude correct?

    The eldest has the right to have her own property, her inviolability. After all, we adults have some things that we do not allow others to take. Reyenka's feelings must be reckoned with. After all, they are her toys! it is a part of it, like an arm or a leg. You wouldn't demand that she cut off her arm or leg and let her little sister play? Over time, this will pass, and she will begin to share (with the right approach)

Thanks for the useful information
I love toys that are multifunctional, safe and educational, so I gave preference to one of top brands. For example, the Chicco Animal House sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy, this model has several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in rich bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without pointed corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and another sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause a special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door to open. Its convenient handle makes it easy to carry.

I also think that every boy, and girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have such a car as “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a true friend, because I have not yet met a stronger, more reliable and more impact-resistant machine. Despite her characteristics, Billy is very positive, these cute kind eyes and a wide smile beckon to play. Control with Billy using the steering wheel makes you feel like a real professional in driving even 2 one year old baby. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is as it should be round shape and NO ANTENNA! The machine is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons back and forth, left and right, and in the middle there is a horn. Do you think everything? No, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is reversing, accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Off-road obstacles are not terrible, just look at these massive reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even with component obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and please the child))

Well, as for the Chicco Talking Farm Toy, I advise everyone who wants to make a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are delighted with such an entertaining versatile toy. Moreover, the little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with her with interest (at the time of the gift he was 1.9), and his sister is half a year old, but she also presses the buttons with pleasure, which are in her accessibility zone. The toy proved to be long-playing, versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry with thoughtful design down to the details. A sort of educational game center where you can play and learn in a relaxed game form at the same time. And also to replenish their knowledge, both in Russian and in English language. Thanks to this toy, we got acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.

Thank you for the article. Now let's talk about our favorite toy. Chicco Billy big wheels! We have two such Billies - red and yellow! Billy is really handsome - red (or bright yellow), bright, the wheels are really very large and he easily overcomes various obstacles, a real SUV! To start a journey with Billy, you need to turn it on - the on-off buttons are located on the typewriter below and on the remote control. This is very good, if the baby does not play, then we turn off both buttons and thus save batteries. As soon as both buttons are turned on, you can go. On the control panel, which is made in the form of a steering wheel, there are buttons - forward, backward, and a horn! There are no antennas on the steering wheel (which always break, stick out and try to hurt someone). We love cars with this way of driving - they are safe! When moving forward, Billy's headlights are on (you can play in the dark, they will show the way like two cat's eyes), when moving backward, Billy makes a beeping sound - get out of the way, be careful , and when the signal is pressed, we hear a very clear and ringing beep! How to drive - yes, it's very simple, turn the steering wheel like on a real car, and Billy will go around, crash or turn - it all depends on your skill! Billy is always cheerful - on the windshield it has eyes drawn on it, and a very nice smile on the front bumper! The machine runs on batteries (they must be inserted into the steering wheel and into the machine itself). All compartments are carefully closed with bolts (however, like all toys from this company), so that children cannot get to the batteries on their own. So if you are looking for a chic, high-quality and very interesting toy your baby - Billy will please you very pleasantly!

On the importance of play in understanding the world and general development The child is known to all parents without exception. Unfortunately, many adults from infancy teach kids to gadgets, replacing traditional cubes or pyramids with them. Of course, in our age of technological progress, one cannot do without electronic devices. But how can they replace the good old toys for children, necessary for the development of fine motor skills and volumetric perception of the world? On this page you will find out what toys a child needs by months of development, and what are their advantages.

The influence of toys on the early development of the child

Children need toys for harmonious mental and physical development. Those who think that this is just a means to cheer up, entertainment are wrong. The role of toys in the development of a young child is very large: they help the baby to learn about the world around him, learn a lot about the properties and purpose of various objects. Depending on the age, the child needs different toys. About what and why you need to acquire a baby in different periods of the first year of life, will be discussed in this section. It's no secret that many parents buy toys thoughtlessly, sometimes not realizing that they are not suitable for the child's age and may not be needed for a long time.

In order for toys to have an extremely positive impact on the development of a child, first of all, you need to know some features of the development of children under 1 year old. For example, the structural features of the visual apparatus of a newborn require toys to be placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child's eyes.

Given the importance of toys in the development of the child, use the observation of the kids and the desire to know the world around them, encourage his interest. It is not enough just to give a child a toy in his hands. It is much more useful to encourage the baby to reach out, crawl to it.

Never give your child too many toys. His interest will dissipate. It is better when he plays with 2-3 toys, which can be changed after 3-4 days. In this case, they will not bother the baby, and you will not have to constantly buy new ones to maintain his interest.

In the first half of life, the baby is engaged in the study of toys, their properties. In the second half of the year, he has a subject-game activity. At 8-9 months, the baby enthusiastically lays out the cubes, likes to put small objects in a box, plays with a pyramid, a ball. At 10-11 months, he has story games, so he needs the appropriate toys (dolls, cars). The role of toys in the development of the child is difficult to overestimate, so do not be stingy, but buy only those that are really useful for the baby.

Even knowing what kind of educational toys a child needs in the first months of life, do not forget that the main requirement for these items is impeccable cleanliness, since the child is constantly trying to put them in his mouth and taste them. In addition, all toys for this age must be made of plastic or rubber. High Quality without harmful dyes. Toys should not have chips, cracks and small holes. It is better that they are smooth and easy to wash and handle. Toys should be large enough, but not heavy.

Small objects can be swallowed by the baby, put into the nose, ear, and this is very dangerous. And of course, the toys that a child needs for development should be bright so that the baby has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcolor. The four primary colors most commonly used are yellow, red, blue, and green. It is also possible to alternate white and black stripes for the development of vision, the ability to focus the gaze.

Do not purchase educational toys for children under one year old in dubious places. Remember that babies have a habit of licking them. Buying toys on the market, you endanger the life and health of your child, as dyes can be poisonous. Upon purchase, you will not be able to obtain a quality certificate, which is mandatory for such products.

Toys necessary for the development of fine motor skills in children 1-3 months (with photo)

The first toys are needed for the development of motor skills, vision and hearing in children. In addition, they help to learn to control the hands in general. Some toys exhaust their capabilities with age (for example, rattles), others are universal and always interesting, only the way of playing changes.

This mobile structure different figures fixed at a height of 15-20 cm from the eyes of the child. Looking at the moving figures, the baby watches them with interest, tries to focus his eyes. In order not to overload or distract the attention of the baby, hang no more than three toys on the mobile and change them periodically. The mobile is present in the life of the baby for a long time. But on it you can hang a variety of boxes, animal figurines, beads, that is, what surrounds the baby in everyday life. Thus, the child will be stimulated by cognitive interest.


These toys are necessary for the development of hearing and the ability to grasp objects with the hand in young children. As a rule, at 3 months, the child is able to purposefully reach out to the rattle they like and take it. To develop your baby's hearing and ability to navigate, shake the rattle at a distance of about 1-1.5 m from his ear, first from the left, and then from right side. It is very good when the baby turns his head towards the toy in response. Give him your approval.

Chain of plastic bells

This toy is also one of the first. It is fixed on the crib or stroller so that the baby can reach it. By touching a toy with a pen or a leg, the child understands what causes its sound in this way.

Rubber squeaky toys

Speaking about what kind of educational toys a child needs from the first months, it is especially worth noting the “tweeters”. They perfectly develop hearing, as well as the baby's fingers. Squeezing such a toy in his hands, the child understands what makes it make a sound. With the help of sounding toys, you can attract the attention of the baby, encourage him to reach for the toy.


Roly-Vstanka is a very exciting educational toy for young children. Show your baby how it swings. Following the movement of the toy, the baby focuses on it, follows its movements. In addition, its cognitive activity is stimulated.

These photos show educational toys for children aged 1 to 3 months:

What are the educational toys for children 4-6 months old (with photo)

Babies aged 4-6 months need toys that encourage meaningful movement. In addition, the child should form an idea about the world around him.

During the game, all the senses are involved, connections are established between them, the brain and hands. The kid learns the world, and also opens up new possibilities for his body. The more complex the child's movements become, the more diverse the toys should be. Toys that develop motor skills appear in the arsenal, as well as all kinds of cubes, pyramids, constructors (for babies up to a year). What are the educational toys for children of this age?

Sounding toys

All kinds of tweeters, pipes, drums, tambourines are designed to develop the child's hearing. Make sound from across the room and watch your baby look for the source of the sound with their eyes. As soon as he sees you, show him the toy that just sounded and name it, and then play the sound again so that the baby remembers.

soft ball

It can also be a cube made of safe material. Such a toy well develops the coordination of the baby's movements, the ability to capture objects.


The timing of teething in children varies and depends on heredity and individual characteristics. Most often this happens at 6-7 months. Therefore, the baby will need all kinds of teethers for stimulation from soft and hard plastic. Often they combine a toy and a teether. This allows you to further develop the motor skills of the baby.

A wonderful toy that develops a child of any age. The first acquaintance is that the baby learns to kick the ball with his foot, holding your hand. Then the child tries to take the ball in his hands, sitting on the rug, in the arena, in the crib. All this perfectly develops coordination of movements, strengthens muscles. The ball can be inflatable or rag filled with cereals. The latter are very convenient to grab, knead in your hands and throw. Show the kid how to play with the ball, and he will do it with pleasure.

Look at the photo of toys for the development of a child aged 4 to 6 months:

What other toys develop a child at 4-6 months

Filled plastic containers

Plastic bottles, jars with a tight screw cap, filled with beads, buttons, are extremely exciting toys. They are very popular with kids. You can shake them, pour the contents inside the container, knock on the back of the crib. Such toys develop vision, coordination of hand movements well. Make sure that the lid closes tightly so that the contents do not spill out during play.

Folding books

Special children's books for this age are made of fabric or plastic. They depict bright pictures, some of them can be clicked, while sound is heard. Looking at the pictures with the baby, name the objects depicted. If these are animals, then depict what sounds they make. Folding books develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, vision, and also stimulate active cognition.

Devil in a snuffbox

This is a kind of toy, which is a box or a box with a button, when pressed, a figurine of an animal or a person pops up (the baby presses the button and sees what happens as a result). These toys are good for the development of motor coordination in a young child.

bath toys

Children really like bathing, especially if at the same time ducks swim in the bath, all kinds of splashes in the form of animals. These toys contribute to the development of coordination of movements and color perception, stimulate cognitive activity. Show your child how to play with toys in the water.


As toys for the development of a child up to a year, large, bright, soft cubes are very popular. At first, he will only knock them or drop them on the floor. This is also a kind of game. It develops fine motor skills, vision, expands the understanding of the world around. Postpone the creative conscious process of building structures from cubes for later. Build the tower yourself and let the kid destroy it. That's enough for this age.


Of course, you should not expect that the baby will collect the pyramid at this age. But he will receive the first knowledge about the shape and size of objects. Attempts to string the rings on the rod develop finger motor skills, cognitive activity, eye and hand coordination.

What educational toys does a child need from 7 months to 1 year (with video)

And what are the educational toys for children after 7 months? Since a child at 7-12 months already knows how to move around (crawling, on all fours), do not forget about safety. Make sure that there are no small objects in its path, lockers are tightly closed, dangerous substances and medicines are inaccessible. After all, the baby can taste everything that comes his way. Continue to pay attention to the cleanliness of toys.

Toys for the development of the child are a means for the implementation of story games. Toddlers tend to imitate adults, imitate their actions in games. The baby needs appropriate toys: dolls, toy furniture, dishes, cars, telephone. In addition, the baby masters walking by the age of 1, and he needs to develop coordination and balance.

The game becomes more difficult. Now the baby is learning to throw, catch the ball, and also push it away with his hands. It is still interesting for the child to hit the ball with his feet. So coordination of movements, balance develop well.


This old toy is still relevant today. Putting small figures into large ones, the baby develops an idea of ​​the size and shape of objects, trains fine motor skills.

magic cube

Fun educational toy. It is a cube with holes of various shapes - round, square, triangular, in the shape of an asterisk. This toy is suitable for children closer to 12 months. Show the baby that only a figure of a certain shape can be thrown into each of the holes - a ball into a round hole, a triangular figure into a triangular hole, an asterisk into a corresponding hole, etc. The baby develops thinking, ideas about different shapes of objects, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


These toys help the child develop walking skills and serve as an additional support during walks.

Constructor from large blocks

How to play with this toy, you should show the child about one year old. Fastening blocks of the designer among themselves, grabbing new ones with fingers - all this develops fine motor skills well. Also, the game with the designer perfectly stimulates the cognitive activity and thinking of the child.


Show your child how to remove the rings from the pyramid and put them back on the rod. This game develops fine motor skills, coordination of movements well. It is not necessary to strive to ensure that the baby correctly assembles the pyramid, puts on the rings in the right sequence. Sooner or later, he will understand that he must first choose larger rings, and then smaller ones. Let this be his little discovery. Using this toy for the development of young children, you can show, but in no case play for the baby.


Dolls can be plastic, rubber or rag. The main thing is that they look like a child and be large enough, but soft. With the help of a doll, you can study parts of the human body with the baby. Ask the child to show where the nose, eyes, hands of the doll are. Then you can ask where these same body parts are with him. Teach your child to play with the doll, show her how to put her to bed, feed her.


These toys are suitable for both boys and girls. They develop fine motor skills, imagination well, teach the child story games. In addition to nesting dolls, you can purchase cups of different sizes that are nested in each other. Teach your child to play with them, show how to put a larger cup into a smaller one, how to hide a small ball under the cup. This well stimulates the process of cognition and thinking.

Watch the video "Educational toys for children under 1 year old" and remember if your child has the same:

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By the age of 1, it's time to review the child's toys and buy more useful ones. You can build educational toys with your own hands.

In infancy, while the child is still very small, he is only interested in his mother, her gentle hands and care. In toys, he is also unpretentious, the little one likes everything that rustles, rings and sings. But by 12 months, the baby begins a new stage in life - he learns to walk. Along with this skill, cognitive interest also grows. It's time to review the toys and buy something new. But how can parents understand their wide range and understand what toys a child needs at 1 year old?

First, a lot does not mean good. It is at least expensive and distracting. Secondly, most truly useful toys are easy to make with your own hands.

How to choose toys

Children under two years old still often taste the world in the most direct sense. Therefore, all products intended for babies of this age must meet certain safety requirements:

  • natural materials manufacturing (best - wood);
  • absence of harmful dyes and foreign odors;
  • holistic design without sharp protrusions and corners;
  • the inaccessibility of small parts that the baby can choke on.

As for musical toys, the main selection criterion is the volume level (should not exceed 65 dB).

figurative toys such as dolls and animals must have natural look. Cat Green colour or the absence of a doll's nose can greatly disorientate the young "explorer".

The most necessary and useful toys

Each toy is not an easy way to entertain a child, first of all, it is a means for his development and learning. Depending on the purpose, toys for babies can be divided into several groups.

Gross motor development

These include everything that is pushed and pulled (push cars, carts, cars), what they ride (balance bikes) and ride (rocking chairs).

When choosing children's "transport" and other large-sized toys, give preference to stable specimens with elementary mechanisms.

To develop dexterity, you need a ball. At first, the kids roll it on the floor with their parents, then they learn to beat it with a leg, and after two years they throw it and catch it.

Development of fine motor skills

From a year old, the crumbs improve the tweezers grip of small objects. With the formation of this skill, the part of the brain responsible for the speech of the baby develops.


Each yearling should have sorters - houses, pots or boxes with holes through which the child pushes small objects of a certain shape. While playing, the baby learns by experience to distinguish the size and shape of objects. At the beginning of an early age, these properties of objects for children are the main ones. They also recognize colors, but so far they are not guided by them as the hallmarks of things.


At first, buy a simple pyramid with a few rings of primary colors. When the child learns to string them, you can offer him a larger toy with elements of different sizes.

Liners (cups)

This is a set of cups of different sizes that are laid out in a turret. At first, the child will try to insert them by force, without focusing on size. But very soon the kid will learn to correlate the size of the element with its place in the tower of liners.

A similar version of the educational toy is pink Montessori cubes.

Thematic material:


You can master lacing wisdom from a year and a half. It is easy to make such educational toys with your own hands by making holes in a cardboard picture with a hole punch.

Mosaic and puzzles

For children 1-2 years old, the mosaic should be with large details that are not inserted into the grid, but placed on the cells. From the year you can learn to collect puzzles. At first, these are simple pictures, divided into two parts. They can also be made independently by printing on a printer (one picture for cutting, the other for a sample). Over time, the number of fragments increases, and by the age of two, children can assemble a picture from 8-10 parts.


For the smallest children (one year old) it is better to buy soft or plastic cubes, because at first the crumb will only destroy your buildings. Over time, when he learns to build towers of several cubes on his own, you can purchase wooden products.


Teaches to compare objects in size, promotes the development of thinking and perception, coordination of hands. It is important to properly introduce the baby to the toy, do not rush to immediately reveal its secret. For example, when showing a wooden doll, draw the child's attention to how beautiful it is, then notice that there is something inside it. Opening the toy, say the magic words: "Matryoshka-matryoshka, open up a little to us!". Take out one doll and compare them together with the baby.

magnetic fishing

The goal of the game is to “catch” a fish with a magnet using a fishing rod. Such an activity will captivate both the child and his parents for a long time. In addition, she perfectly develops hand coordination, fine motor skills.

Speech formation

Until the age of three, children actively study and analyze the language. It seems to you that the baby - a one-year-old does not understand anything. It turns out that already at this age there is an accumulation of vocabulary. By the best means for the development of speech are books and thematic cards.


You can buy them or make your own. To do this, print the pictures on the printer and stick them on thick cardboard. For strength, they can be glued with tape. Choose thematic sets: animals, vehicles, fruits, etc. After 1.5 years, discuss plot pictures as well, such as seasonal changes.


When choosing prints for young children, try to focus on products with cardboard pages and large bright pictures. In terms of content, give preference to short poetic texts; it is difficult for children under two years old to perceive prose by ear.

For creativity

Chances are, you already have crayons, felt-tip pens, and wax crayons. After all, the craving for drawing wakes up in children even before the onset of the year. What else would be helpful?

Colored paper and stickers

Tearing paper is a favorite activity for kids that can captivate them for many minutes. From about a year and a half, you can glue applications, it is still too early for children of this age to cut out, but they will be happy to smear parts with glue.

In stores, you can find both ready-made albums with stickers in which they need to be glued to a certain place, as well as simple sets with images of figures, animals and toys.

Finger paint

Year-olds will be delighted with this ingenious invention of the children's industry. By the name it is clear that drawing is done with hands (you can use your feet and elbows!). If decontaminating the creative process scares you, take it straight to the bathroom, where painting on tiles is just as fun!

From about a year and a half, many children develop a painful craving for cleanliness. They are outraged and upset by the pens stained with paint. Invite the child to draw with a brush, a sponge on a clothespin, cotton buds and even a balloon!

Dough and plasticine

You can purchase special plasticine or mass for modeling. Such products do not stain hands, are unpleasant in taste and are well molded. But you will have to buy new materials quite often, so it’s better to use a do-it-yourself test.

Mix salt and flour (1:1) and add hot water. For color, you can squeeze vegetable juices or buy regular food coloring. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, pour a little vegetable oil. So in 5 minutes and a minimum of funds you will get an excellent simulator that develops the motor skills of children's hands and color perception.

Story games

Developing imagination allows the baby to imagine imaginary situations. This is how role-playing begins. What will be useful:

  • fabric dolls that the baby will feed, put to bed, roll in a stroller or on a typewriter;
  • plastic baby dolls for playing in the water;
  • glove puppets (you can sew them with your own hands or purchase whole sets of fairy-tale characters);
  • plastic vegetables and fruits (there are also children's cutting kits that offer parts of vegetables connected by magnets or Velcro).

What other toys do you need?

Also, the baby will need sets for the sandbox (children's shovels, apiaries, buckets), bathing (fish, ducks) and winding mechanisms.

At this age, the first observations of causal relationships appear. Children understand that if you press on a certain place of the toy, a sound or light will appear. Therefore, children's interactive music centers are especially popular with kids.

About gender differences

Should toys be shared between boys and girls? Probably not. Both of them like to roll cars, feed and lay the doll, play with a plastic tool kit.

However, after a year and a half, differences still appear between children of different sexes. More whiny and affectionate girls copy the behavior of their mother, doing "cooking dinner", "ironing" with a toy iron and other important women's affairs. Therefore, they will like children's copies of household and kitchen items, dishes and accessories for "beauty" (handbags, combs, beads). Already at the age of one, a girl can buy a stroller for dolls, which will support the baby in her first uncertain steps.

Thematic material:

Sons, on the contrary, are more independent and imitate their fathers. In addition to a whole fleet of cars for every taste and color, they will like toy hammers, fishing rods and nets.

But most of all, both boys and girls of this age are interested in ordinary household items - pots, lockers with clothes, shelves with parental shoes, etc.

The very best and useful game for a baby after 1 year is still communication with parents. Only now he is not easy to observe you, but tries in every possible way to copy actions. Do not remove the child from household chores and household items, let him unload washing machine, wipe the dust and wash the vegetables for dinner.

A few DIY ideas

Most toys quickly get bored by children, so in order not to pay again and again for new developmental aids, many of them can be quickly and “free” made by hand.


The first option: prepare an ice mold with cells and cardboard circles. Attach a picture to the walls of each cell, stick the same images (geometric shapes and figures of primary colors) on the chips (cardboard circles). The task of the child is to arrange the chips into "houses".

Second option: sorter from cardboard box or plastic container. On the lid we cut out holes for the existing small elements (cubes, pebbles, buttons, etc.). The goal of the game is to pick up an object of the appropriate shape and “feed” the box.

Homemade cardboard

It just seems that cardboard products are fragile. However, if you process it correctly, add elements from other materials, you get an excellent toy.

For example, you can make a children's parking lot for your son, or a house for your daughter.

When deciding which toys the little one will need, and what you can do with your own hands from this pretty decent list, remember that the main thing is not the quantity, variety and functionality, but how much time you spend with the baby. After all, in order for the toy to be useful, it is not easy to buy it and give it to the child, it is necessary, together with the crumbs, to discover all its properties and show how to apply them in the game.