How to rinse a washing machine. How to properly clean a washing machine at home. How to clean the washing machine with citric acid from scale

The washing machine is not the easiest object to clean. Simply wiping surfaces with a damp cloth is often not enough. Complex and hidden parts require special care.

How to clean the powder tray

  • Remove the structure from the compartment and clean the surfaces with soap, hot water and an old toothbrush.
  • Toilet cleaners containing chlorine will also help to cope with plaque. If there is heavy dirt, simply fill the tray with them and leave for 1-2 hours, and then proceed to cleaning.

How to clean a washing machine under a rubber band

  • Mix bleach with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1, soak a rag in the solution and, pulling back the rubber gasket, walk over all internal surfaces.
  • If there is heavy dirt and mold, leave a towel soaked in the solution under the pad for half an hour. Then remove the cloth and remove dirt with a sponge or toothbrush.

How to clean the drum

  • Pour 100 ml of chlorine bleach into the drum of the machine and start washing at a temperature of at least 60 ° C. No underwear, of course.
  • You can use citric acid to remove scale. Pour 100 g into the drum and run the wash at the highest temperature. Ideally, if the mode includes a double rinse. Then the plaque will be removed by 100%.
  • Mix a small amount of water and baking soda in a 1:1 ratio and pour the solution into the detergent drawer. Pour some vinegar into the drum itself: no more than 400 ml. Set the maximum temperature and let the machine do most of the work for you. Then remove the remaining dirt with a sponge and wipe the drum dry. Plaque, mold and disappear without a trace.

How to clean the heater from scale

  • Citric acid will again help get rid of scale on the electric heater. The amount of powder depends on the degree of soiling, but on average a machine with a load of 5 kg requires 250 g. Pour 200 g into the powder compartment and 50 into the drum and run the wash at maximum temperature.
  • More aggressive acetic acid is also able to cope with scale. It is enough to add 50 ml of vinegar to the container for the conditioner and turn on the machine. Be careful: vinegar can damage the rubber elements.

How to clean the drain pump filter

Usually the filter is located at the bottom of the front side of the machine behind a plastic cover.

Lay a dry towel on the floor, place a container under the lid: when you remove the filter, water may leak out of the machine. Now boldly open the lid and pull out the cork.

Manually remove any debris that has collected inside. If necessary, treat the surface with detergent and wipe dry.

How to clean the drain hose

When cleaning the drum with soda and vinegar, the drain hose is also cleaned. But if there is a serious blockage, you have to take additional measures.

Disconnect the washing machine from the mains and turn off the water supply. Disconnect the hose from the machine (water may spill out during the process, so be sure to substitute a container).

Now you can start cleaning. For her, a Kevlar cable with a non-metallic (!) Brush at the end is used. First clean the hose from one side, then from the other, and finally rinse it under running hot water.

How to clean a top loading washing machine

Cleaning is carried out at the highest temperature. First, pour 2-3 cups of vinegar into the water and let the machine stir the solution for a couple of minutes.

Then add half a cup of baking soda. Let the components react, and then turn off the appliance and leave it to soak. This will take 30 minutes to an hour.

While the insides of the machine are being cleaned, take care of the rest of its parts. Mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and wipe the surface of the device with the solution, clean the powder compartment.

When the machine gets wet, resume washing. Wait until all the water has drained, and use a sponge to remove the remaining contaminants.

To keep your car clean for as long as possible, try to follow these tips:

  • Don't use too much powder. Excess detergent may accumulate inside the machine.
  • Clean strong clothes before you start washing.
  • Use special anti-scale products.
  • Leave the door open after washing. This will reduce the risk of fungus formation.
  • From time to time, run an empty machine at maximum temperature. Hot water on its own does a good job of removing small contaminants.

Do you know other ways to clean your washing machine easily and simply? Share them in the comments.

The washing machine is one of the most useful household inventions, which can significantly save time and effort on washing. Not everyone knows that the automatic machine also needs cleaning. If you do not regularly clean the washing machine, then over time the laundry will be worse washed and acquire an unpleasant odor. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash all the components of the machine: from the drum to the powder compartment. The main thing is to choose the right cleaning products that will not harm the equipment.

If the laundry after washing unexpectedly remains dirty or has acquired an unpleasant odor, then it is necessary to clean the washing machine.

It is advisable to wash all accessible parts from the body to the drum.


To maintain a neat appearance of the automatic machine, you need to regularly wipe the smudges of powder and other detergents from its body. You only need to wipe the machine outside with a clean, damp cloth. If the contamination is old, then a soap solution can be used.

Before starting the procedure, you must disconnect the equipment from the network. Also, when washing the body of the washing machine, you should carefully wring out the rag so that water does not get on the internal parts. This may cause a short circuit.

Powder department

Usually the powder compartment is ignored when cleaning the washing machine. But it is here that mold and an unpleasant smell most often appear due to stagnant water. When washing, water passes through this section and carries away the dirt that falls directly on the clothes in the drum. Therefore, the powder compartment should be washed every 5-7 washes.

To do this, remove the tray from the machine and rinse it thoroughly with a sponge or brush. We must not forget about the place for the fabric softener, where a white coating often forms. Cleaning products for the bathroom will help to cope with it.


Usually, there are 2 filters in an automatic machine: a coarse filter, through which water enters the machine from the water supply, and a drain filter, which traps debris that enters the tank along with clothes (threads, fabric fibers and other trifles).

Over time, these filters can become clogged. Then they need urgent cleaning. For this purpose, you can call the master, or you can try to clean the filters at home.

Turn off the water before cleaning.

The procedure for washing the coarse filter:

  1. If the technique is not built into the wall, then this filter can be found in the hose located on the washing machine itself.
  2. A mesh is installed at the end of the hose, which does not allow debris from the water supply to pass through. This mesh must be removed and thoroughly cleaned with cotton swabs.
  3. If the filter is heavily clogged, unhook the entire hose and connect it to the pipe with the reverse side. Then direct the other end into the bucket and turn on the water with maximum pressure. The flow of water will knock out all the debris from the filter.
  1. Most often, this filter is located below. To get to it, you need to open the lid, under which there is a tube and a round piece with a handle. The latter is the drain filter.
  2. Direct the drain hose into a bucket and, removing the plug, get rid of the water.
  3. Then unscrew the drain filter and clean it with cotton swabs.

If the washing machine is arranged differently, then you can refer to the instructions or call a specialist at home.


After both filters are cleaned, it is worth moving on to cleaning the drum of the machine. It consists of a sealing gum and the tank itself.

First of all, you need to clean out the accumulated debris and wash the remnants of cleaning products from under the gum. This can be done with a dry cloth. It is under the elastic band that coins, buttons and other small items that have fallen out of clothing usually accumulate.

The tank itself may contain dirt and mold. Therefore, improvised means should be used to clean it.


Regular baking soda is a good remedy for the formation of fungus in the drum of a washing machine.


  1. Mix soda with water in equal proportions. Since baking soda is abrasive and can scratch the surface of the drum, make sure the baking soda is completely dissolved in the water.
  2. Moisten a soft cloth or sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the inside of the machine, paying special attention to the sealing gum.
  3. Wash off the baking soda with warm water.
  4. Wipe clean surfaces with a dry cloth.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is very effective in fighting bad odors and other contaminants inside the washing machine. To use this tool, you need:

  • pour 200 g of citric acid into the powder tray;
  • start washing without clothes at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees;
  • after the end of the machine, turn on the rinse mode.

It is advisable to use this method no more than 3-4 times a year, since the frequent use of citric acid can harm the rubber elements of the machine.


Vinegar will help to cope with scale in the drum.

To do this, pour 2 cups of 9% vinegar essence directly into the drum and start the machine by selecting the longest washing mode with the maximum temperature. In this case, you do not need to put clothes on.

A few minutes after the start of washing, you need to pause the automatic machine and wait 30-60 minutes, depending on how dirty it is. At this time, vinegar will actively fight scale.

After the specified time has elapsed, start the machine again and wait for it to finish.

How to get rid of scale

Scale eventually appears in almost any automatic machine due to hard water. Lime deposits form on all surfaces of the washing machine with which such water interacts. Scale can lead to breakage and leakage of equipment. It is recommended to clean the machine from scale 3-4 times a year.

Cleaning with citric acid:

  • pour citric acid into the powder compartment;
  • run the machine without clothes, setting the maximum temperature;
  • after washing is completed, mix 9% vinegar with water in equal proportions;
  • moisten a rag with the prepared solution and wipe the drum with a rubber seal;
  • Rinse surfaces thoroughly with warm water.

Vinegar in this case allows you to eliminate the bacteria remaining after descaling.

Cleaning with Whiteness:

  • pour 200 ml of Whiteness directly into the drum of the washing machine;
  • set a long mode with a temperature of at least 60 degrees and start the machine without laundry;
  • after washing is completed, turn on the rinse mode, which will help remove the smell of bleach.

Bleach quickly copes with scale, but during the washing process, a sharp and pungent smell of chlorine appears. Therefore, it is recommended to open all doors and windows in the room.

In addition to these methods, you can use special tools designed to remove scale.

Prevention of scale formation

In order not to suddenly encounter a breakdown of the washing machine, you need to familiarize yourself with the various ways to prevent the occurrence of scale:

  1. Add with every wash substances. It can be commercially available Calgon or regular citric acid. Also sometimes you can add soda ash. It enters into a chemical reaction with salts.
  2. Use low temperatures when washing. Scale is formed under the influence of hot water. Therefore, it is advisable to wash things in cold or slightly warm water. If cleaning clothes requires high temperatures, then the thing must first be washed. This method requires additional effort and time, but it helps to extend the life of the automatic machine.
  3. Set filterssoftening water in the apartment. Before buying a filter, it is necessary to hand over the water from the house for analysis. Then, according to the results of the analyzes, you can choose the most suitable filter in a specialized store.

Filters require more investment, but they will protect all devices that come into contact with water.

How to remove mold and bad smell

Unpleasant if there is a residue from detergents on the walls of the drum. This leads to rotting and mold formation.

To get rid of unwanted odor, you need to pour washing powder into the machine and turn on the unit, setting the maximum washing temperature. There is no need to put clothes in the drum. After washing, wipe the drum and rubber seal with a dry cloth. Leave the door open after the procedure.

Mold can also develop if you frequently use a gentle wash at a low temperature. After all, bleach and high temperatures are detrimental to the fungus.

Most often, mold accumulates in the detergent compartment, behind the rubber seal and in the drain hose. These parts must be removed and rubbed with a brush dipped in soapy water.

An effective way to remove mold:

  • pour 1 liter of bleach into the powder tray;
  • run the wash at maximum temperature without clothes;
  • turn off the machine after 10 minutes;
  • wait 1-2 hours;
  • pour 200 ml of 9% acetic acid into the conditioner compartment;
  • restart the wash;
  • after completion of work, turn on the rinse mode.

These methods will help to effectively deal with various contaminants that occur in the machine. It remains only to choose the most suitable method and enjoy the cleanliness and pleasant aroma of washed things.

Regular cleaning of the washing machine helps not only to keep it in the best condition, but also to work efficiently. The fact is that washing machines tend to accumulate:

  • Fungus and mold in the sealing gum and, accordingly, the appearance of unpleasant odors;
  • Scale on the heating element;
  • Residues of powder, rinse aid and other additives inside the machine;
  • Dirt and small things in the drain pump filter;
  • Rust and sand in the inlet hose filter.

Therefore, over time, you may notice that your clothes (especially light-colored) after washing have ceased to shine with cleanliness, as they did before. Yes, and external pollution that quickly covers the door, countertop and protruding parts of the machine spoil the look of the room.

How often do you need to clean the washing machine from scale and dirt? Optimally - 1 time in 2-3 months. If you have a pet at home or you often wash woolen clothes in a typewriter, then you need to do a thorough cleaning more often.

From this material you will learn how to properly clean the washing machine in the complex, namely:

  • How to clean the drum of the washing machine, and most importantly - the heating element;
  • How to clean the pump in the washing machine (drain filter);
  • How to clean the tray and powder receiving compartment;
  • How to clean the inlet hose filter;
  • How to remove external dirt on the body and door of the machine.

And at the end of the article you will find some tips for the prevention and care of your assistant.

Step-by-step instruction

Well, shall we begin? To make the instructions clear, we decided to put the theory into practice and cleaned the Bosch washing machine. Looking ahead, we present you a photo of the result.

Step 1. Cleaning the drum and heating element of the washing machine from scale

At the first stage, we need to clean the machine from the inside, namely, to remove mineral deposits on the heating element and the drum. How to clean the washing machine from scale? The secret of all methods is simple and uniform:

Since scale consists of magnesium and calcium salts, it is necessary to act on it with organic or inorganic acids. What acids are in every home and cost mere pennies? That's right, ordinary vinegar or citric acid.

Method 1. How to clean the washing machine with vinegar and soda

You will need:

  • 2 cups spirit white vinegar (preferably) or regular table vinegar 9%;
  • 1/4 cup baking soda;
  • 1/4 cup water;
  • Sponge with hard side.

To get a 9% bite, we diluted 70% essence of acetic acid with water in proportions of 7:1

What should be done:

Mix the baking soda and water in a small bowl, add the baking soda mixture to your car's detergent dispenser, and pour the vinegar into the drum. Run the machine at idle at the highest temperature and for the longest time.

Method 2. How to clean the washing machine with citric acid

Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is even easier.

You will need:

  • 1-6 packs of citric acid. How much citric acid to pour depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its contamination.

What should be done:

Add citric acid powder to the detergent drawer. Run the machine at maximum temperature and run time.

How much to pour citric acid - 1, 2 or 6 packs at once, depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its contamination

Step 2. Cleaning the cuff (sealing rubber)

Hooray! The machine has finished washing-self-cleaning and we can start washing the sealing gum. This dark and damp place likes to accumulate dirt and mold, so it needs to be cleaned especially carefully. This can be done with any cleaning agent, for example, Pemolux or soda. If you see too much mold, which also exudes a strong unpleasant odor, then take a more powerful tool, for example, Domestos, Duckling, Comet (pictured) or Whiteness. But keep in mind that using chlorine-containing products too often is undesirable, otherwise it threatens to deform the rubber.

What should be done:

Apply a little of the selected product to a damp rag or sponge, gently pull the rubber towards you and wipe the metal part of the case.

Also do not forget to clean the rubber cuff itself in the same way.

The main part of the pollution accumulates in the lower part of the hatch, but it is worth cleaning its entire circumference.

Be careful not to pull too hard on the rubber to avoid damage. Finally, wipe the entire cuff clean with a damp cloth.

Step 3. We clean the tray (container / bath / dispenser)

Find the instruction manual for your machine at home or on the Internet, where it is indicated how to remove the detergent tray. Most often you can do it like this:

  • Pull out the tray until it stops. If you see that a blue / blue part is built into its middle compartment (in modern Bosch, Samsung, Veko, etc.), then you need to press it and pull it towards you with force, while supporting the container itself.

  • If there is no blue / blue part in the tray of your machine (often this is how trays are arranged in Indesit machines), then you just need to pull the tray towards you and down, then slowly moving it left and right to pull it out completely.

As soon as you take out the tray, most likely, the following picture will appear before you - the remnants of the powder have accumulated in its compartment. Get rid of these buildups with any cleaning agent and wipe the compartment clean. Keep in mind that this must be done carefully so as not to damage the rubber pipe.

It was not easy to clean the powder receiver compartment, as it turned out to have a lot of hard-to-reach places, small protruding parts and recesses covered with rust. We deliberately did not bring the result to the ideal, it is too laborious work. But you can do something smarter: generously spray all the walls of the compartment with a cleaning agent from a spray bottle, leave the plaque to soak for a couple of hours, and only then start cleaning manually.

  • A mixture of vinegar and soda;
  • Pemolux and other household chemicals;
  • A mixture of hot water, vinegar and baking soda.

Cover the container with the product of your choice and leave/soak it for 30 minutes, preferably a couple of hours.

Next, start cleaning it with a sponge and a toothbrush (it is especially needed for washing hard-to-reach places). Finally, remove any leftover product, wipe the tray dry, and reinsert it (most often you just need to insert it into the compartment and slam it shut).

  • If you have a dishwasher, then you can wash the tray in it. The rust may not disappear completely, but it will be much easier to remove it after cleaning in the dishwasher.

Step 4: Cleaning the washing machine filter (drain pump)

It's time to clean the drain pump filter. If you run the filter hard, the machine will sooner or later refuse to drain the water, because of which it will go up and may break out. Fortunately, cleaning the washing machine filter is very easy.

You will need:

  • A container of suitable height, for example, an oven tray is suitable.
  • Towel or rag.
  • Flathead screwdriver or any hard flat tool (if necessary).

What should be done:

  1. Open the filter, which is usually located at the bottom of the case.
  • In some models of washing machines, the filter is simply covered by a small panel. If this is your case, then you can open it by prying it with a flathead screwdriver if necessary, as shown in one of the following photos.

  1. So, you see a closed filter. Before unscrewing the lid, lay a towel on the floor and place a container under the drain to collect water (in our case, it seemed superfluous). Keep in mind that up to half a liter can pour out!

The pallet in our case turned out to be superfluous, since the water flowed completely past it. Therefore, we released the liquid directly onto the towel, periodically turning it over, while opening and closing the lid.

  1. Unscrew the cap counterclockwise and remove all accumulated debris and dirt from the hole: it can be coins, hair, wool, toothpicks and other small things.

As you can see in the photo, in our case there was very little debris in the filter.

  1. Wipe the hole clean, close it, and put the decorative panel back in place.

Step 5. Cleaning the water inlet filter

In addition to the drain pump filter, each washing machine has another filter - this is the inlet hose filter. Over time, this filter becomes clogged with rust and sand, then a failure occurs - the machine refuses to wash and reports that water collection is not possible.

  • If all the previous procedures need to be carried out regularly, then the stage of cleaning the inlet hose filter can be carried out less frequently, for example, once every six months.

You will need:

  • Old toothbrush;
  • Pliers or pliers.

What should be done:

  1. Turn off the cold water tap to the washing machine (mandatory!).
  2. Turn the machine around to expose the rear of the machine. On the right at the top of the case you will see the inlet hose.
  3. Unscrew the hose nut counterclockwise. Look inside the hole, see a small filter with a mesh? Pull it out with pliers or pliers.
  4. Clean the filter in water with a toothbrush;
  5. Reinsert the filter and screw the inlet hose tightly in a clockwise direction.
  6. Open the access of cold water to the machine by turning the corresponding tap.

When you're done, you can wipe down the back of the machine at the same time, and then turn it around and put it in its usual place.

Step 6. Clean the body and door

Well, that's it, inside the car is clean and ready to go! You just have to restore the external beauty: wipe the control panel (especially the protruding buttons), wash the door inside and out, wipe the top and side panels.

And a little about prevention

  • Use only as much powder, bleach, and conditioner as you really need (see product manufacturer's instructions). After all, excess detergents do not enhance the result, but simply settle and accumulate inside the washing machine.
  • Always take small items out of your pockets so they don't clog the drain filter.
  • Try not to delay starting the machine if you have already thrown dirty things into the drum. Well, take out clean things immediately after washing and send them to dry.
  • Try to keep the machine open at all times so that mold does not start up in it due to high humidity.

Sooner or later, the moment comes when a brand new washing machine needs care and cleaning from scale, mold, fungus and dirt. You will learn how to clean the washing machine from all kinds of dirt.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Why is it necessary to clean the washing machine?

Before you start choosing cleaning products for your washing machine, you should understand the nature of the origin of scale, dirt and other harmful factors that affect the operation of the washing machine, and why you need to get rid of them.

Due to the fact that the water we use for washing contains a large amount of various chemicals, it is filled with bleach and iron, which makes it hard. And do not forget that almost every water contains salts and calcium. When heated, such water separates these elements from itself, and they come out in the form of scale, which we have to deal with.

Dirt, which also needs to be removed periodically, accumulates as a result of constant washing. As a rule, a lot of it can accumulate in the drain pump filter. If it forms here, then the filter itself can become clogged, and all this “charm” will flow back to things or begin to flow out from under the machine. This also needs to be monitored and applied.

Fungus and mold are usually formed due to dampness. The washing machine is just the perfect place for such things. Due to the fact that the equipment has to work with water, a leak can form, which over time will cause mold or fungus to appear.

Also, the machine must be periodically cleaned from the remnants of the powder, which are formed in a specially designated container, where we pour it. It is not completely washed out, but when water is added, it begins to harden and form a layer of dirt. To avoid getting it to washable things, it is necessary to eliminate this threat in a timely manner.

Means for cleaning washing machines

What are the cleaning products for washing machines? It is usually customary to use special purchased components that must be added when washing, but this is not always effective. There are old and long-proven remedies that have already proven their usefulness and continue to help all housewives so far.

Here's how you can clean your typewriter yourself:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid.

These simple things, which we usually use in everyday life, allow us to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the machine, remove scale and clean the equipment from dirt in a quality manner. To combat the fungus and to clean the drum, you also need to purchase vitriol and bleach.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly clean your equipment in different situations.

How to clean the washing machine from scale?

One of the most common reasons for repairing washing machines is the presence of scale on heating elements. It inevitably forms as a result of heating water and settles on the heating element, which leads to its breakdown. How to clean the washing machine to get rid of scale?

There are two main ways:

  • cleaning with vinegar;
  • cleaning with citric acid.

How to clean a washing machine with vinegar?

If you are wondering how you can clean a washing machine with vinegar, then everything is very simple here. But why vinegar? The thing is that it is a very aggressive acid, which more than effectively removes scale from the electric heater. If you want to make sure that you have definitely defeated the plaque, then vinegar will do just fine.

The method of application is very simple. We take 50 ml of 9% white vinegar and pour it into a container for powder and conditioner. Next, select any washing program with a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees, as well as with an additional rinse. Run the program and wait. At the end of the wash, there should be no more scale.

Vinegar is a good option, but not the best. It is recommended in especially difficult cases, however, due to the fact that the acid is too aggressive, this can affect some components of the machine, including the rubber band on the door. If you do not want to risk it, then it is better to use the citric acid method.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid?

Let's figure out how to clean the washing machine with citric acid. To effectively remove scale and with minimal damage to the machine itself, we need to perform the following steps:

  • take 150-200 gr. citric acid (about 5 sachets);
  • pour most of it into the powder tray, add the rest to the drum itself;
  • set the washing mode with the maximum temperature (about 90 degrees);
  • run the program and wait.

After all these steps have been completed, at the end of the wash, you will be able to watch how whole pieces of peeled scale will come out of the drain hose. This is a direct fact that you managed to clean your washer correctly.

Citric acid is much better than vinegar because it is less aggressive, but in more advanced cases it can be ineffective, which brings us back to the previous method.

Such an event should be held approximately once every three months. This will completely avoid neoplasms on the heating element.

How to clean the drum of a washing machine?

Unfortunately, the drum of the machine can also be dirty. Dirt and lime deposits accumulate here. If you start this moment, you can ruin your clothes and underwear, or in the worst case, the machine will stop working altogether. Usually, to eliminate such a problem, many modern machines have a cleaning function, but not every model has it.

How and how to clean the drum of a washing machine if there is no special cleaning function? There are several main ways to do this:

  • wash the machine with a solution of soda. We make a solution by mixing water and soda one to one. After the resulting solution and with the help of a sponge, we moisten the drum itself, the inside of the door and the gum. Leave until dry. Then we wipe all these places with a clean washcloth and put the machine on a “blank” wash without linen to eliminate the remnants of the solution;
  • We use the already familiar citric acid. We take two bags of lemon, put them in the drum, set the wash at the maximum temperature without rinsing, preferably double. Citric acid is a very effective cleanser;
  • use bleach to clean the drum from dirt and odor. Pour it directly inside and set the washing program with a temperature of 60-70 degrees.

Thus, you can quickly and efficiently clean the drum from any dirt and various formations. Choose which method suits you best, and try to clean your typewriter, whether it's Indesit or Samsung, on your own.

How to clean the gum in the washing machine?

Often the cause of an unpleasant smell in a washing machine can be an elastic band that is adjacent to the door. Take a close look and check it, you may find mold or fungus here!

To get rid of mold, you need acid and heat. In this case, vitriol is perfect, but if it is not at hand, vinegar will cope well with this problem. Remove fungus and mold with a dry cloth, then rinse the rubber well with vinegar, but it is advisable to quickly rinse it off with warm water so that the gum is not affected by the product itself. To clean the gum in the washing machine, you must then set the washing program with the highest temperature and let it rinse itself off the residue. The water will wash away the vinegar and the heat will kill the fungus.

Even if you do not find mold on the gum, it will not be superfluous to simply rinse it with a soda solution. To do this, mix water and table soda, about one tablespoon per 200 g. Stir. Rinse the gum with the resulting solution, let it dry a little. Rinse with water afterwards and pat dry. This will be enough to keep her clean.

Use these simple techniques to clean your washing machine of dirt, odor, scale and mildew. They will help your equipment work for many years!

Without washing clothes, it is difficult to imagine everyday life. There is a catastrophic lack of time and energy for manual work after a hard day's work. A smart girl and an assistant come to the rescue - an automatic machine. They threw in dirty linen - they pressed the button - and after an hour or two things are clean. The service life of this miracle of technology is about 10 years. But dust, dirt, "hard" tap water significantly shorten this period. Such a misfortune may occur that one day the automatic machine will stop working for no apparent reason, although there really is a reason - it is scale. Deposits of salts of heavy metals on a tubular electric heater (TEH) lead to a complete stop of the machine. If the automatic machine suddenly stops working, the first step is to determine what is the cause of the breakdown. According to statistics, the main causes of this trouble are the formation of scale on the heating element and dense filter clogging. We will tell in our article whether there is a prevention of the formation of these deposits and how to clean the washing machine from scale and dirt inside.

Cleaning the drain pump filter of the machine

Few people know about the existence of this filter, and its clogging is not uncommon. An ignorant person can give fabulous money to a master who will undertake to “fix” the car, although there is no breakdown as such - you just need to remove dirt from the drain filter. It is located on the front of the machine, at the very bottom, you can see the square shape of the cover. What to do next?

  1. Opening the cover, you will see a plug that closes the drain filter hose. Before pulling out the plug, substitute a container - water may pour out of the hose.
  2. Behind the cork, you will instantly see the cause of the blockage - all buttons, hair, seed peels and other contaminants fall into the drain filter after each wash. If it has never been washed, an unpleasant odor is possible. Use a gloved hand to free the filter from accumulated dirt.
  3. Wipe the filter dry with a dry cloth.

It is advisable to wash the drain hole of the filter after each wash, in extreme cases - 2 times a month.

Getting rid of dirt in the removable powder and detergent compartment

Most often, no one looks into this container - they poured the powder into the tank, poured fabric softener, slammed it and go ahead. But if you look there, you can see a lot of interesting things. There you will find dirt, black stains in the form of mold and even fungus. An unpleasant sight, and most importantly, all these contaminants are in contact with the drum and your laundry with every wash. How to remove dirt from the powder container and get rid of mold:

How to clean the heating element in the washing machine from scale

This element is most susceptible to breakdowns. If your tap water has an increased level of "hardness", i.e. the amount of impurities in the form of metals, salts and rust exceeds the norm, the risk of premature failure of the heating element is very high. It forms a layer of scale, which grows with each wash. When there is too much scale, the heating element (tubular electric heater) does not allow the machine to even turn on the washing program. You will know about the breakdown of the electric heater if the machine suddenly turned off in the midst of work, and from that moment it completely stopped working.

How to remove limescale with citric acid

The lemon we are used to with a bang helps to remove scale. The amount of citric acid powder depends on how scaled up the heating element is. On average, an automatic machine with a load of 5 kg will require 5 bags of lemon. Of these, 4 pcs. pour into a powder container, 1 pc. - in the drum of the machine itself. Set the washing mode with a maximum temperature of 90-95 ° C.

At the moment of draining the water, you will see how whole pieces of dirty gray scale come out. The main thing is that the fragments of plaque do not clog the drain hose - otherwise you will have to clean it manually.

You can use citric acid twice a month.

Cleaning the inside with vinegar

Removing scale from a heating element with vinegar is a less popular method than the previous one, but it also takes place on forums on the Internet. Acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid. When using it, the seals (gum) of the machine may be damaged - automatic. However, it allows you to remove scale deposits from the electric heater better and faster.

Vinegar is poured into the hole for the powder and for the conditioner in an amount of 50 ml. Can you trust this folk remedy - it's up to you. Evaluate reasonably all of the above means.

We remove dirt from the drum of the automatic machine

It can also accumulate dirt and lime deposits. Some models have an automatic drum cleaning function. It is enough to press the button and you can observe the process without any interference. How to wash the drum if there is no such special function - a few relevant tips:

  • Pour 100 ml of bleach into the machine drum itself. Run a wash program without laundry at a temperature of at least 60°C. The drum will be cleaned, unpleasant odors will be eliminated.
  • Pour 2 sachets of citric acid into an empty drum. Start the wash cycle at the highest temperature. Well, if there is a double rinse mode - it will help remove all plaque.
  • Prepare a solution of soda ash to wash the machine: stir the powder in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Rub the drum and rubber gasket around with the mixture (required with gloves!), Then let it stand with the door open for half an hour. After the sponge, remove the remnants and remove particles invisible to the eye using the quick idle wash mode (without things).
  • Leave the CMA door ajar until the drum is completely dry after each wash. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor will appear in it, which will have to.

Limescale removal option (video)

Another good way to remove scale (video)

It turns out that cleaning the home assistant from scale and dirt inside can be done easily and inexpensively. Do not forget about preventive measures, then you will need to clean less often.