Felt house template. My dollhouse is a handbag! A dream from childhood. Master class "Do-it-yourself sewn houses made of felt"

The time of miracles is approaching - New Year's time. You can feel like a magician who brings a fairy tale to your home. To do this, you need to do it yourself new Year decoration and place them in your home.

After all, decorating a house is a paramount task that all housewives and children think about. You can create original decor elements with your own hands. They may vary in shape and appearance.

Very beautiful New Year's houses are obtained from felt. They can be flat or voluminous. Such houses can be used in different ways: as figurines, as Christmas decorations or as a souvenir.

Christmas houses made of felt on the Christmas tree

Necessary materials:

  • felt: beige, white, several bright colors
  • embroidery threads: beige, white, red, brown
  • colored buttons

Pattern of a felt house for a Christmas tree

1. Transfer the patterns of the house itself to the beige felt

2. Sew the bottom and walls

3. We embroider windows.

On two walls, use a white thread with a stalk stitch to embroider windows. To make them even and the same, apply a template on the walls with a pencil

Make a brown felt door and sew it to one wall. Make a handle out of a button, and you can attach a window of white felt above the door.

4. Decorate your walls

From bright felt, for example, pink, we cut out circles and sew them on the wall without a window.

You can make the rest of the decor elements from the picture, or come up with your own decor.

5. Connect the walls

Cut out strips from white felt. Put one strip on each corner and baste with red floss thread.

6. Making the roof

Fold the roof piece in half and press to secure the shape.

Make shingles from beige and white felt, 3 pieces of each color.

In this case, one white part should have teeth on both sides.

7. Sew on the shingles

Sew a piece of white felt with two sides of cloves on top of the fold. Decorate the roof with buttons of different colors

8. Attach the roof to the house and make a loop in the center

In such a beautiful felt house on New Year cute little people must live

Cut out two parts for them and sew on buttons, two beads instead of eyes and embroider a mouth

Along the contour, make a decorative stitch with white thread

Patterns of New Year's houses from felt

Embroidered houses made of felt are a great option for New Year's interior decoration. Such toys are especially relevant for families with small children: traditional glass (and plastic) decorations are dangerous for little pranksters. And warm, soft fairy-tale houses can be touched, you can play with them, you can even wash them!

By choosing bright fabrics for houses, you can color the most dull environment and create a festive atmosphere!

Master Class
"Sewn houses made of felt with your own hands"


  • remnants of felt, fleece (or similar materials);
  • thin synthetic winterizer or sheet foam rubber;
  • lace, decorative braid, ribbons;
  • beads, beads, rhinestones.

Difficulty level: Just
Working hours: fast

Stages of work:


The pattern can be found on the Internet (this is the easiest option), you can draw it yourself (the most pleasant option, in my opinion). The whole charm of New Year's needlework houses is precisely in their needlework, so they should not be perfectly even, regular, “licked”. On the contrary, it is often the “crooked” houses that cause the greatest tenderness. They have something homely...

House with a snowy roof. Triple house.

house with snow roof

Cut out the details of the houses. Combine contrasting colors. Do not forget about the foam rubber layer, it should be smaller in size than the main part. The snow-covered roof is made of white material.

We sew with a contrasting thread "frames" on the windows. We sew windows on the facade. We put together the facade of the house - the foam pad - the back wall. We sew the house along the contour.

We sew multi-colored beads on one detail of the snow roof. We put together a snow roof with beads - a house - a snow roof without beads. Do not forget to insert a loop of ribbon from above. We sew the snow roof along the contour.

You can decorate the houses as you wish. For example, sew small decorative bouquets over the windows.

House with cut windows

Draw a house: walls and roof. Cut out the details. Cut through the windows on one of the walls. This is easy to do with nail scissors. Insert a bright fabric under the cut holes. Stitch.

Assemble the house: facade with windows - foam rubber - back wall. Stitch the house around the perimeter.

You can add decorative ribbons to the facade at this stage.

Connect the roof to the house: roof - house - roof. Insert a ribbon loop.

You can sew a pipe on the roof.

three-layer house

We cut out the details. Don't forget about the foam layer.

We decorate the facade: sew on ribbons, decorative elements, beads. We connect the facade and the second layer, we sew along the perimeter. Add a third layer, sew.

We assemble the house: a three-layer facade - foam rubber - back wall. We are sewing. Insert a ribbon loop on top.

Invite the children to come up with their own options for houses.
And then sew these cute, warm toys together!

Elena Chepikova

Felt dollhouses have become very popular lately. Many mothers are wondering how to make such a toy for their daughter. You can come up with a lot of options for houses, they will functionally differ from each other, depending on the purpose.

toy house

All girls play with dolls, and dolls need somewhere to live. A dollhouse, of course, can be bought at a toy store. But it is much more interesting and entertaining to do it yourself. For example, they can be an interesting alternative to a purchased product. Rooms can be located in a felt toy - a living room, a bedroom, a dining room, even a bathroom. A small real doll can live in such a house, or maybe a felt baby. Felt houses can be sewn using this pattern.

This pattern is universal in that it can be used to sew many options for doll houses. You can simply cut a house according to the pattern from a sufficiently large piece of felt or drape, not forgetting to cut out the floor separately, decorate it and with the help of various ways fasteners to assemble into a single whole. You can divide the drawing into separate components - floor, 4 walls, 2 roof parts - and assemble a single whole. Another pattern for sewing felt houses is shown below.

Felt houses made according to the proposed patterns will be voluminous and look like this in general terms.

The principles of making a toy felt house

A voluminous house must definitely keep its shape. Therefore, it must be made multi-layered.

  • The outer side is made of felt. It is decorated with decorative elements - windows, shutters, a door, flowers, a fence - everything you want to make the craft look like a real house or castle of the princess.
  • The inner part can be made from a thin sheet of foam rubber and a dense polyethylene film (covers for sold bedspreads, blankets and pillows are made from it). The film will protect the house from moisture, the foam will be a material that helps keep its shape.
  • The interior decoration of the toy house can be very different! It is most convenient for a homemade toy to have one room with access to the "yard". Although, if desired, such a craft can be made two or three-tiered. Then there can be several rooms in the house.

It is impossible not to mention how to make the floor. The house must be reliable, even if it is a toy, and even felt. Therefore, when sewing the frame of the house in the floor cavity, above the film and foam rubber, a thick sheet of cardboard should be laid - from the packing box, for example.

How to furnish a house and how to close it?

Since felt house toys are a three-dimensional design, this allows the use of three-dimensional furnishings. They can also be made from fabric or improvised materials, or you can use purchased toy furniture of a suitable size.

There are several ways to assemble a dollhouse from felt:

  • sew on side seams front side two detachable zippers;
  • use valves with Velcro (with Velcro tape);
  • connect the parts of the house with decorative large buttons and eyelets.

In any case, the house must be securely closed so as not to lose things during the transfer.

handbag house

Sew a house for a felt doll can be made not only in a voluminous three-dimensional version, but also in the form of a small handbag that it will be convenient for a child to take with him for a walk, on a trip or to visit. Approximately the pattern of the toy bag looks like the one shown in the photo below.

A drawing is made on a sheet of paper in the estimated size of the bag, additional "rooms" are attached to it. On the sketch, you can immediately draw the environment in order to make individual items in accordance with the size of the handbag.

In such a craft, it is important to provide reliable fasteners so that nothing is lost while carrying the handbag. To do this, it is more convenient to make a separate closing pocket, in which the child will be able to remove all removable parts and the doll.

Houses made of felt, made with their own hands and shaped like a child's handbag, involve the use of mostly flat elements. The whole setting is an imitation of real objects (table, bed, closet or bath). But they can also be filled with functionality. For example, make a crib in the form of a pocket, one corner of which leans back. The chrysalis "goes to sleep" and hides itself in this corner-blanket. The bathroom should also be made reclining - put the upper part of the bowl on a hat elastic, sewing the rest of the sides tightly to the house. Then the doll will be able to "take a bath". You can also make curtains fly off, this will add realism to the toy. Another interesting option- make opening doors in cabinets, on shelves (a small button-handle, and inside an application depicting household items). There are a lot of options for how to make the atmosphere of a handbag house, you just need to attach a bit of imagination and a desire to surprise and please your daughter.

book house

Very interesting dollhouse made of felt in the form of a book. If the folding versions of such a toy cannot have a huge number of "rooms", then the book house is, in fact, unlimited, the ability to create a doll world from felt. Each turn of a book toy - a room, some room, a park, a forest, a garden - anything can be embodied in such a toy! Felt house book created on the principle of a house-handbag: a two-dimensional world with flying components. Moreover, for such a toy it will be more convenient if the hostess-doll is also felt.

How to assemble a book house? This is the most important question in such creativity. You can, of course, go to a specialized workshop and punch through eyelets, where large rings are inserted, on which the pages of the book are then turned over. But it is more convenient to fasten houses made of felt in the form of a book with a braid, besides, such a book can be easily supplemented with the necessary pages - what if the doll goes on a trip?

Felt mistress of the felt house

Felt houses, if they are a flat toy - a handbag or a book, involve the use of a small baby doll or a felt doll in the game. A toy made of felt can become an original addition to the house, because you can also sew outfits on it, make accessories. And for her, you can make a whole felt family, including pets.

Here is a pattern of the doll itself and the basic elements of her wardrobe.

To dress up the doll, it is enough to sew a piece of Velcro on the body, on which there are "claws". Then the clothes themselves will cling to the chrysalis and stay in place. It is best to make such a piece of Velcro in the form of a swimsuit - and the doll will look more interesting, and the clothes will stick better all over the body. The same technique can be used to change the doll's hairstyle.

It is not difficult to sew felt doll houses with your own hands, you just need to apply maximum imagination and desire to make interesting thing. Felt is a unique material, it is well processed, does not crumble, it can be different in thickness, and there are so many colors - any fantasy can become a reality along with felt. Good luck!

Dear friends, the joint sewing of the Dollhouse from FELT and FABRIC in my group has begun ....... Whoever wants to join!!! And for those who do not know where to start, I have prepared a small step by step instructions!!! Please under the cat!!!

First week (Entrance hall - Living room)

Let's start with the living room! ..... Everything is ready for her!!!

Page size 25 X 40 cm. Base Felt Chinese 2 mm, fabric (American flannel)

We iron the fabric well and prepare the DOUBLERIN !!!

We strengthen the fabric with DOUBLERIN and cut the edges with scissors "WAVE. Apply to the felt, align and sew ..... The base is ready !!!

Cut out our living room details!!!

Trying on the base...

Trying on the base...

Templates for my living room!!!... I took something from the Internet, I drew something!!!

The heroine of the HOUSE has not yet been approved ..... An example for clarity ...

First we attach a table under the TV ...

Here it is done!!!

We try on the antenna to the TV !!! I really liked just such a TV .... it is from my childhood !!!

We sew!!!

Trying TV...

Here is the first mistake white base sew in advance .... and I thought that I would fix it on top with a black one .... but why do we need the white part to move away? We need to move only the black part for the cardboard pictures!!!

So we correct the situation and attach a white base along the upper edge !!!

Now we make out our flower pot !!!

There is a small velcro on the back....

Now you can plant a flower!

Here it is done!!!

Let's make a rug! We sew on flowers and Velcro .... The rug will be replaceable !!!

Well, that's all for today!!! The sofa is not stitched .... it will also be replaceable !!! Paintings and clocks will be hung!!!.... The flower will change into a Christmas tree!!! I will prepare pictures for TV!!!

Today we will make a Christmas house made of felt for a Christmas tree with our own hands, a master class for making which is very accessible and easy to perform, so you can do it with your children. With such a beautiful souvenir, you can decorate your forest or artificial beauty in an original way.

To make a Christmas tree house from felt on a Christmas tree, you will need:

- brown, burgundy, yellow and white felt;
- satin ribbon burgundy;
- red half beads;
- rhinestones or other decor;
- brown embroidery threads;
- needle;
- glitter glue
- synthetic winterizer;
- scissors;
- chalk;
- ruler;
- glue gun.

How to make a New Year's house from felt on a Christmas tree with your own hands

The first thing we need to make a felt house for a Christmas tree with our own hands is a pattern with which you need to cut out the felt parts for the house. But you can also use a ruler if you have a good eye. With chalk we draw on brown material two squares 8x10 cm in size, two isosceles triangles with a base of 14 cm and two sides of 8 cm each on burgundy fabric, we also draw two squares 3x3 cm in size on yellow.

We put together two brown squares so that the edges match. We sew only three sides with a “forward needle” seam, leave the fourth 10 cm long free. We perform seams evenly with a length of 0.5 cm, the same amount retreating from the edge.

We fill the middle with synthetic winterizer.

On the upper corner of one of the triangles we glue both ends of the tape, folded in half.

We cover with a second triangle and sew with brown threads and with the same seam both parts only on two equal sides, that is, we leave the base free.
By the way, next to the house, which is described in this master class, you can hang it. It will look festive and original.

We fill the triangular blank for the roof of the New Year's house from felt with padding polyester, and glue both layers of brown felt along the edge. In both parts of the synthetic winterizer, you need very little, since you just need to shape the product.

Now let's assemble the felt house into one. We apply glue to the bonded edge of the brown square and insert it through the base of the triangle between its layers. The edges of the triangle should be the same length on both sides. Then we sew both parts along the edge.
Make rounded corners for the yellow squares and glue them onto the brown felt, placing them like the windows in the house.

It remains to decorate the New Year's house made of felt on the Christmas tree with various decor. From white felt you can make snow on the roof and snowdrifts. To do this, simply cut out a rectangular strip 2 cm wide and of arbitrary length, and from this strip we cut out various patterns with rounded edges in the form of snowdrifts. From one such strip, two blanks will be obtained. We glue them on both sides of the roof and on the base of the house on even sides.
Additionally, we decorate the house with semi-beads and rhinestones. We divide the yellow squares into four sectors using glitter glue.

It turns out a cute New Year's house made of felt for a Christmas tree, a master class for making which even a beginner can easily repeat.

We also offer you to make with your child