How to apply for kindergarten online. Enrolling in kindergarten - when and how? Where to check the queue for kindergarten

Then go to yours to register your child in kindergarten or check how the queue is moving.

It moves extremely slowly, so many parents prefer to enroll their child in the queue for kindergarten immediately after birth. Some do it even before the baby is born. Is it really that complicated and should it be done that way? Let's find out.

How to enroll a child in a queue for a kindergarten in Moscow

If you live in the capital and have a Moscow registration, then you can enroll your child in an electronic queue for a kindergarten in Moscow on the official website of public services To do this, follow the link

  1. An electronic application can be submitted by any of the parents or legal representatives of the child, for example, a guardian.
  2. You can also apply in person by contacting your local government.

To do this, you need to provide the following data:

  • name of the child;
  • data from his birth certificate regarding date of birth, place of birth, full name of parents;
  • the health status of the baby, information about the availability of benefits;
  • the address of the current registration of the child at the place of residence or place of residence in Moscow;
  • year of desired admission to kindergarten;
  • numbers from one to three kindergartens that are located in your area of ​​​​residence or are the most suitable for you. The first institution will be a priority, and the other two will be additional, in case there are no places in the main kindergarten.
  • You can enroll a child in kindergarten only if, by September 1 of the year when you plan to send him to kindergarten, he will not be seven years old.

Your application will be assigned a number that will allow you to check the current queue for kindergarten at any time.

How to check the status of an application

To check the current status of your application, you need to log into your Personal Account.

Here you need to find the "Status of Applications" section, where all your applications are located. If the application was successful, the following message will appear: “Submitted. The application has been submitted to the OIV and is under consideration". Children of preferential categories of citizens have the priority right to receive a place in a kindergarten.

Where to check the queue for kindergarten

You can check the queue for kindergarten by the application number or by the data of the birth certificate on the portal of public services in Moscow.

To do this, you need to enter your Personal Account and click the "Selected Organizations" button

If the data entered earlier has changed or you entered it incorrectly, click the "Make changes" button

What documents are needed to apply for a queue in a kindergarten

  1. Series and number of the child's birth certificate.
  2. Passport data of the parent or legal representative of the child.
  3. Address of registration or actual residence of the child in Moscow.
  4. Details of benefits, if any.

If the data that you provide in the electronic application is not confirmed during the verification, then you will have to provide it in person.

You can check the status of the queue:

  • by application number;
  • through email notifications;
  • in the Personal Account of the public services portal

State services for filling out an application for a queue in a kindergarten are free of charge.

Once you have been notified that you have been assigned a place on the kindergarten waiting list, you must bring your eligibility and other documents to the educational institution you selected when you applied.

This must be done within 20 days. If you do not have time to do this, then the queue may be canceled and you will have to start all over again.

When is the best time to sign up for Kindergarten?

In the period from March 1 to June 1, the commission completes kindergartens for the next year. Therefore, it is better to get on the waiting list for a kindergarten in Moscow during the specified period. If the necessary documents were submitted later, the specialists carry out additional staffing, subject to availability.

Benefits for kindergarten

Who has childcare benefits? How to get a place in a kindergarten on benefits?

Benefits for getting a place in a kindergarten in Moscow have children:

  • single mothers or fathers who work;
  • if their parents study or are students;
  • whose parents work in the police, in the prosecutor's office or are judges;
  • adopted or under guardianship and guardianship;
  • whose parents are Chernobyl;
  • if the parents have lost one or both parents before the age of 18.

Extraordinary right to enroll in kindergarten have:

  • disabled children and orphans;
  • children from large families;
  • children of judges, military and prosecutors;
  • if one of the parents is disabled.

Additional benefits for placing a child in a kindergarten have:

  • single mothers;
  • low-income families;
  • forced migrants;
  • children whose parents died or became disabled as a result of hostilities.

What documents are needed to provide benefits in kindergarten

  1. Passport of either parent.
  2. Written statement.
  3. Child's birth certificate (original and copy)
  4. Child's medical record.
  5. Vaccination map.
  6. Child health insurance (original and copy)
  7. Data on available benefits (if any)

How to find out if your child is enrolled in kindergarten

A notification about the provision of a place in a kindergarten will appear in, or you will receive an e-mail to the mail specified during registration. It will indicate the address of the institution where you need to come with documents for registration, the date of your visit and a list of documents.

Important! If you do not show up within 20 days, your application will be canceled and your child will be removed from the waiting list.

Official website of the electronic queue in Moscow:

Addresses of the Department of Education in Moscow

According to Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to education. In addition, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that "The state guarantees financial and material support in the upbringing of children of early childhood, ensures the availability of educational services of a preschool educational institution for all segments of the population."

There is a law, but what is the reality?

The implementation of this right in Moscow has recently been divided into two large stages - before August 1, 2006 and after.

“Before” (namely, many mothers who were going to take their children to kindergarten this year were enrolling children in kindergartens) it was necessary to choose a suitable preschool institution, and then negotiate with the head, who complains about the difficult financial situation, the lack of places and the queue of those who wish. Often a place in the queue was under the magical crunch of banknotes or “material assistance” in the form of printers, cameras, carpets and much more. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that in the group where the child goes, there will be a new carpet. Here are just a few “buts”: firstly, it is illegal, and secondly, not everyone is able to buy this very carpet. In addition, according to the Department of Education, queues arose not so much from the fact that there were no places in the kindergartens, but from irrational distribution: in one kindergarten, the groups were overcrowded, in the neighboring one there was a shortage. "After" - it was decided to bring all the information on the workload of children's institutions and queues into one database.

A new system or "to kindergarten - without a queue"!

“Mom or dad will come to a specialist, their request will be entered into a computer and all free places in kindergartens in the territory you are interested in will appear on the screen,” Alexander Gavrilov, spokesman for the Moscow Department of Education, explained the innovation. “You choose the kindergarten that suits you, you get direction and forward. The manager has no right to refuse you." On August 1, 2006, the new system started working. To enroll in a kindergarten, you need to contact the commission for the acquisition of preschool institutions of the district at the place of residence of the child. Commissions are usually based on kindergartens or schools and often work only 2-3 days a week for a few hours. You need to bring the documents necessary for enrolling in a kindergarten with you:

  • child's birth certificate
  • passport of one of the parents (legal representatives), preferably the one who is registered in the territory to which the desired children's institution belongs.
  • a medical card in the form F26 (it contains information from the local pediatrician, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, surgeon, dentist, orthopedist, whether the child needs a specialized kindergarten for health reasons). As the real experience of those who have already signed up shows, this card is most often not required. Apparently, it is mainly needed by those who still need a specialized kindergarten.

If you have benefits for the priority admission of a child to a kindergarten, and, as follows from the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated March 28, 2006 No. 157

“In the state preschool educational institutions, first of all, the following are accepted:

  • children of working single parents;
  • children of student mothers;
  • children of disabled people of I and II groups;
  • children from large families;
  • children under guardianship;
  • children of police officers at the place of residence of their families;
  • orphans;
  • children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families;
  • children of the unemployed, refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • children of students;
  • children of judges;
  • children of prosecutors and investigators;
  • children of citizens who received or suffered radiation sickness, other diseases, and disabled people as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • children of citizens evacuated from the exclusion zone and resettled (relocated) from the resettlement zone;
  • children of pedagogical and other employees of state educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;
  • twin children;
  • children whose siblings are already attending this Institution, unless the profile of the Institution does not correspond to the state of health or development of the child entering the Institution.”

You must also bring documents confirming the right to receive these benefits.

On the basis of these documents, the child will be entered in the so-called "Book of registration of future pupils of state educational institutions implementing general educational programs of preschool education of the system of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow", and you will be given a notice and will be told when to come for a ticket. You can choose not one kindergarten at once, but three - one is the best, and two "in reserve", in case there are no places in the first. When the lucky moment of getting a ticket approaches, or if the queue shifts (for example, someone has moved to another area), a reminder call from the preschool usually follows. Nevertheless, it is better to remember the deadlines and take an interest in the progress of the queue on your own: there were cases when, it seems, they entered into the book, and the notification was issued, but the child was not in the queue. It is not known whether this was a mistake, intent or a failure in the databases, but it is better to find out about this in advance, while there is time to fix everything.

When visiting the commission, it is worth considering that it usually does not work every day and not for too long, and there are a lot of people who want to arrange a baby in a kindergarten, and, having come to the cherished door by the time the commission starts working, you can find that you are in line - 255. For the same reason, you should not take a child with you if there is even the slightest opportunity to leave it with a grandmother, sister, nanny or someone else - standing in line with a child is much more tiring than without it. Well, don’t flatter yourself - signing up for a kindergarten today and solemnly getting a ticket tomorrow (and also in a week or a month) is still unlikely to succeed - it makes sense to sign up at least a year in advance, and better - as before, practically from birth. Although it is quite possible, they will be able to offer you several options for kindergartens, which you can go to even tomorrow ... but for a fee, for 25 thousand per month.

Ticket received! And the problems are just beginning...

So, the long-awaited voucher has been received! Now to kindergarten? Yes, but not right away. Now you need to collect all the documents you need when entering kindergarten, namely:

  • a written statement from the parents.
  • medical record of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000).
  • vaccination card (form 63).
  • medical insurance policy of the child (copy).
  • child's birth certificate (copy).
  • birth certificates of all children in the family.
  • a copy of the 1st page of the passbook (to receive monetary compensation in the amount of 20 to 75%).
  • certificate of receipt of TIN (copy).

If you are entitled to payment benefits, you must attach an application for this benefit, as well as submit documents confirming the right to receive it to the kindergarten (and they have the right to check whether you are really entitled to a benefit).

It would seem that not so many documents are needed for a kindergarten, and collecting them is not a problem (and most of them are always with you, just make copies), but this task appears in all its glory, given that the ticket is valid for two weeks, longer in they often don’t agree to wait for a kindergarten (or they agree, but the kindergarten needs it so much ...) and for a medical card you need to visit several doctors and pass a series of tests, some of which are done up to 7-10 days, so it’s not worth delaying a visit to the clinic.

Get vaccinated?

If you are hesitant about the idea of ​​universal vaccination, and the child does not have all the vaccinations (or does not have them at all), there may be more problems and delays. Here it is worth remembering your rights and the Federal Law “On Immunization of Infectious Diseases” “dated September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ, which states that “Citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations.” (Art. 5), and, in addition, “The absence of preventive vaccinations entails a temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health institutions in the event of the occurrence of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics” (Art. 5). Art. 11 of the same law states that vaccinations for minors are made only with the consent of parents or legal representatives.

In practice, everything is quite simple. If you have already written a refusal to vaccinate at the clinic, a copy of it (or a new completed refusal form - forms can be found on thematic sites, in communities, sometimes ready-made forms are given directly at the clinic) is simply pasted into the child's medical record, which is provided to the kindergarten when admission. In principle, this should be enough for the issue of vaccinations to be resolved. In fact, you will most likely be offered to go through additional specialists (a phthisiatrician, for example), and perhaps they will even try to refuse, referring to departmental documents and orders. You can go through additional specialists, or you can refuse if the need to visit a specialist is unreasonable, the refusal is a direct violation of your rights, and you can make a claim addressed to the head of the institution (clinic, kindergarten), within a month from the date of receipt of which you should be given an official answer. If there is no answer or it does not satisfy you, complaints are sent to higher authorities - the Education Committee, the Ministry of Education, for a polyclinic - the Health Committee, the Ministry of Health, then - to the prosecutor's office. Although, most likely, this will not be required - after all, there are not so few refusals to vaccinate, and the attitude of health workers and managers towards them is becoming calmer than before.

Of course, the centralized system has solved some of the problems of setting up kindergartens, but the number of kindergartens is growing much more slowly than we would like, and children are born, grow up and need more and more new places. What to do? Take all the documents necessary for queuing for kindergarten - and sign up early. Then you will get a ticket on time, and you will go to the kindergarten - the very best! Good luck!


It's even cool if they take from 2. Mine didn’t hit with her year, she’ll hang out for a year until almost 3 years old, the cats will twist their tails in the yard, because almost all of their friends of the same age go to the garden. The next year, it seems like she should get into the nursery group, i.e. will be the most adult and will go to school immediately from the senior group, bypassing the preparatory one. Even the educators in my son’s garden say that the girl is clearly from Sadik’s, when I come to pick him up with her, she forgets about me and runs to the children, plays in the field with them, and doesn’t give offense, she can even fight back an older child, loves to visit a living corner located in the middle group, calmly stays with the teachers if I need to leave for a while, we usually leave the last when the caretaker of the garden goes to close. She shouts to him - hello, grandfather Vitalik! Will you close? Not to mention the fact that she has been eating with a spoon for a long time and sits on the potty herself. I personally saw freshly arrived nurseries, half of them hide behind their mother with an expression of horror on their faces and cannot connect two words. Such a pity and tear away from yourself probably

I am most outraged by our system! Everywhere they shout: "Have children! Improve demographics! The state will help!" and how can it help? Money is paid to the mother until the child reaches 1.5 years old, in kindergarten, basically, they take children from 2 years old (it is very difficult to find a kindergarten with a nursery group), so it is still very difficult to arrange. And please tell me how you can live If the husband receives little, everything becomes more expensive, including utilities, and 65 rubles are paid for a child? How were the laws created in general, what were the officials thinking about? What, a child from 1.5 to 2 years old does not eat, does not use hygiene products and wears things that he wore up to 1.5 years old?

Of course, I don’t know how it is in Moscow, but in Taganrog the idea of ​​commissions only complicated and confused everything. If earlier it was really possible to enroll in several kindergartens, now only one, they do not transfer from kindergarten to kindergarten, those. if you change your mind, then get in line for another garden at the end of the list again. The number of planned places is not taken into account in any way, for example, 20 people are taken into a group, and more than 50 people can stand in line. How much they will take in advance, who gets into what year, whether children will be added to already created groups in subsequent years is classified information. Just yesterday there was a rumor that the lists of applicants for kindergartens had been sent. I decided to go to find out if my daughter got caught. Manager on vacation. Come back in a month. OK. Met two more mothers, got to talking. One boy is 24th in line, and children are taken to group 22, it seems like they said that they will add him next year, by the way, by that time he will already be 3.6. It's good that they have a non-working grandmother, but what should an ordinary woman do in this case? Quit at 3 years and look for another job after 6 months? The second mother has a girl in line 7th. I say, well, you then get in any way. It turned out not. She was told that they take 15 people and not the fact that they get there. And somehow the boy born in February ended up in the queue 24, and the girl born in August 7. Both were recorded within a month from the date of birth. Here's the secret stuff for you. And to require a certificate when signing up for a queue is, of course, insanity, it’s good at least in practice it is not required. Meaning, if it is needed in 2-3 years, then the diagnoses will be completely different? And about greasing the head, even now it is relevant. Last year, in addition to the usual group, they opened a correctional room, where children "With diagnoses" are gathered, and they are completely different from speech therapy (at a year and a half!) To problems with vision and the spine, none of them hides that the certificates are purchased and the head is also up to date

After the birth of a child, whether it is the first baby or not, a woman has many worries, troubles and responsibilities. Many parents involved in caring for a newborn put off registering a child in a kindergarten for later, because in the early stages there are much more important things to do: obtaining a birth certificate for a baby, registration, a compulsory medical insurance policy, and social benefits. Having dealt with this list and submitting documents to the kindergarten, parents may be faced with a situation where, by the time of enrollment, their application remains in the “tail” of the queue. Do not miss the moment and submit documents on time will help electronic registration in kindergarten. Just about how to enroll a child in a kindergarten through the State Services, and will be discussed further.

Signing up for Kindergarten

The procedure for enrolling a child in a kindergarten through the State Services is simple, and for those who already have a page on the e-government portal, it will take no more than half an hour. But among the readers of this site there will definitely be those who have not previously used the State Services portal and do not have a verified account in the system. They will be told in detail how to enroll a child in a kindergarten, and the whole procedure will be described from start to finish.

Attention: if a parent already has an account with advanced features on the State Services website, he can skip the next section and immediately proceed to the procedure for registering a child in a kindergarten via the Internet.

Register for public services

Electronic registration in the kindergarten begins with the creation of a personal page on the State Services. First you need to go to the site and go through a simple procedure of creating account:

  • First of all, you need to click on the Register button;
  • then enter the first name, last name;
  • indicate mob. phone and email;
  • confirm the correctness of the entered information by clicking on the blue button;
  • you must wait for an SMS with a code to confirm registration or use the link in the email sent to the address specified in the previous step;
  • and finally go to your .

The procedure is very simple, you need to have a phone or access to mail at hand. It is important to provide up-to-date contact information so that in the future there will be no problems with completing the registration. But the account created at this stage will not allow you to enroll in a kindergarten through the State Services. Now you need to increase the level of your account, only after that you will be able to access electronic services.

How to get full access to services?

After logging into the account, the site visitor is notified that personal data is not yet available on the site. You need information from your passport and SNILS in order for the account status to change to Standard. But even this will not allow parents to register their child in kindergarten via the Internet.

To receive the service, the account must be Confirmed - this is the third level of access. The user will need to confirm that he is the owner of the account and that all the data entered by him is true. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • visit a customer service center (this can be an MFC, a branch of the Russian Post, a government agency or an office of Rostelecom, the addresses of the centers are on the website of the State Services; you need to take SNILS and a passport with you);
  • use CEP (qualified, it allows not only to confirm the identity during registration, but also to process many documents online in the future);
  • send a request to receive an account confirmation code by mail (it should be borne in mind that this method of account verification does not give access to the services of the Federal Tax Service on the website).

After confirming the identity, it will be possible to use all the resources of the portal, including enrolling in kindergarten via the Internet. This procedure will be discussed below.

Enrollment in a kindergarten at public services

It is not difficult to navigate the Catalog on the Single Portal, but in order to simplify this procedure even more, all services are divided into categories. The service required by the parent is located in the category Family and children, in the subcategory Enrollment in kindergarten.

If you search in the Life Situations section, you can get on the waiting list for a preschool by going to the Education category. Here you should click on Apply to access the online form.

Attention: the registration of a child in a kindergarten for residents of the Moscow region is carried out through the website of the mayor of the capital Direct link for parents of preschoolers to apply:

Filling out an application

After going to the page for registering an electronic service, information about it, the terms of its provision and cost will become available. The application is accepted on the day of application. The parent receives a notification with a unique number assigned to their application. On it, you can track the status of the application and the child's turn in the kindergarten. The service is provided free of charge.

In the application, the parent enters information from the following documents:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • your passport (or the passport of the second parent, legal representative);
  • a document that certifies the availability of benefits (if any);
  • a certificate requiring the baby to be enrolled in a health-improving group or a group for disabled children.

When filling out the application, you need to indicate the desired year of enrollment in the kindergarten and select the numbers of the kindergarten that you want to attend. Among the marked DS, you need to choose one priority.

After the application is submitted and the notice of placing the child on the queue is received, it will be possible to track the change in the position of the application to a specific preschool organization on the State Services portal.

In addition, you can see the queue for the kindergarten at. Here, after entering the portal through a single password, received during registration on the website of the State Services, the child's entry into circles, sections, health camps is available.

A woman who decides to become a mother thinks in advance about how to enroll her child in a kindergarten. Many young mothers stand in line literally from the birth of a baby.

Are such measures justified? Is it really so difficult to get on the waiting list for a kindergarten in Moscow? Let's find out.

At the moment, there are 2 ways to enroll a child in kindergarten: online registration and a live queue through OSIP (District Information Support Service).

How to enroll a child in kindergarten via the Internet?

Online registration is available on the public services portal in the Family, Children section. To make an online appointment, it is enough to register on the portal and enter your personal account.

By clicking on the "Get a service" button, you will see a form with fields for basic data: the date of birth of the child, the desired year of admission, the registration address of some others. Enter all the data, check their correctness and click on the "Continue" button. If the application is successfully registered, you will receive a notification with an individual code by e-mail or by SMS.

After submitting your application, you can check its order and even make changes if necessary.

You can also apply online on the websites of the Moscow Department of Education or multifunctional centers

You will receive a confirmation of acceptance or refusal to accept the application within 10 days. Usually, refusal occurs only if incorrect data is entered or if the child is 7 years old at the time of admission.

In case of refusal due to incorrectly entered data, you can visit OSIP within 20 days after receiving the refusal and provide original supporting documents. You can also submit a new application online.

How to enroll a child in a kindergarten through OSIP?

You can find the list of OSIP by districts at

To join the queue, you must submit an application to the OSIP, as well as the following documents:

  • identity document (passport) of one of the parents or legal guardian;
  • a document confirming the legality of the guardian (if there is a guardian);
  • a document confirming the right to benefits (if the child belongs to one of the privileged categories, and you plan to exercise your rights in connection with this);
  • a properly executed power of attorney (if the applicant's authorized representative applies instead of the applicant);
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence (f. No. 8) or place of stay (f. No. 3) in Moscow;
  • birth certificate of the child or its equivalent.

When is the best time to enroll your child in kindergarten?

Regardless of whether you stand in a live queue or make an online appointment, it is better to enroll a child in a kindergarten in Moscow from the moment of his birth - as soon as you receive all the necessary documents.

What you should pay attention to?

Each kindergarten in Moscow has a main and additional list of pupils. The main list includes children living at the addresses that are attached to this kindergarten. Children from the main list have a priority place in the queue.

The additional list includes children living at addresses that are not related to this kindergarten. Pupils from the additional list receive a place in the kindergarten in the order of priority after the children from the main list.

If, when checking your place in the queue, you find that your queue has moved - for example, from 10th to 15th place - it means that two preschool institutions have been merged into one. Naturally, the lists were also combined. In fact, everyone remained in their places, there were just more places.

As you can see, getting on the waiting list for a kindergarten in Moscow is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to provide all the necessary documents on time and patiently wait for the appointed date.

In our country, it is very problematic to place a child in a kindergarten: despite the active protection of children's rights, developers are reluctant to build social infrastructure facilities.

It is for this reason that in the vast majority of cases, mom and dad enroll their still very crumbs in advance in one of the preschool institutions, which is very correct: otherwise, you can simply not wait for yours.

Today in Moscow, due to the huge population, the situation with kindergartens is more complicated than anywhere else. However, it should be noted that the authorities are doing their best to stabilize the situation, including creating several options for enrolling kids in kindergartens.

We will focus on them below.

Basic ways

In December 2013, a new procedure came into force, according to which citizens have the following ways to place a child in kindergarten:

In the first of the above cases, mom or dad (a legal representative of the child is also allowed) must contact to the Department of the District Information Support Service (OSIP) at the place of residence.

In the second case, the first thing to do is register. It takes no more than a couple of minutes: just fill out a simplified application form and come up with a login with a password.

The method we are considering is suitable in the presence of such criteria, How:

  • permanent or temporary registration in the capital;
  • the child will not reach 7 years of age in the year they are scheduled to start kindergarten.

The main advantages of the portal are completely free provision of services and, of course, saving parents time, which is also important.

You can also get on the waiting list for a kindergarten in Moscow thanks to multifunctional centers provision of services to the population (MFC). Despite the fact that they appeared quite recently, today they are a serious competitor to the portal and other electronic services.

Compared to the Internet, the MFC in the issue under discussion has many undeniable advantages. The main ones include:

  • online registration is not the final stage in the inclusion of a child in the queue: it is also necessary to submit documents, and at this time the electronic fact of the presence of a citizen on the list is often canceled;
  • in addition to enrolling a child in a kindergarten, you can simultaneously use other services - for example, issue a medical policy or a passport for a child.

It is impossible not to note the comfort of modern multifunctional centers for the provision of services to the population (MFC). As a rule, these are spacious, warm and bright rooms, where children can spend time playing exciting games during paperwork.

To enroll a child in kindergarten through the MFC, you will need to prepare the next small package of documents:

  1. Baby's birth certificate.
  2. Passport of one of his parents (or legal representative).
  3. Certificate of permanent or temporary registration in the capital.
  4. If necessary, you also need a document confirming the right to an extraordinary place in a kindergarten and a medical report on sending the child to a special group (for example, a wellness group).

Queue check

Putting a child on the waiting list for kindergarten is not the only task of parents in this regard. Equally important is her regular tracking. Despite the fact that there are currently three ways to enroll a child in kindergarten - the portal, the multifunctional public service center (MFC) and the District Information Support Service (OSIP), the process can only be controlled via the Internet.

The fact is that with the creation of an electronic service, MFC specialists, as a rule, refuse to provide this information, referring to the ability of parents to find out everything they need on their own. The competence of persons working in OSIP does not include this at all. Of course, you can try to pay a visit to the district department of education or directly to the preschool institution in which the child is on the waiting list. However, it will take a lot of time, and the probability of obtaining the desired result is extremely small.

At the moment, it is not a big deal on the portal. You will need to enter the name of the baby, his date of birth and the details of the birth certificate. You can also simply use the application number that was assigned to him at the time of filing.

When the child can be sent to kindergarten, a corresponding message will be sent to the personal account indicating all the necessary information. After that, it is required to appear in a preschool institution within 20 calendar days. Otherwise, the application and the place of the child in this kindergarten will be cancelled.

How to enroll your child in kindergarten through the public services portal is described in the following video: