At what age is it better to send a child to a nursery and kindergarten: we determine the optimal age. Is there any law on the admission of a child to kindergarten? At what age do they go to nursery

Your child has grown up and you already need to go to work. Now the question arises, at what age are children taken to kindergarten? Are there any age or other restrictions? About this - in our article.

At what age do children start kindergarten?

If you are interested in the question, from what age are they taken to kindergarten, then according to the legislation of 2014 - from three years. Until this age, babies are taken to a nursery. In addition, each budgetary institution (including preschool institutions) has its own charter. The charter of the institution prescribes from what age children are admitted to this kindergarten. If the age of 3 years is indicated, your child will not be accepted earlier.

Before you plan to send your child to kindergarten, ask the head of the age at which they accept children. You will also be provided with information about the availability of places in the kindergarten.

Does my child need to attend kindergarten? You have probably asked yourself this question. Most child psychologists are sure that the baby needs to go to kindergarten in the same way as he goes to school. But their opinions differ on the age of "maturity" or your toddler's readiness for kindergarten. They determine the readiness of the child for kindergarten according to two criteria: by temperament and by character. After observing your baby, how he reacts to communication with other children and how he behaves in the children's team in the yard, we can draw conclusions.

The easiest way to adapt to the kindergarten is those children who easily make contact with other children, feel the need for communication and are not in conflict. The acquired skills in independence are also important.

Here are some signs that your little one is ready for kindergarten:

  • the child knows how to play with other children, willingly shares toys, takes part in games;
  • the baby is quite assiduous, can sit still and do something for more than 20 minutes;
  • the child knows how to eat on his own, “does not go over” with food;
  • he knows how to occupy himself independently without the involvement of adults;
  • the baby can stay without you for a long time (with your parents or with a nanny) without being capricious;
  • the baby likes to be creative - draw, sculpt, string beads, build from a constructor, add puzzles;
  • your baby actively explores the world;
  • he has no doctor's contraindications;
  • All scheduled vaccinations have been completed and a medical examination has been completed.

When planning to send your child to kindergarten, find out the daily routine in kindergarten. This is necessary in order to gradually adapt your baby's daily routine to kindergarten.

Most parents at least once have questions about whether to send their child to a nursery and what is the best age for this? Before giving answers to them, moms and dads should weigh all the pros and cons, as well as find out the opinion of experts. Sometimes, protecting their child from any possible life problems, parents keep him at home until the last, as a result of which it is difficult for the baby to adapt in the nursery and find a common language with peers. But there are other cases when, in search of independence, the baby is sent to a new unfamiliar team at a time when he is not at all ready for change. To avoid such problems, it is worth studying this important issue in as much detail as possible.

At what age are they taken to nursery?

To date, there is no clear answer to this question. The thing is that a huge number of educational institutions for preschool children have appeared. Including private nurseries. And on an individual basis, you can agree with the management to accept a child from almost any age.

Most often, the minimum milestone from which a baby is taken to a nursery is 9 months. But most organizations try to invite older children - from 1.5 years old. This is exactly the period after which the state stops paying the mother the full amount of maternity money. As soon as the baby turns 1.5 years old, mommy can either go to work or stay at home for the same period, but receive a smaller amount.

At the same time, one should not forget that a year and a half is that anxious difficult age when the baby really needs the constant presence of mom and dad nearby, as well as help and care. In order to avoid problems, experts recommend starting preparations for admission to the nursery in advance.

How to get into the nursery?

All nurseries that exist today are divided into two main types: municipal and private.

The former are more popular among parents, as their services are inexpensive and available to almost every family. To get into them, you must submit a package of documents to the appropriate organization, a list of which can also be found in the District Education Department. If everything is in order, then the child will be put on the waiting list. This is the main snag. Sometimes public nurseries have such a huge queue of applicants (especially in big cities) that the baby gets the coveted place already at the age when it is too late to go to the nursery.

If the family is lucky and their turn comes up quickly, then the parents will be notified of this from a special commission, after which they will receive a referral to the preschool institution corresponding to the place of residence. After talking with his head, mom and dad will be able to find out the list of documents required for admission to the nursery. The standard list usually includes a passport of one of the parents or guardians, a certificate of residence and a birth certificate (copy).

Sometimes a family needs to urgently send the baby to a nursery and, for example, go to work. In this case, in order to avoid queues, it is best to try to find a private nursery for your child. There are much more places in them and often there is a free one instantly. And an additional plus is the excellent conditions in the nursery, a lot of new interesting educational toys, improved nutrition, etc.

But it is worth talking about the cons. They have only one minus, but a very significant one - this is a high fee for visiting such a nursery. Not every family has the opportunity to pay an impressive amount every month for the child's classes in the institution under discussion.

To enroll in a private nursery, just call their administration by phone and arrange a meeting with the leadership. During a personal conversation, employees will tell mom and dad how to get to them, since in such organizations the reception conditions are often individual and seriously differ from each other.

Whether to send a child to a nursery - pros and cons?

Only the parents themselves can give the correct answer to this question. And to make it easier, it is worth considering the pros and cons of each solution.


  • If you managed to find a good nursery with a decent team, then there will be a lot of benefit from them for the crumbs. Parents will be able to calmly go about their business, knowing that professionals take good care of their baby. During classes, children learn to communicate with each other, as well as acquire new knowledge. As a result, they grow up more sociable and self-confident than their "home" peers. In the future, they will be able to easily join a new team and meet new people.
  • The nursery has a positive effect on the development of children of both sexes. Learning many useful things is much easier by watching peers. Yes, and constant stay in the same room with the same people. In the nursery, the baby is waiting for a constant interesting variety and new friends.
  • And, of course, an equally important plus is a lot of free time for mom. She will be able to do work, home, devote time to loved ones and even try something new in her work. This is so necessary for every woman of the fair sex.


  • Since a nursery is a place of a large concentration of children, there is always a risk of catching all kinds of diseases in them, from the common cold to lice. It is best to consult with your child's pediatrician on this matter. Sometimes the doctor himself advises parents to leave the baby at home. But in most cases, such an environment can even be useful. After all, a child who grew up in "greenhouse" conditions and protected by parents from any infection often suffers from serious health problems in adulthood.
  • Another important disadvantage is the long separation from my mother. At this tender age, the baby really needs the constant care of loved ones. Therefore, parting with parents for the whole day can lead to severe stress, which negatively affects the emotional state of the child.

Parents will be able to make a decision by carefully studying and weighing all the pros and cons.

How many children are usually in a group?

How many children gather in a nursery group depends on the size of the city, the institution and many other factors. For example, for large metropolitan nurseries - this is 20-25 people. In smaller cities, the average group size is 12-15 people.

The exact answer to the question of what age they take to kindergarten is given by the Russian legislation on preschool education. Another thing is that parents, based on family circumstances and opportunities, themselves determine the time when their treasure will go to a preschool. Adult family members take into account the health of the baby, and the mode of operation of father and mother, and the possibility of supervision from the grandmother. The decision is also influenced by the situation with free places in kindergartens.

The legislation specifies the recommended age for admission to kindergarten, but in practice, parents determine it themselves

Age limits for visiting a nursery

Gone are the days of the Soviet Union, in which children were taken to a nursery from 6 months. Today, public kindergartens do not form nursery groups. An alternative is commercial kindergartens that practice admitting children to nursery groups. Naturally, in a hopeless situation, when paid leave ends at the age of a child of one and a half years, and there is no one to sit with him, parents are forced to resort to this option. There is no other choice for single mothers. How do commercial nurseries work?

It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. Each private enterprise itself sets the lower and upper age for attending a nursery. It is rare to find an institution where a nursery by age accepts children from 9 months. Common practice shows that most commercial nurseries take babies from 1 year old. Such a period is due to the development of a child who, by the age of one or a year and a half, has minimal self-care skills - this means that the baby drinks and eats on his own, asks for a potty.

Why is such a limit set, how is it justified, how can parents determine whether their baby is ready to attend kindergarten? We have prepared for you detailed answers to these and other equally relevant questions.

Only children up to three years of age are accepted into the nursery group, after this age they are transferred to kindergarten

Why do they start accepting children from the age of 3?

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The law of the Russian Federation determines the right of a child to attend a preschool educational institution. The state enforces the law. In addition, the period from which the baby is enrolled in kindergarten is also prescribed - 3 years. DOW, as a rule, strictly adhere to these standards. Several factors served as the basis for determining this age:

  • strengthened immunity of the child;
  • all preventive vaccinations have been carried out;
  • psycho-emotional development is normalized (the baby is easier to endure parting with parents and communicates with peers);
  • children have the majority of self-service skills, which allows them to accept the optimally comfortable number of children in groups;
  • maternity leave of the mother lasts up to 3 years of the child according to the law;
  • the most favorable time for the start of active communication of the baby with other children.

Psychological development and age

It is difficult to decide when is the best time to send your child to kindergarten? Psychologists and pediatricians choose the age of 4 years - this is the best time to expand the baby's social circle. Since 3 years are officially designated, and experts insist on something else, we will consider both indicators as indicative. When planning to send a son or daughter to a kindergarten, parents should start from the personal qualities of the baby - how complacently he perceives new circumstances, whether he is sociable, how many skills he has mastered, whether his affection for his mother is high. Consider the psychological aspect of visiting a preschool educational institution, starting from toddler age.

1.5 - 2 years

Physically, the baby is already well developed and ready to attend a nursery according to age, but psychologically it is still difficult for him to part with his mother for a long time and adapt to obedience to other people's aunts. Weak and his interest in communicating with peers. Self-service skills are an individual factor. If you see that the baby is drawn to communicate with other children, if you are him and if he does not cry in front of strangers and calmly remains without a mother, you can send him to a nursery. Psychologists still consider this time to be premature for sending to a nursery, but life dictates its own circumstances.

3 years

The term prescribed by law. Can it be attributed to the ideal indicator? Let's see what the baby is ready for and what he can do during this period. Three-year-olds, as a rule, master all self-service skills well. They eat and wash themselves, go to the potty without any problems, begin to expand their social circle (especially those children who speak well). Nevertheless, games with peers are not as interesting to them as classes with their mother, they are not ready to radically change their way of life.

Pediatricians advises to start small. Try introducing your child to kindergarten. The caregiver may suggest that you bring your child for 1-2 hours to see how he reacts. Remember that 3 years is a crisis period in the life of your treasure. The child more and more often manifests himself as a person, becomes obstinate and disobedient, tries to insist on his own, does everything contrary to the requirements of his parents.

If all these manifestations coincided with the moment of admission to preschool, try to slightly postpone sending the baby to the kindergarten. Spend time getting your child used to the idea that he will have to go to kindergarten. Use drawings depicting children playing in the garden to get acquainted with new conditions for him, take him past the DC so that he sees how fun the children are there. Introduce your son or daughter to the children of your friends who already go to preschool and they like it. Perhaps your baby will like their story about friends in the group and he himself will express a desire to go there.

Most three-year-old children have the skills necessary for elementary self-care - they will be interested in the kindergarten, but it is worth gradually accustoming the baby to change

4 years

The ideal time to send a child to preschool. The psychological readiness of the baby is very high, he is sociable, gets along with peers, speaks well, calmly perceives strangers. Communication with other children gives him joy. If you understand that your child is still shy and does not adapt well in a new environment, talk to him, find out what he is afraid of, what situations he avoids, why he categorically does not want to go to the garden group.

Readiness for kindergarten according to the child's temperament

Despite the fact that in front of you is a little man, his temperament has already been formed. Its role is important for parents to make a decision about visiting a preschool institution for a child. Children, like adults, are distinguished by four main types of temperament:

  • sanguine;
  • melancholic;
  • choleric;
  • phlegmatic.

Sanguine in its natural organization is a leader. Such a child is characterized by: impulsiveness, curiosity, curiosity and active behavior. The need for communication is so great that already at the age of 2 he feels great in a peer group. She rejoices at new impressions, loves to participate in matinees, likes to be ahead, boldly makes contacts with her peers.

The melancholic is closed and indecisive, does not welcome change, is prone to whims. The new environment causes him psychological anxiety, he hardly communicates, he can withdraw. Parents of such a crumb should wait until 4 years old so as not to emotionally injure their treasure. If possible, the best option for a melancholic may be home education.

Cholerics are easily excited, love to fight, are spoiled, demand attention. The optimal time when such a baby can be brought into a group with other children is 3-4 years. It is important that parents teach him the norms of behavior in society, instill disciplinary responsibility, then he will easily join the new team. In addition, the baby will know that he must be responsible for his pampering.

The phlegmatic is distinguished by prudence beyond his years, restrained in the manifestation of emotions, but curious. Prefers to play alone, likes to sleep. The most suitable temperament for DOW. Such children already at the age of 2.5 easily endure separation from their parents, quickly adapt to new conditions. At first, they can avoid close communication with peers and avoid educators, but two or three weeks will pass and your phlegmatic child will calm down and get used to it.

If the child is closed and does not want to part with his parents for a long time, it is better to wait and not rush to send him to kindergarten

What is the best time of the year to send a child?

The season plays a role in the adaptation of the child. The best period is all summer months. Their advantages are:

  • warm weather, which allows children to often walk on the playground and reduces the risk of catching a cold;
  • in the summer there are no classes on training programs, which allows the child to calmly adapt to unfamiliar people and surroundings.

However, in the summer, teachers go on vacation and groups are formed according to the principle of a “hodgepodge”. The child will be able to recognize his permanent mentor only in the fall. It is undesirable to solve this issue in the off-season, during the weather transition from heat to cold, which affects the heating season. The groups are not heated and the risk of illness increases. The comfort of the child's stay in the nursery is also reduced. However, Dr. Komarovsky suggests solving the problem of diseases in advance, strengthening the immunity of the crumbs from the early days of life.

If, having decided on all the factors, you are ready to give the baby to the nursery, do not forget to keep your finger on his spiritual pulse. See how the baby behaves after visiting the kindergarten, whether he eats and sleeps well. Such an observation will help you understand how your little man has adapted to change. If the child's anxiety persists, it is best to switch to a shorter visitation regimen or postpone them for a while.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

So the long-awaited pregnancy, difficult childbirth, sleepless nights of the first months of the baby's life, painful teething, as well as all the joys and fears associated with these events are left behind. Ahead is a bright future, a kindergarten, a school, an institute and doors open to a new, adult life of a child. That's what all new parents think. In their plans, this whole process proceeds without a hitch. Mom, having celebrated the first year of her beloved child's life, is eager to get to work as soon as possible. She is firmly convinced that she will enroll him in a preschool educational institution without any problems and will be able to resume her work duties, but in fact, not everything is so rosy, because she does not know at what age they are taken to kindergarten!

Many inexperienced parents who are raising their first child naively believe that sending a baby to a municipal kindergarten is an elementary matter, while in reality it is a difficult process, fraught with various problems and difficulties. Today we will try to clarify all the points in the procedure for entering a preschool educational institution, and we will also figure out at what age children are taken to kindergarten and nursery and what moms and dads need to do for this.

Following the letter of the law

To understand this issue, you need to know that the process of a child entering a kindergarten is regulated by several standards at once. Like many legislative acts in our country, they largely contradict each other. The greatest number of misunderstandings both among the population and among responsible persons, who are the heads of the preschool educational institution, is caused by the point about the age at which they are taken to kindergarten. The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", in particular, its article number 67, says that it is allowed to accept babies from two months old. This document was last revised in December 2015 and has not been amended to this day.

So, logically, it is from this age that the crumbs are taken to kindergarten. At what age should a child be placed on the waiting list? Perhaps even before his birth (joke)! Although everyone who has already begun to think about a kindergarten for their baby, probably managed to face the fact that there are sorely lacking places in these institutions. In Soviet times, most of them were abolished as unnecessary, but when the demographic situation in the country began to improve, the old kindergartens did not open again, and new ones are not being built as quickly and not in the quantity that is necessary. As a result, the officials made an amazing decision, in their opinion, helping to relieve preschool institutions, namely, to take there only those kids who are already three years old. This decision is confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 599 of May 7, 2012.

So that parents do not have doubts about the age at which they are taken to kindergarten, each of these organizations has set this bar in its Charter and recruits into groups based on it. That is, the heads of kindergartens, on completely legal grounds, can refuse parents to accept a child if he is under three years old.

When does the real kindergarten age begin?

Thus, no matter how much moms and dads want to attach their child, if there is a real shortage of places in the preschool institution they have chosen, the head has every right to refuse them admission to kindergarten. From what age exactly? As we have said, when the child reaches three years. And it won't happen here and now. There is a prescribed procedure for the admission of children to preschool. According to the law, the baby must first be put on a waiting list. But even if at the time of her approach the child is not 3 years old, they may not be taken, although there are exceptions in the territories of some municipalities, for example, in Moscow. At what age are children in the capital taken to kindergarten?

As practice shows, at about 2.5 years you can already try. At the moment, city officials are preparing a resolution in which this bar will be lowered to two years, which is good news, because often parents cannot stay up with a child on maternity leave for three years. At the same time, if relatives did not worry in a timely manner and did not register with a special commission that registers children in a program that allocates places in preschool educational institutions, they run the risk of starting to take the baby to kindergarten by about 4-5 years old.

What do parents say?

The most reliable information about the age at which they are taken to kindergarten and nursery is easier to find out on various "mother's" forums. There, parents share their own experiences about how and where they gave their kids to be raised in preschool educational institutions.

Judging by the reviews, earlier than two years old, it simply will not work to attach a child. In most cases, parents still have to wait up to three years. As noted by most of them, children should be put on the waiting list for kindergarten immediately after birth - up to a maximum of a year.

It is a little easier to send the baby to kindergarten ahead of schedule if both parents are officially employed. In this case, there is a real opportunity to get into the group from about 2.5-2.8 years old. Often, at first, the employees of the preschool educational institution offer parents an alternative to the standard stay in the kindergarten - GKP. About what it is, we will now talk in more detail.

What is a GKP?

This abbreviation stands for "short stay group". When kindergarten representatives offer parents to send their child to the GKP, they mean that the baby can go to kindergarten and be there with other children, study, walk and participate in various activities, but on special conditions:

  • the time spent by the child in the garden does not exceed 5 hours a day;
  • there is no place for him to sleep;
  • the baby, who is in the GKP, does not eat in the kindergarten.

That is, everything happens approximately according to this scenario: a mother brings her child to a group after breakfast, he studies with children and teachers, goes for a walk, but by lunchtime his parents come and take him away, not leaving him for lunch and quiet time. Sometimes kids from the GKP are combined into one separate group, but this is only if there is a place for her in the kindergarten. Usually the children are together, only some are in the care of educators only until lunch, while others come to kindergarten for a full day. From what age do they take to the GKP? As a rule, about 2.5 years before the child begins to go to a regular group, so that he adapts to the team and his new position as a pupil of a preschool educational institution.

Baby and kindergarten

And what about the nursery - do they exist in our time? In Soviet times, it was a completely natural practice when a child was sent to a kindergarten at a year and a half. The decree was short, no payments were made to mothers, so they were forced to go to work just a few months after giving birth. At the same time, it is quite natural that during working hours the care of children fell on the shoulders of the state.

Now, however, most nurseries have simply been reorganized. They function only in some large cities of the country, and even then they do not accept children earlier than a year and a half. Typically, toddlers are required to have basic self-care skills and, of course, to be weaned.

The procedure for admission to the DOE

So what do you need to do to get into kindergarten?

  1. Contact the preschool recruitment commission at the place where the child lives, with a request to put him on the waiting list for kindergarten. You can choose up to three preschools and wait for a free place in any of them.
  2. Wait for the so-called voucher, which opens the doors of the kindergarten for parents and their baby, and go to the head with the appropriate application for admission and all the necessary documents.

It seems that everything is simple? No, at the second stage, the problems are just beginning. In the list of documents, in addition to an application, a copy and originals of a birth certificate, a passport and TIN of one of the parents, birth certificates of other children in the family, a medical insurance policy for a child and an open bank account with a completed passbook and its copy, you need to undergo a profile medical examination and prepare a vaccination card for the baby. According to the latest decrees, if a child does not have all the anti-epidemiological vaccines, they have the right to refuse entry into the kindergarten. Such a decision can be challenged, such precedents already exist, but then parents will need to prove that their child is not sick and does not pose a threat to the health of other babies.

How to bypass the queue in the kindergarten?

Many parents have had to deal with the fact that their queue has been standing still for several months, and there is no place for the child in the selected kindergarten, and, according to the assurances of the head of the preschool educational institution, there will not be. In such situations, it becomes completely unimportant at what age they take to kindergarten for a full day, you want to get into it at least someday, because for some reason other kids go there without any problems. You need to understand that there are categories of citizens who have preferential places in kindergartens. These include:

  • children who have only one parent (guardian) and at the same time he is employed;
  • children of students and especially student mothers;
  • children of disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • orphans or those who are under guardianship;
  • children of military personnel, judges, prosecutors, police officers, parents employed in the pedagogical field (if they are subordinate to the Department of Education in Moscow);
  • kids from large families, also twins and those who already have brothers or sisters in a particular kindergarten.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive and there is someone to move the queue. Purely theoretically, the system for allocating places in kindergartens is absolutely transparent and does not depend on the human factor, but, as practice shows, this is not always the case. There have been, are and will be cases when children were enrolled in a preschool educational institution, bypassing all the formalities, and how to deal with this is still unknown.

Who else can take the child to kindergarten earlier?

So far, in the field, all preschool educational institutions are guided by a single legislative framework, without making exceptions for their wards. They are a little more loyal to this in small settlements, where the population is not so large, and therefore there is no severe shortage of free places in groups for preschoolers. But in large cities this is a real problem - there are not enough kindergartens, including in Moscow. At what age do they take to kindergarten for a full day, we have already said that it is a little easier with the GKP - you can arrange a baby there even at two years old.

But it is worth trying to get into a preschool educational institution for parents who are forced to work for one reason or another. If both the father and mother are officially employed, they are qualified specialists and can prove it, then they have a real opportunity to send the child to kindergarten before the age of three.

Discounts and compensation for payment

Now let's talk about how much you need to pay for a child's stay in kindergarten. As of 2018, parents whose baby goes to a nursery will have to make a monthly payment in the amount of about 1200 rubles, for older children the costs will be slightly less - 1100 rubles. At the same time, the state makes compensations for parents. The discount depends on many factors, such as the number of children in the family, the income level of the parents, whether they have benefits and where they work. The minimum compensation for kindergarten payment is 20% of the payment amount, the maximum is 70%. There is also a group of children who can attend preschool free of charge - disabled people and kids whose parents have disabilities or are military personnel or employees of the educational system.

A little about expensive - private kindergartens

By the way, even without compensations and benefits, municipal kindergartens are quite accessible to citizens, which cannot be said about private preschool educational institutions. The cost of services of such organizations is many times higher and sometimes reaches 25-30 thousand rubles. Of course, good private kindergartens are very different from public ones. The cost of their services, as a rule, includes payment for meals on an individual menu and an extended education program for babies. Recruitment to groups there takes place all year round, such kindergartens accept children under three years old, so for parents who do not want to lose a highly paid and prestigious job, such preschools are a good opportunity to attach a child during working hours and not worry about his safety.

Modern society makes quite high demands on parents in terms of upbringing and education of children. If earlier the child received the first knowledge at school, now an already prepared student comes to the first grade, who can not only put syllables into words, but also read quite fluently. All this is taught now in kindergarten. So parents are worried at what age to send the child to kindergarten so that he does not lag behind his peers, but at the same time does not receive psychological trauma from parting with his mother too early.


One and a half to two years

Preschool institutions accept children for the most part from the age of 1.5, but there are also those (mostly private) who are ready to take them almost from birth. There are increased requirements for nursery groups. For example, a smaller number of children compared to other age groups allows educators to pay attention to everyone.

And yet, psychologists agree that it is too early to send such kids to kindergarten. The fact is that at this age the attachment of the child to the mother is too strong, he needs increased attention, guardianship and care. You can see how children of this age are afraid not only to be left without a mother for several hours, but even just to lose sight of her. This period lasts up to 2.5-3 years.

Some parents tend to take their child to kindergarten earlier, justifying this by the fact that there, communicating with peers, he develops faster. Indeed, the program of preschool educational institutions is aimed at early development, but we should not forget that up to 2.5 years old, kids do not strive for collective games. As teachers and psychologists say, they do not play together, but side by side.

The source of communication, which is more than enough for a one and a half year old child, is his relatives. It is from them that he receives information and acquires the skills necessary for his age. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to send the child to kindergarten too early.

Video: Why does a child need a kindergarten: mothers' opinions

two year olds

You can try to take your child to kindergarten for the first time at 2 years old, if necessary. It should be noted that he will get used to the team not only psychologically, but also physiologically. Being in an unfamiliar environment, being separated from your mother, communicating with many strangers is a serious stress that can lead to frequent illnesses, exacerbation of existing ones, and in more severe cases, to the emergence of new ones.

This is the so-called adaptation, and it is different for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for visiting a preschool institution not only psychologically (introduce the teacher and the territory of the kindergarten, the future group), but also physically (harden, walk more, start taking vitamins in 1-2 months).

A good solution would be to visit a short stay group (2-3 hours a day) or developmental classes that are held 2-3 times a week. In such classes, as a rule, the mother is present with the baby and even performs some tasks with him. The kid is gradually getting used to the fact that he can be interested even without parents, in the circle of his peers. When visiting the kindergarten, he will feel more comfortable.

If, despite all the preparation measures, the child is hard to adapt, constantly cries, nervous breakdowns, exacerbation of diseases and other unpleasant manifestations are observed, then it is better to leave him at home for another year. Excessive psychological stress threatens serious problems in the future.

Video: Psychologist's advice on the age at which a child should be taken to kindergarten

Children from 3 to 4 years old

According to psychologists, this is the optimal age when you need to send your child to kindergarten. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Age crises (2 and 3 years) are over, the next crisis (7 years) is still far away, which means that the child is psychologically more stable, not subject to mood swings. It is easier to find a common language with a three- or four-year-old child than, for example, with a two-year-old who, by all means, strives to insist on his own.
  2. The child is already socially adapted, knows how to follow the rules, understands what adults require of him, and fulfills instructions.
  3. The child's speech is well developed, understandable and logical, others easily understand him.
  4. At the age of 3 years, the child needs to communicate with peers, the environment of his parents becomes small for him. He is able to play with peers for a long time, learning while playing.
  5. Social and everyday skills are developed: he eats independently, cleans up after himself, washes his hands, washes himself, knows how to dress and undress, and neatly fold things.
  6. Children after 3 years of age are able to control the physiological needs even in a dream, waking up if they want to go to the toilet.

Of course, all these skills should be instilled by parents. Some kids at 2-3 years old know how to do all of the above, others even at 5 years old have difficulty dressing. In fact, this not only facilitates the work of educators, but also makes the child's stay in a preschool institution comfortable. He is already self-sufficient, he can do a lot himself, so he does not experience psychological discomfort.

In fact, the age at which a mother should send her child to kindergarten is not as important as the presence of certain skills, indicators of the baby’s readiness to be left without parents for a long time. First of all, attention is drawn to how he builds communication with others, how he perceives the absence of his mother, how developed his social and everyday skills are.