Which baby is 7 months pregnant. Seventh month of pregnancy: the development of the child. Avoid preterm birth

In the second half of pregnancy, your weight continues to increase, the weekly gain is still 250-300 g. With a more significant rate of weight gain, we can first talk about latent, and then about obvious fluid retention - edema, which may be a sign of preeclampsia.

It is believed that during pregnancy a woman should limit herself to an increase of 9-12 kg - depending on the constitution. Optimally, if over the previous two trimesters you added about two-thirds of this increase to your weight, then the last trimester accounts for about one-third - 4 kilograms.

Due to the stretching of the skin on the abdomen and chest, not only the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) is possible, but also a feeling of itching and dryness of the skin - most often in the abdomen. Special creams for pregnant women or regular creams will help to cope with dryness and itching. oily creams containing vitamins A and E.

The rapid growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, which can cause minor pain in the lower abdomen. Usually the pain goes away when the woman changes her body position.

Back pain at this stage of pregnancy appears quite often - they are associated with an increased load on the spine, softening of the joints of the pelvic bones (this is how the body prepares for a possible stretching of the pelvic ring during the passage of the baby's head during childbirth). The more kilograms you have, the harder it is for your spine, so control your weight as much as possible. Sleep on a firm mattress, sit with a straight back, choose chairs with a back and armrests, do not cross your legs - this position not only impedes blood circulation in the legs, but also increases the load on the pelvic bones. Avoid prolonged standing, wear a pregnancy bandage when walking, do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis (for example, "cat's back", Kegel exercises - alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, etc.).

At this stage of pregnancy (and sometimes even earlier), cramps in the muscles of the lower extremities may appear. This ailment, unlike "back" pain, can be prevented. To do this, wear special elastic tights, while relaxing, raise your legs above the level of the body to restore normal blood circulation in them, follow a special diet that maintains the optimal level of calcium and phosphorus in the body, before going to bed, massage your legs from your toes towards the thigh.

In case of varicose veins, which may first appear or progress during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear special knitted underwear. This condition is manifested by discomfort and pain in the legs, especially after prolonged standing; a network of veins appears on the skin of the legs.

To avoid another fairly common ailment of pregnant women - hemorrhoids - it is necessary to prevent the development of constipation with a diet rich in fiber, sleep on your side to avoid pressure on the veins of the rectum, and do exercises that improve blood circulation in this part of the body. These or other symptoms of hemorrhoids occur quite often and to some extent are considered a variant of a normal pregnancy, but you must inform your doctor about them 2.

Since the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal organs has increased significantly, sometimes urinary incontinence is possible when sneezing or coughing. If this happens quite often, use spacers. Do not be discouraged: after a couple of months you will forget about these unpleasant sensations.

Fetal development in the seventh month of intrauterine life

By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is already 40 cm, body weight is 1500 g. From the 28th week of intrauterine development, when the body weight of the fetus is 1000 g or more, the so-called perinatal period begins. It covers all subsequent weeks of pregnancy, childbirth and the next 7 days of a newborn's life.

The baby sets the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, he can wake up in the morning with his mother and greet her with rather violent jolts. Some children, on the contrary, want to “walk” exactly at the time when their mother is sleeping. Under the skin of the child, fatty tissue gradually accumulates.

The heart of the fetus at this time is reduced with the same frequency as in newborns (120-160 beats per minute). From the seventh month of pregnancy, it is possible to record the fetal heartbeat on a cardiotocogram (CTG), which allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and the tone of the uterus. An indicator of the condition of the fetus is also irregular "breathing" movements of the chest, which can be seen with ultrasound.

From this period of pregnancy, a special substance is formed in the lungs of the fetus - a surfactant, which at birth helps to maintain the lung tissue in a straightened state.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is usually born alive. He can survive if he is kept in a special incubator, with artificial lung ventilation and the use of appropriate intensive care and resuscitation equipment. Such a child is born with pronounced signs of prematurity: poor development of subcutaneous adipose tissue, wrinkled skin, abundant cheese-like lubrication; his whole body is covered with fluffy hair.

Possible complications in the seventh month of pregnancy

With the development labor activity after 28 weeks of pregnancy, they no longer talk about miscarriage, but about premature birth. Threat premature birth usually requires hospitalization and treatment. To accelerate the maturation of the lungs of the fetus and stimulate the production of surfactant at this stage of pregnancy, corticosteroid hormones are usually prescribed. This contributes to the survival of the child if, despite the measures taken, he will be born significantly.

With placenta previa, when it covers the area of ​​​​the internal os of the cervix, as the gestational age increases, the risk of bleeding and acute fetal hypoxia increases, so the pregnant woman must be in the hospital.

On seventh month of pregnancy sometimes there are signs of such complications as preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, but in any case, the expectant mother needs mandatory treatment, since this condition is dangerous not only for her, but also for her child.

At this stage of pregnancy, constant monitoring of urinalysis is required - this is necessary for the timely diagnosis of urinary tract infections, preeclampsia and some other pathological conditions. The frequent development of urinary tract infections in the 6-8th month of pregnancy is associated with their expansion due to the action of progesterone and other hormones, as well as the mechanical pressure of the growing uterus.

The seventh month of pregnancy opens the last,.

Oddly enough, it can be called a period of calm and calm, because the expectant mother has gone through all the basic procedures and examinations, and can fully devote herself to preparing for.

Let's take a look at the main physical and psychological conditions that a woman is likely to face in her seventh month of pregnancy.

The activity of the baby inside the mother increases significantly, he moves much more often and longer.

There are problems with digestion. Gas formation in the intestines increases, heartburn sometimes torments, constipation may occur. To reduce such unpleasant manifestations, you should eat healthy food and follow the doctor's recommendations related to nutritional habits.

Do not avoid aching pain in the underbelly and in the back, in particular, in the lumbar region.

One of the problem areas will be the legs. Sometimes their muscles can reduce spasms, such a nuisance as varicose veins is not ruled out. Moreover, it can occur not only on the legs, but also in the area of ​​​​the rectum.

Also on the seventh pregnancy there are a number of planned studies that you have to go through:

  • Already habitual weighing and measurement of pressure;
  • Urinalysis to determine the content of sugar and protein in it;
  • Determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • Examining your limbs for signs of varicose veins or swelling
  • Measurement of the size of the fetus and its position using palpation;
  • Listening to the baby's heartbeat.

Most importantly, do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you have any questions regarding pregnancy or unusual symptoms.

This period is called the "nesting period". Buying clothes for a newborn, choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery - how many interesting worries you have! It’s good that now you no longer have to waste time on work, ”because it is in this month that they issue sick leave on pregnancy and childbirth.

What happens in the body of a future mother at 7 months of pregnancy

The fundus of the uterus (its top part) this month is at a height of 28-32 cm above the bosom. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is determined 2-3 cm above the navel, and by the end of the seventh month it is located in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process. The internal organs are displaced upwards and, together with the uterus, compress the diaphragm, thereby restricting the free movements of the lungs. There is dyspnea, which is aggravated by physical activity, in the hypochondrium due to the pressure of the uterus arise pain.

The dark line crossing the abdomen from top to bottom becomes more noticeable. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a disruption in the synthesis of the two most important components of the skin - collagen and elastin polymer proteins. These substances give the skin the qualities of rubber - extensibility, contractility and elasticity. With their lack, the skin begins to thin, especially in places subject to the greatest stretching, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of intradermal tears. The body quickly restores the lost integrity by “smearing over the cracks” with connective tissue, as a result, striae (stretch marks) appear on the surface of the skin. They look like reddish stripes, sometimes slightly rising above the surface of the skin, appear on the mammary glands, lateral surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. Doesn't exist yet effective ways prevent or cure stretch marks. The likelihood of their occurrence increases if the fetus is large, if the pregnant woman quickly gains weight or there is polyhydramnios. Lotions or creams designed specifically for pregnant women may have some effect. Such products contain vitamins A and E, as well as substances that improve blood circulation and moisturize the skin. Their use is well combined with a simple massage: you should stroke your stomach in a circular motion and pinch the skin around the periphery of the abdomen. However, with the threat of interruption, such a massage is contraindicated, because. may increase uterine tone.

In the breast, the formation of colostrum, the precursor of milk, may begin. This is the liquid that will be the first food of a newborn baby. If there is a discharge from the chest, use special bra pads,

In the last three months, you will gain approximately 300-400 g per week. By the end of the seventh month, the total weight gain will reach 7-11 kg, depending on starting weight women: the less weight was before pregnancy, the more weight the expectant mother can put on.

Unborn baby at 7 months pregnant

The baby occupies almost all the space in the uterus, the size of his head is already more or less proportional to the size of his body. During this month, he will grow a lot, and by the end of the month his “height” will be 40-41 cm, and his weight will be 1.6-1.7 kg.

Due to the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the skin does not become red, but pink color. The baby has already grown eyebrows and eyelashes, hair is growing. The cartilages of the nose and ears are soft, and the nails do not reach the end of the toes and hands.

The size of the brain increases, nerve cells begin to function actively, protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers, and the structure of the cerebral cortex improves. A seven-month-old baby feels pain, is capable of learning, and reacts in much the same way as a full-term baby. For example, when pressing on the stomach, it begins to move, and from a strong noise it starts to bounce. If the sound is repeated, then the fetus gradually reduces the motor reaction, and then stops moving altogether, and in response to other sounds, movements can be observed again.

At this age, the fetus is able to distinguish very subtle flavors due to the fact that it has more taste buds on the tongue than it will at birth. The pupillary membrane disappears from the eyes, they open and close.

Now the baby uses the whole set of senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch.

The child begins to regulate its own temperature, and its bone marrow is fully responsible for the production of red blood cells, replenishing the blood vessels. Your blood never mixes with the baby's blood, they are separated by a very thin septum - the placental barrier, through which water, nutrients and waste are exchanged - at a rate of 10 ml per second. The fetus begins to exercise its lungs by rhythmically lifting the chest, which sometimes causes amniotic fluid to enter the respiratory tract, causing hiccups.

The child is energetic and very active at times. Growth continues, there is less and less room for movement, so by 28 weeks the baby will be in the final position for childbirth (usually head down). This position obstetricians call the head presentation. Although some fetuses allow themselves to move freely until much later - up to the 40th week, and approximately 3-4% of babies will remain until the end of pregnancy in the gluteal or breech presentation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 7 months of pregnancy

You have recovered and become quite clumsy. On later dates Pregnancy is often disturbed by back pain. Their cause is an increased level of the hormone relaxin, which relaxes all the ligaments and muscles, preparing them for childbirth. The action of relaxin is diverse. By loosening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, it changes the way a pregnant woman walks, making you waddle like a duck. Relaxing the muscular wall of the veins, it leads to an increase in their varicose expansion, the muscles of the esophagus - to the appearance of heartburn, and the muscles Bladder- to the appearance of urinary incontinence. In order not to hurt your back, it is important to monitor your posture. Some happy women may not experience any discomfort, but this does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of a child. It all depends on various factors, including heredity and the level of physical fitness.

You often wake up at night. You may have very vivid dreams about childbirth or a baby. Dreams are usually caused by an uncomfortable position during sleep or by the movements of the child,

The husband can feel with his hand and even see the movements of the child. The motor activity of the fetus becomes more organized and constant. If there are fewer movements than usual, that is, their number has changed dramatically compared to previous days, you should consult a doctor. At this time, the baby's tremors can be very painful. To reduce this pain, you can lie on your side.

Psychology of the seventh month

Possible deviations from the norm - 7 months of pregnancy

The diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation is very scary for expectant mothers. This means that the fetus in the womb is lagging behind in growth and weight. Please note that the diagnosis of "delay" refers to the height and weight of the baby and does not mean a mandatory delay in the development of his brain. If the estimated weight of the child is 10% below the established for this period pregnancy is normal (i.e., it is more than 2 weeks behind the deadline), which means there is cause for concern, treatment is needed. The reasons for intrauterine growth retardation may be:

  • genetically determined low weight and height of the child, if he has undersized parents;
  • anemia and little weight gain in the mother;
  • smoking (the more cigarettes you smoke, the worse your baby grows and develops);
  • maternal diseases, in particular heart defects, arterial hypertension, pathology of the thyroid gland and kidneys;
  • late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • anomalies of the placenta and umbilical cord vessels;
  • taking a pregnant woman a large number of various drugs or unfavorable ecology;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • residence of a pregnant woman in high mountainous areas.

Intrauterine growth retardation is diagnosed by ultrasound. Abnormalities are also recognized by measuring the uterus at regular intervals and finding that it has not changed. For the treatment of intrauterine growth retardation, many medications are used that provide a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, for example, ACTOVEGIN, CURANTIL, TRENTAL, INSTENON, multivitamins. You may be prescribed bed rest, which allows you to increase blood flow to the placenta. Of great importance for improving the condition of the fetus is good nutrition with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, each time the doctor will not only listen to the baby's heart, but also determine its position with his hands. It can be longitudinal, transverse or oblique. The longitudinal position of the fetus is normal. Depending on what is closer to the womb: the head of the child or the buttocks, head and breech presentations are also distinguished.

If, upon examination, the doctor establishes a breech presentation, then in the absence of contraindications, he recommends gymnastics that helps turn the child “on his head”. In order not to interfere with the rotation, you should not wear a bandage with a breech presentation. You can also use special exercises. Usually, in response to this "gymnastics", the child begins to move quite actively. If at the next examination the doctor establishes a cephalic presentation, feel free to put on a bandage to secure it.

The seventh month of pregnancy is a critical period in which pregnant women with a large number of risk factors for miscarriage may begin preterm labor. If you have such a chance, then try to abstain from sexual intercourse, watch your weight, eat optimally, stop working, stay away from people with colds, Follow the instructions of your doctor, do not take any medication without his prescription. You may need to stay in the hospital to keep the pregnancy going. Signs of preterm labor are:

  • pain resembling menstrual;
  • soreness or a feeling of pressure in the pelvis, extending to the lumbar region and thighs;
  • changes in the nature of the discharge, especially if it is watery or bloody (the appearance of a thick plug of mucus may precede the appearance of blood).

Necessary medical measures at 7 months of pregnancy

From now on, you need to visit your doctor once a day of the week. This month, many tests and examinations by specialists will have to be repeated. A general blood test, urine test, a re-examination for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, a consultation with a therapist and an oculist are required.

Your doctor may also order a blood sugar test, a biochemical test, and a blood clotting test.

Pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and with 0 (1) blood group undergo blood tests for antibodies. This test should indicate if there is a risk of an immunological reaction between your blood and the baby's. This reaction can cause problems with subsequent pregnancies and the health of newborns.

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, one of the leading methods for assessing the condition of the fetus is recording a cardiotocogram (CTG). CTG recorders automatically read the fetal heart rate and record it on a graph as a curve. In addition to the heart rate, they also record fetal movements and the strength of uterine contractions, which is also reflected in the graph. Recording is carried out within 20-40 minutes. By studying the change in the fetal heart rate depending on its movements or uterine activity, the doctor may suggest the presence of oxygen deficiency or other diseases in the fetus. Such a study is prescribed once after the 28th week. From 30 weeks of pregnancy, all working pregnant women are issued a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth with a duration of 140 calendar days(70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). The exception is women who are carrying two or more children: they are issued a sick leave at 28 weeks for a period of 180 days. If you have been observed in this antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks, then you will be issued a birth certificate along with a certificate of incapacity for work. If the period of observation in this antenatal clinic is less than 12 weeks, then you will receive a birth certificate later (when this criterion is met), since this document is issued only if you are observed after pregnancy for more than 12 weeks.

What do you need to get a birth certificate?

To obtain a birth certificate, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport or other document proving citizenship Russian Federation;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (for working women).

Rules of conduct at 7 months of pregnancy

As you gain weight, your movements become more and more slow and clumsy. Due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of your body is constantly shifting, so now it is very important to monitor your posture when walking or sitting. Do gymnastics regularly, walk more often, swim, wear shoes only with low and stable heels. Don't walk for very long, use every opportunity to rest your feet: your feet should rest above the level of your heart. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. Remember to visit the toilet as often as possible. Now it is very difficult to control the degree of filling of the bladder, because it is quite squeezed by the uterus, so the first urge to urinate often requires immediate action. Do not wait until you feel like going to the toilet, go there "prophylactically".

Household chores at 7 months pregnant

Is it worth it to do any repairs during pregnancy? The question is very controversial, but if you want to update the apartment for the arrival of a new resident, then do not put off. Almost all the preparations for the birth of a baby should be, if not completed, then they will decide: this month. Now you still have the strength to walk around the children's shops. If you are not prone to superstition, do not put off shopping, the three remaining months are very, very short.

Now is the time to think about whether you are ready for childbirth. You can talk about this with your doctor or read special literature, but the most effective, according to the unanimous opinion of doctors and expectant mothers, is attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. It is better to sign up for a childbirth preparation group now, so that by the time of childbirth you have already managed to listen to the weight course. Such courses can be taken in your antenatal clinic or at the maternity hospital you like. In addition, there are many centers for future parents. You can choose the group that you think suits you best. When choosing a group for preparing for childbirth, use the recommendation of your girlfriends who have given birth, discuss the choice with your doctor: he probably has his own opinion about each nearby center. Many classes can be attended with the future dad, especially if he wants to be present at the birth.

In the classes at the school for expectant mothers, the doctor or midwives will talk about the course of childbirth, about what procedures are expected of you, what is required of you at one time or another during childbirth. You will be shown methods of labor pain relief, taught how to breathe correctly, and will help you cope with the natural fear of childbirth. In the group you will meet other pregnant women, you will learn that the difficulties you face and the fears that you have are inherent in a lot.

Having visited such a school, you will be ready for the upcoming very important event in your life, you will have more knowledge, and therefore confidence in the successful outcome of childbirth.

7 obstetric month - the time of the end of the quiet second trimester. You may experience lower back pain, leg swelling, and dizziness. What sensations are normal, and what should cause concern - about all this later.

The formation of the internal organs and systems of your baby is almost complete. The kid began to develop rapidly physically, which means to move more. You can clearly feel his movements. Your uterus is already rising above your navel, your belly is quite prominent.

Does your stomach hurt at 7 months pregnant?

Should I be worried if your lower abdomen is pulling at the 7th month of pregnancy? There can be several reasons for pulling abdominal pain:

  • stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus (discomfort is felt from the sides);
  • softening of the cartilage of the pubic symphysis (a slight pain occurs mainly with sudden movements);
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • training cramping attacks (mostly they appear in response to the movements of the baby, last no more than 2-3 minutes);
  • detachment of the placenta.
The reason for going to the doctor is the ongoing pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs regularly with a frequency of 10-20 minutes for several hours. If spotting occurs, call an ambulance immediately.

The above symptoms are signs of threatened preterm labor or placental abruption. Any sharp pains and deterioration in well-being is always a reason to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Discharge at 7 months pregnant

Vaginal discharge at this time can be plentiful. Normally, it is a homogeneous transparent discharge of white or cream color. Bleeding at 7 months of pregnancy - in most cases, this is a sign of placental abruption. Pink or brown discharge, or with an unpleasant odor, should also alert. Blood impurities can also indicate problems with the cervix, vaginal injuries. An unpleasant odor accompanies infectious diseases that need to be treated.

Thrush at 7 months pregnant

What to do if you have thrush (candidiasis, candidal colpitis)? Of course, treat. It is not dangerous for you, but the baby can become infected with it during childbirth. Candidiasis is caused by microscopic fungi of the genus Candida. Normally, they are present on the mucous membranes, but some factors provoke the reproduction of fungi (violation of microflora, decreased immunity, hormonal disorders, etc.). If you find symptoms of thrush (burning, itching and curdled discharge), contact your gynecologist for an examination. He will prescribe the course of treatment you need.

Toxicosis at 7 months of pregnancy

Is it normal to have nausea at 7 months pregnant? If it appears occasionally, then do not worry. Nausea with vomiting can be a sign of food poisoning. If the feeling of nausea is felt often, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, severe swelling and increased blood pressure, consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of late toxicosis (preeclampsia, preeclampsia) and kidney pathology.

Cold at 7 months pregnant

Is SARS or influenza dangerous at 7 months of pregnancy? Any viral or infectious diseases are undesirable during the bearing of your baby. They have a negative impact on your health, and therefore on the well-being of your child. In the seventh month, viruses are no longer as dangerous to the fetus as they were in the first trimester. In rare cases, they can cross the placenta. But the baby already has immunity, and the likelihood of his recovery is high.

If you have heat you can take antipyretics. The rest of the medicines are strictly prescribed by the doctor. After recovery, be sure to contact your doctor.

During epidemics of influenza and respiratory infections, try to avoid public places.

seventh month of pregnancy- this is 24-28 weeks. There was a period of calm. After all, the expectant mother has already passed all the main tests and studies. You are already accustomed to your position. Learned to deal with the stomach. Let's get ready for the birth.

7th month of pregnancy: maternity leave

If you are still working, write an application for maternity leave. Notify the administration of your departure 3 weeks in advance. And if your job requires daily standing for several hours, you need to change your occupation right now. But in any case, seventh month of pregnancy during your lunch break, sit with your legs horizontally. Relax at home and go to bed as early as possible.

7th month of pregnancy: feeling pregnant

TO seventh month of pregnancy you may develop fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. An approximate weight gain by the 28th week is 9 kg. The veins on the chest are becoming more and more visible.

For the third trimester of pregnancy, the following ailments are characteristic:

  • Often worried about heartburn, upset and stomach cramps.
  • It became harder to breathe. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, you will be hot not only in warm, but also in cold weather. Sweating increases.
  • Anemia may appear in the seventh month of pregnancy.
  • It is not excluded the appearance of oblong red spots on the abdomen.
  • As a rule, weak contractions of the uterus begin - false contractions. Usually they are painless.
  • You may have very vivid dreams about your baby or childbirth. Dreams are usually triggered by an uncomfortable sleeping position or by the baby's movements.

Sex at 7 months pregnant

If you are at risk of preterm labor, refrain from sexual intercourse until the end of the pregnancy. If there are no medical contraindications to sexual intercourse, use a condom to reduce the risk of intrauterine infection.

7th month of pregnancy: insomnia

Another problem that you may encounter while on seventh month of pregnancy- insomnia. It may happen that falling asleep becomes a problem for you, although before that you literally slept at every opportunity. Insomnia during pregnancy is exhausting and tiring, but it can be managed. The main thing is to calm down.

7th month of pregnancy: swelling

To prevent swelling, try to quench your thirst with small portions of liquid, drinking no more than 200 ml at a time. For preventive purposes, it is also useful to walk barefoot on grass or sand - this stimulates important points on the feet and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

7th month of pregnancy: increased sweating

With increased sweating, it is necessary to completely abandon outfits made of synthetic fabrics and wear only cotton clothes. It is better not to use antiperspirants - you will benefit from simple deodorants based on natural substances.

Nutrition at 7 months pregnant

According to some studies, a lack of zinc in the body can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, make sure that seventh month of pregnancy foods containing this element were present in your diet - raspberries, blackcurrants, dates, sea fish, lean beef and beef liver, chicken, milk, eggs, beets, celery, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, cereals, garlic, nuts , beans, lentils, green tea, yeast. And keep in mind that the richest source of zinc is wheat bran.

7th month of pregnancy: on examination by a doctor

If everything goes without complications, with seventh month of pregnancy you must attend women's consultation twice a month. Conscientiously follow your doctor's instructions and get tested on time.

Do not refuse hospitalization if the doctor suggests that you go to the hospital to maintain the pregnancy. Preservation of pregnancy may be required with functional insufficiency of cervical pressure (a condition in which the cervix opens prematurely) or with a so-called sensitive uterus, which is characterized by premature contraction.

On seventh month pregnant a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound examination to rule out placenta previa (when children's place located too low, above the internal opening of the cervix). Sometimes expectant mothers are unaware of placenta previa until bleeding occurs in the third trimester. With placenta previa, strict bed rest will help prevent preterm labor. And in some cases, an ultrasound examination allows you to reveal shortcomings in the development of the fetus in time and correct them even before birth.

Consult a doctor if

  • the occurrence of pain and pressure in the lower back or a change in the nature of pain in this part of the back;
  • soreness or pressure in the pelvis, extending to the lumbar region and thighs;
  • the appearance of discharge, especially pink-red or brown.

7th month: fetal development

The baby is active and you can clearly feel his movements. This is a critical stage in the development of the brain. A seven-month-old baby is already able to feel pain in almost the same way as a full-term baby. If the birth occurs now, he will survive. True, the lungs are not yet fully formed. The skin is still red and wrinkled, but fatty tissue is gradually formed under it. There are now even more taste buds on the tongue than at birth, which allows the child to distinguish very subtle shades of taste. He begins to train his gastrointestinal tract and for this he swallows amniotic fluid.

The length of the fruit is about 40 cm. The weight of the fruit is approximately 1.3 kg.

Related content: You may also be interested "Pregnancy and Work" Online samaya.ru

Gestational age:?

intrauterine life in the baby already. However, the birth of a child at this time is fraught with some difficulties, since at the 7th month they are not sufficiently developed, he will need special medical care.

At this age, your baby, at times, it can prevent the expectant mother from falling asleep. The bladder bends and straightens the arms and legs, it becomes in the uterus. Therefore, in the seventh month, a pregnant woman can observe a funny picture when the fetus turns, one or another part of its body.

Talk to the baby, because he is already sensitive to. By the way, like on.

The subcutaneous adipose tissue of the fetus is formed, the top layer of the skin is still wrinkled and has a reddish tint.

The cerebral cortex of the fetus is developing intensively. The fetus in the 7th month is already pain, joy and flavors.

On the seventh month of pregnancy fetus turns head down, resting it on the cervix.

Pregnancy calendar: seventh month

There is little time left before childbirth - you have entered the third trimester of pregnancy. you go out to maternity leave and it's time to take care of yourself and collect a dowry for the crumbs, prepare the house for his arrival - "make a nest." In addition, now is the time to decide on the hospital and get to know the doctor who will conduct your birth, especially if you plan to give birth with your husband.

Changes in the mother's body in the seventh month of pregnancy

At the beginning of the month, the bottom of the uterus is located 2-3 cm above the navel. And by the end of the month, it is already determined in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process, in total it is from 28 to 32 cm from the pubis. The uterus is running out internal organs women and shifts them up. Therefore, the diaphragm is also compressed and can no longer move so freely, there is difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath when walking fast or climbing stairs. Under the ribs, due to the pressure of the uterus, discomfort may occur.

The area around the nipples increases and darkens, dark spots and the line on the abdomen become dark and prominent. Pregnancy hormones change the properties of the skin, affecting proteins - collagen and elastin, they allow the skin to stretch during childbirth. If these proteins are not enough, the skin begins to stretch excessively, and stretch marks form. This became especially noticeable now - when the stomach has increased and the chest has become heavy.

The breasts continue to form lobules and ducts, and colostrum, the precursor to milk, may be secreted. It is necessary to feed the child in the first 2-3 days, now is the time to choose the most comfortable bra - without seams and with a stretchable cup.

This month you will add 300-450 g per week, by the end of this month the total weight gain can be from 7 to 12 kg, depending on the initial build.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the seventh month of pregnancy

You have recovered significantly and your tummy has grown, therefore, you began to feel like a small hippo - round and clumsy. During this period, back pain may occur due to an increase in the concentration of the relaxin hormone, which prepares the ligaments and tissues for childbirth. Because of it, your ligaments and joints have become more loose.

Your gait has become peculiar, waddling like a duck. During pregnancy, the muscles of the veins also relax, so varicose veins may appear, the muscles of the esophagus relax and heartburn occurs more often, and if the muscles of the bladder relax, there may be slight urinary incontinence. All these are temporary difficulties and they will pass after childbirth. Watch your posture - this will not let your back muscles hurt.

You began to have dreams about a child and childbirth, you began to wake up at night for frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, the baby often pushes more actively at night when you are at rest, especially if you lay down uncomfortably for him.

The future dad can now not only feel, but also see the movements of the baby with his eyes - periodically bulges appear on the surface of the abdomen, which are the handle, leg or other parts of the baby's body. If the baby does not move much - perhaps you walk or move a little, but if the child has dramatically changed the number of movements - this is a reason to see a doctor. During this period, if the baby lies head down, his tremors in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver or ribs can be quite strong and even painful. Lie on your side - this will reduce discomfort.

Your feelings have become special - you are no longer interested in everything that does not concern the baby and pregnancy - this is a “narrowing of interests”. You can spend hours reading about babies and care products, studying films and materials on childbirth, but you are not at all interested in everything around you. This is normal - this is how the body sets you up for motherhood - but remember about those around you. They can't always appreciate long talk about diapers, accept that people have other interests besides your future heir. Find yourself a forum of interest, a friend with a child or in position and communicate.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy)

The child has occupied almost all the free space in the uterus, its proportions are beginning to even out, the head is no longer as large as it was before. During this month, he will grow to 40-42 cm and gain weight up to 1600-1800 g. His skin becomes pink due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, he already has quite long hairs on his head. There are eyebrow eyelashes, nails grow, but have not yet reached the edge of the fingers, the ear and nasal cartilages are still soft.

The brain is actively growing and developing, nerve cells are actively working, and protective myelin sheaths appear around the fibers - a kind of isolation. A baby at seven months old can feel pain, can learn, and reacts to all stimuli almost like a normal baby. If a strong noise is heard, he begins to worry, if you press on his stomach, he pushes, and with monotonous sounds, he calms down and falls asleep. In addition, the fruit feels the taste and its shades. Therefore, if mom eats something tasty, the baby will thank her with pushes in the tummy. His eyes distinguish between light and darkness, but there is nothing to look at in his stomach yet - it is always dark there.

The baby already knows how to regulate his body temperature, although not very well yet. His bone marrow is already formed and is responsible for the production of blood cells. He has completely soy blood, although he replenishes his reserves through the placental barrier - there is an exchange of gases and nutrients, and the baby gives his mother the waste substances. The kid begins to train breathing, actively contracting the muscles of the chest, which sometimes leads to hitting amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract, then the baby begins to hiccup.

The kid has become strong and energetic, he clearly pushes and can even be distinguished. How does he do it - with arms or legs. From about 28 weeks, he occupies a head-down position in the uterus, although he can still turn.

Dangers of the seventh month of pregnancy

In this period, intrauterine growth retardation may be detected - this is a lag in growth and weight of the fetus, which frightens pregnant women. However, this may be due to an error in determining the timing and does not mean at all that his brain is developing poorly and the child will be defective. It is worth worrying and being examined if the delay from the deadline is 2 or more weeks. The reasons for this condition can be - genetic characteristics, parents and the whole family are low, anemia in the mother or her bad habits, toxicosis, illness, and so on. More precisely, the doctor will tell you after the ultrasound and tests. If necessary, you will be admitted to a hospital or treated at home - they will prescribe drugs that improve the delivery of nutrients to the fetus and vitamins.

In addition, from this month the doctor will determine the position of the fetus - if it lies across or head up. This can complicate childbirth, and the doctor will prescribe exercises that will “persuade” the baby to turn around head down. In addition, after turning the baby, the doctor will ask you to wear a bandage.

In the seventh month, women at risk can sometimes experience preterm labor. If there is a threat, you should take care - monitor the weight. Refrain from intimate life, stop working. Listen to the advice of your doctor and get plenty of rest, if you need to lie down to save - do not refuse.

Medical observation in the seventh month of pregnancy

From now on, visits to the doctor will take place every two weeks. In addition, it will be necessary to repeat all the tests and undergo examinations by doctors. Blood is donated - general and biochemical tests, urine, examination for syphilis and hepatitis, consultation of a therapist and an oculist is indicated. If a pregnant woman has the first blood type and negative Rh factor, it is passed or taken place also inspection on a level of antibodies.

At 30 weeks (or at 28 if you are expecting twins), you will be issued a sick leave and a birth certificate. From now on, your maternity leave will begin. Its term is 70 days before delivery and 70 after them. To obtain these documents, you need a passport and a policy, a pension certificate and a compulsory medical insurance policy if you are working. With this birth certificate, you will receive assistance in the maternity hospital and pediatric care after the baby is born.

Your weight is increasing. And the tummy moves forward more and more, the center of gravity shifts - therefore, pick up comfortable shoes so as not to fall and not get tired. Your movements should be unhurried, be careful - your tummy can touch the door handles, the corners of the tables. Try to avoid traveling to public transport during rush hours and shopping on sale days - you may be accidentally pushed.

You need to continue regular classes at the pregnancy school or fitness, do breathing exercises and stretching at home. Now it is important to regularly visit the toilet in a small way, so as not to create stagnation of urine and prerequisites for infection.

Rest more often with raised legs, getting out of bed, first roll over on your side, and then get up without straining your abdominals. Take frequent walks in nature, by the water, or in a park.

Of course, now you want to repair the house - but shift these worries to your relatives, it will not do you any good. But make a shopping list for the crumbs and gradually buy little things in stores.

Yes, you are already quite tired. But just a little bit - two months ...

Pregnancy by month:


7 months of pregnancy is the period when you can finally go on vacation. Now is not the time to think about work. It is worth buying clothes for the baby, choosing a maternity hospital, devoting more time to yourself. Right now you will be given a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

Your internal organs have shifted, your uterus presses on your lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Now shortness of breath may appear, pain will increase if you are engaged in physical activity.

During this period, stretch marks may appear on the body, which cannot be cured or prevented. Their appearance can be reduced special creams and anti-stretch mark lotions that are made for pregnant women.

Colostrum may begin to form in the breast. In the future it will become milk.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the child has already grown eyebrows and cilia, hair and nails are growing. The size of the brain becomes larger, its cells are actively functioning. The baby already feels pain, and has all the set of feelings, like a full-term baby. His eyes can already close and open, the baby distinguishes tastes. And most importantly, he already has a full set of feelings. These are sight, hearing, taste and touch.

Now you have already recovered significantly. You may start to suffer from back pain. To avoid this, watch your posture. You often wake up at night, you have vivid and memorable dreams. This is due to the fact that you are lying incorrectly, and the baby is moving inside you.

Now you will be of little interest, except for the upcoming birth. Since your husband and friends are tired of such conversations, try to find like-minded people elsewhere. It could be your fitness club where you work out with expectant mothers, a prenatal club, or just a forum on the Internet.

If you are planning a trip in the seventh month, then this is not entirely true. If you are traveling close to home, you can. But if you want to fly away to rest in the other direction, it is better to refrain. If any unforeseen problems arise, up to childbirth, it is better to be close to home.

But sex at 7 months of pregnancy, on the contrary, is useful. Of course, if there are no medical contraindications. In this case, having sex is even useful.

Food should also be helpful. It is worth watching what you eat, because the baby inside you continues to develop. Take the vitamins prescribed by the doctor. Eat omega-3 fatty acids, iron.

The diet must include meat and fish, seeds and nuts, yogurt and vegetables. Now you can eat sauerkraut, which will help to cope with constipation. Don't eat a lot of sweets. Instead, eat cereals, nuts, and fruits.

Of course, as before, you can not drink alcoholic beverages. Limit salty, fried, fatty foods. Now is not the right time to drink a lot of water, do not eat after six. Limit salt intake, which retains fluid in the body and causes swelling.

7th week of pregnancy, description of fetal development

How does the baby grow, the size and weight of the child at 7 weeks of gestation

At the 7th week of pregnancy, your child has grown to approximately 8 mm - he is like a pea (Moreover, at the beginning of the 7th week, his growth from crown to tailbone was 4-5 mm, and by the end up to 11-13 mm). Weight - about 0.8 g.

A big event of the 7th week of pregnancy - hands and feet appeared on the developing arms and legs! True, they now look more like fins than like tiny, plump limbs that you dream of holding in your hands. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and boasts a small tail - an extension of the coccyx. The tail will disappear in the next two weeks and is the only thing that is decreasing in your baby. Other than that, he's growing by leaps and bounds, having doubled in size in the past week. If you could look inside yourself, you would see the folds of the eyelids partially covering the eyes, which have also already acquired color, a tiny nose and thin wreaths under transparent skin. At the 7th week of pregnancy, both hemispheres of the brain continue to develop. The heart protrudes from the body. By this time, it has already been divided into left and right chambers. The rudiments of bronchi appeared in the lungs - channels through which air enters the lungs of a person, a kidney is laid, and the intestine actively grows. The liver begins to work, which takes over the function of hematopoiesis.

How do you change, the sensations in your body

Your uterus has doubled in size in the past 5 weeks (before pregnancy your uterus was the size of a fist, at 7 weeks pregnant it looks more like a big orange). As your uterus grows, you may feel cramps and even pain in your lower abdomen or sides. Some women feel tension or contractions in the uterus.

Eating can stop being enjoyable due to morning sickness. If you do not have nausea, do not tell other pregnant women - there is a chance that some will not forgive you for this.

Due to the increased volume of blood and extra fluid produced by the kidneys (by 7 weeks pregnant you already have a 10% increase in blood volume. And by the end of pregnancy, to meet the needs of the baby, this figure will increase to 40-45 percent), you may urinate more often. This is facilitated by the increased pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

Approximately half of women experiencing early toxicosis will say goodbye to all its manifestations by week 14. The rest should take no more than a month. But often you will have to get used to running to the toilet. Studies show that both volume and frequency of urination only increase throughout pregnancy. So do not grumble if at 7 weeks of pregnancy you have to get up once at night to go to the toilet - in the later stages you may need to get up once an hour :))

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the mucus in the cervix becomes thick, forming the so-called mucous plug, which encloses the uterus from the outside world. The cork will come out just before the birth and will resemble the so-called "daub". At 7 weeks pregnant, your breast areolas (pigmented areas around your nipples) may darken. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy.

What to do at 7 weeks pregnant

Snap your tummy! Get someone to take a picture of you this week, before the pregnancy became visible. And keep taking pictures once a month until the birth. These tummies will remain your memory of the whole amazing transformation. Of course, you will look more effective in profile. Black and white and nude shots can be especially beautiful.

Question to the doctor at 7 weeks pregnant:

What is the best way to recognize the presence of malformations in the fetus?

There are no absolute tests to detect fetal malformations; each test has its own advantages and disadvantages. The earliest of these tests are only available in preparation for IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). After the stage of in vitro fertilization, before the blastocyst is placed in the uterus, a couple of cells are taken from it for a sample, and this is called “preimplantation genetic diagnosis”. Experimental methods include detecting fetal cells through the cervical canal or in the mother's bloodstream and performing a DNA analysis of these cells. The next test involves an ultrasound examination of the fetus for congenital malformations.

In a chorionic biopsy, the doctor obtains a sample of cells from the placenta by inserting a needle through the abdominal wall or cervical canal. It is performed at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy and the result is ready in 24-48 hours. Amniocentesis is a procedure for obtaining fetal cells from amniotic fluid, performed at 14-18 weeks of pregnancy, the result is ready in 9-10 days. Early amniocentesis can be performed at 11 to 14 weeks of gestation, and an embryonic karyotype can be quickly obtained by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). This early amniocentesis may be preferable when a severe hereditary pathology is expected. The earlier an amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy is performed, the higher the risk of spontaneous abortion.

The so-called "triple test" (alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, choriogonin) or "quadruple test" (alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, choriogonin, inhibin) of the blood serum of a pregnant woman can be performed at 15 - 20 weeks of pregnancy (ideally at 17 - 18 weeks). These tests provide information about the possible increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects in the fetus, but they do not specify the type of abnormality. To obtain an accurate result, it is necessary to take into account the age of the mother and the number of fetuses.

Recently, new tests have also appeared, released by UltraScreen (GeneCare, Medical Genetics Center). The test detects 2 proteins in the blood serum - free beta-CG and pregnancy-associated plasma protein ("pregnancy-associated plasma protein A" - PAPPA). This blood test detects 68% of fetuses with Down syndrome and 90% of fetuses with trisomy-18 (Edwards).

Childbirth. childbirth periods. Second stage of labor

Biochemical tests can be combined with ultrasonic measurement of the thickness of the nuchal space (NTT, or NT in English abbreviation), which is the accumulation of fluid under the skin of the occiput of the embryo. This combination reveals 91% of cases of Down syndrome (trisomy-21) and 97% of cases of Edwards syndrome (trisomy-18).

The newer tests used in the first trimester are also aimed at detecting other proteins associated with pregnancy. They are also preferably performed together with the measurement of fetal TVP at 11-14 weeks. Allows you to identify about 70% of all defects (varies from 40% to 100% for different researchers) during screening of pregnant women. Recent studies support the notion that indications for amniocentesis are more accurate based on first trimester testing than based on the age of the pregnant woman (younger or older than 35 years).

From the book by W. and M. Sears “All the necessary information for future mother from the birth of an idea to the birth of a child

Thanks for not drinking

The adverse effect of alcohol on child development was discovered as early as the beginning of the 20th century, when doctors noticed that nine months after the wine festivals held in Europe, the number of newborns with malformations increased. Unfortunately, the alcohol you drink enters not only into your blood, but also into the blood of the child, and in the same concentration.

Excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to the fact that the child is born with a fetal alcohol syndrome, which includes a variety of malformations. Children with this syndrome have a smaller stature, as well as a smaller weight and brain size than normal infants. Sometimes their brain is underdeveloped and they lag behind in mental development. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome also differ in appearance: their eyes are smaller than usual, their nose is short, upper lip thin. In addition, they have anomalies in the development of the arms, legs and heart. Alcohol causes the greatest harm in the first trimester of pregnancy. Studies show that maternal alcoholism can lead to pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, low birth weight, or premature birth. Like smoking, alcohol most severely damages brain cells.

In addition to immediate harm developing child, alcohol has another drawback: it contains a lot of "empty" calories, depriving the mother of good nutrition. The consequences of mother's alcoholism for the child are called "lifelong hangovers".

Possible Questions About Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy

I like to have a glass of wine with dinner sometimes. Can it harm my child?

Probably not. However, no one can give you a safe dose. Any potentially dangerous substance has a certain "threshold", above which this substance will begin to cause harm. With regard to alcohol, we know that a large amount of alcohol is very harmful to a child, and a moderate amount is less harmful. However, we don't know—and we may never know—whether a small amount of alcohol does little harm. Maybe the children of teetotalers are a little smarter and bigger than those of those who sometimes allow themselves to drink a glass? Studies show that both "holiday" drinking (five or more drinks at a time) and regular drinking during pregnancy (an average of two drinks a day) harm the baby. (By "serving" we mean 1 ounce of spirits, 8 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer.) In the first trimester, the risk is much higher than, for example, at thirty-six weeks, when all of your baby's organs are already fully formed. An occasional glass of wine or a glass of beer in the last month of pregnancy is unlikely to harm your baby.

I drank wine several times before I found out I was pregnant. Can it harm my child?

Probably not. There is no reason to believe that alcohol at a very early stage of pregnancy (before implantation occurs) can harm the fetus, since the placenta has not yet begun to form. Folk wisdom says that two weeks (on average) between fertilization and a missed period are absolutely safe in this regard. If during this period you drank every day or drank more than five drinks at a time, share your doubts with your doctor. If not, relax.

However, now in your behavior you should rely on common sense and the results of scientific research. Refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy. The effect of small doses has not yet been clarified, but just in case, it is better not to drink at all. The occasional glass of wine is unlikely to harm your child, but when it comes to alcohol, no one can guarantee that there is such a thing as a "safe" dose. If you are at an event where alcoholic drinks are served, drink what a child would drink - after all, you carry it in you. Order the usual drinks, but without alcohol. (If it's tomato or orange juice, the benefits are double.) Treat yourself to something special, like an unusual appetizer or dessert.

If you feel like you need a drink from time to time to relax, check with your doctor or midwife and they will advise you on an alternative (relaxation bath, warm milk, chamomile tea, meditation). Very soon you will find that the fatigue of the first months of pregnancy will make sleep the most attractive means of relaxation!

If at the 7th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls or hurts, see your doctor so that he can rule out a possible uterine tone. Drawing pains in the 7th week of pregnancy may also mean that you should avoid exertion. Keep in mind, at the 7th week of pregnancy, the discharge may become more pronounced. This is quite typical for the beginning of pregnancy, and before the birth itself, it can be water - be especially careful. On page 7 week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus will help you understand at what stage of development the child is.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, blood will need to be tested to make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy. In addition, we recommend that you follow the change hCG levels and compare it with the normal value at the 7th week of pregnancy. We also recommend visiting our pregnancy forum, which will help you get more information about the development of the fetus and your body at 7 weeks from the moment of conception.

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