25 weeks is considered the norm. Breech presentation of the fetus

Mom at 25 weeks pregnant

Mom's rest, as a rule, is distributed between two poles: a state of physical and intellectual idleness, on the one hand, and active, enjoyable pastime, on the other. Between them, moderate physical activity in the pool or fitness club, walks on fresh air and meeting with friends, meditation and going to the theater, reading books and traveling to the sea.

The rule “good/healthy/comfortable for mom” is also relevant for relaxation. The pleasure hormones coming from the mother, the expansion of the repertoire of impressions, new sensations from traveling by train, flying on an airplane, sailing on a ship, boat or motorboat, the sounds of the sea surf, the rustling of oak trees, etc. are useful for the Baby. But the most important thing:

  • During rest, the Baby will have the opportunity to communicate with you much more often than in the daily routine - after all, you will definitely find time to talk to him, stroke him (even through the wall of his stomach), sing songs to him, rhythmically patting his stomach , talk about what you see and feel, play, conduct special classes, etc. Both before and after birth, the baby dreams that his mother will belong entirely to him. It is unlikely that this is possible twenty-four hours a day (physically this is true, but emotionally it is not), but paying attention to the Baby several times during the day (from five to thirty minutes) is quite possible for you. Mom’s attention and communication with her is a powerful factor in a child’s development: your Baby is sensitive to moments when your energy is directed exclusively at him. He rejoices in his own way: he actively reacts with movements when you address him, sing songs or read poetry, swims up to your palm on his stomach or rests his leg, fist on it, etc. Communication with you helps general development your baby’s emotional well-being affects not only his active growth, but also his mental health - a guarantee that his attention, memory, thinking, speech and all natural abilities will develop well;
  • thanks to active recreation and fresh air, oxygen access to the Baby’s growing body increases, metabolic processes intensify, his stomach and intestines function better, brain activity is more active, the baby’s appetite and mood improves;
  • The baby gets great pleasure in a state of “double weightlessness” - when the mother swims or at least is just in the water. The atmospheric pressure on the walls of the abdomen in water is significantly reduced, and the Baby floats in his own space or, if your baby is already 6 months or more, feels greater freedom to move his arms and legs. Of course, we are not talking about staying in a bath, but at least in a pool, or a river, or in the sea;
  • Immersion in the world of musical sounds is also useful for the Baby, as it develops his sense of rhythm, ear for music, and promotes the development of musical abilities. This effect is even stronger if you not only listen to music, but also move to the beat of the melody. In the latter case, the development of kinesthetic sensations and the vestibular apparatus as a whole occurs - in the future this will be useful for developing a sense of balance and the ability to crawl, stand and walk, and even later - to dance, tumble, etc.;
  • There is an assumption that the mother’s contemplation of the beauty of nature, paintings by famous artists, works of ancient and modern architecture influences the development of the Baby’s sensitivity to beauty and the development of artistic taste. And your baby certainly shares with you, starting from the second trimester, all the emotional experiences associated with joining the world culture. And this is certainly useful for him.

25th week of pregnancy: Video "Sex during pregnancy"

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s condition begins to change. Just yesterday everything seemed easy and simple, future mom was quite mobile and agile, and a few days later she increasingly complains of pain, fatigue and begins to dream about the upcoming exit to maternity leave. Why this happens and what else is remarkable about the 25th week, we will tell you in this article.

How many months is this?

The 25th week of pregnancy is one of the final weeks in the second trimester. After the 26th week, the third trimester will begin - the “finish line” on the way to the long-awaited meeting with the baby. In the meantime, the penultimate week of the second third of the gestation period is underway; by calendar standards, it is the sixth month, and by obstetric standards, the seventh month of pregnancy has begun, and this week is the first in it.

This difference is due to the fact that the usual calendar counts 9 months in pregnancy, and the lunar (obstetric) calendar - 10. Each obstetric month has exactly 4 weeks, while the calendar month can have from 28 to 31 days.

The beginning of the 25th week means that the 23rd week has passed from the moment of conception, and almost 21 weeks ago the delay in menstruation began. There is still quite a long time left before giving birth - almost 15 weeks, and the 24-25 week that will be discussed is, in its own way, a “turning point”.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019

Woman's feelings

Habitual everyday activities begin to tire the expectant mother. It is already becoming difficult for her to stand at the stove for a long time, sit at her workplace or at lectures at the university. The more kilograms she managed to gain by this week, the more noticeable the deterioration of her condition.

Outwardly, she may not show it, but when alone with themselves, many pregnant women begin to dream of not having to get up in the morning when the alarm clock rings. 25 obstetric week begins to gradually, step by step, “show” the expectant mother other aspects of the “interesting situation” - not the most pleasant ones. Everything that happens to the mother now is directly related to the pace of development of her baby.


The baby is actively accumulating fat and muscle mass and growing, so it is natural that his movements become more and more noticeable to the mother. By the beginning of the 25th week, women have already adapted well to these sensations, because many, especially in their second or third pregnancy, have been feeling the activity of their child for a month and a half. And by the beginning of the seventh obstetric month, first-time women are already quite “settled” and clearly feel their baby.

Movements at this stage are regular. However, there is no need to count them yet; doctors recommend doing this from the 28th week of pregnancy. For now, it is enough to mentally record the facts of the baby’s coup or other movement. Very active, restless movements for several hours may indicate that the baby is experiencing discomfort. Lack of movement throughout the day is also considered alarming.

The activity of children gradually increases. The current period is considered the beginning of the peak of activity; now, up to the 32nd week, the baby will noticeably kick and push his mother, waking her up in the middle of the night; the future father can already feel his movements if he puts his hand on his wife’s stomach. After 32 weeks, there will be less room for movement in the uterus, and your son or daughter will be less active.

You should not assume that the baby’s life in the womb is different from the mother’s. A woman and her child are inextricably linked. And it’s not so much about the umbilical cord and placenta, but about the emotional connection. The baby begins to move more actively if the mother is joyful and satisfied, and may calm down and hide if she becomes sad, has quarreled with someone, or feels bad.

Negative emotions cause increased production of stress hormones, which the baby receives through maternal blood. Positive emotions stimulate the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and pleasure. The baby also receives them from his mother. Therefore, a common emotional background unites, and a woman now needs to listen carefully to the movements of her baby in order to establish that same invisible contact with him.

At night, a woman’s movements are felt brighter and more distinct, this is due to the fact that she relaxes and sensitivity increases. Babies behave more calmly during the day, because the woman walks, does something, moves, and the uniform motion sickness that occurs when she walks has a calming effect on the baby in the same way as on newborns.

Don't forget that all people are unique. At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby may well be showing its temperament: some bellies are now more active, while others are calmer, and their movements are felt somewhat less frequently.


Various pain sensations during this period are nothing more than the smooth and gradual preparation of the female body for childbirth, as well as its adaptation to new physiological conditions of existence. There is also a certain pattern: the more extra pounds a woman has gained, the stronger will be the unpleasant sensations that accompany late pregnancy.

At the 25th obstetric week, certain inconveniences are already felt by women carrying twins or triplets, as well as expectant mothers who are carrying a large baby under their hearts. The growing uterus causes overstretching of the ligamentous apparatus, a shift in the center of gravity, and it becomes difficult to carry the tummy.

The muscles become tense, the ligaments become denser and thicker, and this can cause aching pain in the lower back. The lower back and back hurt mainly in the evening, after a busy day of activities and movement. However, these pains are not permanent, do not grow, do not intensify.

If there is a cramping pull in the lower back, the pain becomes stronger, despite the fact that the woman lay down and took a warm shower, you should call an ambulance: it is possible that premature birth.

A sprain often causes tingling in the right or left side, as well as a feeling of aching in the sacrum. Many women experience pain in their pubic bone this week. Such pains are not felt all the time, but only when the expectant mother turns over from side to side, sits up from a lying position, or climbs the stairs. The bones of the small pelvis begin to diverge, soften, and become more mobile. This is necessary so that they can release the baby when the time comes for his birth.

Now the woman needs to be extremely careful: if the pain in the pubis intensifies, becomes unbearable, if it begins to interfere with normal movements, the woman cannot sit or stand without pain, she should definitely consult her doctor, and also visit an orthopedist to rule out symphysitis - an unpleasant disease , in which delivery is often carried out by cesarean section.

Headaches that were completely natural in the first trimester can now be symptoms of quite dangerous complications. For example, hypertension or hypotension.

If the head hurts daily, the pain itself is quite intense, the woman is prescribed strict monitoring of blood pressure levels. It is measured on two hands in turn. If there is an increase or a significant decrease, you must inform your doctor about it.

The legs now hurt and ache due to the woman’s increased weight, because the body simply does not have time to compensate for the load, which is growing every day.

In addition to aching joints, symptoms of varicose veins may appear, because the uterus strongly compresses the inferior vena cava and disrupts normal blood circulation. Wearing special anti-varicose stockings will help avoid such a dangerous and unpleasant complication of pregnancy.


The amount of discharge at the 25th obstetric week continues to gradually increase. And there is no hint of pathology in this, since a large amount of vaginal secretion is now necessary for the microflora of the genital tract to remain normal.

In order not to suffer from the feeling of constant moisture in the perineum, a woman needs to use thin sanitary pads, and also monitor the cleanliness of the genitals, because vaginal secretions are a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

The expectant mother needs to know that At this stage, discharge that is light in color and does not have an unpleasant odor is considered normal. A slight smell of sour milk is considered acceptable. Any other changes in the nature of vaginal secretions should alert you.

You should pay attention to pink, cream, beige, brown discharge. All of them are types of blood discharge and can indicate both cervical pathology and problems with the placenta.

Mucous discharge with blood is often a sign of the mucus plug leaving the cervical canal and the onset of premature labor.

If the discharge changes its normal color to green, brown or gray, this may indicate a bacterial infection. White discharge accompanied by a white coating on the genitals - fungal infection. White discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese in its structure, is a common thrush among expectant mothers.

Healthy and normal discharge, even if it is quite abundant, is never accompanied by itching or an unpleasant odor. The same cannot be said about the discharge that appears during genital tract infections. Bloody and watery discharge is now considered the most dangerous, since it can indicate placental abruption or rupture of water.

The more carefully a woman monitors her discharge, the sooner she will be able to detect changes. In this case, there is no point in delaying: the infection needs treatment, and the threat of premature birth, if the waters have not broken and the placenta is intact, can be removed through medication.

You can prolong pregnancy with the help of Duphaston and Utrozhestan. These drugs are prescribed by the doctor in the dosage that the woman needs.

Pregnant women should be warned against wearing tampons. Their introduction increases the likelihood of infection in the genital tract, and stagnation of vaginal secretions inside the vagina increases the likelihood of inflammation. Currently only spacers are acceptable.

The mood of the expectant mother

Just like the physical sensations, the psychological ones also begin to change. Until recently, the woman was in euphoria, everything around her seemed beautiful and amazing, and her own situation was perceived as a miracle. From the 25th week, the pregnant woman’s mood becomes unstable again. But now it is not progesterone and hCG that are to blame for this instability, as in early stages, but new physical sensations.

Very often at that stage, a woman, standing in front of the mirror, comes to the conclusion that she no longer has a waist, and her gait makes her look like a penguin. This raises concerns about the relationship with her husband. Psychologists say that there is no need to worry: mentally normal men like this kind of female helplessness, they begin to feel the need to protect and protect the mother of their future children. It `s naturally.

Many women at this stage begin to think about the upcoming birth, and this fills them with fear. If a woman is impressionable and anxious, then this fear can be so strong that she cannot think about anything else. To avoid the development of neurosis in pregnant women, experts recommend seeking help from psychologists or talking to your doctor, who will tell you how childbirth goes and what methods of pain relief are used today.

Now the woman may again become whiny and irritable. Household members should understand her worries and fears, give her more attention, help around the house, and support her. For pregnant women in all antenatal clinics Psychological assistance rooms operate free of charge, where, if necessary, you can come with your husband.

All over the world, it is customary to solve the psychological problems of pregnant women with the help of specialists; Russian women are not yet accustomed to this, but there is already a tendency towards improvement: according to statistics from the Ministry of Health, psychologists’ offices in antenatal clinics in the country are last years visited by about 35% of expectant mothers at the most different dates gestation.

Changes in the body

A lot of invisible and obvious changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman during this period. The production of the hormone relaxin begins, under the influence of which the tendons and ligaments and pelvic bones become more mobile and soft. The amount of melatonin pigment increases, and because of this, moles and freckles become brighter, and may even appear dark spots. But the main changes occur in the belly of the expectant mother.

Uterine growth

The uterus has grown so much that it is almost close to the lower line of the chest and supports it from below. The height of the fundus (this is the wider, upper part) of the uterus at this stage is 23-27 centimeters. A woman feels the uterus not only when bending over or changing body position, but also in a calm state.

The uterus is located in the abdominal cavity, occupying almost 70% of its internal area. The internal organs are “pushed back” and pressed. The location of the main female reproductive organ allows a woman to independently determine its boundaries, as well as changes in the state of smooth muscles. The tone of the uterus is now noticeable to the touch: the abdomen tenses and becomes stiffer.

The shape of the uterus has changed, now it is not oval or round, as it was before, but irregular, repeating the shape of the fetal bladder. Soon she will tightly hug the baby from all sides, while he still has free space to move. The normal length of the cervix is ​​35-45 mm; a shorter cervix poses a risk of premature birth and definitely requires medical advice and assistance.

Weight gain

By this week, all women notice that weight gain becomes more intense. There is nothing strange in this, because now the baby is actively gaining weight, and, in fact, two people are weighing themselves. The amount of amniotic fluid increases, the placenta becomes heavier, and the amount of blood in the woman’s body has also increased.

Most expectant mothers at the 25th obstetric week have an excellent appetite, they want to eat constantly, and if you do not limit your desires, you can gain quite a lot by this period. The rate of increase depends on what the woman’s weight was before pregnancy.

  • Thin mothers should normally gain about 8.5 kilograms by this time.
  • If before pregnancy a woman had normal weight, her gain this week should not be more than 7.5 kilograms.
  • Overweight and obese women can gain no more than 4.5 kilograms by week 25.

A significant excess of these standards is a consequence of either poor nutrition, or beginning gestosis. With internal edema, weight increases pathologically, but visually the swelling is not visible. In any case, you should consult your doctor. If gestosis is not detected, the doctor will recommend a special diet to normalize weight.

Extra pounds are very difficult to carry in the third trimester; they complicate childbirth and make the woman’s postpartum recovery process longer and more protracted. And all representatives of the fair sex know exactly how difficult it is to then get rid of an extra 15-20 kilograms in order to become slim, desirable and beautiful again.


The mammary glands will now not undergo significant changes until childbirth. They grew actively in the first trimester, which was accompanied by pain, burning, and itching. Now the sensations in the chest are calmer, because the processes that are taking place are hardly noticeable. Now the ducts of the mammary gland are “tuned” to the upcoming breastfeeding - they expand.

In multiparous women, colostrum may begin to be released. Women who are expecting their first child have stronger nipples and narrower ducts; they may not have colostrum. There is no need to squeeze out colostrum. It is enough to wash your breasts two or three times a day with warm water to prevent infection, because colostrum is a highly nutritious medium that pathogenic bacteria love.

At week 25, some women are surprised to note that there are no sensations in the chest, this makes them anxious about the upcoming lactation. Experts assure that there is no reason for concern: Pain in the chest during pregnancy and subsequent lactation are in no way interconnected.

The skin of the breast is now subject to stretching, and so that later the mammary glands are not covered with unsightly stretch marks, measures must now be taken to prevent stretch marks.

It is important to use only hypoallergenic cosmetics, baby cream, and also wear a good, supportive bra with cups and wide straps.

Training contractions

There is an opinion among expectant mothers that since these contractions are called training contractions, they should appear immediately before childbirth. But this is a common misconception. At 25 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may well begin and will not be considered something pathological.

False contractions, or Braxton Hicks contractions, involve a short, sudden tightening of the smooth muscles of the uterus. At this time they are irregular and do not appear every day.

False contractions themselves do not lead to smoothing and dilation of the cervix. They cause more psychological discomfort than physical discomfort and go away quickly if the woman lies down, relaxes, rests, or takes a warm shower.

The mechanism and purpose of false contractions are not fully known to science. It is believed that they, along with the production of relaxin and the divergence of the pelvic bones, are certain stages of the body’s preparation for childbirth.

In women who have previously given birth, training contractions usually appear closer to childbirth, and in first-time mothers they can “start” in advance. There are also women who did not have training contractions at all, neither in the first birth nor in the second, and this did not in the least prevent them from giving birth to their children quite normally.

Other changes

The skin of a pregnant woman at week 25 becomes drier, increasing the risk of infection and allergic reaction. Therefore, any experiments with cosmetics, massage products, as well as sunbathing are contraindicated. At this time, you should not visit a solarium or sunbathe for a long time in the open sun.

The diligent work of the sweat glands at this stage becomes the cause increased sweating. It is especially difficult for women who carry a baby in the summer. Properly selected clothing and proper personal hygiene will help you survive this period. Synthetic fabrics should be avoided.

Women often feel dizzy at 25 weeks. This is due to the increased amount of blood circulating in the body. For the same reason, a blush often appears on a pregnant woman’s cheeks.

Even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, we must not forget about the possibility of losing consciousness, fainting and injury. Therefore, you need to walk carefully, without making sudden movements, and do not abuse physical activity.

The growth of the uterus at this stage causes many changes in work at once. internal organs. Thus, a compressed intestine cannot function fully, resulting in constipation and, less commonly, diarrhea.

Due to constipation and compression of the hemorrhoidal veins, hemorrhoids can develop. Due to the mechanical impact on the fundus of the stomach by the growing uterus, heartburn begins, and due to its pressure on bladder women complain of frequent urination.

At week 25, women often experience disturbed sleep, as it becomes increasingly difficult to choose a position comfortable for night rest. More and more often at night we have to get up to go to the toilet to relieve ourselves. Because of this, a woman may feel somewhat lethargic and tired during the day.

Fetal development

Your child fits less and less into any standards and becomes more and more like himself. This week the changes in it are not as great as every week in the embryonic period, but the processes that are now taking place in the child’s body are very important. Now the baby’s fully formed organism must learn the most important thing - the ability to survive in a world that is significantly different from the mother’s womb.

At week 25, the baby is already about 33 centimeters tall(from the tailbone to the crown of the head, the CTE is about 28-29 centimeters), and its average weight is 700 grams. There are already babies whose weight is about 800 grams, and there are babies who barely reach 600 grams.

The closer to childbirth, the more differences can be found between babies. The embryos were all approximately the same, and therefore their sizes on ultrasound were calculated and compared with the norm to the nearest millimeter. Now mothers have large and miniature, tall and short, fat and thin children growing under their hearts. They are as different as adults.


The baby continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat, which makes the skin firmer and more elastic. The deep folds that not so long ago covered the body and face, making the baby look like dried fruit, are smoothed out, cheeks and cute roundness appear on the arms and legs.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue grows quite slowly, and therefore the baby’s appearance is also changing at a slow pace, but this happens every second.

At week 25, the baby’s skin acquires the pigment melanin, and the skin becomes slightly yellowish. Previously, it was rich red, but subcutaneous fat has removed the network of blood vessels from the outer layers, and now the skin has pink tint, almost the same as he will be at the moment the baby is born.

The baby's face is fully formed, as is the neck and ears. The ears are very soft because cartilage tissue becomes strong later than bone tissue.

In case of premature birth, doctors judge the maturity of the baby based on the degree of softness of the ears. The more mature he is, the harder his ears are. There are nails on the fingers, and individual patterns that form fingerprints “flaunt” on the pads of the fingers.

The baby's body is thickly covered with a cheese-like lubricant. Its task is to protect the skin. The lubricant is held in place by thin translucent hairs called lanugo. The baby has already begun to gradually get rid of lanugo, the hairs are falling out, and along with them the amount of cheese-like lubricant is decreasing.

Closer to childbirth, lanugo normally disappears completely or a small amount remains, and lubricant remains only where it continues to perform protective functions - in the folds of the skin, in the groin, under the armpits.

The baby's body has become more proportional; at week 25, his head grows slower than the rest of the body, so he no longer looks like a tadpole. The legs have “caught up” in length and have already “overtaken” the arms, now the baby looks almost the way it will look after its birth.

A certain thinness still remains, but now every week the baby is gaining weight and becoming more plump and attractive.

Nervous system

The cerebral cortex continues to acquire grooves and convolutions. In the temporal regions, neurons are produced, thanks to which more and more new neural connections are established in the small organism. This means that your baby is learning new movements and skills every day. Now he has excellent grasping, swallowing and sucking reflexes.

He prefers his right or left hand, and this determines whether he will be born left-handed or right-handed. In the cerebral cortex, in some of its areas upon stimulation loud sound a response occurs. The zones that will later be responsible for recognizing speech information respond to the stimulus.

The baby has developed tendon and muscle reflexes. If you tickle his palms or feet, he will fan out his toes. When something touches the lower abdomen, the baby reflexively bends.

Now we can safely say that the baby dreams. Doctors say that the phases of slow and fast sleep in children at the 25th week of pregnancy alternate, as happens in adults, the REM sleep phase predominates. It is during this phase that people dream.

Breathing reflexes are still being formed, the baby’s chest has been making the corresponding movements for a long time, but the baby will be able to breathe on his own only after the 27th week of pregnancy, it is by this time that the formation of a complex of reflex connections is completed, which will give him this opportunity if the baby is in a hurry to be born. light.

Internal organs

The most important process at week 25 is the formation of the functional abilities of the lungs. The rest of the organs are already working, but the lungs are just beginning to accumulate surfactant - a substance necessary for subsequent independent breathing.

Lung tissue matures gradually. The stage of development of alveoli - tiny vesicles that are located on the branches of the bronchial tree - is now ending. They will be responsible for gas exchange after the birth of the baby, saturate his blood with oxygen and rid it of carbon dioxide.

So far the bubbles look like balloons that haven't been inflated. After the first breath, air will enter them for the first time. And to prevent them from sticking together again after exhalation, you need a certain amount of surfactant - a substance consisting of phospholipids and proteins. From the 25th week, the production of this substance begins in full force, and now every day the baby will have an increasing chance of survival in the event of premature birth.

The baby's heart has become larger in size, the heartbeat remains frequent - from 150 to 170 beats per minute. The kidneys and bladder function similarly to adults, and the digestive system has also begun to work. The stomach receives amniotic fluid, particles of lanugo enter the intestines, where, together with bile from the gallbladder, they form the original feces - meconium.

The baby will begin to empty its intestines only after birth. In some cases (hypoxia, entanglement, Rh conflict) this also happens in the womb, but then the waters become green and become polluted. To save the baby, doctors often decide on early delivery.

Sense organs

The child's senses are formed and working. The baby can open and close his eyes, blink, distinguish between light and darkness. He will begin to see the outlines in more detail a little later.

By the time of birth, the baby will be able to see at a distance of up to 20 centimeters and, in general terms, will already be able to distinguish his mother’s face.

The hearing organs are working at full capacity. The baby listens to what is available to him - mother’s blood flow, the work of her intestines, digestion. The sounds that are most dear to him now are the beating of his mother’s heart and her voice. Other sounds from outside still frighten the little one.

At week 25, the basics of the sense of smell are formed. The baby has already learned to distinguish tastes: he happily swallows amniotic fluid if it has a sweetish taste, and winces and spits if it is salty or sour. The taste of amniotic fluid is affected by what the mother eats.


According to WHO definition, a fetus at 25 weeks is fully viable. This means that in the event of premature labor or the need for urgent C-section the baby has a chance to survive. Such chances, according to various sources, are estimated at 15-17%. Not as much as we would like, but not as little as it seems.

The main cause of death of very premature babies is respiratory failure, the unpreparedness of the lung tissue for independent breathing. Therefore, children born at 25 weeks are placed in special incubators, supplied with oxygen, administered surfactant preparations and actively warmed, since low-weight and thin children at this period do not have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue, they cannot retain internal heat.

Timely resuscitation and intensive therapy give such children a chance of survival, but not a single neonatologist will dare to make predictions regarding their health. Degree of immaturity nervous system does not allow us to confidently say that everything will be fine with the baby. There is a high probability of disability and mental retardation. However, the percentage of probability of a good outcome is significantly higher than a week earlier.

Your baby on ultrasound

An ultrasound examination at week 25 cannot be called a planned one, because the first two screenings are left behind. An ultrasound will be done this week, if necessary, unscheduled. This may be necessary for a doctor if there are certain concerns about the health of the woman and the fetus.

Also, no one has the right to prohibit an expectant mother from visiting an ultrasound diagnostic room on her own if she wants to look at the baby, take a picture of it for the family album, and also find out the gender if this could not be done before for some reason.

The sex of the baby is now clearly visible, and the doctor will be able to predict the birth of a son or daughter with great accuracy. In just a couple of weeks, it will be more difficult to do this, because the baby will grow up, he will have to take a more compact position in the uterus, in which the genitals are often covered from the doctor’s eyes by the umbilical cord, legs, and arms.

Of course, the expectant mother is very interested in whether her baby meets developmental standards for a given period. Only a doctor can answer the question, because many things are assessed individually.

As for the existing average statistical norms for fetal fetometry, at week 25 they are as follows:

    BPR - 53-71 mm;

    LZR - 72-93 mm;

    DBK - 36-52 mm;

    DKG (tibia or tibia length) - 32-45 mm;

    DKP (length of forearm bones) - 33-41 mm;

    Head circumference - 214-250 mm;

    Abdominal circumference - 183 -229 mm.

This week, the doctor performing an ultrasound can clearly see the baby’s internal organs and brain structures. If any anomalies are detected in their structure and development, the woman is sent for an expert ultrasound and consultation with neonatologists and related specialists.

Dangers and Risks

The load on the female body at 25 weeks of pregnancy is great. Therefore, it is now important to monitor your own health, especially if a woman has a history of chronic diseases. It is possible that colitis, pyelonephritis, gastritis and other ailments may worsen right now.

There are other dangers that can complicate pregnancy this week.

Fetoplacental insufficiency

In a quarter of cases of fetal death, the cause lies in fetoplacental insufficiency. It significantly complicates pregnancy and causes hypoxia and developmental delays. Disturbances in the mother-placenta-fetus system increase the risk of premature birth. This condition can develop against the background of illnesses of the mother, especially if she has problems with the kidneys and heart, lungs and hormonal levels.

Placental insufficiency can develop as a consequence of a viral infection, or as a consequence of a bacterial infection. The placenta may be damaged if high temperature, which rises if a woman in an “interesting situation” has the flu, ARVI, or a cold.

The cause may also be obstetric pathologies: placenta previa, pelvic position of the baby, Rh conflict between mother and fetus.

Preeclampsia, which can also manifest itself during the current period, not only becomes the cause of placental disorders, but also significantly aggravates them if they are caused by another reason. At the current stage, symptoms may manifest themselves as a threat of premature birth, pain and discharge of an atypical nature, as well as a lag in the baby’s growth rate according to ultrasound.

Fetal growth restriction

Developmental delays at week 25 are quite often associated with placental disorders, in which the child experiences a deficiency in nutrients and gas exchange is impaired. Causes may also include pathologies and abnormalities in the structure of the baby’s internal organs, intrauterine infection, insufficient nutrition of the mother and her bad habits.

If the height of the uterine fundus is less than expected at this time, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. If this diagnostic method confirms suspicions, then the woman will definitely be offered treatment.

After identifying and eliminating the cause that caused disturbances in the baby’s development, vitamin preparations and agents that improve uteroplacental blood flow are prescribed.

In most cases, such treatment gives positive results, and the baby manages to “catch up” on the missing grams and centimeters before birth.

Colds, flu and ARVI

A woman’s immunity remains reduced; at week 25 there remains a real danger of contracting seasonal or other infectious and non-infectious diseases. That is why it is now important to comply with hygiene requirements, limit contact with large numbers of people, and stay in crowded places.

If precautionary measures do not help, a woman has a sore throat, a fever, or a severe runny nose, she should definitely call a doctor at home. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Trying to treat yourself with medications or prescriptions traditional medicine can lead to serious complications.


As before, a woman should follow all the doctor’s recommendations, including making sure that no swelling occurs. Preeclampsia is a dangerous complication that can lead to convulsions and death of the mother and fetus. Preeclampsia often causes hypoxia and premature birth.

If the rings suddenly stop coming off your fingers, your old shoes become too small, or your socks leave characteristic grooves on the skin in the ankle area, you should definitely tell your doctor about this. The same should be done if your weight begins to increase for no reason: this may be a symptom of dangerous internal edema. During the current period, a woman should reduce the amount of salt she consumes, since it is able to retain fluid in the tissues.

In addition to paying close attention to your diet, you should lead an active lifestyle, not drink alcohol in any form, and not smoke. All this will help reduce the likelihood of developing gestosis.

Analyzes and examinations

Mandatory tests and examinations are not scheduled this week. If a woman has an appointment with a doctor this week, she should undergo a general urine test a couple of days before. Women with negative Rh factor at week 25, they donate blood from a vein to determine the antibody titer, if such an analysis was not done a week ago. Other examinations are prescribed exclusively individually.

At 25 weeks, a woman should be especially careful to prevent premature birth. The baby, even though he is already considered viable, is too early to be born. To do this, you should exclude physical overload, heavy lifting, and taking medications without the knowledge of the doctor.

In addition, you need to continue to walk in the fresh air, reducing the walking time to 10 minutes and increasing the number of walks by 1-2. There are other recommendations that will be useful for a pregnant woman.

    Organize a “pregnant” photo shoot. For now I have enough strength to plan and do a few things together with my husband. beautiful photos, which will later remind you of the difficult and exciting months of waiting for a small miracle.

    The required amount of sleep for a woman during this period increases to 9-10 hours a day. Keep this in mind when planning your routine. It is best to sleep on your side, placing a small pillow under your feet in the shin area. This will help prevent swelling and also make sleep more comfortable.

    You can begin to prepare your nipples for upcoming breastfeeding. To do this, they should be lightly massaged and wiped with a hard towel after hygiene procedures and showers. But this should be done very carefully. Stimulation of the nipples promotes the production of oxytocin, a substance that brings the uterine muscles into tonic readiness to contract.

    You can have sex if the doctor does not prohibit it. The couple needs to take a responsible approach to the choice of positions to avoid pressure on the uterus, as well as deep penetrations. The use of lubricants, intimate gels, and sex toys is unsafe, as is anal sex.

    A woman should maintain a drinking regime. There should not be enough liquid. The recommended amount is 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day. However, you should not drink water immediately before bed, as this can lead to swelling.

    Going on a trip, You should check with your doctor to see if there are any contraindications for the flight. Airlines do not ask pregnant women for a doctor's note at 25 weeks. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can fly.

    A woman should protect herself from stress. Nervous shocks at this stage often provoke premature birth and negatively affect the child’s well-being.

    To make it easier for yourself last weeks before going on maternity leave, you can start wearing a special prenatal bandage. There are many models of this orthopedic device, each with its own characteristics. You should choose after trying on.

It is known that an obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks, that is, 25 weeks of pregnancy - 6 obstetric months and 1 week. The fetal age is 23 weeks.

Normal weight gain before this period is considered to be 6-8.5 kg.

What happens at week 25

The placenta continues to increase in volume and approaches the fundus of the uterus. The wall thickness is approximately 26.22 mm.

Many women may suffer from dry eye syndrome. In this case, it is recommended to use an “artificial tear” drug and drink more fluids. In summer, be sure to wear sunglasses. Eye problems arise due to changes in hormonal levels. For example, due to fluid retention in the body, a pregnant woman may develop farsightedness or nearsightedness. After giving birth, everything should fall into place.

Possible risks

This week some women may experience isthmic-cervical insufficiency, that is cervical insufficiency. This can lead to serious troubles, namely or to. In this case, the cervix becomes soft and dilates, although this should happen at the end of pregnancy just before birth. In addition, the bubble should burst. The danger is that a woman practically does not feel pain and notices what is happening only when her water breaks.

The causes of this disease can be:

  • cervical injury;
  • or congenital pathology.

The risk of this problem increases in women who have previously had a miscarriage. If a pregnant woman is found to have a shortened or slightly opened cervix, the doctor will be forced to apply special sutures. In addition, she will be prescribed medications that will reduce the tone of the uterus.

During this period, a woman may develop, that is, anemia. This happens because blood cells begin to age faster and do not have time to recover. The reason for this is the increased load on the body. Anemia occurs due to insufficient iron in a woman's body, which contributes to the production of new red blood cells. To avoid this problem, you need to take tests regularly.

Signs of anemia:

  • pale skin;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • increased heart rate.

Include foods that contain iron in your daily diet, such as lentils, bran and prunes.

How a woman feels at 25 weeks

This week a woman begins to feel really huge and awkward. A large belly prevents me from doing many things and moving normally. A woman’s center of gravity changes, and the feeling of fatigue increases every day.

Possible physical sensations

The body continues to change, and the woman experiences more and more discomfort associated with pregnancy:

  1. Uterus. The uterus is increasing in size every day and now it protrudes slightly forward, supporting the stomach and diaphragm. Now it is about the size of a soccer ball. The fundus of the uterus is at the same distance from the navel and sternum. The distance to the pubis is about 27 cm.
  2. Stomach. The belly becomes larger every day, and it grows not only forward, but also to the sides. Each woman's belly may look different at this stage. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use and also do a pinching massage.
  3. Breast. Starts to grow quickly. At times, a woman may notice colostrum being released from her nipples. You can begin to prepare your breasts for feeding. To do this, wash her with cool water and also wipe her nipples with a rough towel. If your nipples are flat, you can lightly massage and stretch them. It is recommended to purchase a special bra made from natural materials during this period.
  4. Heartburn. Due to pressure on the stomach, a pregnant woman may experience severe heartburn. It is due to the fact that due to the influence of hormones, motor skills gastrointestinal tract has worsened, and the valve that closes the entrance to the stomach is relaxed. Because of this, gastric juice enters the esophagus, especially in a supine position. To reduce heartburn, it is recommended to eat small portions, as well as reduce consumption or completely avoid fatty and spicy foods.
  5. Constipation. At 25 weeks of pregnancy, many women may experience constipation, all due to impaired intestinal motility. To cope with this problem, it is recommended to eat foods that contain fiber, such as vegetables and fruits. An excellent laxative is beets and prunes.
  6. Painful sensations. During this period, a woman may experience pain in the hypochondrium. Most likely, this is caused by the fact that the baby is growing and his movements are becoming more active. Headaches may also appear this week, which should be reported to your doctor. In addition, a woman may feel pain in the back, lower back, abdomen, sacrum, pelvis, spine and legs.
  7. Discharge. Discharge that has a uniform consistency, white or cream color, and is odorless is considered normal. If they become cheesy and have an unpleasant odor, and also provoke itching and burning, then most likely this indicates that you have another infection. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible so that the baby does not become infected during childbirth. Watery discharge indicates leakage amniotic fluid, which may be a sign of the onset of labor. It is recommended to call an ambulance so that the doctor can determine whether there is any danger to the mother and her baby. Heavy bleeding may indicate placental abruption, which is very dangerous and if immediate assistance is not provided, the child and mother may die. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.
  8. Movements. The child's movements are felt more and more clearly. A woman should regularly count the number of movements. During an hour of rest, the norm is 4 tangible movements, and in 12 hours the number of movements is 10 times. may indicate various troubles, for example, hypoxia.
  9. Haemorrhoids. Many women during this period complain of hemorrhoids - enlargement of the veins of the rectum. This occurs due to poor venous blood flow due to an enlarged uterus. Symptoms of hemorrhoids the following:
    • pain in the anus;
    • blood from the anus;
    • swelling of hemorrhoids;
    • itching in the anus.

If you start treatment on time, the problem will disappear. Read about the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

  1. Cramps. Some women may experience severe cramps, which are mainly due to calcium deficiency. To get rid of this problem, include foods with calcium in your diet, such as broccoli, almonds, dairy products, etc.

Possible emotional experiences

This week, many women may be bothered by nightmares associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Quite often the reason lies in hidden fears that you are experiencing. In this case, it is very important to speak out and say what is on your heart. Share with close relatives and the problem will disappear by itself.

Basically, people are afraid because of their ignorance. In this case, read the literature about childbirth, and then you will not need to be afraid of anything. To get rid of negative emotions, you can use the following tips:

  1. Watch a good movie that will put you in a good mood.
  2. Find a hobby to take your mind off things and have some positivity.
  3. Take walks and travel whenever possible.

Reviews from women at week 25

More than half of the pregnancy has already passed and women continue to experience all the delights of pregnancy, which we are now learning about:

Svetlana: “At week 25, I began to feel discomfort in the lower abdomen and back pain. I get very tired because I spend a lot of time at work. I haven’t registered yet, because I don’t have time, I’ll go to the hospital around 30 weeks.”

Christina: “Before this week I gained 13 kg, because of this the doctor scolds me a lot. Although I feel great, I don’t feel any heaviness. I don’t know why I gained so much because I watch my diet. In addition, the ultrasound said that everything was fine with the child and he was developing on time. No one understands the reason.”

Ella: “Today they confirmed by ultrasound that I will have a son, my husband is in seventh heaven. The baby is not yet pushing very carefully. Insomnia upsets me, because I can’t sleep at all until 3 am. In addition, my legs and arms are very twisted. I also can’t sleep during the day; in general, I have a chronic lack of sleep.”

Pauline: “I went for a second scheduled ultrasound, the doctor said that my princess weighs 900 g, this is normal, since my husband and I are tall. The baby already has her own sleep pattern; she doesn’t sleep at night, but as soon as her husband leaves for work, she falls asleep. I have been fighting a long battle with thrush and, at times, heartburn. During this time I gained 10 kg.”

Pelagia: “Week 25 and everything is going well, no special ailments or problems. There’s only one thing that upsets me: the child doesn’t want to turn around so we can find out who we’re waiting for.”

Zara: “I’m tormented by hemorrhoids, I just can’t get rid of them. This is probably the only trouble in pregnancy at 25 weeks. At the ultrasound they said that we were expecting a son. The husband has a new favorite pastime - lying and listening to the heartbeat of his heir. In general, everything is fine."

Zhanna: “I feel good, after work I make sure to walk in the fresh air, watch my diet, go to the pool on weekends, in general, I follow all the tips and recommendations. I decided not to find out what gender my child is, let it be a surprise.”

Zoya: “I’ve probably already experienced all the delights of pregnancy: toxicosis, swelling, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids. It’s a nightmare, I don’t know what the future holds for me.”

Lina: “Everything is fine with us, the baby practically doesn’t bother me. He sleeps at night and is active only during the day; in this regard, we can say that I am lucky. If you don’t eat in the evening, then heartburn practically doesn’t bother you. My back hurts a little, I bought a special bandage for this. Tomorrow I’m going for a second scheduled ultrasound.”

Regina: “I was examined, the doctor said that everything is fine, we are developing on time. I feel good, the only thing I noticed is sudden mood swings.”

Fetal development at 25 weeks of gestation

The height of the fetus is about 34 cm, and the weight is approximately 700 g. In a week, the baby gained approximately 150 g.

The diameter of the head is approximately 62.3 mm, the chest is 63.1 mm, and the tummy is about 64.2 mm. Just keep in mind that all values ​​are approximate and each child develops individually.

Baby keeps accumulating subcutaneous fat, and his skin becomes smoother. The skin is no longer transparent, but takes on a pink tint due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and the development of the capillary network. The child cannot warm himself yet; now amniotic fluid performs this function.

On the face You can already see the genetically inherent traits. The skeleton continues to strengthen. The spine consists of 33 vertebrae, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments, that is, it is fully formed.

Internal organs and systems continue to improve. New alveoli are formed in the lungs, and surfactant accumulates in them, which will be needed so that the baby can breathe independently. When he swallows a lot of amniotic fluid, you may feel the baby hiccup.

Brain continues to grow and form new neural connections. The inner ear has formed, and this gives the child the opportunity to sense his position in space. At this stage, the ears are still soft and thin, and the underlying cartilage is not fully developed. What is important is that the density of the cartilage indicates that the fetus is full-term.

Heart It's already knocking so loudly that you can hear it just by putting your ear to your stomach. This week it is producing up to 150 beats per minute. The bone marrow is fully formed and begins to perform its hematopoietic function.

At this stage, you can already determine which hand the child will use in the future, that is, he will right-handed or left-handed. The baby is already learning to clench his fingers into a fist. In addition, he is already quite dexterous and can grab his own leg.

Formation is nearing completion genitals: in boys, the testicles begin to move into the scrotum, and in girls, the vagina completes its formation.

The baby already has his own separate system blood circulation, she connects with her mother only through the placenta. Now the child calms down when he hears his mother's voice. In addition, he knows how to frown, smile, and also open and close his eyes.

The child lives according to a developed schedule of activity and sleep, which a woman can easily determine. The baby can already react to visual and sound stimuli; for example, if you shine a lamp on his stomach, he will certainly react with some kind of movement.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Bottom view:

Photo 3D ultrasound 25 weeks of pregnancy:

Many women may notice. To avoid this problem, do not strain long time legs and rest often. When lying down, place a pillow under your feet so that they are higher than your body.

Nutrition rules

This week's menu should be balanced and rich in vitamins and microelements. You should eat “for two”, but the main thing is not to go too far and not to overeat. This week's menu should include dairy and meat products, as well as cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is very important to get enough vitamins, since the condition of the mother and her child depends on them. Thanks to this, a woman can prevent problems with hair, nails, teeth, etc.

Listen to your body, it will certainly tell you what it wants at the moment. The daily menu should include proteins. When choosing products, be sure to pay attention to their quality and freshness. In addition, look at the composition of the products; they should not contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked, fried, salty and very fatty foods from your diet. To avoid swelling, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

Exercise stress

Continue to exercise, special exercises for pregnant women help get rid of pain and it is easier to endure pregnancy. The best activity is considered to be exercises on fitball and.

To get rid of back pain, do the following exercise: get on all fours and slowly sit on your feet, with your arms extended forward. Bend your back, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 5-6 reps.

To strengthen the pelvic muscles, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises. They will help prepare the muscles for childbirth and control urination. It is better to start training while lying down; in the future, when you get better at it, you will be able to train in any position. Tighten your pelvic muscles as if you want to hold back urination and hold it for 10 seconds, repeat the manipulations about 10 times. Next, tense the muscles of the vagina and anus.

Intimate relationships

If you feel good and there are no medical contraindications, then you can indulge in pleasure. Many positions will be uncomfortable and inaccessible, in this case it is recommended to use positions with penetration from behind or when the woman is on top. It is important to be careful: avoid sudden movements and deep penetrations. There are cases that it is during pregnancy that a woman can truly experience an orgasm and get true pleasure from sex.

Helpful Tips:

Examinations at 25 weeks of pregnancy

This week, according to indications, a pregnant woman may be prescribed second scheduled ultrasound. It is necessary in order to exclude defects of the nervous system, determine the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, as well as the place of attachment of the placenta and its condition. Now the doctor can already determine the sex of your child with 99% accuracy.

It is also necessary to take a test at week 25, which examines the level of hemoglobin, and which will tell you about the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, the woman needs to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and have an ECG done.

Video about 25 weeks of pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy after conception is the final stage of the second trimester. What happens to you and your baby during this period? What changes will you encounter when moving into the stage of active preparation for childbirth? What is important and you need to know about the 25th week of pregnancy so as not to miss it alarms? Let's figure it out right now.

25th week of pregnancy and feelings of the expectant mother

The 25th obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to 23 weeks of the embryonic period. That is, the period of development of the raft in the mother’s stomach. It is from this moment that the 7th month of pregnancy “opens”. This means that the meeting with your child becomes even closer.

Weight gain at the 25th week of pregnancy is already from 6 to 7 kilograms on average. And the dynamics of weekly increase in body weight is 200-300 kilograms. At the beginning of the seventh month, you may notice an increase in colostrum production. Emotional well-being improves at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis completely disappears, and unstable hormonal levels cease to cause mood swings. But painful sensations in the back area become more distinct. The shortness of breath that a woman feels at 25 weeks of pregnancy is caused by a heavy load. The general physical condition of a woman at 25 weeks of pregnancy remains quite comfortable.

Fetal movement at 25 weeks of gestation

Week 25 is accompanied by the fact that movements in the lower abdomen become even more active. The number of shocks for every 60 minutes increases to 3-4. In some cases, fetal movement at 25 weeks of pregnancy can cause discomfort. Such “kicks” may indicate that the baby is uncomfortable. Just change your body position.

Just like kicks, you can feel (hear) the beating of a child’s heart directly through the stomach, without a stethoscope. A normal fetal heartbeat at 25 weeks occurs at a frequency of 140 to 150 beats per 60 seconds. If you do not feel the baby moving for a long time, then you should consult a doctor.

How is pregnancy progressing at 25 weeks?

What happens at 25 weeks of pregnancy to you and your body as a whole? The list of negative changes in the body at 25 weeks of pregnancy also includes:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The baby is growing and begins to put intense pressure on your stomach. Heartburn attacks may become more frequent. Expectant mothers often complain about problems with stool, in particular constipation.
  • Numbness, swelling, cramps. You find it difficult to stand on your feet for long periods of time and this often results in swelling. At night you may wake up with cramps. They, and the numbness that accompanies them, are activated due to the deposition of calcium by the fetal body.
  • Varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other problems that started in the early stages of pregnancy continue unless you take appropriate measures. Due to the constant increase in fetal weight and, as a result, stress, stretch marks may appear on the abdomen. Many people note the appearance of pigmentation on the face.

Fetal dimensions from 25 weeks of pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy has arrived and you want to know what is happening to the fetus? As a rule, the weight of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is already 700 grams. But, do not forget that the indicators of how much a child weighs at 25 weeks of pregnancy are purely individual. So, an error of 5% on average is normal at this stage. The size of the fetus from the 25th week of pregnancy ranges from 32 to 34.5 centimeters. At the same time, the baby’s growth changes literally every day.

If you look at what a baby looks like at 25 weeks of pregnancy, you will notice that he already looks like a baby who has just been born. The baby's face and body are in the final stages of formation. At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the baby feels almost everything that you yourself feel: sounds, smells, mood.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetal reproductive system is completed. The genitals are fully developed and clearly visible by ultrasound. The musculoskeletal and skeletal systems are strengthened. The baby masters hand movements (still unconscious), clenches his fingers into a fist. If this did not happen earlier, then it is at week 25 that most children take the desired position, turning upside down, that is, towards the exit. The baby's lungs are fully formed and surfactant is formed in them. This is a substance that will ensure their expansion for the first breath when they are born.

22 weeks pregnant, what does the cervix look like?

During an ultrasound scan showing what the uterus looks like at 25 weeks of pregnancy, a fundal height of 25 centimeters is noted. It takes on the size of a football, and the cervix at 25 weeks of pregnancy begins to contract periodically. This is a kind of training before childbirth. Such contractions may cause mild pain, but do not cause severe discomfort. The condition of the uterus at the 25th week of pregnancy is checked during an examination by a gynecologist. Deviation of actual indicators from normal may indicate developmental delays, polyhydramnios, placental insufficiency.

Probably, after 7 months of this “interesting situation,” you have already become accustomed to feeling like a mother, under whose heart the baby is slowly developing and growing. Do you already want to see him as soon as possible and hold him close to you, giving him your love, care and warmth? Do not hurry! It’s still too early for your baby to be born - let him bask a little more in the womb.

Appearance and size of a growing child

At 25 weeks of pregnancy average weight the fetus is about 700 grams, and its height reaches 34.5 cm. Just imagine how big the baby is already! The baby, who still lives inside his mother, has formed the facial features with which he will be born. During an ultrasound, particularly attentive parents even rush to draw conclusions: whose sponge the future heir or heiress has, and whose nose - who the baby looks like.

The baby develops “pleasant folds”: the cheeks appear, the buttocks become round, the fingertips become overgrown - an individual pattern of fingerprints is formed.

The skeletal system has in many ways already formed, but the cartilage, especially in the ears, still remains soft. By the way, it is by the compaction of cartilage in this part of the baby’s body that doctors determine whether a child born at such an early stage is viable.

The baby has already formed an inner ear, which helps to navigate in space and maintain a comfortable position in the womb.

25th week of pregnancy: development of internal organs of the fetus

In a baby who has not yet seen the white light, some systems are already formed and fully functioning: intestines, liver, stomach, pancreas. All products consumed by the mother undergo a “suitability test”. Everything that the baby doesn’t like causes him discomfort, transmitting these sensations to the mother.

The baby’s heart is already formed, it can be clearly heard not only with the help of an ultrasound machine, but also simply by placing your ear to the mother’s belly, where the baby is constantly flopping around and going about its important business. Nowadays there are a lot of devices that allow the whole family to join in the pleasant time of “motherhood”. If there is an older child in your family or the father expresses an active desire to find out everything that is happening with the child in the stomach, you can buy special headphones and listen to what the baby is doing. You will hear not only his rapid heartbeat, but also tapping, hiccups and other actions that he performs in his mother’s belly.

Determining the sex of the fetus at 25 weeks of pregnancy is not difficult. Your doctor has probably already told you who you are expecting. If not, it’s time to go for an ultrasound and reveal all the cards. The boy’s genitals are already fully formed by this time. The girl’s vagina continues to actively form.

The function of hematopoiesis (the formation of mature blood cells) is now completely performed by the bone marrow, freeing the child’s liver and spleen from additional unusual functions. The brain is continuously developing, more complex nerve connections are created and cells of more complex complexity are formed.

It is believed that the respiratory tract of a child at 25 weeks of pregnancy is already fully formed, however, this is not entirely true. Yes, the lungs have formed, but the baby is not yet able to breathe outside the womb of the mother. In order for the baby to be able to breathe atmospheric air without problems, he still has to accumulate a sufficient amount of surfactant - a substance that helps adapt to earthly air.

25th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby emotionally

The baby already feels very well all the emotions that his mother experiences and experiences them all with her. It’s not even worth reminding that a woman has a very close connection with her child, and therefore should think about him first from the moment the pregnancy begins and for a long time after the birth of the baby. Now there is no room for your own emotions. Mommy must protect herself from everything that could bring discomfort into her life. You need to think only about pleasant moments, experience the brightest and most rosy feelings, be ready to share only the best with your baby, then the child, who will be born in love and affection, will give his parents the joy and peace given to him during pregnancy in full.

Your baby has already learned to navigate in space and, most likely, has taken the correct position (head down), in which he will remain for several weeks before giving birth.

You can already start to be proud of your baby - he made the first important choice in his life: he decided whether to be right-handed or left-handed. He realized this when he clenched his fingers into fists - another reason for pride.

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the issue of nutrition. A mother’s nutritious nutrition brings joy to the child, because he can fully develop and grow. The child developed a certain “filter” of taste preferences. If the mother eats something unusual or tasteless for the child, then he begins to wince and grimace in the womb, demonstrating his dissatisfaction with what he “eaten.”

25th week of pregnancy: how the baby lies in the womb

We have already noted that the baby, most likely, is already in the correct position: head down, and will no longer change its position until birth. However, do not rush to sound the alarm if your obstetrician-gynecologist tells you that the baby has not yet turned over. There's nothing wrong with that! The baby still has plenty of time to “go down” - he is not yet planning to “go out”.

Premature birth at 25 weeks

For many mothers, the 25th week of pregnancy becomes a kind of “salvation” milestone. We are talking about those individuals whose pregnancy is difficult, and sometimes there are threats of miscarriage. Yes, at such an early stage there is no need to say that the baby is already fully formed and ready to “survive”, however, childbirth at such a stage can still lead to a benign outcome - the baby can be saved.

The child’s respiratory system is not yet fully developed, but he will be able to breathe through a special apparatus. And heat exchange will be maintained in a certain “chamber” created personally for premature babies.

Let’s make a reservation once again: childbirth at 25 weeks of pregnancy is a very dangerous event for the baby’s life. The probability of survival here is minimal, but it is not excluded, so it can give additional peace of mind to many mothers.

25th week of pregnancy: what happens to the mother

Changes with your tummy

Definitely at 25 weeks, mommy felt her belly begin to grow at a breakneck pace. At first it was barely noticeable, then it became bigger and bigger, and now it’s starting to “get in the way” a little bit. Of course, there is no need yet to ask someone to tie their sneakers or ask for help while climbing the stairs, but this item on the “pregnancy” list is just around the corner.

Normally, the belly at 25 weeks of pregnancy already resembles a round ball, which can be clearly round in shape or slightly flattened. Of course, the volume of the abdomen different women will increase in different ways: it depends on genetics, the weight and volume of the woman’s body when she was not pregnant and the rate of development of the fetus. On average, the abdominal volume increases by 1 cm per week. Your doctor is already studying this point in detail and taking measurements of the abdomen, recording everything in your chart. This is necessary to track possible deviations.

25th week of pregnancy - the uterus develops more and more actively

We remember well that the womb is the very refuge that saves your baby from the attacks of the outside world. Since the baby has already grown up, he needs more free space, which is why your uterus can “compete” in size with a soccer ball. The elevation of the uterus above the pubis is approximately 25 cm. Changes in the height of the uterus should be measured by your attending physician at each visit and recorded on the chart, tracking the dynamics of changes in the same way as with abdominal girth.

Why is a detailed report on the dynamics of changes in uterine height useful? The thing is that there are certain standards that every doctor must adhere to when examining the health of his patient and the baby that is growing inside her. If the uterus changes slightly or no changes are observed at all, this becomes a cause for alarm. Most likely, the baby is not developing well, something is missing for his development. In this case, the mother is sent for additional research and the cause of the deviation from the norm is identified. An established cause of the problem helps eliminate that very problem and help the child develop again at the required pace.

On the other hand, excessively active growth of the baby is also a deviation and needs to be corrected. Perhaps the mother, due to strong guardianship and care for her child, eats too much sweet or starchy, spicy or salty food, and therefore provokes a disproportionate enlargement of the uterus, thereby complicating the life of her baby.

Water and nutrition at 25 weeks of pregnancy

If mommy does not have toxicosis, she can eat any food in the right quantities, then she will not have any problems with preparing a complete diet. You just need to make sure there is more healthy products, enriched with vitamins and nutrients, and less harmful, but loved by many fried, salty and spicy foods.

If the expectant mother realizes that she cannot cope with planning her meals on her own or tests show that she is clearly overeating, there is nothing wrong with seeking advice from a specialist! Of course, we are now talking about your attending gynecologist. He is the one who will help and tell you which foods you should eat in your diet, and which foods you should avoid altogether.

An important point in creating a proper diet is drinking water. It is especially difficult to adhere to the norms for those expectant mothers who are carrying a child to term during the hot summer period. You almost always want to drink, but there are certain restrictions on the amount of liquid consumed. What advice can I give here? Just be patient. Remember that a small life is developing inside you, which needs care and support more than you need cold water, which will later turn into swelling, causing discomfort to the baby and mother.

Mother's feelings at 25 weeks of pregnancy

Many mothers this period are puzzled by the issue of premature birth. Most often, such unpleasant thoughts arise in those pregnant women who are at risk: there have been abortions, unfavorable previous pregnancies, serious exercise stress, poor health.

Of course, we have already said earlier that a child born at 25 weeks has every chance of survival, but it is unlikely that any mother would want to risk the life of her own child, therefore, a special regime has been developed for women who are diagnosed with possible premature birth. called gentle (in exceptional cases, doctors advise adhering to strict bed rest).

In addition to the usual fears and associated discomfort, a woman may also be bothered by other pains at the 25th week of pregnancy. For example, it will no longer be possible to get rid of nagging and aching pain in the lower back - this discomfort is caused by a serious load on the spine. Out of habit of “carrying” with you big belly, the woman’s body tries to achieve balance, but instead it only “bends” back and forth, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Lower back pain may also be accompanied by increasing pain in the legs. At 6-7 months of pregnancy, the heaviness is not felt much. However, it is necessary to reduce the load on the legs as much as possible, but not give up movement. Everything should be in moderation. Remember: what’s comfortable for you is what’s comfortable for your child.

In addition to pain caused by natural physiological processes, there is pain that is caused by a conditionally external factor. Of course, we are talking about a child who is growing up inside his mother and wants to be active. The baby wants to fully feel all the capabilities of his body, so he actively turns over and pushes with his arms and legs, hitting the mother not only in the walls of the abdomen, but also in the ribs, which causes quite severe discomfort. You need to learn to accept such kicks with love, without getting irritated. We minimize any negativity.

25th week of pregnancy - stomach hurts

It is not uncommon for expectant mothers to complain of experiencing nagging or sharp pain in the abdomen. On the one hand, there is nothing interesting or new in such complaints: the baby is growing, kicking, the uterus begins to contract more intensely, it goes without saying that the stomach will hurt. However, if we evaluate the situation from the other side, then there is still cause for concern.

The expectant mother should carefully monitor her health throughout pregnancy, and from the middle of the second trimester do this especially carefully. After all, premature birth can begin at any moment, and in the early stages it is fraught with the loss of the child. It is important to note for yourself the nature of the pain. If your mother feels that sometimes there is a tugging or tightness in the lower abdomen, there is no need to worry, although you should notify your doctor about this at the appointment. Perhaps the baby is missing something and because of this he behaves excessively, causing the mother unpleasant pain in the abdominal area. An obstetrician-gynecologist will always tell you what is the right thing to do in a certain situation - he is managing your pregnancy and knows better than other “advisers” how to behave as a future mother.

If you encounter very sharp and unpleasant pain that does not go away or increases in nature (or bloody discharge begins!), urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital for examination.

How to ensure a comfortable 25th week of pregnancy

  1. All body movements should not be very long: sit, stand, walk, lie down, a little of everything.
  2. Avoid shoes with high and unstable heels.
  3. Do not rush to get out of bed: this must be done carefully. First, help yourself by turning onto your side. Then rise up and lower both legs to the floor. Get up without sudden movements. This way you can be sure that there will be no additional unnecessary stress on the muscles that stimulate the tone of the uterus.
  4. Do not lift heavy objects. If you are forced to do this due to circumstances, then first sit down, grab a heavy object with both hands and stand up.
  5. Do not cross your legs or sit cross-legged.
  6. Do not reach for objects that are far from you (this contributes to the entanglement of the baby's umbilical cord).
  7. Don't spend the whole day lying on the couch (unless bed rest is indicated for you) - don't give up moderate activity.

Preparatory stage for childbirth at 25 weeks of pregnancy

Preparing your breasts for feeding your baby

From the 25th week, you can already actively prepare your breasts for the fact that they will soon “meet” the baby, for whom they will become reassurance, nutrition and joy.

You have already noticed that your breasts are quite swollen. At 6-7 months, many women experience colostrum: discharge from the breast, if you grab the nipple around the areola. Of course, this is only preparatory stage, and it is in your power to ensure that your breasts are as ready as possible for feeding your baby. To do this, it is necessary to partially reduce the sensitivity of the nipples.

Take a thick towel (preferably a waffle one) and lightly rub your nipples with this towel every time after a shower. Don't overdo it and hurt yourself. Light rubbing will be enough. It would be a good idea to read books or forums on the topic. breastfeeding already now: you will make your future milk rich and nutritious in advance - even if for now it’s all just in your thoughts.

Preparing my husband for the upcoming birth

25 weeks of pregnancy is already a very impressive period. Your man, who has been by your side throughout this entire time, has probably gotten used to many of the whims and desires of a pregnant woman. But you need to start leading your loved one to the fact that the baby will be born very soon.

Rest assured: most men assume that pregnancy ends with childbirth and life returns to normal. Of course, this doesn't happen. After giving birth, many couples find the first few months even more difficult than during pregnancy. Talk to your husband about this. Share your experiences, but don't try to intimidate him. Your goal is to see a future assistant in a man and prepare him for this role, and not to do everything possible so that he completely withdraws from the role of a caring father and loving husband.

And here’s what the fetus looks like at 25 weeks of gestation, photo:

For those who want to see the baby in motion, we suggest watching the 25th week of pregnancy video: