Sand therapy in kindergarten. Sand therapy in kindergarten material on the topic Sand animation in a dow program

Explanatory note

Sand painting - a new and at the same time simple look visual activity preschoolers, accessible to almost everyone and does not require special training. And for the teacher, this is another way to understand the feelings of the child. This type of drawing is one of the most unusual ways creative activity, because children create unique masterpieces on the sand with their own hands. Surprisingly, a handful of sand turns into a landscape, starry sky, forest or sea. This unusual form of art is called Sand art, i.e. "sand art". Sand - the same paint, only works on the principle of "light and shadow", perfectly conveys human feelings, thoughts and aspirations.

Sand painting is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing aesthetic perception, since it is closely connected with independent and creative activity. This is one of the ways to depict the surrounding world. As the technique of drawing with sand is mastered, the inner world of the child is enriched and developed. This type of creativity, as a means of correcting the psyche, allows the little artist to overcome the feeling of fear, moving away from the subject representation and depiction with traditional materials, to express feelings and emotions in the drawing, gives freedom, instills self-confidence. Having mastered the technique of sand painting, the child gets the opportunity to choose, which, in turn, ensures the creative nature of children's productive activities. The program also includes classes with kinetic sand, which in its structure resembles wet beach sand, pleasant to the touch. It is very pleasant and convenient to work with such sand, it does not stick to hands, keeps its shape, but at the same time has the ability to spread in hands. Being engaged in kinetic sand, tactile sensitivity of the child develops

The program was compiled on the basis of the methodology of Grigoryeva G.G. “Game techniques in teaching preschoolers visual activity”, A. Voynov “Draw in the sand”, used practical advice M. Zeytsa "We write and draw on the sand."

Monitoring is carried out 2 times a year (primary - in September, final in May).

Target: stimulating the independence and creativity of children in visual activity using the sand painting technique; harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of preschoolers; development of creativity and imagination.

  • development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination);
  • development of creative potential, disclosure of one's unique abilities, formation of communication skills;
  • training fine motor skills hands, coordination of movement, plasticity, which stimulates thought processes, improves memory, develops speech (speech therapy);
  • equal development and work of the left (thinking, logic) and right (creativity, intuition) hemispheres of the brain - to develop interhemispheric interaction, the child creates drawings with both hands;
  • harmonization of the emotional state, the ability to relax, obtaining a resource (removing emotional stress in anxious, aggressive and hyperactive children).
  • formation of self-regulation skills.

Methodological support of the program:

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, Grabenko T.M. Miracles in the sand Workshop on sand therapy.

Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in working with children: A guide for child psychologists, educators, doctors and professionals working with children.

Kuzub N.V., Osipuk E.I. Visiting the Sand Fairy. Organization of a pedagogical sandbox and sand games for children preschool age. Methodical manual for educators and psychologists of preschool institutions.

Sakovich N.A. Sand play technology. Bridge games.

Tryasorukova T.P. Games for home and kindergarten to reduce psycho-emotional and musculoskeletal stress.

Shaidurova N.V. Teaching preschool children to draw animals according to algorithmic schemes.

List of basic teaching aids:

1. An office equipped with technical teaching aids:

  • light tables.

2. Materials and tools:

  • sifted sand;
  • colored sand;
  • colored stones;
  • brushes.

3. Safety instructions.

4. Special literature.

Contraindications to work with sand:

  • Allergy to dust and small particles.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Skin diseases and cuts on the hands.

Classes are not held if announced in a quarantine group

Sand disinfection: treatment with a bactericidal irradiator 2 times a week for 45-60 minutes. A mark on the sand treatment carried out is entered in the quartz treatment schedule, which is located in the sand therapy room.

Classes are held 2 times a week with a group of children 6-8 people. Classes start in September and continue until the end of May. Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Class structure:

Hand sanitizer treatment

Greeting, finger gymnastics, kinesiology exercises

Repetition of the rules of conduct while working with sand

Sand handling

Washing hands, returning to the group.

Starting from 8-10 classes, additional materials are introduced into the work: beads, decorative stones, shells, decorative ornaments, tree leaves (dry), cones, paper boats, airplanes, butterflies, cardboard stencils.

Starting from the 20th lesson, drawing with a thin stick is introduced into the work to draw thinner lines.

Expected results of the program implementation:

  • ability to work with the hand and fingers of both hands;
  • hand-eye coordination;
  • mastery of technical skills: regulation of the strength of movements,

a certain amplitude, speed, rhythm;

  • the ability to convey in the work their feelings with the help of non-traditional technique– sand painting;
  • harmonization of the psycho-emotional state.

Block 1. "Magnificent lines, interesting figures."

To introduce children to the technique of sand painting.

Teach children to draw lines of various widths, curls with fingers, palms, two hands at the same time, palm edge, pinch, etc. Learn the techniques of pouring, cutting, cleaning sand.

Block 2. "Subject drawing".

Learn to create images to the music, develop creative imagination, draw with your fingers synchronously. Encourage creative ideas and solutions, develop imagination, consolidate familiar techniques. Learn to creatively express your idea, to fix the ways of drawing. Develop tactile sensitivity and motor skills of fingers.

Each lesson is divided into three stages: introductory, developing - main, final (summing up, discussion).

1. Introductory stage.

Creating a positive attitude to work together;

Establishing emotional contact.

2. Developmental stage.

Formation of self-regulation skills;

Expanding horizons and general awareness;

Development of the cognitive sphere;

Development of creative abilities, imagination and fantasy;

Development of fine coordination of movements and fine motor skills of hands;

Formation of stress resistance;

Stabilization and harmonization of the emotional state.

Main technologies of work:

Games and studies for training (tension and relaxation) of individual muscle groups - arms, legs, torso, neck, face, a complex of psychomuscular training (Appendix 1);

Finger games, kinesiology exercises (Appendix 2);

Free and thematic sand painting.

3. The final stage.


Development of the ability to self-assess one's work, since self-assessment allows one to be more calm about the result of one's activity and assessment by adults;

Opinion exchange; strengthening positive emotions from work in the classroom.

Main technologies of work:

Conversation and discussions.

Calendar-thematic planning of classes

the date of the Topic of the lesson Lesson content
1 September Hello sand! Getting to know the equipment. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics"Squirrels and squirrels". Acquaintance with the rules of conduct while working with sand. Drawing on the sand. hand washing
2 September "Sand Magic" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Sand rain", "Unusual footprints", "Patterns in the sand". hand washing
3 September "Living Sand" Greetings. Familiarity with the rules of working with kinetic sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "I have a flower growing" Work with molds, "bake" pies from "live" sand. Farewell. Washing hands
4 October "Sand Fantasies" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Repetitions". Drawing "Patterns in the sand", "The circle turns into ...", "The square turns into ...". hand washing
5 October "Sand element" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Castle", "We chop cabbage ...". Drawing fruits, vegetables using stencils. Parting. hand washing
6 October "Autumn on the Sand" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels", "Orange". Drawing "Autumn forest". Farewell Washing hands.
7 November "Extraordinary Sand" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Repetitions". Drawing "Sensual palms", drawing butterflies. Parting. Hand washing.
8 November "Dreamers" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with kinetic sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Repeat", "Castle". Modeling from "live" sand at will. Farewell. Washing hands
9 November Mandala on the sand Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Magic Mandala" (using beads, buttons, paper flowers). Parting. Hand washing.
10 December "Winter on the Sand" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Parrots". Drawing "Winter Landscape". Farewell Washing hands.
11 December "Snowflakes" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Repetitions". Drawing "Snowflakes" (drawing with a thin stick). Hand washing.
12 December "Sand Desire" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Kinesiology exercises. Drawing "My New Year's wish on the sand." Farewell Washing hands.
January Parallel drawing Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Drawing with both hands at the same time." Parting. Hand washing.
14 January "Treat for Dolls" Greetings. Hand disinfection.
Repeat the rules for working with kinetic sand. Kinesiology exercises. We sculpt bread, sausages, cucumber, cut with plastic knives for plasticine. Farewell, washing hands
15 January "Cats in the Sand"
Drawing cats with cutting technique. Parting. hand washing
16 February "Fictioners" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics. Drawing as you wish. Parting. Hand washing.
17 February "Sand Magic" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Unusual footprints", "Patterns in the sand". Parting. hand washing
18 February "Gift for Dad" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics.
Drawing a picture in the sand - the theme of February 23. Parting. hand washing
19 March "Wise Owl" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Owl". Parting. hand washing
20 March "Gift for Mom" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Family". Drawing "Flower bouquet". Farewell Washing hands.
21 Fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics. We draw an illustration for the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" of a bunny, a fox, a hut. Parting. hand washing
22 March "Dreamers" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics. Free drawing. Hand washing.
23 April "Sand Fantasies" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Kinesiological exercises Figure "Transformation of geometric shapes." hand washing
24 April "Fairy Tree" Greetings. Repetition of the rules for working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Parrots". Drawing of a tree using additional material (buttons, beads).
Parting. Hand washing.
25 April "Lock" Greetings. Repetition of the rules for working with kinetic sand.
Kinesiology exercises "Ear-nose", "Fist-palm". Hand disinfection. Modeling towers from "live" sand, painting them with plastic knives, sticks. Parting. hand washing
26 April "Sand painting. Sprinkling Method » Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics
Practicing the pouring technique. Railroad drawing. Hand washing.
27 May "Sand story. Baba Yaga" Greetings. Repetition of the rules for working with colored sand. Finger gymnastics "Washing", "Orange". Hand disinfection. We draw a hut on chicken legs. We use the stencil of Baba Yaga. Parting. hand washing
28 May "Adventures in the Garden" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel and squirrels". Drawing "Pig in the garden". Farewell Washing hands.
29 May "Blossoming apple tree" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection Kinesiological exercises. Flowering tree drawing. Parting. hand washing
30 May "Sand underwater world" Greetings. Repeat the rules of conduct while working with sand. Hand disinfection. Finger gymnastics "I will build a house for myself." Drawing "Scuba diving". Hand washing.

Ways to check the results of mastering the program

Summing up the final results of mastering the program is carried out with the help of monitoring, the main methods of which are conversation, observation, express diagnostics by N.N. Pavlova, L.G. Method "Choose the right person" projective diagnostics of children (for children 4-5 years old)
and he. Goncharenko (for children 3-4 years old), the results of which show the level of development of imagination, perception, motor skills of the hand.

Table for recording monitoring results

F.I. child Age Development levels
Development of the imagination Development of perception Development of motor skills of the hand Anxiety level


  1. Nikitina O.N. Sand drawing in psychological and pedagogical practice. SPb.-2013
  2. Sosnina M.V. The sand-art method. Sand drawing resources St. Petersburg-2012.
  3. Zinkevich T.D. - Evstigneeva. Workshop on storytelling. St. Petersburg - 2001
  4. Yakovleva N. Psychological assistance to a preschooler. St. Petersburg - 2002
  5. Lyutova E.K. Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults. M.-2000
  6. Kryukova S.V. Slobodyanik N.P. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing. The program of emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age. M.-2000
  7. Webinar by Nikitina O.N., Sosnina M.V. Sand-art method: Psychotherapeutic resources of sand painting. Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton" - 2016






The silky warm sand is attractive to people of all ages. The feeling of fine loose texture relaxes, liberates, soothes. Therefore, sand fuss is so attractive for preschool children. But not always the price of a vacation allows you to take the baby to the sea several times during the year. Based on this, psychologists developed a training program " sand therapy».


The Sand Therapy program has been known since 1920 thanks to psychotherapists A. Freud, E. Erickson, and others. In the 1930s, Sand Therapy was formed, which began to be successfully used to solve psychological problems in children and adults.

"Sand therapy" relieves emotional stress, is a means of psychological diagnostics, helps to restore spiritual harmony. In parallel, figurative thinking, imagination, memory, fine motor skills develop. For preschool children, these activities allow you to express fears and concerns without overexertion. Toddlers seem to model anxieties and destroy them, freeing themselves from internal tension.

The training program is aimed at overcoming problems in communication, at the formation of responsibility for the decision and its consequences. "Sand therapy" provides an opportunity for preschool children to get rid of the effects of stress and psychological trauma, increases self-esteem. The price of such classes is the peace of mind and harmony of your child.

Situations in which children simply need classes

  • psychosomatic diseases in children;
  • increased anxiety, aggressiveness;
  • isolation of the child;
  • neurosis;
  • stress as a result of complex family or social conflicts;
  • for children with special needs.

Contraindications to exercise

  • with epilepsy;
  • with pulmonary and skin diseases;
  • with an allergic reaction to dust;
  • with manifestations of hyperactivity.

Stages of therapy

Classes "Sand therapy" involve a gradual transition from one stage to the next in the individual rhythm of the child.


This is the initial stage for children, when they throw a lot of toys into the sand without grouping them by size, color, animal, object, etc. This indicates deep inner fears and feelings, confusion.


The child begins to divide the figures into opposing groups. Good and evil, bad and good figures appear. Do not rush the baby, offering him a good hero. Let all fears, resentments and doubts spill out. This stage will end with the onset of peace among the warring parties.


This is the final stage of peace, balance and harmony. All figures in pairs or small groups. Bright elements appear. Movements become calm and smooth.


Sand therapy classes are children's games that give children the opportunity to express themselves.


Invite the baby to touch the sand, stroke it, dip his hands in the sand. Draw waves and snakes. Make drawings with your palms, fists, edge of the hand, finger.

Comment on feelings, ask leading questions. Suggest bright, joyful and kind associations.


Let the baby pick up sand in a fist and gradually pour it into an open palm or into your hand. This game relaxes, regulates muscle tone.

"Guess what"

The child must recognize by touch the figures buried in the sand. This game develops fine motor skills of hands and imagination, forms self-confidence.

"A funny story"

Lay out the figures in the sand in a certain order, show the child, let them remember. Then bury the toys in the sand randomly. The kid must find the figures in the sand and lay them out in their original order.

"My city"

Let the kid build his favorite city, arrange his favorite figures in it, arrange a place for himself.

Lesson notes

You can study the ready-made notes of the Sand Therapy classes, but it is best to build the logic of the classes yourself, taking into account individual features each child or group of children. Your notes will include all the same basic games, but in an individual sequence, at your own pace. The proposed notes will help you find suitable poetic material, nursery rhymes, jokes that will create an atmosphere of goodwill in the classroom.

Pay attention to the inventory that ready-made notes offer. Its price is absolutely affordable. You will need:

  • live (kinetic) sand;
  • sand for a home sandbox or colored quartz sand (the price is indicated on the manufacturers' websites);
  • sand container (sandbox, box, large box, etc.);
  • figurines of animals and fish, plants and men, fairy tale characters and cartoon characters;
  • tapes;
  • shreds;
  • colored stones;
  • cars;
  • locks;
  • towers;
  • bridges, etc.


For group classes, you need to purchase sandboxes (average price - 3000 rubles) and sets for "Sand Therapy".

Kindergarten No. 10 of an open joint stock company

"Russian railways»

The program of the circle "Magic Sand"

Sand animation for children in preschool

Compiled by:

medical psychologist of the highest category, educational psychologist of the highest category, Pavlik Anzhelika Vitalievna;

educator of the highest category, head of the circle "Magic Sand" Smirnova Irina Andreevna

Leningrad region, Kirovsky district, town. Mga




    Target section of the program ………………………………………………..3

    1. Explanatory note……………………………………………………3

      Goals and objectives of the program………………………………………………...4

2. Organizational section ……………………………………………………5

2.1 Program Content Principles…………………………………………….5

3. Content section of the program ………………………………………7

3.1 Thematic planning sand animation lessons in the Magic Sand circle for all age groups………………………………….7

3.2 Long-term plan for working with parents………………………………..11



APPS ………………………………………………………………...15


All parents know that playing in the sand is one of the most favorite activities of children. In the sandbox or on the sea coast, children are passionate about this activity, because the sand has the ability to absorb negative emotions. Playing with sand improves well-being, cheers up and brings joy. Therefore, sand painting is not just fascinating, but also an interesting discovery of a new world of sand fantasy.

Sand is mysterious natural material. It is accessible, plastic, can be light, warm, has the ability to take any form.

In the process of working with sand, a new “product” is created. The main attention is drawn to creative self-expression, due to which there is a "removal of internal stress" and the search for ways of development.

    The target section of the program of the circle "Magic Sand"

1.1 Explanatory note

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool.

An important role is played by the emotional and personal well-being of the child. Lack of warmth, affection, discord between family members, misunderstanding on the part of adults and peers leads to the formation of a child's feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and self-doubt.

These children often have a low level of verbal communication, they are aggressive, they cannot and do not want to give in to each other, they do not want to be more tolerant and kinder.

Based on the results of psychological diagnostics, we came to the conclusion that children who have difficulties in communicating with peers and adults often demonstrate negative behavior, can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

    Children who try to avoid failure;

    Children who are trying to get attention;

    Children with the makings of negative leadership.

In this regard, it became necessary to create a correctional and developmental program for the emotional state of children.

Having studied the artistic and developmental possibilities of this art form, we decided to try to introduce sand classes as an additional educational program that contributes to creative development preschooler, correction of the emotional background of the child. The ability of sand to evoke certain sensory sensations when working with it often serves as a bridge between sensations and feelings. Children who are angry may vent their irritation when working with sand. Children experiencing the need to improve their self-esteem, get extraordinary sensations in the process of using the sand. This type of creativity is the most visual of all types of art and allows a psychologist, a teacher to observe the state of the child.

This job - good way stimulate verbal expression of feelings in children who lack such abilities. When a child or with a parent in the work study their creation, an inner sense of harmony tells them what changes need to be made to the work.

This program is formed in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation from 11.12.2006 06-1844 "On approximate requirements for programs of additional education for children" and allows you to apply "psychotherapeutic tools" of fairy tale therapy, game therapy, sand therapy.

Program focus:

This program is aimed at a comprehensive harmonious development personality of the child through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.

This program is designed for pupils of Kindergarten No. 10 of Russian Railways, aged 4 to 7, who have no contraindications for working with sand:

1. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

2. allergy to dust and fine particles

3. lung diseases

4. skin diseases, cuts on the hands.

Relevance, novelty, pedagogical expediency:

Program contentfocused on the emotional well-being of the child - self-confidence, a sense of security. The novelty of this program lies in the use artistic creativity as a way of psychological work with children.

1.2 Goals and objectives of the program

Program goals:

The development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, image, thinking, spatial imagination);

Disclosure of the creative individuality of the child;

Formation of communication skills;

Fine motor skills training;

Harmonization of the psycho-emotional state (leveling of the emotional background).

In order to achieve the targets, it was decided to start in preschool activities with sand (sand animation) and the following


    Identification of children, parents who want to attend classes and children who need these classes (in the direction of a psychologist);

    Working with children in the sandbox;

    Support for children in creativity.

    Organization section

The content of the program is focused on the emotional well-being of the child - self-confidence, a sense of security and success in life. In many respects it depends on how the child's relationship with the outside world, people develops.

2.1. Program Content Principles:

    Consistency : during school year The work on the program is carried out systematically, on a certain day of the week. A specifically planned topic may not be limited to the scope of one lesson, since it is impossible to designate in advance the whole gamut of spontaneously arising situations.

    Continuity of interaction between adults and a child in kindergarten and in the family : for effective implementationprogramsparents are active participants pedagogical process and knowledge of the inner world of your child.

    Comfort : creating an atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the strength of the child, creating for everyone a situation of success and emotional involvement in the learning process.

    Person-Centered Interaction : creation of conditions for emancipation and disclosure, stimulating the creative activity of the child.

    variability : creating conditions for the child to independently choose materials, methods of work, and the degree of activity.

Implementation program material calculated for 3 years.

Class structure

ml. group

1 lesson + 1 lesson with parents (optional)

middle group

Senior group

2 lessons + 1 lesson with parents (optional)

Form of work with children

Tasks and content


Form of organization

Amount of time and activities




Group (individual)

Group (individual)

Group (individual)

1/3 lessons

1/3 lessons

1/3 lessons

Simulation of fairy tale games (animation) on the sand


Fairy tale (theme)

animation table

Collaboration with children

    work on the animation table - sand painting


Fairy tale (theme)

animation table

Help, teamwork with kids

Classes with children are conducted taking into account the individual characteristics of children. The classes include elements of: music therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, play therapy, which greatly increases the effectiveness of children mastering various forms and means of communication, an open attitude to the outside world, the expression of an active cognitive position, initiative and independence in judgments, for the full development of emotional intelligence.

During work, it is necessary to create a natural environment for working with the child (the comfort of the child is important), find out which character the child wants to work with (“revive” the character), and finally, real “living”, playing all kinds of situations, stories, fairy tales, songs, music along with the heroes.

Classes can be held both with a group of children and individually, with or without parents. The main thing is the comfort of the child and his desire to work with sand.

Material and equipment:

- "quartz sand" 0.1-0.3 (1-2 kg)

Table for sand animation with backlight,

Possible sand different color,

Musical accompaniment (audio fairy tales, music files on a computer, multimedia presentations, cartoons),

Interactive board,

Photo and video equipment for shooting cartoons and clips.

The sand is renewed once a year, the sand is calcined (changed) once every 3-4 months. Sand can be replaced with flour or semolina.

Expected results:

    positive changes in the psychological state of children, a positive picture of the world and the image of the Self, awareness of internal resources;

    development of children's motor abilities through mastering various manual operations that affect their psychophysiological functions;

    reduction of emotional anxiety;

    increased self-esteem;

    development of communication skills;

    development of self-awareness;

    improving parent-child relationships;

    reinforcement of positive behavioral responses.

    The content section of the program of the circle "Magic Sand"

    1. Thematic planning of games-classes on sand animation in the circle "Magic Sand":

Thematic planning includes:

The history of the emergence of work with sand (sand animation);

familiarity with the material;

Work in a therapeutic sandbox during summer walks;

Fundamentals of composition, the importance of music in work;

Story and script development.

for children 3-4 years old (younger group) 1 lesson per month




Introduction to sand


My family

To help children understand family relationships, to consolidate the ability to name family members. To cultivate love and respect for parents, the desire to take care of relatives and friends.



Funny snowmen



flower for mom


"Fast Rockets"

To form children's ideas about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin;

Expand vocabulary: space, star, comet, planet, astronaut..


Individual lessons with parents "Mom, dad, me - we are friends"

for children 4-5 years old (middle group) 2 lessons per month




Introduction to sand

Development of cognitive processes. Fine motor skills training. Introduction to the properties of sand.

Based on Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" (view presentation)

Acquaintance with the work of V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom". Develop the ability to listen to an adult, perseverance and attention. To form the ability to reason, analyze the cause-and-effect relationship. Activate speech, develop fine motor skills.


My family

To help children understand family relationships, to consolidate the ability to name family members. To cultivate love and respect for parents, the desire to take care of relatives and friends. Develop the ability to write short stories personal experience. Acquaintance with the genre of art - portrait.

Drawing-relaxation "Music of the rain"

To develop in children the ability to independently choose a plot for a drawing, trying to convey the nature of the melody. Relaxation, tranquility.


Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

Introduce children to the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs". Speech development - vocabulary enrichment with adjectives: straw, stone, bast. Strengthen counting skills up to 3. The development of fine motor skills.

“There are traces of unseen animals on unknown paths…”

To instill interest and love for Russian folk tales. To evoke an emotional response to familiar and favorite fairy tales on the example of Russians folk tales. To give children information about the fairy tale as a genre of verbal folklore.


“How a kitten was surprised in winter”

To develop the ability to hear the speech of an adult addressed to a group of children; introduce the emotion of surprise; compose a short story according to the scheme; select words denoting action, sign; to consolidate the ability to correlate the word with the action that it denotes; activate the pronunciation of the sound (y) in isolation;

To cultivate the ability to jointly perform common actions;

Raise a love for animals and arouse a desire to take care of them.

Funny snowmen

Formation of knowledge about the properties of snow. Activate the speech of children through the artistic word.

Develop fine motor skills.


The birds flew in, the grains ate

To create favorable conditions for the deepening and systematization of knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, to reveal the ecological knowledge of children. To create conditions for the improvement of all types of speech activity, for the development of logical, mental operations. To form the ability to create an image of birds from memory.

Different dads are needed, different dads are important (songs about dad)

Help children understand family relationships. To cultivate love and respect for the father, the desire to take care of relatives and friends.


Based on the poem by E. Blagina "Let's sit in silence ..."

Optimization of parent-child relationships.

Raising a good relationship with your mother.

Development of motor skills; perception, attention and speech

Based on the work of V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik". (viewing the music video "Flower-Semitsvetik")


Who said meow? (Where is the kitten hiding?)

To acquaint children with the fairy tale of Suteev V.G. "Who said meow?" To cultivate the ability to listen to works of art to the end, to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale. Learn to understand the meaning of the work. Develop phrasal speech in the process of answering questions. Encourage children to participate in the dramatization of the most liked passage of the fairy tale.

"Earth is our common home"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin; consolidate the ability to tell already familiar text according to the scheme, activate auditory and visual analyzers .. Expand vocabulary: space, star, comet, planet, sky, outer space, astronaut. To improve knowledge about nature, its resources, planet Earth.


Individual lessons with parents "We are wizards"

The development of creative imagination, fine motor skills. The formation of unity with the family, a positive emotional attitude

for children 5-6 years old (senior group) 2 lessons per month

"The house that Jack built…"

("The house that I will build...")

Activate speech. The development of creative imagination, fine motor skills. Learn to draw a building, highlighting its design features (walls, foundation, roof, ceiling, floor, balcony, window, etc.)

Based on the work of V. Bianchi "Owl"

To consolidate in children the concept of the relationship and interdependence of all living beings in nature.

To lay in children an ecological perception of the world in an emotional playful way.


Based on the work of V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik"

moral education children, to teach to be restrained and friendly, to be able to work in a team, the development of coherent speech, to work on the expressiveness of speech.

My family "Dad, mom, me..."

To help children understand family relationships, to consolidate the ability to name family members. To cultivate love and respect for parents, the desire to take care of relatives and friends. Learn to compose short stories about mom, dad from personal experience. Introduce the genre of art - portrait.


“How a kitten was surprised in winter”

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of winter, to teach to convey a picture of winter in a drawing; practice drawing trees.

"Santa Claus and gold fish»

Develop cognitive and productive activities. Involving children in the fabulous atmosphere of the holiday.


Bird feeder (viewing the presentation "Wintering Birds")

To create favorable conditions for the deepening and systematization of knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, to reveal the ecological knowledge of children.

“If we only want, we will turn everything around into ...” (fantasy game)

Give children space for the development of creative imagination.


Based on the fairy tale "Cat's House" (viewing a cartoon)

Fixing the rules of conduct during a fire.

According to the rules of the road

"Our assistant is a traffic light"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of a traffic light, about road signs and their purpose. Summarize knowledge of the rules of the road.


Bouquet for a sweet mother. We shoot a cartoon for congratulations to mothers.

Clarify children's knowledge about the holiday "March 8".Raising a caring and sensitive attitude towards the closest people, the formation of the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

By listening to the melody "Spring streams"

Create conditions for relaxation, recreation for children. Dive into the creative process of sand painting.


By listening to the melody "Bird Whistle" (relaxation)

Expansion of knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring - about the arrival of birds. Continue to create conditions for relaxation.

"Fairy tale-composer" (fantasy game)

Instill interest in creating new fairy tale. Develop speech.


Activities with parents« Sand Tales»

With the help of a fairy tale, to interest and attract preschoolers to research work on the study of the properties and types of sand.

Help strengthen parent-child relationships.

During the academic year

Exercises for independent activity : “There on unknown paths, traces of unseen animals…”; “Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers, a belated train was driving ...”; Country "Trainland" - the country of trains, wagons, locomotives; "The sun is red"; “What (who) scares me”; "Four forces"; "Draw an emotion."

2.3 Long-term plan for working with parents

Introduction to sand painting techniques.

Identification of children, parents who want to attend classes and children who need these classes (in the direction of a psychologist).

Consolidation of parent-child relationships.

Informing parents about the progress of educational and corrective work with kids.

Video "Magic Sand"

Informing parents about the results of the primary diagnosis of children.

Questionnaire « Big world little man"


Consultation "Correction of children's fears with sand therapy"

Booklet for parents "Games with sand"


Article: "The role of the family and kindergarten in shaping the psychological health of children",

Open class with parents


Consultation "Fairytale games in the sand"

Video "Our cartoons"


Open session with parents


Round table « Creative skills child: we study, develop, rejoice in success!


Open session with parents

Individual consultations with a preschool psychologist.


Photo exhibition “Let parents not be angry that builders get dirty”


Parent meeting"Art therapy in the recovery of children."

Informing parents about the results of the final diagnosis of children.

4. Diagnostic section of the program

The program works in our kindergarten since September 2012

To equalize the psycho-emotional background, all newly admitted children were taken into the program (at the request of the parents and the child himself) in the period 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016. school year. The work was carried out in groups and individually. As the child adapted to the conditions of the kindergarten (work in a group with a parent), the pupil became more calm and independent, which made it possible to move on to individual work child (without parent) with sand.

Adaptation of children in a group younger age.

For September 2013 V junior group consisted of 18 children. Diagnostic activities were carried out at the end of October 2013. Using the Denver Developmental Assessment Screening Test (Percentage).

Diagram 1

With all the children, work was carried out to adapt the child to attending kindergarten on the circle "Magic Sand".

Diagnostic activities were carried out in April-May 2014, using the "Denver Developmental Assessment Screening Test" (percentage).

Diagram 2

According to the results of the work carried out in the younger age group, the active participation of parents and children in the program during the 2013-2014 academic year, we see a positive trend in the development of children.

In particular: children who do not complete tasks from the group “Social. functions" - no. Number of children performingAll tasks in the areas of diagnostics - significantly increased. This indicates a good adaptation of children to kindergarten, the inclusion of children in the proposed activities.

Development of graphomotor skills, fine motor skills.

A group was formed separately in order to develop graphomotor skills. 20 children were taken into the group to work on the development of graphomotor skills. As a result of working with this group, the children began to show more interest in the lessons of the general kindergarten program in drawing with pencils, working with paper (origami), and plasticine.

Diagram 3

The development of speech.

In the third group, children were collected for the development of speech. Working with fine sand, emotional involvement in classes, pronunciation of the plot, episodes of drawing contributed to the development of speech skills and speech in general.

In April-May 2016, a final diagnosis of the psycho-emotional state of pupils attending individual and group classes under the Sand Animation program was carried out. As a result of diagnostic measures: conversations, observation, questioning of parents, it was revealed:

87% of children attend kindergarten with pleasure;

100% - became calmer and more independent;

In individual lessons, 93% of children overcame fears (fear of the dark, fear of parting, fear of doctors, etc.);

As a result of a survey of parents, 100% of children developed speech, children became more sociable.

Currently on the program"Sand animation for children in a preschool educational institution" educators and a teacher-psychologist work with children individually at the request of parents and teachers. In 2015-2016 academic year In 2008, we supplemented the program with fairy tale therapy technology, which increased the efficiency of work with pupils.


    Babina N. 600 practical advice for parents. Child 0 to 9 years old. M., 2002.

    Borba Michelle. No to bad behavior: 38 patterns of problem child behavior and how to deal with it: Per. From English. – M.: Ed. House "Williams", 2006. - 320p.

    Barinova N. Sand - water - palms. //Child in kindergarten. - 2010. - No. 2. - With. 2

    Berezhnaya N. F. The use of a sandbox in the correction of emotional-volitional and social spheres preschool children. //Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 1. - With. 50

    3. Grabenko T. M. Games with sand, or sand therapy. //Preschool Pedagogy. - 2004. - No. 5. - With. 26

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. "Miracles in the Sand" Workshop on sand therapy T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.M. Grabenko.- St. Petersburg. Ed. "Speech", 2007

    N.V. Kozub, E.I. Osipuk "Visiting the Sand Fairy". Organization of pedagogical sandbox and games. Methodical manual for educators and psychologists of a preschool institution. St. Petersburg Ed. "Speech", M. "Sphere" 2011 - 61s.


"Sand Country Rules"

Familiarity with the rules of behavior in the sandbox. Sand queen.

There are no harmful children in the country -
After all, they have no place in the sand!
Here you can not bite, fight
And throw sand in your eyes!
Do not destroy foreign countries!
Sand is a peaceful country.
You can build and wonder
You can do a lot:
Mountains, rivers and seas,
To have life around.
Children, understand me?
Or should it be repeated?
To remember and be friends!

Set up to work in the sandbox, increase self-confidence.

Instructions: “Today you will be a wizard. You walked around the world for a very long time and searched for a place where no human foot had set foot. And so you came to the desert, where there is only sand. And now, you need to turn this desert into a fairyland. Come on, you've already seen how I made the mountains, the sea, the meadows. Forests.

Since part of the sand usually spills out of the sandbox when playing, you need to draw the child's attention to this fact.

Leading. The Sand Fairy was sad because her sand buddies got lost and couldn't get back home to the sandbox. The sand fairy asks you, baby:

1. Take care of the grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If by chance the sand spills out, show it to an adult and he will help them get back into the sandbox. Do not throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. Sand grains really don't like being taken in the mouth or thrown at other children. You can not take sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. The sand fairy loves when children have clean hands and noses. Played with sand - wash your hands and show your clean palms to the mirror.

The ritual of "exit" from the Sandland
Look at our palms -
They have become wiser!
Thank you, our dear sand,
You helped us become bolder!

Summaries of games-activities and exercises with sand

Lesson #1

Subject: Introduction to sand

Target : Induce a positive emotional attitude.

Tasks :





Introductory part:

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to a sand fairy tale.

Main part:

The adult starts the game by telling the child about his feelings:

"I'm pleased. I feel the coolness (or warmth) of the sand. I feel small grains of sand. What do you feel? (children's answers)

The child, according to the received pattern of pronunciation, talks about his feelings.

Next, an exercise is carried out to “slide” the palms on the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular motions(cars, snake, sled, etc.) The teacher invites the children to perform the same movements, placing their palm on the edge. (children, speaking, perform the proposed exercise, talk about their feelings)

Educator: Guys, what happens if you wet the sand? (children's answers) Does it rain without water? (discussion of children)

The “rain” exercise, while moving not only the fingers, but also the hands, making soft “up and down” movements.

Educator: Guys, are you already big and probably know the letter that begins your name or the name of your mother (father)? (children's answers) Do you know how to draw it? (children's answers)

Exercise "draw your letter".

Final part:

Educator: Guys, did you like to play with sand? (children's answers) How did you learn to play with sand today? (draw, drive a car, sled, leave traces, etc. statements of children)

Guys, but in order to return to the sand fairy tale again, we need to say some magic words. You don't know what? (children speak out) come up with a ritual of farewell to the sand: stroking the sand, clapping hands against each other, we are talking invented words of farewell.

Lesson number 2

Subject : Sand country (diagnostic)

Target : Give the child the opportunity to open up emotionally, get rid of negative emotions.

Tasks :


    Development of spatial imagination;

    Development of the creative individuality of the child;

    Development of speech, fine motor skills;



    fasten communication skills.

    To cultivate the ability to express one's individuality through creative work.


Introductory part:

Educator: Guys today, each of you will become a real storyteller. Do you want to become storytellers? (children's answers)

Sounds like magic music

Educator: Let's say magic words and go to a fairy tale:Turn around three times into a storyteller, you turn! (children repeat)

Main part:

Educator: So you have become real storytellers, let's draw your own fairy tale. Guys, let's imagine that each of us has our own fairy-tale country inside. There are mountains, reservoirs, forests, maybe swamps, volcanoes, etc. What else will happen in your fairyland? (children's answers)

What name will you give your country? (children's answers)

Who will you invite to visit you? (children's answers)

Let's draw this fabulous country and play in it. (children draw with sand on their own to calm music)

Let's give names to rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. (children tell what names they gave to mountains, lakes, etc.)

The teacher invites the children to draw themselves in a fairy-tale land (where they are). Then he asks to draw with arrows where they would like to go in their country. Who would you invite to your country? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, your fairyland is a place where you can relax, hide, invite friends and, probably, you don’t want fairytale evil to penetrate here. I'm right? (children discuss who can penetrate their fairy-tale land, what can do ...)

Let's mark the paths to your country, so that this does not happen.

game exercise"Snowstorm", "Storm"

Final part:

Educator: Our journey is over, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words:Turn around three times and turn into kids! (to the magical music of transformation)

Did you guys like to be storytellers? Would you like to return to your fairy tale again? How about thinking of another one? (children's statements)

In the last lesson, we figured out how to say goodbye to the sand fairy tale, let's say goodbye: children stroke the sand, pat hands on each other, say invented words of farewell. (everyone made up their own words)

Tale in the sand "Greedy little mouse".

Open lesson with parents (upon request)

Target: Prevention of child abuse. Consolidation of parent-child relationships.

Lesson progress:

The tale "The Greedy Little Mouse" is played in the sandbox with the participation of parents and a child.

Parents and the teacher voice the heroes of this fairy tale, and the child plays the fairy tale in the sand.

Fairy tale characters (mouse, bee, ladybug, butterfly, frog) - small plastic or rubber toys.

Greedy - balloon ik.

Greedy little mouse

(An adult inflates a small balloon).

GADINA: What a nuisance!

Forgotten me - Greed.

Where to find the greedy

To grow, grow, grow...

If I find a greedy

I won't get lost with him.

(A mouse appears in the sandbox).

One summer under a bush

In the shade of cool foliage

Lying, dreaming about this, about that

The mouse is very greedy.

MOUSE: Oh, if only I could sail on the sea

Almost to the end of the world

And a wonderful island to open,

So that it was all cheese!

I'll eat this whole island myself!

Not a crumb, not a piece

I won't give you a hole of cheese!

The whole island is mine, period!

GREEN: Ha-ha-ha!!! Did you find it?

My, my, my!

My treasure!

MOUSE: Who are you? Enchantress?

ZADINA: I am the kindest sorceress in the world.

Do you want me to find your cheese island for you?

MOUSE: I want! Can you?

ZADINA: I can, I can. Only you must give me an oath of allegiance. Remember her: Nothing, no one,

All for oneself only.


Nothing, no one

All for oneself only.

The child spends a strip in the sandbox, dividing the sandbox into two parts: a cheese island - for a mouse, a clearing - for the heroes of a fairy tale).

And the Mouse remained on the cheese island.

And who would not call him to play,

He could not agree.

He suspected everyone

And I didn't want to share.

Here the bees began to buzz:

(Bees appear in the sandbox).

BEES: Let's go play tag!

The mouse began to shout:

MOUSE: Hey, let's go, bugs!

You make friends

To eat cheese!

But I figured it out right away

And I don't want to share!

Nothing, no one

All for oneself only.

GREED: Ha-ha-ha!

(A butterfly appears in the sandbox).

A butterfly sits on a porridge, treats with nectar.

Angrily greedy squeaks:

MOUSE: I know your tricks!

Nothing, no one

All for oneself only.

GREED: Ha-ha-ha!

(“Growing” - the balloon is inflated).

(A ladybug appears in the sandbox)

Ladybug crawled:

LADYBUG: What are you missing?

The mouse turned white with evil:

MOUSE: And you dream about cheese?

Nothing, no one

All for oneself only.

GREED: Ha-ha-ha!

(A frog appears in the sandbox).

The frog jumps around.

FROG: Let's play hide and seek!

MOUSE: You are not my friend, green!

Jump without looking back!

Nothing, no one

All for oneself only.

GREED: Ha-ha-ha!

(“Growing” - the balloon is inflated)

While he was greedy, dreaming,

How to eat the whole island is delicious.

The mouse has lost his friends.

And he got sad!

MOUSE: Why do I need cheese, he thought

More fun with friends!

'Cause this island is just a dream

And friendship is more important!

For greed and for evil temper

The mouse obeyed:

MOUSE: Sorry everyone, I was wrong.

What did not share with you!

REAL: Shut up, shut up now.

Why do you need friends?

You need to share with them.

MOUSE: I really, really need friends.

(The greedy is getting smaller and smaller. The ball is released from the hands. Giving up, it disappears.)

Will not play with the greedy

Nobody in the world!

Share, give!

Don't be greedy, kids!

Stage of discussion of the fairy tale.

Open lesson with parents "Sand tales"

Target: With the help of a fairy tale, to interest and involve preschoolers in research work on the study of the properties and types of sand. Consolidation of parent-child relationships.

Tasks :


    Develop creative imagination;

    Development of cognitive processes;

    Fine motor skills training.


    To give knowledge about the properties of sand;

    Introduce children to unconventional sand painting techniques.


    Enrich communication skills based on the free exchange of opinions;


Introductory part:

Educator: Guys and parents today I invite you to a sand fairy tale. See what an unusual table we have. Do you think you can play with it? (children's statements) Let's try?

Main part:

To the melodic music, the teacher invites the children to play in the sand, touch it with their hands.

An adult and a child take turns making brush prints: internal and outside palms. It is important to hold your hand in the sand, moving your fingers slightly and listen to your feelings.

Educator: Today I invite you to a fairy tale. I will tell you a fairy tale, and you try to draw it together with your mom (dad).

In a country far, far away, among mountains and hills, a boy was born. He was very inquisitive. But his parents couldn't think of a name for him. So the boy without a name grew up.

One day, while walking in the valley of flowers, the boy found a wand. She liked him very much. He began to play with her. While playing, the boy uttered the magic words: ku-kum-ba, and waved his wand. At the same moment, the caterpillar crawling on the flower turned into a butterfly. The boy liked it so much that he began to repeat the magic words all day long: ku-kum-ba, ku-kum-ba, playing with his wand.

Parents watched the game of their baby, looked and decided to call him Kukumba. So the boy got a name.

As time passed, Kukumba grew up and became a good wizard. One day he went to travel. Wandering around the world, Kukumba learned a lot of new and interesting things. While traveling, the wizard found himself in an unusual place. There was nothing here but sand. "What is this?" thought Kukumba, looking at the sand. He took a handful of sand and began to examine it through a magnifying glass. "It's sand!" exclaimed the good wizard. He remembered how, as a child, in one book, he read about sand and examined the illustrations with interest.
Kukumba looked at the sand and thought: “I wonder what it comes from?”
And the magician decided to explore the sand and build a sand country in this place. But no matter how hard he tried, all his buildings crumbled. Then Kukumba waved his wand, uttered the magic words: "Kukumba", and a cheerful warm rain poured on the sand. The sand got wet and the good wizard built palaces, castles, trees, animals. And so that they would not crumble, he caused rain and wetted his buildings. So a sandy country appeared in the desert. Sand people lived in this country. But no matter how hard Kukumba tried, the sun warmed up so much that each time it became more and more difficult for him to keep the sand wet.
But Kukumba is not used to giving up. He built a large research laboratory, closed himself in it and began to study the sand. Every day he conducted many experiments, making new discoveries. But no one knew what happened in the secret laboratory of the good wizard, and neither do we...
But you guys don't despair, because we know that all the secret becomes clear. After all, this is not a fairy tale yet, this is a saying, and the fairy tale will be ahead.

Final part:

Guys, did you like to play with sand? (answers of children and parents) How did you learn to play with sand today? (draw, drive a car, sled, leave traces, etc. statements of children)

Guys, but in order to return to the sand fairy tale again, we need to say some magic words. You don't know what? (children speak out, parents help) come up with a ritual of farewell to the sand: stroking the sand, clapping pens against each other, we are talking invented words of farewell.

Greeting rituals:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: the formation of a desire to say something pleasant to a friend.

The facilitator shows the children a snowball that will help them find an affectionate name for their neighbor. Children pass the snowball around and call each other affectionate names.

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: group cohesion

Greeting "Palm"

Goal: development of group cohesion

Children sit in a circle on chairs. The host invites them to greet each other with the help of their palms, to greet their neighbor, affectionately stroking his palms, showing the children how to do this.

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: group cohesion

Children stand in a circle, say words, and hold hands tightly.

Now feel the warmth of the hands of your neighbors.

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: group cohesion, cohesion skills

Children stand in a circle, choose a leader, he portrays anger, children call adjectives for the word anger.

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, development of imagination

Children sit on the rug, quiet, calm music sounds. Breathe easily and calmly. Now we will try to imagine a rainbow, to see its colors.

Greeting "Joy"

Goal: development of group cohesion, observation, relieving muscle tension

Children begin to draw their mood on the sand table.

Games for the development of communication:


Purpose: development of communication skills of children.

The facilitator, approaching each child in turn, introduces himself as a journalist and asks him to say a few words about himself. An interview is taken in turn from each of those present, and all other children can also ask questions.

"Give me a smile"

Purpose: to teach the child to cope with sadness

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands. Everyone in turn gives a smile to his neighbors on the left and right, it is important to look into each other's eyes. What did you feel? What is the mood now?

"Affectionate Name"

Purpose: to develop feelings of trust in each other

Each of the participants in turn stands in a circle and holds out his hands with his palms up to the one with whom he would like to start moving in a circle. One by one, they name variants (affectionate) of the name of the participant standing in the center of the circle, and, as it were, “give” them. It is important at the same time to touch the palms and look into the eyes, to thank for the “gift”.

"Call names"

Purpose: to teach children to express their anger, develop friendships

Tell the children the following: “Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different inoffensive words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use). These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture. Each appeal should begin with the words: "And you, ......, carrot!". Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other.

"Good Animal"

Purpose: to help children spend the accumulated negative energy

The leader in a quiet and calm voice says: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. And now on the inhale we take two steps forward, on the exhale - two steps back.

"Duh, uh"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve muscle tension

There is a comic paradox in this game. Although the children must say the word "Tukh, tuh!" angrily. After a while, they can't help but laugh.


Purpose: to teach children to keep the child's attention on a variety of muscle sensations.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to teach to relieve tension, anger

The host breaks the children into pairs and reads the text: “Early, early, two sheep, met on the bridge.” The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other, without moving, as long as possible.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger

Guys! Now we will play the role of little kind ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little.


Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood

Preliminary conversation with the question: "What is a compliment"

Participants form a circle, hold hands. Each participant says a compliment around the circle.


Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood

Children sit on the floor and hold hands. It is necessary to stand up smoothly, at the same time, without lowering your hands. After that, the "flower" begins to bloom (lean back, holding each other's hands tightly) and sway in the wind.

Sand exercises:

"Sand Rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation

The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, onto his own palm. The child closes his eyes and puts his palm with spread fingers on the sand, the adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they change.

"Patterns in the Sand"

Purpose: consolidating knowledge about sensory standards, establishing patterns

An adult with a finger, a palm edge, a brush at the top of the sandbox draws various geometric figures. The child must draw the same pattern below, or continue the adult's pattern.

"We create the world"

Purpose: development and expansion of the child about the world of living and inanimate nature around him, about the man-made world of man

An adult shows how to build various living and non-living communities in a sandbox - a city, a village, a forest, a river, a lake, an island, and then in a playful way encourages the child to build various natural and man-made communities independently and according to the instructions.

"We're going to visit"

Purpose: development of spatial representations, orientation on the "sand sheet"

An adult in a playful way introduces the child to the spatial representations of “top-bottom”, “right-left”, “above-under”, “because-from-under”, “center-corner”. The child, according to the verbal instructions of the adult, “walks”, “jumps”, “crawls” on the sand with his fingers, depicting various characters.

"Secret Mole Missions"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, relaxation, activation of interest

First you need to introduce the child to the animals that live underground. The adult dips his hand under the sand, moving his fingers under the sand. The child does the same, you can blow on the sand, use feathers, sticks, brushes.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands

Prints, both bas-relief and high-relief, on wet sand can be divided using molds. We use molds depicting animals, transport, various in size.

"Who came to us"

Goal: development of visual and tactile perception

The child turns away, the adult makes prints with the help of molds, the child guesses, then they change places.

"Sand Builders"

Goal: development of spatial representations, development of auditory and visual memory

Children build sand houses from memory, if the child does not cope, then the child is given instructions, if the child does not cope, then an adult should help him.

"Winner of Anger"

In a stressful situation, adults say to each other, and sometimes to children: “Don’t be angry, don’t be capricious, pull yourself together. A child, following the example of an adult, makes a ball out of wet sand, on which he marks with indentations or draws eyes, nose, mouth. This process temporarily switches the child, and also the child transfers his negative feelings and guilt for " bad behavior, thoughts, feelings.

"Sand Kindergarten"

In the game, the whole day in kindergarten is played out, in compliance with the sequences for performing the main regime moments, as well as all the self-service skills available to the child.

"Visiting the Sand Fairy"

sand fairy: In my country, there may be an unusual sandy rain and a sandy wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. See how it goes.

The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, onto his own palm.

The child closes his eyes and puts his palm with spread fingers on the sand, the adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they switch roles.

"Footprints in the Sand"

The teacher with the baby walks on the sand, leaving traces, while you can say: “Big feet walked along the road: To-o-p, then-o-p, then-o-p. Little feet ran along the path: Top-top-top! Top! Top-top-top! Top!” An adult and a child can change this game, portraying someone who can leave large and small footprints. Big footprints are left by the bear. Small footprints will be left behind by a small squirrel.

"In the garden or in the garden"

With a wave of a magic wand, one sandbox turns into an orchard, the other into a vegetable garden. Children are invited to plant a garden and a vegetable garden. After completing the task, the children tell what grows where. An adult asks a child to describe vegetables and fruits in shape, color, taste.

"Sand Wind"

Toddlers learn to breathe through a tube without dragging sand into it. Older children may be asked to say first good wishes to your friends, to give a wish to the sand country, "blowing it into the sand", you can also blow out depressions, pits on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable straws for a cocktail.

The style was invented by Canadian animator Caroline Leaf. The first film created by Leaf was "Sand, or Peter and the Gray Wolf" based on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" by Sergei Prokofiev. It was a thesis that young student Caroline Leaf was doing at the National Film Center of Canada. The film was made in the powder technique, which was completely unfamiliar at the time. Black powder scattered over the glass, and Caroline Leaf collected this powder with her fingers into certain shapes, images. And so, moving this powder, she told the story about Petya and the wolf to the music of Prokofiev. The most famous work of Caroline Leaf, the animated film "Street" released in 1976. The film was made in the technique of oil painting on glass under a "painting come to life" camera and is one of the ten best animated films in the history of animation. Later, the experience of Carolyn Leaf was adopted by many animators.

Born in the West (Sand Art / Sand Animation / Sand Fantasy), sand animation came to Russia several years ago. There are few high-class specialists in this field. Before going public for the first time, an artist - most often an artist who has worked with canvas or paper for a long time - can practice for years. It's all about the interactivity of the process: sand drawings appear and disappear before the eyes of the audience, and the artist has no right to make a mistake. The preparation of each sand show is a thorough, painstaking work. The artist needs not only talent, but also great endurance: it takes inspiration to create sand paintings, and long hours of training to work out the technique of performing a sand show.

In the USSR, the sand animation method was picked up by the Kiev Animation Studio. The artists Elena and Vladimir Petkevichi worked especially actively with sand. They have a lot of serious, philosophical works, the best of which, perhaps, can be considered "The Tale of the Goat". Khitruk-Norshtein's workshop also used sand in cartoons. The material itself was unusual, the principle of shooting was traditional: they drew a picture - they shot it, slightly changed it - they shot it, and so frame by frame. The advantage of sand over paint was that each frame did not need to be drawn anew - it was enough to slightly correct the previous one. This property of instantaneous image change was an inspiration for the Hungarian artist Ferenc Cako, who was born in Hungary in 1950. And he stepped onto the next stage of sand animation. He tried to create a dynamic sand film, ie. without installation, in one breath. Nominated for an Oscar, awarded at Cannes, at the San Francisco Film Festival and others. He was the first to perform in front of the public with sand-light-music shows. Often sand animation is performed "live", with the artist changing the sand paintings right in front of the audience.

Features of the technique of working with sand animation

The main thing that distinguishes sand animation and graphics from other areas using similar material - for example, colored sand drawings - is a luminous surface that serves to apply images. The choice of a specific loose substance, working tools is not so important. It is in the presence of backlighting that the image acquires the necessary contrast and expressiveness, “comes to life”. Both single-color and multi-color lighting options are used.

Work materials

Sea sand is not well suited for this activity, since the grains of such sand are too round and crumble without forming fixed shapes. Professional animators use volcanic sand - its special structure is ideal for sand animation. However, when working with this sand, you need to take care of your hands, as it dries out the skin. You can learn sand animation on your own with the help of simple "home" bulk materials: ordinary river sand, salt, sugar, coffee, small cereals.

Image playback mechanism

Thin layers of sand (or similar bulk material) are applied to a surface that emits light directed from below upwards. The camera attached above captures the resulting image or the entire process of its creation. Thus, there is not much technical difference between creating an animated film and a show performance for a live audience. In the latter case, there is an online broadcast to the public on the big screen. In sand animation, the artist does not just draw spectacular pictures - he creates a whole plot in which each new image seems to grow out of the previous one. And during the live show, sand animation is accompanied by music, chosen so well and accurately that it seems that every note corresponds to the plot of the work...

Do you want to make classes even more interesting and, most importantly, useful for the development of your baby? Then sand animation is exactly what you are looking for.

Sand animation with children

Sand animation, better known as a method of creating sand paintings, is currently inspiring not only art professionals, but also inventive parents and their children. And this is not surprising!

The magical power of sand takes children and adults with it into a special world, a world of magic and miracles, where the author of the picture plays a primary role, on which the further development of the plot depends. Wholeheartedly obeying creative inspiration, a person stabilizes his mental state, improves mood, gets rid of tension and fatigue.

"Building the World"

The idea to use sand in working with children as a psycho-corrective method was embodied in the 1930s by the English psychotherapist Margaret Lowenfeld. Priority in the game was given to the child's tactile interaction with materials: sand, water, and miniature figurines. Children were given the opportunity to independently build their own world, freely playing with the provided material. Subsequently, the technique of M. Lowenfeld received the name - the technique of "building the world."

The idea of ​​"building the world" is a key element in working with preschool children. A child, playing in the sand, builds his own model of the world, transfers his vision, relationships and experiences to it, expresses himself.

The sand is sensitive enough to the touch of hands, magnificent pictures are created from an unformed handful of sand, and if you add dynamics, then short films. Spontaneous images embrace children and take them into the world of creativity and fantasy. More recently, straight lines turn into curls of sea waves washing a rocky shore, a new image is followed by another more expressive and emotional one, in this way, with non-verbal expression, the child gets rid of a traumatic situation, while maintaining psychological and somatic health.

It is pleasant to pass it through the fingers, stimulating the nerve endings on the fingertips, sand animation perfects the subtle actions of the hand and, as a result, stimulates speech.

Few people can do sand animation at home. But if in an art school or some Center children's creativity If you find such a circle, be sure to give your child there at least for a while. you will not regret. But if you still create conditions at home, then it will take a little. And this "little" can be done with your own hands.

What do you need for sand animation?

Table (tablet) with a glass surface (can be organic) with sides and illumination from below. The sides are needed so that the sand does not pour on the floor. The backlight will make the paintings created from the sand brighter and more embossed. What a great video.

Sand animation and special children

Sand animation is widely used in working with:

  1. hyperactive
  2. autistic
  3. badly spoken guys.

She gives excellent results. Working with sand, the child directs his energy to create sand paintings, while calming down and relaxing, self-regulation mechanisms are turned on. Sand helps children express themselves in the language that is available to them, in the language of creativity. At the same time, additional materials in the form of sheets of paper, pencils and an eraser are not needed, it is enough to have sand and a tablet (table).

Classes with a child are accompanied by fairy tales, you can create pictures according to the plot of a fairy tale, or you can invent a plot with your child during the lesson.

Sand painting with a child involves:

  1. The structure of the lesson should be in the interests of the child;
  2. The leading role in the creation of paintings belongs to the child, the adult only offers options for tasks;
  3. There are no rules, frameworks and standards in the creation of paintings, the child expresses himself as he wishes;
  4. An adult supports the child's creative initiative, his own opinion, stimulates a conversation with him with open questions.

By creating sand paintings together with the child, we contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships, common development and introduce him to the adult world.