Short-term project in the senior group “National Unity Day. Short-term project in the senior group "National Unity Day" project (senior group) on the theme of NOD "Birds in winter"

Short-term project in the senior group

"Day national unity»

Nikishova M.A., teacher of the first qualification category


"Day of National Unity".

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of ideas about the heroic past and present of the Russian people.

Expanding children's ideas about national holidays.

Project objectives:

Give an idea about the holiday "Day of National Unity.

Awaken in children a sense of love for their city, region, respect for its traditions and customs.

Raising a sense of pride in the strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, national heroes, the desire to imitate them.

Expected results:

Improving the level of knowledge of children about their country.

Increasing the level of knowledge of parents.

Formation in children of the first feelings of patriotism: pride in their homeland, respect for traditions.

Showing children's interest in the events taking place in the country.

Project executors and main participants:

teacher and children of the senior group

Project duration:

one week


Patriotic education children is one of the main tasks preschool. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country. Therefore, our task is: to develop a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country - these tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, in work, in everyday life.

The task of the teacher is to select from the mass of impressions received by the child those most accessible to him; episodes to which the attention of children is drawn should be bright, figurative, specific, and of interest. The selection of appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​​​what the native land is glorious for. You have to show the child hometown famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, best people.

Working with parents

Folder-slider for parents "Day of National Unity".

Consultation "What can be said about the Day of National Unity"

Preparatory stage:

The choice of pedagogical technologies, the provision of methodological literature, manuals and visual material,

Planning work on project implementation;

Development of methods and techniques of work on the topic of the project

Selection of holiday cards for the Day of National Unity; materials for artistic and productive activities.

Homework: drawing on the theme "My little Motherland"

Practical stage:

Carrying out a cycle of cognitive classes;

Making a folder-slider "On the Day of National Unity";

Consultations for parents;

Learning poems about Russia.

Topic 1: "Our country is Russia".

Program content: to form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country, to cultivate patriotic feelings.

Topic 2: "Day of National Unity"

Program content: to expand children's ideas about national holidays, to know the historical moments in the life of Russia, their native land. Raising love and respect for Russian national heroes.

Conversations with children about the history of the holiday: "Day of National Unity".

Free communication: "Who are Minin and Pozharsky?", "What does it mean - national unity?".

Conversation "Russian Folk Crafts".

Program content: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk crafts, to encourage children to admire folk craftsmen and objects of their creativity. Enrich the dictionary of children with the words: Khokhloma; Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya, Dymkovo toys; Zhostovo trays.

3. Reading fiction :

Russian reading folk tales, epics about Russian heroes:

"Nikita Kozhemyaka", "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle - Yudo", "The Tale of the glorious, mighty hero Yeruslan Lazarevich", "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Dobrynya and Alyosha", "Ilya Muromets and Kalinin Tsar", etc. .d. Reading poems: V. Stepanov "The Vast Country",
G. Ladonshchikov "Our House", Z. Alexandrova "Motherland",
A. Prokofiev "Dear Country".

4. Visual activity children:

Creativity of children - drawings on the theme "My Motherland", "Russian flag", applications, design.

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's drawings "My little Motherland"

Outcome : In the process of implementing the project, the children talked about what the Motherland is, got acquainted with the history of our country and learned about how the people were united in the most difficult times for the country.

Annex 1

Synopsis of GCD for children of the senior group on familiarization with the outside world.


To expand children's ideas about the territory of Russia, the peoples inhabiting it;

To cultivate respect for the various nationalities of Russia, their culture, language;

To develop friendly relations in the children's team;

Acquaintance of children with the All-Russian holiday - the Day of National Unity;

Cultivate a sense of pride in your people, for their exploits.

Equipment: laptop

preliminary work: a conversation about Russia, about the peoples inhabiting it; viewing the map of the world, Russia; looking at illustrations National costumes»; learning proverbs about friendship.

Lesson progress:

Today I would like to go with you on a journey through our vast Russia. Take a look at the map (slide no. 1)

How great is our country. Russia is the largest state in the world.

(Reading the poem by V. Stepanov "Russian family")

Different people live in Russia

Peoples for a long time

One likes the taiga

Other steppe expanse.

Every people

Your own language and attire,

One wears a Circassian

The other put on a robe.

One fisherman from birth

Another reindeer herder

One koumiss is preparing

Another prepares honey.

One sweeter autumn

Another miles of spring

And Motherland - Russia

We all have one!

Guys, what can you say about the peoples of our country?

Children's answers (They live in different areas - taiga, steppes, cities, villages; they can speak different languages; wear different national clothes) .

What nationalities living in Russia do you know?

Answers of children (Tatars, Cossacks, Chechens, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Nenets, Chukchi, etc.)

What do you think, do peoples live together in our country?

Do you know proverbs about friendship?

Children's answers old friend better than the new two. There is no friend, so look, but found - take care. Friendship is a great power. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor. Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.)

Here are some proverbs composed by our people. Because I understood that friendship is a great power. Peoples of all nationalities live together, help each other, do not quarrel. Are you guys good at making friends?

What if you suddenly quarrel? What will you do?

Dynamic pause "Mirilka" (children in pairs are taken with their little fingers)

To make the sun smile

Tried to keep us warm.

You just need to get better

And reconcile quickly.

Well done. And you know that the friendship of all the peoples of Russia has lasted for many centuries. There is even an all-Russian holiday - the Day of the Unity of Peoples, which we will celebrate with you very soon (slide). Do you want to know why the peoples of Russia are so strong and united?

A long time ago in the Russian state there was an alarming time of crop failures, famine, unrest and uprisings - a time of troubles (slide).

Alien impostors seized the royal throne and wanted to subdue Rus' (slide)

And there was no army in Rus' to protect the people from the invaders. And then people realized that no one would protect them, except themselves. And the message flew across the Russian land - to gather in detachments and liberate the native land from the invaders (slide)

There lived at that time in Nizhny Novgorod a man by profession a butcher. His name was Kozma Minin. And he undertook to raise people to fight with enemies, to create a militia (slide)

Collected Kozma Minin in the city square of the inhabitants and holds such a speech (slide)

Minin. Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is dying! Let's help, brothers, the homeland of the saint! Well, are our hearts petrified? Are we not all children of the same mother?

Minin. What to tarry for nothing? Time does not wait for us! But we do not have a voivode: let us find, brothers, an honest man who will lead us to Moscow. Who will be the warlord?

And Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky was treated at that time for wounds in Nizhny Novgorod (slide)

The Nizhny Novgorod ambassadors came to him and asked him to become their governor. Prince Pozharsky accepted their requests and became the head of the people's militia (slide)

The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod gathered a large army. The militia moved to Moscow and on the way grew by leaps and bounds. People flocked from everywhere. People of different nationalities went to liberate their Motherland. And who could not fight helped with money (slide)

And at the head of the militia were Prince Pozharsky and his faithful assistant Minin (slide)

All Russian land stood up against the invaders. Fights for liberation have begun (slide)

For two months there were battles for the liberation of Moscow.

That day remained in the memory of the people. When together, together was won a great victory. And in honor of that battle in the heart of our Motherland, in Moscow, on Red Square, there is a monument to the heroes of that battle, citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky from grateful Russia (slide)

I read an excerpt from the poem by N. Maidanik "Day of National Unity"

One state

When the people are one

When with great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Rus' liberates

And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live with the same fate

Today is Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

Guys, what holiday did you learn about today? Why did this holiday come about? Who became the national heroes of Russia?

I wish you to live amicably and peacefully and remember the exploits of your ancestors.

Appendix 2

GCD theme: "Our Motherland - Russia".

Leading educational area:"Cognitive Development".

Target: introduce children to the concept of "Motherland" and its location on a map and globe.



  • to give children an idea of ​​​​the Motherland - Russia, its capital (“Cognitive Development”).


  • to develop in children the ability to navigate on a map, a globe, to find their country, the village in which they live (“Cognitive Development”).


  • to cultivate love for one's homeland, a sense of pride in one's country ("Cognitive Development").

Activities:reading fiction, cognitive research, communicative.

Forms of organization:group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities:listening to a story, talking about the Motherland, working on a map and a globe, writing a story.

Equipment: book by N.F. Vinogradova "What is the Motherland?", map, globe, text of the poem by O. Fokina "Motherland".

GCD progress

Guys, what is the name of our homeland?

Yes, our country is called Russia. She is very big. When people go to bed in one part of the country, the day is just beginning in another. At the same time, it can snow in one part of Russia, and the bright sun shines in another. This is our Motherland.

Do you love your country?

Do you want to see how it looks on a map, a globe?

Imagine that you need to go along the entire border of our Motherland. What will you see on your way?

Let's find on the map the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. How can we get to Moscow?

Listen to the poem "Motherland" by O. Fokina.

The simple sounds of my homeland:

Rivers of restless murmur

Yes, the echoing forest cuckoo

Under the rustle of ripening fields.

Simple colors of northern latitudes:

Ruddy clover, bluish flax,

And the sun shine, a little guilty,

And - clouds floating around.

Guys, come up with a story “What did I see on the way to Moscow?”.

Name the mode of transport you would like to travel.

What can you see while traveling different types transport?

Guys, listen to O. Fokina's poem "Keep the fire of the native hearth."

Keep the fire of the native hearth

And do not covet other people's fires -

Our ancestors lived by this law

And bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of the native hearth!

Now answer me this question: “How should one treat one’s homeland?”.

Guys, did you like the conversation about our Motherland?

What did we do today?

I hope that you will take care of our Motherland, protect its nature.

Annex 3

Abstract of the application lesson in the senior group

"State flag of Russia"

Theme: Symbols of Russia. State flag of Russia.

Program content:

Summarize children's knowledge about the State Flag of Russia;

To acquaint children with the idea of ​​the flag as a state symbol, with the meaning of the flag in modern life;

Introduce the meaning of the colors depicted on the flag;

Strengthen the ability to work with scissors; ability to work according to templates (circle, cut along the contour); carefully paste the image in a certain sequence.

Material: image of the State flag of Russia (photo); recording of the song “My Russia” by G. Struve; colored paper, stripe templates, scissors, glue, glue brushes.


Educator: Nowadays, every country has its own flag. Flags different countries differ from each other. They may be similar, but you will never find two alike. Today we will get acquainted with the State Flag of Russia.

The teacher shows the children the image of the State Flag on the board and asks:

Who knows what it is?

Children's answers.

Educator: The flag symbolizes our Motherland. Where did you see the National Flag?

Children's answers.

Educator (summarizes the answers of the children): Correct. On solemn days, public holidays, the Russian flag is hung on public buildings and schools. And the State Flag can also be seen on warships and aircraft of the Russian army, spaceships. Our athletes perform under the Russian flag at all sports competitions and olympiads. Fans meet them in the stands and greet them with Russian flags.

Educator: What is depicted on the Flag of Russia?

Children's answers.

Educator: State flag Russian Federation consists of three horizontal stripes of the same size: the top one is white, the middle one is blue and the bottom one is red. Each lane has its own meaning. White is the color of peace and wisdom. He says that our country is peaceful. Blue color- the color of the sky, water, sea - a symbol of freedom and faith, fidelity. The people love their country, are loyal to it, protect it. Red is the color of strength and courage. Our country is strong. We all love our country and are proud of it. Let's listen to a song about our Motherland.

The recording of the song “My Russia” by G. Struve sounds.

Teacher: What did we learn today? We got acquainted with the State flag of our country. We named the places where it can be seen. We determined what is depicted on the flag and found out what the colors of the Russian flag mean.

And now let each of you make yourself a small Russian flag.

Go for jobs. In our work, we will use templates and colored paper.

The story is accompanied by a display of materials.

Educator: What color paper do we need? Choose the colors you want and put in front of you. Ready? From them you need to cut three strips according to this pattern

Circle and cut. Showing the manufacture of one strip.

All strips are made in this way.

Educator: What color strip will we stick first? What color will the next stripe be? What is the bottom line? If you are at a loss, look at the photos (display on the board)

In the course of independent work, helping children who find it difficult, praising children for the correct execution, accuracy in work, speed of execution.

Appendix 4

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the senior group "State symbols of Russia"

Direction: Cognitive speech

Educational area:"Knowledge"

Integrated educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity".

Target: To acquaint children with the state symbols of the Russian state (coat of arms, anthem, flag, form an idea of ​​their meaning.


Educational: To cultivate a respectful attitude towards state symbols, an understanding that state symbols are designed to unite the inhabitants of one country.

Developing: To develop an active vocabulary of children, coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Educational:Activate the vocabulary of children with phrases and words: native country, Russia, rich, big, immense, coat of arms, flag, anthem, president. Strengthen visual skills.

Planned result:Has an idea about the emblem, anthem, flag of the Russian Federation; answers questions from an adult, is able to act independently, shows curiosity and a steady interest in various types children's activities.

Methods and techniques: Explanation, questions, conversation, art word, game, physical education, drawing.

Visual learning aids:Globe, map of the Russian Federation, illustrations depicting state symbols, a portrait of the president, audio recordings - the noise of the forest, the anthem of Russia, cards depicting coats of arms and flags for the game "Find the flag and coat of arms of Russia" and mood cards.

Preliminary work:Memorizing poems, listening to songs about the Motherland, viewing photo and video material on the topic.

GCD structure

I.Org. moment (reading a poem, looking at a globe, maps)

II. Conversation about state symbols

III. Didactic game"Find the flag and coat of arms of Russia"

IV. Reading the poem "Motherland" by V. Plyatskovsky.

V. Physical education "We have a rest."

VI. Drawing "Russian flag"



Organizing time.

Children, today we will talk about our country, in which we were born and live. I suggest you look at the world map.

You won't find it on the world map

The house you live in.

And even the native streets

You won't find that one on the map.

But we will always find with you

Our country, our common home.

Look how big our country is, the biggest country in the world.

It has many seas, rivers, mountains, forests, many cities, villages, villages.

Conversation about state symbols

Each state has its own symbols. Russia also has state symbols, and we will talk about them today.

Every country has state symbols. State symbols are the official insignia of a country from other countries, these are symbols that unite the citizens of one country, you and me.

What state symbols of our country do you know? (flag, coat of arms, anthem).

Look at the coat of arms of Russia.

What is a coat of arms? (The coat of arms is a sign).

Who is on the coat of arms? (Eagle, a rider striking a dragon with a dragon spear).

The eagle is a symbol of power. The double-headed eagle symbolizes the power and unity of the Russian state.

The image of a rider, on the chest of an eagle, is a symbol of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland. The coat of arms appears on the board.

Where can you find the coat of arms? (On coins, documents, letters)

Another of the symbols of our Motherland is the flag. Look at the Russian flag. What color are the stripes on the flag? (White, blue, red).

In Russia, these colors have long been revered and had their own symbolic meaning:

white color - nobility;

blue color - loyalty, honesty;

red - courage, courage, generosity and love.

The Russian people considered these colors to be the most beautiful.

Everyone is proud of the Russian flag. The flag can be seen on public institutions on holidays. The flag can be seen on airplanes, spaceships, the national flag is hoisted at international sports competitions when our athletes are awarded for the victory.

Didactic game "Find the flag and coat of arms of Russia."

Two teams are invited to choose the flag and coat of arms of Russia as soon as possible from other similar flags and coats of arms of countries.

Each country has its own anthem.

The anthem is the most important solemn song of the country, in which the people glorify their country. The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and majestic. The anthem is dedicated to our country, its endless expanses, beautiful, brave people, the anthem sings about the ardent love of citizens for their homeland.

Let's listen to the anthem of our country while standing, showing respect for our country.

Listening to the anthem on record.

When can you hear the anthem?

To the sound of the anthem outstanding people countries - artists, athletes, scientists, writers - are awarded. Young warriors take an oath, that is, they take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, they promise to protect it from enemies. When important events in the country are shown on TV; before the start of a football match, in case of victory of the athletes.

Guys, who rules such a powerful country? (President and government).

An image of President Vladimir Putin appears on the board.

The president, together with the government, decides important state issues, approves laws, monitors the rule of law, and distributes the budget of Russia.

Responsibly and difficult to work in the government of the country. After all, the main thing for the president is to benefit our Fatherland, our state, our Motherland.

Reading the poem "Motherland" by V. Plyatskovsky.

Hear the song of the stream - this is your homeland!

A school where your friends are your homeland!

Your mother's hands, the noise of branches and the sound of rain,

And in the garden, currants are also the Motherland!

Why is Russia dear to us? (children's answers).

Motherland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, where our loved ones live, where our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived. Every person has one homeland. Dear children, love your Motherland. Try to learn more about her, take care of her nature.

Fizkultminutka "Rest".

I suggest we get some rest. Sit comfortably and relax. Hands are very light, lower down.

The teacher turns on an audio recording with the sounds of the forest.

Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in a Russian forest, where tall trees stand. They have green tops, many twigs and leaves. The breeze sways the tops of the trees, and they sway and rustle. Birds are singing from the depths of the forest, but somewhere a stream murmured. But suddenly a twig cracked, and the bushes stirred - this bear passed. And it became quiet.

Drawing "Russian flag! »

Let's draw pictures on which the Russian flag will be depicted.

Children draw with wax pencils to the music.

Review of children's work.


Did you guys like our activity? What is your mood? Show it with a card. (The sun is joyful; the sun with a cloud is sad)

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Pedagogical project in the middle group on the topic: "Day of National Unity"

Project name: "Day of National Unity"

Project type: informative, informative, productive.

Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

Age of children: 4-5 years.

Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve:

Formation in children of elementary ideas about Russian holidays. Children do not have knowledge about Russian heroes, national traditions, the history of the emergence of Russian holidays. Children have a small stock of knowledge about their homeland, state symbols (coat of arms, anthem, flag).

Relevance of the project: Patriotism has been and remains the main priority in our country! After all, love for the motherland, native nature, family, culture, history of the country is an important and integral part of every citizen of his country, young and old. The knowledge about the motherland of its history acquired in preschool childhood arouses in children a deep, sincere interest in it, expands knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and love for the motherland.

To continue to develop the coherent speech of children, the ability to clearly express their thoughts to others, to form an interest in the history of Russia.

The purpose of the project: To form children's ideas about the history and holidays in Russia.

Project objectives:


Give an idea about the holiday: "Day of National Unity"

Activate the children's vocabulary with terms from the project topic.


Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills hands, connected speech.

Develop Creative skills in productive work.

Develop curiosity and interest in folk holidays, heroes.


To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, a sense of pride in one's people, respect for Russian soldiers, national heroes, a desire to imitate them.

Cultivate friendships in the children's team.

Contribute to the formation of interest in Russian holidays.

For the teacher:

A. Give children knowledge about Russian holiday"Day of national unity"

B. Develop curiosity, "live" interest.

B. To expand children's knowledge about their homeland, Russia, state symbols, Russian holidays.

D. To develop the creative abilities of children.

Expected result:

A. To improve the level of knowledge of children about our country.

B. Formation in children of the first feelings of patriotism.

C. Increasing the level of knowledge of parents.

D. The manifestation of children's interest in the events taking place in the country.

Project activity product:

A. Performing collective work from plasticine: "Day of National Unity"

B. Gouache painting: "The earth is our common home"

C. Presentation "Where does the Motherland begin"

G. Folder-slider "History of the holiday" Day of National Unity "

Project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

A. Determine the theme of the project.

B. Formulate the goals and objectives of the project.

B. Draw up a plan for the implementation of the project.

D. Selection of visual, informational material for the implementation of the project.

D. Selection of material for productive activities.

Main stage.

A. Examining the map of Russia and the globe.

B. Conducting directly educational activities around the world: "Our Motherland"

C. Conducting directly educational activities around the world: "November 4 is the day of national unity"

G. Carrying out artistic and aesthetic activities modeling theme: "Day of National Unity"

E. Carrying out artistic and aesthetic activities gouache painting: "The earth is our common home"

E. Carrying out directly educational activities in music with listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

G. Viewing the presentation: “Where does the Motherland begin”

Z. Learning a poem: “What do we call the Motherland?”

"Flag of Russia"

I. Consultation for parents: "The history of the holiday" National Unity Day "

The final stage.

B. Hike to another group with children telling children about the holiday.


As a result, the work turned out to be voluminous and informative. Project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to master and comprehend new knowledge. given to them by their parents and teachers. Expanding horizons and ideas about folk holidays. The patriotism of children has increased. Children have mastered specific knowledge. They began to share the information received with other children! Parents became interested in the products of the project.

As part of the project, the work turned out to be informative. Project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to master and comprehend new knowledge obtained with the help of parents and educators. Expanding the horizons and ideas about folk holidays. The patriotism of children has increased. Children have acquired specific knowledge. Learned to draw concrete conclusions. Children began to share the information received from various sources with other children. Parents became interested in the products of the project.



Pedagogical project in the middle group on the topic: "Day of National Unity"

Project name: "Day of National Unity"

Project type: informative, informative, productive.

Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

Age of children: 4-5 years.

Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve:

Formation in children of elementary ideas about Russian holidays. Children do not have knowledge about Russian heroes, national traditions, the history of Russian holidays. Children have a small stock of knowledge about their homeland, state symbols (coat of arms, anthem, flag).

Relevance of the project: Patriotism has been and remains the main priority in our country! After all, love for the motherland, native nature, family, culture, history of the country is an important and integral part of every citizen of his country, young and old. The knowledge about the motherland of its history acquired in preschool childhood arouses in children a deep, sincere interest in it, expands knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and love for the motherland.

To continue to develop the coherent speech of children, the ability to clearly express their thoughts to others, to form an interest in the history of Russia.

The purpose of the project: To form children's ideas about the history and holidays in Russia.

Project objectives:


Give an idea about the holiday: "Day of National Unity"

Activate the children's vocabulary with terms from the project topic.


Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills of hands, coherent speech.

Develop creative abilities in productive activities.

Develop curiosity and interest in folk holidays, heroes.


To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, a sense of pride in one's people, respect for Russian soldiers, national heroes, a desire to imitate them.

Cultivate friendships in the children's team.

Contribute to the formation of interest in Russian holidays.

For the teacher:

A. To give children knowledge about the Russian holiday "Day of National Unity"

B. Develop curiosity, "live" interest.

B. To expand children's knowledge about their homeland, Russia, state symbols, Russian holidays.

D. To develop the creative abilities of children.

Expected result:

A. To improve the level of knowledge of children about our country.

B. Formation in children of the first feelings of patriotism.

C. Increasing the level of knowledge of parents.

D. The manifestation of children's interest in the events taking place in the country.

Project activity product:

A. Performing collective work from plasticine: "Day of National Unity"

B. Gouache painting: "The earth is our common home"

C. Presentation "Where does the Motherland begin"

G. Folder-slider "History of the holiday" Day of National Unity "

Project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

A. Determine the theme of the project.

B. Formulate the goals and objectives of the project.

B. Draw up a plan for the implementation of the project.

D. Selection of visual, informational material for the implementation of the project.

D. Selection of material for productive activities.

Main stage.

A. Examining the map of Russia and the globe.

B. Conducting directly educational activities around the world: "Our Motherland"

C. Conducting directly educational activities around the world: "November 4 is the day of national unity"

G. Carrying out artistic and aesthetic activities modeling theme: "Day of National Unity"

E. Carrying out artistic and aesthetic activities gouache painting: "The earth is our common home"

E. Carrying out directly educational activities in music with listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

G. Viewing the presentation: “Where does the Motherland begin”

Z. Learning a poem: “What do we call the Motherland?”

"Flag of Russia"

I. Consultation for parents: "The history of the holiday" National Unity Day "

The final stage.

B. Hike to another group with children telling children about the holiday.


As a result, the work turned out to be voluminous and informative. Project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to master and comprehend new knowledge. given to them by their parents and teachers. Expanding the horizons and ideas about folk holidays. The patriotism of children has increased. Children have mastered specific knowledge. They began to share the information received with other children! Parents became interested in the products of the project.

As part of the project, the work turned out to be informative. Project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to master and comprehend new knowledge obtained with the help of parents and educators. Expanding the horizons and ideas about folk holidays. The patriotism of children has increased. Children have acquired specific knowledge. Learned to draw concrete conclusions. Children began to share the information received from various sources with other children. Parents became interested in the products of the project.


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Short-term project in the senior speech therapy group

"Day of national unity"

Completed by: Yu. V. Sukhova

Subject: "Day of National Unity".

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of ideas about the heroic past and present of the Russian people.

Expanding children's ideas about national holidays.

Project objectives:

Give an idea about the holiday "Day of National Unity.

Awaken in children a sense of love for their city, region, respect for its traditions and customs.

Raising a sense of pride in the strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, national heroes, the desire to imitate them.

Expected results:

Improving the level of knowledge of children about their country.

Increasing the level of knowledge of parents.

Formation in children of the first feelings of patriotism: pride in their homeland, respect for traditions.

Showing children's interest in the events taking place in the country.

Project executors and main participants:

teacher and children of the senior group

Project duration: 2 weeks


Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country. Therefore, our task is: to develop a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country - these tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, in work, in everyday life.

The task of the teacher is to select from the mass of impressions received by the child those most accessible to him; episodes to which the attention of children is drawn should be bright, figurative, specific, and of interest. The selection of appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​​​what the native land is glorious for. It is necessary to show the child that his native city is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, the best people.

Project content:

Working with parents

Folder-slider for parents "Day of National Unity".

Consultation "What can be said about the Day of National Unity"

Preparatory stage:

The choice of pedagogical technologies, the provision of methodological literature, manuals and visual material,

Planning work on project implementation;

Development of methods and techniques of work on the topic of the project

Selection of holiday cards for the Day of National Unity; materials for artistic and productive activities.

Homework: drawing on the theme "My little Motherland"

Practical stage:

Carrying out a cycle of cognitive classes;

Making a folder-slider "On the Day of National Unity";

Consultations for parents;

Learning poems about Russia.

Mini-museum "Russian hut"

Topic 1: "Our country is Russia".

Program content: to form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country, to cultivate patriotic feelings.

Topic 2: "Day of National Unity"

Program content: to expand children's ideas about national holidays, to know the historical moments in the life of Russia, their native land. Raising love and respect for Russian national heroes.

Conversations with children about the history of the holiday: "Day of National Unity".

Free communication : "Who are Minin and Pozharsky?", "What does it mean - national unity?".

Conversation "Russian Folk Crafts".

Program content: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk crafts, to encourage children to admire folk craftsmen and objects of their creativity. Enrich the dictionary of children with the words: Khokhloma; Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya, Dymkovo toys; Zhostovo trays.

3. Reading fiction :

Reading Russian folk tales, epics about Russian heroes:

"Nikita Kozhemyaka", "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle - Yudo", "The Tale of the glorious, mighty hero Yeruslan Lazarevich", "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Dobrynya and Alyosha", "Ilya Muromets and Kalinin Tsar", etc. .d. Reading poems: V. Stepanov "The Vast Country",G. Ladonshchikov "Our House", Z. Alexandrova "Motherland",A. Prokofiev "Dear Country".

4. Visual activity of children:

Children's creativity - drawings on the theme "My Motherland", drawings "Russian flag", application "Russian flag", teamwork"Palms of the World". Creation of the mini-museum "Russian hut".

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's drawings "My little Motherland"

Creation of a mini-museum "Russian hut".

Outcome : In the process of implementing the project, the children talked about what the Motherland is, got acquainted with the history of our country and learned about how the people were united in the most difficult times for the country.

Popova Natalia

National Unity Day November 4th is celebrated in Russia. The holiday was established in memory of the events of 1612, when folk militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. The memory of events of this magnitude must not be lost. Our group has an information corner for which I designed folder - move to"Day national unity» . It is regularly updated with new and useful information. Parents of pupils, grandparents read them with pleasure and great interest. I say this with such confidence, because when I come to pick up my child, I always look into the corner for parents. Folders- shifters always attract attention due to their brightness. I really like to use a visually informative form of work with parents. I often use folders- shifts in my work, which I do myself.

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