Meaningful quotes about parents. Quotes about the relationship between children and parents. Quotes of famous people about parents and children. Clever and instructive aphorisms about parents and children, as well as their upbringing

spoiled and pampered children, whose every whim is satisfied by their parents, grow up to be degenerate, weak-willed egoists.

F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Parents love their children anxious And condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And such is real love father.

D. Diderot

Fathers and children should not wait for a request from each other, but should preemptively give what is needed to each other, and the primacy belongs to the father.


Worthy contempt for a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom.

Jean Paul

Constantly giving children awards is not good. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops.

I. Kant

Without there are no good fathers good upbringing, un- rya to all schools, institutes and boarding houses.

N. M. Karamzin

Much It is easier to become a father than to remain one.

V. O. Klyuchevsky

Child- a rational being, he knows well But needs, difficulties and obstacles in your life.

J. Korcht

Children is our future! They must be well armed to fight for our ideals.

N. K. Krupsky

Family Education for parents is, above all, self-education.

N. K. Krupsky

Blame ancestors are redeemed by descendants.


There are strange fathers, occupied until their death with only one thing: to give their children reason not to grieve too much for her.

J. La Bruyère

Mother- the only deity on earth that does not know atheists.

E. Legouwe

From right the upbringing of children depends on the welfare of the whole people.

D. Locke

Children is the lifeblood of society. Without them, it appears bloodless and cold.

A. S. Makarenko

educating children, current parents educate the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.

A. S. Makarenko

chief the basis of parental authority can only be the life and work of parents, their civilian face, their behavior.

A. S. Makarenko

How times those parents who Badly educate their children, and in general those people who are distinguished by a complete lack of pedagogical tact - they all exaggerate the significance of pedagogical conversations too much.

A. S. Makarenko

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad Education- this is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country.

A. S. Makarenko

If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about education: you are already raising your children, and raising them badly, and none of the most best advice and methods won't help you.

A. S. Makarenko

Concentration parental love on one child - a terrible delusion.

A. S. Makarenko

Usually they say: I am a mother and I am a father, we give everything to the child, we sacrifice everything to him, including our own happiness. The worst gift a parent can give their child. The question should be put like this: no sacrifice, never, never. On the contrary, the child is inferior to the parents.

A. S. Makarenko

The love of parents is the most selfless.

G. Marx

Mutual love is cemented by children.


That is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth.


One a mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors.

W. Menzel

The upbringing and development of children is the main component of the life of the average person. Most people see a special meaning in devoting themselves to sons and daughters, to continue their family. Quotes about parents emphasize the undeniable importance of family and family ties. There is an opinion in society that no one can be happy alone. What our father and mother give us is laid deep in the subconscious and significantly affects the entire subsequent parents reflect a respectful attitude towards their loved ones, the desire to do something important and necessary for them.

Adult children, at best, are grateful to their father and mother. The quotes about parents set out in this article help to understand the greatest value of the family as such, they are aimed at revealing family ties.

“To properly raise a child, walk along his path yourself, step by step” (Josh Billings)

Any development begins with a conscious intention to give your child all the best. Parents often forget that their baby, having barely been born, is already a person. Respect his individuality, let him make his own decisions, make the necessary choice. The desire to do everything for the child, as a rule, does not end in anything good. It is necessary to be with him, but at the same time allow him to make his own mistakes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to pass important lessons and draw final conclusions.

Quotes about parents have and are of great value. Having read them once, you will not be able to forget these. In the most difficult moments of life, you want to return to them again.

“The hardest thing for a father is to realize that his son or daughter has already grown up” (Bill Cosby)

Parents always strive to take care of their children, and this is not surprising. Some are so successful in this occupation that they do not notice anything around, they stop living their own lives. They are driven only by concern for their child, the desire to protect and protect him in every possible way. When the realization comes that the child has become an adult, the father and mother are often lost, they do not know what to direct their efforts to now. Quotes about parents with meaning reveal the actual problem of letting go of their children. Having allowed the young to leave, the married couple again rebuilds existing relationships, learns mutual understanding, patience.

“Children need role models more than they need criticism” (Carolyn Kotz)

Sometimes it seems that parents simply cannot help scolding their offspring. It seems to many that they do everything differently, as if they are testing patience on purpose. In fact, children are in dire need of having a positive in front of them. They need to rely on some examples in order to learn to build their own model of behavior in a given situation. With criticism, we only kill the desire for self-knowledge in them, we force them to put great goals and dreams away.

Quotes about parents help to understand that you need to become a worthy example for children that you can be proud of. Children are much smarter than they might seem: they easily distinguish truth from lies, discover true feelings, no matter how close people try to hide them.

“There is no higher privilege and responsibility in life than raising the next generation.” (Everett Koop)

Life without children can seem monotonous, devoid of any meaning. Adults need to take care of someone small and defenseless. Otherwise, they begin to feel their own uselessness and lack of demand. Quotes about parents help to realize that you need to invest maximum strength and energy in raising your own child. Take your time, carve out free hours and devote them to your child. In the future, you will remember these wonderful moments spent together.

“Love and respect are the most important aspects of parenthood and any other relationship.” (Jodie Foster)

It is on these two components that trust is built. No effective interaction is complete without treating your child with the utmost respect. Taking into account the needs of your child means, first of all, respecting yourself. Being a parent is the greatest responsibility and at the same time a great blessing.

Becoming a father or mother, a person forever changes the course of his life, he simply cannot remain the same. parents reflect the main idea of ​​any interaction: be honest and open, work on your own shortcomings, set a good example to follow. With children, you need to behave as naturally and simply as possible, not forgetting to take into account their individual characteristics.

"Parenting is, first of all, trust" (Kevin Heath)

You can't ask your child to do certain tasks if you don't do them yourself. Ideally, trust should be established between the parent and the children, which would allow reaching a high level of understanding of everything that happens in the family. When there is a desire to develop in a joint way, grandiose plans are built by themselves, favorable events unfold. Trust necessarily generates a response. Thus, the child learns to treat the world with attention and responsibility.

Quotes about parents reveal a lot. Beautiful phrases contain deep meaning. It is important not only to understand them, but to act actively. Trust is able to overcome any obstacles, solve various psychological problems, conquer peaks that you never dreamed of. Do not be afraid to love your children, to give the warmth of your heart, to trust them with your innermost dreams. Soon you will notice that your child treats you with the same trust, easily talks about everything that happens to him.

“When children start asking questions, parents realize they know very little.” (Richard L. Evans)

Learning about the world begins with self-knowledge. And it, in turn, arises when numerous questions form in the head of the baby. Of course, he immediately hurries to ask their parents, confident in their absolute power. Mom and dad, unfortunately, cannot always answer them as sincerely as possible, if only because they are not sure of the correctness of their thoughts. In fact, parents often get lost when their children try to ask them the simplest questions. This circumstance makes them even more nervous, saying things that are not what they think, and avoiding answering in every possible way.

Quotes about parents are beautiful, with meaning. They reflect the problem of not knowing some elementary things. Most often, the father and mother are embarrassed when the child asks a bunch of questions. It is necessary to learn to be sincere with children, to give them information in metered portions. Notice that the child is not asking you for a step-by-step plan, he just wants to satisfy his curiosity. He is not at all interested in all aspects of an object or phenomenon, he needs to know something specific. The task of parents is to give him what he asks you for.

"Parents are God to children" (William Shakespeare)

The child relies on the father and mother for everything. He desperately needs the help and participation of loved ones, alone he simply cannot cope with all the difficulties. As children develop, they learn many things that their parents pass on to them. The words of native people make such a strong impression on them that they do not subject them to any doubts. A child always believes in the exclusivity of his parents, that they are the best and most wonderful. Such a worldview helps to form in the little man trust in the world, an attentive attitude towards others.

Quotes about the parents of great people, like this one, are aimed at maintaining internal balance in the person himself. The full development of the personality is impossible without strengthened trust and developed individual thinking. Smart people, as a rule, always strive to give their child the best possible.

"There is no such friendship and love as parents have for their children" (Henry Ward Beecher)

Passed down from generation to generation. If the father and mother treat each other with respect, then they bring up in children the appropriate attitude towards the world. Such a child will trust others, build open and honest relationships in the future. When children grow up, they have their own values, but those learned in their own family never disappear. Over time, strong friendships can form between parents and children. It will grow over the years and delight everyone.

“You should not try to make your child perfect, you should work on relationships with him” (Dr. Henker)

The desire for perfection is inherent in human nature. Note that we are rarely truly satisfied with the results of our efforts. This approach cannot be transferred to relationships with children. The child should feel that he is loved unconditionally, and not for some separate merits. You need to learn to accept your child completely and unconditionally. The desire to achieve the ideal is most often dictated by extreme self-doubt. To raise a strong personality, you need to help the child reach his potential. Only then will he realize in life everything that he is capable of, will reveal the full possibilities available.

Thus, quotes about loving parents reflect many of the psychological problems that people face when starting a family. Raising children is hard work, but it has a pleasant reward. There is a certain pattern: how much parents love their child, so much he will be attentive to them in the future.

Children are the flowers of life. They decorate our life and fill it with meaning. On the eve of Children's Day, we offer you a selection of wonderful quotes and sayings about children. Funny children's sayings and aphorisms about kids will cheer you up, and quotes from great writers and teachers will dedicate you to the basics of education.

The birth of a child is an opportunity to immerse yourself in childhood again. Just think, after the appearance of the baby, you will take the first steps together and pronounce the first words, you will again go to the first grade for the first time, you will return to the graduation ball again. Being parents, isn't it wonderful?!

There are many methods of raising a child, but the main one is to give children all your love and surround them with attention. You need to try to spend every free minute with your child. Remember that it is not your salary that makes children happy, but your care!


Children are the flowers of life that are born with their heads down. (Antoine de Saint Exupery)

In order for flowers to be beautiful and well-groomed, they must always be taken care of)

When Saint-Exupéry was asked: “Is it worth pampering children?”, He replied: “Be sure to pamper, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.”

No one in life will pamper like their parents.

Children need more role models than criticism. ( J. Joubert)

Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by your own example. After a while, they will unwittingly repeat after you.

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them. ( D. Baldwin)

Children copy their parents in everything.

All the children of the world cry in the same language. ( L. Leonov)

Although they show delight in different languages, it is still understandable to everyone.

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you. ( V. Sukhomlinsky)

Children are a direct reflection of their parents.

Children are the looks of timid eyes,
Playful legs knock on the parquet,
Children are the sun in cloudy motifs,
A whole world of hypotheses of joyful sciences.
Eternal mess in gold rings,
Affectionate words whisper in a drowsiness,
Peaceful pictures of birds and sheep,
That in a cozy nursery doze on the wall.
Children are evening, evening on the couch,
Through the window, in the fog, sparkles of lanterns,
The measured voice of the tale of Tsar Saltan,
About the mermaids-sisters of the fairy seas.
Children are rest, a moment of rest is short,
A reverent vow to God at the crib,
Children are tender riddles of the world,
And the answer lies in the riddles themselves! (M. Tsvetaeva)

Children are the greatest miracle that nature has created.

If you know how to diagnose the joy of a child, the intensity of his joy, then you should have noticed that the greatest joy is the happiness of overcoming difficulties, achieving a goal, discovering a secret, the joy of victory and the happiness of independence, mastery, possession. (Janusz Korczak)

Overcoming obstacles and reaching the goal, everyone rejoices, even children.

Children have neither a past nor a future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (Labruyère)

Adults need to learn from children not to think about the past and the future, but to live in the present.

Be truthful even in relation to a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (L. Tolstoy)

The truth must be taught from childhood.


Children are one third of the population of our country and our whole future.

The way you raise your children determines the future.

Even the dullest room is decorated with children… Beautifully placed in the corners…

And even more it is decorated with sleeping children ...

I want happiness ... such a small happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.

But rightly they say that happiness cannot be born, it can be bought.

Happiness is soft warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa ... What is happiness? It's better not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness!

Anyone who has a child automatically becomes happy.

Children don't owe anything to anyone.

But parents owe their children. And a lot.

Children are a blessing that grows with age.

The more children in the family, the more happiness there is.

The birth of a child takes a lot of strength, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

The birth of a child makes a woman happy.

God has a favorite place
This is a little baby heart.
He goes there slowly.
At the first moment of a baby's birth.

Children don't come from nowhere, they come from God.

About children and parenting with meaning

Undressing a sleeping baby is like defusing a bomb. One sudden movement - minus 3 hours of sleep.

Even the most rude and sloppy person with a child will be treated very gently and slowly.)

Parents do not realize how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them.

Children should be given the right to choose, not to impose their beliefs.

Do not beat the child, so that later he does not recoup on your beloved grandchildren.

To beat means to show your weaknesses.

True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises.

Practice has always been more important than theory.

A parent who tries to change his child without starting from himself is not only wasting time, but taking a very cruel risk. (W. Levy)

To change someone, and even more so a child, you always need to start with yourself.

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they themselves are joy and happiness. (V. M. Hugo)

Happiness and joy are best friends childhood.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

A child who is brought up in love, care and a creative environment will definitely grow up kind and talented.

By raising children, today's parents are educating the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.

Raising a child is an investment in the future.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Give happy childhood This is the most valuable thing parents can do for their child.

Usually in kindergarten, children learn bad words. I feel that ours will go prepared ...

So, someone at home needs to think first, and then speak.

About parents

With your child, you experience everything anew - you take the first steps, you learn to speak the first words ...

To give birth to a child means to return to childhood again.

Why does a child need 2 parents? - And then, while mom is freaking out, dad is normal, and when dad was already covered with children's quirks, mom was already released.

And children also need grandmothers to rest with them from their parents.

Previously, when I heard the hysterical crying of a child from the neighbors, I thought they were cutting him there, but now I realized that it was just something: “a toy fell”, “I want to eat”, “put on a hat”, “kicked out of the toilet without letting me clean walls with a brush”, or “they don’t give my mother’s phone number”.

It turns out that the neighbors did not abuse the child, but only cared about his safety ...)

I don't know anything more beautiful
Worthy mother happy
With a small child in her arms. ( T. G. Shevchenko)

Mom is the most happy woman in the world.

Parents, encouraging the whims of their children and pampering them when they are small, spoil their natural inclinations, and then are surprised that the water, the source of which they themselves have poisoned, has a bitter taste.

In order to be less disappointed in life, children should know the prohibitions from childhood.

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

Having a child is one thing, but raising him is another.

Remember that your children will treat you the way you treat your parents.

Parents should be treated the way you would like your children to treat you.

With the birth of a child, adults get a new life!

And the second childhood ...)

For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are one and the same. It might as well be said that having a piano and being a pianist are the same thing. (S. Harris)

Alas, not everyone who has children can be called real parents.

Children's statements

Children in the kindergarten. - "The stork brought me." - "And they downloaded me from the Internet." “But we don’t have a rich family. Daddy does everything."

It turns out that a normal family is a poor family ...))

A child worries about the future from childhood ...)

In the morning we are going to the garden, I woke up my son, and he says:
Thank you mommy for waking me up!

Baby pearls are pure tenderness.

Grandmother complains of abdominal pain. Tanya tells her: “Grandma, drink animal pills!”

The child will not give bad advice.

The son was 6 years old. Carefully looks at the teacher's manicure.
- Olga Alexandrovna, your nails are so long ...
- Yes. Like?
- Like. Probably good for climbing trees.

You can see right away - a practical child ...)

You happy parents, are you waiting for a miracle, or are you still only dreaming of children? Compilation beautiful quotes and aphorisms about children will not leave anyone indifferent. Share sayings about children with your friends, let them help you immerse yourself in childhood again.

Sincerity between parents and their children is a rarity at all times. – R. Rolland

The black ingratitude of children to the parents who raised them with love and affection is considered an ordinary and vile thing. – L. Vauvenargues

The primary task is to properly shape the soul of the child. Parents invariably bear a heavy burden of responsibility, the lion's share of the merits or deeds of children will fall on the shoulders of a strict father and a caring mother. – F. Dzerzhinsky

Children and grandchildren greatly increase the number of problematic moments, giving parents youth and a delay in death in return. – F. Bacon

Irreplaceable workers, as proven by time, do not exist in principle. Evolution makes people more educated, more capable and smarter. There is no evidence-based possibility to replace good parents yet. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

We are in a misunderstanding when, instilling our judgments in children, we encounter tough opposition and the unwillingness of our own children to compromise. In children, judgments and views on life are born not by the will of their parents, but independently. – F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Disadvantages instilled in children, parents do not forgive out of integrity. – F. Schiller

In order to instill in children a love for people, parents themselves must be an example, wrapping those around them with sincere feelings and warmth of the soul. – F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Read the continuation of aphorisms about parents on the pages:

Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father. – D. Diderot

When a child is frightened, flogged and upset in every possible way, then from a very young age he begins to feel lonely. – D. I. Pisarev

Children make work joyful, but failures seem more distressing because of them. – F. Bacon

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. – A. S. Makarenko

It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. – I. Kant

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. - O. Balzac

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. – V. O. Klyuchevsky

A child is a rational being, he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life. - I. Korcht

There is no more solemn anthem on earth than the babble of children's lips. – V. Hugo

Without good fathers there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding houses. – N. M. Karamzin

The guilt of the ancestors is redeemed by the descendants. – Curtius

Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of a person's spiritual dignity. - Yanka Bryl - Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard. – W. Bush

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. – J.-J. Rousseau

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their skill with ours. – J.-J. Rousseau

Do you know which one is the most the right way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be denied anything. – J.-J. Rousseau

Let the child play pranks and pranks, so long as his pranks and pranks are not harmful and do not bear the imprint of physical and moral cynicism. – V. G. Belinsky

Mutual love is cemented by children. - Menander - He is the father who brings up, and not the one who gives birth. – Menander

Let us glorify the woman - Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk - that's what saturates us with love for life! – M. Gorky

At first, maternal education is most important, because morality should be implanted in the child as a feeling - G. Hegel - Of all immoral relationships in general, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. – G. Hegel

The children of a hero are not always heroes; it is even less likely that the heroes will be grandchildren. – R. EmersonV. G. Belinsky

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. – V. Hugo

One mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors. – W. Menzel

That educator of children who does not remember his childhood is bad. – M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Neatness arouses in children a joyful self-consciousness. - I. Goethe - Mother - creates, she protects, and to speak about destruction in front of her means to speak against her. Mother is always against death. – M. Gorky

Any worker - from the watchman to the minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. Replace a good father with the same good father impossible. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

V. A. Sukhomlinsky - Children cannot be scared away by severity, they cannot stand only lies. – L. N. Tolstoy

V. A. Sukhomlinsky - The child hates the one who beats.

Teaching children is a necessary thing, we should understand that it is very useful for us to learn from children. – M. Gorky

The son has, of course, the right to choose his wife, but after all, the father, who leaves all his happiness in worthy offspring, has the right to participate even with advice in such a matter. – W. Shakespeare

Nothing surprises when everything surprises: such is the peculiarity of the child. – A. Rivarol

The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children. – Democritus

The habits of the fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of the children. – Deshukrit

The worst thing that young people can learn is frivolity. For the latter begets those pleasures out of which vice develops. – Democritus

A father should be a friend and confidant to his children, not a tyrant. – V. Gioberti

The tale of maternal affection remains for life. - F. E. Dzerzhinsky

There are strange fathers who, until their death, are occupied with only one thing: to give their children reason not to grieve too much for her. – J. La Bruyère

P. Beranger - A good mother gives her stepson a larger piece of the pie than her child. – L. Berne

The mother must receive an appropriate education so that her behavior is moral towards the child. An ignorant mother will be a very bad teacher, despite all her good will and love. – I. I. Mechnikov

On the whole, children love their parents less than the parents of children, for they go towards independence and grow stronger, therefore leaving their parents behind them, while the parents possess in them the objective objectivity of their own connection. – G. Hegel

You can't scare off children with severity, they can't stand only lies. – L. N. Tolstoy

It is usually in our will to give our children our knowledge; and even more, give them our passions. – C. Montesquieu

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. - G. Maupassant

Let the first lesson of the child be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary. – T. Fuller

A person reaches the highest when he sets a good example. – S. Zweig

Respect is an outpost that guards the father and mother, as well as the offspring; it saves the former from grief, the latter from pangs of conscience. - O. Balzac

Children are our future! They must be well armed to fight for our ideals. - N. K. Krupsky

I am speaking, of course, only of good mothers, saying that it is good for sons to have their mothers as their intimate friends. – N. G. Chernyshevsky

He who cannot take caress, he will not take and severity. – A.P. Chekhov

Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than government. – W. Channing

How grossly mistaken are many, even the best of fathers, who consider it necessary to share themselves with their children with severity, severity, inaccessible importance! They think by this to arouse respect for themselves, and in fact arouse it, but the respect is cold, timid, tremulous, and thereby turn them away from themselves and involuntarily accustom them to secrecy and deceit. - V. G. Belinsky - A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

He who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds a thief. – T. Fuller

There is no worse retribution for folly and delusion than to see one's own children suffer because of them. – W. Sumner

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. – A. S. Pushkin – First, we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. – I. Raini

family education For parents there is above all self-education. - N. K. Krupsky

Relatives - all who are similar in strength of mind. – F. Schiller

It is wonderful to be the support of father and mother in important occasions of life, but attention to their requirements, often petty and absurd, hampers a lively, free, courageous talent. – A. S. Griboedov

That educator of children who does not remember his childhood is bad. – M. Ebner-Eschenbach – You will almost always achieve more with kindness than with brute force. – Aesop

Children are our tomorrow's judges, they are critics of our views, deeds, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life. – M. Gorky

Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them. – F. Schiller

A school of properly directed play opens a window to the world wider and more securely for the child than reading. – J. Fabre

A child's feeling, just like a child's thought, must be guided without forcing it. – K. D. Ushinsky

There is a most beautiful being to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother. – P. A. Ostrovsky

In order to judge a child justly and correctly, we need not to transfer him from his sphere to ours, but to move ourselves into his spiritual world. – P. I. Pirogov

A person who really respects the human personality must respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his "I" and separated himself from the outside world. – D. I. Pisarev

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that a person from childhood is not taught to control his desires, they are not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of can, must, cannot. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

Mother's clairvoyance is not given to anyone. Some secret invisible threads are stretched between the mother and the child, thanks to which every shock in his soul is given with pain in her heart and every success is felt as a joyful event in her own life. - O. Balzac

You will almost always achieve more with caress than with brute force. – Aesop

In the game of children there is often a deep meaning. – F. Schiller

Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. — Cicero.

When a person can call his mother and in spirit native - this is a rare happiness. – M. Gorky

It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people had wonderful mothers, that they acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. – G. Bokl

The relationship between parents and children is just as difficult and just as dramatic as the relationship between lovers. - A. Moru - We love our sister, and wife, and father, but in agony we remember our mother. - N. A. Nekrasov - Children are the top healthy marriage. – R. Neubert

It is much easier to preach from the pulpit, to entice from the platform, to teach from the pulpit, than to bring up one child. - A. I. Herzen - The best mother is the one who can replace the father's children when he is gone. - I. Goethe - Blessed are those who have ancestors with with a pure heart honors. - I. Goethe

Worthy of contempt is a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom. — Jean Paul

If you yield to a child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. – J.-J. Rousseau

Children are the living flowers of the earth. – M. Gorky

There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or selfish in comparison. There is no worse retribution for madness and error than to see your own children suffer because of them. – W. Sumner

Whoever got a good son-in-law got a son, and whoever got a bad son-in-law lost his daughter as well - Democritus

Man has three calamities: death, old age, and bad children. From old age and death, no one can close the doors of his house, but from bad kids The children themselves can save the house. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Nature wants children to be children before they become adults. If we want to break this order, we will produce early ripening fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will not be slow to spoil; Let childhood mature in children. – J.-J. Rousseau

Fathers and children should not wait for a request from each other, but should preemptively give what is needed to each other, and the primacy belongs to the father. - - Diogenes

The desire to create a happy life for a child by pampering from infancy is perhaps unreasonable. – V. Hugo

The concentration of parental love on one child is a terrible delusion. – A. S. Makarenko – Usually they say: I am a mother and I am a father, we give everything to the child, we sacrifice everything to him, including our own happiness. The worst gift a parent can give their child. The question should be put like this: no sacrifice, never, never. On the contrary, the child is inferior to the parents. – A. S. Makarenko – The love of parents is the most disinterested. – G. Marx

Any guardianship that continues beyond the age of majority turns into usurpation. – V. Hugo

The child who endures less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. – N. G. Chernyshevsky

Sweets, cookies and candies cannot be raised from children healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious. – R. Schumann

Spoiled and pampered children, whose every whim is satisfied by their parents, grow up to be degenerate, weak-willed egoists.

Children are the living force of society. Without them, it seems bloodless and cold. – AS Makarenko – By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world. – A. S. Makarenko

The child hates the one who hits. – V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists. – E. Leguwe – The well-being of the entire nation depends on the proper upbringing of children. – D. Locke

The merits of the father do not extend to the son. – M. Cervantes

The main basis of parental authority can only be the life and work of parents, their civilian face, their behavior. – A. S. Makarenko – Just those parents who bring up their children poorly, and in general those people who are distinguished by a complete lack of pedagogical tact - they all exaggerate the importance of pedagogical conversations too much. – A. S. Makarenko

A loving mother, trying to arrange the happiness of her children, often binds them hand and foot with the narrowness of her views, the short-sightedness of her calculations, and the unbidden tenderness of her cares. - D. I. Pisarev - What you yourself will do for your parents, expect the same from your children. – Pittacus

One father means more than a hundred teachers. – D. Herbert

No wonder the sons are rich in knowledge, wise father raised. – Firdousi

If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about education: you are already raising your children, and raising them badly, and no best advice and methods will help you. – A. S. Makarenko

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. O. Balzac

Respect is an outpost that guards the father and mother, as well as the offspring; it saves the former from grief, the latter from pangs of conscience. O. Balzac

Mother's clairvoyance is not given to anyone. Some secret invisible threads are stretched between the mother and the child, thanks to which every shock in his soul is given with pain in her heart and every success is felt as a joyful event in her own life. O. Balzac

How grossly mistaken are many, even the best of fathers, who consider it necessary to share themselves with their children with severity, severity, inaccessible importance! They think by this to arouse respect for themselves, and in fact arouse it, but the respect is cold, timid, tremulous, and thereby turn them away from themselves and involuntarily accustom them to secrecy and deceit. V. G. Belinsky

There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or selfish in comparison with it. V. G. Belinsky

Let the child play pranks and pranks, so long as his pranks and pranks are not harmful and do not bear the imprint of physical and moral cynicism. V. G. Belinsky

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. P. Beranger

A good mother gives her stepson a larger piece of the pie than her child. L. Burne

It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people had wonderful mothers, that they acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. G. Buckle

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard. W. Bush

Children make work joyful, but failures seem more distressing because of them. F. Bacon

Children increase our worldly worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. F. Bacon

Ingratitude is the most vile, but at the same time the most common and most primordial - this is the ingratitude of children to their parents. L. Vauvenargues

At first, maternal education is most important, because morality should be planted in the child as a feeling. G. Hegel

On the whole, children love their parents less than the parents of children, for they go towards independence and grow stronger, therefore leaving their parents behind them, while the parents possess in them the objective objectivity of their own connection. G. Hegel

Of all immoral relations in general, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. G. Hegel

One father means more than a hundred teachers. D. Herbert

It is much easier to preach from the pulpit, to entice from the platform, to teach from the pulpit, than to bring up one child. A. I. Herzen

Blessed is he who honors his ancestors with a pure heart. I. Goethe

Neatness arouses in children a joyful self-consciousness. I. Goethe

The best mother is the one who can replace the father's children when he is gone. I. Goethe

Let us glorify the woman - Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk - that's what saturates us with love for life! M. Gorky

Children are the living flowers of the earth. M. Gorky

Children are our tomorrow's judges, they are critics of our views, deeds, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life. M. Gorky

When a person can call his mother and in spirit native - this is a rare happiness. M. Gorky

Mother - creates, she protects, and to speak about destruction in front of her means to speak against her. Mother is always against death. M. Gorky

Teaching children is a necessary thing, we should understand that it is very useful for us to learn from children. M. Gorky

It is wonderful to be the support of father and mother in important occasions of life, but attention to their requirements, often petty and absurd, hampers a lively, free, courageous talent. A. S. Griboyedov

Any guardianship that continues beyond the age of majority turns into usurpation. V. Hugo

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. V. Hugo

There is no more solemn anthem on earth than the babble of children's lips. V. Hugo

The desire to create a happy life for a child by pampering from infancy is perhaps unreasonable. V. Hugo

The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children. Democritus

Whoever got a good son-in-law, he got a son, and whoever got a bad one, he also lost his daughter. Democritus

The worst thing that young people can learn is frivolity. For the latter begets those pleasures out of which vice develops. Democritus

The habits of the fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of the children. Democritus

A father should be a friend and confidant to his children, not a tyrant. V. Gioberti

Spoiled and pampered children, whose every whim is satisfied by their parents, grow up to be degenerate, weak-willed egoists. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

It is necessary to instill in children love for people, and not for oneself, and for this, parents themselves must love people. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

A huge task is before you: to educate and shape the souls of your children. Be vigilant! For the fault or merit of children to a large extent falls on the head and conscience of the parents. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

A child knows how to love the one who loves him - and he can only be brought up with love. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Parents do not realize how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

The tale of maternal affection remains for life. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father. D. Diderot

Fathers and children should not wait for a request from each other, but should preemptively give what is needed to each other, and the primacy belongs to the father. Diogenes

Worthy of contempt is a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom. Jean Paul

It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. I. Kant

Without good fathers there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding houses. N. M. Karamzin

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. V. O. Klyuchevsky

Many children's games are an imitation of the serious activities of adults. J. Korczak

A child is a rational being, he is well aware of the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life. J. Korczak

Children are our future! They must be well armed to fight for our ideals. N. K. Krupskaya

Family education for parents is, first of all, self-education. N. K. Krupskaya

The guilt of the ancestors is redeemed by the descendants. Curtius

There are strange fathers who, until their death, are occupied with only one thing: to give their children reason not to grieve too much for her. J. La Bruyère

Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists. E. Legouwe

The well-being of the entire nation depends on the proper upbringing of children. D. Locke

By raising children, today's parents are educating the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world. A. S. Makarenko

The main basis of parental authority can only be the life and work of parents, their civilian face, their behavior. A. S. Makarenko

Children are the living force of society. Without them, it seems bloodless and cold. A. S. Makarenko

If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about education: you are already raising your children, and raising them badly, and no best advice and methods will help you. A. S. Makarenko

Just those parents who bring up their children poorly, and in general those people who are distinguished by a complete lack of pedagogical tact - they all too exaggerate the significance of pedagogical conversations. A. S. Makarenko

The concentration of parental love on one child is a terrible delusion. A. S. Makarenko

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. A. S. Makarenko

Usually they say: I am a mother and I am a father, we give everything to the child, we sacrifice everything to him, including our own happiness. The worst gift a parent can give their child. The question should be put like this: no sacrifice, never, never. On the contrary, let the child yield to the parents. A. S. Makarenko

The love of parents is the most selfless. G. Marx

Mutual love is cemented by children. Menander

He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander

One mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors. W. Menzel

The mother must receive an appropriate education in order for her behavior to be moral in relation to the child. An ignorant mother will be a very bad teacher, despite all her good will and love. I. I. Mechnikov

It is usually in our will to give our children our knowledge; and even more, give them our passions. C. Montesquieu

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. G. Maupassant

The relationship between parents and children is just as difficult and just as dramatic as the relationship between lovers. A. Morua

We love our sister, and wife, and father, but in agony we remember our mother. N. A. Nekrasov

Children are the pinnacle of a healthy marriage. R. Neubert

There is a most beautiful being to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother. N. A. Ostrovsky

In order to judge a child fairly and correctly, we need not to transfer him from his sphere to ours, but to move into his spiritual world ourselves. N. I. Pirogov

A loving mother, trying to arrange the happiness of her children, often binds them hand and foot with the narrowness of her views, the short-sightedness of her calculations, and the unbidden tenderness of her cares. D. I. Pisarev

When a child is frightened, flogged and upset in every possible way, then from a very young age he begins to feel lonely. D. I. Pisarev

A person who really respects the human personality must respect it in his child from the moment when the child felt his "I" and separated himself from the world around him. D. I. Pisarev

Whatever you do for your parents, expect the same from your children. Pittacus

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. A. S. Pushkin

We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. J. Rainis

Nothing surprises when everything surprises: such is the peculiarity of the child. A. Rivarol

Nothing happens so rarely in the world as complete frankness between parents and children. R. Rollan

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. J.-J. Rousseau

If you yield to a child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. J.-J. Rousseau

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to meet with anything. J.-J. Rousseau

Nature wants children to be children before they become adults. If we want to break this order, we will produce early ripening fruits that will have neither maturity nor taste and will not slow down to spoil. Let childhood mature in children. J.-J. Rousseau

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their skill with ours. J.-J. Rousseau

There is no worse retribution for folly and delusion than to see one's own children suffer because of them. W. Sumner

The merits of the father do not extend to the son. M. Cervantes

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Any worker - from the watchman to the minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. A good father cannot be replaced by an equally good father. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that a person from childhood is not taught to control his desires, they are not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of can, must, cannot. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The child hates the one who hits. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Man has three calamities: death, old age, and bad children. No one can close the doors of his house from old age and death, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

You can't scare away children with severity, they can't stand only lies. L. N. Tolstoy

A child's feeling, just like a child's thought, must be guided without forcing it. K. D. Ushinsky

A school of properly directed play opens a window to the world wider and more securely for the child than reading. J. Fabre

It is not surprising that the sons who are raised by a wise father are rich in knowledge. Ferdowsi

Let the first lesson of the child be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary. T. Fuller

He who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds a thief. T. Fuller

A person reaches the highest when he sets a good example. S. Zweig

Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. Cicero

The child who endures less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. N. G. Chernyshevsky

I am speaking, of course, only of good mothers, saying that it is good for sons to have their mothers as their intimate friends. N. G. Chernyshevsky

He who cannot take caress, he will not take and severity. A. P. Chekhov

Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than government. W. Channing

The son has, of course, the right to choose his wife, but after all, the father, who leaves all his happiness in worthy offspring, has the right to participate even with advice in such a matter. W. Shakespeare

In the game of children there is often a deep meaning. F. Schiller

Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them. F. Schiller

Relatives - all who are similar in strength of mind. F. Schiller

Sweets, biscuits and sweets cannot be raised from children of healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious. R. Schumann

That educator of children who does not remember his childhood is bad. M. Ebner-Eschenbach

You will almost always achieve more with caress than with brute force. Aesop

The children of a hero are not always heroes; it is even less likely that the heroes will be grandchildren. R. Emerson

As soon as the children become obedient, mothers become scared - they are not going to measure. R. Emerson

A father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it has more sweetness than bitterness. Epictetus

Childhood should be given the greatest respect. Juvenal

Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of a person's spiritual dignity. Janka Bryl