Dad and son. Statuses and quotes about father and son. The best statuses about father and son

Kids are crazy about daddy's joys, they sincerely and endlessly laugh when dad throws them up to the ceiling, plays football with them, arranges comic fights. And this is not just entertainment and games, so the father passes on his experience and knowledge to his son, develops his independence and abilities.

An important example in life

For every son, a father is a role model, especially at an early age. The character of a little boy is just beginning to take shape and the baby imitates the man closest to him - his father. Psychologists have proven that in the age period from three to six years, boys in every possible way want to be like dad: dress the same, talk the same, do the same as dad.

Remember that a man does not just educate and take care of a child, he demonstrates to the boy a model of a man’s behavior, an attitude towards life and a woman. By his example, the father shows how to overcome difficulties, be honest and responsible. It is the father who is entrusted with teaching the child politeness and the basics of etiquette. The child especially notes the relationship between dad and mom, for him this is a kind of model for the future seed life. As the people say: "Sooner or later, the son will follow your example, and not your advice." That is, children learn what they see, not what they hear. A father who spends hours on the couch will not be able to instill in his son an addiction to a healthy lifestyle.

I'm afraid to raise a "sissy"

Each child is individual. Everyone has their own temperament, their own character, their own interests and habits. But for some reason, calm sons who like to communicate with girls and play games with them, alert their fathers. The boy's interest in "girlish" activities is not terrible in itself. Usually, this is due to the reasonable, peaceful and calm nature of the baby. The father should take into account the character of the boy and offer him a “boyish” activity that does not require much activity. Coloring books, modeling, encyclopedias, computer games corresponding to the age and gender of the child. In no case do not forbid the child to play with dolls, go to the trick. Invite your child to protect the dolls from evil dragons, build a house for them out of blocks (or other materials), roll the dolls in a car and heal them.

I would like to mention one more important aspect which parents resort to when raising their son. Experts have noticed that a father's love for children is more demanding than a mother's, that is, it must be earned. It is especially difficult for sons to do this - from an early age they demand more from fry and high expectations are directed at them, it is important here to prevent "excesses". Physical punishment, threats, excessive severity are not the best ally in raising a "real man." It has been proven that with this style of upbringing, well-mannered and disciplined children grow up, but aggressive and nervous. They live in fear, constantly holding back their emotions in the presence of their father, and as a result, they become uncontrollable in kindergarten and school. And in adolescence, they can easily contact a bad company, abandon their studies and declare a boycott to their relatives.

Do not forget that each of us was a child, and just like your baby, he played pranks and often retreated from difficulties. Be objective, be patient. Keep in mind that boys take their failures and defeats very seriously. It has been proven that boys more often than girls have neuroses and fears. It is affection, warmth, love that will help your son avoid trouble.

As in any other relationship, between father and son crises arise. In adolescence, the boy undergoes a change in values ​​and authorities. During this period, the father should be patient and recognize the growing independence and independence of his son. Having matured, the young man will experience gratitude and respect for his wise father.

I confess to you honestly: I selected the poems of my son and father, which you will find on this page, with a special feeling. No, the fact that all fathers (I'm talking about normal fathers now!) Love their sons is understandable. But still, to be honest, in addition to love, we also have some share of vanity, right? 🙂 And it’s very nice to think of yourself like this:

Father is a beautiful and proud word. For a small child, dad is the first and most reliable friend. He is big and strong, which means that next to him nothing is scary and from the height of his shoulders you can see so many interesting things. The son is always equal to the father. In his eyes, he is the most courageous, kindest, most intelligent and understanding. And the phrase “when I grow up, I will become like daddy” becomes the motto of most boys.

But just thinking is not enough! You also need to comply.

Well, we will start today's selection by quoting, probably, the most famous poems about dad and son, which everyone (those who are older - for sure!) Learned in childhood:

V. Mayakovsky

What is good and what is bad

Little son came to his father

and asked the little one:

- What is good and what is bad?-

I have no secrets -

listen, kids,

Dads of this answer

I put it in a book.

- If the wind tears the roof,

if the hail rumbled -

everyone knows this is

bad for walking.

The rain came and went.

The sun in the whole world.

This is very good

both big and children.

If the son is blacker than the night

dirt lies on the face, -

Clearly this is very bad.

for baby skin.

If the boy loves soap

and tooth powder

this boy is very cute

does well.

If a wretched fighter beats

weak boy,

I don't want this

even put it in a book.

This one is screaming: - Do not touch

those who are smaller!

This boy is so good

simple sight!

If you broke in a row

book and ball

all the guys say:

bad boy.

If the boy loves work,

pointing at the book

write about it here:

he is a good boy.

From a crow to a peanut

ran away, groaning.

This boy is just a coward.

This is very bad.

This one, albeit with an inch,

arguing with a formidable bird.

Brave boy, okay

useful in life.

This one climbed into the mud and is glad

what a dirty shirt.

They talk about this

he is a bad slut.

This one cleans boots,

washes his own galoshes.

Although he is small,

but quite good.

Remember this every son.

Know any child:

will grow out of the son of a pig,

if the son is a pig.

The joyful boy went, and the baby decided:

"I will do well

and I won't be bad."


Alexander Tvardovsky

Father and son

Perhaps all the misfortune

From field mail:

He was considered dead

And he came alive.

Alive, covered in glory,

Rejoice, family!

Looks around strangers.

Where is my wife?

She's been waiting so long

So big is the war.

With your old friend

Your wife got along.

So where is he? With him in his own way

I would like to talk.

But people say:

Died in the war.

The wife of the second grief

Didn't take it out. She

Lies in the hospital. Memory

Her dark is dark.

And like a soldier

There was no more strength.

He whispers barely audible:

And my daughter? - asked.

And the people didn't dare

Lying, help the trouble:

Winter at the desk at school

Daughter killed by bomb.

Oh, you better not go

Soldier, home from the war!

But he was still going

Ask: - And my boy?

Your son is alive, healthy,

He was waiting for you alone.

And hugged like brothers

Father and boy - son.

Like fighting brothers

Like bitter friends.

Don't cry, the boy cries

Don't you dare - you can't!

And he bowed his head

To the father's shoulder.

Take me with you

I want to live with you.

I'll take it, I'll take it, my boy

Will you leave with me

To the front where I fight

To our regiment, to our home.


Oleg Bundur

Dads are walking

Dads walk under the windows,

Dads go

Terribly worried

Out of the blue


Out of the blue

They suddenly kiss.

They immediately become


And wipe their noses


And outside the windows

Moms are happy

In arms with sons

And daughters.

The sun is shining

Affectionately, affectionately

At the porch, dad and I

With a stroller

I'm ready to scream at the top of my lungs:

- We came to receive the brother!


Tatyana Bokova

Like Dad

I want to be like my dad.

I want to be like a dad in everything.

How is he to wear a suit and a hat,

Walk, watch and even sleep.

Be strong, smart

Don't be lazy

And do everything like him - for five!

And don't forget to get married!

And take our mother as a wife.


Oleg Bundur

In the morning

I got dressed and washed -

Dad shaved

While I was sitting at the table -

Dad shaved

I already drank tea -

Dad shaved

And then he said: “Listen,

That's what WE kopush.


Dad's book

A whole thousand!

Which one will not be asked -

Will find it right there.

Probably dad

Everything already knows

And sits alone again

And reads.

I'm books like dad

And I dream

Here I will grow up

So many books

I will read.

And a son to myself

I won't forget to call


Oleg Bundur

I am stronger

The sun is shining high

Singing about May

Papa walks wide

And I can't make it

And I have to run

To keep up with him,

And I'm running, I'm not far behind

And I don't get tired

And I said at the end of the road:

- Running is harder than walking

I ran twice as much!

And my dad shook my hand.

- You are right,

your journey is longer

And you, son, are stronger!

Oleg Bundur


Dads are different:

He is silent, and he screams,

He sometimes sings

The one at the TV sticks out

He sometimes hugs

The warmth of strong hands

He sometimes forgets

That he is his son's best friend.

Dads are different

And when the days go by

Their sons grow up

Dot to dot, just like them.


Oleg Bundur

I'm always there

I quietly get off the couch at night

And I quietly crawl into bed with my dad,

And I lie quietly, quietly, like a mouse,

And so I fall asleep under my father's arm.

And in the morning he will only open his eyes

And he will tell me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!

Where did you come from? That's surprised! -

Yes, I've always been by your side!

G. Oster

Bad advice

If you're down the hall

Ride your bike

And towards you from the bathroom

Dad went out for a walk

Don't turn into the kitchen

There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,

Brake better in dad,

Dad is soft. He will forgive.

When dad's day off

We build a ship with sails

We sail on it for miracles,

I am the captain and he is the hero.

He is ready to fight for me

With a fiery dragon, big,

And if you have to fight

With the sea monster itself.

I appreciate his concern

I'm with dad, as if in a vivid dream,

It's a pity, on Monday at work -

It's time for him, and for the kindergarten - for me.


Lipovaya Natalia

Dad and son

On a bright, bright summer day, we go to play together;

Once stepped, two steps, a puddle, we jumped;

Dad walks slowly, leads the baby - the baby;

In the same boots, in the same clothes;

"Bear cub" two are walking, playing with puddles in the war;

A couple, feast for the eyes, so similar - tenderness!

Two hearts beat to the beat, dad and son - that's a fact!

Natalie Shakhrai

Father to son

I didn't know until this day

Where is my shelter, where to hurry,

And the answer to the question was not looking for:

“For what, for whom shall I live?”

I did not believe in fate and dreams,

He burned life, not sparing the year.

Hundreds of times I built something myself,

And then everything went nowhere.

Now my son is growing up!

My dear, my flesh and soul!

And I don't understand night or day

How can I breathe without it.

Yes, it happens, sometimes sadness in the soul

It crawls and lies at the bottom,

Only you, even if I'm angry

You pull your hands, laughing, towards me.

And not remembering fatigue, I run

To your cradle soon.

I know, I believe, I can do anything!

You made me, my son, stronger.

You are like me, so like me

Life is the light and the soul is a reflection.

And from the strength of such even a shiver

You me, my son, continued!

Anatoly Soynov

Paying attention to dad

Did a good job today

And do better tomorrow.

Everyone will say:

“The son went to dad,

And maybe even cooler "

These are the poems about the son and dad we got. Liked? I'm glad.

And if you want to see more poems that you can give dad for the holiday, look at the page by February 23. Suitable for any holiday.

  • At least in the old way, at least in a new way, and all the father is older than the son.
  • His only fault is that he loves his son very much, and he will live with this guilt all his life.
  • The son will be able to understand his father when he becomes a dad.
  • A smart son is a substitute for his father, but a stupid one is no help.
  • Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created. (Aristotle)

The best statuses about father and son

  • We realized that our son was a Buddhist when vanity and suffering began to disappear from the house.
  • When dad and son go to the store for ice cream, they only have enough money for beer.
  • He who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds a thief. (Thomas Fuller)
  • Only for the success of his son, the father rejoices more than for his own.
  • A good son is joy to his father, and a thin son is sadness.
  • I'll teach you how to fish, ride a moped, and write love letters to girls. And you teach me to enjoy every day I live.
  • The desire of all fathers is to fulfill in their sons what they themselves lack. (I. Goethe)
  • Statuses about father and son with meaning- Fathers are usually happy when their sons look like them in face, but not too happy when they look like them in behavior.
  • A father should be as much a father as he is a friend to his son. (V. Belinsky)
  • An intelligent son is the father's right eye.
  • Knowledge is passed from father to son by means of a belt transmission.
  • The son is responsible for his father, and in the most direct way: he lives in the country that his father left him.
  • First, the father is in everything for the son, then the son is everywhere for the father.
  • When I have a son, there will be someone better than me...
  • When I was fourteen my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown in the last seven years. (Mark Twain)
  • The age-old problem of fathers: they give their sons some advice, and then they themselves act contrary to it.
  • I could betray my king, but not my son.
  • It is easier for a father to forgive a prodigal son than for a son to forgive a prodigal father.
  • The habits of the fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of the children. (Vasily Klyuchevsky)
  • In peacetime, sons bury their fathers; in wartime, fathers bury their sons. (Francis Bacon)
  • Beautiful quotes about father and son- The dream of any man is to hold in his hands a son from his beloved wife.
  • Having married a real man, a real woman must water the tree and clean the house until she marries her son.
  • She overheard a conversation on the playground between dad and a five-year-old son: “Remember, son: the best is for mom, because she is a girl ... Then - for the cat, because he is helpless and depends on us ... And then you and I, because we men..."
  • Very often, the father cannot properly raise his son, and he follows in his footsteps.
  • The kid hugs his dad by the neck ... Soul to soul, love flows like a river.

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