Quotes on the topic “Wedding. Beautiful congratulations on a church wedding. Wedding quotes sayings

Happy wedding

Were promised to each other in the temple
Those words that humility carry ...
You are now married to heaven,
May the angels protect you!

A pair of white doves soared into the sky ...
So you disposed of your fate:
Before the ancient icon they swore honestly,
That you will go through your life together.

Let this moment be the beginning of happiness
And soon a child's cry will be heard in the house.
Be faithful, whatever may be in fate,
The word you gave to God and to yourself!

Now you are spouses and before God! We congratulate you and wish you to carry your pure holy love through life with dignity and in the future become an example to your children in everything, passing on to them all your best qualities.

With the blessing of God, you are a new family,
Congratulations to your family and friends.
May you have peace, love, fun, harmony,
Let it be sweet every day, like chocolate!

Newlyweds from the heart
We congratulate you on your wedding
May your marriage be indestructible,
May the Lord bless you!

Let the feelings grow stronger day by day
The children in your house are laughing,
Sins will have no place in it,
And let life become a full cup!

Now you swore before God to go, holding hands tightly, along the path of life, and he believed you, blessing the birth new family. We wish you to always be true to your oath promise and wonderful feeling.

How festively the bells ring!
Now you are a husband and wife before God.
We wish that love lives in the family,
May heaven always help you.

Amazing wedding celebration
Connected your hearts
Live in the world like parents
Let from now on two rings

Symbolize the happiness
What is called family.
Let there be harmony and harmony in it,
Love and joy, friends!

Let the candles that burned during your wedding illuminate your family life warm sacred light so that your marriage becomes purer and happier than all earthly unions and lasts forever.

The Lord crowns you today from heaven,
You are responsible for each other in front of him.
May life be full of wonders
And various blessings that are in the world!

Congratulations on your wedding!
Let love reign in the family
Let a white dove over you
It's like a cloud is floating!

Happiness to you and strong friendship,
And spiritual warmth
cute kids,
Sun, peace and kindness!

You performed one of the great sacraments - the wedding. It will allow you to be together for all eternity. We wish your couple not to lose their tenderness and pure love in this and in the next world.

Let the wedding save the family
From separation and mutual insults,
May your love be holy
Life will become a dream.

On this day formed
From the world a new family,
Congratulations guys!
Bitter, dear friends!

Let the wedding moment be magical
Turn love into a dream
May it give peace and happiness
Light, hope, beauty!

Congratulations to the bride and groom on a happy wedding day. May this wonderful event illuminate your entire family life with the light of divine grace! Keep the faith and increase the love!

Alina Ogonyok


Alexander Taradov

Wedding is a blessed day!
A day of joy and celebration!
The Lord sealed the incorruptible union
And an oath of allegiance!

You promised before God
Keep each other and love
Choosing the same path
Live in harmony and peace!

Let VERA help in life!
HOPE - gives the sky blue!
LOVE - warms your hearts
From now on and forever! Amen!

At the wedding

Alexey Gushan

How happy I am that we are now united,
That heart beats in unison with heart.
Love paints pictures in memory
Beautiful, like a pre-dawn dream.

I see how, under choral singing,
Two wedding candles burned
You stood dressed in humility,
Like an angel before the Lord in the night.

And kissed, with tremulous excitement,
Holy images from the altar
And on the cheek flowed from tenderness,
Shining in the sun, pure tear.

At the wedding of Andrei and Tanya

Alyona Geyker

swan wing
Happiness enveloped you.
You will remember this day
More than ever.

Let your love be
Strong and in bad weather
(Black and white stripes
will always be).

Pair of birds hugging
Endless sky
Rushing together
To the home side.

We love the couple
Desperately brave
And we want the same
Happiness to yourself.

Everything in your life will be
Both happiness and sorrow
There will be first disputes
And quarrels, and peace.

Life is like calm
And on the stormy sea
To undulating mountains
To poverty and feast.

So conceived: white
The Creator will dress you
Through the black
Holding it with a strong hand.

And how together lets go
He is two swans
Be together with each other
And with Him forever!

It would seem that this is just...

Valery Nedyudin

It would seem that all this is simple -
Just say "I love you"
Step towards the altar
And "Yes" to answer the questions.

But, only, you are no longer you -
Soul merges with soul
And though your face is always with you,
But everything is decided by the word - "We".

Love over the years, like a staff -
Support, guard from enemies,
But there is no gravity of shackles in it
And unresolved issues.

I'm not talking about jealousy
She is a servant of denunciations
Those who do not see beyond the nose,
And he didn't care about his life.

Enough tenderness over the years
Don't get rough, don't get stale
But to have the same feelings -
And happiness will be with you forever.

We wish on the Wedding Day ...

Elena Butorina

Difficulty in modern life
Find love sacred...
See her... Hear
Angelic heart beat...

But even harder - loyalty
Save the heat of the kiss!!!
save love for years
From bad weather and separation!!!

You get it all!!!
How harder life, the closer
You become each other!!!
And more expensive! And sweeter!!!

Because you are in a harsh hour
The sun shines with rays
Heaven sends God's mercy
The world is getting better!!!

We wish on the Wedding Day
Live in harmony with love!
Believe in the power of unity
Light and loving souls!!!

Warm, gentle attitude
And spiritual beauty
Conquer the whole sublunar world,
Decorate with the radiance of feelings!!!

Stas, Alyonushka!!! From now on
You are a family by all standards!!!
So let the Lord Supreme
Your union bless!!!

Protect your marriage heavenly!!!
And sacred hearts
Gives stellar happiness
Unquenchable light of love!!!


Igor Morozov 6

He is excited and strict
And she is good.
In the center of the temple are
And the soul rejoices!
Above the heads of the crown,
Melting incense smoke.
Marriage is consecrated
Now by the Holy Spirit.
Now there are two
Like one body.
What did the Lord combine
Not allowed to split.
And a tear will shine
Suddenly my mother is gray-haired ...
Does God's will
Priest is young.


Irina Revyakina

“The husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church, and He is the Savior ...”, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her” (Eph. 5: 23, 25).

Candle lights, flickering lamps.
There is a laudatory choir on the kliros.
Here the sacrament goes - the wedding:
Father's blessing eyes.

Isaiah rejoices! Glory!
Here the two are bound forever -
Lord's church power-power.
Don't destroy man!

In golden crowns - the radiance of the sun,
And the hands are tied in a knot.
On ring fingers rings,
And God bless the marriage.

Union of love, union of salvation -
Unity of two souls.
In love and faith, children are born,
But the Glory of God is a husband.

And the husband is the head of the wife, the support,
They are nowhere without each other,
In Christ both sexes are one,
And the glory of a husband is a wife.

Building a house church
By faith, the Lord gives us.
Christ helped, open your heart
And grace will come to you.

Parting words to the newlyweds

Kira Shavyrina

They married you there
where earthly fates are decided,
and therefore you
can't live without each other...
May you be remembered
marvelous autumn golden days -
this day when you
tied a happy thread.

Do not be afraid of adversity -
all of them, like snow, are transient, -
all bad things will pass
and only love remains
because she -
your only true friend
keeper of all bonds
and the foundation of all higher foundations.

Take care of her!
Take care of her like a banner:
the battlefield is all life,
and the banners are carried to the end!
Let it flow over you
Love unquenchable flame -
earthly life symbol
and a heavenly gift from the Creator!


Ludmila Cherkashina 2

The whole church is covered with flowers,
Icon lamps are burning,
Bride and groom with candles
They look with hope at the pulpit.
They are crowned by three priests,
All dressed in silver
Prayers to God proclaim
Blessing them with the cross.
And pure bride's tears
Poured streams from the eyes,
And by God's heavenly grace,
The Lord blessed their hour.
The priesthood is decorously on the pulpit,
Gives guidance to life:
- Now you are one, not two,
Merged for all eternity.
A cup of purity has been given to you,
Carry her carefully
Put it in it with love
All your mercy.
And if one of you stumbles,
Let the second substitute a shoulder,
And God's mercy will respond
Love will warm you hot.
God bless you,
Go in peace as a family
Let there be a clean road
And the fullness of your being."
The whole church is covered with flowers,
A wondrous marvelous choir sings,
Beautiful ringing of bells
Spreads the message throughout.
Maxim and Annushka forever
Merged hearts and souls
We congratulate them heartily
With great sincere love.

Marriage Christian

Luda Pavlova

Christian marriage is holy and spiritual,
The bed is not bad, thoughts are pure.
Holy faith is the basis of marriage,
Pray together, fast together.

Christian marriage is obedience,
Sacrifice of the personal for the sake of the family.
Christian marriage - the path to creation,
For children to be born in love.

Christian marriage - unity of the spirit
And respect for each other in the family,
The happiness of fatherhood and motherhood,
The secret is sacred in our land.


Nadezhda Chvanova

We were married in the church.
We stood side by side
With you at the altar
baptizing with images,
Priest above us
The rite led, prayers were created.

Holy prayers.
Their words are simple
God Almighty heard from heaven
And the oath of the spouses
Loyalty to each other
What was given, looking at the cross.

And the miracle happened.
And the secret is revealed
For those who love our hearts.
Bonded them for years
To alleviate adversity
A shining, pure crown.


Natalia Usova

Wedding - two souls one sound,
Sound in God's sight
Marriage is not just a promise
Here two destinies are intertwined into one
Fortified with fervent prayer,
Like these two burning candles
Before that, you were only lovers,
And now, the BLESSING sounds!


Pyotr Koltsov

The temple is half empty. It has a mystery. Wedding.
Silent prayer in silence.
Wedding timid silence,
Blurry shadows on the wall

From candle flames. incense smoke,
Carrying spice in wax burning.
Crowns over their heads, and guessed
When passing through the altar

The dream is that, having overcome all the difficulties,
What life is preparing, love has survived,
And for opposites to form
In such an identity that only blood will separate.

Wedding. A touch of eternity.
Holy oath before the holy father.
From now on, there is no place for empty carelessness:
The marriage took place before His face.

The temple is deserted. Flowers, idle smiles,
Champagne! To brotherhood! To the dregs!

At the entrance to the temple, two different fates converged.
At the end, fate is already one ...


Tatiana Shcheglova

Divine Mystery of Love
Wedding, help you save ...
Blessings of God for all days -
All in fidelity they must pass ...

Marriage is made in heaven
And happiness is reflected in the eyes ...
And in the church the priest sings psalms -
We glorify the crowns above our heads ...

Blesses the church at the same hour
Bodily unity without embellishment ...
First, the hearts of two approached,
Then their souls were united...

Church marriage unites people,
He glorifies God with this again ...
Advice to newlyweds yes love,
Blessings from above - again and again ...

At the altar

Tatyana Sergeevna Grigorieva

Unrepeatable moments
When a dream comes true.
And two souls in solitude
They want to be together forever.

We met at the altar today
Hand in hand, eye to eye.
And even angels from happiness
Waltzing in heaven.

He agreed to be loved
Always protect her.
Reliable, very faithful, strong,
Worship and pamper.

She's ready to be loved
Reliable, faithful wife.
Keep the hearth and be happy
Breathe only them, love with the soul.

They vowed to be together in grief,
They vowed to help each other.
He promised her a sea of ​​flowers,
She gives birth to children.

Unrepeatable moments
When a dream comes true.
And two souls in solitude
They want to be together forever.

Wedding - a promise before God

Faina Fanny

Alas, we sometimes do not keep our words,
And we betray the one we love.
However, a wedding is not a registry office,
Where they signed, divorced and forgot everything.

And remember, if you go down the aisle,
Looking into your soul in advance,
There are no divorces for loving hearts.
A wedding is a promise before God.

We have no right to die
And we must be ready for everything.
Once met to meet again
In the name of the souls of the confluence of the saint.

A crystal candle, melting in silence,
We swore an oath - to be there all the time,
And the sky married two souls,
Caressing each other with a gentle look.

We have no right to leave, -
We are blood for blood, breath for breath, -
And we can only love unconditionally.
Love is our sin and our repentance.

Remember, we don't have to die.
We are crowned with immortal love,
And, therefore, we will never stand,
Seeing each other off, at the head.

We'll be together for hundreds of thousands of years...
Fate decides the long-awaited gesture -
Warm bright light from crystal candles
It illuminates us.
And above us is a cross.

I'll snuggle up to you... and the sun will get closer.
I can fit the whole world in one palm...
Of the hundreds of the best books in life.
I will dedicate to you with the name "Loyalty" ...

What does this mean, we know only two.
Before God answering for the Crown
All our lives - the only head,
Having lived with you, in the confluence of hearts ...

A thin sickle of the moon is a half of a wedding ring.
We are under the sky of Spring, the stars here married you and me,
And the witnesses were only the sky and the spring wind.
In a waltz they slowly swam, danced to the sound of drops ...

The ringing bell of the temple will announce to us about Easter in April,
All gardens will be swept with petals of a flower blizzard,
Our lips suddenly remember kisses with almond flavor,
The thin sickle of the Moon will again beckon with a wedding ring ...

The log church beckoned with its sincerity…
She went...
It smelled of incense and wood...
They stood at the altar...
So clean...
Such lovers...
The glare of candles played on their faces ...
The prayers of their loved ones were heard ...
Their prayers were heard...
We heard their responses...
For questions…
Are you ready to marry God...
Are you ready to take a husband before God.
She didn't know them...
She loved them...
Their wedding made her happy ...
She smiled...
She lit a candle...
And came out...

Let it all end abruptly! Right now!
And let the hands of the clock freeze for a moment
Marry me, angel, marry me quickly
With the lord of peace and the spirit of oblivion

Take me to the house where the storm is silent,
Where I will not grow old and I will not become younger.
Comfort me angel, close my eyes
May my sleep never be disturbed again

I want to marry you...
In the white church ... what is there, at Yesenin's ...
Where the expanse is blue
Golden showers in autumn ...

Where in the azure of the crystal Oka
The star sleeps like a marvelous white lily ...
I want to touch your cheek
Under a veil ... with timid lips ...

Crimson sound will pour
Grace from heaven, like a rainbow ...
Maple with golden stars
It will freeze under your feet, pleasing your heart ...

In the warm glow of a wedding candle
Two souls will become a common breath...
Mother-of-pearl bliss rays
Will hide the secret in the heavenly radiance ...

wedding ring on the palm
Your heart will lie before the icons...
I want to marry you...
In the white church... with crystal chimes...

I want to marry you under a lilac sky
Let the stars burn like in that old temple with lamps.
I want to marry you alone, wherever I am,
I want to marry you, both early and late.

I want to marry you under the blind rains
Let the cold wind play with the wedding veil.
I want to marry you for hours and days
I want to marry you alone in the whole world.
You will wear a wedding dress in the evening,
From pieces of faith and love.
Side by side with hope and tender flowers,
Fix your hair a little.

I want to marry you when the leaves fall
And the earth falls asleep again to wake up in the spring.
I want to marry you very slowly, quickly,
Because we were married by fate itself. performer Andrey Bandera

Burning wedding candles
We stood with you in the church.
On that warm and sincere evening,
You became my husband, I became my wife.

That was not a fashionable tribute,
Step adult, two young hearts.
Our gaze was riveted to the glitter,
For eternity dressed rings.

Burning wedding candles
We swore to each other in the temple,
Two doves fortunately to meet
Soared up into the sky.

I remember souls rejoicing,
And the heat on the girl's cheeks,
From lace your robe,
And our kiss in front of guests.

My dear, congratulations!
Today is our anniversary.
I trust you with my glass
Pour more wine for us!

I drink to love and luck
Let the July evening bloom!
This day means a lot to us
Let everyone, as we are lucky!

I drink to happy years
For the joy of all the days lived,
For the fact that worldly hardships,
Do not lead the pigeons astray!

Our marriage, oddly enough, began long before our birth: the Munchausen family had long dreamed of becoming related to the von Dutten family, so when they had a girl, I, in turn, was born not only a boy, but also a husband. We were introduced in the cradle, and I immediately did not like my wife, which I declared as soon as I learned to talk. Unfortunately, my words were not heeded, and as soon as we reached the age of majority, we were taken to the church. In church, when asked by a priest whether I was ready to marry Jacobina von Dutten, I honestly answered: “No!” And we were immediately married. After weddings we left for Honeymoon: I - to Turkey, she - to Switzerland, and for three years they lived there in love and harmony.

They say I took my wife to a Rochdale reserve game as a gift to my wife on our wedding anniversary. It is not true. It was on her birthday. What am I, a psycho - to marry during the season?!

The other day Tikhonov told me that the wave of arrests is a temporary phenomenon. Religion will not be destroyed by anyone, so I do not advise you to abandon the rank, since the time will soon come when everything will return to the old.

People owe each other some fidelity, or something - even if they are not married. In a sense, trust must go even deeper precisely because it is not sanctified by law.

How many empty and insignificant ideas occupy people! How many stupid customs and ceremonies are carried out by them every day, and how much really important, necessary, necessary eludes them!

A girl who brings only her beauty as a dowry should not marry a nobleman who has nothing but a sword. You can't knock butter out of two stones.

I never wanted a divorce. I can't stand this word. I cringe when they say it about me. My ideal was to get married once and for all.

The purpose of marriage is to bring joy. It is implied that married life- life is the happiest, fullest, purest, richest. This is the Lord's ordinance about perfection.

Usually they marry hopes, they marry promises. And since it is much easier to keep your promises than to justify other people's hopes, you often meet disappointed husbands than deceived wives.

Give me thy crown of thorns, Christ, that I may bleed; give me your cross, 100 crosses, and I will carry them for you; but give me life, because I still have something to do for my people and my country!

For a long time he was no longer in his homeland; It's been a year since his mother left town. He arrived in the evening. Why describe the joy of mother and son after a year of separation? There are minutes, there are scenes that even offend the feeling in the description.

Congratulating loved ones on their wedding, finding the right, right and warm words is always difficult, because they should be remembered by the newlyweds for life.

In the sacrament of the wedding, with a free (before the priest and the Church) promise by the bride and groom of mutual fidelity to each other, their marital union is blessed, in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church, and the grace of God is asked for and given for mutual help and unanimity, and for a blessed birth and Christian parenting.

You need to prepare in advance for congratulations on your wedding - only very experienced speakers can speak well without preparation. The main thing with congratulations on the wedding to a young family is a word of good advice. try not to speak formal words, but remember the family that lived a truly happy life. In your wedding congratulations, tell a little story about this family and what it was main secret family happiness. It is not told for a long time - 2-3 minutes is quite enough time. This good word the young, perhaps, will remember for the rest of their lives!

We offer readers a few sermons and quotes about wedding and marriage, which can be used in congratulations on the wedding.

May the commandments of God
Give the family support!
May there be peace and harmony in the house,
Things are looking up!
May the appearance of children
Give joy, happiness!
May virtue and love
Decorate the real!

Let the wedding and wedding
Warm your hearts
And on the ring finger
The gold of the ring will flash!
Let the children bring joy
And family stuff!
Happiness to you, love, prosperity
And warmth!
May your wedding rings
Will always be a symbol of happiness
Mutual love and support
Consent, friendship, participation!
Let the children appear in the house
Parents will be healthy
The family will be a ray of light
Hope and kind words!

Marriage is a miracle on earth. In a world where everything and everything is in disarray, marriage is a place where two people, thanks to the fact that they fell in love with each other, become one, a place where discord ends, where the realization of one life begins. And this is the greatest miracle of human relations: two people suddenly become one person, two faces suddenly, because they fell in love and accepted each other to the end, completely, turn out to be something more than a two, than just two people - turn out to be unity.

Congratulations on your wedding
With the best undertaking in life!
Be needed for each other
Helpful and friendly!

Young people be happy
Respectful, sympathetic!
Wish soul fusion
And success in everything!

God bless your marriage
You will be family!
You are proclaimed man and wife,
The countdown has started from zero!
Let the future wait for a series
Merry, bright years!
Gorgeous like now
Your bridal bouquet!
And joy, happiness and love
Will be in your hearts!
You have entered into forever
Union in heaven!

* * *
Pray that God bless
After all, to pass life is not to measure the field.
Sometimes love, hope and believe
More difficult than the great "create".

After all, in a bowl of honey - mustard sediment,
And every path seems to be smooth,
And the saying goes,
That we have to pay for everything.

Pray that God bless.
Pray when the morning is serene.
And the joy of life seems boundless.
So that God saves her tomorrow,

To ring a happy song every day,
And your house was filled with spring light.
Today, tomorrow, in many years,
May God answer your prayers.

* * *
wedding sms

Many and good years!

Congratulations to the young! Accept our mandate: Joy, sorrow - for two. Share equally!

There are no accidents in life:
God created you for each other.
Congratulations on your wedding
And we wish the angel to take care
You from quarrels, omissions, silence,
Discontent, sadness, anxiety.
They did not recognize the bitterness of despair
And love took care of the spark!

Let the future wait for a series
Merry, bright years!
Gorgeous like now
Your wedding bouquet!
And joy, happiness and love
Will be in your hearts!
You have entered into forever
Union in heaven!

Your responsible step is now agreed before God. Do not be afraid to do any undertakings in your life, because they are blessed. But do not forget that God is watching all your actions, and you need to be more responsible for them. May advice and love accompany your sacred union!

Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh

Love is an amazing feeling, but it is not only a feeling, it is state of the whole being. Love begins at the moment when I see a person in front of me and see through his depths, when suddenly I see his essence. Of course, when I say "I see," I don't mean to say "I comprehend with my mind" or "I see with my eyes," but— “I comprehend with all my being.”

If I can give a comparison, then I also comprehend beauty, for example, the beauty of music, the beauty of nature, the beauty of a work of art, when I stand in front of him in amazement, in silence, only perceiving what is in front of me, not being able to express it in any way. word, except as an exclamation: “My God! How wonderful it is!..” The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to rule over him, without the desire to use his gifts or his personality in any way, only we look and marvel at the beauty that has been revealed to us.

A person begins to love another, because suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, he sees in him something that he had never seen before. It happens: young people, girls belong to some kind of common circle, live side by side, work together, take part in public life. And suddenly the one who has not been noticed by anyone until now becomes the center of interest for one of this circle; at some point, one person saw another not only with his eyes, but with some kind of penetration of the heart and mind. And this man, who was just one of many, suddenly becomes the only one. The person then appears new beauty, new depth, new significance. Such a vision can last for years, it can last a lifetime.

But sometimes, after some time, this vision fades (as happens when the sun moves away from the window and suddenly the radiance of this window dims). And this is where faith comes in. Faith in this sense: faith as confidence that what was once seen, and now has become invisible, is certain, undoubtedly. This is the faith we all live by, more or less.

There are moments of special meetings, deep, exciting; then we return to ordinary life: but once again face to face with the person associated with this experience, we know that what we see is not the whole person; that there is a depth in it that we can no longer see through. And we treat this person in a new way. This is very clearly revealed in a whole series of prayers of the rite of marriage.

You have to save the world

In the midst of confusion and vacillation, in the midst of the general search for enemies and those responsible for public and personal misfortunes, searches that have captivated not only “outsiders”, but even us, sinful and unworthy pastors of the Church of Christ, you are taking a heroic step. Instead of lamentations and complaints, instead of fruitless and miserable attempts to find someone to blame, you create something that even the forces of hell will never overcome. You are building a small Church.

It will be difficult for you. Maybe someday one of you will decide that the task is too difficult. Do not be discouraged and do not despair. Remember, he who endures to the end will be saved! Remember that the world is worth as long as your family is worth. This is not hyperbole, it's true! Don't let the world die. Do not let us sinners fall into despondency and despair. You are our hope. Like all those who, despite endless temptations, their own imperfections, despondency and painful enslavement to sin, continue to resort to the Sacraments of the Church, seeing in them alone the way of salvation and the path to Eternal life. That's why Marriage!

Now the Church will bless you with icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos. This is done so that you remember who to imitate, whose example to resort to in moments of despair and anguish, to what extent each of you will have to grow. I know you will say to me: “Have mercy, father! Where can we bear all this, where can we get the strength to ascend to such heights!” And you are not the only one who is horrified by what lies ahead of you. Remember that the best of the best, the apostles of Christ, when they heard from the lips of their Teacher the word about the duties of a husband and wife, exclaimed in fear: “It is better not to marry!” (Matthew 19.10) But do not despair! Remember that everything is possible for God, remember that “Divine grace, always weak in healing and impoverishing in replenishment ...” will not leave you either, that, finally, there is only one way to fulfill the Law of Christ: to bear the burdens of each other.

So carry each other through life carefully and patiently, and may God help you in this. Amen.

Archpriest Sergiy Gankovsky

So your wedding took place before God and God Himself. By His hand, by the hand of the Creator, you are united today. And what God has combined, let no man separate.

Time will pass and, perhaps, a lot of things will be forgotten by you from today, but you have no right to forget some things. Do not forget the miracle that the Lord performed both today and in Cana of Galilee. Do not forget that it is no coincidence that He really performed His first Miracle in front of all people not anywhere, but during a wedding, during marriage, as it is said in the Gospel of John. Why? Because marriage is an icon, an image. This is an image of the union of the Church and Christ. So this icon full force will be transformed, will become a reality only in the Kingdom of God.

All icons will acquire… as if the third dimension. You know that our icons are usually two-dimensional. They have two dimensions in the plane and, following tradition, we do not try to depict the third dimension on them in order to get a picture where everything “seems to be alive”. You can't do this, you can't do anything in the Church - "as if", imitating. Because icons must become alive, fully alive in the Kingdom of God.

And in the Kingdom of God, your marriage, which is also an icon, will also become complete, because it is there that you lay down your crowns. Those wedding crowns that you were wearing today, you need to bring them to the Kingdom of God. Probably, when you walked these three circles around the lectern, it seemed to you that a crown would fall from your head, which is not so even, or something else irreparable would happen. But you can’t fix it with your hands - in one hand is a candle, and in the other is the hand of the one with whom you connected your life. And you felt how hard it is, in fact, to carry the marriage crown. And it is also hard to carry it in life. Sometimes you want to forget about him, move away from him. I want, when fatigue sets in, to tear it off my head and hide it somewhere in a corner, to say: “everything is enough, no more is needed.” No, this can no longer be done. It is impossible, because the icon must be treated in a special way. Treat her so that she lives.

Here is someone who works with computers and knows how to handle them. And he knows how differently this conversion occurs in other people. One does something beautiful on the computer, makes calculations or drawings. And another computer hammers nails. Because he doesn't know what to do with it. It's the same with the icon. If we do not know how to deal with an icon, then it may break. It can darken, lose its light, turn into a simple board.

Your task is to carry your icon as bright as it is given to you today. And remember that what happened today is really a miracle. This miracle can continue every day, every day it can be renewed, surprise you, rejoice, rejoice, as you heard today: “and let the woman rejoice in her husband.” Why? Yes, because this is the joy of that wedding feast, which is in the Kingdom of God.

We try to imagine the Kingdom of God, and we can't do it, because we start by trying to put ourselves there. And you place there the saints, Christ, the Mother of God, the apostles, who are celebrating, who are having a feast, a wedding feast. And then it can be imagined - this is fun and joy. And may this fun and joy be kept in you, in your family, in your children. And God bless you for the rest of your life!

* * *

Archpriest Sergiy Ovsyannikov

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, finishing the story of the sad fate of Yevgeny Bazarov, wrote about the one with whom the poor "chemist" was hopelessly in love, that she married not for love, but for the conviction that she and her husband live in great harmony with each other and live up to love… In these words of the Russian writer, behind a light mocking irony, there is an idea of ​​amazing depth, which, perhaps, did not occur to the writer himself: love does not appear at all by itself. Love is not where marriage begins. Love is what ends a marriage here on earth, what keeps spouses from dying, what makes husband and wife partakers of Eternal Life. That is, love must endure, suffer. You have to “live up to love”, as the author of “Fathers and Sons” says.

When you think about love in this way, about what makes two previously strangers not only - and not so much - one body, but also one soul, one spirit, then you suddenly comprehend the marvelous words of the Apostle Paul with a completely different depth, which, unfortunately, do not read during the sacrament of the Wedding:

“If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a resounding cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give up all my possessions and give my body to be burned, and have no love, it does not profit me at all. Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not behave violently, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished. ”(1 Corinthians 13.1-8).

Nothing more joyful, nothing more beautiful, nothing wiser anywhere “in this adulterous and sinful world” is said about love, no matter how hard the poets try, no matter how much they search for words, no matter how much they catch moments of inspiration ...

And, at the same time, there is nothing more terrible, more inevitable, there is nothing more strict and inexorable than this beautiful and exacting law of love! You just listen: "Love does not seek its own ..." That is, if you love - forget about yourself! If you love, do not consider how many affectionate words you said, and how many they told you. Don't look for yours when you love! For if the moving of mountains by the power of prayer is nothing without love, then what is love?

It is obvious that you still need to learn how to love like that. And you have to learn this difficult science of love in a world that has forgotten about love and calls love what can not always be called even lust. Remember how a certain schoolboy wrote in his essay: "Happiness is when you are understood." Many of us grew up with such an understanding of happiness and, apparently, that is why it seems that we did not live up to happiness. But it would seem so easy to understand that, in fact, happiness is when you understand everyone, which means you regret it, which means, in the end, you love.

Learning to love ultimately means learning to exist in Blessed Eternity, it means seeking the Kingdom of God and its glory, because there, in Eternal Life, God has nothing but Love. Because learning to “not seek one’s own” means to give up selfishness, selfishness, lust, and become what God intended you to be: free, pure, loving. Holy.

Now standing before the Throne of God, I pray together with your parents and friends, Rostislav and Pelagia, with your relatives and friends, I pray that God will give you patience, faith and hope, and would take away from you only one thing: convulsive desire an easy life, a pitiful desire for a quick victory, a shameful desire for a sorrowless life. Because “demonic is cheap, but God’s is expensive,” because the labor of love, the labor of marriage, the hard labor of bearing and raising children — this is what makes us sinners those of whom our Savior said: “Come, blessed My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Amen

Christ is Risen!

It would seem that cloudless happiness should be the natural crowning of love. But in real life love is inseparable from grief. Perhaps the tragedy of love expresses the imperfection of being, for example, its transience? Or the imperfection of love itself, its inseparability, impermanence? Alas! Tragedy in love is inevitable. It reflects in human consciousness the antinomy of the Divine plan for man. The tragedy is connected with the inevitability of self-denial. Christian love is essentially ascetic. In order to enter into the two-part unity of love, into the co-participation of marriage, a person is forced to sacrifice his lonely

integrity. The whole voluntarily becomes a part, limits itself, is humiliated. To love another always means to reject oneself, to sacrifice one's wholeness to co-participation, to the new unity of the family. The joy of love is that your life replenishes the life of another. The cross of love arises from the inevitability of self-denial. The image of the love of the cross of Jesus Christ permeates the Christian consciousness. Life and creativity, the brightest experiences of mutual communication - love, fidelity, joy, gratitude - are realized in Christianity through the cross. Self-denial for the sake of another is a qualitative sign of the Christian worldview. The Way of the Cross of marriage is sealed by the ceremony of putting on crowns. These are not triumphal crowns. Victory has not yet been achieved. These are the crowns of martyrdom. The bride and groom are married on a feat of selfless love.

The apostle Paul likens the marriage union of the groom and the bride to a mysterious marriage between Christ and the Church: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her, ... that she might be holy and blameless” (Eph. 5, 25-27) . The mysterious union, in which Christ unites love, is called to become the Church. The two that the Third unites become one in God. This birth of the Church is described in the wonderful verses of Vyacheslav Ivanov:
The Church is accomplished when

We look into each other's eyes

And the inner day glows

From our numb eyes.

Is it a star with seven rays,

Seraphim sparkled with his eyes,

But the middle shadow is melting,

And a diamond sparkles in the heart.

The name is written on it

We read this sign in each other,

Mutual whisper "Amen"

And the Third embraces two...

Embarrassed, we retreat into darkness.

As the spirit is many-starred and blue,

How full of sound and quiet the world is.

Archpriest Pavel A.