Wedding in Hollywood style. Hollywood: glamorous style for your wedding. Wedding bouquet for the bride

Currently, most newlyweds are trying to move away from the traditional wedding ceremony and spend these happy moments in an unusual way, as well as surprise guests and relatives. If your couple has the same thoughts about the proper wedding celebration, then you will love a Hollywood style wedding. This fabulous and vibrant city will breathe an atmosphere of sophistication and sophistication into your bright day, which should be remembered not only by the newlyweds, but also by the guests gathered at this event.

Design of invitations

Any wedding begins with invitations sent to guests. We don’t even look at the finished printed products with doves and rings, because Hollywood is, first of all, about uniqueness.

It would be very original to make a wedding invitation in the form of a small book, on the pages of which you can excitingly describe the upcoming event, indicate the address and code for guests. The original text will be supplemented black and white photographs future family in the form of a tape with frames from the film. Poster invitations, like poster invitations, would be appropriate for a Hollywood wedding. By indicating the main characters of the “film”, its start time and script, you will be able to impress your guests.

You can surprise your guests and send them an unusual video invitation and send it to your guests in different forms: for some as heart flash drives, for others with a video on a social network or a link to it by email, and for others on a DVD. .

Bride ransom

Let the groom be a famous film actor, starring in a romantic film code-named “The World's Best Declaration of Love.” To get a bride, he must describe his feelings as touchingly and truthfully as possible, because otherwise she may not take him to the ceremony.

On-site marriage registration

The standard registry office and Mendelssohn’s creation are not an option for the Hollywood style; it is better to order an on-site marriage registration.

Room or area for open air It’s worth decorating as a film set or pavilion. The entrance of the newlyweds can be accompanied by a screensaver from a spectacular film corresponding to the event, as well as the phrase “20th Century Fox Presents.”

Wedding banquet in Hollywood style

As with any other wedding ceremony, there should be full service. Snacks, drinks and cutlery are left from the table setting. The latter are also designed in a style free of plates with patterns; only the classic version is needed.

After the banquet in the second hall, it is appropriate to organize a buffet with waiters offering guests soft and alcoholic drinks.

The tables should be arranged so that the bride and groom can be seen, and also so that you can approach them. There should be no loaves, branches with ribbons covering the newlyweds!

The image of a bride at a Hollywood wedding

Of course, when organizing it is worth showing your imagination in choosing a dress and accessories, but the classics of the genre have already been defined:

long Wedding Dress
deep neckline
professionally selected jewelry
long gloves
clutch bag
fur shawl

The bride's makeup matches the makeup of Hollywood beauties walking the red carpet. These are red lips calling for a kiss, long thick eyelashes. If nature has not given you a luxurious eyelash curve, you can add eyelash extensions or use false eyelashes for your wedding day. For Hollywood wedding the bride can choose a hairstyle with curls, neatly styled and falling in curls.

The bride's bouquet

The bride's bouquet should be small, sophisticated and elegant. You can decorate flower petals with rhinestones, and grass stems with shiny beads strung together.

It is better to choose rich red roses as wedding flowers, to match the same path along which the couple will walk. By the way, you can attach a similar flower to the loop of the groom’s jacket.

Hollywood style hall decoration

Hollywood should be felt and hovering everywhere. Therefore, it would be good to hang posters of famous actors on the walls, alternating them with photographs of parents, friends of the bride and groom, as well as photos of themselves. It is advisable to install a large screen to broadcast photo slides and show the love story of the newlyweds.

Candles in massive candelabras will help create the look of the hall, crystal chandeliers. The place where guests will be photographed can be decorated with the appropriate inscription “HOLLYWOOD” in large letters.

The original wedding bargaining is one of the highlights of a Hollywood wedding. A three-tier confectioner’s creation with figurines of lovers on top, decorated with a black and white film strip made of mastic, will look gorgeous. After cutting the cake, the final part of the Hollywood-style wedding will be a magnificent fireworks display!

The script “Shooting a Movie” or “Hollywood” is very popular, I decided to do my bit and offer you a fresh interpretation. True, this is not the American version of a party at all. Let's call it “Ode to the old Soviet cinema” :-).

Who is my script “Hollywood” suitable for:

  • For family holiday, where relatives from 2 to 82 years old gathered
  • for a teenager's birthday (if they know old Soviet films, of course :-))
  • for a youth homemade corporate party
  • for the entertainment of vacationers in health resorts

It's very easy to organize

I wrote a holiday script that was simple in every sense:

  • It’s very easy to choose accessories for our film, as they are available in all stores
  • no need to rehearse in advance - all lines are taken from famous films
  • the number of participants can be from 5 to 30
  • The presenter has a very simple task (he will alternately be a screenwriter, director, and host of the award ceremony)
  • the program is diluted with competitions, there will be no monotony
  • easy to award winners (each has their own nomination)
  • no special props, decorations or technical equipment required
  • you can adjust the duration of the holiday yourself by adding or excluding the competitions I propose
  • What you use to shoot the film doesn’t matter at all. At least on the phone. This is secondary! Fun comes first!


The presenter (now a screenwriter in a scarf) runs in with a trash can: “Help! Help! Yesterday I wrote a script and tore it into small pieces. This morning I realized it was brilliant! Take one fragment at a time and help me!”

All guests take one piece of paper and simply read what they came across. To help you, I have collected phrases from old films of this type:

From this list you can immediately select the ones that are most suitable for your company.

If guests are sitting at the table at this moment, I suggest not just reading, but pronouncing these masterpieces in the form of an “alaverdi” toast (in a row in a circle, clinking glasses).

Screen tests (casting)

The presenter can quickly put on his cap and take something like a megaphone (now this is the director): “Attention, attention! I invite everyone to the casting and photo tests!”

Now everyone takes turns pulling opaque bags with carnival accessories out of the box. All this is easy to buy in any holiday online store, even in the summer: a clown nose and wig, devil horns, a pirate bandana or hat, Santa Claus cap and beard, angel wings and halo, Batman mask, bunny ears, a Baba Yaga or witch's wig, a crown or diadem, ears, horns, wigs, glasses of all types and styles, bright attributes of fairy tale and movie heroes.

Who got what?

Now we take turns sitting on a chair for photos and screen tests. This is quite funny, since the most serious person with the nose of a pig, uttering the phrase that he came across earlier: “It’s not my fault! He came himself!” Looks comedic. If there are few people, do several screen tests. If there is a lot, everyone gets 15 seconds.

Don’t forget to film and photograph everything, the shots turn out UNPARALLELABLE!


The director asks you to break into pairs (or three people if there are many of you). To make it more fun, for this task we will distribute cards with other phrases from films. Naturally, we again use the effect of random coincidences.

Each scene (and the actors in ears and horns) turns out something like this:

Santa Claus: I am an old soldier, and I don’t know words of love! (Hello I'm your aunt")
Sherlock Holmes: Announce the entire list, please... (Operation “Y”)
Little Red Riding Hood: Note that I didn’t suggest this! ("The Pokrovsky Gate")

You need to manage to show simultaneously the hero the actor is dressed as and the movie character from whom the text is borrowed.

Choosing stuntmen

Actually, it’s time to get moving, so we’re holding some kind of energetic competition. For example:

  • We fight with swords made of long thin balls (you need to push the enemy out of the circle drawn with chalk)
  • We are holding a strongman competition (who can hold a five-liter bottle at arm's length longer)
  • Magnetic dart competition
  • We organize any relay race

Finding the best costume designer or make-up artist

  • If there are children, we hold a competition for the best toilet paper mummy, they always like it.
  • Volunteers can have fun face painting done (special body paints and crayons are now available in every supermarket).
  • Adults can be asked to create a costume for one of the guests from balloons using adhesive tape (prepare 10-15 balls of different sizes, let them use their imagination). Excellent material for making a suit - voluminous garbage bags in rolls, large magazine pages (7 days type), blank plastic bottles etc.

Song from the movie

This is a regular karaoke competition, only we choose songs from well-known films. You can sing one at a time or have a “battle of the choirs.” Usually everyone likes it! I use ready-made collections of songs on

We are looking for a sound engineer

We select 5-7 people to participate. In front of them on the table we will put pieces of newspapers (they can be torn), rustling bags, empty iron drink cans and change (to ring), a glass of water and a straw (you can gurgle), bells, whistles, squeaks, graters and carrots, etc. . In principle, you can only get by with voice effects.

The presenter gives the task, and the participants can make the necessary sounds with their mouths, click their tongues and use objects:


  • Sounds in the morning forest
  • How the fox ran into the chicken coop
  • Bigfoot walks slowly through the crunchy snow
  • Wolves howl on a moonlit night
  • A man accidentally walked into the women's locker room
  • A herd of horses crosses the busiest street in the city
  • I think you’ll come up with more stories :)

Chief choreographer of the film

Great release! I especially love the ending song from Shrek 1. We put everyone in a circle, and the choreographer you have chosen shows funny movements.

Decorative artists

We divide the guests into 2 teams. It would be nice to find a place where you can attach sheets of A2-A3 paper to double-sided tape.

You need to draw the final scene from “Kolobok” (Kolobok sits on the fox’s nose):

  • the task for the 1st team is like a thriller
  • task for the 2nd team - like a love story

We appoint people responsible for special effects

Here, actually, everything is simple. We will soon begin filming the film itself, in the final we need to use all sorts of sound, light and visual effects. What could it be?

  • firecrackers from which rose petals, fake banknotes or simply streamers fly out
  • bubble
  • “cold fountain” (sometimes this thing is inserted into the cake and releases a silver stream)
  • hair dryer (we blow hair during filming)
  • flashlights and laser pointers

We distribute them to those responsible, give instructions and ask them to wait for the final.

Movie! Movie! Movie!

It's time for the final Hollywood script. It is better to entrust the shooting of the film to two people who wish to do it from different angles (suddenly there will be a desire to edit the best moments for memory).

Let me remind you that all our heroes received accessories at the very beginning of the holiday, we also distributed phrases from films (if this happened several times, let each guest choose the best one).

We will have 8 scenes in total. Divide all the guests into 8 teams (if there are few guests, say “you are participating in the first and fifth episode,” and if there are many participants, then 2-4 people participate in one scene and each says their own phrase).

I’ll now roughly outline how this might turn out (we’re all based on the effect of chance):

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode one, take one!”
Presenter: Unknown people are running out of the forest with heartbreaking screams!
The participants of the 1st episode (whoever gets in - an alien, an imp and a cowboy, for example) run across the room from one end to the other, shouting:

- I’m all so sudden,... so contradictory...! ("The Pokrovsky Gate")
- Come on, don’t be stingy, buy paintings! ("Operation Y")

Firecracker: “Episode two, take two!”
Presenter: The riders on horseback set off in pursuit!
The participants of the 2nd episode parody the horsemen, pronouncing the words:

“Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery!” (“The Diamond Arm”) Be strong! Russia will not forget you! The West will help us! ("12 chairs")
- Your gopher is flying to his hen on the wings of love! ("12 chairs")

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode three, take three!”
Host: The large window of the ancient mansion is open, a conversation can be heard:
The actors of episode 3 artistically pronounce their text:

- I successfully entered... (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”)
— You see, every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse (“The Irony of Fate”)
- May you live on one salary! ("The Diamond Arm")

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode four, take four!”
Presenter: Robbers jumped out from around the corner with pistols!
The actors of the 4th episode portray bandits with pistols, the corresponding voice:

- Chief, everything is gone, everything is gone! ("The Diamond Arm")
- Well, give me a cigarette, your trousers have stripes! ("Dog's heart")

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode five, take five!”
Host: The unfortunate victims begged for mercy...
Episode 5 participants fall to their knees and beg:

- To live well! A good life is even better! ("Prisoner of the Caucasus")
- A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle! ("Garage")
- This is a conspiracy against me and France! ("D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers")

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode six, take six!”
Host: And then superheroes appeared!
Actors looking like rescuers and benefactors:

- Citizens are bandits! You are surrounded! Come out one by one and throw your weapons into the snow! (" Meeting place can not be Changed")
- I will command the parade! ("12 chairs")
- Tsar, nice to meet you, Tsar! (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”)

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “Episode seven, take seven!”
Presenter: The saved rejoice at their liberation!
The actors hug, congratulate each other, shaking hands:

— I demand the continuation of the banquet!! (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”)
- Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! ("The Diamond Arm")
- We are superfluous at this celebration of life (("12 chairs")
- Found good people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up... (“The Irony of Fate”)

Assistant director with a clapperboard: “This is the last episode!”
Presenter: Everyone dances!

(you can take the song “About Hares” or “Conversation with Happiness”)
During the slow part we do a round dance and hold hands; during the chorus we do wild dances “But we don’t care” or “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”... We film all this. It should be a 10-15 minute movie.

Those responsible for special effects blow soap bubbles, light “cold fountains”, blow a hairdryer on girls with long hair, firecrackers rattle, showering everyone with tinsel.


The newlyweds are met at the gangway of the ship by a “film crew.” Videographers, photographer, journalists, and program presenter. As they exit the car, pyrotechnic effects explode. The newlyweds are escorted to the “sun deck”. A buffet and drinks are served on the deck.

When ready, the presenter opens the “filming” of the program. Fanfare stylized as the Mendelssohn march. The program opens with ballet (such and such) with the number “Entre”.

Next, the presenter announces the conditions competitive program: “before making serious decisions in family life it is necessary to think carefully, and in order to have something to think about, the newlyweds are invited to undergo family tests, and, based on their experience, prepare for family joys.”

Study one

Suggested circumstances: I want to surprise my spouse with breakfast. The newlyweds are offered several components to choose from, from which they can prepare breakfast. Cooking time is not limited. But serving and serving are taken into account. After the newlyweds have prepared breakfast in front of the astonished public, they must play a sketch: “How would I invite my wife and husband to the table and serve breakfast.” The entire process is commented on by the presenter. The competition is judged by the audience's applause. The loudest ones belong to the winner and he gets one point. The program is broken up by wedding concert numbers.

Study two

How to distribute family budget. The newlyweds are offered a certain amount of money and given a list of expenses that must be paid. A few minutes are given to check the box where the family member considers payment necessary, first of all. The condition of the competition is to fit into the budget at speed. The audience applauds under the presenter's comments and reveals the winner. The winner gets a point. What follows is a pop number.

Study three. How to refrain from cheating?

The competition is played by male and female strippers in turn. Suggested circumstances for a man: He is in a strip club, his friends have ordered the most beautiful stripper for a private dance. And they paid for all her services. She knows for sure that sex is about to happen to you and begins to provoke you into it with your actions?

Study four

The action takes place in the genre of a game sketch. Suggested circumstances for a woman. She is at the station with a heavy bag trying to stop a taxi. A very handsome young man approaches her. His greatest task; meet, invite to a restaurant and pick up the phone. At the end of the sketches and the presenter's commentary, the winner is determined by applause. Variety number.

Study five. Child care and distribution of responsibilities

The newlyweds are offered a doll with everyone necessary elements and a wardrobe. The entire reaction expected by the child is recorded on disk and included at the discretion of the presenter. Proposed circumstances. In the middle of the night the child does not sleep, cries, we need to find out the reason, calm him down, and put him to sleep. On the playground there is a stroller in which the child sleeps, a changing table, baby food, etc. The play study takes into account the dialogues of the newlyweds and their operational actions that take place in the ensemble. Comments from the presenter and applause from the audience. The competition continues and the winner receives a score. Next is the number.

Study six. How to be right in an insoluble dispute?

The newlyweds are offered the topic of conflict. And in words they must tell how they will get out of the situation. Next, they must play out the above actions using a study game method. Acting sketches are accompanied by comments from the presenter and musical accompaniment. Summing up with applause from the audience.

Musical pause. Ballet performance (such and such) with interactive dances. During the performances, guests and newlyweds can dance, have a snack, waiters serve drinks, and the host comments on the action. He has a stock of jokes about husband and wife. Continuation of the newlyweds competition.

Study seven. How to set the table when guests arrive?

The newlyweds are invited to set the table for the guests' arrival using available props. Conditions: The husband recommends, the wife implements with her vision. The husband's menu and the wife's menu are listened to, which they would implement for festive table. The wife's opinion comes first; the husband can add his own. The alliance of tastes and opinions is taken into account here. And after this, the host announces that the mother-in-law and mother-in-law will come to the holiday. The newlyweds need to play out how they will meet the mother of the bride, and then the mother of the groom. The sketch involves dummy actresses who will help replay the situation.

Study eight. Newlyweds in a quarrel

After the mothers of the bride and groom meet, friends come to the set table. Suggested circumstances: The newlyweds are in a quarrel. The topic of the conflict is suggested by the presenter. The task of the newlyweds is to meet guests and answer compromising questions from friends without them guessing anything. There will be enough traps to put the newlyweds in a difficult situation.

Which every time fetters the imagination of the bride and groom. If your couple has the same thoughts about the proper wedding celebration, then you will love a Hollywood style wedding.

Hollywood style invitations

Where does any wedding celebration begin? Of course, with the invitation of close and beloved friends and relatives. To do this, you will need appropriate invitations that will immediately hint to future guests in what style you will hold the celebration. Hollywood has always been associated with cinema. This means that the invitations must be kept in a tone appropriate to Hollywood. It should also be noted that your letters must be sent no later than two or one and a half weeks before the wedding celebration. After all, guests also need time to properly prepare for such a stylistically consistent event.

Hollywood style wedding dresses

When choosing suits and evening wear, you should remember the good old outfits that you saw in wonderful Hollywood films. It should be noted that the bride can choose luxurious and fluffy dress, which is particularly snow-white. But for such a solemn and stylish event, it is best for men to wear either a classic black tuxedo with a bow tie, or a formal tailcoat, which will emphasize the sophistication of a Hollywood-style wedding.

Invited guests should shine with such dresses and formal suits that they would not be ashamed to wear on the red carpet. Themes of gangster times, in which various types of fur were fashionable, may also be suitable. By the way, the bride herself can wear a fur cape. Among other things, regular readers wedding portal will confirm to you that fur and gold were especially valued in Hollywood as integral images of famous movie stars and no less brilliant companions. Therefore, feel free to use them as themed wedding accessories.

Wedding procession in Hollywood style

Cars have always been an integral part of any wedding celebration. It is for this reason that it is so important to choose them correctly, using a specific wedding style efficiently. Vintage wedding cars that were and will be loved by royalty. You can often see a white car in Hollywood. All the residents of this beautiful city tried to stand out in this way, and this shade suits them perfectly. wedding celebration. If you still manage to get some elegant and antique car, then the first car in the wedding procession may not be decorated at all, leaving all its splendor unsullied.

Banquet hall decor and wedding accessories

The actual design of the wedding hall must be taken more than responsibly. And since the theme is so chic and sophisticated, then such an atmosphere should be conveyed through the banquet attributes and the general decoration of the room. You can display replicas of antique cameras in some places, hang photographs of famous actors on the walls, and scatter film throughout the hall. In general, only your imagination can stop you.

What is the true beauty of “Hollywood Wedding”? The fact is that, thanks to a successful production, every bride will be able to feel like a mega-scale movie star, worthy of leaving her imprint on the treasured “Walk of Stars.” And also - this is the glitter of the spotlights, expensive haute couture outfits, the red carpet, the adoration of fans and guests, experiencing the most famous Hollywood customs, an Oscar for the best roles in the film called “Our Wedding”, in the end! And also - luxury, charm, charm, charm, gloss... In reality, almost every wedding has its own, healthy and digestible for guests different levels socialization, a dose of glamor. But a wedding in the Hollywood style should be organized for those who experience real happiness from cute little things, from terribly stylish trinkets, who cannot live without shows, playing for the public and photo shoots. If this is all about you, read quickly and start preparing!


Cinema Invitations

What is the first association almost everyone has when they hear the name Hollywood? Of course - cinema! And even more precisely - box-office films, popular shootings, gossip about movie stars and the main event of every year - the Oscars. Do invitation cards for your wedding, decorating them with the symbols of the ceremony - figurines, five-pointed stars, film strips - and the theme of your holiday will be recognizable almost at first sight!

If you prefer not the cinema itself as such, and you want to take the wedding line apart from the cinema, you can make the main theme of the “Hollywood wedding” the chic and glamor of the American elite. Interesting idea for invitations that would personify this theme - decorations made of natural stones. Attach a pendant, cufflink, earring, ring to each card and the opening chord of your wedding will sound like an enthusiastic anthem in the hearts and minds of your future guests!

And the 3rd option, no less popular among connoisseurs of newlyweds of the Hollywood theme - retro invitations. If you are firmly convinced that modern Hollywood has already lost the unsurpassed charm that Marilyn Monroe and similar bright stars gave it in their time, then “old Hollywood” is just for you! Make invitations in the form of tickets to a movie or theater opening day. If your future guests share your love for Hollywood of the 30s and 40s, they will certainly appreciate your creative approach!

The Hollywood theme is not typical for Russia, and is far from universal. Because - ready-made cards You won’t find it on sale with a 99.9% probability. From this we draw a logical conclusion: invitations will have to be made to order. This, of course, traditionally, has its plus and minus. The plus is the absolute originality and uniqueness of your wedding (and this is the main rule of glamor), the minus is the cost of such an exquisite pleasure. Let's do the math.

Retro invitations and Oscar-themed cards will cost you less than, say, fancy invitations with stone embellishments. The latter are made more expensive by both the manufacturing process itself and shipping (they are heavier regular postcard, therefore, they need to be sent to guests either by registered mail, or generally by parcel post). From this there is a conclusion in monetary terms: the production of printed cards will cost you $3-5 (for one copy), and “glamorous” ones will cost you $7-10. Try to correctly calculate your budget so that the postcard becomes an illustration of what will happen in reality.

Bride for a Hollywood wedding

Retro bride's outfit

The style of the bride's dress is directly proportional to the “Hollywood direction” of the wedding. If your dream has always been to become like Scarlett O’Hara for at least one day - to go out with your head held high, in a tight corset and crinolines towards an adoring crowd of fans - choose a retro line as the main theme for your wedding!

A characteristic feature of Hollywood style dresses of the 30s and 40s is a rigid bodice (mostly with a corset), very fluffy skirt(several layers of fabric and even with lining rings), a flirty hat with a veil and massive silver jewelry with pearls and diamonds on the neck, arms and ears.

Such a retro outfit will cost the bride a very reasonable amount - $300-350. Why is that? Yes, simply because many of the modern wedding dresses also have an art deco style at their core: a frame made of a corset and rings and a lush princess hem. If you complement the “antique” dress with the necessary retro accessories, you will get an elegant wedding outfit of a Hollywood fashionista from the beginning of the last century.

Hollywood Diva outfit

Another Hollywood trend for dressing is emphasized femininity, a real Hollywood Diva in all her inner and outer beauty. For this look you will need a bodycon mermaid dress, decorated with precious and semi precious stones(everything on Diva must sparkle!).

For the red carpet at the Oscars the dress will suit simpler (at first glance), with an even cut and a smooth silhouette, without emphasized defiant femininity. The main advantage of this outfit is hand embroidery and expensive fabric. And, of course, elegant, sophisticated accessories and shoes.

The cost of “Hollywood Diva” dresses for the “ceremony” is quite high. It is determined by two factors - exclusivity and the price of the material, work, etc. As a rule, fans of Hollywood glamor for such a wedding dress shell out from $1000 to infinity. Weigh your wallet before publicly announcing the theme of the upcoming holiday of unity of hearts!

Hollywood Bride Look

Another point that is worth considering when entering the line “bride’s image” into the wedding budget is a visit to a beauty salon. After all, Hollywood hairstyles are quite complex to perform, and the “Diva’s” manicure and makeup must be impeccable. /p>

Set aside 200 - 300 dollars for this event. If you manage to spend less, you will have a reason to praise yourself, your beloved, for being frugal.

Groom's suit at a Hollywood wedding

The groom's attire is traditionally less expensive. In Hollywood style, it equals: trousers with suspenders, a shirt, a vest, a tailcoat, a bow tie, cufflinks and patent leather shoes. If you are planning a wedding in the “Hollywood retro” style, you can complement the suit with a top hat. If you need to go on the big stage of the Film Academy for an Oscar, it’s better to wear a tuxedo.

The main and immutable rule for glamorous Hollywood wedding style- absolute correspondence between the outfits of the bride and groom. They are a couple after all. Dozens of wedding guests will look at them and break into wide Hollywood smiles. This means that the main characters of this most expensive film in life must look simply flawless!

Perhaps the most expensive items in the groom's wedding attire are shoes, watches and cufflinks. These three things are the first thing people in Hollywood pay attention to when assessing their interlocutor. And if the interlocutor is the main character of an event such as a wedding, the meaning of these accessories is simply not discussed! In monetary terms, the average cost of a groom's outfit is determined to be $1,000 (of course, if the watch is not a branded Rollerblade and the cufflinks are not set with diamonds).

Dress code for wedding guests

The ideal option for Hollywood is to adhere to a black and white dress code. Refined classics - the chic of bohemian society. And besides, the red carpet always has more critics than fans. Black and white with a silver tint of art deco - will be called impeccable in all respects.

An interesting interweaving of these colors will result if the bridesmaids set off the whiteness of her dress with their black outfits (or strong tea-colored outfits, complemented by rock crystal jewelry), and the groom’s friends emphasize the severity of his black tuxedo with the whiteness of their suits.

Dresses in red, gold and silver are acceptable for guests at a Hollywood-style wedding. You cannot wear provocative dresses in loud colors and trousers (for women). And in general, bad taste in clothing as such is absolutely unacceptable at a Hollywood-style wedding.

Wedding procession

It will be great if for your wedding you can rent a vintage Rolls Royce for a few hours, or a classic limousine with 1950 tuning, or just a Chevy or Cadillac.

If you are planning a wedding with a focus on the “Oscar-winner search ceremony,” you will definitely have to hire a limousine.

Vintage car rentals will cost you around $150 per hour. You can save money by hiring a limousine just to take the future newlyweds to the wedding ceremony site. And for walks and other wedding trips, you can use less expensive cars.

Newlyweds' rings and bridal bouquet

Hollywood simply has to sparkle with yellow and white gold and precious stones! But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it with luxury, so that the assessment of your rings does not move from the “glamor” category to the “vulgarity” category. For a true Hollywood wedding, the ideal is a simple (externally) white gold ring for the groom and a ring set with a moderate-sized stone for the bride.

Such wedding rings (according to conservative estimates) cost about 2 thousand dollars. However, if the issue of the cost of “engagement rings” is not important to you personally, you can look for a more economical option (all the same, the “paparazzi” will exaggerate the real amount several times and convey it to the ears of the guests present).

Let's also say a few words about the bride's bouquet. Hollywood style allows only minimal deviation in its design from the classics. That is, the bouquet should include red or white roses, white callas, or other flowers in traditional, Hollywood colors - beige, gold, red satin.

Assembling a wedding bouquet in a flower boutique costs almost the same as a half-hour rental of a vintage car (as paradoxical as this may sound). But refuse the expensive work of a professional florist good salon We do not advise you to experiment in favor of an employee of some less expensive establishment. It is fraught with unpleasant consequences. It’s better to overpay (the cost of flowers is about $80) and get true gentle Hollywood chic than to hold in your hands a meaningless collection of incompatible plants all day.

Decor and decorations for a Hollywood wedding

First of all, of course, the stars. After all, everyone gathered here to look at a unique phenomenon - the birth of a new, double star. So, a Hollywood wedding can’t do without the “Walk of Fame” and the red carpet, without the moon, which is so nice to give to your beloved on such a great day, and without other accessories that personify the great cinematic town - a megaphone, a rattle, cameras, paparazzi, spotlights , figurines and candles in candelabra.

The decor of the festive table deserves special attention. It should simply be buried in an abundance of fresh flowers and pink petals, crystal and expensive dishes.

Hollywood style involves refined, sophisticated, expensive decor (drapery, selection of accessories appropriate to the spirit of the era), plus a huge number of fresh flowers. It is clear that a priori all this glamorous abundance cannot be cheap. Approximately, such decoration of the wedding hall will lighten the newlyweds’ wallet by 500-700 dollars.

Music and host for a wedding

How can a great Ceremony take place without a leader (or even two)? Hollywood, after all, from its very origins had a show as its second name! If you dare to summon the spirit of the majestic city of illusions to your wedding, organize a worthy celebration!

As for the musical design of the holiday, recorded soundtracks from famous Hollywood films are quite suitable for a banquet and ceremony. But for a dance program it is best to use live music. Invite a group that has an English-language repertoire to your wedding.

The host of the event and live music will take more than $1,000 out of the wedding budget. However, you can try to look for cheaper ones. The only thing we advise you to pay close attention to is the drafting of the contract, resume and the availability of recommendations.

Wedding ceremony, photo and video session

A Hollywood style wedding only means an outdoor ceremony. Other options are not even considered! True, you can fantasize about the place of departure. This could be either the nearest park, forest, or lake, or a distant sea coast (or even ocean).

As for photos and videos, this is simply an integral part of a wedding in a cinematic town! After all, a little later you will make a real film based on the plot and footage of your Hollywood wedding! Well, photos are just needed as a memory!

The cost of visiting the master of ceremonies and the work of professional photographers and cameramen is determined by the level of their professionalism. Everything is natural and in the spirit of Hollywood - the more in demand a person is in the profession, the more he values ​​his services. Well, the departure of a legal entity to your wedding is determined more by the distance to the ceremony site and the day (working or weekend) of the week. Total for these items (according to statistics) - 1200 USD.

Celebratory banquet at a Hollywood wedding

A Hollywood holiday banquet can (and should!) be divided into two parts: lunch (cocktail hour) - when the newlyweds leave for their wedding walk and filming of the first episode of a film about them, and a full dinner. During cocktail hour, offer your guests a glass of martini and a good cigar. This lunch can be supplemented with soft pretzels, nachos or other light snacks.

And dinner should be opened with expensive champagne, delicious (but low-calorie!) snacks, and a charming cake.

The cost of a Hollywood banquet is determined more by the cost and quality of the drinks than the food. Since a wedding in Hollywood style does not imply a feast in its full meaning. Buffet, individual snacks, champagne flowing like a river. All this “American glamorous abundance” will cost the average Russian groom several thousand dollars (the exact amount is determined based on the number of guests).

And I’ll also offer you a few ideas regarding important points most memorable day.

Hollywood first dance

The first dance in Hollywood is an elegant waltz, rumba, foxtrot. Choose good, romantic music on English language(you can use the soundtrack from your favorite love movie, symbolic for your couple) and take a couple of lessons from a professional choreographer. After all, your first dance should cause its rightful share of admiration and applause!


Part of the wedding entertainment program make it an Oscars ceremony. It would be nice to invite a couple of animators (made up, for example, like Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart), let them hand out figurines from the stage, and let the guests follow them, present gifts to the newlyweds and make congratulatory speeches.