Sketches of a tattoo on a hand realism black and white. Realism - a tattoo is like a photograph. Women's Realistic Tattoos - Realistic Tattoos Sketches for Girls

Many people think that realistic tattoos appeared recently, but this is far from the case. Back in the middle of the nineteenth century, people began to depict portraits of Napoleon and Bismarck on themselves. Today, the tattoo style realism has not lost its relevance. Most people think that realism is the heaviest style in terms of technique. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the specialist must have high artistic abilities, because he needs to convey all the accuracy of the drawing. The portrait on the body should look as realistic as possible. So, the master draws every stroke and detail of the picture for hours. In addition, the tattoo artist needs to apply a natural tone in order for the picture to be real. As a result of such work, a real photograph appears on the body. Such a drawing should "breathe" and "live".

Realistic tattoo features

As already mentioned, not every specialist can perform such work. So he must have the talent of a tattoo artist and an artist at the same time. In addition, the tattoo artist must "fill his hand" in order to perform work in the style of realism at a high level. It is worth noting that this style of tattoo has a huge number of fans. Many people prefer this "live" style. Brightness, realism and uniqueness are the main distinguishing traits contemporary Realistic Tattoo(tattoo realism).

The basis for creating realistic tattoos can be beautiful images or photographs of loved ones. Also, you can use photos of your favorite actors and famous people, as well as images of animals and plants. The choice of picture depends on your personal preferences and tastes. It is worth noting that realistic tattoos can be done in any color scheme. It could be like

Many people think that realistic tattoos appeared recently, but this is far from the case. Back in the middle of the nineteenth century, people began to depict portraits of Napoleon and Bismarck on themselves. Today, the tattoo style realism has not lost its relevance. Most people think that realism is the heaviest style in terms of technique. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the specialist must have high artistic abilities, because he needs to convey all the accuracy of the drawing. The portrait on the body should look as realistic as possible. So, the master draws every stroke and detail of the picture for hours. In addition, the tattoo artist needs to apply a natural tone in order for the picture to be real. As a result of such work, a real photograph appears on the body. Such a drawing should "breathe" and "live".

Realistic tattoo features

As already mentioned, not every specialist can perform such work. So he must have the talent of a tattoo artist and an artist at the same time. In addition, the tattoo artist must "fill his hand" in order to perform work in the style of realism at a high level. It is worth noting that this style of tattoo has a huge number of fans. Many people prefer this "live" style. Brightness, realism and uniqueness are the main distinguishing traits contemporary Realistic Tattoo(tattoo realism).

The basis for creating realistic tattoos can be beautiful images or photographs of loved ones. Also, you can use photos of your favorite actors and famous people, as well as images of animals and plants. The choice of picture depends on your personal preferences and tastes. It is worth noting that realistic tattoos can be done in any color scheme. It could be like

Realism tattoo can be safely called one of the most sought-after and popular styles. The style of realism is considered one of the most difficult in technical terms. A tattoo artist must be first and foremost an artist who has mastered the art of academic drawing.

The development of realism in tattooing is associated with the development of tattoo machines. It is possible to perform a complex realistic drawing, with many details, nuances and gradients, only with a high-quality modern tattoo machine. Most often, portraits become plots for realism tattoos. People decorate their bodies with drawings of idols, movie characters, and relatives.

Popular Places and Plots Tattoo Realism

Realistic Forearm Tattoo

A tattoo in the style of realism on the forearm is a universal option. The drawing on the forearm can be quite voluminous, this area of ​​​​skin is enough to detail a portrait of a person or an image of an animal. Girls tend to choose floral motifs in the style of realism for the forearm. Men prefer portraits of idols, scenes from their favorite or video games.

Tattoo Realistic Sleeve

A sleeve tattoo in the style of realism implies a three-dimensional plot image. such a tattoo most often includes a combination of portraits, elements of nature or architecture. You can often find sleeves with female portraits or motifs from the fantasy world.

Tattoo Realistic Animals

Animal tattoos are popular due to their aesthetic component, which is also complemented by a hidden meaning. In ancient times, the tribes had their own totem animals, guardians and helpers. Since then, people have become accustomed to looking for similarities in their character with the temperament of animals, to make representatives of the fauna their amulets and talismans.

Tattoo Realistic Flowers

Botanical tattoo finds its embodiment in each of the tattoo styles, including realism. - the record holder in the ranking of the most sought-after tattoos. Flower tattoos, like animal tattoos, include visually beautiful designs and deep meanings. IN different traditions you can find legends about flowers, learn their meaning, and then decorate your skin with a realistic tattoo. The advantages of realism in depicting flowers is that you can ask the master not just a rose, but a rose with drops of morning dew. Such details bring additional meaning and flavor to the tattoo, make it unique.

Black and White Tattoo Realistic

Black and white tattoos help relieve the sketch of unnecessary stress. Let's say you want a large plot drawing, with a lot of details. If such a tattoo is in color, it will be much more difficult to perceive, and a black and white drawing will be more modest and concise. Black and white tattoos are focused on the content, the meaning of the tattoo.

Men's Realistic Tattoos - Realistic Tattoo Designs for Men

Among the most popular male tattoo in the style of realism: portraits of idols and loved ones, nature, wildlife, movie scenes, scenes from myths and legends. Realism is a very versatile style, giving scope for creativity and imagination. It is not uncommon to find realism mixed with other tattoo styles such as ornaments or watercolor.

Women's Realistic Tattoos - Realistic Tattoos Sketches for Girls

Every year, girls around the world more and more often decide on large tattoos. Drawings in the style of realism cease to be a male direction in tattoos. Images of flowers and animals, birds and portraits are the most popular realism tattoos among girls. Popular places for tattoos: forearm, shoulder, back.

Realistic tattoos appeared in the 19th century. They say that the beginning of this style was laid by a certain professor who studied them. He collected a collection of copies of tattoos depicting famous personalities such as Bismarck, Napoleon and others. This style is one of the most difficult. Work on such a tattoo takes a lot of time, several sessions. And this means that it will cost quite a lot.

A tattoo in the style of realism requires high professionalism from the master. This style requires accurate rendering of the image. The master must be proficient in drawing techniques in order to give the image depth and realism. Drawing on an uneven surface of the skin is much more difficult than on canvas or paper. In addition, such tattoos are quite large. Therefore, they are usually applied to the chest, shoulder or back.

In the style of realism, portraits of close people, celebrities, idols, movie or game characters are very often performed. For a portrait, it is especially important that it resembles the person depicted in it, since errors and flaws in this style are most noticeable. Small inaccuracies - and the resemblance to the original is already very doubtful. If a completely bad master comes across, then the mistake can become almost irreparable.

Often in the technique of realism depict landscapes, space, the underwater world. Some make tattoos with a variety of animals and plants. Especially popular in this sense are cats, horses, dragonflies, spiders, owls. Pet owners sometimes want to get a tattoo with his image. And sometimes whole reproductions of famous paintings are applied as a tattoo.

But perhaps the most difficult direction in realism is 3D tattoos. Special techniques allow the master to make the drawing three-dimensional. Such tattoos look especially realistic. An interesting effect is created when looking at three-dimensional insect tattoos. Looking at the photographs, it is sometimes difficult to understand whether this is a drawing or a real beetle.

The value of such tattoos lies in their uniqueness. It is extremely difficult to make two absolutely identical realistic tattoos. And the realism itself gives them a special aesthetics.