Is there such a holiday Father's Day. Fathers Day: history and traditions of celebration in different countries. Happy Father's Day

Photo: BlueOrange Studio/

Today we have a good reason to celebrate the efforts of our beloved men in raising children, because June 17 is International Father's Day.

It is noteworthy that we owe the birth of this holiday to a woman, namely US citizen Sonora Louise Smart Dodd. Her father, William Jackson Smart, was a farmer and lived with his family near Spokane, Washington. He raised Sonora and his five other daughters and sons alone. Jackson's wife died during her sixth childbirth. But William didn't give up. He raised all the kids and gave them everything he could give.

Sonora, however, like her brothers and sisters, was very grateful to her father for her childhood. But she could not find a worthy manifestation of her feelings until she found herself in the church. It happened in 1909 on Mother's Day. Then the woman thought that honoring mothers is, of course, good, but what about fathers? Moreover, Sonora had only a dad who cared about his children no less than any mother.

Dodd wrote a petition to local authorities asking them to establish new holiday– . Having familiarized themselves with the applicant's life story, the administration staff came to a unanimous decision on this issue. A year later, in 1910, they began to prepare for the celebrations. At first, the holiday was scheduled for June 5, the day when William Smart was born. However, no matter how the authorities were in a hurry, they still did not manage to do everything necessary to organize the festivities before June 5. Therefore, the celebration was postponed to June 19. When Fathers Day became popular in the state, then throughout America, and then in Canada, it was decided to celebrate it on the third Sunday of June.

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the American continent fell in love with Father's Day, and they celebrated it every year, for a long 62 years the holiday was not recognized as official. Although, we must pay tribute, congressmen and even President Calvin Coolidge tried to legitimize the celebration. But they were all men, and therefore feared that they could be accused of bias. However, another president, Richard Nixon, was not afraid of gossip, and in 1972, with one stroke of the pen, documented Father's Day.

Traditionally, on this June day, both adults and kids surround their dads with special attention and care. Usually, fathers are presented with a bouquet of scarlet roses as a gift, and white flowers are placed on the graves of deceased parents. In addition, men receive cards with warm words from their loved ones, families go on picnics or to restaurants.

Today, Father's Day celebrations take place in more than fifty countries around the world. However, in each state, in addition to this, their own "daddy days" are also celebrated.

For example, in Germany, Father's Day (or men's day) always coincides with the Ascension of the Lord (this year it is May 10), so it has already passed there. So the German men have already managed to get out into nature, moreover, without their wives and drink a mug or two of foamy drink.

In Italy, Father's Day is tied to the day they honor Saint Giuseppe (March 19). Italian men are given expensive wine on this holiday. Closer to the holiday date, the country even releases a special list of drinks that are recommended to be purchased as a gift for the strong half of humanity. In addition, Italian women always attach perfume, a tie or other accessory to a bottle of wine.

In Lithuania, Father's Day has also already died down. He was there on June 3 (the first Sunday in June). In this country, the holiday became official only a few years ago, and celebrations on its occasion are much more modest than on Mother's Day.

But the people of Thailand have yet to celebrate Dad's Day. Thais honor fathers on December 5, the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej or Rama IX. According to the citizens of this country, just as the emperor is the head of the state, so the father is the head of his family. Unfortunately, in 2016, Rama passed away, and therefore magnificent celebrations on the occasion of Father's Day have not been held for 2 years now.

In Bulgaria this year fathers will be congratulated on December 26th. The feast of the popes there always coincides with the religious date dedicated to Joseph the Betrothed. The same Joseph who was betrothed to the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ.

Brazilians will honor their fathers on August 12th. Back in the mid-1950s, journalist Silvio Bering suggested that local authorities celebrate this holiday on the day of St. Joachim, the grandfather of Jesus, who, by the way, is the patron saint of all dads and grandfathers.

IN South Korea the holiday of father and mother is celebrated on the same day (May 8). Koreans give flowers to their parents, and recently it has become popular to pay for various cosmetic procedures for elderly ancestors.

As for Russia, Father's Day has not yet been officially fixed here. However, some celebrations on the third Sunday of June have already been held for several years. For example, the PAPA FEST festival has been held in the capital since 2014, various lectures and seminars on the topic of fatherhood are organized, as well as fundraising for poor families and for orphans.

Family holidays are one of the favorites, because they provide an opportunity to meet with loved ones, noting their great influence and significance in our lives. Among them, relatively young, but already received official recognition and due attention in 84 countries - Father's Day.

The celebration was originally proposed in 1910 in the US state of Washington, by a resident of the town of Spokane - Sonora Dodd. On the eve of the celebrations dedicated to the Day mother, this woman, brought up by one father in large family(besides Sonora there were five more children), I thought about the neglected role of fathers. Fathers who often have to take care of the household, upbringing and earnings in order to support a family that has lost its mother. So it was in her family, where her mother died in childbirth, and her father, William Smart, who kept the farm, was able to provide for the children and give them a decent upbringing, despite all the difficulties. Mrs. Dodd took the initiative to the city council, where this idea was readily supported. Initially, June 5th was chosen as the date for Mr. Smart's birthday. But the organization required more time, and only on June 19 everything was ready for the celebration of the new significant date. A few years later, Father's Day began to be celebrated in several more states, and in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson announced that this holiday was made official for the whole country.

Traditionally, on this day, Americans meet families and honor fathers, and charity events are organized to provide financial support to single fathers, as well as to celebrate the achievements of fathers in this difficult field. Inspired by the American idea, Fathers Day became popular in Great Britain and Ireland, and later in many countries of the European continent. But he did not stop there, but became known to the inhabitants of China, Japan, India, Turkey, South Africa, Ecuador, Mexico, Cuba and a huge list of more than 80 countries, which continues to grow. The date of the festivities most often becomes the third Sunday of June, but in a number of countries this day is timed to coincide with local dates and differs from the generally accepted one.

In Russia, Father's Day has not yet received official status, but the project was put forward for consideration and perhaps in the near future this significant holiday will be celebrated not only at the regional, but also federal level. In the meantime, events and celebrations are held in some cities and regions on different dates. But all of them are united by one goal - to highlight the special role of fathers, who are not only continuers of the family, people responsible for material support families, but also important participants educational process, participants in the interaction at the adult-child level, as well as one of the main elements that affect the psycho-emotional and physical development future generation.

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the section "Participants" the song from the group representing our country "Little Big" did not appear. Instead of the title, it says "No song yet" and "To be announced later".

But you should not worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay is explained simply - the Russian "sponsors" decided to "warm up" the public's interest in the event and arrange a show out of the premiere of the song.

We tell when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place.

Very soon - on Thursday 12 March 2020, we will find out with which song "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

Announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will happen on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the "Little Big" group in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by the "First" channel on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On the "First" channel, in the program "Evening Urgant".
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch". Perhaps the composition for the European song contest will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated on 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the site of the "First" channel in the "Music" section.

Father's Day is an event with a long history, it was celebrated for a long time without official resolutions. The celebration does not have a specific date to which it would be tied. In many countries, such as the USA, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina, France, Greece, Ireland, it is customary to celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday of June. But a number of states celebrate and honor popes on completely different dates. The first region of Russia to establish Fathers' Day was the Volgograd Region, which set the holiday on November 1st. New Zealand and Australia have moved the date of the holiday to the second Sunday in August. The Thais hold celebrations on December 5th. In Germany, the holiday was legally justified in 1936 and falls on the celebrations of the Ascension of the Lord. Finland, Estonia and Sweden congratulate dads on the second Sunday in November. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian popes are thanked for their labors on March 19th.

history of the holiday

The idea to celebrate the day on which fathers would be honored came to Sonora Louise Smart Dodd back in 1909. She attended a church service on the occasion of Mother's Day. The American wanted to celebrate the efforts of her father. He heroically raised six children to their feet after his wife died during last birth. As a grown woman, Dodd understood how much her dad had gone to great lengths to grow them all on his farm.

Sonora Dodd decided to make a petition, and then filed it with the city authorities, who reacted with interest to the undertaking. Already in 1910, the first celebration in honor of the fathers took place on the streets hometown Sonora Dodd. Pretty soon the idea of ​​the holiday was picked up all over the country. The initiative of the American woman was supported by US President Calvin Coolidge in 1924, and in 1956 the US Congress passed a resolution saying that the holiday should be established at the state level.

But the matter dragged on. Despite the signing by Lyndon Johnson, the next president of the country, of the corresponding proclamation, male composition Congress, fearing to be considered biased, did not give its approval. It wasn't until 1972 that Richard Nixon made Father's Day official.

Find out what date and in what month Father's Day is celebrated in Ukraine and abroad? How is it celebrated in our country? What traditions exist in England, Germany, America? What is the best way to celebrate this holiday? What event should be organized on this day? What gift to give? What to wish and what congratulations to the father to address? This article contains all the information regarding this holiday.

When to celebrate Father's Day?

Traditionally, Father's Day is not official holiday. However, many Ukrainians celebrate it. The date is different every year. In most countries, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. For example, in 2017 it was celebrated on June 18. In 2018, this holiday will be on September 17th. And in 2019, the celebration date is the 16th.

Since Sunday is a day off for most people, you can devote the whole day to your father. It is customary to give dad red roses. They symbolize love and respect. If the father has died, a pair of white roses are carried to his grave.

When a loving caring father does everything for a child, do not forget to thank him! Schedule interesting event. Arrange a real holiday! This day can become a real family celebration.
But first, find out where this holiday comes from. When and how did he appear? Who became its founder? And in what countries is it celebrated?

Where does the holiday come from?

Father's Day was originally founded in the USA. It was initiated by Sonora Todd. After the approval of Mother's Day, she filed a petition. Growing up, I realized how difficult it was for her father - it is not easy to raise six children alone (the mother died after the sixth birth).

All of them were raised by her father William Jackson Smart alone. Thus, the American wanted to thank dad for the education and support he received. She wanted the holiday to be celebrated on her dad's birthday. With this wish addressed to the mayor of the city.

She wanted to be able to congratulate all the fathers on this day, paying them her tribute. Jackson Smart was grateful to her father for understanding, for his love and attention. She really wanted him to know how much she loved and appreciated him.

True, by June 5 (that was the day William Jackson was born), the city authorities did not have time to arrange a holiday. And we decided to postpone the celebration to the 19th. So this holiday appeared in 1910, first in a small American town.

Then it spread throughout the region. Over time - all over America. And, finally, it began to be celebrated in other countries - Ukraine, France, England, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, etc. And the date of the celebration became "floating".

Father's Day is celebrated in more than forty countries around the world. The holiday received official status in the United States after the President signed the corresponding document in 1966. In most countries, the date of celebration, as in Ukraine, is the third Sunday of June.

However, some nations have their own patterns. So, in Italy, Father's Day is celebrated on March 19, in Georgia - on October 3, in Poland - on June 23, in Taiwan - on August 8, in Bulgaria - on December 26, etc.
Curious to know how Father's Day is celebrated abroad? Read What kind of events can be organized? And how to congratulate the father?

How to celebrate Father's Day?

In the US, this holiday took root very quickly. And here they came up with a wonderful tradition: on Father's Day, Americans try to help single dads who are raising children on their own. You can join this tradition too. Helping others is a good thing.

To give your father the proper attention on this day, you can also organize the following activities:

  • If the father likes to fish, arrange a trip to the river, lake with a picnic. It will be very pleasant for him to catch a fish on such a day, especially if he likes this activity. As a gift, you can present a fishing rod, a set of spinners, a thermal bag or a bag for fishing tackle or accessories, etc.
  • Have a family dinner. You can cook delicious meals. But first, go to the cinema or watch an interesting movie at home. And then have dinner with the family, look at the photo album. And then the evening of memories will become more memorable.
  • As you know, many men love football. Then, if there is a match, you can give a ticket or arrange family competitions, games at the stadium. And then go on a picnic.
  • Some men love theaters, concerts. So why not spend this day in the auditorium? Then you can go to a cafe or restaurant and continue the event.
  • You can also celebrate Father's Day in the sauna: drink hot tea, swim in the pool, take a steam bath. Great pastime and good for health!
    But what else can you give your father on this day? How to surprise him? What is the best gift to give?

Choosing gifts for dad

Of course, no holiday is complete without gifts. You can express your love and respect to him in words. And thank you for your attention with a gift. Do you want to choose something original and surprise your father? Then - go ahead, choose the most suitable for him:

  • Table football is not only children's joy. This game brings real joy to many adult men. If he is an avid football player, then there is nothing to think about.
  • If you have a car, you can donate the right thing for a car. For example - a navigator, some accessory or a video recorder.
  • Too expensive? Make a gift with your own hands! You can cook various crafts that your beloved dad will like. For example, make a picture with a footprint or handprint of a son / daughter or draw it. Decorate festive garlands in the form of men's ties, draw funny pictures Or make your own postcards. As an option - to make and present a medal to the "Best Dad". Ideas can be very different: from an organizer from empty jars to key rings and cookies made by oneself.
  • A father who loves to read, of course, should give a book. If funds allow, a spouse can give her husband an e-book as a gift for raising a child.
  • A creative person will like a picture, a caricature, a collage.
  • Wristwatches can melt the father's heart.

But anyway best gift- This good mood, care and attention, pleasant words. Smile more, enjoy life, thank you with words! Do not know what verses to address to the father on this day? What touching words express your gratitude? Read the article below - find out now!

Best wishes for Father's Day

Father's Day is a holiday that gets more and more important every year. Sincere sincere speeches are the best doctor for a sentimental father. They can be the most unforgettable gift.

Father's Day is here!
I wish that he gave health,
Love and happiness for years
May we always be together!
And so that troubles do not touch,
We've been friends forever
Fun, joy, enthusiasm
And a broad outlook!

To give native person on this day there is a lot of love and warmth, you can learn such a congratulation for him:

You, father, are the head of the family!
And in the future, do not be idle!
Be loved and honored
We love, respect!
You are my friend and my teacher
Mom you are a bodyguard
Happy Father's Day, you dear,
I'm always proud of you!

Warm words are always nice to hear. You can prepare the following verses for your beloved dad on this day:

Beloved daddy, you are the only one like me in the world!
You are the most best dad on the big planet!
I am grateful to you for everything. You are my real hero
My friend, comrade and assistant is my very own!
We wish mom and I good health,
We love you very much, we hug you tightly!

You can prepare a congratulation in prose for dad on this day. The main thing is that these words should be sincere, truthful and come from the heart:

Thanks for your efforts and your advice. They sometimes became a real talisman for me. You are a jack of all trades. You are the strongest and bravest. I want to be like you in everything. Daddy, you are the best adviser for me, the most reliable friend and a real protector!

A daughter can thank her father with the following words:
You are not just a father to me, but the closest and most beloved person in the world! You are my pride! I love it when you hug and kiss me! How much love is in your heart! You are our mother and support and support! Optimism to you, health, energy, only joyful moments in life and the most pleasant impressions!

But how is this holiday celebrated in the capital? How to recharge with positive emotions and good mood in Kyiv?

Poster of Kyiv for the holiday

Kievans and guests of the capital can celebrate this holiday in a fun and interesting way. In 2018, everyone planted trees in the Botanical Garden. This gesture symbolized love for children.

Father's Day is that holiday in Kyiv, when those who want to celebrate it are waiting for pranks, power contests and a variety of entertainment: a conference of Real fathers, a flash mob, rewarding dads for certain successes, etc.
The purpose of such events is to change the stereotype in Ukraine about the secondary role of fathers in raising a child. Both parents play an equally important role in educating children. Father's Day is a great occasion to remember this. And also spend it in a friendly atmosphere with family and closest people.