What to give a girl for six months. Gifts for a child for half a year: the most necessary things. Gifts for parents

If you want to please a six-month-old baby with a pleasant and interesting gift for him, this article will be useful for you.

Musical toys

My daughter started showing interest in them at the age of six months. Prior to that, she had only the usual "rustling" and "thundering". At this time, a mobile (a hanging toy on a crib) came in handy - its base was made in the form of a house with buttons, when pressed, various melodies sounded.

Musical toys teach the child investigative connections - that is, the baby begins to realize that with a certain action (pressing a button or an element of a toy), melodies begin to sound or the toy moves.

At the same time, memory also develops - children remember sound effects and most often reproduce those that they like more.

An excellent option could be a music table with a removable panel (the best option for those who are not yet sitting). Such a gift will last at least six months, although we still have it, the daughter periodically “plays” the piano.

We had a Modo (Chicco) model, the table has a removable panel and a piano, the set includes special straps with which it can be attached to the side of the crib. The piano has several modes, and there are many figurines with sound effects on the table, which are great for developing fine motor skills.

Another great gift option is a musical ball. It was given to my daughter just for six months - the manufacturer Mothercare, with buttons in the form of animals and figures (and the corresponding sounds when they are pressed).

Other options

There are many gift ideas for children, regardless of their age - bedding (do not forget to specify the size of the crib), feeding utensils, body and hair care products, etc.


Now almost all toys are marked with the age for which they are intended, which is very convenient, especially for guests without children.

Feel free to give a gift along with a check. Thus, parents will be able to exchange the toy for a more suitable option for the child, there is nothing wrong with that.

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Hello new guests and regular readers! In our discussions, I have repeatedly touched on the topic of gifts for children, especially the little ones. Today I decided to discuss what to give a six-month-old child for various holidays?

Six months is the second serious holiday

The very first and important holiday in the life of the baby and his parents - this is the day of his birth. After the mother returns with the child from the hospital and recovers a little, guests usually gather to sit in a cozy atmosphere for a while and celebrate the arrival of a new family member.

The next "serious" date is half a year, after which the next important date will come in 1 year.

Children by this time are already growing up a little, a little more consciousness appears in their eyes and they are no longer afraid, but interested in learning about the world. Therefore, to begin with, let's think about what to give the children so that they are curious to play with your gift.

The best gift for a baby

During this period of development, children love everything noisy and bright, especially musical toys.

Try choosing a large car or toy animal that makes sounds. Preferably pleasant. Imagine how both parents will feel at the end of the day, especially if their child plays strange music.

Maybe you are invited to a christening, children are often baptized at the age of 6 months, then give your child a silver teething spoon or a children's Bible with beautiful bright pictures for the future.

Or maybe you are not going to christening and birthday, but to New Year. You can buy a warm down jacket or mittens with a scarf for your child. Sometimes it seems that it is too simple as a gift, but no one bothers you to choose bright options with embroidered animals. In such clothes, the child will walk with pleasure and will not be capricious when they try to put it on him.

By the way, in winter it is very good to give children small slippers or socks in the form of animals.

You can easily find these for an adult, and you will have to work hard to find slippers for a child's foot, however, the children's clothing industry is developing rapidly, and you will definitely find these somewhere, not in stores, but on the Internet.

What to bring the boy as a gift?

Boys and girls at this age are not much different, because they still do not have preferences and tastes.

  1. As an option, I can offer the boy an educational music mat or a children's phone.
  2. Another boy at 6 months old (and, say, at 9 months old too) may be interested in a rattle machine with jumpers inside - big, bright and musical - this is just a godsend for kids.
  3. A good gift would be soft balls and cubes with fillers inside. Such toys perfectly develop fine motor skills of the child.
  4. Boys' mothers also often order themselves a special free-wheeling chair as a gift, in which they can put their son and calmly go about their business.

By the way, asking your parents what they need is good advice. Maybe the boy already has everything he needs, but there are no elementary everyday things, such as children's laundry detergents, air humidifiers, etc.

If the parents of the child and himself have everything, then just give them a beautiful frame for photos self made. A great option that will always be in sight.

What to give a girl besides dolls?

Most people give girls dolls for any occasion. Or toys. The first ones are still not interesting to them at the age of 6 months, and the second parents are called nothing more than dust collectors.

Do not forget that no matter what holiday you come to, especially if it is a baby's birthday, do not forget about gifts for their parents, modest but pleasant.

Try not to bring anything into the house that could be accidentally swallowed by a child. Your gifts should not contain small details. And the rest - be guided by your taste and the wishes of your parents.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

The appearance of a child in the family usually becomes a joyful event. Parents celebrate even the smallest achievements of the crumbs. Often they celebrate every month lived by the baby, and even half a year becomes a real holiday, to which you can invite guests. Friends and relatives often have a question about what to give a baby for six months?

Gifts for parents

Of course, at this age, the child does not yet realize the meaning of gifts, so you can present things that make life easier for young parents. These gifts include:

  1. Household appliances - it will help the mother prepare the baby's first complementary foods and children's meals. This is a blender, slow cooker, juicer and more.
  2. Ergo backpack or sling. With such devices, it will be easier for parents to visit a children's clinic with their baby, to visit.
  3. Baby stroller. Very soon, the baby will begin to sit, and it will become boring for him to walk in a lying position.
  4. Home swing.
  5. Walkers.
  6. The child always needs children's cosmetic and care products (shampoo, soap, washing powder, diapers, wet wipes). However, it is better to buy them after consulting with the parents.
  7. Cloth.
  8. Bedding set for baby crib and more.

Gifts for six months to a boy for himself

Even at such an early age, you can choose a gift that will please the child himself, but it must be selected taking into account age. At six months, rattles, as a rule, interest the baby less and less, and by this time there are usually enough of them in the house, and the time for cars and pistols has not yet come. At this age, most suitable gifts can become educational games and toys.

A wonderful option would be any musical toys, for example, a tumbler, books with sounds, a squeaking hammer and others. Interesting for a six-month-old baby will be children's phones with buttons, when pressed, a melody sounds, mobiles hanging on a crib, houses with buttons in the form of animals and others. All of them develop logic, fine motor skills and memory of the child.

By about six months, the baby's first teeth begin to erupt, so you can give him the so-called "teethers". Instead, elastic rubber toys that can be chewed are great. When choosing such a gift, it is important that it is of high quality and does not contain harmful substances.

A small child can be given a developing mat. It is desirable that it is easy to wash, has a bright eye-catching color and a size of about 1-1.5 m2. Such developing centers and rugs occupy the attention of the baby for a long time and contribute to its development.

At a slightly older age, children begin to be interested in bright pictures in books, so you can give your child a cardboard book. Today, children's stores also sell waterproof books that you can wash and take with you to the bath.

When choosing a gift for a six-month-old boy, you can pay attention to standard classic toys - such as cubes, pyramids, balls, spinning tops and others.

What should not be given to a child?

Most mothers consider one of the most useless gifts for young children Stuffed Toys. They accumulate a lot of dust, which must be regularly removed with a vacuum cleaner or washing, which will add to the mother worries, of which there are already many. In addition, kids rarely play with them, and when playing they quickly get dirty.

It is better not to give toys that are not age-appropriate. But clothes, on the contrary, it is better to choose "for growth." Children usually grow very quickly, so the suit, which today is just a month from now, is likely to be small.

If cosmetic or care products, as well as diapers, are chosen as a gift, you should consult with your mother, because when buying diapers it is easy to miss the size, and cosmetics can cause allergies in a child.

We have collected 50 ideas that will help you decide on the question - what to give a girl for 6 months. Options are presented: clothes, gifts for development, bathing, feeding, sleeping and relaxing, for the child's room and for parents. And another section is devoted to what you should not give as a gift.


The child is growing rapidly, and therefore he constantly needs new clothes. When choosing clothes, consider the season so that new clothes come in handy right now - thereby you will show your attentiveness towards the girl and her parents. But it's so nice for them! We offer you the top ten gift ideas.

  1. Soft, light, warm, comfortable and always in a “girlish” delicate color. Choose from two zippers in front from the neck to the legs - this jumpsuit is easy to put on and take off. Pay attention to the presence of cuffs - they will prevent the wind from blowing. You also need a fastener at the throat and a not very wide hood.
  2. Best buy for cool season knitted hats(or tie it yourself if you are a needlewoman). The cap must be clean. sheep wool, and padding made of cotton or fleece (although sometimes parents still put a handkerchief or cap on the baby's head).
  3. Again - needlewomen and knitting needles in their hands. And if you decide to buy socks as a gift, choose them based not only on natural material(wool), but also in beauty. Let them be in the form of booties - with delicate colors, with knitted bows and laces.
  4. Pants and blouse - that's what it is. They are needed not only for walking, but also in order to go, for example, to an appointment with a doctor. Therefore, it is best to take an elegant set. The material should also be natural, and the colors should be girlishly delicate, with drawings, applications, but without small decorations that can be easily torn off.
  5. It can be a scarf, a bandana, a cotton cap, but they are more suitable for cloudy weather when there is no sun. But if the climate is hot and the weather is clear most of all in summer, then it is best to cover the girl’s head with a Panama hat made of denser material and always with fields to cover her eyes from the sun.
  6. This is something between a bodysuit and a jumpsuit - he short sleeve and shorts at the bottom, and especially for girls, a skirt is sewn at the waist. Light summer knitwear, just right for a very young age. It is not necessary to take a sandbox with a "cheerful" coloring, a solid pastel color will do. After all, such clothes are needed for daily wear, which means they will often be washed off.
  7. The difference between a bodysuit and a sandman is mainly in the “open legs” - there are no panties or shorts, but only a blouse that fastens in the diaper area. By the way, thanks to this fastener, the diaper is firmly held, and it is easy to change it. Choose as a gift a bodysuit according to the season - in summer with a short sleeve, and in cold seasons with a long one.
  8. For some reason, sliders in our time are considered "not fashionable", and very in vain. They are very suitable for bodysuits if the child's legs are cool. You can take simple ones - on a free rubber band - for sleeping. Well, if the girl is active, she needs to crawl everywhere, then she needs clothes with clasps or ties on her shoulders.
  9. Children do not always have to wear diapers, sometimes the body needs to “rest” from them, this is especially important for girls. That's what a set of underwear is for. No synthetics, only 100% cotton. Even if there are some ruffles on the panties and T-shirt, then they should also be made of natural material.
  10. Any feeding from a spoon is always accompanied by "blots" on the baby's chest. And when milk teeth begin to cut, the clothes around the neck and chest literally get wet through. Therefore, a set of bibs with cute drawings will be a wonderful gift.

Toys and developmental devices

That's right - a child from small nails needs to develop mentally. Of course, nothing complicated so far - now the girl needs only toys and objects that introduce her to the world around her. Here are ten ideas for you.

  1. Comfortable and stable, on metal supports and with a soft seat. The supports must be bolted so that the swing can be disassembled. Choose a model about 1 meter high and 85 cm wide. Over time, the girl can learn to walk, holding on to their design, and then she will swing her dolls on them.
  2. Yes, yes, there are rocking chairs just from the age of 6 months. They are much like rocking horses for older children, only safer and cozier. Usually they are also in the form of a large plush animal (for example, an elephant) with a high, soft chair on its back, reliable hand support and a small swing amplitude.
  3. The playpen is both a playing field for a child and a real salvation for parents. The two most important criteria when choosing are environmental friendliness (no harmful substances in the manufacture) and safety (the sides must be high and reliable, and the bottom of the upholstery is soft). The most successful playpen model is plastic with many toys built into the wall.
  4. By 6 months, the child is already quite smart and inquisitive, so rattles as a gift for a girl should be "usefully". You can take toys with a safety mirror, with beads on strings (with a strong fastening knot) and even rattles for legs in the form of booties. They must be made of plastic or wood.
  5. For six months of age, it is best to take toys familiar to everyone - yellow rubber ducks. But you can also pick up toys with special effects - light and sound, and also on suction cups, and various containers - for pouring and pouring water. The main thing in toys is their bright color.
  6. They are needed primarily for the development of hands and fine motor skills. It will still be difficult for a child to build something from them, but she will be able to leave such cubes around her, like a light ball! The cubes perfectly keep their shape and immediately restore it after compression.
  7. She will be the first girlfriend for the birthday girl. Do not try to choose a toy "with bells and whistles" - such as an interactive doll, rather take a simple, time-tested tumbler on which many generations have grown up - plastic, with a cute face and a slight tinkle when moving.
  8. Materials - plastic or wood. It should be with bright multi-colored rings. With such a toy, the baby will learn to distinguish between the sizes of objects and develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Choose a simple pyramid for a gift, from 5 to 10 rings in a set.
  9. Such toys are not intended for swimming - water penetrates through the gap, and a harmful microenvironment can develop inside the rubber animal. But as toys "on land" squeakers are very good! You need to choose soft and not very loud - so that the child is not afraid of noise.
  10. Such a toy can be in the form of an interactive panel or a table resembling a mechanical business board. You need to pull something, press something, switch something. The chain of actions depends on these manipulations: the light flashes, sounds are heard, toy animals move and the mechanism spins. Typically, these centers run on batteries.

Bathing and hygiene

This is probably the most important ten gift ideas - hygiene is very important for a child at this age, especially for girls. Here you will find products for preparation for bathing, for the process itself and its completion, as well as products for baby care.

  1. Firstly, it is convenient for both the baby and the parents who bathe her. And secondly, it is safe - any slide has an anti-slip coating, and some models are equipped with armrests and even restraint straps. You can also give a slide with a mesh hammock - it is comfortable to sit on, and it also dries quickly.
  2. It is needed in case the baby no longer fits in her bath, and the large bath is deep enough for her. Choose a wheel with durable flaps and secure latches, and made from proprietary materials and hypoallergenic formulations. And of course - bright and colorful.
  3. The composition should include: a diaper-envelope, in order to wrap the baby after bathing, such envelopes with “ears” on the corner-hood are especially touching; face towel (small size); washing glove. All products must be made from 100% terry cloth.
  4. six month old baby no longer needs daily bathing like a baby, but washing and rinsing lightly is still necessary every day. This means that clean towels are also needed every day. Therefore, we choose a set of high-quality cotton threads with an embroidery pattern for beauty and in a gift box.
  5. For bathing, you need to choose a children's set in which washing products "do not sting your eyes." Simply choose a set with the inscription "no tears" - it does not contain substances that cause allergies, and they also do not contain fragrances. Soap should only be liquid with emollients such as glycerin or lanolin.
  6. They are needed after the bath to treat wrinkles on the body, as well as to eliminate some skin problems. Oil is needed for hygiene and massage, a cream for moisturizing the skin (it is best to choose it with mineral oils of almond, olive or jojoba), and the powder “fights” with diaper rash.
  7. All mothers know how difficult it is to deal with a child's runny nose or mucus - after all, children still do not know how to blow their nose and clean their nose on their own. This is what an aspirator is for, and preferably an electronic one - just bring it to the nostril, press the button, and the nose will instantly clear.
  8. It is very difficult to cut even more tiny nails on tiny fingers. Therefore, for such jewelry work, appropriate miniature tools are also needed - scissors with rounded ends, a compact and convenient nail file and burr tweezers. Everything is safe!
  9. The right gift The baby's parents will be very grateful!
  10. But disposable diapers are best given along with diapers - they are also very necessary. And lay in the crib, and during dressing put under the back of the baby. Well, in the summer they are generally indispensable during the heat, when diapers can cause diaper rash and rashes on the skin, and diapers should be used as little as possible.

Goods for feeding

The following five options are necessary for the child to use on a daily basis, especially if he has completely switched to artificial nutrition. It's time for the baby to learn a few rules good manners at the table.

  1. From all the rich selection, give preference to a folding high chair, with the ability to adjust the height. Also important are the presence of a footrest, a central belt and an armrest. Pay attention to the table - for convenience, it should have a recess for a glass or bottle, and the tabletop should not be heavy.
  2. It is necessary when feeding expressed breast milk or a mixture. This is especially true at night, when you can take a ready-made bottle of baby food from the refrigerator and immediately heat it to a certain temperature. The principle of operation of the heater is like in a water bath.
  3. Usually, a child needs several bottles for a certain nutrition. Therefore, it is better to take a set with different volumes— transparent, with a measured scale and cheerful drawings. The nipple should be silicone, a special orthodontic shape.
  4. Of course, it must be made only from safe food material. Two plates (for the first and second courses) with a non-slip bottom and wide edges, a deep spoon with a comfortable handle - the girl will already want to try to eat on her own and a mug with two handles on the sides.
  5. Breastfeeding a child in a public place is, to put it mildly, indecent. It is for such delicate cases that they came up with a cape-snood (or milksnud) - this is such a wide knitted scarf-ring that covers the baby and mother's breasts during feeding. By the way, it can be worn as a wardrobe item or covered with a girl in a stroller for warmth.

Sleep Products

Most of the child's time at this age is devoted to sleep - he must go to bed at night according to the regime, and during the day he needs quiet time. But in order for the baby to sleep in comfort, you need to create conditions. Another five gift ideas on the theme of sleep.

  1. This device is able to replace both the nanny and "mother's hands". No more tears before bed! The cradle will give parents the opportunity to do household chores - she will rock you and sing a lullaby (there is such a built-in function, you can even record the voice of your parents). Well, if the child wakes up and cries, the cradle will again begin to pump it by itself.
  2. Sometimes parents do not specifically buy a crib, believing that the child should sleep next to the mother. This is wrong, the baby should have her own bed. Therefore, eradicate such children's discrimination and give the girl a beautiful bed with high removable sides.
  3. The mattress for the baby should be well ventilated, moisture resistant (or with a removable cover) and anti-allergic. It should have excellent orthopedic properties. Therefore, sufficient rigidity is needed so that the child does not have a curvature of the spine. So choose a multilayer mattress with a base of coconut fiber.
  4. It is clear that the first thing to pay attention to the material. The five best and natural fabrics for linen are satin, chintz, calico, cambric and flannel. Do not choose bright "flashy" colors, they will distract the child from sleep. And finally, pay attention to the manufacturer - famous brand will not deceive with the quality of the material.
  5. First of all, the canopy over the crib is fabulously beautiful, as if a little princess is sleeping on this bed. And it also protects the girl's bed from dust and insects, and the curtain itself will hide from excess light and drafts. Buy a canopy complete with fasteners, taking into account the model of the crib.

Necessary goods for the children's room

This is all that a baby needs in her room for comfort and health. Another five gift ideas, thanks to which you can create normal living conditions for your child.

  1. There is no need to hope for the miracles of housing and communal services, in many apartments during the cold season the batteries are not very hot. Either the heating is turned on late or turned off early. Give the baby a convector heater in the room - it is silent, reliable, there is no smell from dust burning out. But the main thing is warmth!
  2. The choice is huge. But it is best to choose not only from safe materials, but also original. Take as a gift something fabulously cartoony with multi-colored LED bulbs.
  3. This device emits ozone and oxygen anions from atmospheric air. For a children's room, buy a medium power ozonizer with a timer and mode switching. In this case, the device will automatically create a favorable microclimate in the room.
  4. There are two options. The first is in a case based on cardboard with a children's drawing. It is hung on the wall and serves as both a thermometer and room decor. The second is electronic, which, in addition to room and street temperature, will also show air humidity, time and date.
  5. In addition to protecting against drafts and hiding from light during sleep, it main function- the safety of the child. If there are no adults in the room, and the baby really wants to squeeze through the bars of the bed, she will not succeed - the bumper will withstand any onslaught of the child.

Help for parents

These five options do not seem to be needed by the child himself, but they will greatly help parents in caring for their daughter or in acquiring the things she needs.

What not to give a girl for 6 months

  • Stuffed Toys. Save these gifts for the future. At the age of 6 months, they are not at all interesting yet, besides, they attract a lot of dust.
  • Prickly and breakable toys. They are not safe. One awkward move, and the baby can injure herself.
  • Toys with small details. Such a habit in children - to drag everything into their mouths to taste it, and also teething. Small parts in this way can easily get into the baby's esophagus.

Babies at the age of six months are strikingly different from helpless babies in their first months of life. It was at this time that they laid the basic skills and certain behavioral inclinations, which will continue to develop and improve in subsequent years. During this crucial period, parents should be well aware of what gifts for the baby are most useful. To suggest what to give for a child's birthday, information about the features of age will help.

The age of six months is already a significant stage in the life of a baby, and, of course, it can be considered the first anniversary. In its own way, this is a turning point for the child, as he already has milk teeth, and the first complementary foods are introduced. The growth and development of the baby continues intensively, which is so characteristic, in general, for the first year.

As a rule, at this age the child already knows how to roll over from the tummy to the back and back, sits on his own and even has his own high chair. Gradually, the crawling skill also comes, the baby's mobility increases, which gives him the opportunity to more actively explore the world. Parents at this time need to be especially careful to control all the actions of their son or daughter - children are very persistent in their research, so bruises, bruises and even a broken nose often result in cognitive activity.

The time for rattles has already passed, and although children still love various items with squeakers and an abundance of interesting sounds, now they can buy balls, pyramids, prefabricated toys in the form of nesting dolls. At six months, they can play on the floor, but if active pastime takes place on an elevation, for example, on a sofa, it is better to play it safe by covering the likely places of falling with pillows, because children still have insufficient coordination and weak muscles.

When choosing a gift for a child of 6 months, you should focus on his skills, and he has already made significant progress in his skills:

  • he can use both handles, shift objects from one to the other, clap his hands;
  • starts to sit up on his own;
  • lying on the tummy, can lean on the hand, grabbing toys with the second handle;
  • knows how to find hidden objects, moving on all fours or in a plastunsky way;
  • knows how to open and close jars, boxes, fold small parts;
  • trying to get up, holding on to furniture.

Perhaps the most important thing is that six-month-old children can already enthusiastically devote themselves to the game process for 5-10 minutes, without being distracted by extraneous things. In addition, children already pronounce individual syllables and up to forty different sounds.

All this makes it possible to give them sets of cubes, sorters and business boards, which are especially preferred at this age. For physical activity, balls of various sizes, tolokars, trolleys, stable children's transport, which help develop the muscles of the legs, arms and back, are suitable.

The interests of children, starting from six months, become more versatile. And this is not surprising, because from this age they already distinguish colors well, understand which of them is dark and light, hand coordination becomes more developed, their emotionality increases. In this regard, the child is increasingly attracted to objective activities.

For him, this is a kind of stage in comprehending the world around him, which is necessary in order to:

  • study living and inanimate objects and their properties;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking and imagination;
  • learn independence.

It is by six months that the baby's perception becomes able to perceive the maximum amount of information, so the donated toys should be interesting to him. Psychologists advise choosing multifunctional things as a gift for 6 months, which will comprehensively develop the most diverse abilities of the child - game centers, book cubes, developing rugs that train, in fact, all types of feelings, motor skills and mental abilities. At the same time, the baby is also ready to engage in various types of creativity, so it will be timely, as a present, to give him the first kits for modeling and drawing.

Age changes from six months to a year

After six months, the cognitive activity of the child continues to increase actively. At this time, up to a year, some of the toys will remain useful and interesting for him, but the arsenal will need to be updated and supplemented with other things, as children learn more and more new skills.

A child up to a year old changes almost every day, and it will be useful for adults to know what changes come into force every month after the first six months of life:

  1. seven month old babies more mobile, they are already confidently crawling and getting up with the help of an adult or a support. Toddlers pronounce “pa-pa”, “ma-ma”, “ba-ba” and begin to understand the meaning of the words and intonations addressed to them. They develop long-term memory, listening to music becomes more conscious, as well as the attention that they can devote to one subject for a long time. A gift for 7 months, in fact, is not much different from what parents do for a six-month date.
  2. At 8 months the child's hands gain strength and dexterity, and this allows him to grasp objects with two fingers. Children of this age recognize themselves in the mirror and in the photo, they can take off their socks, crawl, holding a toy in one hand, roll balls, string rings on a pyramid. Their perception of different sounds is aggravated, now they can see objects not only at different distances, but also at different angles, they distinguish well their shape and texture. Children can already react quite emotionally to all sorts of events, including those related to their victories and defeats in games. At eight months, it is useful for children to read a lot, in addition, they like items with an abundance of buttons and small details that can be packaged in jars and containers. A rubber ball that the baby will kick with his legs will help him strengthen his muscles. Based on this, relatives can choose the current and interesting gift for 8 months.
  3. At nine months of age children confidently squat and stand, some of them can already walk with the help of a support, slowly alternating or placing legs, dancing, holding hands of dad and mom. They are happy to leaf through the pages of large children's books, look at images, are able to play with three objects at once, they distinguish between body parts in dolls, express emotions such as joy, resentment and anger. As a gift for 9 months, they need toys different in material, size and shape, inserts, pyramids are most suitable for the development of motor skills. It is also important to pay attention to games that provide physical improvement- these are cars, balls, all kinds of wheelchairs.
  4. ten month old babies they stand confidently, get on all fours, actively learn to walk, climb onto a sofa, an armchair and learn to get off them. Babies eat on their own, drink from a cup and a cup, use a spoon, and chew small pieces when eating. They are interested in building houses and towers from cubes, for sure, such a gift for 10 months, as the first soft designer with large details, will be a real surprise for the baby. You can also focus on physical development, and buy a big ball or fitball as a present.
  5. eleven months- a wonderful period, because the baby begins to walk on his own, he does this, holding on to his mother's hands. To raise the right toy, he can crouch or bend down, skillfully manipulates objects. Children imitate their parents in everything, conveying the peculiarity of their movements and even the intonation of their voices. For children of this age, it is useful to sculpt, draw, walk with a wheelchair, a ball, add simple structures and simple puzzles. All these baby skills give adults the opportunity to choose the right thing as a gift for 11 months.
  6. The child becomes more and more independent one year old, he moves a lot, is extremely active, tries to walk and climb stairs on his own, although he still needs the help of his mother. The child has learned to squat, has studied the properties of many household items and knows how to use them. His speech lexicon consists of more than 15 words, consisting of two syllables. Children are beginning to give more and more preference story games. One-year-olds can already purchase more complex toys or games that they can play with adults, such cooperation is very important for children - in this way they strengthen the psychological bond with their parents, and at the same time, they learn new actions. When choosing a gift for 1 year, do not forget that the child already remembers and is well versed in different types of toys, and he has his own preferences. One kid may be delighted with the labyrinth zoo, while another will like the arena trampoline or a summer bike with a handle.

Focusing on these features of development, habits and hobbies of children, due to physiological, mental and emotional growth, parents and guests will be aware of what to give for a child's birthday. They will be able to easily choose a gift “for growth” for a child for 6 years or purchase a present in advance for a celebration on the occasion of the baby’s first birthday of the year.

Presents for a 6 month old baby

Gifts intended for children from one to six months are rather gifts for babies, so up to six months they are identical in content. The main purpose of the donated items is to promote the development of the baby's main senses - hearing, sight, smell and touch. In their first months, babies can only look at objects, perceive a soft melodic sound, feel the texture of a toy tactilely, thus studying the objects of the real world.

Therefore from birth before six months, give mainly:

  • rattles of different shapes, colors and textures;
  • rotating merry-go-rounds suspended on an arena and a bed and equipped with sound and light effects;
  • air balloons;
  • developing mats with a horizontal bar and pendants, so that lying down the baby can reach for the rustling and shiny details, rattles and rattles.

Closer to 5 months, as a gift, you can choose rubber toys and balls, soft cubes and pyramids, clockwork and musical toys in the form of animals, plastic or rubber books with colorful pictures.

Of course, the development of six-year-old children is different from the development of infants. younger age First of all, they already know how to sit, hold toys, imitate the actions of their parents. Therefore, they also need special toys aimed at further improving various skills.

At 6 months suitable for the child different types gifts:

  1. Intellectual, educational toys for children from six months are various games that make them think and perform different tasks:
  • developing rugs and game centers;
  • pyramids and sets of cubes for building various structures;
  • a set of children's cards with bright images;
  • sorting panels that develop memory, fine motor skills, orientation in space;
  • bodyboards - special boards with many diverse details in the form of balls, rings, geometric shapes, small voluminous and flat objects of different shapes and textures.
  1. To develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm, you can give your baby:
  • musical instruments - maracas, xylophone, trumpet, drum, children's piano;
  • music table with removable panel;
  • Mothercare musical ball with animal buttons;
  • musical rug;
  • singing and talking toy book in 3D format;
  • two-way developing center with light and music;
  • children's music phone talking in the voice of dad or mom.

In fact, there are a lot of such options for children's toys - these are musical pyramids, turntables, interactive animals, figures on wheels.

  1. A gift for a six-month-old child may also have a sports purpose:
  • children's tolocars;
  • wheelchair walkers - a kind of simulators that make the baby move and develop their legs, leaning on the handles of the device;
  • durable cars-walkers - interactive toys with a convenient design;
  • rocking chairs in the form of donkeys, tigers and elephants;
  • horses on wheels;
  • strollers with handles in the form of a zebra, a cat, a hippo, a boat, a baby carriage for baby dolls for pushing in front of you;
  • tolocars-transformers, which, if desired, can be turned into a rocking chair;
  • rubber and massage balls, fitball.

If at such an early age the baby already shows a desire for painting and other types of creativity, then at six months he can be presented with:

  • large sheets of drawing paper and special finger paints;
  • a set of plasticine that does not get dirty or modeling dough;
  • for development creativity sets of large puzzles, books with stickers, water coloring books are also suitable.

Besides, a good gift for half a year there can be cardboard, plastic books with a small number of pages, large pictures and large print, disks with cartoons and music suitable for this age, bathing sets, a special sandbox for your site with scoops, molds, plastic buckets.

The best practical gifts are clothes for growth, including slips, tracksuits, elegant dresses, booties, T-shirts, as well as a set of dishes for a child, children's furniture (high chair, sofa), bed linen, household appliances for quick preparation of complementary foods for a baby.

What will the boy and girl like

Despite the fact that children at the age of six are not yet aware of themselves as representatives of the male and female gender, there are some differences when choosing a gift for a boy and a girl:

  1. Boys may like a simple but colorful construction set consisting of soft blocks, a children's phone, a spinning top, a set of colorful balls, a logic ball, a car, which must be big and beautiful. “For growth” you can give a high chair with suction cups, a tolocar, and a walker, a puzzle mat.
  2. Girls can be given a music book with luminous pages, a wind-up mobile, elegant vests and dresses, wind-up bunnies, tigers, bears, a finger theater, soft cubes, a tumbler, games for early development. Dolls are not given to girls at this age, since they begin to play with them only from 11 months, and sometimes even later.

It is quite possible for children of both sexes to bring as a gift a designer, an entertainment center, home swings, finger paints, balls, good books, music table, rocking chair or tolokar.

Also, for six months, you can give children original and memorable gifts in the form of a silver spoon, a gold cross, an author's toy, a subscription to children's aqua aerobics or swimming lessons.

What toys to choose for children from 6 months to a year

From the second half of the year to a year, a child can be given similar gifts with a slight adjustment for the development of his skills, and having a large assortment of such children's products, this is unlikely to be difficult:

  1. For 7 months, it is desirable to give kids sorters, cubes, pyramids of 4-5 rings, balls, boats, rubber toys, educational mats, tactile books, musical instruments, boxes, mobiles, books, designers.
  2. For 8 months you can choose from this list - a swing for the house, a book with sound design and buttons, a musical pyramid, colorful cars, trains, wheelchair pushers, a set of beautiful children's dishes, a game table, a musical hammer, a night-projector, a set of ducks, octopuses for swimming , developing rugs.
  3. For 9 months kids can be given as a present sorters, large designers, moving musical toys, wheelchairs and instruments, a children's synthesizer or piano. At this age, children love fairy tales, so you can give a big book of fairy tales. For boy the best gift the machine will become, the girl will like the children's mini-kitchen.
  4. For 10 months a gift can be a wheelchair in which you can ride, musical toys on wheels with light signals, a children's camera and a phone with many buttons and different effects, a walker, a small table and a chair, a home planetarium, educational games by age.
  5. For 11 months as a gift, they choose cars with pedals and a handle, finger paints, a tolocar, a jumping donkey, clockwork toys, a rocking horse, soft dolls, books, walkers, a dry pool, a swing, a musical alphabet, a piano with the voices of birds and animals, a bicycle with a handle -rulyom, toy house.
  6. For one year children of both sexes can be given talking dolls and animals, cars, walkers, rocking chairs with musical accompaniment, for creativity - an easel and a set of paints, as well as developing panels and rugs, musical instruments, a swing, a tent house, a toy stroller with a baby doll , training table.

Since virtually every toy is now labeled with a specific age mark, this makes it easier to find the right item. True, adults who can get carried away by the process of choosing a gift and fall into childhood should not forget that they need to take into account the hobbies of the little hero of the occasion - after all, the present is bought just for him.

Rules for choosing gifts for a child up to a year

When adults buy to a small child this or that thing, they should know what toys are better not to give to babies:

  • those made from synthetic materials, in particular, from polyvinyl chloride;
  • toys with too loud, sharp and long sound (spare the ears of parents!);
  • things that are not suitable for the baby by age - they will either not interest him, or they will be incomprehensible to him;
  • flying toys that can cause injury;
  • objects with small elements that will definitely end up in the child’s mouth and it’s good if he doesn’t swallow them;
  • soft toys that absorb a huge amount of dust and can cause allergies in children;
  • rubber items with a repulsive odor, most likely they are made of artificial, low-quality rubber and may contain cadmium, chromium and other harmful components;
  • games with magnetic parts - if accidentally swallowed, the consequences can be sad, the same applies to toys with small batteries.

Not always understanding what to give for a child’s birthday, guests, and, by the way, parents, one can be advised to be guided by the peculiarities of the baby’s development at the present time, making a completely acceptable amendment for the future, when high-quality and necessary thing sure to come in handy and will be used for its intended purpose.

What to give a child from 6 to 12 months: video