How to wait for childbirth in the last weeks. Harbingers of childbirth: when to expect them? How to know if you can eat

I talked about the fact that it is impossible to know the day when the baby is born. And yet, for most women, nature itself prompts, sending news in advance, indicating that childbirth is about to begin.
The harbingers of childbirth usually include:

I must say that not every pregnant woman receives all these precursors.
It happens that a woman begins to give birth, and on time, without waiting for any of the above signs of an approaching birth. And yet, we will consider each of them in more detail in order to understand how our body can signal an imminent meeting with the baby.

Descent of the uterus

It usually occurs 10-20 days before the onset of labor, when the baby descends closer to the entrance to the pelvis, while sometimes the head can even enter it with a small segment. Surrounding people usually say to a woman: "Oh, your stomach has dropped." She feels it, as it becomes easier for her to breathe. In addition, expectant mothers note that in recent weeks they could eat quite a bit at one meal, and now it has become possible to "eat properly." This is understandable, the descending uterus stops squeezing the stomach and diaphragm, so it becomes easier to breathe and eat.

Increasing secretions

The release of a large amount of transparent mucus occurs due to the more active production of it by glands located in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. The high activity of these glands is associated with a changing hormonal background.

Reduced weight gain

In the last 2-3 weeks before giving birth, women who regularly weigh themselves notice a halt in weight gain or even a decrease in it. This is due to the fact that under the influence of a changing hormonal background, the excretion of water from the body increases.

Training bouts

Most pregnant women on the eve of childbirth feel the so-called training contractions. Moreover, in some women they happen in 2-3 last days, while others can be felt for 2-3 weeks. This usually happens in the evening, before going to bed. A pregnant woman has regular sipping sensations localized in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, most often painless.

How to distinguish training contractions from true ones, because most women will feel exactly the same in the first hours of childbirth? A truly objective assessment of the condition can only be given by a doctor or midwife as a result of a vaginal examination. The fact is that training contractions usually do not lead to smoothing of the cervix, opening of the pharynx and the formation of a fetal bladder (a round protrusion of the fetal membranes with amniotic fluid protruding from the open cervix). As a result of true contractions at the beginning of labor, all these changes occur, which is revealed during vaginal examination.

"A pregnant woman herself usually cannot track such changes in her body, so it is better for her to wait a while. I advise you to just wait, do not fuss.

If the contractions started during the day - lie down to rest or take a warm bath, if in the evening or at night - try to fall asleep or at least take a nap. Training fights will gradually end, true ones will noticeably intensify, become longer and more painful, and the intervals between them, on the contrary, will be reduced. Then you will already be sure that the birth has definitely begun, but at the same time save your strength, because the first few hours did not fuss, but tried to rest.

cork discharge

Another harbinger of childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug. This usually happens a day or two before the onset of labor, although sometimes 2-3 weeks can pass from the moment the cork is released. The mucus plug is a mucus of a very dense consistency that fills the cervical canal during pregnancy and serves as one of the barriers that prevent any infection from entering the baby.

"If you imagine the uterus in the form of a vessel turned upside down in the body of a woman, then it is easy to imagine that the cervix is ​​​​just the same neck, and the mucous plug is called that because it tightly blocks the exit from the vessel, as any plug does. in a bottle.

On the eve of childbirth, the cervix undergoes some changes - it becomes softer, looser, due to this, the channel located in the center opens slightly, as a result of which the mucous plug begins to come out. And then some women may find a cork on their panties that has come out entirely (a lump of dense mucus, colored in Brown color due to the blood cells present in it), or in the form of smears (in case it leaves in parts). And some pregnant women will not notice anything at all, because their mucous plug, having left the cervical canal, will remain in the vagina and come out, perhaps only in the second stage of labor, along with the birth of the baby.

The discharge of the mucous plug, in my opinion, is the most significant precursor in terms of information content. Unlike all the others, it can be interpreted unambiguously: behind the cork that has come out in the next day or two, the process of childbirth most often really begins. So those women who are lucky enough to see their mucus plug may well trust this signal.

"Maturation" of the cervix

The last harbinger of childbirth - the "ripening" of the cervix - is determined only as a result of a gynecological examination. If a woman is vaginally examined on the eve of childbirth (in primiparous 1-2 days, in multiparous 1-2 weeks before childbirth), then signs of cervical maturity can be found: it is located on the axis of the pelvis, strongly softened throughout, shortened, in multiparous cervical the channel passes a finger.

However, whether nature sends signals about the approaching birth or leaves you in complete ignorance of the changes taking place in the body, this long-awaited moment will still come. So where does childbirth begin?

Start of labor


Childbirth usually begins with contractions. Contractions, as I said, are pulling sensations that are regular. Most women feel these contractions in the lower abdomen. The pain that appears is somewhat similar to the pain during menstruation, but differs from the latter precisely in that it has a beginning, a certain duration and interruptions of complete painlessness.

Some women feel pain during contractions in the sacrum or lower back, and very rarely such pain is localized along the inner or outer surfaces of the thighs. With such localization of pain, a woman is confused and does not always recognize the onset of labor in time. Nevertheless, recurring after some time and increasing pain, sooner or later still gives a signal about the need to go to the hospital.

By the way, many women ask me when it is right to go to the maternity hospital, what duration of contractions should be at this moment, the intervals between them. I always answer this question in the same way: "You need to go to the maternity hospital when a woman becomes afraid to stay at home, because a woman in labor during childbirth should be in a state of fear as little as possible!" It is clear that then one woman will enter the maternity hospital with harbingers, the other with 2 cm dilatation of the cervix, and the third - 7 cm.

outpouring of waters

The second option for the onset of labor is premature rupture of amniotic fluid. In this case, the woman, not yet experiencing any contractions, will face the fact that fluid will flow from her vagina. This can happen in a dream, and then she will wake up on a wet sheet, or under any other circumstances during the daytime. The first thought of a woman unprepared for such a development of events is that maybe she has incontinence, and she simply peed herself. This is easy to check - you just need to smell and look at the color of the liquid flowing out. Amniotic fluid, in other words, amniotic fluid- transparent, may be slightly pinkish, but never straw yellow like urine. The smell is very specific, but, again, different from the smell known to us since childhood.

"So, you have determined that, nevertheless, amniotic fluid has poured out of you, which means that labor has begun. Unlike the option with contractions, in this case you need to hurry to the hospital.

First of all, because with the departure of the waters begins anhydrous period. Indeed, from the point of view of official medicine, it should not last more than 12 hours, and you may need one or another type of stimulation.
And if this obstetric postulate can still be argued, then The second reason, along which you really need to get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible, or rather, to the gynecological chair on which you will be examined, is really serious. The fact is that with a breakthrough of the bubble and the complete outflow of the so-called anterior waters (that amniotic fluid that was in front of the baby’s head), it is very important to determine in time the parts of the child’s body that are to be released. So, if the obstetrician finds the top of the head at the exit from the uterus, everything is fine, but if the baby settles down to the exit with his face, measures must be taken, since an independent exit is impossible in the front presentation.

Also, the doctor must exclude the possibility of getting into the space in front of the head of the umbilical cord loops. If this happens, then in the absence of water in this space, the baby's head will begin to tighten the umbilical vessels, thus reducing the flow of blood (and therefore oxygen and nutrients) to the unborn baby.

"After examining you and excluding all of the above situations, which, fortunately, happen quite rarely, the doctor will also determine the condition of your cervix. Having all the necessary information, he will choose one or another birth plan and, I hope, will discuss it with you.

Time of birth. We are part of nature

In conclusion, I would like to point out that labor usually begins in the evening, at night, or early in the morning. This is due to daily hormonal biorhythms. In general, for the entire animal world, it is the norm that females prefer to give birth when their relatives are sleeping, then it is much easier to retire. The fact is that the activity of the birth process strongly depends on whether someone is watching what is happening, or whether the female is completely alone at this moment. A woman in the process of childbirth, by and large, is not much different from any female giving birth to her cub and also needs solitude.
Do not misunderstand me. When I talk about this similarity, I have great respect for the natural, natural, instinctive beginnings of any woman.

"All that I received future mom from society as a result of upbringing and education, in childbirth most often becomes unnecessary and even, unfortunately, it can greatly interfere with her to give birth to a child.

Birthing information obtained from fiction, TV shows or stories, published in abundance on special forums, can increase the fear of childbirth many times over, which means that it can bring a woman's body to great stress, and possibly even block childbirth. Raising a "decent girl" who will never complain can manifest itself in the fact that a woman in childbirth will be ashamed of her body, will not even allow herself to moan slowly, thereby interfering with the natural birth process.

Therefore, the best thing you can say to yourself at the beginning of childbirth is: "Honey, forget everything that you know about childbirth, do not be afraid of anything and do not be shy! Today your baby will be born, and you will give birth to him, and you will be the main characters on the stage of life!

As soon as the first day of the expected period arrives, the woman in excitement begins to monitor her condition very carefully and can interpret any ailment as a sign of the onset of childbirth.

Going to the hospital with unsteady labor activity, a woman in labor runs the risk of being “stuck” in the pathology department for several days or being subjected to immediate stimulation. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital with already established labor activity.

And in order to be able to navigate this, it is not always necessary to call a specialist. For example, there are a number of phenomena that accompany the last weeks of pregnancy, which are called harbingers of childbirth.

The presence of one or more harbingers suggests that the birth is coming soon, and it’s not worth it, for example, to go on a visit to the country, but it’s too early to go to the maternity hospital.

So, let's dwell on the main precursors of childbirth:

Lowering of the abdomen

2-4 weeks before childbirth, the pregnant woman (and in those who give birth again - on the eve of childbirth) lowers ("slips") the stomach. As the abdomen lowers, the woman notes that it has clearly changed its shape and seems to have become smaller.

This makes it much easier to breathe and eat. This occurs as a result of the lowering of the presenting part of the fetus, due to which the diaphragm, stomach and lungs are released.

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing becomes easier. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the baby has moved down, the woman may have difficulty sleeping, at this time it is difficult to find comfortable posture for sleep.

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of a woman, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Like before an exam.

Pain in the lower back

After the child is shifted down, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

Decreased fetal activity

The baby can calm down a little, then move very actively. He, as it were, chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.

Change in appetite and weight

1-2 weeks before giving birth, a woman may become worse appetite and the abyss of that debilitating feeling of acute hunger, which was observed throughout the pregnancy. She begins to treat food more calmly.

Such indifference and even refusal to eat are especially evident in the last 3-4 days before childbirth. Sometimes a woman stops wanting to eat only a day before giving birth, and in some cases her appetite does not suffer at all before giving birth.

Approximately 7-10 days before childbirth, a woman's weight may drop by 1-2 kg. Weight loss does not always occur, but, in any case, there is a stop in weight gain. 1-2 weeks before delivery, the woman's weight stabilizes and its increase is no longer observed. Reducing or stabilizing the weight of a pregnant woman before childbirth is associated with an increase in the release of fluid from her body.

Frequent mood swings

The woman is looking forward to "her time". She can't wait to give birth ("Hurry, if only..."). The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth.

Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. The "nest" instinct appears. A woman is preparing to meet a baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up ... Just please don't overdo it.

Uterine contractions (false contractions)

After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible, but irregular uterine contractions in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor.

A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not mean the onset of labor at all

Dear readers! Which of the above harbingers of childbirth has become a signal for you that the long-awaited moment is approaching? Did the harbingers of the second birth differ from the first? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

Without exception, all mothers are concerned about the date of the upcoming birth. And it is impossible to give an absolutely exact answer to it. Even if a woman knows the date of fertilization up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors that affect the birth of a child.

Doctors believe that a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. Based on this period, they calculate the date of birth. There are several ways to calculate the date of birth of the baby. For example, this can be easily established by menstruation. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This will be the possible date of birth.

There are also ways to calculate the day of the upcoming birth, which are available only to the doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and the volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not give full confidence in correct definition date of birth of the child.

Now doctors are increasingly inclined to the conclusion that dividing children into full-term and premature babies does not make sense. They explain this by the fact that if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing to worry about if the child is born a little earlier or a little later due date. The main thing is that the child should be physically ripe for birth by this moment. Therefore, pregnancy is now considered normal, occurring in the period from 35 to 45 weeks.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur.

1. Breathing becomes easier

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing becomes easier. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the child has moved down, a woman may experience difficulty sleeping, at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

2. Change in appetite

Appetite may change just before childbirth. Often the appetite decreases. It is good if a woman at this time trusts her intuition more when choosing products. You shouldn't eat for two.

3. Weight loss

Before childbirth, a woman may lose some weight. The body weight of a pregnant woman can decrease by about 1-2 kg. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before childbirth, the body must be flexible and plastic.

4. "Omission" of the abdomen

A woman may notice that the stomach has shifted down. The "omission" of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the entrance of the small pelvis and the deviation of the bottom of the uterus anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic area. In primiparas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before delivery. In re-children - on the eve of childbirth.

5. Sudden change of mood

The woman is looking forward to her time. She can’t wait to give birth (“hurry up.”). The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. A woman prepares to meet a baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. Just please don't overdo it.

6. Frequent urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of a woman, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Like before an exam.

7. Pain in the lower back

After the child is shifted down, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

8. Change in the motor activity of the fetus

The baby can calm down a little, then move very actively. He, as it were, chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.

9. Irregular uterine contractions

After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible, but irregular uterine contractions in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not mean the onset of labor at all.

10. There are three main signs of childbirth:

The beginning of childbirth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From that moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy, pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. The importance of the feature is not in the very fact of contraction, but in its rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (other periodicity is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. Between contractions, the abdomen is relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

- Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug. The mucus plug can go away 2 weeks before delivery, and maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the onset of uterine contractions to dilate the cervical canal - thus expelling the mucus plug. The mucus plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of the mucous plug is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.

- Discharge of water. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water slowly flows out. It can break suddenly, then the waters "gush in a strong stream." From time to time this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. More often this occurs in multiparous. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. If the waters receded immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the family home immediately!

Childbirth as it happens

Every woman starts labor differently. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "quickly", that is, the contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. In the third, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although all women develop and proceed in their own way, there are some points that are the same for most women.

Has it started?

The long wait should soon end - the mother will be able to press the baby to her chest. She is happy, but as the deadline approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Can pain be relieved?

There are a lot of questions about the upcoming birth of a young woman who has not given birth before. Of course, this process is different for everyone. Many pregnant women begin to feel restless the day before labor starts, sometimes experiencing palpitations, fever, or headaches. In some people, painless uterine contractions may intensify or appear for the first time. There may be an upset bowel or an increase in pressure, the appearance of pain in the back, in the lower abdomen or in the bones of the pelvis. In most cases, there is an increase in mucous secretions, including with ichor - the discharge of the so-called mucous plug.

It comes on suddenly

However, there may not be any precursors - in some cases, childbirth begins suddenly, with the onset of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that help open the cervix and gradually move the baby forward through the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic pulling pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, which becomes more regular and stronger. If the contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it's time to get ready for the hospital. If the maternity hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, do not try to drag out time while waiting, for example, for your husband (or mother) from work - immediately call a specialized ambulance.

It is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby's head through the uterine os and the birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but, experiencing it, the woman gains confidence that the matter is moving forward vigorously. When attempts are added to contractions, the final period of the birth of a child begins. During attempts, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push with all her might (at this moment she needs to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor in charge of childbirth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. Understandably, contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods of pain relief.

Dispelling fears

Some women in labor are afraid that they will not be able to cope with labor pains, and therefore they ask for pain relief in advance. As with an ordinary headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out Fresh air, others immediately grab the medicine.

It is good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And future mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively, as before - they can consciously influence the birth process. For a pregnant woman, it is important to find out in advance what kind of help this or that clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with a gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and inspire firm confidence in a successful outcome.

Of course, the statement that it is useless to prepare for childbirth is incorrect. This is how those who are lazy or simply afraid to find out something about childbirth in advance justify themselves. And yet, there is some truth in this statement: no matter how you prepare for childbirth, the beginning of this process will still be associated with natural excitement, in which all acquired knowledge can get confused in the head.

To meet this process fully armed, many women begin to seriously prepare for childbirth long before the end of pregnancy: they go to courses, read magazines and look for information on the vast expanses of the Internet. Indeed, in order to feel confident from the very beginning, you need to firmly understand how not to miss the onset of childbirth, when you need to go to the hospital, what documents and things will be required for hospitalization, what needs to be done before leaving for the hospital.

Suppose the expectant mother has the first “suspicious” sensations: her back hurts, her stomach tenses up, unusual discharge from the genital tract appeared. At this moment, a lot of thoughts appear in the head at the same time, based on the information received about childbirth. However, these thoughts are sometimes very contradictory, because at the courses and in the specialized literature they understood different variants start of childbirth. So, where to start: call the doctor, husband or an ambulance? What if this is? How is it better to behave now during the “feelings”: try to relax or immediately apply anesthesia techniques? What is better now: lie down, sit down or walk? It is extremely inconvenient to look for the answer to these questions during fights, rummaging through a stack of magazines or a thick abstract from courses. To facilitate this task, we have compiled a guide to action on the most important points start of childbirth.

Childbirth begins: how to stop panicking?

At the beginning of childbirth, every expectant mother experiences excitement - a completely natural feeling in front of such a responsible and difficult process. However, at this moment it is very important not to give vent to emotions and try to calm down as soon as possible in order to prevent panic from appearing.

Panic fear of childbirth can do a very bad service to the expectant mother: after all, it is the state of panic that leads to the development of most disorders labor activity. With significant emotional arousal, which is associated with a feeling of fear, work nervous system is violated. As a result of "nervous failures", the signals that coordinate labor activity come unevenly, may weaken or, on the contrary, sharply increase. Due to the violation of the nervous regulation of childbirth, contractions become painful, weak and unproductive.


In order not to panic, it is important to control emotions from the very first sensations. No need to fuss and try to solve several problems at once. There is no need to immediately call your relatives, grab a pack or call an ambulance: first sit or lie down, find the most comfortable and relaxed position, close your eyes and take a few long deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will help calm your emotions and only takes a couple of minutes. Then open your eyes and try to assess your well-being as objectively as possible: what exactly has changed in it?

How does the water break at the beginning of labor?

This is probably the most common cause for concern: most expectant parents are afraid not to notice the passage of water, confusing it with urination, mucus plug discharge, or ordinary female discharge. In fact, fetal water is fundamentally different from all other types of secretions from the genital tract, and it is extremely difficult to confuse them with anything. Normally, this should happen already during contractions, but often the water breaks before the onset of labor.

There are two "scenarios" of water discharge. In the first version, they pour out unexpectedly, at once and in large numbers. As a result, the liquid will flow down the legs, all clothes below the waist will instantly become wet - it is simply impossible to miss such a phenomenon! The rupture of the fetal bladder itself, due to which the water begins to drain, is not accompanied by any subjective sensations - it occurs without pain, spasm or the urge to urinate.

Water leaves in a completely different way if the hole formed in the fetal bladder is located high and is covered by the wall of the uterus: in this case, the liquid can periodically be released in drops or tiny streams, in a small amount, wetting the sanitary napkin and underwear. However, even with a slight leakage of water, they can be easily distinguished from ordinary vaginal discharge: the water is absorbed into the fabric of the underwear and wets them without leaving mucus on the surface. The fetal waters are also completely different from urine: they do not have a specific color and smell, like urine, and spontaneous excretion of urine without the urge to urinate in healthy woman can not be.


In doubtful cases, it is necessary to see a doctor: a special water test, carried out in the emergency department of any maternity hospital, will dispel all doubts!

The onset of labor: is it possible to confuse the discharge of the mucous plug with the outpouring of water?

Not at all like the leakage of water, there is also a passage of a mucous plug, or cervical mucus, a special secret that closes the cervical canal during pregnancy. Usually, the cork is released gradually, in parts, leaving brownish marks on the underwear for 1-3 days. Much less often, it appears entirely at once. In this case, it can be compared with a lump of gel up to 1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-pinkish-brown in color. The discharge of the cork may be accompanied by slight aching sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to malaise before the start of the next menstruation.


When water appears, regardless of their quantity and the presence of other signs of the onset of labor (contractions, pain in the lower abdomen), you should immediately go to the hospital: from the moment the membranes rupture, the risk of infection of the uterus and fetus increases, and it is better for the expectant mother to be in sterile conditions of the obstetric department.

Remember that it is impossible to confuse a mucous plug with fetal waters: it is a very thick, jelly-like, viscous and elastic mucus, not at all like a liquid. Cervical mucus may begin to flow about two weeks before the upcoming birth. This is a variant of the norm and, unlike water leakage, does not require a visit to a doctor.

How do you know if real contractions have started?

The classic onset of labor is the onset of contractions. Contractions are called regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus. The first contractions are usually not associated with pain or significant discomfort. Describing their feelings at this moment, expectant mothers say that the stomach itself tenses very strongly, as if “hardens” for 5–10 seconds, and then completely relaxes until the next. This is similar to the increase in tone during pregnancy, but stronger and shorter. Contractions come periodically, at regular intervals. In the intervals between contractions, the well-being of the expectant mother is no different from the usual - absolutely no new sensations! However, the appearance of the first contractions of contractions does not necessarily mean the beginning of labor: they may turn out to be just a rehearsal, a false alarm, and end as unexpectedly as they began. Such fights are called training, or false, and can appear normally from the 36th week of pregnancy.


The first task of the expectant mother with the appearance of a periodic feeling of tension in the abdomen is to detect the intervals between contractions in order to understand whether they are real or training. Real contractions go on regularly - there are equal intervals between them, not exceeding 20 minutes, and the neighboring contractions themselves are the same in duration and strength of sensations. Another sign of real contractions is escalation: over the time of observation, they should gradually become longer, stronger and more frequent. With this option, the onset of labor should be sent to the hospital as soon as the interval between contractions is reduced to 10 minutes. Until this moment, subject to good health, you can stay at home, under the supervision of loved ones, calmly gather and observe the development of contractions.

Training bouts, on the contrary, are irregular: the intervals between several adjacent bouts are not the same, sometimes more often, sometimes less often - and the contractions themselves go at random, sometimes longer and stronger, sometimes shorter and weaker. There will also be no increase in false contractions - even if the intervals between them are more or less the same, they do not change in any way for several hours. It should be noted that the intervals between false contractions can be both very large (more than 20 minutes) and very small (3-5 minutes), so it is necessary to evaluate not the frequency of contractions, but the regularity and increase.

What is the best way to behave during contractions at the beginning of labor?

At the beginning of labor, when the first contractions are just beginning, they are almost painless. At this stage, you can behave freely: there are no restrictions on actions, movements, and there is no need to use special painkillers - postures, massage, breathing techniques - they will be needed later, when the contractions become stronger and more painful.


The only special recommendation during the first contractions is "belly breathing", practiced in psychology and yoga. At the beginning of the fight, the expectant mother takes a relaxed slow breath through her nose, and then exhales the air with her mouth for as long as possible (as if blowing on water). With this technique, in addition to the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles are involved in the respiratory act - hence the name of this breathing. As a result of belly breathing, intra-abdominal pressure changes during each inhalation and exhalation. This ensures good blood flow, helps prevent fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and weakness of labor forces, and also helps to cope with excitement.

How to collect things correctly?

In the maternity ward of the maternity hospital, you need to take washable slippers, clean socks, toilet paper, disposable toilet seats, wet wipes or disposable handkerchiefs (for face and hands), a bottle of water without gases), thermal spray water (for irrigation of the face and body), hygienic lipstick or lip balm, moisturizing nasal drops or spray, earplugs (maternity ward can be noisy), phone with charger and headphones. If you are allowed to take your own clothes into the rodblok, you can take a couple of T-shirts or short nighties and a dressing gown.

In the postpartum bag, you need to put clothes for yourself and the baby, daily hygiene products, maternity pads, disposable panties, a bra and nursing pads, nipple cream, breast pump, a package of diapers and wet wipes for the newborn.


When packing things for the maternity hospital, it is more convenient to distribute them in two bags: put everything you need in the maternity unit into one, and the most necessary for the postpartum department into the other. Many maternity hospitals do not allow you to carry things in textile bags, so it is better to use plastic bags. If you're having a partner birth, don't forget clothes, a change of shoes, and food for your spouse!

How do you know if you can eat?

Food is a source of energy much needed by the expectant mother during the long and laborious process of childbirth. Today, even in the maternity ward, the staff offers sweet tea, a lollipop, a piece of chocolate to a tired woman in labor. True, it is better that it was just a snack, something light and quickly digestible - fruit salad, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits, juice or sweet tea. It is better to refrain from plentiful, heavy food at this moment, as it can provoke vomiting with a subsequent increase in contractions.


Contrary to popular belief, at the beginning of labor, you can and even need to have a snack - of course, if you have an appetite. It is necessary to completely refrain from eating from the very beginning of childbirth only in the case of a planned operative delivery (that is, before the operation caesarean section) or with any symptoms of deterioration in the well-being of the woman in labor (bleeding, rise in blood pressure, severe pain).

Take a warm shower. In addition to the hygienic function, the shower during contractions is used as a relaxing and pain reliever. Jets of warm water directed to the abdomen and lower back reduce the feeling of tension during contractions, improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, which determines the dynamic development of labor and breathing of the baby. At the beginning of childbirth, it is better to stand under the shower entirely, with your head - water massage will help you relax and calm down, control emotions and positively tune in to the upcoming birth.

Get a manicure and pedicure. First, remove the polish from your fingernails and toenails. By the color of the nail plates, the doctor during childbirth determines the level of microcirculation (blood flow in small vessels) in you, and therefore in the baby! Second, cut your nails short. Immediately after birth, the baby will be placed on your tummy and allowed to hold it with your hands. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and vulnerable, almost like the mucous membrane of an adult. Protruding nails can easily damage the baby's skin, and the resulting scratch can become the entrance gate for infection.

Do an intimate depilation. Perineal hair removal is a standard “preparatory” procedure for admission to the maternity hospital. Many women do not understand the purpose of this manipulation: it is obvious that the presence or absence of hair does not affect the course of childbirth. Why is it necessary to shave off pubic hair and between the legs before childbirth? The hair around the vagina traps intimate secretions. During childbirth and especially in the postpartum period, these secretions become much more abundant than usual, accumulate at the entrance to the vagina on the hair of the perineum and serve as an ideal breeding ground for the multiplication of various bacteria, which can cause serious infectious complications for mother and baby. Completely remove hair from the perineum with a razor. If self-depilation turns out to be too complicated for you or there is no time left for it, it will be done in the emergency department of the maternity hospital.

When to go to the hospital?

If contractions begin, interspersed with uniform and gradually shortening intervals, the expectant mother feels good, the water has not poured out - we go to the hospital no later than a 10-minute interval between contractions.

If the contractions that have begun are irregular, the mother feels good, the water has not poured out - we rest and wait for further developments.

If any amount of water has poured out or is leaking, or there is at least a suspicion of a discharge of water, we go to the maternity hospital immediately.

In doubtful cases, a special analysis will be performed in the emergency room of the maternity hospital - a swab for water. The result will be ready in 15-30 minutes and will allow you to confirm or refute the fact of rupture of the fetal bladder, regardless of its size and location.

Documents to the hospital: what to take with you?

Going to the maternity hospital, you need to take a passport, an exchange card, a birth certificate, an insurance policy and / or a contract for childbirth. If you have a copy of your passport and policy, also take them with you - this will significantly speed up the procedure for issuing a card in the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

The scarier, the more painful!

It is important to understand that the level of pain during contractions directly depends on fear and tension. If a woman in labor is not mentally prepared for childbirth and is very afraid, even in cases where childbirth proceeds without complications, contractions are felt much more painful than usual. This is easily explained: the sensation of pain directly depends on the ratio of various hormones in the blood of the woman in labor. The most important of these are endorphins and adrenaline. Endorphins have an analgesic effect, an increase in adrenaline in the blood, on the contrary, leads to a decrease pain threshold and increased pain. Fear, as you know, stimulates the release of adrenaline in huge doses. Therefore, when panicking, the amount of adrenaline in the blood goes off scale, it displaces pain-relieving endorphins, and as a result, pain during a fight is felt much more strongly.