Essay on my dad is the best. What is the best way to write an essay about dad? I want to describe about my dad

I want to talk about my dad. They say I look a lot like him. My dad has Blue eyes, straight nose, always smiling lips.

Everyone says that my dad has skillful hands, as he always does something at home: he makes shelves, repairs appliances, makes boats and toys for me and my brother. I love watching him work. He always does everything very easily, but I don’t, but I’ll learn someday.

When dad gets angry, a wrinkle appears on his forehead. From it you can immediately understand that dad is unhappy. But still, he smiles more often, likes to play a trick on me or laugh. My dad really likes to look neat, so he is always attentive to his clothes, he never goes around disheveled or dirty. Even when it works, it does not get very dirty. It surprises my mom. She is glad that in this I look like daddy.

Fomkin Danila, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

I'm proud of my dad. He is smart and talented, tall and handsome, very strong, sweet and well-mannered.

I am like dad in that we sit the same way and walk the same way.

My dad is different from others in that he is hardworking. He knows how to do different crafts. He made me a rifle, and my sister Dunya made a ship out of wood. My dad works as a priest. Everything that is asked of him always does. He loves to help everyone and is always ready for anything. My dad loves me and he feels my love for him too. Together with dad, we read, do homework, play tic-tac-toe. My dad also likes to teach me everything. I want dad to continue to always help me in everything, play with me and buy everything for me. My dream is to be a priest like my dad.

Durnov Danila, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

I love my dad very much. I am very proud of them! He is very strong and smart. Dad loves our whole family: mom and us, because we are his children. My dad loves my mom very much. And mom loves dad. She buys him clothes and shoes. Well, everything. Mom and dad love to talk together and watch TV together.

Mom and I always see goodness from dad. Our dad is kind, affectionate, polite and does not offend anyone. He buys gifts for the whole family.

I love my dad and affectionately call him "daddy". I'm good with my dad!

Dolginina Alexandra, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

My dad was born in the summer, in the village of Aleksandrovka. Dad served in airborne troops. Anyone who has never left an aircraft at high altitude, who has not experienced the fear and joy of free fall, the whistling of the wind in his ears, will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper. Dad was skydiving.

Now dad often plays with me, does homework. I love my dad and proud of him!

Shalimov Pavel, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

My dad is very good. He served in navy. I often look at his album, made in memory of the end of the service. This album contains photographs of dad. It is always very interesting for me to look through this album and introduce my dad to the young.

Dad talked about what can be seen in these photographs. In his voice, I heard a note of sadness, not because he devoted several years of his life to the service, but because these years were memorable. I love my dad very much, because he helps me in everything.

Feoktistov Alexander, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

My dad is a strong, very kind and sympathetic person. He always helps everyone in difficult times. And when I need help, dad, like no one else in the world, will be there, lend a shoulder, advise. Dad knows how to build everything. He made me a gun. Dad is tall, and sometimes he hits the chandelier with his head, but laughs at it.

My dad is also strong. Once upon a time, he went in for sports, and now he is digging up the earth, helping his mother. My dad is the best and I'm proud of him!

Pronin Vadim, 3rd grade student.


My dad.

My dad is the best person in the world. He will always support with a word, give advice, put on the right path. I can't imagine my life without my dad. He plays a very important role in my life.

I love spending time with him, I love it when he tells his stories from his childhood, how they lived, how they built houses.

When I come home from school, he will definitely ask: is everything okay with me? Our family has traditions: we celebrate Christmas and Easter with the whole family.

I'm very proud of my dad, and I'm also proud that I'm my dad's daughter.

Courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive, dear ... His kindness and care warm us even on the coldest day. With dad, I can communicate on any topic. For me, you have always been, are and will be the most wonderful man on earth - this is how ninth grade students write about their wonderful dads.

Julia Burdukovskaya, 9 "A" class, secondary school No. 8

We are grateful to our parents for what they have invested in us. But very often the understanding of the importance and value of this contribution does not come immediately, but after some time.

Dad ... How many warm and bright feelings this word evokes. Is not it? When a person is born, his parents are the first to take him in his arms. In childhood, we are told: “Mom is the closest person in the world!” But what about dad? You feel the strong and reliable hands of your father. You feel it, but you don't remember. The feeling of security really comes at this moment and remains for life.

It is to my father, Nikolai Viktorovich Burdukovsky, that I am grateful for my development and upbringing. I am not afraid of high words. He deserved them. He taught me to rejoice in the rising sun, in the clear, turbulent river where the fish are splashing, in the first leaf fall and the first snow. He taught me unobtrusively, with his own attitude to the world. He smiled, looking at the world, and I understood and repeated this smile.

Daddy taught me to appreciate every moment spent with family and friends. He has always been the axis around which the life of our family revolved. No one knew better than him and did not foresee our desires. I knew that it was he who was a kind wizard and Santa Claus, with whom I could fool around, jump, race, make funny faces. He is a soft person. But behind the outer softness, I always felt unbending willpower and a strong character.

I remember the first fishing trip for a long time. To make it not quite female hobby interesting to me, he went to the trick: we bet that I would catch more fish than him. And I won! Oh great tactician! There is no stronger lever than the consciousness of one's superiority over a stronger opponent.

Sometimes, it will become sad, and nothing will cheer you up, and daddy will come up silently from behind, hug you tightly and say: “Let's go have a cup of tea? I'll tell you something." And you know, it really helps. These are not boring stories fascinating stories from papa's life. Listening to him, I somehow imperceptibly felt like a part of not only my family, but also a part of my family, my nation and history. He talked about his life in the Republic of Buryatia. My grandparents are in the military, so they moved frequently. Dad had to change schools and that's probably why he didn't have permanent friends. Growing up, dad went to study in Volsk. It was there that he met people who are still close friends of our family. Now they have gone to different parts of Russia, but they still communicate closely. Why am I telling you this, you ask. And in order to say what else my dad taught me. He proves to me by his own example that true friendship does not dissolve in time.

Do you believe in magic? No? But in vain. My dad is a real wizard. Like all children, I loved animals. Like all parents, mine did not allow them to be kept in the apartment. I really wanted a dog. Wise my dad understood how childish whim make it a way of life. On a warm summer evening, I was at home, my mother was with a neighbor, and my father was in the city. When I heard the bell, I went to the door, opened it and the first thing I saw was a red-haired little yapping miracle. What was going on in my heart! I could not believe that now this bundle of happiness is mine, that I am responsible for it. Dad came in and said: “I can communicate with him on any topic .. You have long wanted a four-legged friend. Here. Now it's yours!" How pleased I was, firstly, to get what I very much dreamed of, and, secondly, to hear these precious words.

And now the most important thing. Dad, you are very dear to me, I love you very much! No matter how old I am, I will always be your daughter. I will protect you and your mother. For me, you have always been, are and will be the most wonderful man on earth. Daddy, thank you for being...

Anastasia Burenkova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

Courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive, dear ... And all this is he, the most head man father in my life.

His strength and courage are shown in the defense of the weak. His kindness and care lie in the fact that he will never leave his children, he will take care and help in everything. Attentiveness, sensitivity are special character traits of dad, he always remembers the most important dates when you need to give a gift. My father will always remain my family: he raised me, cares for me, and most importantly, loves me. Dad taught me a lot: history, literature. Some will think that this is uninteresting, but I am very glad to hear an ancient story from his lips.

Dad has a friend, he is very faithful to him - this is our dog named Chelsea. Dad always takes her hunting and fishing. No wonder they say that dogs look like their owners. The dog is very smart, a faithful friend of his father. My father is the most important in the family, he is very responsible for his children.

I'm proud of my father! I love him!

Anastasia Pogorelova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

For every child, his father is the best. So for me, my dad is an example perfect man: courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive and dear.

His strength and courage are manifested in the protection of the weak. His kindness and care keep us warm even on the coldest day. As far as I remember, dad was always attentive. He amazed me very often because he remembers the most important dates. My dad became a native when I first appeared in my mother's tummy. He raised me, and most importantly, raised me. With his smile, daddy illuminates my life path. Daddy always fulfills all my desires and never scolds me, but only supports me. I know when I feel bad, he will be there, listen and support.

I am proud of my father. I love him so much!

Natalya Blinova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

Alexander Anatolyevich is the most important in our family. This is my little brother's dad. With his arrival in our family, everything changed. Now we have a complete family again.

Alexander Anatolyevich is serious, caring, attentive. I can communicate with him on any topic. He never leaves my questions unanswered. Alexander Anatolyevich is fond of volleyball, often performs at competitions. He has many awards, he collects them for our little Sashenka. In his free time, dad tries to take us outside the city, admire the beauties of our Sakhalin and just get some fresh air.

I like that our man has no bad habits. Today it is such a rarity. I am very glad that I can turn to him with any request. He always listens to me and gives a positive answer. How great that Alexander Anatolyevich is so good man. I'm proud of him, he's the best!

Photo from the archive

About dad. This article is addressed to mothers with schoolchildren, in which we will try to consider many options and ideas for writing interesting essay. Unfortunately, there are few good and ideal dads, but we will consider only the best sides. Agreed?

Dad teaches a lot

What has your father taught you since childhood? For example, thanks to a parent, you know how to hammer nails, collect a simple flashlight. Be sure to describe all the points. Maybe you have seen an advertisement where a father and son in the country house together assemble a dog house. One has a hammer in his hand and the other.

An essay on the topic “My dad” should begin with a brief introduction. Make a short annotation of what you write in the essay. Let's say this:

“I want to tell a lot of good and interesting things about my dad…”.

Be sure to describe or list the good qualities you learned from your father, for example:

  • I get up early in the morning to do more things;
  • I keep my room clean, put all the books and toys in their place;
  • I wash my hands before eating.

Feel how you completely dedicate the topic to your beloved father, who teaches good things.

Father's character as an example to follow

What is your dad's personality? He is strict, fair, loves to joke. Describe what it is. An essay about dad must necessarily contain a paragraph about his character, and to be more precise, about his strengths and positive aspects.

Even if your dad is very strict and harsh, you still find good qualities in him. This will help you understand that the father is still the best. Severity and severity, perhaps, he means responsibility for your family.

Often a strict father becomes the closest person, because he can be trusted. He won't let you down.

Or maybe your dad, on the contrary, is cheerful? Describe some serious case when dad was not upset, but solved the problem with hope and a cheerful mood. Here's an example:

“We were driving along the highway to another city. Our car broke down. Dad got out to open the hood and see what happened. As it turned out, the damage was serious. But dad did a good job - he did not lose heart, he encouraged us in every possible way. He called friends and asked for help. While we waited, my father told us funny stories.”

My dad is a protector

You can be proud of your military dad, or you can be proud of your dad, who works as an editor in a newspaper. But this section is dedicated to those fathers who served in the army at least as conscripts. The topic also applies to those whose fathers served / are serving in civilian life.

The composition "My dad is a protector" is separate topic. If your dad did not tell where he served, what rank he had, in what branches of the military he was, be sure to ask. Maybe he still has photos or some things, badges from the time he served, ask him to tell interesting cases.

You can add a short story about grandfather, dad's father, to the essay, maybe he taught him some kind of skill or passed something on by inheritance.

Dad's profession

Write down what your father does. Often the profession is a character trait of the head of the family. For example, a dad who is the boss at work will also be the boss at home. Of course, this rule does not always work. But if dad, for example, is a doctor, then he will always treat you when someone in the family gets sick.

And what can be added to the essay about the father-driver? Of course, write what type of transport he drives: trolleybus, taxi, bus, truck. If the topic of the father's profession is separate in itself, then try to reveal it as much as possible. Ask your father what he does, if his work is dangerous, what responsibility he has. You can add a description of the routes he travels. If he carries passengers, let him share what funny things happened.

weekend together

How often does dad have days off because of work? Do you spend them together? If in your family dad spends the weekend in the garage or fishing with friends, then do not write about it. Choose the best moments. Maybe you all went on vacation at sea together a year ago? Or did you go to the forest in summer to pick mushrooms and berries?

Let's remember once again that we write an essay about dad only from the positive side. Remember only the best. Maybe you have photo albums from your holiday. Open it up and see what's there.

You can describe not necessarily a vacation, but for example, a birthday. How did you celebrate this holiday with the whole family, what were the gifts.

The essay on the topic “My dad” is a free topic, so you can give interesting examples from life. For example, as a child, you and your dad constantly went to the river, built a raft to float on it. Describe in detail how it all happened.

Be sure to remember those moments when dad did a good deed. For example, he helped an elderly neighbor to put a new fence on the site. At the same time, he did everything in good conscience, from pure heart, even bought the material at his own expense. Because dad is good heart, he sees in front of him a weak old man who needs help disinterestedly.

What if there is no dad?

Unfortunately, children are often left without fathers. But what should they do, how to write an essay about a dad who is not? Don't be sad. Maybe you were raised by your grandfather, stepfather, neighbor or coach at a sports school? Write about the person who may have replaced your father.

Final part

Finally, write a summary of what you have written. You can add something like this: “Thanks to my dad (stepfather, grandfather, coach) I ...” or “When I grow up, I will become the same as my father: strong, courageous ...”.

A mini-essay about dad is an occasion not only to learn how to put your thoughts on paper, but also to reveal the best sides of a parent.


Every morning at our house starts about the same. Through my sleep, I hear my father and mother getting ready for work. Get up soon for me. So do not want! Parents wonder how they can get up so early. But my dad wakes up before my mom. After some time, he wakes up his mother, be sure to kiss her. From this moment begins the daily life in our family.

Our family is dad, mom, elder sister, grandma, me and Ricky's dog. But I want to tell you about my dad - Sergei Alexandrovich Nechaev. He is 44 years old. He works at the Kola Nuclear Power Plant as a leading engineer - the head of the group for the operation of technical training facilities of the training unit.

Dad is valued and respected at work by his colleagues. And his female colleagues even consult with him on everyday issues, because he is very smart and talented, strong and kind. He speaks fluently English language without an accent, which is noted by his foreign colleagues.

My dad has an incredible sense of humor, sometimes we all just “die” together from laughing at his jokes. At the same time, my father teaches me such qualities as courage, responsibility, determination, courage. True, I have not succeeded, but still ahead.

I love to play with my dad and the dog, it can be very noisy and fun.

My dad is like a real man, does not talk about love, he makes it. We know and feel it. He knows how to protect our family, solve all problems quickly, but at the same time he is very worried when someone is in trouble. My dad knows that being a father is a responsible mission, but for him it is not at all boring and quite doable.

Dad loves mom very much, he can’t live a day without her, even when she goes to the store, after half an hour she is already worried and calls her. He often gives her flowers. Sometimes they quarrel, but dad is always the first to reconcile, because he does not know how to pout and be offended for a long time. Outwardly, dad seems harsh, but by nature he is kind and gentle.

Dad and I are similar in appearance - we have the same Brown eyes, gait and even some habits. We like to watch TV together and discuss books and films about the war. Sometimes mom says that we talk to dad in an alien language.

My dad and I love to travel, visit different countries. Dad taught me to swim, dive, play billiards.

I like to go shopping with my dad for computer disks with games, magazines, books.

My dad loves to give us gifts, and at the same time he manages to give them a month before the event, but he can’t give them on the day of the holiday.

My dad is the biggest and most important person for me. I want him to never get sick and live long.

My dad is the best!

I love my dad very much! He is the most precious person to me. His name is Alexei. He is very kind, hardworking and caring. To provide for his family with everything necessary, dad works very hard. At one time he changed several professions. At first he earned money by playing football, and when he found out that his first daughter would soon be born, he left all his achievements in football and went to work. Moscow, Kyiv, Kashir, Stupin, Kharkov... During these three years, he often came from distant Russia and different parts of Ukraine to Akhtyrka in order to spend more time with his girls - his wife and two daughters.

Currently, dad is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. He spends his free time with his family. Even when he plays football, he always takes us with him. And for me it's a great opportunity to watch my father score goals. He taught me to kick the ball too.

My dad is the most happy father in the world. Recently he had a second daughter, this is a girl named Sofiyka. He affectionately calls her Sofunya. Dad is very worried about both her and us: he provides everything necessary and fulfills our every whim. For him, the most important thing in life is to see the happy smiles of his daughters!

My dad is the best! After all, he is a caring father, loving husband, responsible son and grateful grandson! I'm proud of my dad!

Composition-story about dad, grade 5. Theme: "My Beloved Dad"

Each person has his own destiny, goal, experience and life truth. But, apparently, everyone has one thing in common - they want to leave their mark on the earth.

As a rule, such people are interesting, purposeful individuals and serve as a living example to follow. My beloved dad, Tkachenko Nikolai Yuryevich, is such an example for me. To describe him, the brightest words come to mind: kind, responsible, hardworking ... My dad is an example of a person who does everything for the good of his family. He often helps me with his support and advice. After all, only a loved one can point out mistakes in time and give a wise, meaningful, good life lesson.

My father pays a lot of attention to me, so it has become my habit to drive around the city with him and talk about my friends, about some problems, or about what my school day was like. He is always interested in my health, education, asks if no one offends me. I especially like to actively relax with him in the summer.

I remember well the moment when my father taught me to swim. Before that, I was very afraid of water, and all my attempts were unsuccessful. It was only thanks to his support and confidence that I succeeded.

Recently we went to the forest for mushrooms. We sang songs in the forest, dad shared memories of his childhood. They brought home a full basket of mushrooms, my mother was delighted and cooked a delicious dinner.

Mom says that we are very lucky with dad. And I myself know that my dear and beloved dad is the best in the whole world! I love, appreciate and proud of my dad! Looking at him, I understand what real men should be like.

My dad is the best!

Seven years ago in my life appeared new person- this is my dad. And although he is not native to me, but from the first day and until now I call him: “My dear dad!”. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken. I still remember how he brought me to the first grade, and, holding my hand, whispered in my ear: “Daughter, don’t worry!”

Dad instilled in me an interest in reading books, which he always buys for me, so that I expand the world of my knowledge. Dad tries to give me all the best: buy something, take it somewhere on an excursion. I really like how dad prepares meals when we go on picnics with the whole family, pick mushrooms in the forest.

All this time, my dad worked tirelessly so that our family would have prosperity. My dad is currently under contract. He recently returned from the ATO zone. It was the most difficult period in my life. I was so worried about him! More than anything, she was afraid of losing him. Even when dad was in the ATO, at the first opportunity he tried to call home and ask mom about the children. I believed with all my heart that my father would come home alive.

And so it happened, at the end of this summer, dad returned home. Hugs, tears, joy... This cannot be conveyed on a piece of paper.

I am proud of my beloved dad for his care, sincerity, love and courage. He is my hero and a model of a real man. I can proudly say that this is my dad!

Description of the Pope

The most important thing in the life of every child is his family. I love my parents very much and I can proudly call them the best. Usually we are used to hearing laudatory stories about mom, but we rarely remember about dad. I will try to correct this injustice.

My dad's name is Andrew. He is handsome, with black hair, large brown eyes, and a slender posture. My dad is smart, friendly and purposeful. He will always support, reassure, tell you how to do better.

My father pays a lot of attention to me, so it has become my habit to drive around the city with him and talk about my friends, about some problems, or about what my school day was like. He is always interested in my health, education, asks if no one offends me.

I especially like to actively relax with him in the summer. Summer is the time for fun and travel. I remember well the moment when my father gave me a bicycle. And my first attempt to ride it was unsuccessful, but thanks to my father's perseverance, I succeeded.

My first summer vacation flew by quickly. I remember how the whole family went on a hike to the river, set up a tent with my dad, collected firewood, and then played ball. And early in the morning, dad was going fishing and willingly took me with him. That was incredible! We caught a lot of fish, which turned out to be a very tasty dinner at the end of the day. Dad never sits idle: when he has free time, he likes to go hunting and cook delicious meals. With the whole family we love to go to the forest for mushrooms.

Mom says that we are very lucky with dad. And I myself know that my dear and beloved dad is the best in the whole world! I love, appreciate and proud of my dad! I want to be like him.

Dad's appearance

The greatest pride for each of us is the family. These are close, dear people whom we love and respect. For me, the greatest authority is my dad - Ivanov Dmitry Sergeevich. Now he is 36 years old.

My father looks very handsome. Tall, slim, strong. He regularly visits the gym and has a pumped up body. My dad is blond and always has short hair. His blue eyes radiate warmth and affection.

My grandmother, characterizing dad, calls him a handsome man. And my mom agrees too.

Every morning we do exercises with the whole family, because we support healthy lifestyle life.

Dad is smart, talented, educated and decent. Also, my cousin is very hardworking. I often hear from him: “If you want to live better, work, don’t be lazy, don’t be afraid to take risks, go confidently towards your goal!” This is, indeed, his life credo. My father always supports me and helps me in everything. He willingly cooks dinner for us. And what delicious food!

People often say that my dad is easy to talk to. After all, he is a fairly erudite person, knowledgeable in many issues. In addition, he is a professional in his field and knows everything about freight forwarding.

My father loves and appreciates our family: me, my mother and my brother. Both parents are relaxing fresh air, travel and just watch TV shows. Dad willingly gives flowers to mom because he loves her more than anything in the world.

Father scolds us rarely. Just his opinion is enough - and my brother and I are ready to do everything possible so as not to disappoint native person.

Characteristics of the Pope

I can talk about my father for hours. He spares nothing for the children. Father constantly gives us gifts, buys everything we want: he gives jewelry and cosmetics to his wife and daughter, and toys to his son Artyomushka.

I am proud that I look like my father, because he is very handsome: tall, slender, well built. They say that if a daughter looks like her father, then she will be happy. I hope so.

My dad considers himself happy man because he has us. He spends all his free time with his family. We often go with dad for a walk in the park. There we ride on a swing, feed the pigeons. Then be sure to go to a cafe and eat ice cream.

When the weather allows, we willingly go for mushrooms, fishing, and berries. This summer, we rested together by the sea. Dad bought a lot of souvenirs. Memories of the holidays spent with my family will stay with me forever.

Dad is a caring son. We often go to my grandmother, father's mother. Her father bought her a house in the village so that her mother could be calm and comfortable. My dad is a skilled owner: he made repairs in his grandmother's house on his own. I also bought new furniture and appliances there. He takes care of her, visits weekly, helps with the housework.

I have great respect for my dad. After all, he needs very little - support and understanding. He taught me to be decent, humane, hardworking, exceptionally responsible, responsive, attentive to others. I am eternally grateful to him for this. My family knows that it is the father who is our pride.

I wish you, my dear daddy, good health, happiness, long life. Your daughter Yana loves you, my best dad in the world!

Essay about dad "My father is the best in the world"

Dad - important word in the life of every person. It sounds proud and as weighty as mom. So we call the father - a dear person who, together with the mother, gave life to each of us. It is very good when there is not only a biological father, but also a father-educator, who personifies the protector and breadwinner in the family. And if this is the same person who is a worthy role model, loves his child and helps in everything, then living in such a family is happiness.

This is exactly what I can say about my relationship with my father. He is the best one in the whole world.

Being a father is not only a great joy, but also a responsibility. First of all, before the family - wife, children ...

My dad is aware of this and tries to do everything and everywhere. How many things he has to do! He spends a lot of time at work because he has to earn money. The father takes care of his family and strives to provide them with the best. And he succeeds very well, because my mother and I do not lack anything.

It is difficult to overestimate the role that my father played in my life. He has always been and remains for me a model of a real man - a faithful, caring, responsible, patriot of his country. By his own example, he shows me how important it is to have your own opinion and not depend on anyone. Together with my mother, my father teaches me the wisdom of life. He says that the main thing is to remain an honest and decent person in any situation. I am very grateful to my dad for everything - for careful attitude to yourself, for love, for a carefree childhood.

We, children, will forever remain indebted to our parents, because their gift - life - is priceless.

My father is very a kind person. He will always help with good advice, save in moments of danger, teach what mother can never teach. He will help fix a broken toy, teach him how to ride a bike, and later on how to drive a car. Dad will take with him on a hike or fishing and will always cheer you up in a moment of sadness. He is ready to help at any time - both in everyday life and in school. And, of course, he will sincerely rejoice at the success of his child, even the most insignificant. In any situation, he will protect and will not allow anyone to offend. With him you feel safe, like behind a stone wall.

My dad and I are very fun and interesting to spend time. The most joyful childhood memories are associated with it. Who, besides him, will throw it up to the ceiling so that the soul freezes, who will catch up and tickle, who will remove the kitten from the tree ... With whom it is not scary even on the darkest street ... How can one not love him for all this ?!

My father is my pride, an example of a strong, determined, real man. He takes care of my mother and me and takes his duties very seriously. Family is above all for him. That's why I'm proud of my dad and try not to disappoint him in anything.