Tattoo on the calf male sketches of a bear. The meaning of the tattoo "Bear" or what does the tattoo "Bear" mean? What does a bear tattoo mean on a male body

Such irreconcilable qualities as kindness and rage, tenderness and ferocity, nobility and bloodthirstiness have merged in this unique animal. A bear tattoo is not a very common animal for a sketch, but those who choose it, no doubt, can boast of the strength of the body and spirit.

Bear in a fur coat, leg tattoo

The formidable master of the forests is present in mythologies and cultures around the world. Traditionally, it was associated with military strength and fearlessness, which is why only those who especially distinguished themselves on the battlefield were allowed to wear the skin of this animal.

For the northern peoples, the bear was one of the most revered animals, it was often considered a totem animal and the ruler of the other world. In ancient Egypt and India, the beast was associated with undeniable power, so only the rulers put his image on their body.

In ancient Greece, the bear was the companion of the fearless goddess of the hunt, Artemis. The Celts associated the animal with fertility, childbearing, the Moon and the feminine. In China, on the contrary, the bear was revered as a male beast, personifying power and authority.

This is interesting. Eastern belief says that a meeting with this powerful predator speaks of the imminent birth of a son. And a girl who thinks about a bear during pregnancy will definitely give birth to a boy.

Sleeve with fighting bears on the background of nature

The Japanese beast was considered the embodiment of wisdom, charity and justice, and the Indians believed that the bear stops natural disasters, being the true energy of peace and freedom. Close to nature, the indigenous peoples of America were among the first to note that behind the outward ferocity of the predator lies an affectionate and peaceful nature, and the Indians also used its image to communicate with spirits.

Scandinavian mythology ascribes blind rage to the beast, and it is in this animal that the supreme formidable gods Odin and Thor are embodied in myths.

In Russia, a bear tattoo is especially popular due to the fact that this animal symbolizes our cold, harsh country for most foreigners. From time immemorial, Russians have considered the bear the embodiment of courage, hunting ingenuity and good luck. It is not uncommon for an animal to be interpreted as a desire for resurrection and the beginning of a new life. Such symbolism is directly related to the fact that the bear wakes up after hibernation in order to continue its life path.

Christians did not favor the bear with positive connotations, considering it the embodiment of gluttony, revenge, greed and cruelty. Alchemists, on the other hand, used the animal to denote chaos, striving for order.

Bear grin - sketch of a tattoo

Who is the tattoo for?

  • People seeking to move forward, spiritual rebirth.
  • Courageous, warlike, even somewhat rude and callous people.
  • And, on the contrary, those who believe that sensitivity, tenderness and kindness are hidden behind a tough appearance.
  • Straightforward, responsible, honest, noble personalities. This is the category of people who have nothing to hide from anyone.
  • Confident in themselves and their strength warriors.
  • Women, and even men, striving for a family, caring and ready to stand up for their relatives to the end.

Important. If you have settled on a realistic image of an animal, then choose a tattoo artist responsibly. Not every artist is able to qualitatively convey the play of chiaroscuro, to work out the plasticity of movements and appearance.

polar bear on leg

Picture Options

Depending on the purpose for which the bear tattoo is applied, its sketches can vary greatly:

  • Grizzly. One of the most terrible and ferocious bears speaks of determination and unstoppable strength. This dangerous, one-ton predator is usually depicted in a menacing stance, standing on its hind legs, snarling, ready to attack.
  • The white color of the animal is associated with originality, loneliness and the desire to survive.
  • Panda is applied to their body not only by those who sympathize with the endangered species of animals, but also by those who want to focus on kindness, friendship and optimism. Probably the koala has a similar meaning.
  • The brown bear embodies power, fearlessness and fortitude.
  • The roaring animal symbolizes hunting ferocity, furious struggle.
  • A calm beast indicates harmony, wisdom, justice and obedience.
  • The bear is associated with the motherly feelings of the bearer, caring, tenderness, affection.
  • The paw of a predator refers to courage and unshakable power.
  • The image of bear claw marks is very popular; they embody military prowess and nobility.
  • Realistic drawing conveys all the beauty and hidden grace of the animal.
  • Cartoon images, little cute bear cubs with big eyes are a frequent choice among girls who emphasize their eccentricity and craving for childhood with such a pattern.
  • The beast against the background of the Russian tricolor will speak of the owner's desire to emphasize his belonging to the Russian nation.
  • A teddy bear is a purely girlish version of the sketch, emphasizing tenderness, purity and kindness in young ladies. However, soft toy horror movie style interesting idea for male.
  • Sometimes the sketch of the animal is supplemented with stars, as if reminding that the bear has its own constellation, often referred to as the "Ladle".
  • A photographic sketch depicting a bear in its natural habitat, among forests and lakes, is often stuffed not for the sake of the image of the animal, but for the sake of the aesthetic component of the composition.
  • People who want to convey the magical meaning of an Indian beast are advised to depict a bear surrounded by feathers, lightning or arrows. In this case, the tribal tattoo style is often used.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade in the form of a grin of a bear

Stuffed a bear on his back as a powerful protector. I noticed that many began to treat me differently now, with some apprehension. Such a sketch greatly raises self-esteem, I advise everyone!

Grigory, Petrozavodsk

Bear grin on the guy's chest

Tattoo area

If you are impressed by the bear tattoo, the meaning and symbolism of this pattern, then you should decide on the place of its application.

On my shoulder, the master depicted a trace from the claws of a bear. The tattoo is done very skillfully, and the scratches look like real ones. In my opinion, this is a stylish and non-binding decoration.

Arseny, Ulyanovsk

Bear grin in flowers, shoulder tattoo

For a large and furious animal, as a rule, such open and extensive areas of the body as the chest, back, male muscular shoulder, and shoulder blades are assigned. The bear is not one of those animals that hide, therefore, its image on the body should be clearly visible.

Often this pattern is found as part of a sleeve or golf. It sets the general tone of a large-scale composition. To the question of what a bear tattoo can be, the photos in our article fully answer.

He is respected by the Slavs for strength and courage, our fairy tales describe him as a kind man, overseas infidels consider him the embodiment of evil. Most peoples consider him their ancestor and patron, shaman's assistant, healer, master of the lower world. Such a different and dangerous bear will be examined under our microscope today. Again, the meaning of a bear tattoo will be ambiguous in different cultures and it will be up to you to interpret the image that you decide to put on the body correctly. So, get ready for the questions of others about the secret meaning of your tattoo.

By the way, this is how we get to know each other, because asking what the bear tattoo on the shoulder means is a normal reason to talk to a stranger. The main thing is not to grab the full from the owner of such a tattoo: not everyone will tattoo the grin of a bear if he himself does not have a daring, independent character. And this tattoo is also applied by the leaders of gangs and criminal groups as a sign of their leadership.

Another meaning in the modern interpretation is that the bear helps to heal mental and bodily wounds. And remember about the "bear cubs"? Our lockpickers. Such people were marked with a tattoo of a bear with an axe.

The rulers often put the image of a bear on their bodies, comparing themselves with this animal in courage, will and care for their people. The owner of the forest personifies strength, resilience, power, courage, determination and at the same time kindness, protection, care. And his ability to hibernate in winter and wake up again every spring, for seekers secret meaning is a symbol of the beginning of a new life.

Even the very concept of "Master of the Forest" or "King of the Forest" gives the owner of a tattoo with a bear his confidence and self-respect, and therefore the respect of others. It’s only the beginning of the article, but already there are so many values ​​​​for one little bear, therefore, as you will see later, this symbol is interpreted in such a variety of ways that everyone can find a meaning to their liking or come up with their own. Remember with what thoughts you make a tattoo, what meaning you personally give it, it will be such a talisman for you.

By the way, a bear tattoo is one of the few symbols that affects its wearer exclusively in a positive way.

The image of bears in the art and culture of other peoples

Most often there are bears in the paintings of Russian artists. They are depicted as calm, going about their business or with cubs. Another facet of art is the image of a bear hunt. Animal grin we rarely see it in domestic galleries, so we went looking for it across the seas and oceans, and found the work of the American artist Adam Smith.

His paintings can even be safely taken as a basis for a bear grin tattoo. The meaning of such a picture is interpreted as a warning: in general, I am kind, but I can give change. This is strength of mind and confidence, willingness to fight enemies.

If we see his grin, it means that we are still alive, and he roars his fury, ferocity, reminds us that he is a dangerous hunter and it is better not to get in his way.

  • The Celts wore medallions with a bear's mouth on their bodies, considering him to be their patron. Their women asked the she-bear for protection and help in childbirth.
  • Egyptian pharaohs and Indian rajahs considered him a symbol of undeniable power.
  • The Chinese see in this sign male energy, courage, dominance, strength.
  • The Slavs believe that it brings peace, prosperity, personifies the mind, nobility, protection, courage. Such drawings were applied to themselves by hunters to gain the strength and courage of a bear.
  • The Indians revered the bear as a deity. It was believed that the beast could control the elements, stop hurricanes, so they asked him for protection during the raging nature.

Since there are not only brown bears in the world, each breed will have its own meaning:

  • Koala and panda are the personification of fun and good nature.
  • Grizzlies - the habit of winning even in the most non-standard situations, confidence and determination.
  • The polar bear is a reminder to us of the peoples of the north, God Odin, the conscious choice of loneliness, the intention to achieve the goal, bypassing all obstacles.
  • Brown bear - struggle, independence, power.

The meaning of a bear tattoo for women

Knowing the love of girls for any baby, we often see tattoos in the form of cubs. Anyway, best tattoos it is our compatriots who stuff the bear, because this symbol is deep inside us, we accept it subconsciously, which means we stuff it with love.

The image of a bear will help to emphasize your caring, fertility, maternal instinct, that is, the feminine essence. It is known that drawings on the body are depicted not only to reflect their character, but also to enhance its qualities. So, if there is not enough female energy and confidence, such a symbol is able to reveal them.

It even happens that a girl’s body is far from a teddy bear and not even a bear. Why do girls stuff themselves with the image of the harsh king of the forest? And out of patriotism and pride in the country. The bear is a symbol of Russia, and if you saw a woman with such a tattoo, then you know she loves her homeland. Men have the same thing, it’s just that such pictures are more typical for them. Therefore, there is a whole direction called "tattoo Russian bear." Here he can be depicted with an accordion, in a hat with earflaps and a red star, or with an axe. And the message of such a picture: “We are terrible with our unpredictability!”

Girls love to portray the bear as kind and obedient. Preference is given to a bear tattoo on the arm, shoulder blade, side or thigh. Often, in this way, a woman tries to protect her vulnerability. Because of the love for astrology, a tattoo of a polar bear with a bear cub in honor of the constellation is depicted on the body, which means calmness, wisdom, detachment, care for us from above, patronage and female energies. Another meaning among the Celts is that the bear is a lunar sign, which means female, so women in labor considered it their amulet and talisman.

The meaning of a bear tattoo for men

As you can see, the meaning of a bear tattoo changes depending on who ordered it. Women take for themselves all the peaceful qualities of bears and bears, men - the remaining strong-willed, hunting features of the beast. Men's tattoos a bear on the sternum means aggression, a willingness to attack the offender, courage and self-confidence.

When the muzzle of the beast is painted on the back, the owner is protected from deceit. If you do not want to stuff a picture in honor of the aggressive qualities of the beast, then it has more peaceful meanings: remember, the bear loves to eat well, and laziness is his middle name.

Like the yakuza who clog their entire arms and body with dragons, our response to Japanese culture is three-dimensional paintings depicting the king of the forest. Just remember that when you decide to get a bear tattoo, the sleeve is the most difficult to perform technically, but it is less common. Therefore, this way to emphasize your individuality will be more original. Although for good master to score any part of the body is like two fingers on the asphalt. Good means not cheap. Beware of fakes, as they say.

Do not forget that we all come from the army and here the bear has another purpose. Bear grin tattoos are often inflicted by employees in the Airborne Forces. The bear tattoo in a beret has the same meaning. If you look at this symbolism from the point of view of the impact on the energy of a man, then it helps to strengthen your strong-willed qualities and in any case has a positive impact.

Beautiful bear tattoos not only look great on the body, but also have a deep meaning. These animals are considered strong and noble creatures, which makes them a popular motif for tattoos. In nature, there are many different varieties of bears: brown, white, grizzly, panda, and each of them has its own symbolic meaning. Accordingly, the tattoo design is chosen by a person, depending on what meaning he wants to put into the drawing.

Bear tattoos - meaning

Bear tattoos symbolize both positive and negative meanings. For boys, they are associated with masculine qualities, such as strength, courage and protection, and for girls, with feminine qualities: creativity, motherhood, observation. Some draw strength from the images of bears and perceive them as spiritual guides through the most difficult stages of life.

The meaning of a bear tattoo: power, strength, aggression, confidence, cheerfulness, attack, motherhood, spirituality, fearlessness and a strong connection with the outside world.

A typical bear tattoo reflects a person's desire for freedom and strength. On the other hand, this beast can be seen as a sweet and noble creature, showing aggression only when it is in danger.

Depending on the design, the stylized bear can radiate strength, aggression, playfulness, or spiritual strength.

In some cultures, the bear is considered a terrifying animal and is associated with fighting and aggression. Therefore, the meanings of a bear tattoo depend on the message that its owner puts into the drawing.

Many people get bear tattoos because they believe they bring self-confidence and protection from negative influences.

Best Bear Tattoo Ideas

These attractive but dangerous animals inspire people with awe because of their sharp fangs, long claws and powerful jaw. Therefore, design options can vary significantly depending on what a person wants to express when getting a bear tattoo on their body.

For some, it may be a cute bear in a beret, for others, the open mouth of a bear, which speaks of aggression. In addition, the meaning of a bear tattoo can vary depending on the type of animal.

Consider a few popular ideas that you can choose for your future tattoo.

Polar bear

This animal has a spiritual and cultural relationship to the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic. The Eskimos respect them for their excellent hunting abilities, and the Nenets from Siberia believe that wearing fangs as a talisman can protect a person from any evil. The Eskimo and Inuit tribes have countless legends about these animals.

A polar bear tattoo can represent a symbol of purity, rebirth and transformation. Anyone who has gone through hardships can choose this tattoo to depict a transformation in life. Also, a bear tattoo can represent strong family and bonds.

Brown bear

These animals have been revered for their protective qualities in many cultures. That is why the bear tattoo is one of the most popular designs in body art. As a rule, the animal is depicted on the body in full growth or its muzzle, claws or jaws. Moreover, it is not necessary to depict a ferocious bear with a grin on a tattoo: the special protective forces that a drawing gives its owner will work even when a calm image of an animal is applied.


Females are known for their affection for cubs, as well as their ferocity in protecting cubs in dangerous situations. Bear tattoos are liked by those girls who want to show their love and kindness towards children.

Bear grin

This design exudes the immense strength and ferocity of a majestic beast. Typically, a bear's head with a grin is placed on wider and larger areas: on the sternum, on the shoulder, or on the back. Sometimes the drawing can be done in 3D to add realism and beauty.

Paws and claws

Bear paw prints mean motherhood, gentle spirit and strength. They can also denote mobility and purposefulness in achieving goals.

Bear claw tattoos symbolize good luck, stability, power and mobility.


The image of a grizzly on the body is identified with its powerful and warlike spirit. In Native American culture, the grizzly was a spiritual animal that guided fallen warriors to the afterlife.


Pandas are considered one of the rarest animals in the world. Therefore, panda tattoos mean rare luck and balance. Also, in Chinese culture, they are associated with the Yin-Yang symbol due to their black and white coloration.


Koalas are known for their calm nature and friendliness. In the folklore of the natives, koalas bring wisdom to people and are the keepers of earthly memories. Therefore, a drawing with this animal will symbolize wisdom, calmness, measuredness, optimism.

Teddy bear

Cute and teddy bear is every child's favorite toy. For this reason, teddy bear tattoos can be inked on their body by those people who want to create a playful look. Such an image will carry good thoughts: coquettishness, mercy, sincerity, friendliness.

Teddy Bear

Plush toys "Teddy Beer" got its name thanks to the worthy deed of the former President of America - Theodore Roosevelt, who refused to kill the bear cub during the hunt. Artistic teddy bear tattoos represent sympathy, affection, purity and symbolize childhood. Teddy Bear can be used as a memorial tattoo design for those who "lost" a child.

tribal style

A tribal bear tattoo embodies spirituality, courage, aggressiveness. Basically, tribal designs are used for male tattoos.

Other popular tattoo options include combining the main motif with other elements such as bees, trees, ice floes and other animals such as the wolf.

Regardless of which design you choose for your future tattoo, it will catch the eye of those around you with its beauty and originality.

A bear in a hat with earflaps, a warrior beast and a geometry style are the most common tattoo sketches.

The best places on the body for a bear tattoo

For men, the ideal places to ink are on the arm, leg, shoulder, chest and back.

In women, bear tattoos look great on the shoulder blade, on the forearm, on the wrist, on the hips and on the calves.

Male and female tattoo sketches and photos of finished works

For those who want to portray the power and charm of an animal, it is recommended to apply realism tattoos. This design involves careful drawing of details, which, in the final result, will give the image a special beauty.

Those who want to bring bright colors and cartoonishness to the image can think about watercolor and old school styles.

Less often you can find drawings made in the technique of dotwork, trash polka and tribal. Most often, these styles are observed in male tattoos.

On the presented photos you can see the original works of tattoo artists from all over the world. We hope that any sketch will make it easier for you to choose your future drawing.

0 Bears are more than just little toys in stores around the world. American shamans believed that bears were a link to the spirit world and still perform numerous rituals in their honor. In Norse culture, the god Odin was often depicted as a bear. I recommend that you add our site to your bookmarks in order to become more familiar with the meaning of not only tattoos, but also street slang and prison slang. Today we will tell you, as you probably already guessed, about bear tattoo, you can find out the value a little lower.
Before continuing, I want to advise you a couple of other news on the subject of tattoos. For example, what does Bat Tattoo mean; meaning of Barbed Wire Tattoo; what does Crocodile Tattoo mean; how to understand the Dragonfly Tattoo, etc.
So let's continue Bear tattoo on the shoulder, meaning?

Ancient people wore the skin and bones of bears, believing that this would allow them to absorb some of the spiritual and physical strength of the animal. Bears have long been associated with Native Americans who viewed these animals as great warriors, displaying incredible strength, courage, and fearlessness in the face of their enemies.

IN Sioux people, the bear is associated with Healing and Medicine. Legend has it that a sick bear was cured after eating mahogany leaves. One girl noticed this healing effect with a bear, after which she spread the word about the healing abilities of the plant to her sisters in the Sioux tribe.

Meaning of Bear Tattoo

For many, bears embody a range of traits that have different meanings to the wearer. Most often, bear tattoos symbolize:
  • Strength
  • cheerfulness
  • Protection
  • Motherhood
  • Bravery
  • Spirituality and deep connection with nature
  • Power
  • Confidence
  • Sunday (bears wake up after a long break after winter).

Bear Tattoo Design Options

From bright colors Haida tattoos to intricate patterns in Japanese style Bear tattoos have numerous cultural elements. Popular tattoo designs include:

Haida Bear Tattoos

Haida Bear Tattoos come from the oldest indigenous tribe in North America, the Haida, who live in British Columbia, Canada, and Alaska. In their tradition, the Bear represents motherhood, protection, spirituality and wisdom (the animal is usually associated with an elderly relative). Haida Bear tattoo images are either red, green or black.

Teddy Bear Tattoo

It is hard to imagine the world today without this delightful toy. The teddy bear is named after US President Theodore Roosevelt after rumors spread that he refused to kill a black bear on a hunting expedition. To create a toy to perpetuate the noble deed of the president, it occurred to the heads of two companies operating independently on opposite sides of the Atlantic, the American one - Morris Mihtom and Steins from Germany. The Teddy Bear tattoo symbolizes love, affection, innocence and is a typical symbol of childhood.

Bear Paw and Bear Claw Tattoos

Hip-hop artist Eva is known for her distinctive paw print tattoos on her chest. It is believed that Bear Paw and Bear Claw tattoos symbolize good luck, stability, power and mobility.

Tribal Bear Tattoo

Tribal tattoos have spiritual significance in the regions from which they originate. Although the exact meaning of each tribal symbol has long been lost, Tribal Bear tattoos usually embody spirituality, a deep connection with nature and Native American culture.

Celtic Bear Tattoo

Bear tattoos with Celtic influences are deeply rooted in spirituality and paganism. Wearing a Celtic bear tattoo design usually symbolizes your connection to the natural elements, strong ties to Irish tradition, and your spiritual side. I recommend reading more about the meaning of Celtic symbols.

Grateful Dead Bear Tattoo

The design of the Grateful Dead Bear was created by Bob Thomas as the cover for the band's album The Story of the Grateful Dead: Volume One ("Bear's Choice"). Released in 1973, Bear's Choice peaked at number 60 on the Billboard Top 200. The design pays homage to Owsley "Bear" Stanley, who wrote and released this album. Many people often refer to them as the "Dancing Bears" but don't tell Owsley about it.

"The bears on the album cover don't actually dance. I don't know why people think they do. But it's their choice and I still respect it."- Owsley Stanley.

Panda Bear Tattoo

Panda bears are one of the rarest and most famous bears in the world. Panda Bear tattoos mean good luck, harmony and balance. Pandas have long been associated with the Yin-Yang symbol in Chinese legends due to its distinctive black and white patterns.

Black Bear Tattoo and Grizzly Bear Tattoo

Black bears and grizzlies have a lot in common, including how to create fear in the hearts of people and animals. If you wear any of these images, then you associate yourself with a powerful bear with a strong spirit. The difference between these titans depends mainly on the coloration of each species, Grizzlies are brown, and Black Bears ... well, let them be ... black.

polar bear tattoo

Polar bears have spiritual significance to the indigenous peoples of the Arctic. In Inuit culture, the polar bear is the earthly embodiment of the Great Spirit, Tuurgasuk. The Eskimos revere these animals for their superior hunting skills, and the Nenets in Siberia believe that wearing polar bear dog teeth protects you from spoiling. The Eskimo and Inuit tribes have countless folklore legends that speak of the bear's devotion and love for its cubs. This is one of the reasons for the use of the image of a polar bear in the Coca-Cola Corporation's numerous Christmas advertising campaigns.

California Bear Tattoo

The California bear became part of the state flag in 1846 after a group of American settlers took control of the Mexican garrison of Sonoma. At the start of the Mexican–American War, settlers proudly raised a crude, homemade flag that featured the California Bear, a star, and the words "Republic of California." This project came to mean freedom and independence in honor of the settlers.

Koala Bear Tattoo

Koala bears are friendly, have no problem making contact with humans, and are known for their calm demeanor and cute teddy bear look. In the folklore of the natives, Koalas are the keepers of the memories of the Earth, who "came out" from the depths to bring wisdom to people, and then climbed into the trees to make it easier to follow them. Koala Bear Tattoos symbolize the connection with the Earth, Tranquility, Wisdom and Protection.

Cartoon Bear Tattoo

Most cartoon bear tattoos are a nod to childhood days and include beloved characters such as the Gummi Bears, Yogi Bear, and of course the adorable Winnie the Pooh. These tattoos are suitable for those who are nostalgic for the good old days.

Dark Bear Tattoos

Grim Bear ( Gloomy Bear listen)) is a popular Japanese character created by Maury Chax. Grim often attacks his friend Pitty, and occasionally someone else in his path. A lot of blood always accompanies him, after his numerous meetings.

Choosing the right tattoo design means looking for something that has special meaning to you.

By reading this short article, you have learned Bear tattoo, meaning for men, and now you can make your final choice.

The image of a bear is a unique image. It carries several very different feelings: tenderness, aggression, kindness, and great strength. Bear tattoo means:

  • the beginning of a life path;
  • strength;
  • fortitude of character.

Tattoos are very popular among both men and women. Girls often choose a tattoo in the form of a teddy bear, and guys - in the form of a ferocious big bear.

Bear tattoos are different. Also popular are the grin of the bear, which makes the beast aggressive, and the cute bearish smile, which inclines towards good feelings. Despite its impressive size and ferocious appearance, the bear often carries tenderness and affection.

Bear tattoo and legends

Legends about bears are numerous. Among the most famous are the following:

  1. The Celts personified a bear with a woman who is responsible for fertility and the birth of children. Celtic warriors included bears in their emblems.
  2. The Chinese people considered the bear an exclusively male animal. For them, the image of an animal denoted a unique strength, superiority and courage. The Japanese peoples personified bears with wisdom and justice.
  3. Americans in the distant past elevated the bear to a deity and worshiped him. They believed that bear worship could eliminate natural disasters.
  4. In Egypt and India, bears were also revered and deified. Pharaohs in Egypt stuffed bear tattoos on their bodies. And ordinary people from India and Egypt did not have the right to put such a tattoo on their bodies.
  5. The bear is of great importance in Russia. There are many fairy tales and legends about him. People endow the bear with courage, ferocity, aggression.
  6. Mythology, which has Greek roots, made the bear a symbol of the goddess of the hunt, who was called "Christian Artemis". Islam believed that the bear has dark powers (cruelty, vindictiveness).
  7. In Western countries, the bear was completely associated with the sins of gluttony.

Bear tattoo meaning

The designation of the popular bear tattoo is different.

  • Grizzly bear means:
    • the ability to resolve any confusing situation;
    • the ability to get out of any life problems.
  • A tattoo in the form of a polar bear means:
    • loneliness;
    • striving for life, in spite of any difficulties and hardships;
    • symbolism of the northern people.
  • The koala bear (panda) is characterized by the following symbols:
    • good nature of character;
    • optimism.
  • The image of brown bears carries the meaning of power and serious struggle.

However, not only the bear itself has a certain meaning. An important place is occupied by the body parts of a ferocious beast.

  • The grin on the face of a bear means:
    • courageous attitude;
    • courage;
    • the strength of the spirit.

    Bear grin is popular with men.

  • Bear paws denote strength, power. The claws of the paws of a bear has the meaning of military prowess, nobility. In some countries, bear claws have a mystical designation.
  • The image of the head of a large ferocious bear means rage and aggression.

The meaning of a bear tattoo is different. The bear can mean not only wisdom and obedience, but also feelings of rage and ferocity.

Bear tattoo style

The most common bear tattoos are made in the most realistic way. The bear is portrayed as strong and powerful. Specialists carry out a successful combination of drawing with shadows, so all plasticity and movements are transmitted very realistically. If a bear tattoo is combined with elements of nature, then you can get a real work of art.

The cartoonish and humorous image of bears looks very interesting and relevant among young people. Many people ask for a Celtic or Scythian bear tattoo. The tattoo element includes braided elements. They look very organic and complement the picture.

The tribal performance style is quite common. This style includes a geometric pattern consisting of peculiar straight lines. The lines represent a bear. Geometric figures have sharp ends. The picture is filled with color.