Forearm tattoos and their meanings. Forearm tattoos Men's forearm tattoos

Forearms like an art object. This is how Ivan Okhlobystin used his hands. The actor has a blue dragon tattooed above his right hand. It is also called the water serpent and is especially revered in Japan. Okhlobystin notes that he associates himself with a mythical animal capable of being fierce and kind at the same time.

The drawing is also on the artist’s left forearm. The image resembles a bracelet that appeared on Ivan’s wedding day. His wife did the same. In artistic language, the symbols mean: “Together forever.” What does their location say?

The meaning of the tattoo on the forearm

What do they mean tattoo designs on forearm Vladimir Putin probably knows. The President is not fond of tattoos, but he is well-versed in judo. Putin has been engaged in this martial art since the age of 14, he has a black belt. So, the politician probably knows about the omote- and uro-shakutaku points. These are energy centers located on the forearms.

In judo, they are used to deliver painful blows. If you endure them, then you are a strong and skillful warrior. That's why forearm tattoo designs considered as a symbol of masculinity and readiness for battle.

By the way, Ivan Okhlobystin is also connected with judo. The actor himself hardly exercises, but he gave all his sons to martial arts. Perhaps they will follow in the footsteps of their father and, in the future, they will also do it on their hands. For guys, they are considered classics, because they highlight the muscular relief. It's nice to be appreciated by others. The philosophical meaning on the forearms is also, as a rule, intended for public appreciation.

The bottom of the arms is rarely hidden under clothing. You need to choose pictures that are understandable not only to yourself, but also to society. Let's take, for example, tattoo on the forearm “Inscriptions”. If they are in their native language, or one of the international ones, there is no need to decipher the lines. Their essence will reach everyone they meet. The phrase “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” indicates that the wearer of the tattoo is not afraid of difficulties. Shakespeare's quote “all the world is a stage” reveals a love of the classics and a perception of life as an adventure.

Graphic symbols are also easy to decipher. These include, for example, the infinity sign. Everyone understands the religious connotations of the Star of David. Geometric shapes provide information about a person's character. Psychologists know, and others feel the energy of a triangle, square, circle at the subconscious level.

The abundance of gentle lines in the pattern is evidence of thoughtfulness, non-conflict, and the desire for harmony. The predominance of angular shapes indicates hot temper, leadership abilities, and organization. Some symbols are traditionally considered feminine, others – masculine. Let's consider both.

Tattoo on the forearm for men

Men's forearm tattoos - photos, which are rarely in color. This is not about the shooting mode, but about the dyes used. Guys prefer classic tattoos. Their monochrome reflects the essence of the male character - a certain sharpness, uncompromisingness, brutality. Let's add practicality to the list, because black and white tattoos fade longer and retain clarity for many years.

This is especially important on open areas of the body, which include the forearms. They are exposed to the rays of the sun and other negative factors. environment. Don't forget about household chemicals. All this washes the pigment out of the skin. Colored inks are less durable than classic inks.

Black and white forearm tattoo – photo, demonstrated by David Beckham. The football player's arms have so-called sleeves. They imitate clothing because they completely cover the forearms with patterns. David's drawings continue above the elbows. The composition includes flowers, female figures and stars. The latter, apparently, are a symbol of Beckham's glory.

Tattoos on the forearm for men - sketches, often containing images of predators, symbols of excitement, weapons, skulls and other intimidating objects. Their main function is an expression of aggression and readiness to stand up for themselves. Although, familiar signs can be interpreted in a non-standard way. So, the same Ivan Okhlobystin stuffs skulls in honor of the birth of children. There are 6 offspring and the same number of tattoos. Only the bones do not serve to intimidate, but are amulets. Seeing the skull, death must understand that there is nothing left for it to do here.

Women's forearm tattoos

Forearm tattoo for girls– the opportunity to decorate the body without experiencing painful shock. The skin on the hands is quite thick, with a minimum of nerve endings. On the forearms, the bones are removed from the surface. All this reduces the discomfort when pricking patterns. Not all girls are ready to endure pain, but slight tingling sensations are a completely different matter.

Ladies prefer not to occupy the entire area of ​​their forearms with drawings. As a rule, requests are made for elongated compositions designed only for the back or front part of the hand. Although, there are exceptions. One of them is American Kat Von Di. She is a famous party girl and tattoo artist. She started by designing her own body, which is how she attracted clients. The girl's hands are covered with tattoos from her hands to her shoulders. In other words, Kat is one of the few ladies who wears sleeves.

Tattoo inscriptions on the forearm - men's and women's favorites equally. However, girlish samples are distinguished by rounded fonts. The essence of a woman’s character is hidden in curls and smooth lines – peacefulness, tenderness, grace. They are also conveyed in artistic symbols: colors, hearts, birds of paradise and butterflies.

Girls often cover their forearms with oriental ornaments. Tattoos that imitate jewelry and accessories are also popular. You can draw gloves, watches, bracelets. Women follow fashion and know that complementing such tattoos with real jewelry is a trend for 2015-2016.

Paired tattoos on the forearm

Tattoos on the forearms are visible to others. This is a reason to show them that your heart is occupied. Method - steam room. Ivan Okhlobystin and his wife chose the same image. But, there is also an option to split one drawing into two. In this case, half of the painting is on the man’s hand, and the second part of the composition is on the woman’s forearm.

It is enough to hold hands for the image to come together. By the way, doubles are also done in the hands of one person. So, for example, you can emphasize the duality of your nature. It is enough to make a color tattoo on one forearm, and black and white on the other.

Some tattoos suggest their place on the human body. Often drawings are applied specifically to the forearm. This is due to a number of reasons. For example, if something happens, you can easily hide a tattoo under your sleeve. There are also paired sketches that two people choose at once. They also look more impressive on just the shin or forearm. Both men and girls get tattoos in this area. Of course, choosing a suitable sketch for yourself.

Who chooses forearm tattoos?

A tattoo on the forearm, the photos of which are quite varied, will decorate both girls and guys. For example, sophisticated images are popular among the fair sex: flowers, birds, delicate ornaments. They are conveniently placed on the forearm area. Such sketches look advantageous when the image is elongated upward.

Inscription on the forearm in the form of a tattoo

Men prefer more laconic images. For example, the biomechanical style, which involves a tattoo in which machines and human flesh are closely connected, looks beautiful on the forearm. The so-called paired images also look interesting. The most commonplace option is half a heart. The drawing seems to be divided in half. At the same time, he looks organic both alone and when combined with his double.

Dagger tattoo on forearm in black and white

Options for men's tattoos

A tattoo on the forearm, the meaning of which means strength, power, courage, is usually preferred by men. For example, these include any type of weapon. Gun tattoos are new. Moreover, initially it was men who chose it, trying to give it severity and brevity. The meaning of such a tattoo is a little hooligan. The owner of the image is capable of violent antics, is not afraid of the law, and lives by his own rules. By the way, despite the fact that a tattoo with a weapon often carries aggression, the image of a pistol is most often perceived as something playful and frivolous.

Bacon tattoo with inscription on the forearm

Important! A tattoo on the forearm depicting a revolver is also typical for women. In this case, the weapon is usually depicted as embellished and miniature. However, there are exceptions. So, wanting to give themselves more masculinity, women can draw sketches with large types of weapons, even guns and tanks.

Black and white tattoo on the forearm with a symbol and a trident

Pros of tattoos on the forearm

There are many reasons for applying an image to the forearm area:

  • In case of unforeseen situations, such as a strict dress code, for example, you can easily hide a tattoo on the forearm, the sketch of which the employer did not like, under a long sleeve;
  • Availability of a sufficiently large area. Large sketches can be placed on the forearm without fear of spoiling the drawing;
  • Easy to add and modify. There is plenty of room to roam in this area. Therefore, a tattoo that requires modification can be easily “finished.”
  • The image on the forearm is easy to see using a mirror. It is also noticeable to others.
  • Slight pain. Of course, there are areas where getting a tattoo becomes unpleasant, but usually such problems do not arise with the forearm.

Astronaut Fishing - Forearm Tattoo

Women's tattoo options

Typically female tattoos include beautiful, graceful tattoos. For example, flowers. The meaning of the tattoo directly depends on the plant depicted. So, a rose speaks of a passionate nature, slightly dreamy, but sometimes harsh in judgment. The antipode of roses is often wildflowers, daisies, and cornflowers. On the contrary, they speak of timid and romantically inclined natures. The owner of this type of tattoo dreams of a strong feeling, while she is very trusting. Separately, you can highlight exotic flowers, for example, a blooming cherry branch. This speaks of original, mysterious girls. They combine modesty and passion, timidity and the desire to be heard.

Ankh symbol tattoo with shadow on forearm

I have a beautiful flowering branch on my forearm. And no, it’s not even sakura, as it has become popular. This is an apple tree in bloom. For me it is a symbol of purity and innocence. I also chose it because of my love for the country. Do you remember how these inflorescences smell? This is divine! Moreover, there is a hidden meaning in this. Any flower will then produce fruit. It’s the same with me, if you wait, new facets may open up.

Violetta, Nizhny Novgorod.

Marine themed forearm tattoo

Unisex tattoos

There are a number of designs that look good on the forearm and can be used by either gender. These include images of animals. But there are differences here too. For example, girls choose graceful creatures, cats, tigresses, lynxes, foxes. Men prefer aggressive individuals: bears, lions, bulls.

Did you know? A lion tattoo is a symbol of sexuality. This is due to the fact that on average this animal mates about 600 times per week. Moreover, both males and females are polygamous, that is, they have contacts with several partners.

Indian portrait tattoo on forearm

Also popular tattoos that both boys and girls are happy to apply include various ornaments. These kinds of images are also slightly different. For example, women's tattoos are characterized by smoother lines, soft curls, and rounded shapes. IN men's options Sharp features, sharp edges, and large geometric shapes predominate. There are also differences in colors. There are two color options for patterns on men's skin - too dark or bright. Women's tattoos usually have muted shades and halftones. However, we must not forget that there are always exceptions.

I have tattoos on both forearms. One shows a copper with exposed fangs. It is made so realistically that it seems as if the animal is rushing right at you. Splashes fly from under his paws. For me it is a symbol of courage and strength. The second one has a fancy pattern. Average rating: 3.9 out of 5.

As they said in one famous film, the east is a delicate matter. We won’t say anything about the East, but these words clearly apply to tattoos. You need to know how to make tattoos, and in this article we will talk about the features of applying a tattoo on the forearm.

Benefits of forearm tattoos.

According to statistics, about 35% of tattoos are applied to the part of the arm between the hand and elbow. This is the most popular place among modern youth. This is not surprising, because a tattoo on the forearm is characterized by:

  • the ability to hide your hand with your sleeve in situations that force you to do so (compliance with the dress code at work, during an official reception or public speaking);
  • large area of ​​application of the image (sketches of tattoos on the forearm can include quite large drawings);
  • flexibility (since the forearm area is extensive, the main picture can always be supplemented with new patterns);
  • good visibility (decorated hands are clearly visible not only to others, but also to the owner himself);
  • painlessness (due to the presence of a thick layer of muscle tissue, sensitivity when pierced with a machine decreases).

Forearm tattoos for men.

The meaning of a tattoo can vary. Typically, young men choose illustrations that embody their character traits. The most popular tattoos for guys are:

  • weapons (swords and daggers immediately warn outsiders about the strength and severity of their owner’s character; pistols, despite the formidable appearance, are perceived as an indicator of frivolity);
  • aggressive animals (the bear symbolizes masculinity and courage, the lion symbolizes authority, perseverance and sexuality, the bull symbolizes male power and strength);
  • ornaments (among such tattoos, clear lines with pointed ends predominate).

Most men's tattoos are made in the following styles:

  • engraving;
  • biomechanics and bioorganics;
  • linework;
  • oriental;
  • old school;
  • realism;
  • dotwork;
  • ornamental;
  • ethnicity;
  • Celtic;
  • Japanese;
  • Maori;
  • haida.

Forearm tattoo for girls.

Women are gentle and sensitive creatures. They choose images that convey a message less to the world than to a man. The fairer sex likes to put the following pictures on their forearm:

  • flowers (for example, a rose is a symbol of love, ambition and passion; wildflowers show the romantic nature of the owner of the tattoo; exotic plants (for example, a sakura branch) personify the mystery and unknown nature of the true character);
  • animals of the feline family (the cat speaks of the beauty and grace of a young lady, the tigress - of emotionality and passion, the lynx - of insight and intelligence);
  • patterns (the feminine principle is symbolized by soft colors, rounded shapes and smooth lines).

Ladies prefer to make drawings in the following styles:

  • realism;
  • minimalism;
  • watercolor;
  • linework;
  • graphic arts;
  • ornamental;
  • ethnicity;
  • baroque;
  • abstraction.

Recently, paired tattoos have begun to gain momentum. They are stuffed on the forearms of lovers, friends, and relatives. The illustrations on two people's hands will not necessarily be identical. They can complement each other, be simply similar in appearance, or be unique puzzles of the whole picture.

A tattoo on the forearm is a choice for those who do not want their design to go unnoticed. It's hard to think of a more noticeable place (not to mention the face or neck, of course). Tattoos on the forearm, while not the height of fashion, remain at the crest of popularity for many years.

Of course, many people believe that the forearm is a pop place, so it’s better to choose the wrist or, at worst, top part legs. But let us hasten to object to this myth. At the moment, there are tattoos everywhere, so you are unlikely to be able to be original with the place; all the salt should be in the design that you choose.

Men's forearm tattoos

Men's forearm tattoos are often some kind of frightening massive pattern. Previously, inscriptions or hieroglyphs were often struck, but from pure heart We advise you to refrain from such drawings. Nowadays biomechanics is very fashionable: stylized tattoos that appear as if the skin in the chosen place is torn, and under it there are not bones, but a whole mechanism of gears and other parts. Looks impressive.

Of course, it’s ideal when the whole sleeve is clogged with biomechanics, but you can limit it to the forearm. Another option is to opt for a drawing in color, just pay attention to the originality of such a picture: you need it to really mean something to you, otherwise you will quickly stop liking your tattoo.

Women's forearm tattoos

Forearm tattoos for women are also very common. There is a much greater variety of hackneyed designs here: a lot of hieroglyphs, flowers, butterflies, inscriptions, hearts... The choice, of course, is up to you. But if you want a truly original tattoo, stick with the pattern. By the way, it is not at all necessary to choose from those that you have seen somewhere.

You can choose any pattern and make a sketch from it. Despite the fact that it is quite simple, compared to volumetric and colored works, often the original pattern looks much more unusual.

Getting tattoos on the forearm is almost painless. Of course, some moments may cause you discomfort, but we are not talking about any sharp sensations. Ask yourself those who have already tried: fortunately, there are many such people.

As for the aesthetics of such drawings, it all depends on the quality of the work, as well as on the picture you chose. The forearm is a fairly universal place, so use your imagination, negotiate with the master and enjoy the result, because it won’t keep you waiting long.

Video of forearm tattoo

You can see how a forearm tattoo is made in this video.

Below are photos of forearm tattoos from different tattoo artists.