Life hacks for health and beauty. They really work: weird hacks from beauty experts. Life hacks: unusual situations

Everyone wants to look neat, stylish and well-groomed, spending a minimum of time on it.

Self care hacks will help make this dream come true! We have compiled for you a list of the most effective solutions used by ladies and gentlemen around the world.

With them, you can take care of yourself without effort, as well as special financial and time costs.

Beauty hacks for girls

Every lady wants to look not just good, but amazing.

And everyone knows how much time needs to be spent on maintaining appearance in excellent condition in any situation.

Sometimes it seems that in order to have time to take care of yourself, you need to get up at dawn every day, and there is no limit to this torment.

But of course it is not. Beauty hacks for girls will help you save time and teach you how to use improvised products for unusual purposes. Try it and judge for yourself!

Tip: don't believe all the advice on the net. Not all life hacks work - we have selected only really effective tools for you.


Impeccable makeup immediately gives the face freshness, brightness and showiness.

True, it is not always possible to make it at home: someone lacks the skill, someone lacks the time, and someone does not have the right cosmetics ...

Try to paint with our advice - and all problems will be solved in one step.

The basis of any good makeup is an even tone of the face.

Correctly select the base should be in daylight (note: not white lamps, but ordinary light from the street on an ordinary clear day).

You need to apply the sample not on the hand, but at the chin line - it is there that the skin color is the “arithmetic mean” between the center of the face, neck and ears.

Do not forget about the concealer (proofreader) as well. With a denser structure compared to a foundation, it perfectly masks dark circles under the eyes, redness on the face and décolleté.

By the way, in order to properly shade the area under the eyes, you need to apply concealer not only on it, but also grab your cheek: so that the tone falls in a triangle.

Then gently blend the corrector.

Tip: Apply concealer after foundation. If you do not use the latter, be sure to moisturize the skin with cream or clean water. For dry skin, apply the product with warm fingers, for oily skin - with a brush.

What to do if you urgently need to do a chic make-up, and half of the necessary funds have run out or did not appear at all in your home arsenal?

Take note of the recipes for making homemade cosmetics from improvised means.

For example, for a homemade bronzer, you can use all-natural ingredients:

  1. Tablespoon of cinnamon
  2. A teaspoon of nutmeg powder
  3. A teaspoon of cocoa powder
  4. Two teaspoons corn starch

To make lip gloss, take a matching old eye shadow and mix it thoroughly with a little Vaseline.

Lipstick can act as a blush if you apply it on the back of your hand and from there pick it up for shading with a brush or sponge.

Also, tone and blush can be replaced by thorough washing, applying a light moisturizer to the face and lightly pinching the cheeks.

Moisturizing cream or oil (vegetable, olive or almond) will help to easily and quickly remove makeup even in the absence of special products.

Skin care

Let's start with the basics: sunscreen. Admit it, do you use it in winter?

This must be done: even if the sun does not warm at all, ultraviolet radiation still affects the skin.

Just choose the level of SPF protection you need: 15 is enough for winter, while in summer the lower acceptable threshold is SPF 30, and that is for dark-skinned ladies.

Tip: a thin layer of cream in winter will help the skin to better tolerate exposure to low temperatures. Just apply it some time before going out - at least half an hour, and ideally - about an hour.

If the skin is flaky, it is not necessary to endure it or clog the pores with a moisturizer (which, by the way, does little to help with flaking). Better use a colorless lip balm.

Applying every few hours will noticeably ease the suffering.

Just make sure that there is no menthol in the composition, otherwise you will flaunt a reddened nose or cheeks - menthol increases blood circulation.

Redness, inflammation and pimples can be effectively treated with eye drops or a cold spray.

They will help to quickly reduce the affected area.

But if irritation occurs on the skin after shaving, you should use soothing and cooling agents (as an emergency measure, you can steal aftershave lotion from your boyfriend or husband, but don’t get carried away).

And you can prepare a special mixture by taking:

  1. One to two teaspoons of almond oil
  2. 30 drops of peppermint oil
  3. 30 drops tea tree oil

It not only soothes and softens the skin, but also slows down hair growth in the future.

For many girls, dark circles under the eyes are a serious problem.

It is sometimes difficult to cope with them even with the help of cosmetics, and indeed - you want to look good even in your natural form.

In this case, green tea will help. Brew a couple of bags, put them on a saucer and enjoy a drink ... And then put the cooled bags on your eyes - they help. For a noticeable effect, ten minutes of compress is enough.

Hair care

Beautiful and well-groomed hair- sign real lady. But how much time does hair care take!

Here are some tips to help you manage chic hair effortlessly.

Don't wash your hair too often. By doing this, you wash away natural fats and oils from the scalp and provoke their increased production - which means that the hair becomes dirty even faster.

A couple of times a week will be enough.

Tip: Wash your hair with warm, not hot water. And when you take a bath or shower, but do not wash your hair, protect it from steam and temperature with a special hat.

Newfangled shampoos can be replaced with cheap and effective home remedies.

For example, instead of shampoo, you can use ordinary soda, dissolving a few tablespoons in a glass of water. Egg scrambled eggs are an excellent conditioner.

And most effective remedy for health, strength and beauty of hair - thorough combing and more freedom.

Useful little things

Neat, well-groomed appearance is not only in the skin, hair and make-up, but also in brand-new clothes.

These simple life hacks for self-care at home will help you always stay neat:

  1. If you don't have an iron, hang your clothes in a hot tub. Humidity will cause wardrobe items to flatten out under their own weight.
  2. Do not put on things immediately after ironing, but let them cool down. So they will not be covered with new folds.
  3. Tea bags in shoes at night will help get rid of bad breath. And talcum powder or baby powder on the feet will save from its appearance during the day.
  4. The finished antiperspirant can be replaced by applying a solution of salicylic acid (sold in a pharmacy and can be overlooked in a home medication kit).
  5. Fasten your bra straps at an angle so they don't stick out from under your summer tops.

Self care hacks for men

Men often think that special self-care is a waste of time.

All because of the stereotypes that exist in our culture that a man should be “slightly more beautiful than a monkey”, but a well-groomed dandy is most likely gay.

Modern trends are increasingly moving away from these prejudices, and gentlemen can finally breathe freely: you can be neat without any damage to your reputation!

And our self-care life hacks in pictures will allow you not to spend a lot of time and effort on it.

Alas, in our society there is still a common misconception that men do not need to take care of themselves as carefully as ladies.


So that the skin after shaving does not become inflamed and irritated, determine your skin type.

Sensitive dry skin needs mild moisturizing, oily, on the contrary, needs careful removal of sebum residues.

If you still don't have the right aftershave, use a moisturizer or apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, or wash your face with regular soap and gently pat your face dry.

Skin care

What to do if the skin - not only on the face, but also on the body is constantly covered with small pimples or irritation?

For the rapid elimination of redness, as we have already advised above in the section for girls, use drops for the eyes or nose - they constrict blood vessels and help to cope with inflammation.

Tip: do not get carried away with bath procedures. To be clean - best cosmetics for a man, yes, but for daily care a simple rinse will suffice. Too frequent washing leads to the fact that the skin loses its natural protective layer and becomes inflamed more often.

If you have a trip to the beach or to the pool, and you want to impress all the girls with a taut figure (and it is not quite ideal), apply a thin layer of self-tanner on clean skin the day before the planned event.

It is best to use a spray - it is optimally distributed, especially when applied independently.

A light tan visually tightens the skin and makes you more attractive.

Hair care

If you need to quickly tidy your hair, use dry shampoo instead of regular.

Applying the product in the evening will help achieve a stunning effect: excess powder will be removed overnight, and you will get out of bed with clean and shiny hair.

Useful little things

Just a few details will help you create a flawless look in any situation.

Here's what every gentleman should know:

  1. Cuffs and collars are eye-catching. Make sure they are always clean.
  2. Pull your pants up slightly when you sit down. This will help delay the appearance of unattractive elongated knees on clothes.
  3. Shoes are one of the key points in the whole image. Be sure to clean it before going out, use water-repellent products and, of course, choose the right pair for every outing.
  4. Don't go overboard with cologne. A dense cloud of smell, no matter how pleasant it may be, will only repel those around you.
  5. Do you forget or are too lazy to mess with cologne every day? Spray once or twice on a hair brush, and when combing, a pleasant aroma will remain on the hair.

These simple tips will help everyone to easily take care of themselves and look their best in any situation.

You can find even more self-care life hacks in the video:

They helped us with this and commented on the results.

Beauty life hacks: checking for strength

Nail polish and eye shadow

With one clear nail polish and many shades of eyeshadow in your makeup bag, you can create any color finish in a minute. It is enough just to mix the base of the varnish with eyeshadow in a separate container. A very popular beauty secret.


“In theory, everything sounds pretty simple, but in practice there are a number of nuances: the shadows should be crumbly (they won’t work in palettes), very finely ground (usually only professional brands and luxury / premium lines do this), and besides, stir the mixture uniformly and quickly enough difficult. It is better to resort to this method of fixing a manicure only in the most urgent cases: in the air, the varnish begins to thicken and harden quickly, so it becomes difficult to apply it.


If your favorite mascara has begun to dry out, and there is no way to buy a new one yet, dip the closed tube into hot water and leave for 5 minutes.

“This method is only suitable for mascara, which includes paraffin. If it is not included in the composition, add 2-3 drops of moisturizing eye drops (for example, Vizin) to the tube and shake. In no case do not dilute the mascara with water: it will create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms, which can provoke an allergic reaction.


It's easy to save your favorite shadows or compact powder if they break! Collect pieces of eyeshadow or powder on paper, crush them into powder and put them back into the palette. Add 2-3 drops of alcohol, cover with cling film and press down with any press that matches the shape of your palette. You can use it again after an hour!

“This method of resuscitation of dry cosmetic products has been tested by many professional makeup artists, you can safely use it if necessary!”

Lip pencil

Have you dropped your lip pencil and the lead has been crumbling ever since? The problem is easily solved: put the pencil in the freezer for a couple of hours, and it will become plastic again.

“If the lead of a cosmetic pencil has begun to crumble, the problem is most likely not in previous falls, but in the fact that the product is coming to an end. For the plasticity of the stylus, the oils that make up the composition, which eventually disappear, are responsible. The freezer in this case will not be the solution to the problem.


If you urgently need to refresh your styling, but there is no time to wash your hair and dry shampoo at hand, your favorite perfume will come to the rescue. Spray it with a hairbrush and go through the roots. This little trick will allow you to forget about water procedures for 3-4 hours.

“This is an effective, but rather traumatic life hack for hair. Any perfume contains alcohol, which dries the hair. In addition, to achieve the desired effect of a perfumed product, you will need a lot, which will not only negatively affect the health of your hair, but will also inevitably give you a too strong plume. A much more humane way is to use cosmetic powder. It is enough to apply it to the hair roots with a comb, leave for a few minutes and comb out. However, it is better not to abuse this method either - with frequent use, the powder can clog the pores of the scalp.

Chamomile and ice

Chamomile will help get rid of redness on the skin after shaving. Pre-brew strong chamomile tea and freeze the infusion in ice cube trays. If you need one cube chamomile ice will be enough to get rid of irritation.

“The soothing properties of chamomile were known to our grandmothers. However, like any herbal remedy, chamomile infusion will not be able to give an instant effect, but will only slightly soothe irritated skin.


To make the face more expressive without resorting to contouring, a new beauty trend that is now popular in the West, strobing, will help. Just apply a little creamy highlighter (or lip gloss) to the prominent parts of the face (upper cheekbones, chin, forehead center, lip line, back of the nose) and voila! You look fresh and rested.

“Strobing is now gaining the same mass popularity in the West as the cream face contouring with the light hand of the Kardashian sisters once. We are just beginning to learn about strobing and are still used mainly in a professional environment. This is a very simple and convenient way to "refresh" the face: no need to waste time on competent shading different shades tonal products that clog pores very strongly, which is especially critical in summer period. Strobing is good for clean skin, if there are local imperfections, do not forget to cover them with a corrector, and circles under the eyes with a reflective concealer. A champagne-colored highlighter without large sequins will help you look fresh and as natural as possible. I would not recommend lip gloss as a highlighter for everyday wear - it is suitable for going to the podium, but it will not be able to stay all day.

Perfume and Vaseline

Do you want your favorite scent to stay with you all day long? Put some regular Vaseline on your wrists before putting on your favorite perfume.

Hello everyone! Today there will be another portion of life hacks that are dedicated to beauty. There are so many of them that I suspect I will soon publish the second part on this topic. Perhaps you are already familiar with some tips, and some you don’t know yet, but nevertheless, I hope that the article will become interesting for you. In addition, I decided to insert into the post a video of beauties who share proven beauty tricks with their viewers. Here we go!

Beauty hacks

Nail polishes, if there are a lot of them, are usually conveniently stored in boxes. But it's so inconvenient to pull out each bottle one by one and look for suitable color from a great variety. To save time and quickly match the color, mark the top of the lid with varnish. Looking from above, you will know where which shade is.

Toothpaste is running out ... To avoid having to squeeze it out every time you brush your teeth, secure the tube with an invisible hair tie. This hack will definitely make your life easier.

If you run out of eyebrow pencil or the color is inappropriate, use matte shadows instead. This is a great alternative that will give the eyebrows a natural look.

There are times when you need to put yourself in order at the moment. Time in similar situations extremely lacking. To give a blush to the cheeks and refresh the face, pinching and stroking the face will help. At the same time, the face will take on a fresh look and no one will notice that you have not applied blush.

To make the shade of gloss or lipstick seem saturated, and make-up neat, apply a little foundation around the lips, circle the contour with a pencil, and only then apply lipstick or gloss.

Invisibles are a very small item. And so that they do not get confused and are always at hand, they can be put in small boxes, for example, from sweets. Then not a single invisible one will be lost.

By the way, it is great to use it to create a voluminous and raised tail. It usually droops a little under the gravity of the hair. Therefore, behind the elastic band that holds the hair, it is necessary to fix a couple of invisible ones. They will support the hair.

For creating expressive eyes a black contour pencil is often used. But there are times when he narrows his eyes a little and makes them more slanted. To prevent this from happening, apply a black pencil on the upper eyelid, and brown on the lower eyelid. Visually, it will not make the eyes smaller.

Beauty life hack that every woman and girl should know. If your hand suddenly trembled when drawing an arrow, or your makeup dripped, then it is very easy to fix it with a flat brush and a foundation that you use under makeup, for example, foundation.

Well-groomed and painted nails look very beautiful. Types of nail decor today simply cannot be counted. Well, if you are a fan french manicure, then given helpful advice will be good for you. Instead of special stickers, use any handy tool, for example, a band-aid, a piece of a rubber bracelet, and so on.

If a piece of your favorite lipstick has fallen off, fixing it is easy enough. Put a piece on a saucer and use a lighter to heat it from below. Then with a spatula or a small spoon, attach to the remaining lipstick, shape. Close and place the lipstick in the freezer for 15 minutes. During this time, it will harden and be like new.

In order to get the most out of perfume and eau de toilette, you need to learn how to use it correctly. It is best to apply smells to those parts of the body where it is warmest, where the veins pass. The figure clearly shows how to apply perfume.

Choosing a foundation is serious business. The wrong tone will make your face not natural, and your makeup will not be beautiful. When choosing a product, it is better to apply it not on the face and not on the hand, but on the neck. Then you definitely can't go wrong with the shade.

To lay small eyebrow hairs in an even row, it is not necessary to buy special tools for this. It is enough to use a hair gel that does an excellent job with this task.

For many girls, highlighter has become an indispensable makeup tool. It makes the face incredibly textured and radiant. But what if it was not at hand? Pink or peach lipstick with mother of pearl will come to the rescue. It only takes a tiny bit to complete the look.

Nail polish is very easy to make matte, for this you need to hold the painted nails over the steam. And then you get a very fashionable and stylish manicure.

And so that the varnish dries faster and you can go about your usual business, hold your nails in cold water. So the varnish will harden faster.

Beautiful, lush and curled eyelashes are the dream of any girl. For the most open look, many devices have been invented, but twisting tweezers are a classic of the genre. To lift and curl your lashes even better, heat up the tool with a hair dryer before using it.

The arrows on the eyes are the simplest and most beautiful thing you can think of for makeup. They are suitable for all occasions, but how to draw them neatly and beautifully? Use a spoon. One end is perfect for drawing the angle, the other end is perfect for drawing the arrow itself. Try it and you will succeed!

If the eyeliner is too hard and it is impossible to draw arrows with it, then you can soften the rod with a lighter. Bring the pencil to the fire and it will become a little softer.

A great alternative to shaving foam is hair conditioner.

To easily sharpen a makeup pencil, just place it in the freezer or refrigerator for a few minutes. It will harden and the rod will not break off at the point.

Even the dullest and most desaturated shades of shadows can be made brighter and clearer before your eyes if you apply a light pencil under them.

Hiding dark circles under the eyes is easy, but many do it wrong. The corrector must be applied not only to the lower eyelid, but also to continue it with a triangle down. Then your face will look more natural, and darkening will not be visible.

Want to make a lip gloss that no one else has had before? Then mix loose shadows with petroleum jelly and get a personalized makeup product. I am sure no one will have such a shade, since the saturation of the gloss depends on the number of ingredients.

This beauty life hack, in my opinion, everyone should know, but I decided to include it in this article for its great usefulness. Don't throw away dried mascara. You can bring it back to life if you place the tube in hot water for a few minutes. And it will serve you for some more time.

Lack of sleep and poor health main reason dark circles under the eyes. As a rule, they are removed with the help of cosmetics under the eyes, but they forget about the upper eyelid. It can give out soreness and generally ruin the look. Immediately after applying the cream on the eyelids, go over it with a corrective pencil. It will remove darkening and even out skin tone.

Split ends always look ugly. They can appear due to many reasons - improper care or frequent use of a hair dryer and curling iron. But getting rid of them is easy if you know how. Take a strand of hair and twist it into a bundle, move your hand up a little, as if pulling out the ends. Take scissors and cut off the split ends.

Videos beauty hacks

That's all for today, if you liked the article about beauty life hacks, be sure to share it with your friends! Bye!

photomedia / ImaxTree

  1. If you need to get rid of a dull complexion, but there is no time to apply a powder highlighter, replace it with a liquid highlighter and mix a drop or two of such products with a tonal foundation. Such a composition will simultaneously even out skin tone, mask imperfections, and also create the desired radiance effect.
  2. No easier way save time on using a day cream (note that you need to not only apply it; it is also important to wait until it is absorbed and dry) than to get a BB or CC cream that promises both skin care and evening out tone.
  3. Did you know that the blush obtained with lipstick is in no way inferior in beauty to the one that appeared on the cheeks thanks to the use of blush? This is true. With a lipstick rod (soft creamy textures are best), make a couple of strokes on the “apples” of the cheeks, and then blend them well with your fingertips. Such a technique will help you quickly refresh your complexion if there is no blush at hand, and will also allow you not to carry this product with you at all and thus not load your cosmetic bag with “superfluous”.
  4. During the day, you probably don’t have time (and sometimes the opportunity) to tint your face with foundation or powder it. Additional layers of these products will also not bring any benefit to the skin - on the contrary, they will only clog your pores more. Oily sheen will not take into account all these inconveniences and for those whose skin is prone to its appearance, it will still appear. Therefore, make it a rule to take with you such a beauty product as matting wipes. After wetting excess sebum with them, you can forget about the unfortunate shine, if not for the rest of the day, then for several hours for sure.
  5. beautiful eyebrows over the past couple of years, they have gained the status of a kind of beauty cult, and for many, eyebrow gel has become an element of a basic cosmetic bag. But not for everyone. And not everyone always has this tool at hand. It can be replaced by a transparent lip balm, which is easy to gently smooth the eyebrow hairs, or, surprisingly, hairspray - by sprinkling it on a clean mascara brush and running it along the arches of the eyebrows, you can give them desired shape and fix it.


photomedia / ImaxTree

  1. A quick and easy way to create a cat-eye effect (or intensify it if you've already done it with flirty arrows) is to paint your lashes so that the strokes of the brush are directed towards the outer corner of the eye. The lashes will “fall” a little to one side, and the result will look like you glued a couple of false lashes on the outer edge of the eye.
  2. To make eyelashes thicker and more voluminous, and the hairs themselves thicker, you must have been advised at least such a simple trick as applying mascara in several layers. Another trick will help improve the result: after applying one layer, spread a little transparent powder over the eyelashes with a small fluffy brush. Ready! You can continue to use mascara - eyelashes will look much more spectacular.
  3. Fans of smoky eyes know firsthand that dark shadows, typed in the right amount on a brush, do not miss the opportunity to crumble under the lower eyelid and “stick” to the already applied one when applied. foundation. It becomes extremely problematic to remove colored powder from the skin without leaving dirty stains. Many makeup artists advise you to get out of the situation by starting the look with eye makeup. From clean skin, crumbled shadows can be easily brushed off with a brush.
  4. If in the morning you have been choosing which of the two dresses to wear for so long that time is running out, not allowing you to spend even a couple of minutes on applying eyeliner, try to fool the clock. While you are painting your eyelashes with quick strokes of mascara, twist longer and rub with a brush at their roots. Due to this, you will not only separate and “raise” your eyelashes better, giving them volume, but also paint over the space between the hairs as if your mucous membrane was specially lined with a pencil. This technique works especially well if your mascara has a fluffy brush.
  5. If you use an eyelash curler, but it takes a long time to get your eyelashes curled enough, preheat the curler - with a stream of hot air from a hair dryer or simply in your hands. A warm tool will give the lashes the desired curl much faster.


photomedia / ImaxTree

  1. You can prepare your lips for lipstick application by making their skin smooth, soft and exfoliated without the use of a special scrub. Do this while brushing your teeth: "walk" your brush over your lips. A few necessarily gentle and neat (the skin of the lips is still quite sensitive) circular motions will be enough to bring the lips to the best condition.
  2. In order for the lipstick to "lay" on the lips evenly, and the application to be comfortable, the skin must be not only smooth, but also soft, silky, and sufficiently moisturized. Obviously, lip balm can lead to such a state of lips - this is its function. But you need to use it not immediately before you take on lipstick, but much earlier. For example, even at the stage of applying a day cream. By the time you “reach” the lips (their turn, as a rule, comes last), the balm is well absorbed and properly prepares the lips.
  3. For lovers bright lipsticks the most trouble often brings a “tick” on upper lip. The beauty and expressiveness of both the contour separately and the entire lip makeup depend on how to circle it. There is a way to quickly and easily outline the “tick” so that the result is perfect the first time: with a pencil or brush with lipstick, you need to draw a cross on the upper lip so that it fits exactly on the “tick”. After that, you can apply lipstick on the entire surface of the lips, without fear of getting a smeared or uneven contour.
  4. If you want to get a trendy matte effect on your lips, but there is no lipstick with a suitable texture in your cosmetic bag, you can achieve the desired result without it. Apply your existing lipstick to your lips, then take transparent powder for the face (both crumbly and compact are suitable) and cover your lips with it over lipstick. It is worth limiting yourself to the amount that will be comfortable for the lips.
  5. To achieve the maximum brightness of the shade of lipstick, you do not need to layer it on the lips, persistently and diligently drawing a colored rod over the skin. It is enough to apply the same concealer on the lips with which you mask dark circles under the eyes. It will play the role of a dense base and will not "eat" the saturation of the lipstick.

Men do not realize how much time and money girls spend to be “in condition” - to meet the standards of beauty and tastes of the stronger half. Our magazine, albeit a little, but will help ease the harsh beauty everyday life. To your attention - ten simple, inexpensive and useful solutions, which will be useful to everyone who has not yet joined the body-positive movement and has not given up on himself.

1. Whiten nails

  • Haven't made a good habit of using a base coat? Your nails probably look unpresentable. You can whiten the nail plate without special means - with an ordinary lemon. Dip your fingertips into the lemon pulp or soak the slices with lemon juice cotton pads and secure them to your nails with foil. 10-15 minutes - and the nails can be brought out to people without varnish.

2. Fix a broken nail

  • A broken nail is, of course, a disaster, but, fortunately, fixable. And it will help to reanimate the nail tea bag. Cut a piece from it in the shape of a nail, pouring out the tea leaves. Then it’s simple - apply base polish on the nail, a piece of the bag on the varnish, another layer of the base on the bag. When everything is dry, saw off the excess with a nail file and apply a decorative varnish.

3. Replace eyebrow gel

  • Specialized brow gels are interchangeable with hair gel, hairspray and lip balm. To apply these funds, you can use both a brush from an old mascara and a regular eyebrow brush.

4. Revive dried mascara

  • Dried mascara can (and should) be given a second life. Pour a couple of drops of lens fluid into the bottle, shake and use. Alternatives are moisturizing eye drops such as Vizin, distilled water, and if the composition contains paraffin, it is enough to hold the bottle in hot water to make the ink usable.

5. Turn glossy lipstick into matte

  • Do you want to shine at a party with matte lipstick on your lips, but there is no such one within a radius of many kilometers? IN matte lipstick can be turned glossy. Make up your lips, press a napkin (a thin layer separated from it) to the painted lips and walk on the napkin with a fluffy brush with powder. Voila!

6. Prevent tooth staining

  • Lipstick often gets out of control, smearing around the contours or imprinting on the teeth. The last problem can be solved as follows: having made up your lips, take your finger in your mouth and twist it, thus erasing the excess lipstick from the inside. Now you don't have to worry about whiter teeth.

7. Gently paint your nails

  • We replace the manicure corrector pencil with a thin synthetic brush. Wetting the brush in ZhDSL, you can correct the line at the cuticle and remove other manicure errors.

8. Protect from impact

  • When going on a trip, insure powder, blush and shadows from a split. To do this, it is enough to put in each case cotton pad or a tampon so as to fill the void between the cosmetics and the lid.

9. Recover after a hit

  • If, nevertheless, something crashed, the product can be reanimated. The instructions are as follows: pour the powder (or whatever you have split) into plastic bag with a zip lock, knead with a spoon, pour the powder into a case, add a little alcohol, mix, press and let dry.

10. Store conveniently

  • It is very convenient to store tweezers, hairpins, invisibles and other metal accessories on a magnetic tape. There are tapes with an adhesive layer on sale - buy, stick and store.