Tattoos for girls with good. Tattoo for girls. Tattoos on the fingers for girls

The fashion for tattoos does not subside. The number of girls who want to express themselves in this way is constantly growing. Someone prefers a small tattoo that no one will see, while someone dreams of decorating their body with rather large drawings. But what tattoos for girls are still preferable?

What is a tattoo?

Decorating your body with tattoos began in ancient times. And men were the first to experience them. For a long time, girls on whose bodies such drawings were seen were treated extremely negatively. But now modern society has become more loyal, so meeting girls with tattoos is already a common thing.

A tattoo is a permanent design that is applied with a special needle. To achieve the "eternal" effect, dyes are used, which are placed in the subcutaneous tissue. It is thanks to this technology that drawings on the skin remain with their owner for life. Of course, the tattoo may fade over time, so in some cases it requires correction. It can also be removed, but, unfortunately, one cannot do without consequences in the form of traces.

Why is tattoo so attractive to girls? This is to some extent a way of self-expression, as well as a desire for change and adventure. With the help of a tattoo, many of the fair sex want to emphasize their individuality or demonstrate their feelings for a loved one.

Another reason why tattoos for girls are popular is the scars on the body that they want to hide behind drawings and patterns. Also, do not forget that it is now quite fashionable and stylish, so many follow the trends.

Places for a tattoo

To create a tattoo, you can use any part of the body. It can be hidden from prying eyes and hide behind closed clothes, as well as be in full view.

Most often, girls make tattoos on the wrist, shoulders, ribs, ankles, neck, back of the hand. Especially bold ones decorate the back, hips, calves, buttocks, chest and stomach with drawings.

If we talk about the “practicality” and durability of a tattoo for girls, then it is better to choose places where the pigment does not fade and the skin does not deform. So, the places where tattoos "live" for a long time are the back, rear end neck, areas above the wrist and ankles, sides, biceps, front of the shoulders.

There are two options for bad places for tattoos in terms of quickly losing their original appearance. The first is where the tattoo quickly fades. These are areas of skin on the ankles, fingers and back of the hand. Second - the skin is most susceptible age-related changes and stretch marks that girls are so prone to. And this is the stomach, chest, buttocks, inner thighs. Therefore, before getting a tattoo in these places, you need to think a hundred times whether it is worth it.

Tattoo for girls

Choosing a pattern is probably the most important thing in the decision to get a tattoo. Certain drawings carry some meaning, which still needs to be considered. There are also different styles in which tattoos are made for girls and men.

Of course, you need to rely on your own taste, but still you should not ignore the interpretation of various tattoos. Therefore, the choice of drawing must be approached comprehensively.

Lettering tattoo

Inscriptions are the most popular tattoos for girls, as they are more lyrical creations, which is often expressed in the text. Most often, girls make inscriptions on foreign languages, namely in Latin. They lay a certain meaning, which can be understood from the translation.

Also among the inscriptions, a special place is occupied by the names of people for whom the girls want to prove their love.

In principle, such a tattoo can be applied anywhere. But most often, girls prefer to make inscriptions on the wrists, upper back, ribs, spine, side of the foot, around the ankle.

animal tattoo

Animals are the most ancient pattern for tattoos. They carry a deep meaning, so when choosing just such a picture, you need to know its meaning.

Most often, girls portray cats, which symbolize the feminine, pride, power, willfulness, and tenderness. In ancient times, it was believed that those who wore a tattoo depicting this animal even adopted its qualities.

The image of a fox means female nature. It can also be interpreted as cunning and reincarnation. But tattoos for girls in the form of dolphins bring good luck to their owners, and means freedom, faith in goodness.

You can depict animals on your body anywhere. It is important that the pattern looks harmonious on one or another part of the body.

flower tattoo

Many people associate flowers with femininity, so they are great for the female body. The most common places for such tattoos are the front of the thigh, shoulders, upper back, above the wrist.

The deepest is the image of a rose flower, which means love and purity. Also, the color has its own interpretation: red - passion, white - fidelity and innocence, blue - sadness.

The image of the lotus tends to the east and symbolizes harmony, purity and innocence. And drawings with several flowers on one stem mean immortality.

abstract tattoo

Such tattoos for girls most often do not carry a semantic load, so they can be safely portrayed by young ladies who believe in the power of a tattoo and do not want to drive it into a certain framework. Here there is where the master can roam, as he can create a whole work of art on the female body.

When choosing an abstract image, you need to rely on your own taste and general mood. So, a tattoo with smooth graceful patterns will speak of the tenderness and romance of its owner, and clear rough lines will show it from a strong and somewhat assertive side.

Particularly large abstract drawings are depicted on the back, arms, and hips. Small neat tattoos may well fit on areas above the wrist, ankles, front of the shoulder.

star tattoo

The image of a small star or a scattering of stars most often also does not carry any semantic load, except that it looks quite stylish and interesting. Especially often girls prefer places behind the ears, collarbone, upper part back.

But still, there are such images of stars that have a religious meaning and have a rather strong energy, so it is important to pay attention to their meanings here.

The only point that you need to pay attention to is that the image of a star on the wrist is typical for girls who are adherents of same-sex love, and under the collarbone - recidivist thieves.

wings tattoo

To depict such a tattoo, many girls choose the wings of angels, birds, butterflies and even mythical dragons. And, of course, the most popular place for such a pattern is the back.

Depending on who owns the wings, the tattoo will be interpreted differently. So, angel wings mean spirituality and purity. Wings of mythical animals symbolize magic and elements. If you depict the wings of birds, then here you need to rely on the meanings of the birds themselves.

Delicate butterfly wings can be depicted anywhere, especially if you make them in real size. In turn, they mean tenderness and beauty.

How to care for a tattoo?

Well, the tattoo is done. Now it is important to properly care for it so that the healing process goes much more comfortably and faster.

  • After the tattoo is done, the master will cover it with a film or bandage. You need to remove them at the time indicated by the master. Depending on the size, it can vary from 4 to 8-9 hours.
  • Wash a fresh tattoo with water and soap (can be liquid). In no case should you use alcohol, and you should not rub the tattoo with a washcloth. You need to do this 2-3 times a day.
  • After washing, a special ointment or cream (Bepanten, D-panthenol) is applied to the tattoo, which the master will advise. This is also done 2-3 per day.
  • During the first three days after the ointment, the tattoo is covered with a film.
  • In no case should you peel off the crust, rub it with a washcloth or towel.
  • At first, it is better not to visit pools, saunas. Sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium is also contraindicated.

Tattoo: contraindications

Tattoos for girls may be contraindicated for medical reasons. And this diabetes, allergies, dermatitis, oncology, epilepsy, mental disorders, hepatitis, HIV, the presence of many moles and pigmentation, poor blood clotting.

It is better for pregnant and lactating girls to postpone this procedure until later. Also, tattoos for girls cannot be done before and during critical days due to a decrease in the pain threshold.

Taking alcohol, drugs, antibiotics, and certain medications can also be a contraindication to tattooing.

In general, tattoos for girls are no longer a ban, which was a dozen years ago. But you need to understand that if the position or social circle does not welcome the drawings on the body, then they need to be done in such a way that it can be easily hidden with clothes.

And from the video below, you will learn enough about tattoos to understand how much you are interested in this type of decoration for your body. Here is a bit of history, opinions on why certain people get tattoos on themselves, and even a public opinion poll. Enjoy!

Tattoos for girls have long become a separate category of tattoo art and have only their inherent features and characteristics. Modern ideas and technologies in tattoo art have reached the heights that allow girls to make truly unique and interesting images on the body that can emphasize all the beauty and elegance of the female figure. Having decided to get a tattoo, each representative of the beautiful half of humanity can effortlessly find something interesting and special for herself, and a professional tattoo artist will do the job carefully and accurately, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

The meaning and meaning of the tattoo

Every girl, going to get a tattoo, should think about what meaning and meaning her underwear will carry.

There are tattoos with an exclusively decorative purpose, as a rule, they are applied for the sake of aesthetic pleasure and admiring glances from the surrounding people. These tattoo images are very figurative, bright and beautiful. They can reflect the girl's hobbies, her character traits and habits, but do not carry a deep sacred meaning.

There are female tattoos ings applied to protect against the evil eye and in order to strengthen one's own energy field, preventing others from disturbing the peace of mind with their unkind thoughts and desires. These are mascot tattoos, and just like for any amulet, you need to carefully consider their location on the body.

There are women for whom it is important to have a motivation in life that would make them move forward, overcoming all fears and complexes. In the role of a motivator, tattoos with a deep philosophical idea, or tattoos with the names of very important and iconic people in the fate of a girl, any dates or associative words and symbols are perfect.

Did you know? There are many lovers of tattoos among famous girls. Pink, Rihanna, as well as domestic performers Nargiz Zakirova, Diana Arbenina, Zemfira can boast of a large number of wearable images.

Theme of tattoos for a girl

Each girl has her own unique charm and, of course, wants to put something special on her body that reflects her inner world. Fortunately, there are plenty of topics in a female tattoo.

  • Images of plants and animals are one of the most popular trends in women's tattoos. Refined and gentle representatives of the beautiful half of humanity want to emphasize their image with various flower arrangements and images of various cute animals (kittens, foxes, owls, rabbits, birds, butterflies).
  • Decorative abstract patterns are very much in demand among girls in recent years. Refined and ornate lines are chosen for the pattern, in combination with elements of geometric and floral ornament, such tattoos look very impressive and original.
  • Tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions are another popular trend. The inscription can be a favorite philosophical saying or a life slogan, you can put the names of significant people in life (child, parents, lover) or your own.
  • Symbolic images are a type of tattoo in which the image of any significant moments, objects, signs is applied in the form of symbols, such tattoos have a deep sacred meaning and are applied as amulets.

Color performance and artistic design of the tattoo

Having decided on the subject of the picture, you should decide the following important point: what color will the tattoo be done in. You can be guided by your own feelings or trust the professionalism of the master in the tattoo parlor, who, due to experience and skill, will undoubtedly suggest the right decision.

As a rule, inscriptions and symbols are made in one color in order to focus only on the meaning contained in the tattoo. Abstract and ornamental motifs can be made in one color or using a full palette of shades. Recently, abstract tattoos for girls are often done using the “dot work” technique, which allows the image to be bright and clear.

If we are talking about the image of plants and animals, then most often the tattoo is applied in color. Using a deep palette of colors allows you to make the drawing expressive and noticeable on the girl's body.

Plants are often applied to the skin in a realistic technique, as well as with an imitation of oil or watercolor painting, which makes the tattoo original and unusual. Animals can be drawn in a realistic manner with effect, or be stylized. For drawing images in the style of manga or comics, the “new school” technique is most often used, which originated relatively recently, but is gaining more and more popularity.

Tattoos, regardless of where they are applied, can be both boring and informative, original and individual. This is especially true for tattoos on the arm for girls, as well as any open tattoos. You will learn from this article what to do so that the wearable pattern decorates you, and does not depersonalize you.

At the peak of fashion

In women's beautiful tattoos has a special meaning. Trees, flowers and other symbols of romance remain popular.

Beautiful drawings on the hand can also be done with henna, then they can be changed depending on the mood or life stage. A drawing is not always a talisman, it can simply reflect fashion trends.

  • Orchid

On the hand, women's tattoos in the form of an orchid are the standard of tenderness and pure female beauty. The most popular are yellow, pink and red. Single flowers and small inflorescences are possible.

  • Rose

The most beautiful tattoo symbolizing beauty and great love. It has big sizes. Done in red, blue and black and white.

  • Lotus

The discreet symbol comes from Buddhism. Serves as the embodiment of harmony and peace. The size of the picture is small, and it is executed in black and white, although color variations are not excluded.

  • Star

A popular tattoo, since ancient times symbolizing vitality and inspiration. A sign of good luck and change of fate. It is performed anywhere on the surface of the hand.

  • Tree

growth symbol, spiritual development and promotion. May be growing or mature.

  • Lily

A truly feminine symbol, vulnerable and rebellious, revered by men. Symbolizing power and unity, it is popular in France.

  • Butterfly

A symbol of lightness, simplicity and tenderness, true and swift life. The most beautiful images combine different shades of colors and motifs. No less popular are black and white sketches.

  • Ornament

Drawing an ornament on a hand in any place is possible. Relevant large pattern on the shoulder or forearm.

  • Crown

The crown symbolizes power and the royal family from the distant times of the Middle Ages. Crown-shaped tattoos are a rare option that suits powerful and purposeful individuals endowed with authority.

As a tattoo on the arm for girls, the crown can be done with irony or pathos. The choice of style depends on the character and age of the girl, as well as on her outlook on life.

  • Animals

Recently, tattoos depicting animals have been common:

  • Panther is not comparable to a cat, because it has great strength and majesty. The panther has no fear and pity, but she shows care and tenderness for her relatives. Often the image shows a grin.
  • Lizard - popular in Indonesia and Oceania. She is the keeper of secrets and is not dangerous, but you need to be on the lookout with her.
  • The deer is a complex symbol that is responsible for wandering and travel. A joyful symbol associated with love and peace.
  • The fox is a sign of temptation. Applied by the strongest and most confident persons. It can be depicted sleeping, in the process of a graceful jump or during the hunt. This tattoo is used only by women.
  • The snake - symbolizing fear, deceit, trouble and danger, but invariably respected by all. It bites and kills extremely quickly, as it has a cold mind and cold blood.

However, many girls like simpler tattoos:

  • heart - as a constant symbol of love, harmony, feelings, emotions and romance;
  • clover - as a symbol of goodness and tranquility, performed in the form of individual petals or little flower with an addition in the form of leaflets;
  • geometric symbols - do not carry meaning and are small in size, intertwined with each other.

Playing with color

Colored tattoos on the arm for girls are popular and filled with positive origin from Japan, where natural dyes have been used since the 18th century. The basis for the sketches were pictures of nature, holidays and everyday life.

In the XIX-XX centuries. colored tattoos have gained popularity in Europe. The initial motives were connected with the East. Later in hand young fashionistas more and more often one could see images of fish, tigers, flowers, fish, etc. Resistant chemical dyes did not fade for a long time.

Modern tattoos for girls on the arm are akin to paintings filled with colors that are able to convey all the richness of natural shades.

Each of the shades is endowed with a meaning:

  • white is a symbol of purity, goodness and purity (in the East it symbolizes death);
  • black - lust, evil, desire to increase the degree of vitality;
  • red - vitality, wisdom and vigor;
  • yellow - warmth, light, separation, betrayal, betrayal, wealth and power. According to Eastern mythology - an abundant harvest and a rebellious spirit;
  • green and blue - success in everything, good, luck, energy from within;
  • gold - wealth and leadership;
  • purple - striving for the intended goal, perseverance and desire for power.

Captions: choose a phrase

There can be no restrictions from a design point of view. Execution can take place in any style, decorating different parts of the hand. The main thing is the artistic taste and the capabilities of the girl herself.

Small inscriptions on the hand can be black or resemble colorless scars, which is unusually stylish lately.

A tattoo on the hand for girls in the form of inscriptions symbolizes the life position and relationships with others. Instead of inscriptions with translation, hieroglyphs are popular among fashionistas.

Often the inscription is a tattoo on the inside of the arm, because girls choose phrases with personal content. Particularly popular among young connoisseurs of the original fashion won:

  • Latin expressions without translation;
  • Arabic sayings about love;
  • initials: own or close people;
  • phrases associated with a particular religion;
  • catchy phrases by dates.

Exquisite inscriptions are printed on the shoulders, forearm and wrists in the form of letters and other symbols.

bracelet tattoo

A bracelet-shaped tattoo looks rather discreet due to its small size. Ideal for girls who are required to strictly adhere to a strict dress code at work, since they are not visible from under the blouse. Are an imitation beautiful jewelry with meaning. Particularly popular:

  • unusual patterns with graphics and a chain of figures;
  • imitation of jewelry: baubles, chains, beads, necklaces;
  • imitation of steel metal bracelets and barbed wire;
  • neat patterns of lace and ribbons;
  • inscriptions with phrases about life and love;
  • imitation of cuts, scars and other damage.

A tattoo bracelet on the arm expresses the inner world and emphasizes the degree of individuality of its owner. Jewelry lovers are delighted with him.


A sleeve tattoo is an extremely bold option and an informal option as the design is quite large. The hands of the girls are decorated with whole landscapes and paintings full of deep meaning. In painted tattoo sleeves, the gamma can be both dark and multi-colored. There are three options for sleeves:

  • full - from the wrist to the shoulder area;
  • half - from elbows to forearms and vice versa;
  • quarter - to the middle part of the forearm;

Flowers, fruits, hieroglyphs, cartoon characters, etc. can intertwine in women's tattoo sleeves. Applying a henna tattoo on the arm for girls and other materials requires at least 6 visits to the salon. The long-awaited result can be obtained after 6 months.

Mini options

For graceful girls, small tattoos on the arm are suitable. They are discreet, compact, well hidden under clothing.

Tattoos on the hand serve as an expression of individuality, tell about character traits and express a life position. They are carried out in the form of amulets and reliably protect from troubles.

The following styles of tattoos of small sizes stand out:

  • realistic - with clear details;
  • new school - mischievous, fabulous, cartoon characters and heroes of different colors;
  • old school - amulets from troubles on the theme of the sea, very bright;
  • various inscriptions and symbols;
  • ethnic drawings that have meaning.

As a mini-tattoo on the arm, girls choose:

  • anchor - associated not only with the sea, but also with tranquility, good luck, family life;
  • birds - symbolizes the freedom of creative natures;
  • bow - a symbol of beauty, does not carry much meaning;
  • butterfly - an image of lightness, prosperity and well-being;
  • a cat is a symbol of sexuality, a sharp mind, grace, independence, grace and mystery.

Small tattoos are best done by professionals. An inexperienced master can turn a small drawing into a blurry spot.

On the fingers

Tattoos applied to the fingers should be modest and discreet. They are like stylish jewelry. The first such original decoration brought into fashion naughty Rihanna. Gradually fashionistas picked up this idea. In search of phrases, they began to apply the following tattoos on their thin fingers:

  • cross (most often a Latin cross is depicted on the fingers);
  • a ring that can be applied to any finger, be massive or neat, with elements in the form of a bow, heart and even a crown;
  • brass knuckles (suitable for brave girls with a special lifestyle, since this image cannot be hidden);
  • various phrases and inscriptions;
  • abstractions that can carry a hidden meaning.

Since the girl's fingers are always visible, temporary tattoos that can be made permanent would be a reasonable step.

On the wrist

The girl's wrists are very delicate, and the skin is thin. Therefore, tattoo artists must be very careful. Should be chosen for writing inscriptions that will not completely close:

  • plexuses or phrases near the wrist;
  • numerous small elements with a lack of clear detail;
  • floral patterns;
  • tattoos paired with the other hand;
  • arbitrarily applied drawings from the wrist to the elbow.

Often on the wrist of girls you can see tattoos in the form of butterflies, doves, stars, dolphins, cats and, of course, vine-like flowers.

Fashionable tattoos for girls, which are applied to the hand, are experiencing the peak of their popularity. Many of them have a hidden meaning. This is a great way to express your character traits and tell the world about your position in life.

Arm tattoo video

Many people who have never been into history think that tattoos are a modern invention. However, this is not the case. Now it is difficult to say when the first tattoo was born, but one thing is known that they began to decorate themselves with drawings on the body for a very, very long time.

Wrist tattoos for girls

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Advantages and disadvantages

Such tattoos must be done before weighing all the pros and cons a thousand times. Since the tattoo on the wrist will always peek out from under the clothes, and this may not be liked by the ordinary people who surround you, or by the authorities. Especially if you are a manager of a company and often go to negotiations where the official style should be present.

A tattoo on the wrist, in principle, like any tattoo, always attracts glances and the reaction is not often positive and approving. Before making such a tattoo, you need to realize and understand that from now on your life can change.

Such thoughts “if you don’t like it, I’ll delete it” should not come to mind. It is important to understand that this type of tattoo is from conventional application on the skin with henna, differs in that it cannot be removed in the future. Even after the removal operation, there will still be a scar.

And in general, any tattoo should reflect your own world and views on it. As they say, you should be on the same wavelength with a tattoo. Accordingly, the attitude to the decision should be carefully thought out.

But there is also positive sides in tattoos. For example, if you need to hide a scar, you can get a tattoo and then cover it up. long sleeve or a bracelet.

IN modern world so many various kinds tattoos. In addition to standard henna tattoos on the human body, there are also neon tattoos that glow when exposed to ultraviolet or halogen. Under normal lighting, the picture almost becomes almost invisible.

But rarely any of the masters takes on this kind of drawings. Since they, due to the high content of zinc, adversely affect the human body and undermine its health.

Another type of tattoos that have appeared recently are 3D drawings. Now three-dimensional images can be applied to the human body. But for this, the master needs to have many years of experience and the highest level of skill.


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The most eye-catching place on the arm is the wrist. It is characterized by elegance and sophistication. A tattoo on the wrist is a privilege for girls and women, as it differs from other points in that:

  • Gives some charm and mystery;
  • Small images, but the most significant and capacious;
  • Paired tattoos or symmetrical ones can be depicted;
  • And also they are easy to hide under a long sleeve or wrist watch.

In the days of ancient India, girls painted their wrists with various artistic decorations. But, over time, technology has changed and the drawings have become more modern.

Tattoos on the forearms of women look very rude and vulgar, therefore, most often men apply drawings on the forearm, due to their physiology.

Getting a tattoo on the wrist is always painful.

What is stuffed on the wrists of a girl

Due to the fact that the wrist area is very small, too large and volumetric figure not to knock out. Therefore, various inscriptions are usually stuffed, aphorisms in different languages, or small figures of animals, Chinese or Japanese characters, or hieroglyphs are drawn.

Knock out only short sentences, too long can merge into one big black or colored spot.

There are couple tattoos. For example, the beginning of a sentence on one hand, and the end on the other.

Therefore, it is always very difficult to score a good quality tattoo on the wrist. If you want something big and voluminous, you should consider transferring the tattoo to the shoulder or to the arm as a whole.

Such sketches are very suitable for the wrist, if the master of the salon where you will get a tattoo is really a professional in his field.

Since one wrong stick or shape on a hieroglyph can radically change the meaning of the inscription to the opposite. Therefore, such hieroglyphs should be treated with caution and a proven master should be selected, preferably one who has a portfolio of works.

Roses in black and white will look especially beautiful on the inside of the girl's hand. For example like here:

In general, hand tattooing should be approached with caution. Because there is a guy and a girl in their youth and in a fit of love they knock out the names of their loved ones on the skin, and then over the years love passes, people part, and the reminder remains a bright and clear mark on the body.

Therefore, in order not to punish yourself for rash acts in the future, you must carefully consider any pattern that you want to have on your body. For example, in order to indicate your feelings, it is not necessary to beat out your names, but you can get by with a drawing with two connected hearts.

Approximate prices for tattoos

How the cost is calculated

  • calculator for calculating the area of ​​​​the arm on which there will be a tattoo, where a is the girth around the elbow, b is the girth of the hand, h is the length from the hand to the elbow. All these data are entered into this calculator and the area of ​​the tattoo is calculated;
  • the calculated area is multiplied by the price per 1 and it turns out the preliminary price of the tattoo.

Meanings of symbols and animals on tattoos

Often on the wrist of a girl you can see an embossed cross. It is the most versatile symbol in tattoo paraphernalia. The cross is a symbol of suffering, uniting heaven and earth. In China, in ancient times, the cross was considered a stairway to heaven, and if it was depicted in a square, then it symbolized the earth.

This type of tattoo combines several religions together such as paganism, Hinduism and Christianity.

Masonic symbols such as compasses and squares mean wisdom, the ability to limit oneself. And the eye enclosed in a triangle symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe.

Leo - royal or divine power, the image of the forces of nature and solar energy.

The bat is a creature that does not like light, coming out of its hiding place only at night. In Christian traditions, it is associated with the worship of Satan and the demons of hell.

The lily flower means purity and innocence; in Old Slavic traditions it is symbolized as a flower of fertility and erotic love. White lilies can symbolize death. And the lily of the Kala family means modesty, while the daylily, on the contrary, means coquetry.

Lotus is a very symbolic drawing. In the religions of China, Japan, Ancient Egypt, it symbolizes fertility, birth, spiritual growth.

Poppy also serves as a symbol of sleep.

The ant denotes diligence and modesty, as well as diligence. In the Buddhist religion, he has become a symbol of those who are not aware of the rapid flow of human life and fussiness.

A few more meanings

Narcissus is a symbol of selfishness and is also the flower of sleep. In Persia, it was called the fragrance of youth.

Scorpio means betrayal. It is a symbol of death and severe punishment. In the Bible it means a demonic being. Although sometimes it is a protective talisman.

And an inconspicuous swallow on her hand clearly means that the girl has very big plans for the future.

The head of a wolf, tattooed on the index finger of a woman, testifies to her as a woman leader who knows how to stand up for herself and possibly lead a team.

And a small dove on the wrist symbolizes peace, purity, carnal love.

The treble clef testifies to people who are directly connected with music. Although behind bars, and in the jargon of convicts, he means a passive homosexual.

If you stuffed a dog on your hand, then you characterize yourself as a devoted, vigilant person. In ancient Celtic mythology, dogs are symbols of mercy.

But the owl tattoo testifies to resourcefulness, erudition. Although many cultures and religions associate it with occult forces. It is believed that she is the messenger of the underworld and escorts souls to the kingdom of the dead. In Christian traditions, it is considered a symbol of the blindness of unbelief.

The barcode is done for beauty or they indicate the date of their birth.

The lizard symbolizes wisdom and luck.

The eagle symbolizes the height of the spirit and the sun. And the crane is a symbol of longevity and justice.

Zodiac signs - often people fill themselves with images of their sign. It is believed that this symbol will develop in a person the qualities inherent in him and will serve as a kind of talisman or amulet for the wearer.

How to choose a place for tattoos and a master

Even those who really want to get a tattoo sometimes stop and hesitate to do it for a long time. This is not due to the fact that this person has little money or fear of condemnation from others. No.

In fact, the choice of a master should be approached with caution. Not every master can make a drawing correctly, not injure and not infect. It is necessary to choose only proven masters.

Before you start getting a tattoo at the master, you need to see if his studio meets safety standards, if hygiene is observed and not only that. It is also necessary to compare his aesthetic views with yours, to see a sufficient number of works in the workplace or in Instagram. And, if you didn’t like something in this master, then it’s better to leave immediately, without hesitation and without listening to his assurances.

Before you get a tattoo, you need to consult with a therapist. Since the ink that the machine will inject under the skin may contain elements heavy metals to which the body can respond with an allergy.

Before applying a tattoo, people with reduced immunity should also be very careful. Even if a person takes drugs to thin the blood or treat acne, then there is no way to do without the advice of a therapist.

It is necessary to find out which drug can become a trigger for triggering irreversible consequences. After all, a tattoo made without consultation and a positive response from a doctor can lead to hormonal changes in the body. And, if antihistamines do not help, then the tattoo will have to be removed.

The day before the session, it is not recommended to drink coffee, alcohol, as they can increase bleeding. Also, you need to eat well. Even if there is no desire due to excitement, at least a piece of food must be eaten. So that you don't faint later.

How long does a session last and how much does a tattoo cost?

The simplest smallest tattoo is an asterisk or little heart will take about fifteen minutes. And if you need to apply several drawings, then it will take about three hours. Large volumes, for example, to fill the entire hand with a drawing, will require this business to be done in several approaches.

Since the masters do not advise the client to spend a lot of time in the tattoo parlor. Because lengthy procedures have a bad effect on the well-being of both the master himself and the client. The human body is not able to withstand prolonged pain loads.

Filling an average tattoo the size of a hand will cost a client ten, fifteen thousand rubles.

Tattoo care after visiting the salon

In the first three or four days, a new tattoo must be treated with a special antiseptic ointment and covered with a bandage. When the inflammation subsides and the redness disappears, it is necessary to continue to care for the pattern, moisturize it, since a lack of moisture will lead to the appearance of a crust, from which the main color of the pattern can then come off.

It is necessary to forget about sports activities, bathing or going to the pool for two or three weeks. You need to avoid the sun and do not let your clothes touch the new tattoo tightly.

What to do if the tattoo is tired?

What to do with a tattoo if it is tired. You can get rid of it in two ways. The easiest is to apply another drawing on top. He's also the cheapest. But complete removal will cost more. Usually this method is done with a laser.

Special lasers penetrate deep under the skin and crush the pigment dye into small pieces. Crushed particles are quickly removed from under the skin. There may be several sessions with the use of a laser. Since one time is not enough to completely remove the tattoo. It all depends on how deeply the pigment has penetrated under the skin and on its quality.

After removing the tattoo with a laser, it is also impossible to expose this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to direct sunlight. It is best to cover this surface with a plaster.

Excursion into history

Also in ancient Rus' girls and women, in order to express their inner world, decorated themselves with various kinds of tattoos. And men thereby expressed their power, belonging to the clan, victories and merits. And wearable drawings for girls served as symbols of peace, comfort and home.

The reasons for the custom of making drawings on bare parts of the body have not yet been clarified. Maybe accidental damage to the upper cover of the human body back in the Stone Age served as a natural progress for the emergence of tattoos. For example, wounds from injuries received in battle or hunting merged into bizarre forms that distinguished a tribesman from others as lucky or vice versa.

Gradually, the primitive communities became larger, and marks were already specially applied to the skin, which had one or another meaning for the representatives of this group.

Tattoos in different nations

Various types of tattoos were used by white-skinned peoples, and dark-skinned people replaced them with scarring. Indian tribes pass on tattoos from generation to generation. All aspects of the life of these tribes are associated with the meanings on the body that they make. And there is no place on their skin that a master from their tribe has not worked on.

First of all, in the Indian tribes, the face was decorated. Some wore mask-like tattoos with war paint, and had a special status of valor and high social position in society. If the deceased warrior of the tribe had a mask on his face, then he was buried with all honors. If a fellow tribesman died without a mask, then he was simply left to lie on the ground until the body rotted or wild animals dragged it away.

But the beautiful sex of Japanese natives with the help of tattoos denoted marital status. By the drawings on the cheeks or lips, it was possible to determine whether a woman was married, how many children she had. The many patterns on a woman's face denoted her endurance and fertility.

In other tribes, if not a tattooed woman gave birth to a child, then the child was immediately killed.

Many drawings on the body were associated with rituals performed by the tribes. One of these rites was the initiation of a young man into a mature man, or migration from real life to the afterlife.

Slavic tattoos

The Proto-Slavs, for tattooing, used clay stamps and seals. These seals were used in fertility cults and could cover almost the entire body with diamond-meander patterns.

However, after the adoption of Christianity, tattoos became prohibited. They began to be considered a sign of devil worship, the denial of God. Those who adorned themselves with drawings on the body were considered pagans and were usually executed. Wearing tattoos was attributed to various witches and tried to avoid communicating with them or drive them out of the village or village.

It wasn't until the eighteenth century that tattoos began to make a comeback. And the first woman who wore a tattoo on her face was white woman Olivia Othman. During the war with the Indians, her parents were killed, and she and her sister were taken prisoner. After the Indian court, she was taken under the patronage, and a tattoo was made on her chin. This drawing meant a calm path to the afterlife.

After some time, the local authorities learned that the white girl was being held captive by the Indians and came to release her. The Indians willingly accepted the gifts of the whites and exchanged the girl for horses and blankets.

After this incident, judging by the statistics, many women around the world decided to follow the example of that girl and made various body designs for themselves. The peak of the popularity of tattoos came at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. During this time, about twenty million representatives of the weaker sex made themselves various kinds of tattoos.

There were rumors that at the time Victorian era after all, girls and women from high society could afford various tattoos on their bodies. And Queen Victoria herself wore a drawing in the form of a Bengal tiger fighting with a python.

Many noble ladies, according to travelers, had tattoos at that time. They served as a symbol of wealth, power and nobility. Even the mother of Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, had a snake tattoo on her wrist.

Continuing the theme of "Fashion Tattoos", we decided to study the issue of this type of tattoos, like tattoos for girls, which are so attractive and mysterious on a young woman's body.

Such an impressive trend as a tattoo is now actively spread among the fairer sex. different ages, after all, experienced craftsmen make wearable drawings of very high quality, beautifully, so many decide to transform their bodies with them.

Tattoos have recently become interesting not only for courageous men, but also for luxurious women who are ready for such experiments for the sake of their own self-affirmation.

And all because amazing tattoos for girls and women in 2020-2021 every year take on the appearance of more delicate, neat, stylish, feminine, sometimes romantic, becoming an asset and decoration, and not vice versa.

Attractive tattoos for girls have their own trends and best trends, which are a conditional recommendation for masters in choosing the best tattoo for a particular client.

What can be fashionable tattoos for girls 2020-2021, what extraordinary trends and solutions are advised to try by professionals, and what trendy tattoos for girls can be done on a particular site female silhouette, about this in our review we will share with you right now.

Tattoos for girls 2020-2021: trends and variations

Tattoos for girls are no longer considered something abnormal, because there are a lot of options that are very delicate, small, with a theme and meaning, which are chosen only by sensual individuals.

Extravagant persons can pick up unusual and large tattoos for girls 2020-2021, decorating even the whole body with such interpretations. Yes Yes! Such examples are often becoming reality today as well.

Whether you like huge tattoos for girls with spectacular 3D, or you are still not ready for such an extreme step, preferring small tattoos for girls, in any case, we advise you to approach the choice of a drawing very responsibly, weighing all the pros and cons, considering your decision by studying and selecting best ideas in the best way for you.

Tattoos for girls, women and men are applied according to the same principle, however, there are obvious differences. Most of all, this concerns the subject of wearable drawings.

Trendy tattoos for girls 2020-2021 you can do:

On the shaved part of the head, combined with an extravagant haircut;

Near or behind the ears, as well as on the neck just below the hair;

On different parts of the back and forearm, shoulder blade;

Very painful, but beautiful tattoos for girls on the chest;

You can decorate the tattoo on the tummy and hips;

Arrange tattoos on the side, arm, biceps;

Pick up a tattoo for the wrist, hand, fingers;

On different parts of the legs, in particular calves, feet, lower legs.

Tattoos for girls 2020-2021: eternal patterns for a young beauty

Undoubtedly, fragile charmers who wish to apply such an unusual eternal pattern to their bodies should choose tattoos for girls among the options that reflect their inner world.

Professionals have prepared a huge list of tattoo options for girls, among which are the following:

Beautiful tattoos with symbolic, not very long inscriptions in monogram font, often in foreign languages, for example, Latin, English, Sanskrit.

Women's tattoos in the form of multi-colored and monochromatic birds, impressionistic feathers, fluttering butterflies, magnificent flowers, small animals, which can also be included in paired tattoos applied on the body of a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend.

Unusual and symbolic tattoos for girls in the form of special signs, hieroglyphs, mysterious symbols that will be understood only by their owner, and may play the role of a kind of amulet.

Many ladies choose tattoos for girls in the form of painted jewelry, for example, bracelets, chokers, which can also act as a distraction from some skin imperfections, etc.

How do you feel about small tattoos in the form of funny drawings? This trend has also appeared recently and has become very relevant among young beauties. Fitted and feminine lines, zigzags, curly patterns, curls that form a pattern of something look no less interesting on the body.

We have already mentioned above that paired tattoos are now in trend, which are symbolic not only for a girl, but also for another person, most often a beloved guy.

Pair tattoos for girls, as a rule, are performed in a small size. They complement each other with a certain meaning, thereby making it clear to everyone about the invisible connection between their owners. It can be the above listed trends, and some special drawings for a couple in love.

We strongly recommend that young and self-confident people still try small tattoos first, because tattoos are a very serious step, so you need to choose them with a clear understanding of this issue and the circumstances associated with its eternal presence on your body.

Also, you should understand that with age your body changes, the skin becomes less elastic, so appearance pattern will also change over time.

If you are still mentally prepared to make a beautiful tattoo, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the original and memorable tattoo designs for girls in different styles, large and small, bright and plain.

Tattoo for girls 2020-2021: fashion photo ideas and new items, options