Summer injuries: how to pull out a glass splinter? Removing a splinter without pain: various extraction methods How to remove a splinter from

You will need

  • - tweezers;
  • - antiseptic;
  • - a needle from a syringe;
  • - hydrogen peroxide.
  • - ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment,
  • - bandage.


If a piece of glass hits your leg, try to get rid of it as soon as possible so that it does not go deep into the foot and cause severe purulent. In this case, it is very important to keep your hands clean, before removing a piece of glass, wash them thoroughly with a household one, and treat the affected area with any antiseptic.

If you can see a piece of glass in your leg, then it will not be difficult to remove it. This will help you with tweezers treated with alcohol or cologne. Gently remove at the same angle at which it entered the leg. If the shard is close to the skin, it will easily come to the surface if the foot is properly soaked in water with the addition of baking soda or in salt water.

If the glass is stuck deep under the skin and gone into the leg, you will have to resort to using a sterile needle. A needle from a medical syringe is perfect, as it is sharper than a sewing needle. And it has a chute with which you can pick up glass. Gently cut the skin with a needle and, if possible, lift the fragment up so that it can be easily picked up with tweezers. This procedure should be carried out in a well-lit area, if the fragment is too small, you will need a magnifying glass.

If the splinter is very small, try applying pressure to the affected area of ​​the leg from both sides. In this case, there is a chance that he will come out on his own. In no case do not make any cuts in the places where the glass is located. You can not only bring an infection, but also damage blood vessels and nerve tubules.

After removing the glass shard from the leg, properly treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or brilliant green. If the wound does not bleed and is small, you can simply seal it with an antiseptic plaster.

You can facilitate the exit of the fragment in a natural way, for this, make a gauze bandage with ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment and apply to the site of the lesion. Leave such a compress all night, by morning the fragment should come to the surface of the skin, all that remains is to remove it with tweezers.


Engage in self-extraction of glass only in the most extreme cases. See a doctor as soon as possible!

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  • how to get rid of splinters from glass

It is not always easy to pull out a splinter; with the wrong actions, the opposite situation may arise - it will go even deeper into the body. And if some kind of sliver or thorn needs to be pulled out from a child, then you can completely get confused. In this case, composure, knowledge of some elementary things and practice are also needed.


Examine the place where the splinter entered. If its tip is found above the surface of the skin, you can try to pull it out immediately. For this, it is most convenient to use tweezers or tweezers. The most convenient tool for this purpose is tweezers with a flat tip, which are usually used in cosmetic kits, but medical tweezers can also be used.

Pre-lubricate the wound with some kind of antiseptic, such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Disinfect your hands and tools with alcohol as well. After that, hook the tip of the splinter with tweezers or tweezers. So that it does not break and some part of it does not remain, try not to pull the splinter sharply and move it towards you at the same angle at which it entered the body.

If the splinter went deep and is visible, or you failed to pull it all out, then just steam this place. Prepare a bath of hot water, add a soapy solution to it and immerse the injured limb there for five minutes several times. The splinter can come out on its own. But even if it remains in place, at least you will not subsequently have an abscess in this place.

If you wish, use one of the effective folk methods for extracting a splinter. The place where the splinter stuck, thickly grease with tar, and after 15 or 20 minutes after that, the splinter is shown from the outside, grab it with tweezers and pull. If you don’t have tar, or if this method causes some embarrassment, use another common one - attach a piece of aloe leaf to the entry point of the splinter and fix it. After a while, the skin softens and the splinter can be pulled out.

In many cases, it is convenient to use a needle to pull out splinters, especially if the splinter entered at an angle to the surface of the skin. With a clean needle, cut the skin a little, and then, moving the needle flat on the surface, try to direct the splinter to the exit. It is undesirable to pick the wound deeply, so as not to injure yourself more or not to infect.

After you remove the splinter, treat the wound again with an antiseptic: a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, etc. If the wound is large, isolate it from possible contamination with a plaster or bandage.

If you still failed to pull out a splinter or suppuration began in this place, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

It is very nice to be able to walk barefoot on a summer day. However, this is fraught with the possible appearance of splinters. The worst thing that can be done in case of negligence is to step on a piece of glass with your foot. But don't worry about this. After all, the fragment can be easily pulled out.

You will need

  • - a needle from a medical syringe;
  • - tweezers;
  • - cotton wool;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - iodine or brilliant green;
  • - streptocid or tetracycline ointment;
  • - antiseptic plaster;
  • - bandage.


If an accident occurs, and glass is pierced in an arm or leg, then it is urgent to contact the nearest emergency room or a surgeon. But you can also pull out the glass in the "field". To do this, have certain medical supplies on hand and have a certain amount of ingenuity.

It must be remembered that it is necessary as soon as possible - since the glass can spontaneously go deep into the wound and cause severe suppuration. First of all, the affected area should be soaked in a solution of baking soda or salt. This will help to quickly remove the foreign body.

Then you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them, the needle from the medical syringe and tweezers with a special antiseptic. Then you need to carefully expand the wound with a needle to gain access to the fragment.

Then you need to try to gently pick up splinter with tweezers. It should be removed at the same angle at which the glass stuck into the skin. A piece of cotton wool should be kept under the wound so that the foreign body remains on it as a result. It must be remembered that the extraction procedure should be carried out in a well-lit room - this will increase the chances of a successful outcome of the case.

In the event that the fragment is relatively small, you can gently press with two fingers on the skin next to it. There is a certain chance that it will come out on its own. After that, the wound can be sealed with a special antiseptic plaster.

After removing the foreign body, it is necessary to carefully treat the affected area again with hydrogen peroxide. The edges of the wound must be lubricated with iodine or brilliant green. In the event that the wound is large, it is necessary to lubricate it with streptocid or tetracycline ointment, and apply a bandage on top. This will prevent infection from entering the wound and increase the chances of it healing as soon as possible.


You need to know that if a glass fragment is in close proximity to the eye or large vessels, then in no case should it be removed independently

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  • First aid

In the warm season, you just want to run barefoot along the path, take a walk in nature, taking off your shoes. And even more so for children: they indulge and run barefoot down the street, often without even asking their parents' permission to take off their shoes. But when walking barefoot, danger awaits us - broken glass, fragments of which are lying everywhere. You can accidentally drive a sharp piece of glass into your leg, and the walk will be overshadowed by pain and suffering. But you should not despair and give up, you just need to know how to pull a sharp fragment from a finger, leg and other parts of the body. In this article, we will consider the algorithm of first aid actions in this situation.

It is best to entrust the removal of glass from the wound to a medical professional, i.e. go to the emergency room. But, as a rule, according to the law of meanness, such a misfortune occurs in places far from the hospital and it will not be possible to get to the doctor in the next few hours. Do not be afraid, you can pull out a piece of glass yourself or entrust it to the people around you - relatives, friends, etc.

First of all, you can not put pressure on the place where the glass shard is located, otherwise it can pierce even deeper into the body. If you drove glass into your leg, then do not step on it, provide it with complete immobilization. If you start pressing, you will break the glass into small pieces and it will be much more difficult to get them out.

Wash the affected area with clean water and soap to remove dirt, so you can improve the visibility of the splinter, understand which side it is better to get it from (for small fragments, you may even need a magnifying glass to better examine the splinter). Dry the skin around the wound with a clean towel. The person providing assistance should also wash their hands well so as not to bring any infection into your wound.

Now everything is ready to start the procedure. It is best to get the glass out of the wound with tweezers or a needle (do not forget to pre-treat the instrument with an antiseptic). With a needle, it is necessary to move the fragment from its familiar place, so that later it would be easier to take the glass with tweezers from both sides. Once the glass has been removed, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, apply an antibacterial ointment (streptocid or tetracycline) and cover with adhesive tape to protect the wound from infection.

How to pull out a piece of glass without pain? You can buy ichthyol ointment at the pharmacy, apply it to the wound and seal it with adhesive tape. After 24 hours, remove the patch - the glass should be on the surface of the skin and can be easily removed. This method is not suitable if the glass has stuck into the sole of the foot, because you can not put pressure on the wound and you will not be able to walk at all for a day. But for extracting sharp particles of glass from the finger, hand and other parts of the body, with shallow wounds, it is a very effective remedy.

Ichthyol ointment can be replaced with soda. If the shard is small, stuck shallowly, then make a thick paste from 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water. Put the paste on the affected area and bandage it tightly. After a day, remove the bandage, the splinter should come to the surface.

A piece of glass is a foreign body for the body, so the body rejects it. Small glass fragments, like ordinary splinters, are independently removed by the body after a week. If severe pain is not felt, then you can trust your body - soon it will reject the glass itself.

If the shard of glass is large, has led to a large blood loss, then you should not try to get it yourself, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help not only to pull out the glass splinter, but also to properly treat the wound.

But many Novosibirsk residents try to spend warm days in nature - outside the city or on the beach. Here we face such dangers as in the form of fragmented glass from empty bottles left after negligent vacationers.

Will steam help?

What to do if, after a pleasant walk through the forest or barefoot, you got a “surprise” in the form of a bottle glass shard?

Often small glasses that have fallen under the skin are felt, but they are not visible. Moreover, if you touch the wound, then. Traditional medicine in this situation advises to steam the place in which the fragment is stuck in hot water, then it can come out on its own.

"Root therapy"

Another popular advice says that a grated potato compress will help. To do this, you need to cut a circle or square out of polyethylene, make a hole in it. Then tightly fix it on the leg with adhesive tape so that it does not slip, the hole should fall just on the wound. In place of the "hood" you need to put raw grated potatoes, close the top with a piece of polyethylene and bandage it overnight. According to the authors of the recipe, by morning the fragment will be pulled out, and it will remain to remove it and treat the wound.

Another option is to attach a baked onion to the wound. To do this, cut it in half and bake in the oven. Apply the onion warm, but not hot.

“Indeed, traditional medicine often promotes potato compresses as a way to pull out a foreign body,” says Yuri Alekseevich. “I have never heard of onions. I can say about potatoes that it can help when pulling out pus, but glasses ... It is unlikely that such an effect is not confirmed in any way either from the point of view of physiology or from the point of view of physics.

toothy doctor

If the child is small, some advise the mother to pull out ... with her teeth. Moreover, the author of this text is personally acquainted with several mothers practicing such methods. Then everything ended quite well, but experts do not advise putting this into practice:

“Firstly, in this way you can make the child even more painful,” the expert believes. - Secondly, there are more different types of bacteria in the oral cavity than in the rest of the gastrointestinal tract, from 160 to 300 different types. Bacteria get there with the air, and are constantly in the microflora. Their entry into the blood is extremely dangerous and undesirable.

home operation

On Internet forums devoted to this issue, many are inclined to the option of doing homework. Before that, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and treat the tools with an antiseptic: a needle (sewing needle or from a medical syringe) and tweezers. If there is no antiseptic, you can hold the tools in the fire of a lighter or gas stove.

To facilitate access to the fragment, the wound is expanded with a needle. Before removing the glass from the leg, you should make sure that it is possible to reach the wound on your own. If not, you will have to turn to someone for help. From the expanded wound, you should try to carefully remove the fragment with tweezers at the same angle at which it stuck.

After the glass is removed, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and its edges should be smeared with brilliant green or iodine. If the wound is small, it is enough to seal it with an antiseptic plaster. If its size is large, it is lubricated with an antiseptic ointment - tetracycline or streptocid - and then bandaged on top. This should reliably prevent infection.

“This is perhaps one of the most adequate ways to get rid of a foreign body under the skin,” says Yuri Polynin. “But here you should be confident in your abilities: if you are afraid of blood, cannot reach the wound or do not know how to treat it, it is better to contact the clinic at the place of residence, where you will be provided with qualified assistance, completely eliminating the possibility of infection.”

How to remove glass from a leg?


11.03.2012, 22:16


11.03.2012, 23:07

Dasha Petya

11.03.2012, 23:34


11.03.2012, 23:42

There is a way, but I forgot it. I need to add a cake...

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You will need

Blanket - masking tape - spatula - knife - goggles - gloves - primer - brush


Carefully remove spilled fragments from the floor and windowsill. In no case do not collect the glass with your hands, use a broom with a dustpan or a vacuum cleaner with a plastic dust container.

Starting to remove the glass, spread a small blanket under the window. Accidentally falling fragments will be easily removed by shaking, and the risk of injury from them will be minimized.

If glass remains in the frame are at or above eye level, protect your eyes from accidental contact with glass fragments. To do this, wear transparent safety goggles. Wear gloves.

Seal the broken glass completely with masking tape, this will prevent it from scattering during dismantling. Cover sharp edges especially carefully.

Carefully pull out the nails and remove the glazing bead. If the nails are driven in deeply and cannot be removed, then use a hard spatula or ...

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Vishnevsky will not pull out. Ichthyol ointment (tar) has this property. You apply it to a mature boil - it's clean in the morning.

As for glass, I had such a case. Deeply entered, did not want to cut, or rather, was playing for time. I looked to see if there was any inflammation. I did not think about the ichthyol.
It hurt, but after a few days the pain was gone. The glass is coated with something that cells produce when something foreign comes in. It turned out a hard tubercle, did not bother. And after three months - strange ticklish sensations. lasted a couple of minutes. In front of my eyes, the splinter crawled out by itself. Smooth, no sharp corners. In short, he was born. Fantastic. Without blood. Fragment 5mm... .

I recommend ichthyol. Picking is not...

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Very small. And this time I did not manage to pull it out, as usual, while steaming my legs in hot soapy water. I soared my leg and rubbed, to no avail. I thought it hurt because I tried to take it out with a needle, but, apparently, it was overgrown! The glass appears to be very small. I didn’t go to the emergency room, it’s not close, I hoped to cope on my own, and I’m afraid that the doctors will not bother with such small glass. I already tried to walk several years ago, they even refused to look for her. The leg hurts, not such a sharp unbearable pain, but dull aching in this place when you walk. It depresses me to think about the long waiting in lines, the dismissive attitude of doctors, that I have to endure humiliation and refusal to pick my leg. I already had to endure all this a few years ago. I read on the Internet that the glass can be encapsulated, a bump will appear in this place and it can come out on its own in a couple of months. In this place, some kind of seal appeared, like a bump from ...

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How to pull out a small glass that is not visible?

If the fragment is not visible, then Vishnevsky's ointment can be applied to the wound, it has the property of stretching. Tar also works. If the fragment is small and difficult to see, then use a magnifying glass to detect it.

cole, into injury or trust a non-handed person.
Although I myself pulled the glass out of my leg with tweezers.

Damn, yes, of course it's all okay. The last option - they will cut there, etc. - nafig I need it) Yes, and there is no pole yet.

The question is that I was advised to make a copress with Demiksin, and then Vishnevsky's ointment. And it should come out.

24.12.2009, 14:24

if you can’t see where the fragment is, then it is small. In this case, you can try to glue a piece of aloe (cut the sheet and attach it with a cut to the place where it pricks, fix it with a band-aid, you can just tightly with a bandage). Better - at night. During this time, the fragment should come out


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Fragments can be of different sizes and shapes. In general, small shards bring more discomfort and problems, since it is difficult to pull a glass shard out of your finger. Now there are a large number of methods for pulling out a piece of glass.

How to pull out a piece of glass - instructions

It is not recommended to press or squeeze the place where the fragment is located, as this can further deepen it. Due to these manipulations, a fragment can be split into several parts and this can significantly complicate the entire process of removing it;

To pull out a piece of glass, it is necessary to wash the affected area with soap and dry with a towel that absorbs moisture well;

It is worth carefully examining the damaged area under a magnifying glass in order to examine in more detail and understand how it is more convenient to get close to it and remove it;

After that, carefully remove the shard and clean the affected area. Apply...

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Pull out the glass [Archive] - Volgograd Forum

View Full Version : Take out the glass

Good day everyone!

The situation is as follows - yesterday a glass glass broke, and I apparently stepped on a splinter. Now my foot hurts - when I step on the appearance - I can’t find anything. Who knows what to do now? maybe there are some resources...

There is one remedy - to go to the emergency room and they will pull everything out there. or to the surgeon.

Babrui Saboteur

24.12.2009, 14:13

Tweezers; - antiseptic; - needle from a syringe; - hydrogen peroxide. - Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment, - bandage.

"Root therapy"

Of the minuses of this method: an unpleasant smell and the greasy consistency of the ointment itself, which is very difficult to wash off clothes if it is already dirty ....

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View Full Version : How to remove glass from leg?


11.03.2012, 22:16

Somewhere a child drove the glass into his leg, it is very small, I practically don’t see it, I can’t get it.
Maybe there are some folk recipes folk, so that it comes out by itself?

11.03.2012, 22:22

Why the people? maybe drive to the hospital - they will take it out for you in the waiting room and go home. If there really is glass, then I would not risk it.


11.03.2012, 23:07

I don't see how they can take it out? He is not visible, the son is not given, he says - it hurts.

Dasha Petya

11.03.2012, 23:34

try steaming your leg, then, if it doesn’t work out by itself, then feel it with tweezers under a magnifying glass. If again it does not turn out - to the surgeon.


11.03.2012, 23:42

If you steam out the leg, then you just won’t see anything, the tissues swell, I already went through this on myself.
There is a way, but I forgot it. I need a cake...

0 0


Novosibirsk, July 2 - AiF-Novosibirsk. Summer this year, of course, does not indulge, but many Novosibirsk people try to spend warm days in nature - outside the city or on the beach. Here we face such dangers as debris in the form of fragmented glass from empty bottles, left after negligent vacationers.

Will steam help?

What to do if, after a pleasant walk through the forest or the beach barefoot, you got a “surprise” in the form of a shard of bottle glass?

Often small glasses that have fallen under the skin are felt, but they are not visible. At the same time, if you touch the wound, then blood begins to flow. Traditional medicine in this situation advises to steam the place in which the fragment is stuck in hot water, then it can come out on its own.

"Root therapy"

One more piece of advice...

0 0


Thanks for the info))
The wound became inflamed, but it turned out for the best: now it was possible to open it, and it seems that the entire remaining fragment came out along with the byaka. It was generally microscopic, a millimeter long, and thin, like a hair. Under the iodine, it was not visible, alas. Everything would be garbage, but right in the middle of the thumb pad - it was very disturbing. I hope the end of the pain))
Until the evening I'll cover it with a band-aid with some kind of Vishnevsky ointment, or something like that - maybe he will have time to heal ...

The appearance of a splinter is a small nuisance, familiar to every person since childhood. A foreign body can get under the skin quite easily: this happens during gardening or construction work without gloves. We get microscopic splinters quite often without even noticing. They usually come out on their own when the body rejects the foreign body. However, large splinters are difficult to ignore, so you have to remove them yourself. Most people use an ordinary sewing needle for this, without even thinking that they are not doing it right. This method of pulling out a foreign body can injure the skin and provoke blood poisoning. Therefore, we will consider how to pull out a splinter without a needle, and there are many such methods.

At first glance, getting a foreign body under the skin does not look like a serious problem. Some people ignore splinters for a long time, not realizing that they can be harmful to health. First, foreign particles under the skin are painful. Secondly, the wound can fester, and the inflammation will quickly move to nearby tissues. Therefore, you need to get a splinter as soon as possible to avoid possible complications. Medical assistance is needed in the following cases:

  • the splinter has gone too deep;
  • located near the eyeball;
  • she provoked suppuration;
  • the foreign body is part of a poisonous plant.

These are special cases, usually it is possible to pull out a splinter at home without any problems.

First aid

Splinters are superficial and deep. In the first case, it is not difficult to remove a foreign body: it is enough to pick up the protruding tip with tweezers or nail scissors. After that, it is recommended to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection. In the second case, the tip is under the skin, so it is impossible to pick it up. To properly pull out a splinter, the following preparatory procedures will be required:

  1. The penetration site must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Treat the wound with alcohol or an antiseptic.

Splinters that have fallen deep under the skin should be removed only in good light. No need to try to squeeze the foreign body to the surface, this can drive it deeper.

We use improvised means

How to properly remove a foreign body? There are several effective ways to perform this simple operation without injuring the skin, and most importantly, absolutely painless. It is done like this:

After removing the foreign body, you need to additionally treat the wound with an antiseptic and observe for 2-3 days so that suppuration does not appear.

Folk ways

There are many folk recipes that help get rid of a foreign body that has fallen under the skin. It is difficult to say how quickly these methods work: a lot depends on the depth of the splinter and the individual characteristics of the organism. In any case, the particle that has fallen under the skin comes out on its own, without causing discomfort. Such methods are usually used for children who are afraid of needles and injections. Adults will also benefit from familiarizing themselves with such methods.

So, how to pull out a deep splinter:

A splinter under the skin gives a person a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Using the above recipes, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of it. If the splinter does not come out, the surface of the skin begins to turn red, suppuration appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.