Manual for counselors. PNK summer practice diary educational and methodological material on the topic Manual for counselor in thematic games

It is filled before the start of the shift in accordance with the schedule approved in the camp. The calendar plan (plan-grid) of the work of the children's association for the shift This plan should give a general idea of ​​​​the main events and affairs in which a particular children's association participates and organizes in a shift under the guidance of a teacher. 1) Filling out the plan begins on the first day of the shift, based on the grid plan of the thematic shift of the camp: teachers choose from the general plan of the camp activities related to their children's association, and add cases in accordance with their own program. 2) Based on the results of the collection-planning with the children, the cases proposed by them, as well as preparation for general camp affairs, are included in the plan. 3) The plan should be saturated with various forms of work with the children's association and can be supplemented during the shift.

"summer pedagogical practice. diary of pedagogical practice"

What tasks did the guys set when thinking about the case? - Did you manage to solve these problems in the course of preparing and conducting the case? - How was this case useful for people, its participants? - What contributed to solving the problems: - the position of the group members (the activity of the guys, their creativity, initiative, interest, response to the actions of the asset, business advice, support for their actions, the atmosphere in the group, relations between the guys, the interest of the guys, organization). - the position of the asset, the business council (the ability to plan work, create everything the necessary conditions, to put in an active position all members of the group, to find something for everyone to their liking; carry out operational management of the preparation of the case; the authority of the asset, its exactingness, the impact on the guys, specific skills); - the help of others (older guys); - the organization of the case (its expediency, preparedness, duration, etc.).

Pedagogical diary

Realization of interests, abilities - Achievement of goals for the shift - The most important changes that occurred during the shift Characteristics of the children's association: - Culture of behavior and relationships - Level of team development - Efficiency of the role structure and self-government system - The most important events in children's association per shift Characteristics of the activity: - The attitude of children to the theme of the shift - The activity of the children - The most successful ways to organize joint activities - Cases that are most effective in solving the problems of the program Reflections, conclusions: - General assessment of the results achieved - pedagogical "victories" and "defeats" - Suggestions to improve the program Memo on filling out the pedagogical diary MEMO FOR FILLING OUT THE PEDAGOGICAL DIARY What? For what? When and how? Information about children - health, - family, - hobbies 1) First you need to study the child, then educate.

Counselor's Diary

Inviting the lady of the heart to dance: gallantly and politely invite the girl to dance. Skill auction. Summing up: The jury sums up the results, announces the scores of each team, names the winning team.

All participants receive sweet prizes, followed by a ceremony of awarding the winners with diplomas. Diploma The title of "First Knight" for the victory in the knightly tournament is awarded to Markus Artem Scenario of the contest "Come on, girls."

Today we will hold a contest with you "Come on, girls." First, the participants should go on stage and introduce themselves, tell a little about themselves.

Educational and methodological material on the topic: diary on summer practice of PNK

Diagnostic task: - the study of children, the diagnosis of emerging relationships in the team, the study of the interests, expectations of children from the camp, the experience of participating in organizational activities. 6-7th pages: List of the detachment. 7 columns. 1 - No. p / p 2 - FI 3 - Date of birth (* highlight birthdays that fall on the shift) 4 - Home address, phone 5 - Information about parents (name, patronymic, phone) 6 - Doctor's recommendations 7 - Safety precautions ( signature). 8-9th pages: Plan-grid 3 weeks x 7 days Mark planned activities (* is compiled at the beginning of the shift for the whole time). 10-11th pages: (minimum) Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the detachment team based on the results of the organizational period (~ write on the 5th day). What was done by the leaders during the organizational period. (Social portrait of children, conversations, things that they managed to do.) psychological features children.

Practice Report: Camp Summer Practice Diary

Results of the day: I made a discovery for myself that children like not only outdoor games. IN new game they get involved with excitement and can play for a long time (I'm already tired, but they still want to continue).
June 6

Morning: I prepared an intellectual quiz for my squad, which contained riddles, puzzles, fun math problems and questions from various fields of knowledge. The boys, with some exceptions, did not show much interest, so the competition between boys and girls did not work out, but some tasks were performed willingly by the boys and in the end everyone took part in the quiz.

Zhanna Zataluyeva won the first place and the title of "The smartest" in the individual championship.

Children's Health Camp

What should be taken into account when analyzing the organizational period Features of children - participants in the shift: - Interests and abilities - Level of self-organization - Target settings for the shift - Culture of communication - Problems that have arisen in children and / or with children in the camp Characteristics of the children's association: - Emotional and psychological climate - Attitude to the laws and traditions of the DOL - Social and role structure, leaders in communication and organizational activities - Self-government system Characteristics of the activity: - Children's attitude to the idea of ​​​​change, to the incentive system - Children's activity - Their readiness for further activities under the program - Affairs. the most effective in solving problems. Conclusions and prospects: - Important directions and features of further work with children - Ways to solve the identified problems. — The position of teachers at the next stage Memo on the analysis of shift periods.

Teacher's piggy bank


Analysis with the guys of a detachment or general camp affair Adolescents see the meaning of their existence in specific activities. Analysis is necessary so that adolescents learn to approach their affairs consciously, understand the reasons for their successful or unsuccessful behavior, and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

Analysis can be carried out immediately after the case on fresh impressions or be delayed, take place after adolescents have had time to reflect on their impressions of the case. Sample questions for discussion.

hello student

I had to help the children a lot in completing tasks, and also constantly make sure that they did not climb somewhere in search of clues and did not scatter around the territory, and most importantly beyond it. But it was still a lot of fun to watch the zeal with which the children complete the task when a surprise awaits them ahead.
I realized that even a training session would be more effective if the children were promised that something interesting was waiting for them at the end. June 24 Morning: Sports competition "Funny Starts". This included competitions in athletics, shooting, jumping. The competition is not built from simple sports, but with entertainment inclusions. First, I held a warm-up for the participants, on which they already earned points. Seven members of each team lined up in four parallel lines and settled in order.

The plan for the day provides legal protection for the educator. 3) This is an example of a competent distribution of activities during the day. 1) The plan is written after the planning meeting or before the children wake up. 2) The plan for the day records all regime moments, the affairs of a particular temporary association and the entire camp. 3) It is necessary to prescribe the time and activity, in a separate column it is indicated who is responsible for this or that matter, from below it is necessary to indicate which of the partners was at the planning meeting! 4) Below is the individual employment of children in the day (OSU, children's TG, rehearsals, etc.) 5) The plan for the day is written on the basis of the general plan of the camp and correlates with the plan-grid of detachment activities. Tasks of the day To set tasks for the day means to determine what changes in the experience, behavior, attitudes of the children it is necessary and possible to achieve, on which situations to say influence.


If you have references to sources for purchasing literature, please refer to them. Otherwise, purchase literature from online retailers, bookstores, or publishers.


Andreeva Yu. "Dance therapy- M .: "Publishing house Dilya", 2005. - 256 pages

Dance therapy is for those who want to feel good, understand themselves and their body, read the signs sent by the body and the subconscious. For those who want to increase sensitivity and learn not to be afraid of communicating with people and the world around them. The book talks about how to do this through dance, that is, body language - a tool with which we can influence the world and really communicate with it.

Armand and Beverly Ball. "Fundamentals of camp management." Russian edition. − Publishing house NOUD "Training center" COMPUTERIA ", 2013. - 446 p.

This book was first translated into Russian in 1993. After that, it was corrected and supplemented several times by the authors and reprinted in the USA.

This publication differs from Russian publications on the organization of children's recreation in that it treats children's recreation as a type of business.

The authors recommend designing a camp, starting with the development of goals and mission, and only then proceed to the development of a product (pedagogical and / or recreational program). The book discusses in detail all the main blocks of issues that a modern manager (not only the camp director) faces: strategic planning, personnel management, marketing, finance, risk management, logistics.

This book can become a reference book for every organizer of children's recreation. in Russia.

Arsenina E.N. Take with you to camp: Games, quizzes, contests, dramatizations, entertainment events Series: To help educators and counselors.- 2007, 183 p.

Arsenina E.N. “Take it with you to camp. Organization of leisure activities, scenarios, materials for conversations.» To help educators and counselors. - Publishing house "Teacher", 2007.


The proposed book is a reference manual for organizing and conducting leisure activities for schoolchildren in summer recreational and educational country camps.
Fun and entertaining, intellectually developing games, quizzes, contests, dramatizations, dramatized conversations, entertainment events, as well as practical advice for their implementation, they will help educators and counselors in working with schoolchildren of various ages, serve as a school for the accumulation of pedagogical experience by active and reasonable forms of children's activity during the rest period.

Afanasiev S., Komorin S. « Children's holiday at school, camp, at home. Tips for organizers of leisure activities. - N. Novgorod, 1997.

Afanasiev S.P., Komorin S.V. "What to do with children at the school camp, or One Hundred Detachment Affairs."- Kostromin, 1998.

Afanasiev S.P., Komorin S.V., Timonin A.I. "What to do with children in a country camp." - M .: "New School", 1994. (M .: MC "Option", 2002. - 224 p.)


Bayborodova L.V. Educational work in a children's country camp. -M .: "Academy of Development", 2003. - 256 p. (Series: Methodology educational work)

Baiborodova P.V., Rozhkov M.I. "Educational work in a children's country camp: Educational and methodological manual." - 2003

Balashova T.D. "To help the organizer of the children's health camp." - M.: MGPO, 2000. - 120 p.

Barannik M.M., Borisova T.S. « Call Signs of Summer». - M.: 2003

Baryshnikov G. « Weekdays and holidays in the children's health camp. Table book counselor - 2007

The book is devoted to the organization of various forms of educational activities in the conditions of a children's health camp: games, competitions, holidays, entertainment that will help make children's vacations bright and memorable during the holidays.

Bederkhanova V.P. "Summer house: To conceptual project of a children's summer village and its methodological support.- Krasnodar, 1993.

"Theme change." Visual Arts Festival: practical organizational materials to help the squad leader.» - 2007, 153 p.

The materials presented in the manual reveal the content of one of the favorite specialized shifts in Orlyonok - the All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts. Practical recommendations will help counselors of children's camps to draw up a detachment program, fill its game plot with socially significant content; choice and detailed description forms of work aimed at the rehabilitation and recreation of adolescents, their self-development and self-determination, awakens creativity, interest, forms spiritual values. The manual will help teachers, educators, counselors to plan a summer vacation for children on the principles of cooperation and co-creation.

Besova M. « Funny Games for a friendly group. Holidays in the country camp .» - Publishers: "Academy of Development", "Academy Holding", 2002 Series: After the lessons. 160 pages

The collection contains scenarios of holidays and entertainment that will help make the rest of schoolchildren during the holidays bright and memorable. Camp teachers, organizers of children's leisure, leaders of circles and studios will benefit from many of the ideas and tips described in this book.

Borodin D.Yu. "The Fourth World": a model of a camp for social and educational assistance to adolescents.- M.: 1997.

Buzyreva L.M. Piggy bank of leader's wisdom: Toolkit - CGL Publishing House, 2003. - 128 p.

Bulgakova N. "Swimming in the detachment." - M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1973.


Weindorf-Sysoeva M.E. “Fundamentals of coaching skills. » Teaching aid. - M: "Center for Humane Literature", 2005. - 160 p.

The educational and methodical manual is devoted to the problems of preparing for the professional activity of a counselor children's camp. It consecrates the issues of the rights and obligations of counselors, the features of leadership of both children's and adult groups; the problems that the counselor faces while working in the children's camp are revealed.

The manual will be useful for camp directors, counselors, as well as anyone who is interested in the problems of organizing work with children.

Weindorf-Sysoeva M.E. "Diary of a leader. Program and methodological manual for counselors of children's health camps. - M .: "Center for Humane Literature", 2005.

"Leader's workshop. A guide for beginners and experienced."/ Ed. E.A. Levanova. - M., 2002.

Volokhov A.V., Frishman I.I. “Attention holidays! » Toolkit. - M: "Center for Humane Literature", 2005. - 128 p.

The manual presents leisure and educational programs, materials and documents, which are an effective mechanism for solving social and pedagogical problems related to the organization of free time for children and adolescents during the holidays. Particular attention is paid to the organization of joint activities of children and teachers, a reasonable methodology for the interaction of subjects of the educational process in the course of the implementation of variant programs is proposed. The manual gives the design and programming of summer activities. Review proposed legislative framework necessary for the operation of summer camps of various types.

The manual is addressed to organizers of summer holidays, social educators, students of pedagogical universities.

"To help the organizers of summer holidays for children and teenagers."- M.: SPO-FDO, 1991.

"To help the organizer of the children's health camp" / edited by M.E. Sysoeva. - Moscow, 2000.


"Horizons of summer: The program of thematic shifts in the summer health center for children and adolescents."/ Ed. A.V. Volokhov. - M., 1997.

Grigorenko Yu.N. "Diary of a counselor: a practical guide" . - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2002.

Grigorenko Yu.N. "Planning and organizing work in a children's health camp."- M., 2002.

Grigorenko Yu.N., Kostretsova U.Yu. "CYPRESS. Tutorial on the organization of children's leisure in the camp and school./ - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 224 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")Buy:

The main purpose of the collection is a comprehensive reflection of the ways and forms of organizing children's leisure different ages during any period of the camp shift. Contains ready-made scenarios and factual material for organizing events.

Designed for teachers, educators and educators - organizers of extracurricular activities, as well as for a wide range of readers.

Grinchenko I.S. "Game rainbow." Methodical manual for teachers-organizers, class teachers, educators, counselors of health camps.- Moscow: Center for Humane Literature, 2004.

Guzenko A.P. How to make children's vacation an unforgettable holiday. Copyright material» - 2007, - 282 p.

Gurbina E.A. "Summer health camp . Regulatory framework (planning, work program, job descriptions, security)" - 2007, -160 p.


Danilkov, A.A., Danilkova N.S. "Children's health camp: organization and activities, personality and collective: a monograph". - Novosibirsk: Ed. NGPU, 2010. - 183 p.

Considered as general issues of organization of activities, problems of the individual and the team in the children's health camp. Content issues covered modern technologies and methods of working with temporary children's groups, organizing game interaction, adapting children to the conditions of a health camp. A topical and new problem for children's camps is touched upon - the formation of a corporate culture and corporate ethics. The monograph is addressed to leaders, managers, teachers, methodologists and counselors of children's health camps.

"Children. Creation. Sport. XXI Century." - M., 2002.

Summer camp is relaxation, songs, competitions, funny jokes and jokes, this is acquaintances and laughter, and when parting, it is a good memory. This book will help you make the days spent at the children's camp unforgettable for the children, as well as suggest new ideas, scenarios, songs. You can not only entertain your wards, but also make friends with them, and our good advice will help you avoid possible violations.

"Children's Health Camp:educational space. Collection of articles to help the organizers of summer holidays and health improvement of children. Issue 2. Sukhoveyko G.S. (comp.) − M: "Center for Humane Literature", 2007, - 272 p.

The main sections of the collection: "And do not interrupt the connecting thread ...", "Psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of children's health camps", "In the piggy bank of interesting experience", "Scientific research: ways to optimize the activities of children's health camps."

"Children's health camp: educational space." Digest of articles. Sukhoveyko G.S. (comp.) − M: "Center for Humane Literature", 2006. - 152 p.

The collection presents the organizers of summer recreation and health improvement - scientists, leaders and specialists of children's health camps. It is distinguished by its thematic diversity. For some authors, this is the first attempt to comprehend their experience.

"Children's Health Camp. Experience of successful practice of management and marketing in the field of recreation and recreation for children. The team of authors. Release 7. - M.: International public organization "Promotion of children's recreation", 2010 Read

"Children's Health Camp. Results and problems of the summer. Release 10. - M.: International public organization "Promotion of children's recreation", 201 0.

"Diary of a Counselor"- M.; Publishing house "Center for Humanitarian Literature" RON ", 2005

The counselor's diary is designed to help organize work at a summer health camp. The system of structuring and planning proposed by the author will facilitate the work of the counselor, help to quickly find the necessary information, draw up a work plan for the shift, entertainment and organizational activities held with children, depending on the weather and time of day. The diary also contains information that will help the counselor in organizing his work, helpful tips, memos.
This publication is intended for teachers, counselors, students of pedagogical universities, employees of summer camps.

Dolzhikov I.I. "Physical-health-improving and sports-mass events in the children's camp: Toolkit."- M.: "Iris-press", 2005. - 176 p. (Method)

The author of this manual, an honored worker of physical culture of the Russian Federation, has devoted 57 years to activities in summer and winter children's health camps. The manual covers all possible aspects of health and fitness and mass sports work, from organization and planning to daily sports events. The book contains complexes of morning exercises, outdoor games, scenarios of various events and much more. In addition, the manual includes lists of equipment and inventory and safety rules for physical education classes. The manual is addressed to teaching staff of children's health camps: the senior counselor, and especially instructors in physical education, sports and tourism.


Elzhova N.V. “Summer, oh, summer! Holidays, entertainment, competitions in the organization of leisure in children's health centers. -Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2004. - 224 p. and tsv. ill. (light up)

The book contains the best events that can be organized in a children's health center, gives recommendations for their implementation and highlights the issue of documentation. Addressed to counselors, organizers, school workers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges, as well as parents who are concerned about the issue of rest for their children.

Elzhova N.V. "Summer loud, sing louder! Scenarios of holidays, competitions, sports events for schools and children's health centers. » - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2004. - 192 p. (School of Joy)

End school year at school, children have holidays. What to do with them, how to organize children's holidays so that summer leaves a bright trace in their lives? This book will help with that. Every day of summer vacation can be turned into a holiday. But this holiday is different. Children are not only spectators, but also active participants. The entertainment includes a lot of educational material. The manual is addressed to counselors, organizers, teachers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges and everyone involved in organizing children's recreation during school holidays and during the academic year.

Ermolin A.A. "NAVIGATOR OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, or How to become a scout."-M: "People's education.", 2004. - 432 p.

The second edition of the book, offered to the attention of the readers of "People's Education", is provided with detailed methodological materials. , allowing to deploy on the basis of the book a whole direction of educational work at a school, an institution of additional education, a club at the place of residence, etc.
The book can rightly be called the official textbook of Russian scouts .


Zinatulin S.N. Healing energy of breath. Improvement of the body . » − M.: Iris-Press Publishing House, 2006. - 256 p.

The book presents a unique long-term scientific and practical experience of the author in the application of various methods of healing breathing in adults and children. The method of economical breathing developed by the author, which allows to normalize gas exchange, improve blood circulation, and increase the reserve capacity of the body, is described in detail. The results of fundamental research in medical science allow the author to refute common misconceptions and myths in the field of breathing, explain the high efficiency of health breathing even in severe illnesses, and justify the need to develop mass preventive programs based on health breathing.
The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in health issues, as well as for specialists (physicians, teachers, athletes, etc.)


A children's health camp should organize the life of children in such a way that it is closely connected with the surrounding nature. To teach children to read the book of nature, to conduct simple observations of the life of a forest, a reservoir, to collect collections and herbariums, to make crafts from natural material, listen to the wonderful music of the bird orchestra - all this is possible only in summer. However, walks, hikes, and excursions will really effective tool education only in combination with games, various contests and competitions. The manual, which offers options for conducting various activities for children, will become an indispensable tool for educators and teachers-organizers of children's camps, school and kindergarten workers.


“How to lead. The Big Book of the Leader. Tutorial". / Author-compiler Ph.D. Malenkova L.I.) - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 608 p.

The book is intended for leaders of various children's social movements, associations and organizations. To become a real leader-master, you need to be a Personality. It also requires a high level of professional and pedagogical training. The Big Book of the Counselor will help with this. In its first part - "How to become a counselor" - from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy, the theoretical and methodological problems of education are revealed, the main documents and programs are given that can become a guide to action. In the second part - "The Affairs of the Leaders" - a lot of meaningful material is given for the practical activities of the leader. The book was created on the basis of the ideas and thoughts of modern scientists-specialists in the field of education and youth movement, as well as the unique and valuable experience of the best counselors-practitioners. The book will be useful to both school teachers and employees of out-of-school institutions. For parents, it can also be a good help in raising children.

“CYPARIS - 2. Collective and creative affairs. Interesting meetings. Songs. Attractions. Entertainment. Games. Competitions." Textbook on the organization of children's leisure in children's health camps and schools. / Grigorenko Yu.N., Kostretsova U.Yu.

This is a reference book for the educator and counselor of the children's health camp. The authors-compilers offer scenarios for a wide variety of events: competitions, games, competitions, unusual meetings, ultimately allowing you to organize a bright, fun, full of entertaining adventures life of the detachment and camp. It tells about the motto of the detachment and the song, offers poetic texts for various creative activities. The authors-compilers help the educator to draw up a psychological portrait of a teenager in order to optimize his creative activity and help him choose a thing to his liking.

This collection is intended for counselors-teachers of children's health camps, for educators and students, for organizers of extra-curricular and out-of-school activities.

“CYPARIS - 3. Planning and organization of work in a children's health camp.»/ Grigorenko Yu.N. - M.: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 160 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

The collection includes information on the organization of thematic activities and children's leisure in a children's health camp for children of different ages, material on the organization of circle work in the detachment. The reader will find popular songs in the appendices. It is intended for students of pedagogical educational institutions, counselors, educators, teachers-organizers of extracurricular activities, as well as for everyone who is interested in issues of additional education.

"CYPARIS - 4. Hello, our camp!". Educational and practical guide for educators and counselors. / Grigorenko Yu.N., Pushina M.A.

In this manual, the authors share their experience in organizing and training future counselors. Practical recommendations will help the organizers of children's leisure to correctly develop a pedagogical program and work plan for the detachment. The features of the organization of children's leisure in a children's health camp are considered. Most of the recommendations and event scenarios can be used to organize the activities of senior counselors in educational institutions. The book is intended for senior counselors. educational institutions, teachers-organizers, educators, organizers of children's leisure.

«CYPARIS - 5. Workshop of the counselor. Guide for Beginners and Experienced. »/ Edited by E.A. Levanova. - M.: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2003. - 176 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

This book is devoted to the problems of interaction between a teacher and children and is aimed at improving the organization of children's and adolescent groups. Here you will find recommendations and advice, methodological and practical materials, games and exercises that will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced counselors, as well as practicing teachers and psychologists in their professional activities.

“CYPRESS - 6. We are opening the theater season. Scenarios, contests, tournaments.”Tutorial./ Vernikova L.M. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 96 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

“CYPARIS - 7. Collective creative activities, dramatizations, holidays, attractions, practical jokes, games, scripts. Tutorial. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 192 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

"CYPARIS - 8. Team test games Collection of games. / Belyakov Yu.D.- M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 192 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

This collection discusses one of the types of games - team relay games: how to make them useful and interesting for children, what they are made of, what buildings and exercises can be offered to teams, how to organize and come up with a game. The collection of games is intended for teachers-organizers of extracurricular activities, counselors and educators of children's health camps and everyone who organizes leisure activities for children and adolescents.

"CYPARIS - 9. Advice from an experienced leader (theory, methodology, practice)." Educational and practical guide for the organizers of summer holidays for children. / Yuzefavichus T.A.

The manual is one of the relevant and timely educational books published in connection with the revival of the system of summer health-improving rest for schoolchildren and, consequently, a new generation of counselors who are ready to switch to a new content of educational activities in the conditions of summer children's health-improving and specialized camps. reflecting modern requirements to the activities of the counselor, the manual is intended for organizers of summer holidays for schoolchildren. This manual acquires particular relevance for counselors who do not have a special pedagogical education. It will be useful for students and teachers of educational institutions of higher and secondary pedagogical education that train personnel for out-of-town children's camps. It will also be useful to everyone for whom the problems of organizing summer holidays for children are relevant, including parents who send their children to summer country camps.

«CYPARIS - 10. Rainbow over Eklandia. environmental education in a health camp. Toolkit. / Authors: Tsvetkova I.V., Zayarskaya G.V., Klemyashova E.M., Murashova A.G. Tot. ed. I.V. Tsvetkova.- M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia," 2005. - 160 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

The manual includes the programs of profile thematic shifts created by the authors on ecology and methodological developments to them, allowing you to organize the educational process throughout the entire shift, make it interesting, diverse, create conditions for children's creativity, their self-realization. The materials included in the manual are addressed to both the camp management and the organizing teachers, since, relying on them, it is possible to create variable programs for the entire camp, hold camp-wide events and organize daily work with the children's team of the detachment.

“CYPARIS - 11. A collection of practical materials on the organization of detachment work in the DOL.»Educational and methodical manual. / Under the total. ed. Khusnutdinova I.N.. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 192 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

This collection provides leaders, counselors and educators of children's health camps, centers and other interested readers with materials from the experience of the teachers of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" in organizing detachment work.

"CYPRESS - 12. Counselor - start in the profession Teaching aid. / Shalamova L.F., Khovrin A.Yu.- M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 192 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

This manual reveals the professional, managerial, psychological and methodological aspects of the activities of the counselor of the children's health center. Contains various materials theoretical and applied character. The book summarizes modern views on the work of a counselor as an educator, leader and leader of the children's team. This publication is of practical interest both for novice counselors and for leaders of student pedagogical teams. RECOMMENDED by the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for additional professional education of personnel employed in the field of state youth policy.

"CYPARIS-13. Game programs: Attractions. Joke fun. Role-playing games./ Compiled by L.V. Voronkova. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 80 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

Collection of game programs, attractions, comic fun, story- role playing, focused on the creative self-expression of the child in his free time and designed to help students, educators, organizers of summer holidays for schoolchildren, can be used in educational activities with children in summer camps, children's associations, schools, etc.

"CYPRESS - 14. Games for Robinsons: a manual for counselors."/ Compiled by Kuvvatov S.A. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 96 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

"CYPARIS - 15. Rest fun and interesting! Tutorial. / Shpareva G.T. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005. - 80 p. (Library of the journal "Counselor of the Century")

"Book of the leader. Best Scenarios for summer camp/ compiled by V.Rudenko Series: School of development. - "Phoenix", 2015, - 224 p.


The book contains methodological advice, scripts for holidays, competitions, sports games, attractions, discos, show programs for schoolchildren of all ages. Here you will find options for different activities for children, descriptions of children's favorite outdoor games and games for rainy weather, as well as valuable practical tips that are sure to come in handy when working with children.
The manual is addressed to educators and teachers - organizers of children's camps, employees of schools and kindergartens.

“Counselor's piggy bank. Problems of effective interaction with children» /Compiled by A.Krasichkova, D.Zimin -Publishing house "Teacher", 2007, - 260 p.


This manual is a generalized experience of the leaders, methodological and psychological services of the children's health camp named after Konstantin Zaslonov - one of the leading camps in the Novosibirsk region.
The proposed activity programs, technologies of role-playing games, diagnostic materials, practical advice, recommendations for organizing and conducting activities in children's groups of different ages are a treasury of experience that will allow even a novice counselor to feel confident.
In general, the manual deals with various areas of organizing the life of children's groups and will be of interest to practitioners involved in the leisure of adolescents.

Krasichkova A.P. "Counselor's piggy bank. Problems of effective interaction with children.- 2007., - 153 p.

Kulachenko M.P. "Textbook for the Counselor". 2nd edition.- 2009

The educational and methodological manual "Textbook for a counselor" presents the scientific, methodological, regulatory, legal, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the counselor's activities; disclosed the contents of a holistic pedagogical process in the camp, all aspects of the leader's activities from the organizational to the final period of the shift, the technology of organizing the life of the shift in children's health camps; the methodological and managerial foundations of the work of the teacher-organizer are considered. The book is addressed to experienced and beginner counselors, as well as to anyone who is interested in working with children in the conditions of informal pedagogical communication in the camp. The content of the book is of interest to youth public organizations cooperating with children's health camps, for students of pedagogical universities and colleges preparing for summer teaching practice. The material of the "Textbook" can be used to read a special course in the specialty "Organization of work with youth."

Kupriyanov B.V., Minovskaya O.V., Ruchko L.S., Ed. A.V. Mudrik. "Role-playing game in a children's country camp: a teaching aid for organizers of summer holidays for children and students of pedagogical specialties of universities." - M.: "VLADOS", 2010. - 220 p.

Kupriyanov B.V., Rozhkov M.I., Frishman I.I. Organization and methods of conducting games with teenagers. Adult games for children. Teaching aid. - M.: Humanitarian publishing center "VLADOS", 2004. - 215 p. (Series: Upbringing and additional education)


Lapteva E. "Pocket Encyclopedia of the Counselor". Series: I give my heart to children. - "Phoenix", 2012, - 192 p. Buy:

The encyclopedia contains the most successful examples of forms of games, exercises, squad "Lights" and intra-squad events, using which you can independently build high-quality squad work, adapt and design new formats. These are frames that you can fill, modify, add, mark, adjust for specific purposes, the characteristics of your squad and your own style. In addition to the practical block, the publication contains a theoretical part so that you can understand what is happening in the squad during the entire shift, which game to choose, why and why to play it, what form of activity to apply and when. Each counselor needs to master the patterns of development of a temporary children's team, to which the last chapter of the book is devoted. After reading it, you will be able to find out what periods your squad goes through, its psychological state, the needs and tasks of the leader in a given period.

"Summer health camp: Mass events (theatrical, themed evenings and holidays, competitions, games, quizzes, sports competitions" ) -2005, - 280 p. Buy:

This manual is a collection of thematic developments necessary for the organization of leisure activities of the summer health camp. A variety of scenarios for holidays, theatrical performances, leisure evenings are full of descriptions of competitions, games, attractions, quizzes. Design work, selection of musical interpretations are no less interesting in the collection.
It is intended for organizers, educators, counselors of summer health-improving school and country camps.

"Summer holidays for children: conceptual and regulatory framework." / comp. A.M. Parkov - M.: 1998.

"Summer rest: idea - project-embodiment". From the experience of children's health-improving and educational centers (camps) in the Nizhny Novgorod region. - Nizhny Novgorod: Pedagogical Technologies LLC, 2000.

“Summer country of childhood for young citizens of Russia. »(Methodological bases for organizing the activities of summer children's educational and recreational institutions). Allowance to help the organizers of summer holidays for children. / Ed. G.P. Budanova. - M., 1997.

Lifshits O., Shaulskaya N. “Summer camp. Day after day. Towards miracles" - M.: "Academy of Development", 2007, 192 p. Buy:

The book summarizes the experience of the work of the children's health camp team, in which a system of collective creative activities has been developed over the years.
The book is addressed to senior counselors and counselors who organize holidays, competitions, theme days.

Lugovskaya Yu.P. "Children's holidays at school, summer camp and at home." - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002. - 416 p. -(School of Joy)

"Best Scenarios for Summer Camp".Handbook of educator and counselor. - Publisher: "Phoenix", 2005. Practical guide. Series: School of Joy, - 192s. (Buy:

The book contains methodological advice to educators and organizing teachers, scenarios for holidays, competitions, sports games, attractions, discos, show programs for schoolchildren of all ages. Here you will find options for different activities for children, descriptions of children's favorite outdoor games and games for rainy weather, as well as valuable practical tips that are sure to come in handy when working with children. The manual is addressed to educators and teachers-organizers of children's camps, employees of schools and kindergartens.


Makarenko I.V. "Call Signs of Summer: A Kaleidoscope of Children's Summer Holidays."- M: "Center for Humane Literature", 2003, - 413 p.

The collection contains rich theoretical and practical material. It covers the issues of organization various kinds activities of children in the conditions of a summer camp, forms of their implementation. The main purpose of the collection is to help organize the summer holidays for children.

Marfina Svetlana. "Summer camp from A to Z. - Publishing house "Academy of Development", - 160 p.

In this book, leisure organizers, class teachers, educators and counselors of country camps will find scenarios for various activities for schoolchildren. Games, contests, theme nights, holidays and concert programs - all this will make life at school, leisure center or summer camp rich, vibrant and interesting.

Maslov A.A. Educational work in the children's camp. Formula for success. » Teaching aid. - Omsk: 2010. - 424 p.

The educational and methodological manual presents the scientific, methodological, legal, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the counselor's activities; the content of the integral pedagogical process in the children's health camp, all aspects of the counselor's activity from the organizational to the final period of the shift, the technology of organizing the life of the shift in children's camps are disclosed; the methodological and managerial foundations of the work of the teacher-organizer are considered.

The book is addressed to experienced and novice counselors, as well as to everyone who interesting job with children in the conditions of informal pedagogical communication in the camp

Maslov A.A. "The key to the start" . Omsk, 2009

In this manual, we disclose material from the experience of the teaching team "Factory of Counselors" in the DSK "Pearl of Russia" and the DOL "Junga" in Anapa for a counselor - a novice who has just arrived at a children's health camp.

The material will be useful to team leaders, educators, organizing teachers, psychologists, deputy directors and heads of children's health camps, centers and complexes. Read

Maslov A.A. "A counselor's briefcase. Scenarios of events, programs for organizing children's recreation, practical materials for mastering the experience of leader skills.- 2007, - 237 p.

The manual presents programs for organizing children's recreation, scenarios of events that reveal the experience of mastering counselors with a set of skills necessary for organizing reasonable leisure for children.
A variety of forms of work will help to make the rest of children more interesting, useful, eventful, and the detachment shift - bright and unforgettable. Club activity programs can be used in their entirety or reworked creatively. The proposed secrets of pedagogical experience make it possible to improve the skills necessary for organizing educational and recreational work in children's associations. Read

“Workshop of the counselor. A guide for beginners and experienced." / Ed. E.A. Levanova. - M.: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2003. - 176 p.

Mozheiko O.V. “School of counselor and educator. Materials for classes with detachment teachers. - 2007, - 142 p.

Molokanova T.V. How to help children adapt to the camp. Psychological support, classes, exercises, recommendations. - 2007, - 140 p.


"The counselor's desk nigga." Author's team. - M.: GAUK "MOSGORTUR", OOO "Intellectual Literature", 2015. 304 p.

For purchase questions, contact MOSGORTUR and

The book is about how the fascinating, and many have long been familiar world of children's camps.
Why the book is worth reading:
The camp counselor is like the captain of a ship: who wants to discover America for the tenth time? The development of events in the life of the detachment always follows the same pattern: how not to step on the same rake. A feeling of real happiness as a result of the work of a leader. Responsibility and important nuances communication with children. Practical cases and mass real examples from the life of children's camps. A glossary and a modern songbook of a counselor.

The publication is addressed to counselors, students of pedagogical universities and teachers, as well as all those interested in pedagogy and the psychology of relations in a children's team.

Nechaev M.P. "Desk book of the leader of the children's team." Teaching aid - Publishing house "Perspective", 2015, - 136 p.


The teaching aid outlines the theory and methodology of the activity of the leader of the children's team in managing the educational process. Many issues are covered in a new way, in accordance with the development trends of modern domestic pedagogy. At the same time, a system for organizing the educational work of the counselor is built on the basis of legal, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and pedagogical activities. Special technologies are described, ready-made developments are given that can be used in the practice of education.

Neshcheret L.G. "Children's holiday at school, camp, at home." - N. Novgorod, 1989.

NEW YEAR IN THE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS From the experience of organizing winter shifts in the children's health camp of year-round action "Electron", Novosibirsk - Novosibirsk: 2008


"Recreation and health improvement of children and adolescents." Collection of normative documents. / Compiled by S.V. Barkanov. - M.: 2002.

"Organization of summer holidays for children, taking into account the state of their health on the basis of urban educational institutions (guidelines)."/ Ed. V.I. Bondar. - M.: 1997.

"Recreation and rehabilitation of children and adolescentsCollection of federal and regional regulatory documents./ Ed. S.V. Barkanova and others. - M.: Graf-press, 2004.

“To the detachment leader.»/ Compiled by A.Panov, G.Chubarova. - M., 1982.


Summer Palette. Guidelines for teachers-organizers of children's health centers.- Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001.

Panchenko S.I. "Day after day in the life of a counselor." To help everyone who works or will work with teenagers in a children's camp. − M: "Research Institute of School Technologies," 2008, - 352 p.

The book describes the sequence, structure and content of work with children of a temporary children's association of teenagers in a children's health center during one camp shift.
The publication is intended for counselors, directors of children's health camps, specialists in organizing summer holidays for children and youth.
The book can be used as a teaching aid for preparing students of humanitarian faculties for teaching practice at a children's health camp.

Pashkovich I.A. “Patriotic education. System of work, planning, development of classes.» - 2008 .

Pashnina Vera. “We rest on“ excellent ”! Holidays and entertainment in the summer camp» - VKT. Development Academy. 2008, 176 p.


The book presents scenarios for recreational activities and game programs for the summer camp. The scenarios provide for a lot of outdoor games, competitions and surprise moments that allow the involvement of children of different age groups.
The book is addressed to counselors and educators of holiday camps, organizers of children's leisure, teachers and parents.

"Pedagogy of school holidays: Toolkit"/ Compiler and researcher ed. S.V.Tatarsky. - M.: "Academic project", 2003. - 176 p. (Manual of a social teacher)
The book contains a large list of recommended reading.

“Call signs of summer. A kaleidoscope of children's summer holidays. - M.: "Ileksa"; Stavropol: "Service School", 2000.

Polomis Karen. “Children in a pioneer camp. Walks, hikes, excursions. per. from Czech. - M., 1990.

Polomis K. “Children in a pioneer camp. Labor activity. Competitions and contests. Games." - M.: "Profizdat", 1989

“Building contractual relations between teenagers and adults in a children's camp. Opportunities for the manifestation of independence of a teenager in a children's camp. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. / Under. General editors O.G. Mironets, I.N. Khusnutdinova. - Samara, 2000.


Radyuk E.A. "Game models of leisure and health improvement for children." Development of classes, developing programs, projects, thematic shifts. - 2008, 207 p.

“Republic as a form of life of the children's team."- Yaroslavl, 1995.

Mikhail Rozhkov, Boris Kupriyanov, Irina Frishman. Organization and methods of conducting games with teenagers. Adult games for children. Series: Upbringing and additional education of children. - "Vlados", 2001, - 216 p.

Methods of gaming activity at different times were developed and tested by scientists and practitioners in the children's centers "Artek", "Eaglet", health centers of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions. The authors offer the most effective methods play activities of adolescents, substantiate approaches to the organization of play interaction between children and adults, consider options for innovative, multi-activity, situational role-playing games, methods of traveling games and epic games. The manual contains practical material on conducting and organizing creative games, trainings, competitions, competitions. Addressed to teachers-organizers, teachers of additional education, leaders of children's associations, clubs, directors of health centers and children's camps.

Rudenko V.I. "Bestscripts for summer camp. Handbook of educator and counselor. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix",2005. - 192 p. (School of Joy)

The book contains methodological advice to educators and organizing teachers, scenarios for holidays, competitions, sports games, attractions, discos, show programs for schoolchildren of all ages. Here you can find options for various activities for children, descriptions of children's favorite outdoor games and games for rainy weather, as well as valuable practical tips that are sure to come in handy when working with children. The manual is addressed to educators and teachers-organizers of children's camps, employees of schools and kindergartens.


Savinova S.V. “Ah, summer! Working with children in summer country and school camps.- 2008, - 78 p.

Samokhin Yu.S., Samokhina T.A. "Tourismat the children's health camp. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2003. - 80 p.

Sachkova N.V. "Summer of Discoveries" Author's programs of detachment activities, traditions of the children's border outpost "Patrol". − 200., - 156 p.

"Collection of practical materials on the organization of detachment work in the DOL (Cypress-11)." Teaching aid./ Ed. I.N.Khusnutdinova. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005.

Collection "XIV All-Russian Meeting of organizers of recreation, health improvement of children and youth: abstracts of speeches, articles, practices of organizations of recreation and health improvement of children." Comp. G.S. Sukhoveyko - Anapa, 2015.

The authors are participants of the XIV All-Russian Meeting of organizers of recreation, health improvement of children and youth “Summer 2015; overcoming barriers, best practices and perspectives”. The texts are saved in the author's edition.

"Advice to a Beginning Counselor."/ Compiled by Z.N. Kalinina, M.A. Selivanova. - Tula: 2002.

Solovyov Yu.A. “Patriotic education in the camp.Activities, traditional and creative activities. - 2007. - 201 p.

Sysoeva M.E. "Organization of summer holidays for children: Educational and methodological manual." - M., 1999

Sysoeva M.E. "The ABC of the educator, counselor of the health camp."- M.: 1999

Sysoeva M.E., Khapaeva S.S. “Fundamentals of coaching skills. Lecture course. Workbook."- M., 2002.


Thematic change. Visual Arts Festival". From the experience of the All-Russian Children's Center "Eaglet" / Practical organizational materials to help the squad leader. / compiled by O.Vinokurova, Yu.Belyakov - Publishing House "Teacher", 2007, 160 p.Buy:

The presented materials reveal the content of one of the favorite specialized shifts in Orlyonok - the All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts. Practical recommendations will help counselors of children's camps to draw up a detachment program, fill its game plot with socially significant content; the choice and detailed description of the forms of work aimed at the rehabilitation and recreation of adolescents, their self-development and self-determination, awakens creativity, interest, forms spiritual values. The manual will help teachers, educators, counselors to plan a summer vacation for children on the principles of cooperation and co-creation.

Titkova T.V. Table book of a counselor in a children's health camp.» - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2003. - 320 p. (Series: School of Joy)

The author-teacher, who has extensive experience in children's health camps, reveals the specifics of classes with children on a country holiday. How to make children's leisure time diverse, and rest - full-fledged? How can you interact more effectively with children, their parents, and health camp staff? How to learn to make the right decisions quickly? This can be found in this book. It is interesting not only for counselors, but also for all teachers working with children, as well as for parents, since it contains a large number of different games, contests and raffles that will help make children's leisure time interesting and exciting. Attention is paid to the pre-shift preparation of the camp for the arrival of children, establishing relationships with children and their parents, other counselors, administration and camp staff. Examples of chants, instant draws are given.


In this edition, the author, a teacher with extensive experience in summer health camps, reveals the specifics of working with children on a country holiday. How to make children's leisure time diverse, and rest - full-fledged? How can you interact more effectively with children, their parents, and health camp staff? How to learn to make the right decisions quickly? You can find out by opening our book. It is interesting not only for counselors, but also for all teachers working with children, as well as for parents, because it contains a large number of different games, contests and raffles that will help make children's leisure time interesting and exciting.

Titov S.V. "Hello summer!Events in the children's country camp. - 2008, - 132 p.

Titov S.V. "Hello summer". - Volgograd: Teacher Publishing House, 2001.

Titov S.V. "Hooray, holidays! Leader's Library. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2004. - 160 p.

The collection contains methodological advice on planning and organizing the work of thematic summer camps for children, scenarios for holidays, competitions, role-playing games, attractions, discos, show programs. The manual is addressed to teachers and educators of schools, leaders and counselors of children's camps, parents. The proposed options can be varied, supplemented, based on them to come up with new ones.

Torgashov V.N. "We play detective: Holidays, concerts, undertakings, plots, contests, stories, quizzes, encryption." - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2004. - 128 p.

Trepetunova L.I. "Summer health camp. Mass events (theatrical, themed evenings and holidays. contests, games, quizzes, sports competitions)” - 2007, 280 p.

Trushkin A.G., Pivnen P.P., Abraukhova V.V. “Creativity in a children's health camp. A book for educators and teachers. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002. - 320 p. (Series: School of Joy)

The book is intended for those who work with children in a country children's camp, health center. The authors-compilers reveal the secrets of pedagogical skills, share their own experience of developing children's leisure. It is addressed to novice counselors, students of pedagogical colleges and universities, undergoing practice in health camps. Experienced teachers, employees of schools and institutions of additional education will read it with no less interest.


“Fantasy + Creativity = Vacation. Methodological and practical materials to help the organizers of recreational activities for children and adolescents. - M., 1994.

Fridman M.G."Sports and health-improving work in children's recreation camps." - M.: 2002.

Frishman I.I. "Attention, holidays!" Methodical manual for organizers of summer holidays for children, social teachers of universities.- M .: "Center for Humane Literature", 2005

Frishman I. “Children's health camp. Education, training, development. Practical guide.- 2007, 104 p.Buy:

The manual covers the issues of organizing the educational process, describes the options for children and adolescents to choose various types of activities in a children's health camp, and provides forms for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents in various regions of the Russian Federation.
The collection examines in detail the features of the educational process in a children's health camp, reveals the system for organizing specialized shifts, suggests ways and methods for teachers to work with children and adolescents participating in shifts. Specific programs are given: summer games, festivals, scientific and practical expedition, educational and recreational activities, etc.
The manual is addressed to organizers of summer holidays for children and teenagers.


Tsvetkova I.V. and others. “Cypress - 10. Rainbow over Eklandia. Ecological education in the conditions of a health camp.Toolkit.- M.: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2005.


Shaulskaya ON THE., Lifshits O. A. « Summer camp. Day after day. Fairy Holidays» - M .: "Academy of Development", 2007.- 224 p. (Series: After school)

The book is devoted to the organization of various forms of educational activities in the conditions of a children's health camp: games, competitions, holidays, entertainment that will help make children's vacations bright and memorable during the holidays.

“School summer camp: grades 1-5: Normative materials; Sample documents; Work plans; Scenarios of events.- 2004, 192 pages

"School camp. Development of activities with children in a school health camp - AND building "Teacher - AST",2003, - 128 pages

Shmakov S.A. "Children on vacation: Applied "encyclopedia": Teacher, educator, counselor."- 2nd ed., supplement. - M., 2001.

W Teinberg E.B. “Organization of the life of children and teachers in the summer camp. (Methodological guide for organizers of children's summer holidays).M.: "MZ-Press", 2002, - 272 p.

The HOPE camp as an integral part of the educational system of the Regional Children's Public Organization "Nadezhda Detachment" of the Children's and Youth Creativity Palace of the Eastern District of Moscow is known to the organizers of the children's movement and children's summer holidays not only in Moscow, but also far beyond its borders.
Nadezhda is a camp of experiments, ideas, pedagogical fantasy, trial and error, but, above all, it is a camp for children and for children.
In the selection of materials, the author was guided by creative people, because copying Nadezhda, like all living things, does not make sense, and looking into her laboratory can be instructive.
Practical advice, in the development and description of which Belkin A.A., Kominova E.B., Kominov A.P., Alenina N.V., Silin S.V. took part. and other teachers of the camp, can help build a system of life for the children's team, and as a result, make the communication between children and adults kinder, more meaningful, and fairer.

The pedagogical diary is the main document of the counselor, which records information about the DOL, about the shift, about the children, the daily plan of the day, the analysis of the day, and sets pedagogical tasks. The pedagogical diary is the main source of information about the work of team leaders and serves as their protection in the event of various situations (including those related to the life and health of children). The following are tips for working with the squad's pedagogical diary.

An approximate scheme for analyzing the day (for a counselor)

1. Has the work plan for the day been completed? What has been accomplished?

2. What business or event was the most important in terms of education?

What problem did you solve?
- The main stages of the case.
- Was the course of action thought out and carried out in the direction of solving the main task?
- How did the guys act in this case (actively, passively, listened, watched)?
- The attitude of the guys to the case.
- How did the guys react in the course of the case (clapping, laughing, being distracted, thinking, worrying)?
- Did you have to make adjustments in the course of the case? What did it give?

3. Analysis of the situation (if there is one in the day)

Short description situation and its participants.
- In connection with what the situation arose?
- How did the participants of the situation prove themselves? What were their actions?
- Summary of the situation.
- Way out.

4. general characteristics lived day.

Was the group organized?
- Have there been any changes in the team?
- Who drew attention to themselves?
- How have the guys changed, what problems did they have?

5. General conclusions

Did the day go well overall?
- What new did this day give you as a teacher?
- What forms of educational influence have you tested? For what? why exactly these?
- Tasks for the next day

Sample tasks of the day

Lay the foundations of the VDK;
- introduce the children, the camp and the staff;
- introduce children to each other;
- to acquaint children with the rules, laws and traditions of the camp;
- present EPT;
- promote compliance with the EPT;
-create conditions for the successful adaptation of the child in the camp;
- to reveal the creative, leadership, organizational and intellectual potential of children;
- identify leaders in the squad;
- to maintain (educate, develop) a friendly and interested attitude of children towards each other;
- create conditions for uniting the detachment;
- organizationally arrange the detachment;
- outline the prospects for further joint activities;
- create favorable conditions for self-realization of each child;
- develop Creative skills children;
- promote physical health;
- to promote the creative and personal growth of the child;
- create comfortable conditions/positive emotional climate in the team.
- to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle;
- develop collectivist relations;
- improve healthy lifestyle skills;
- to form and/or improve self-service skills;
- develop intellectual ability children;
- instill in children a love for nature, for their native land;
- create a situation of success for each child;
- develop personal qualities;
- form moral values children;
- develop the analytical skills of children;
- develop the cognitive abilities of children;

- to form interpersonal communication skills;
- to form the need for obtaining new knowledge;
- educate patriotic feelings in children;
- to form a moral position in the child;
- introduce children to spiritual and moral values;
- cultivate a sense of respect for each other;
- educate the strong-willed qualities of children;
- to form a team spirit in the detachment;
- develop intellectual abilities;
- to form a team through the joint activities of children;
- to form ecological consciousness;
- promote the development of critical thinking;
- Maintain a positive, friendly atmosphere in the team.

Analysis with the guys of a detachment or general camp case

Adolescents see the meaning of their existence in a specific activity. Analysis is necessary so that adolescents learn to approach their affairs consciously, understand the reasons for their successful or unsuccessful behavior, and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

Analysis can be carried out immediately after the case on fresh impressions or be delayed, take place after adolescents have had time to reflect on their impressions of the case.

Sample Discussion Questions.

What tasks did the guys set when thinking about the case?
- Did you manage to solve these problems during the preparation and conduct of the case?
- How was this case useful for people, its participants?
- What contributed to the solution of problems:
- the position of the group members (the activity of the guys, their creativity, initiative, interest, response to the actions of the asset, the advice of the case, support for their actions, the atmosphere in the group, relations between the guys, the interest of the guys, organization).
- the position of the asset, the council of the case (the ability to plan work, create all the necessary conditions, put all members of the group in an active position, find something for everyone; carry out operational management of the preparation of the case; the authority of the asset, its exactingness, influence on the guys, specific skills and skills);
- help of others (older children);
- organization of the case (its expediency, preparedness, duration, etc.).
- which of the organizers of the case, its participants especially distinguished themselves in the preparation and course of the case?
- what was not particularly successful in this case?
How could this have been avoided? Fixing bad moments?
Is it possible to hold such an event in a permanent team?
- under what conditions?
What conclusions can be drawn from this case for all children? individual teenagers? Active? Business Council? What perspective should be outlined in the affairs of the group?

Discussion Rules

Conduct a friendly discussion, do not evaluate the work of team members from the standpoint of personal likes and dislikes.
- do not miss the opportunity to talk about a person good word if he deserves it.
- criticize only fairly, remembering respect for the dignity of a person. - approach the discussion of a person's act constructively, trying to learn lessons for the future activities of adolescents.
- Listen carefully to each other, do not interrupt.
- Do not repeat the same thought several times. You can speak up if your opinion does not coincide with the opinion of the majority.
- Encourage mutual assistance, creativity, good relationships.

conditions for success.

Regular analysis;
- preliminary preparation leader, (give advice on how to conduct, how to start, what to pay attention to);
- carefully and sensitively follow the course of the conversation, listen to every statement, ask questions in time, help highlight the main thing.


Analysis of educational work helps the teacher:
- evaluate the pedagogical and psychological expediency of the chosen topic and type of work; understand the reasons for its success or failure;
- to answer the question why the content of the activity was accepted or not accepted by adolescents, why this or that method of educational influence turned out to be effective, neutral or caused a negative reaction;
- to judge their qualities, strengths and weaknesses of the activity;
- put forward real tasks for yourself, consciously deepen the positive and eliminate the negative in your work and personality traits.

It is very important to analyze the activities with the guys, as this will allow them to adjust to the mood you need, and all the goals and objectives of the event will be achieved.

Memo on the analysis of shift periods. What to consider when analyzing the organizational period

Features of children - participants of the shift:

Interests and abilities
- Level of self-organization
- Target installations per shift
- Culture of communication
- Problems encountered by children and / or with children in the camp

Emotional and psychological climate
- Attitude to the laws and traditions of DOL
- Socio-role structure, leaders in communication and organizational activities - System of self-government

Activity characteristic:

The attitude of children to the idea of ​​change, to the incentive system
- Children's activity
- Their readiness for further program activities
- Affairs. the most effective in solving problems

Conclusions and prospects:

Important directions and features of further work with children
- Methods for solving identified problems.
- The position of teachers at the next stage

Memo on the analysis of shift periods. Final analysis of the activities of the detachment and the leader for the shift

Characteristics of children - participants in the shift:

Realization of interests, abilities
- Achievement of goals for the shift
- The most important changes that occurred during the shift

Characteristics of the children's association:

Culture of behavior and relationships
- The level of development of the team
- The effectiveness of the role structure and self-management system
- The most important events in the children's association per shift

Activity characteristic:

The attitude of children to the theme of the change
- Children's activity
- The most successful ways to organize joint activities
- Cases that are most effective in solving the problems of the program

Reflections, conclusions:

Overall assessment of the results achieved
- pedagogical "victories" and "defeats"
- Suggestions for improving the program


When and how?

Information about children



1) First you need to study the child, then educate.

2) All the basic information about the child is at hand from the teacher himself and from the camp administration.

1) Basic information about the child should be recorded in the first hours of his stay in the camp; additional information is entered as necessary (observations, conversations, study of documents)

2) Health information is filled in after conversations with a doctor children's camp.

3) Try to write down information about both parents, even if the child is from an incomplete family, but communicates with the second parent and knows his contact numbers. If the child does not live with his parents, but with relatives (grandfather, aunt, etc.), brief information about one of them will not be superfluous.

4) It is ethically correct to collect information about children so that they do not see information about each other.


The daily routine is the basis for daily plans throughout the entire shift.

It is filled before the start of the shift in accordance with the schedule approved in the camp.

Calendar plan (plan-grid) of the work of the children's association for the shift

This plan should give a general idea of ​​the main events and activities in which a particular children's association participates and organizes in a shift under the guidance of a teacher.

1) Filling out the plan begins on the first day of the shift, based on the grid plan of the thematic shift of the camp: teachers choose from the general plan of the camp activities related to their children's association, and add cases in accordance with their own program.

2) Based on the results of the collection-planning with the children, the cases proposed by them, as well as preparation for general camp affairs, are included in the plan.

3) The plan should be saturated with various forms of work with the children's association and can be supplemented during the shift.

Schedule of work of teachers on the detachment (partners)

It is necessary to fix the distribution of duties and the employment of partners in various types of activities in order to more effectively organize work among themselves and with the children's association, to take into account in a timely manner

Filling out the plan begins in preparation for the shift with the distribution of the roles of the leader and follower between partners in the main areas of work with the children's association, in organizing affairs. All organizational information (time of fees creative groups, shifts, meetings, rehearsals, rest, work with others before, etc.) try to make a grid plan as soon as it appears, and immediately coordinate changes with each other

Memo on filling out a pedagogical diary

When and how?

Plan for the day

1) To know exactly where? and when? squad is located. And which of the counselors is responsible for this or that matter.

2) The plan for the day provides legal protection for the educator.

3) This is an example of a competent distribution of activities during the day.

1) The plan is written after the planning meeting or before the children wake up.

2) The plan for the day records all regime moments, the affairs of a particular temporary association and the entire camp.

3) It is necessary to prescribe the time and activity, in a separate column it is indicated who is responsible for this or that matter, from below it is necessary to indicate which of the partners was at the planning meeting!

4) Below is the individual employment of children in the day (OSU, children's TG, rehearsals, etc.)

5) The plan for the day is written on the basis of the general plan of the camp and correlates with the plan-grid of detachment activities.

Tasks of the day

Setting tasks for the day means determining what changes in the experience, behavior, attitudes of the children are necessary and possible to achieve, on which situations to say the impact.

1) Tasks help to highlight the main events of the day.

2) Clarify the content of previously planned activities, games, conversations with children, and supplement the plan with new activities.

The task for the day should be specific, because the time to solve it is calculated in hours. It is more convenient to formulate tasks using verbs. The content of the tasks is indicated by their titles.

Educational tasks- about what is planned to change in the knowledge and skills of the children.

Educational tasks- about changes in the value sphere of adolescents: in attitudes, opinions, views, beliefs, desires and aspirations, in ideas about the world around and one's place in it, about social values, about how to communicate with nature, people, etc.

Analysis of the day

1) This is a place for a daily brief review of the process and results of the work during the day.

2) The analysis of the day helps educators improve their current work with children. comprehending and evaluating it, determining the reasons for successes and failures, fixing progress towards the goals and objectives set, drawing conclusions for the future.

3) The analysis of the day helps the administration of the camp to quickly, in a short form, receive information about the state of affairs in each children's association and timely assistance in leading the detachment.

General logic of analysis and its summary is that everything should be in a logical "chain" (Facts-Evaluation-Causes). You must always follow the logic, but in terms of content, it is worth choosing for analysis on a particular day those points that you mark as particularly significant in the current situation or in the future, on which you want to focus, because. They

Conclude important achievements or vice versa, problems that require urgent resolution. These are the ones that need to be explored in more detail. A hint in choosing what is worth analyzing in more detail, and even the starting point for analyzing the day, of course, are its tasks. Considering specific facts, do not forget that their assessment should be based on pedagogical diagnostic data, conducted in the form of games, oral and written surveys, and observations of children, taking into account the opinion of both children and both partners. And try not to list, not to describe the events, but to fix their results - both qualitative and quantitative, give them an assessment, argue it, talk about the causes and optimal solutions to situations. The analysis concludes with "Conclusions, Perspectives" - this is a summary of your thoughts.

Organizational period analysis, shift analysis

These sections are intended for a stage-by-stage analysis of the results of the work of educators with a children's association. They help to summarize and evaluate the results achieved, to understand the reasons for successes and failures. Administration of the camp analysis org. period helps to identify typical problems of children's associations to adjust further general plans, and the analysis of the shift helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the program for children of different ages and the quality of the work of teachers.

Both sections are built according to a single scheme. First, teachers are offered a short form for evaluating the most important results, some of which are formulated by the administrative group or the educators themselves in accordance with the special tasks of the program being implemented in the shift. Then it is proposed to briefly analyze these and related results, as well as evaluate the selected content and means of activity, formulating your judgment in three interrelated parts: the final characteristics of adolescents, the children's association as a whole, and joint activities. For each part, a summary of the analysis is given, and its logic is the same as in the analysis of the day. Conclusions and perspectives are also indicated here.



(name of the camp)

20__ / change


The educator himself must be educated. -

K. Marx







Name, shift specifics



Student _______________________________________ is going to summer

Pedagogical practice in ______________________________________________

(name DOL)

DOL address, phone


(team leader, circle leader, senior leader, educator, coach, FC instructor)

For the period from "______" ____________ 20____ to "_____" ____________20____

Group leader ____________________ _______________________

(signature) (full name)



Arrived at the camp

Dropped out of the camp

"____" ___________ 20_____

Camp Director ____________________ _______________________

(signature) (full name)


Camp administration


senior caregiver

senior counselor


Teaching staff

Colleagues in the detachment (team):

Petukhov's teacher

Physical education instructor

Leaders creative associations:



Subject (name)

Idea of ​​change and key meanings of change


Main activity content

The main directions that exist in the shift (sports, creativity, self-government, etc.):

P the sequence of key cases and events in the shift:

Outcome for the child



Creation of a friendly children's team.

Tasks of the organizational period:

  1. Acquaintance of children with each other, adults, living conditions.

    Conduct games to get to know each other, to identify leaders.

Tasks of the main period:

    Formation of a sense of "We" (family, special, together), trust in each other


    Providing children with a sense of security, independence;

Tasks of the final period:

    Consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills (communicate, cooperate)

    Organization of group and personal reflection.

The proposed structure of self-government in the children's association (for example, commander, physical officer, editorial board, etc.) Detachment commander - Yegor Zhukov,

Responsible for sporting events

Responsible for the cleanliness of the rooms

Responsible for event preparation

The expected result of the shift (for example, knowledge of the algorithm for preparing and conducting the case):

Knowledge of the characteristics of the native country.

Learn how to do crafts in various techniques (quilling, origami).

criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the detachment (for example, daily morning exercises):

Squad name (team)


Squad asset

Squad Leader-





For counselors

Acquaintance, introduction, presentation of requirements, establishment of the level of relations

Recognition, diagnosis, filling out pedagogical documentation

Analysis of the situation, idea of ​​the prospects for change

Analysis of the situation

Organization teamwork, providing a choice

Observation, work through leaders

Individual work, working with microgroups, creating a situation of choice


of the day

Arrival day


critical day

general conversation

Preparing for the case

Opening shift

Change of activity

For children

Recognition, discovery, application for...

Building relationships, norms collective activity

Questions, oppositions, requests

Statement of positions, points of view

Applications for leadership, search and definition of a comfortable group


Realization of interests, needs, motives


For counselors

Correction of behavior and attitudes

Stimulation of activity

Individual work, work with microgroups, work with OSU, change of leaders

Observation, work through microgroups

Creating a Choice Situation

Creating conditions for the disclosure of each


of the day

Action Day


interest in each other

Test Day

Change of activity

critical day

Talk about everyone

For children

Acquisition of new traits and qualities

Self-manifestation in a situation

The commonality of the team, the value of each

Realization of interests, motives, needs

Demonstration of own knowledge

Realization of interests, needs, motives, output of creative energy


For counselors

Measurement of work results, change of leaders

Individual work, diagnostics

Individual work

Individual work

Preparing to meet new guys

Individual work, analysis


Hope for future meetings

Nature of the day

Exit with shift results

Change of activity

Everyone about everyone

How is the house?


critical day


For children

Independent actions

Self-assessment of own performance

General atmosphere of care

Preparing for a breakup

General activities in microgroups


Meeting with parents


« 24 » June

Settlement in buildings.

Games for dating, team building, identifying a leader.

Sports games in the air.

Conversation "Rules of conduct around the campfire"

Drawing competition "Wind rose"

Preparing for the "One to One" event

Sports games in the air "Paints", "Fruits", "Third extra"

Master Class from Sergei Ushakov.

Conversation "Such different countries»

India Country Quiz + Movie, Movie, Movie Event

Design of the exhibition "Fashion of India", "Life in India"

Drawing up a large collage on the theme "India

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "France"

Watching a movie

Preparing for the event "Top Model in French"

French games.

Intellectual marathon "National dishes of France".

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "Greece"

Watching the presentation "Olympic Games"

Reading Greek myths, design of the exhibition "Greek Mythology"

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "America" ​​Acquaintance with the company "Disney", watching one of the cartoons.

Preparation for the performance of a Russian folk song.

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "Russia"

Quiz "Think, dare, guess" on the topic "Sights of Russia"

Preparation for the competition "Super Macho"

Conversation "Such different countries"

Brazil country quiz

Design of the exhibition "Costume for the Carnival"

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "Türkiye".

Belly dance master class.

Preparation for the show "Oriental Tales"

Watching the cartoon "Aladdin"

Competition for the best fairy tale"1000 and 1 night"

Conversation "Such different countries"

Quiz on the country "Japan".

Event "Memoirs of a Geisha"

Exhibition of drawings "Geisha"

Preparing for a sumo show.

Making Japanese fans.

Making cherry blossoms.

Master class on Russian folk dances.

Weaving head wreaths of flowers.

Green Peace Day.

Master class on weaving baubles.

Preparing to close the camp.

Conducting the game "Secret friend".

Making keepsakes.

Photos for memory.

Revealing secret friends, exchanging gifts.


Duty, planning meetings, weekends, excursions, trips, etc.

Dining room service.

Tour of the camp

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.

Dining room service.


morning ruler

Sports hour in the detachment

Game hour in the squad


day rest

Camp event for junior units.

Camp event at the senior detachments






Resettlement in buildings (lights of acquaintances)

Conversation "Safe Camp"

game program"Hello .." (evening squad lights)




Sports outdoor games "Green Train"

Game hour in the squad

Design of detachment corners and places on the main square

Game acquaintance detachments.

Startin "You're my friend, I'm your friend"





Sports hour.

Game hour in the squad

Competition for the best morning exercises

Drawing competition "Wind rose"

Solemn line of opening shift

Bonfire, holiday concert"Rose of Wind"

Disco by the fire




Sports game on the stations "Countries of the World"

Business game "Leader and his teams"

Start of the banking system of the camp

Spinner game "Safe Camp"

Campaign "Friends of Moidodyr"

Competition of musical parodies "One to One"





Country presentation.

Sports hour.

Game hour in the squad

Start of elections in the Summit camp (1 day)

Flower Painting Competition

Quest "Solyanka-curry"

Evening light




Sports game "Adventurers"

Game hour in the squad

Camp Summit Elections (Day 2)

Campaign "Earn a million roses"

KTD "Cinema"

Evening show "Indian Film Festival"





Country presentation.

Sports game "Ford Boyard"

Game hour in the squad

Camp Summit Elections (Day 3)

Campaign "Wax figures against bad habits"

Show - show of costumes from waste material"Glamour"

Meeting at the cinema




Sports game "Lapta"

Game hour in the squad, "Mixer"

National Games of the French by Corps. Competitions in glamorous sports.

Beauty Contest "Top Model in French"




Country presentation

sports hour

Game hour in the squad


The grand opening of the small Olympic Games, the show of the five rings. Sports competitions "Let's have a rest with sports"




Olympic competitions.

Action "For healthy lifestyle life"

Olympic competitions in all-around.

Solemn closing of the Small Olympic Games, procession of five rings, gala concert with honoring the winners of the "Parade of Champions"




Country presentation.

Sports hour.

Game hour in the squad.

National Games of America.

Operation "Bumps"

Show-quest “In the footsteps of Apaches”

Meeting at the cinema




Sports game "Treasure hunt"

Game hour in the squad

Brazilian football.





Country presentation.

Sports hour "Checkers Tournament"

Game hour in the squad

Action "Many good deeds"

Competition "Super Macho"





Sports hour "Start of hopes"

Game hour in the squad

Action "Many good deeds"

Competition for the best wreath

Feast of Ivan Kupala.





Country presentation.

Table tennis tournament.

Game hour in the squad

Collectively creative work "Search for treasure", intellectual game"All in"

Show of fairy tales "Oriental tales"

Meeting at the cinema




Turkish National Games Hour.

Table tennis tournament.

Game hour in the squad.

Portrait Competition "Turkish Sultan"

Evening show " Eastern dance»




Country presentation.

Basketball Tournament.

Game hour in the squad.

Exhibition collective panel of origami.

Japan National Games Hour.

Event "Photo Quest"




Folk games of Japan.

Badminton tournament.

Game hour in the squad.

Operation "Bump"

Project "International Peace Camp"

Evening show "Sumo show"





Country presentation.

Sports competition "Comic relay races"

Campaign "We are together"

Russian karaoke competition.

Fair with a turnover of camp money.

Vozhatsko-educational concert "We come from Russia"




Competitions "Gorodki"

Exhibition-exchange "Gifts for memory"

Promotions "Hugs", "Wish Tree"

Solemn line of closing the shift.

Farewell concert "Wind of Change"

Disco by the fire.




Operation "Suitcase"



Full Name

Date of Birth

class, school

Postal code, address, home phone

Information about parents (guardians): full name, place of work, contact phone number

Information about the health of the child: condition, group, recommendations of parents and doctors of the children's camp



Interests and hobbies

Prospects for work: what he can do, what he can teach his comrades in the detachment

Orders in the detachment, in the camp

Which club did you join

What did you learn at camp?



Squad List

General briefing

Bathing organization

Tour organization

Organization of duty

Counselor - profession-bird,

You won't find another one like it!

What other job compares to

Children's hearts to light?

S.S. Shamshurina



Total children: __________23______, of which boys ___8______, girls __15______

Number of children by age: ______2004__________, b. - ____20 people

2005_________, b. - ____3______ people

G., r. - ____________ Human

Place of residence (region, regional center, district) Achinsk, Bogotol, Stepnoe village, Uzhur city

Social composition:

from complete families ________________________________________________________________

from incomplete families _______________________________________________________________

in care (indicating the surname, name, place of residence) _____________________

from orphanages (indicating the last name, first name, place of residence) __________________


Groups for health reasons: 1 group - ___21_____________ people

(indicating full name and region) Group 2 - __2______________ people

Group 3 - ________________ people

4 group - ________________ people



  • Individual and psychological characteristics of children, the level of representation of children about themselves (their capabilities, abilities, goals), expectations from a shift in the camp, the problems that the child faced in the camp and possible ways to solve them, which of the children needs special attention, needs whether the help of a senior educator and a senior counselor.

    Were you able to fulfill the tasks set for the organizational period.

    Norms of interaction and relations accepted in your team; leadership in the children's association; management system in the association.

    Analysis of the affairs of the organizational period that had the greatest impact on the children's team.




As a result of the organizational period, we can say that the children's team began

Main Period

Believe that you know all the answers - and you know all the answers. Believe that you are a master - and you are a master.

Richard Bach



Each system has its own way of spending a boundless amount of paper: one fills out gigantic reporting forms in four copies; in the other, huge advertisements are put up and every trifle is wrapped in four-layer bags.



A little more, and the hall will become sad,

Everyone will go to their places

Why is my heart so empty

After a fun concert to us?

In the country of counselors now there is a respite,

And a new search, new words.

For us, the soul of girls and boys -

Like an unread chapter in a book.

Leaders are dependent people

After all, we cannot live without children's eyes.

Counselors do not just love children -

With children, they are interested in every hour.

S.S. Shamshurin



1. The degree of implementation of the goal and objectives of the shift.

Have the goals and tasks set at the beginning of the shift been achieved? What is the role of self-government bodies, creative groups, individual children in solving these problems

2. Characteristics of children.

What changes have occurred with each shift? What did the children learn, what knowledge did they acquire? What are your merits, successes, mistakes? By what signs can one judge the moral acquisitions of children, the change in their consciousness?

3. Characteristics of the team.

How did the team change during the shift? What specific signs indicate a change in the team? What is his level of cohesion? How did the self-government bodies work, did their activities correspond to your plans? How was the work carried out in microgroups, what did it give the children?

    What new methods, techniques, tools did you use in your work? For what
    signs can be judged on their effectiveness. What experience have you gained?

    Difficulties in organizing work with children.

    Conclusions. Grade. Perspectives.

On these pages you can write down the games that you discovered for yourself during this shift.

Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Technologies

Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology

REPORT on the results of summer teaching practice

Tikhonova Natalia Leonidovna

students gr. OB-050400-35

Specialty: psychological and pedagogical

education (bachelor)

Place of internship: DOL "Friendship"

As whom he worked: counselor

Terms of internship: 31.05-09.06

Izhevsk, 2014

  1. Introduction
  2. Camp grid plan
  3. Goals and objectives of the shift
  4. Page of our detachment (name, motto, list of children and parents)
  5. Daily shift analysis
  6. Introspection
  7. Characteristics from the director of the camp


In June of this year, I had a summer teaching practice at Druzhba Children's Camp as a counselor. There were 3 people on the shift (me and 2 of my classmates). We had 6 units. A feature of our work was that our team consisted not only of children, but also of their parents, because the children were with disabilities. Also hallmark was that our shift did not last 21 days, like everyone else, but only 10 days. Therefore, a great responsibility was placed on our shoulders in such a short time to complete everything that needed to be done in 21 days, to organize the work of the detachment so that it was in no way inferior to a 21-day stay in the camp.

Goals and objectives of the shift


  1. Organize safe and interesting leisure activities for children during the summer holidays.
  2. Contribute to the development of the personality of each child
  3. Raise healthy attitudes in children


  1. Create a situation for the development of the personality of each child
  2. Promote Personal Development
  3. Provide opportunities for active recreation
  4. Build health care skills

Our squad page

Name of our team:

Our motto: There is no boredom in our kingdom,

We don't need internet!

List of children (ages 6-14):


  1. Akmarov Artem
  2. Balandin Bogdan
  3. Evgrafov Kirill
  4. Ipatov Dima
  5. Klimovich Danil
  6. Korobeinikov Matvey
  7. Lushnikov Mitya
  8. Nikolaev Roma
  9. Petrov Zhenya
  10. Semenov Sasha
  11. Skorokhodov Ruslan
  12. Timofeev Dima


  1. Bogoslovskaya Daria
  2. Vakhrina Vlad
  3. Vikulova Valeria
  4. Golubeva Polina
  5. Davydova Anna
  6. Ivanova Arina
  7. Knyazeva Lada
  8. Kochkina Alina
  9. Semenova Olesya
  10. Sterkhova Natasha
  11. Salimullina Enje

List of parents:

  1. Delya Khazieva
  2. Elena Klimovich
  3. Rosa Nikolaeva
  4. Elvira Korobeynikova
  5. Tatiana Petrova
  6. Natalia Bogoslovskaya

7) Skorokhodova Lyudmila

8) Elena Vikulova

9) Venus Salimullina

10) Galina Ipatova

11) Marina Evgrafova

Day 1

  1. Target: Introduce children and parents to the camp.
  2. Tasks:
  • Familiarize the team with the territory of the camp
  • Familiarize the squad with the rules of behavior in the camp
  • Get to know your routine
  • Introduce children to each other
  • Identify those who have not been to the camp before and who may have difficulty adapting
  1. The guys did not get in touch with each other, the relationship between boys and girls is closer than we expected. There is one boy, very modest (in the camp for the 1st time), he makes little contact and more often keeps only with his mother. Micro-groups that arise in a detachment often mix and interact with each other.
  2. During the race, the guys were anxious, many did not understand the chaos that was happening around, they were lost. Parents had the hardest day of all. But by the evening the situation became calmer, the guys were cheerful, happy, happily included in the games.

First light went well. The kids were in a positive mood. The children expressed their opinion about this day, the parents expressed their wishes for a change.

  1. There were games for acquaintance, rallying, observation. Children react to our actions with joy, take part in everything. Through conversations, children were identified who were in the camp for the first time, who would need help and be more attentive. Tasks and the purpose of the day are fulfilled.

Day 2

  1. Target: Include in camp activities.
  2. Tasks:
  • Outline the prospects for the activities of the detachment
  • Try to identify the leader in the squad
  • Organize the children to choose a name, the motto of the detachment.
  • Determine the interests and hobbies of the children
  1. We can say that the guys are united, parents are active in the life of the camp shift. Today the children were engaged in the creation of a corner. Finding a leader in this activity is difficult. But at the same time, they updated the whole process on their own. Created a motto. Perhaps the leader is not revealed because the children in this detachment are special and their parents are with them. Parents are very active and therefore children are still shy. They know that parents will help, will do. In small, intra-group activities and activities, leadership positions change between children. But if the matter is large, all children prefer to entrust the choice to their parents. A boy stood out inside the detachment, he independently removes himself from other children. He leaves when he is called to do a common business. According to his mother, the child only likes to play the computer, and he has no other hobbies. It’s hard to make contact, always with mom or one sitting in the room. Avoids activities, after the guys take him to the game with everyone, he tries to run away.
  2. Starting from the rise, the children were in anticipation Have a good day. Positive attitude. Ready to have fun. When acquaintance with circles began, the children were delighted. Everyone found something to their liking. Some parents became interested in circles. The children were especially happy when the girls of their detachment performed on stage at the opening of the shift.

Twinkle: The analysis of the day was in the form "Choose the color of the day". The predominant colors were yellow, orange and red, which children associate with joy and happiness.

  1. Games were held to identify the leader, observation of the guys during the day to determine the leader. Children take part with joy, show themselves in any activity, are not afraid to make mistakes or difficulties. Tasks and the purpose of the day are fulfilled.

Day 3

  1. Target: Rally children in a squad. Reveal the leader.
  2. Tasks:
  • Conduct a game of rallying and identifying a leader
  • Find for each child something for which he could be responsible in the detachment, than to help the rest.
  1. Relations in the detachment are even, strong. There were fun starts. The children ran in a team, the work went smoothly. The support group (and there were few of them (mothers and children in wheelchairs)) loudly shouting, supported their own. In the afternoon we went to the Zoo. Here the children themselves divided into groups and went for a walk (those who can move around on their own, and the boys themselves decided to roll the girls in wheelchairs and help them). At the same time, when the groups met, they exchanged emotions and advised each other what to see. In the evening race of counselors and mothers, the children organized a support group, they were sick with all their hearts. The boy Ruslan today took part in the Merry Starts, despite the fact that his mother was not happy about it, to put it mildly. The team was warmly received. When he ran, the guys worried and cheered for him. But after the event, he went back to the room with his mother. We were able to bring him to the light only after persuasion. He said that he did not like the camp, and he wanted to go home. He says he doesn't like to do anything like that.
  2. Children are set to work, play, invent. As soon as free minutes appear, they demand to play a game with them, they themselves take the initiative, just explain the rules to them.

spark passed in the form of the analysis of the day: Hand (5 fingers) At the spark, everyone was happy with the past day. A lot of emotions. The children mostly talked about how they like everything here, shared their impressions. To the question “What would you like to change about this day?” They answered: Nothing, or to make this day last longer. Parents were also supportive of their children. Everyone felt comfortable and open.

  1. Joint games to identify the leader and rally, personal conversations, depending on the situation. It was not possible to identify the leader, so the goal of the day was not achieved.

Day 4

  1. Target: Create positive emotional mood in the detachment
  2. Tasks:
  • Organize preparations for the upcoming camp event
  • Organize leisure time in your free time from circles and the Next team, with benefit and development moral qualities children
  1. Ruslan today showed a desire to make contact. And the guys accepted it with joy. The boy moved closer. Our guys sometimes began to communicate and play with the guys from other squads, but during the disco they don’t want to see other guys in their circle. The Next team came. Her children were active, with pleasure they tried to learn new movements and learn to dance. Mothers studied alongside them. In the game, the sniper girls showed good interaction. The boys played football in a draw, the day was bright for the children, leaving many good impressions. The squad event "Running of the Polite Board" was held
  2. In the morning the children were happy, but they said that they didn’t have enough sleep today (they slept in quiet time all without exception). The girl Vlada said that in the morning she was sad, but then it became fun again, she could not explain the reason for her sadness.

Twinkle: The analysis of the day was the Photoshoot method. The children were asked to imagine which one photo they would keep after that day. The children said they enjoyed the sporting event, but what they remembered most was Next. Therefore, this event is present in the “photo” of children. Everyone called the midges bored at the disco a minus.

  1. In working with children, conversations and group games were used. The goal and objectives of this day have been achieved, but it is possible to judge their effectiveness only after some time.

Day 5

  1. Target: To form in children a sense of "We", a sense of unity.
  2. Tasks:
  • Organize children to support their counselor
  • Provide an opportunity to establish yourself as a squad.
  1. Today was indeed a great day. Firstly, today there was a competition "Battle of counselors". The children were happy to prepare a number in defense of the counselor. Secondly: There was a serious sniper game with the guys from the senior squad. Today is also a big day (for counselors), because Ruslan has opened. He volunteered to play sniper and football himself. I went to a circle where I made a card as a gift for my sister, who has a wedding. But tomorrow he and his mother are leaving. The boy opened up, just swayed and got a taste, it is clear that he took a step towards his opinion, and not only listened to his mother. The relations of other guys in the detachment will continue to acquire an increasingly strong and friendly character. The guys help each other in everything, even in minor domestic difficulties. In preparation for the event, the guys drew many different posters, helping Arina, who was the main artist.
  2. The children were cheerful and joyful all day long. After the "Best Counselor" competition, the mood soared to euphoria, because their counselor Zhenya became the best.

Twinkle: Analysis of the day - Apple tree. The squad was asked to choose the color of the apple that they would hang on the tree.

  • Yellow - everything was great.
  • Red - danger, the day was terrible.
  • Green - everything was good on this day, but there are downsides.

All the apples on the tree were yellow, only one was green. Delya Khazieva (Vlada's mother) said that the downside was that everyone was going to the sniper game for a long time.

  1. Today, the work is mainly collective, the goals and objectives of the day have been achieved.

Day 6

  1. Target: Create a positive attitude for work in the remaining half of the shift.
  2. Tasks:
  • Create a positive attitude for children
  • Maintain enthusiasm from the beginning of the shift to the end
  1. Today, the leaders finally stood out - Roma and Alina. This was shown in the game "Escape from the Zoo". The squad listened to what they said and did exactly as they said. There is sympathy between Roma and Alina. Micro-groups appeared, mostly deaf-mute girls and boys (Roma and Danil). The rest of the guys adjoin these groups, but often separate. In the games organized by the counselors, the children still play all together.
  2. The circle "Merry and resourceful" at first caused a storm of indignation, but later the guys did not want to leave. The victory in football inspired them, they are glad that the squad is in the lead. I liked it when the counselors painted faces with face painting in different animals. During the event, everyone was friendly, the only ones who walked together by the whole squad by the hand, and did not break the rules.

Twinkle. Today the light was with the guitar, they sang songs. The mood of the children is positive, only 2 of the entire detachment were upset by the evening rain. The children remembered the fact that they, together with their mothers, jumped through the puddles, sniper, football. Everyone sang songs, then together they went to bed and instantly fell asleep.

  1. The methods of work were conversations, work in micro-groups, the goal and tasks of the day were achieved.

Day 7

  1. Target: Create a favorable situation in the detachment in which each child can show himself in the best way.
  2. Tasks:
  • Contribute to the creation of a situation of disclosure of each
  • Give everyone the opportunity to show what they are capable of
  1. The guys are getting used to each other more and more. They begin to realize that separation is coming soon. Their shift will be over soon. Today they held a squad event "Mr. and Miss squad", but there was a problem in this event. Those who did not win were upset and naughty. The boys simply kept silent and were offended by the winner, and the girls burst into tears. Therefore, the rest of the evening had to calm the guys down, but the counselors were able to do this, smoothing out the whims with sweet prizes and switching the guys' activities to a different direction, in particular, to preparing for the Fairy Tale competition. The children were offered to write a fairy tale together, each chose a role to their liking.
  2. The competition of fairy tales is coming soon, the children are inspired by the upcoming performance, they make a fairy tale with delight. At the fire, the children were depressed, someone was tired, someone was upset that they did not win, many say that the end of the shift is coming soon. Although children are happy with everything they see, inside they are already less filled with enthusiasm and fun, they feel that they will soon have to leave.

spark passed sadly, everyone was in a state of decline.

  1. The goals and objectives of today were not achieved, everything turned out with precision and vice versa. We did not take into account that such children have a much higher level of pretension, and therefore hurt everyone's feelings, but now we know what needs to be changed and we can try in a new day.

Day 8

  1. Target: Overcome existing disunity in the detachment
  2. Tasks:
  • Allow children to interact with each other
  • Give them the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction.
  1. The day started positively, but today everyone was too excited, disorganized. Everything had to be repeated many times. A day of chaos for counselors. Fortunately, there were no conflicts, even after yesterday's event the children moved away and switched to the Fairy Tale, but with difficulty. At first, the children did not want to rehearse the fairy tale, they did not go, they scattered. After rehearsing on stage, they realized that it looked terrible and went to rehearse themselves. Conducted a detachment event "Drawing on asphalt". They suggested the topic “Leave your painting as a memory for the camp.” Here the children threw out all their emotions. All that was sad inside. Groups of children for this event were divided by counselors, offering to pull out multi-colored circles from the hat. The performance lifted the spirits of the children even higher. They liked that the fairy tale caused a storm of emotions. They didn’t dance at the disco today, they fooled around, ran, played, even when we played disco games with them.
  2. At the beginning of the day, the children were cheerful, excited, as the event approached, excitement was felt, the guys were afraid that they would not succeed, they asked for advice. After the performance, they were glad that the audience accepted them, and they received a diploma.

Twinkle. Today, the guys were invited to present themselves as a gift. Children gave free rein to their imagination, this allowed the children to relax a little and relieve emotional stress. A positive atmosphere was created, everyone was able to dream.

  1. During the day, the guys had to interact with each other in different settings, it helped them to talk in person, there were no conflicts. A common cause, such as a fairy tale, made it possible to forget all grievances, and made it possible for everyone to unite. The goal has been achieved and it's great.

Day 9

  1. Target: Summarize the change.
  2. Tasks:
  • Conduct an analysis of your work in the shift, the contribution of each to it
  • Help children deal with emotions
  1. We can say that our squad is at the stage of the "Flickering Beacon". Perhaps if this shift had lasted longer, they would have risen higher. Today is our last day together. Tomorrow, starting in the morning, the guys will leave the camp. Although there are some that will remain until the end of the shift. The children and mothers actively played sniper, the mood was fighting. The parents challenged the children and we led a squad sniper inside the Children's Team VS Mom's Team + counselors.
  2. The kids are upset that their shift is over. A little lost. Those who could not play sniper (girls in wheelchairs and boys with cerebral palsy) were also upset, although the counselors simply played ball with them, but they understood that this was the last time and were upset.

Twinkle. There was a light of farewell, we gave each member of the squad a bratalka, a brush of strings, so that they could tell each other everything that had accumulated in the shift. Mothers and children were fully included. It was hard, but this is the last light, it is never joyful.

  1. The results were summed up, the children shared with each other everything they wanted to say, they all told their parents and counselors, it was gratifying to see that even the parents got involved in this event and also spoke revelations to each other, so the technique was a frank conversation. The goal is achieved, the tasks are completed.

Day 10

  1. Target: Organize the departure of children
  2. Tasks:
  • Help children move out
  • Create a positive attitude for those who stay on the 2nd stream.
  1. The guys followed each other. Helped with things. The counselors passed the shift to the girls who take over. While there were organizational moments, the counselors tried to somehow occupy the children that remained, they took them to circles and organized games. Roma and Alina were included in a separate activity, preparing for the competition "Prince and Princess of Friendship", which was to be held the next day.
  2. To be honest, we expected that the guys would still cry and be sad today that everyone was leaving, but on the contrary, during the day they did not shed a single tear. Everyone was seen off together, the boys helped with things, the girls just helped to collect them.
  3. The main method of this day was individual conversations with both children and parents. The goals were achieved, those who remained on the 2nd stream were able to cope with the difficulties.


It was my first time working as a counselor at a summer camp. Difficulties, of course, were inevitable. This is, firstly, getting to know and establishing contact not only with children, but also with their parents; secondly, it was necessary to quickly find ways out of difficult situations. In general, I liked working as a counselor. There were no problems with children. I was pleased that the children themselves were actively involved in the activities, they did not need to be forced to do something. In many competitions, our team took first place, which we were very happy about.

There were no special difficulties with the parents. They were active, cheerful, participated in competitions with great interest: fun starts, a sniper and others. Attended various circles, assisted counselors.

I used to think that working with children with disabilities is difficult. Practice has shown how wrong I was. Working with them is interesting and informative. There is so much warmth and light in their eyes that they charge you with them for the whole day. We have a lot to learn from them. I'm glad I got this kind of experience.

In general, the work of a counselor brought me a lot of positive emotions, I learned to understand sign language, to find the best options for getting out of difficult situations. I think I achieved my goals.

Plan - grid of the 1st shift DOL "Friendship"

1 day 31.05

Getting into the country of Friendship

Meet the country of Friendship!


2 day 01.06


Opening Concert

Dating Disco

Day 3 02.06

Battle of the funniest

Battle well the funniest


Day 4 03.06

NEXT (all day)


Day 5 04.06

Line of counselors

Battle of counselors

Disco counselors

Zoo Escape

Day 7 06.06

bath day

Drug Addiction Prevention Center

Squad events


Day 8 07.06

Battle of fairy tales


Day 9 08.06


The battle of the most intelligent, abstruse (Intuition)


Day 10 09.06

Daytime battle!

Night battle!

Day 11 10.06

Line of counselors

Princess and Prince of Friendship


Day 12 11.06

Well done fun


Day 13 12.06

She's coming!

Black and white disco.

Day 14 13.06

bath day

Squad events.


Day 15 14.06

Ball in honor of the King and Queen of Friendship


Battle of the CHORES!


Day 17 16.06

10:00 AM BOAT

17:00 Police School

18 day 17.06

Dance battle (dances of the peoples of the world)


Day 19 18.06

Friends Day



Day 20 19.06

closing ruler

closing concert


21 day 20.06

We are leaving the country of Friendship

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