Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes against wrinkles. Massage around the eyes against wrinkles - effective techniques

The skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive than other parts of the face. It does not form a protective fatty layer, so wrinkles appear much faster. It is important to take care of the skin around the eyes, treat it carefully and delicately, then it will not lose its elasticity.

But how to remove wrinkles around the eyes, if they have already appeared? The problem can be corrected by home methods or procedures in beauty salons. More details below!


Before getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes, you should know about the causes. Many factors influence the appearance of wrinkles. Some of them refer to the internal state of the body, and others to external factors:

  • The skin prone to dryness loses firmness and elasticity faster than others;
  • The formation of wrinkles contributes to the increased activity of the muscles of the area around the eyes;
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep lead not only to aging of the dermis, but also to dark circles under the eyes;
  • Use of alcohol-containing cosmetics;
  • Lack of vitamins E and A;
  • Bad habits like smoking and alcoholism;
  • Neglect of sunscreen;
  • Active rubbing of eye creams, the use of a large amount of decorative cosmetics leads to wrinkles;
  • Scratching and rubbing the area around the eyes;
  • Sitting at a monitor or TV screen for a long time not only spoils your eyesight, but also dehydrates the dermis;
  • Causes independent of a person for the early appearance of wrinkles include appearance features such as a drooping eyelid, drooping eyebrows, and deep-set eyes.

Knowing all the factors that affect the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, you can avoid their premature formation and preserve youth for many years.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home

Long before the advent of cosmetology, women rejuvenated their skin exclusively at home. And many succeeded! You can reduce the signs of aging and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home if you perform the procedures regularly.

It is realistic to remove wrinkles under and above the eyes at home and you can do this with the help of masks, oils, massage, and exercises. Helpful information, tips, secrets and detailed recipes for wrinkles around the eyes below:

Anti-wrinkle masks

No wonder homemade beauty recipes are the most popular way to eliminate this problem. The products are easy to prepare or use, saving time and money.

Ingredients for homemade masks can be found in any store, but it is better to use grown on your own site. Such products contain several times more vitamins and other useful substances.

Best folk masks from wrinkles around the eyes:

Aloe + honey + cream

Anti-wrinkle eye mask with aloe, honey and cream: take 1 tsp. aloe pulp and honey, mix with 1 tsp. fat cream and apply on the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week.

Parsley + olive oil

Grind a handful of parsley in a blender or finely chop, drip a few drops olive oil or macadamia oil. Stir and apply on the eye area for 10 minutes. This mask is very effective against wrinkles, it can be done 2-3 times a week.

Honey + peach oil

Melt 1 tsp. honey, add a little peach or apricot oil. Then sprinkle with oatmeal, stirring until a slurry forms. Apply the mask before going to bed for 10-15 minutes. The course of application is 7 days.

Water + turmeric + baking soda

Dissolve a pinch of turmeric and soda in 20 ml of mineral water. Wipe the area around the eyes with the resulting solution 1 time every other day for a week. Although such a folk remedy is effective for wrinkles in the eye area, it must be used carefully.

natural folk remedies from wrinkles in the area around the eyes have always been famous for their effectiveness!

Vitamin E + cocoa butter + sea buckthorn oil

Anti-wrinkle mask for the eye area with vitamin E, cocoa butter and sea buckthorn: mix 2 capsules of vitamin E with sea buckthorn and cocoa butter (it needs to be melted first). If you do not have these oils, you can replace them with others.

Vitamin E + favorite cream

Vitamin E can be added to your favorite eye cream and used as usual.

White bread + butter

Mash the crumb of half a slice of white bread with butter. Apply for 15 minutes and remove with a cotton swab. Use 2 times a week.

Rose essential oil + base peach oil

Mix 1 drop of rose essential oil with 1 tsp. peach oil and gently rub into the area around the eyes 2 times a week after removing makeup.

Glycerin + Vitamin A + Yolk

Mask with glycerin (1 tsp), vitamin A (1 ampoule) and 1 yolk, stir and apply to the area around the eyes. The mask should be used every other day for a month, and after the course, you will notice a decrease in wrinkles.

Chamomile + dill

1 tsp dried chamomile flowers mixed with 1 tsp. dried dill leaves, put in a gauze bag and sew up. Brew 2 sachets per day and apply to the area around the eyes until completely cool. The combination of these herbs helps reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

In some recipes, if desired, you can add essential oils. From wrinkles around the eyes, rose oil, neroli, sandalwood help. But you can not add more than one drop, because this is a concentrated product that can cause allergies and irritation.

Do not forget that the skin around the eyes is highly sensitive. Do not rub or apply hot masks.

Before use folk recipes do an allergy test. If a few hours after use, swelling, itching, redness in this area has formed, then this recipe should not be used.

Make sure that the contents of the mask do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. This can lead to temporary loss of vision or irritation of the lining of the eye.

Video: effective mask from wrinkles around the eyes at home.


If the preparation of masks seems tedious to you, use base oils in the fight against wrinkles. Especially since vegetable oils extremely effective for wrinkles around the eyes!

They can be applied neat or mixed (here you can watch a video about the oil mixture for wrinkles around the eyes). By the way, such a natural product can not be washed off, but simply gently removed with a napkin.

Choose light, non-greasy oils. One of best oils from wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Coconut oil. It has a positive effect on the entire skin (as well as hair), in particular, it can be used as a remedy for wrinkles under the eyes and in the entire area around. The oil contains lauric and caprylic acids and other extremely useful substances. It effectively nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, creates a protective layer that can protect against UV rays.
  • Cacao butter. Contains antioxidants, oleic and palmitic acid, vitamin E. Protects the skin from harmful effects environment, increases its elasticity, relieves inflammation and irritation. Like many others, it has a lot of laudatory reviews on the Internet. In general, cocoa butter has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes and reduces wrinkles.

  • Avocado oil. Contains easily digestible fatty compounds, antioxidants, vitamins A, E, C, D and group B and minerals. It makes sagging skin around the eyes supple and elastic, has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body and eliminates wrinkles (no wonder it has so many laudatory reviews!). Also, avocado table oil can be consumed orally in 1 tbsp. l. per day on an empty stomach.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. It is effective against wrinkles around the eyes, because it contains omega acids, palmitoleic, stearic, myristic acid. Sea buckthorn oil enhances skin regeneration, eliminates wrinkles and flaking, heals wounds, neutralizes age and dark spots. It also has many positive feedback from different women.
  • . Contains vitamins E and B important for the skin, saturated and unsaturated fats. It is a natural antioxidant that prevents premature aging skin.
  • Almond oil - read more at.

In addition to the listed oils, there are others worthy of attention: jojoba, rosehip, peach and many others. others

Video: a useful mixture of oils for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles.

Folk remedies

It is very useful to use folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes in their pure form. Like oils, they have a beneficial effect on the eyelid area. These include honey, aloe, vitamin E, fish oil. It is worth talking about this in more detail:

  • Honey good for the skin and can act on wrinkles around the eyes. Before use, it should be slightly warmed up and applied to cleansed skin. Wash off after 20 minutes. If you are allergic to honey, the product can be replaced with aloe pulp.
  • Aloe no less effective for wrinkles around the eyes. You can apply the juice of a miraculous plant several times a week, it is very useful. This tool has an endless number of accolades.
  • Daily rubbing of the contents of the ampoules vitamin E or fish oil. It is not necessary to wash these substances from the area around the eyes - you should wipe the skin with a clean cotton pad or a napkin.


Home care also includes gymnastics, which is effective for wrinkles around the eyes. Exercises can be done both at home and at work, they are simple and easy to perform.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes should definitely be included in daily care.

As an additional way in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes, cosmetologists advise you to perform certain exercises for the eyes every day.

It consists of simple exercises:

  • Keep your head in a fixed position. Move your pupils to the left, then to the right, make a circular motion. Repeat 3 times.
  • Look at the tip of your nose. Wait 5 seconds and relax your eyes. With each new approach, increase the time by 1-2 seconds.
  • Open your eyes wide, hold your eyelids for 4 seconds, then relax your eyes. Do 5 sets.
  • Look through any picture or pattern for as long as you can. Then relax your gaze and repeat again.
  • Close your eyelids and move the eyeball with your fingers to one side and the other.

Video: gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmaceutical products can also be effective for wrinkles around the eyes. For example, some ointments sold in pharmacies may not be used according to the standard application. For example, hemorrhoid or allergy remedies include fatty acids, vitamins, and heparin. Such pharmacy products not only have a cosmetic effect, but also penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, providing a therapeutic effect and smoothing wrinkles around the eyes.

Such ointments include Relief, Radevit, Curiosin, Panthenol, Heparin, Retinoic, Hydrocortisone ointment. They have good composition and good reviews. These eye wrinkle products should be applied no more than a few times a week, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Pharmacy ointment for wrinkles around the eyes should be taken with caution: consult a doctor, make sure there are no contraindications and allergies.


Massage has long been used as an anti-wrinkle remedy, but is especially effective for the area around the eyes.

This method is used to enhance the effect of cosmetic oil. With the help of massage, blood flow in the area around the eyes increases and nutrients penetrate faster into the deeper layers of the skin.

When performing an anti-wrinkle massage, use a base oil for the eye area.

In order for the massage to be effective against wrinkles around the eyes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with micellar water or milk;
  2. Apply a few drops of base oil to the skin;
  3. With the pads of the index and middle fingers, gently press in the direction from the nose to the temples;
  4. Without stretching the skin circle several times with pads around the eyes;
  5. With small tapping movements of the fingers, walk along the lower and upper eyelids.

Such a massage should be done no more than 2 times a week so that the skin around the eyes can recover from the previous time.

Video: how to massage around the eyes against wrinkles.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with the help of cosmetology

If home procedures do not give the desired effect, contact professional cosmetologists. How to get rid of wrinkles around and under the eyes with the help of cosmetology? Tell the doctor about the features of your skin, share your wishes for the result, and he will choose the most suitable option.


The most popular procedure for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes is an injection. Injections allow substances to penetrate deep under the skin and restore its elasticity.

There are several types of injections for the area around the eyes:

  • Biorevitalization. Executed using hyaluronic acid, which over time begins to be produced less by the body, due to which elasticity is lost. Such injections are used both for the prevention and elimination of existing wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Mesotherapy. It is popular because the injected drug is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body and skin. It has a wide range of applications: for the prevention and correction of aging, with excessive dry skin, with scars and stretch marks, cellulite, hair loss.
  • Botulinum therapy. Used to combat mimic wrinkles. When injected, botulinum toxin is used, which relaxes the muscles of the face. For injections from wrinkles around the eyes, the following drugs are used: Botox, Xeomin, Dysport. They are safe, popular and have good reviews.
  • Plasmolifting. The active substance in this procedure is platelet-rich plasma. It accelerates cell division, due to which the skin is renewed.

Any good specialist before the session will talk about contraindications. And pick the most effective method to smooth wrinkles around the eyes.

Choose only experienced and qualified professionals!


This service is designed to renew the epidermis and increase blood flow. After peeling, it is recommended to use anti-wrinkle masks. Most often, the basis of the cosmetic product is lactic acid, which delicately but effectively acts on the skin. With the help of such cosmetic procedure You can get rid of wrinkles around the eyes or make them much smaller.


The darsonvalization procedure is the effect of high frequency current on skin cells. As a result, blood flow increases, enrichment with useful substances is accelerated, and metabolic processes are activated.

The procedure with Darsonvalam can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, improve its condition, and it is effective against wrinkles around the eyes. Good feedback are available in abundance not only regarding this problem, but also about the skin, hair, face.

You can quickly and effectively remove wrinkles around and under the eyes with the help of cosmetology. The main thing is to choose nice salon beauty or cosmetology clinic. As a rule, reviews of clients who used cosmetology services should help with this. The more good and less bad reviews, the more trust the "beauty forge" inspires.


In order to have to turn to the services of cosmetologists as late as possible, follow simple tips for caring for the skin around the eyes:

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep a day;
  • include in the diet foods containing amino acids (fish, cold-pressed vegetable oils);
  • use lines of cosmetics designed for the skin around the eyes;
  • do not apply cream with aggressive and synthetic components on the eyelids;
  • limit the time spent at the computer or TV;
  • protect the skin around the eyes from the sun;
  • Do eye exercises daily and weekly eye area massage.

The skin on the eyelids requires special care. Do not neglect the advice of experts in order to have a young and attractive appearance for as long as possible. If you wish and try to remove or prevent wrinkles around the eyes, you can!

In contact with

To tighten the skin of the eyelids and cheeks, resort not to expensive creams, but to an anti-wrinkle massage around the eyes. It is massage from wrinkles under the eyes that affects the deep layers of the epithelium and helps delay the manifestation of the first signs of aging. Beauty salons provide specialized masks, devices, appliances, massage techniques and creams. But massage techniques that have existed since ancient times can be used at home.

The effectiveness of massage techniques

Massage from wrinkles around the eyes affects:

  • cells, accelerates blood;
  • lymph;
  • facial muscles.

As a result, toxins are more actively removed through the skin, collagen is stimulated, the skin is tightened, circles and swelling around the eyes are reduced. Such procedures positive aspects a lot - no allergic reactions, no clogging of the skin, self-regulation of the force of exposure, high performance, does not require specialized equipment and skills. In some types of techniques, not only the epidermis is stimulated, but also the eyeball, which leads to increased vision.

Massage can be used for medical purposes. With it, you can reduce or remove headaches and even stabilize intraocular pressure.

Main contraindications:

The presence of inflammatory elements on the skin (open cuts, ulcers, barley), oncology above the third degree, schizophrenia, infection.

Before proceeding to stimulate the skin, it must be cleaned of dirt and makeup. A suitable oil or cream is applied to the cleansed cover. After massaging, take a contrast shower or wipe the skin with a piece of ice. The latter can be replaced with a circle of fresh cucumber. This procedure is recommended to be done at night, so that during sleep the skin rests and is well saturated with vitamins, oils and creams.

There are massage lines that you need to know. If you do not follow them, then there is a risk not to reduce, but to increase the number of wrinkles. When massaging with fingers, stroking, pressing and patting are performed. Around the eye, where the skin is the thinnest and most sensitive, strong influences are not allowed. The easiest way to remove wrinkles: apply the product with light pats and stroke the skin around the eyes 10 times.

You should not buy expensive massage machines for your home. As an auxiliary equipment, use cold spoons, which wonderfully cope with swelling of the skin.

The selected cosmetic product is applied to spoons. Spoons are applied to the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes. Zigzag spoons lead to the temples, press the temples three times, bring the spoons to the ears. These movements must be repeated three times.

There are many well-known massage techniques, among them:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • according to Kurbatov;
  • qigong system;
  • Tibetan technique.

Methodology according to Kurbatov

The Kurbatov technique helps not only in the fight against aging, but also with myopia. Massage according to this technique is rhythmic, includes a couple of exercises, but the effect will be higher with the use of medications.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage for wrinkles under the eyes in beauty salons is carried out, including with the help of equipment, and this should be done by a specialist. But the technique itself can be tested at home. Its peculiarity is that it tightens the skin of the face, relieves puffiness, smoothes wrinkles. The effectiveness is such that in just 10 sessions there will be no trace of bags and swelling of the eyes and skin. For this:

  1. At the temples, grabbing the areas nearby, make 10 circles clockwise with the pads of the middle and index fingers.
  2. Pulsating movements (pressing and releasing) from the temples should be followed towards the nose along the bone under the lower eyelid. This must be done three times. Fingers are moved along the bone up - to the eyebrow area. Along the lower edge of the eyebrows from the nose to the temple, the massage is continued with pulsating pressure.
  3. For a few seconds, with light pressure, the lower eyelid is fixed, and then the upper one.
  4. With your fingertips, pat on the lower eyelid from the temples to the nose, and on the upper eyelid from the outer corner to the temple.
  5. The finger is placed on the outer corner of the lower eyelid, depicting a swinging boat from it, leading to the inner corner. From above we do the same movements, but towards the temple. First you need to do five times the “boat” from below, and then from above.
  6. In the corner of the eye, near the end of the eyebrows, we do 10 pressures with the middle finger and move the “boat” along the lower eyelid to the corner near the nose. Press on the area of ​​​​the inner corner 10 times and move your finger “boat” to the outer corner. You need to make 10 such circles.
  7. From the inner corner along the eyebrow with stroking fingertips go to the temples, and from the temporal region along the cheekbones to the nose.
  8. Along the same lines, pat your fingers around the eyes.

Qigong massage

The most common system of massage techniques for the eyes is Qigong. It is closely related to spiritual practices, therefore, it should be treated accordingly.

Before starting, you need to calm down and even out your breathing.


  • close the eyelids and make eighteen circular movements with the eyes clockwise, and then against;
  • look behind closed eyelids in different directions - eighteen times;
  • look up and down under the eyelids 18 times;
  • at a distance of half a meter, place either a finger or a pencil. Focus on it, and then look sharply into the distance. Bring your attention back to the subject in front of you. Repeat 36 times;
  • put the index and middle fingers on the closed upper eyelids and lightly press eight times.

Tibetan massage technique

This massage combines the use of circles with pressure: pressure is applied to the upper eyelids, and the lower ones are simply stroked. Many exercises are consonant with the Qigong system. First they relax, then they relieve tension: they close their eyes tightly, and then they open them abruptly, this should be done within one minute.

Tibetan exercises:

  1. Cover your eyelids, put your fingers on top and press a little;
  2. Massage around the eyes 10-15 times;
  3. Blink for half a minute;
  4. Close the eyelids, put a finger on them and try to lift the eyelids without removing the fingers. Repeat 10-15 times;
  5. Play ten times with the object to zoom in and out (for more details, see the subsection above);
  6. In front of the bridge of the nose, bring your fingers together, focus on them. Spread your arms out to the sides, watching them. If you can no longer follow them with your eyes, then it is considered that the exercise is over.

In contact with

Wrinkles are an unpleasant problem that does not bypass anyone. Gradually, the skin begins to become less elastic. How to get rid of such a problem with the help of massage and gymnastics, read in this article.

Facial wrinkle massage at home

If in childhood it was possible to make any faces without consequences (the face smoothed out immediately), then with age, small, initially not very annoying folds remaining on the skin, which appear due to regular contractions of the facial muscles, became noticeable.

Many are concerned about this small but unpleasant feature of the skin. It is believed that the process of wrinkle formation can be stopped only with the help of expensive operations, but this is not so. There is always a great way out - massage.

Facial massage for wrinkles is an alternative to Botox. So say the experts from the following video:

From mimic

In order to get rid of mimic wrinkles, it will be useful to periodically do a simple massage, while observing some recommendations.

1. Before the massage, about half an hour, prepare a herbal compress and hold it on your face for a while so that the muscles warm up and become more supple.
2. Remove hair, they should not interfere with the process.
3. Thoroughly wash your face and wash your hands, clean the dirt from under your nails.
4. Warm up your face before massage with a cream or oil, preferably not very greasy.
5. Learn the lines along which the lymph moves. Do the massage in such a way as to follow the course of the lymph. This will help to achieve the desired effect, with the wrong massage, the skin can stretch, sag and be damaged.

Remember, it is important to massage correctly, otherwise the skin can stretch and sag!

From senile

To get rid of age wrinkles, the technique described above is suitable. Separately, we can mention other types of massage suitable for the partial elimination of deep wrinkles.

  • To get rid of forehead wrinkles: start from the bridge of the nose, pressing, massage towards the temples. Then return to the center of the forehead, but already touch the skin lightly and gently, without making any effort. Repeat the same movements ten times.
  • To get rid of nasolabial folds: start the massage from the recesses at the nostrils, press with force about five times.
  • To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes: start by massaging the right eyelid, then move to the left, at the end, lightly press the wrist on the eye sockets.


Gymnastics and massage are great ways to keep your skin toned. Do not forget that these muscles need to be trained. We'll explain how.


  • To smooth wrinkles around the eyes this exercise is perfect. Relax, close your eyes for five seconds, look at the bridge of your nose, then straight ahead. Repeat this five times, let your eyes rest.
  • To remove circles under the eyes, with the index cheekbones, slightly pull the skin of the cheeks down, closing your eyes with force.
  • For smoothing vertical wrinkles pull the eyebrows to the temples, sliding your fingers along the lowered upper eyelid. It is advisable to repeat the exercise several times a day.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles, or how to look 35 at 50 - this is the topic of the video below:

Oval face and mouth

  • To remove the second chin, say "ks" - you will feel how your mouth stretches to the sides and your chin tenses. Neck ligaments will become visible. Do not change position for five seconds, repeat five times, relaxing for two seconds after each set.
  • Similar exercises will help lift the cheekbones and smooth out the nasolabial folds: in the first case, say “and” for a long time, pulling the skin towards the ears, in the second - lightly pinch your lips, pull them in different directions.

Wrinkles around the eyes can appear at a very young age. This is affected by improper skin care, nutrition, lifestyle. This problem worries not only the ladies of the "Balzac age", but also girls of 20 years old.

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and sensitive. In the corners of the eyes and in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, the so-called "crow's feet" may appear very early. Proper and timely care, and in particular, massage around the eyes, will help prevent premature formation of wrinkles and tone the skin around the eyes.

Rules for performing massage around the eyes

Daily massage around the eyes will relieve swelling, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and give the look a younger and fresher look.

If you decide to perform a massage yourself, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the basic important points performing the procedure:

  • Anti-wrinkle massage around the eyes is performed only on cleansed facial skin. Hands must also be clean.
  • Massage movements are performed very carefully and carefully, since the skin around the eyelids is very thin and sensitive.
  • Before massage, the skin around the eyelids should be treated with a massage cream or oil. Almond or peach oil works well for this. The massage agent is applied with light tapping movements.
  • All movements are performed strictly along the massage lines: we start moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, then from the outer corner along the lower eyelid to the inner.

Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes

Massage is performed with fingertips

  1. Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes is carried out with both hands at once. To do this, use the index and middle fingers. We perform 10 circular movements in the temple area at the outer corner of the eyes. We move in a clockwise direction.
  2. With the pads of the same fingers, we perform point pressure techniques, moving from the temple along the lower eyelid to the nose. We perform this movement 3 times, then go to the upper eyelid, only the movement will be directed from the nose to the temple.
  3. With the pads of your fingers, gently press the skin of the lower eyelid for a few seconds, holding your fingers vertically. We repeat the same technique for the upper eyelid.
  4. With the edge of the middle finger, we perform a rolling movement along the bone of the lower eyelid, moving from the temple to the nose. Repeat 5 times, then go to the bone of the upper eyelid, moving from the nose to the temple.
  5. With the pad of the middle finger, we perform 10 light pressure movements in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eye. We roll over the bone of the lower eyelid and perform 10 pressures at the inner corner of the eye. Then we repeat the circle. We do such circles 10 times.
  6. With the final movement, we perform a light tapping massage with the fingertips, moving from the temple along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye, from it along the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye.
  7. We wash ourselves with cold water.

Properly performed massage around the eyes has a very beneficial effect not only on the quality of the skin, but also relieves many other ailments. If you suffer from headaches, suffer from reduced visual acuity, want to remove swelling and normalize eye pressure, massage around the eyes is a must for you.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, so it is more susceptible to negative external factors. It is there that even in their youth, women notice early wrinkles, or, as they are also called, “crow's feet”.

Expensive salon procedures and creams partially solve the problem. They smooth the skin, but the wrinkles still remain noticeable. Massage for wrinkles around the eyes best result, you can do it at home. In order to remove wrinkles under the eyes, it is important to know the technique and a few important rules.

The benefits of massage for wrinkles around the eyes

Massaging the skin of the face and the area around the eyes really helps to cope with unwanted wrinkles. If you do it regularly, the dermis will remain firm and elastic for as long as possible.

The benefits of massage

  1. It normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, increases blood circulation.
  2. It removes accumulations of harmful substances through the pores.
  3. Stimulates the production of collagen by cells.
  4. Eliminates bruises under the eyes, relieves morning puffiness.
  5. Increases the elasticity of the dermis, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Useful tips for massage yourself from unexpected wrinkles of delicate skin around the eyes

The technique of massaging the area around the eyes is very simple. However, before proceeding with it, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and recommendations.

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to clean the dermis. The remains of cosmetics and the dust that has settled during the day clog pores. When massaged, they become clogged, acne is formed.
  2. Massage from wrinkles in the area around the eyes is necessary only along the massage lines, that is, those areas of the dermis where stretching is noticeably the least.
  3. During the anti-wrinkle massage, be sure to use an oil that is suitable for your skin type. This will reduce the friction of the dermis, relieve irritation.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to massage if the skin has inflamed acne at this time. The technique enhances blood circulation, as a result, the infection "disperses" throughout the face.
  5. At the end of the massage, a contrast shower is desirable, or you can wipe the skin with an ice cube. This will soothe the dermis, narrow the pores. In addition, ice cubes also fight wrinkles.

How to choose oil for massage

For owners oily skin It is better to use jojoba oil. It contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, is characterized by an antibacterial effect. In addition, jojoba oil will perfectly protect the delicate skin around the eyes from aggressive sun exposure.

For dry skin facial fit apricot kernel oil, as it contains a lot of vitamin E. The product will saturate the cells with moisture and prevent the dermis from drying out.

For owners sensitive skin you need to use almond oil. It soothes the dermis, relieves irritation.

Massage technique

How to massage the delicate area around the eyes to combat unwanted wrinkles

  1. The index fingers are located on the temples, it is necessary to slowly make 10 movements in a circle.
  2. Now, with light pressure movements, you need to move starting from the temple towards the nose, touching the skin under the eyes.
  3. The skin under the eyes is slightly pressed down with four fingers, in this position you need to linger for 10-15 seconds, then do the same with the upper part of the eyelid.
  4. The middle finger is located at the outer corner of the eye so that the nail is directed towards the temple. The finger is now rotated so that the nail is facing towards the tip of the nose. The exercise is performed for 10-15 seconds.
  5. With the index finger (pad) it is necessary to “go around” the entire area around the eyes, while slightly pressing down on the dermis. Exercise starts from the inner corner, move counterclockwise. It is necessary to make 5-7 such approaches.
  6. The skin is worked out along the same lines, but now with patting light movements of the fingertips.

Massage around the eyes against wrinkles effectively copes with its task. The dermis will remain elastic and taut, regardless of the woman's age.

SMALL AND DEEP WRINKLES, bags under the eyes and cheeks, LOSS OF ELASTICITY AND OVAL OF THE FACE. Is all this familiar to you?

Facial exercises to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging

The appearance of signs of aging can be prevented if preventive measures are taken in time. Most effective means improving the condition of the skin are considered exercises for the face, healthy lifestyle life, rejuvenating cosmetics. Youth is easier to preserve than to return, therefore, the sooner gymnastic therapy begins, the better. Optimal age for the introduction of anti-aging procedures into daily care - 25 years.

Recommendations for accompanying anti-aging gymnastics

Exercises that are designed to eliminate or prevent wrinkles serve several purposes. This is the strengthening of the structure of tissues, the normalization of cellular metabolism, the tension of the skin as a result of the acceleration of blood circulation. To enhance the anti-aging effect, it is recommended to follow some rules.

  • Exercise should be done regularly, at least once a day. The best option is twice a day, morning and evening.
  • The tissues must contain a sufficient amount of water, working with inelastic muscles will do more harm than good. The amount of liquid consumed per day should be at least 2 liters.
  • Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to clean the surface of the face from dirt and cosmetics, moisturize the skin with a daily cream. The drug must be applied by tapping and stroking, this will warm up the muscles.
  • Hair must be removed so that it does not interfere.
  • The first sessions are best done in front of a mirror.
  • During gymnastics, you need to breathe measuredly, do not strain.
  • You need to start with ten repetitions of each exercise. Over time, it is recommended to increase the number of visits to five, and then to ten.

Gymnastics for the skin around the lips

The presented exercises for the face will help get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, lift the corners of the lips, strengthen facial muscles.

  1. The lips must be slowly pulled forward with tension, imitating the pronunciation of the letter "O". When the lips are stretched to the limit, the mouth opens as wide as possible.
  2. The lips are tightly compressed, the corners of the mouth need to be tightened, pulled to the teeth. With the help of index fingers, the corners of the mouth rise and fall.
  3. Lips tightly compressed. The index fingers are folded together and placed in the center of the lips. It is necessary to evenly and firmly press on the skin, gradually moving from the center to the corners of the mouth.

Gymnastics for the skin around the eyes

There are facial exercises that not only reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes, but also eliminate swelling, tighten the skin of the upper and lower eyelids.

  1. Keeping your head still, close your eyes and begin to rotate them first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  2. We place the pads of the four fingers of each hand under the eyebrows and press hard. We raise our eyebrows slightly, close our eyes, squeezing the eyelids with force. After counting to five, open your eyes, remove your hands from your face.
  3. We close our eyes and stretch our lips into a wide smile. After a few seconds, lower the corners of the mouth and wait a few more seconds. We alternate facial expressions.

Gymnastics for the chin and neck

Manipulations aimed at strengthening the muscles of the neck and chin will reduce the severity of wrinkles, get rid of excess fat deposits, and correct the contour of the face.

  1. We press the lower lip to the teeth and draw it into the oral cavity, while pushing the lower jaw forward, to the right and to the left. You need to start with five repetitions. It is worth acting very carefully, without practice, you can dislocate the jaw.
  2. We work with the lower lip in different directions - to the right, to the left, down. head and upper lip must be motionless during this time. The exercise should take at least 30 seconds to complete.
  3. We open our mouth, we take our head back, we close our jaws, pushing the lower one forward. We return to the starting position and repeat the manipulation.
  4. We rest our elbows on a hard, stable surface, we prop our chin with our fists. We begin to press on the lower jaw with our fists, trying to raise our head without the help of muscles.
  5. We clench our hands into fists and put them one on top of the other on a hard, stable surface. We place the soft part of the chin on the upper fist and begin to make slow circular motions first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.
  6. We make slow rotational movements with the head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, providing the skin on the neck with maximum tension. If dizziness occurs, you need to stop and rest a bit.

Gymnastics against wrinkles on the forehead

To get rid of forehead wrinkles, you need to regularly perform three simple exercises. You can repeat them at any opportunity, the effectiveness of this will only increase.

  1. We put our palms on top of each other. We press the inner part of the lower palm to the forehead (the forehead should close completely) and press hard. We close our eyes, but we do not squeeze the eyelids. We begin to rotate the eyeballs, first in one direction, then in the other.
  2. Open your eyes wide, while raising your eyebrows as much as possible. We freeze not for 2-3 seconds and relax. This exercise will not only reduce the depth of wrinkles, but also slightly raise the brow arches.
  3. We place the thumbs on the temples, put the rest of the fingers on the forehead so that they touch with the tips. With our fingers we create pressure, at the same time raising our eyebrows and struggling with strong resistance. Then we lower the eyebrows, and with our fingers we do a light massage along the contour of the face, descending to the chin.

It must be understood that anti-aging gymnastics should not be accompanied painful sensations or bruising. The presence of such consequences indicates the wrong approach or neglect of instructions. Only strict adherence to the recommendations, the regularity of manipulations and positive attitude provide a positive result.

By secret

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