The work of the class teacher with parents of difficult students. From the experience of the class teacher. System of work with parents. Parent attendance at meetings

Interaction between class teacher and parents

(from the experience of the class teacher of the 8th grade Tretyakova M.M.)

How to bring up good qualities in a child? How to teach him the techniques of maintaining health, respect for one's own dignity and respect for others? How to develop a real personality?

I work closely with the students' parents on this issue.

We all know the role of the family in the comprehensive and harmonious development the personality of the child, because it is in the family that children receive the first lessons of morality, their character is formed.

It is the family that plays the most important role in shaping behavioral habits, ideas about diligence, influences emotional mood child. How often do we encounter the fact that in a smoking girl - mom and dad smoke; the boy who refuses to work in practice does not have before his eyes the example of parents working around the house; that the bad mood of the child and the decline in academic performance is associated with strife in the family.

Working with parents occupies an important place in the activities of the class teacher. I try to make parents complicit in everything pedagogical process, based on the firm belief that it is hardly possible to find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy, successful and happy. And this desire of parents is the main key to successful joint activities. You just need to pick it up. And in order to bring up exactly such children as I and my parents want to see them, it is necessary, in my opinion, to follow the following rules in working with parents:

1. Respect.

2. Trust.

3. Help.

4. Learn.

5. Give thanks.

6. Explain.

7. Ask.

To achieve any success in educating a student is possible only with individual approach to his parents, only if there is contact with his family.

Acquaintance with the child's family begins for me with a questionnaire that I distribute to children at the first class hour and then update it annually. It includes not only questions related to the information to fill in the pages of the school magazine "parent information", "employment" and "students' health", but also questions that allow me to get to know the features and conditions well family education their students.

When the class teacher takes new class and still does not know his students at all, then no better way become their friend by showing interest in what worries the guys in the first place. To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, I would say this: “Having the information and using it correctly, you can master the hearts and souls of children and their parents.”

The class teacher is obliged to know which of his students has poor health: who does not see well, hears, whom to pay special attention to, which of the children should be seated closer, about whom to warn the physical education teacher.

Studying the student's family allows me to get to know the children better, to see them in their familiar, relaxed environment, helps to understand the family's lifestyle, its way of life. Having received the necessary information, I have the opportunity to talk with children about the books they read, discuss the games they play, find out if they like to help their parents with household chores that they can do themselves. Trying to understand the spiritual world of the child and his family, showing kindness and sensitivity to him, I thereby awaken the same qualities and trust in me in children and their parents, who begin to see me as an ally, a person who tries to understand, love and teach good things. their child.

A lot depends on the joint activities of the teacher and parents in the upbringing of the child. But not always parents go to the desired contact. Unfortunately, there are still parents who do not understand their duties well and make serious mistakes in raising their children. Such parents need special attention and help not only from the teacher, but also from the positive experience and energy of other parents.

In my work, I try to pay much attention to the pedagogical and psychological education of parents.

It is very important that parents are more competent in the upbringing and health of their children.

In order to find out what interests them, worries about the upbringing and education of children, what kind of help they need, I often offer questionnaires and then I plan my activities to educate parents.

Here, for example, are the topics of parent-teacher meetings planned this year:

How to help a teenager find

self confidence

Moral priorities of the family

Problems of computer addiction

How can you help your child overcome learning difficulties?

For each parent meeting, I try to prepare diagnostic material for parents or statistical material related to the study of certain aspects of the life of students in the class. In order for the meeting to be useful to parents and they want to participate in it, everyone should receive what is especially important for him.

So, at the meetings, the personal orientations of children were considered, what is the temperament of your child, who in the class is considered the kindest, smartest, “most-most” and, of course, everyone is always interested in academic performance, attendance.

Depending on the topic of the parent meeting, I try to prepare memos that contain recommendations for parents.

The class teacher must show parents that the fate of their children is not indifferent to him, that he is also interested in the academic performance and good education of his wards.

Overall, meeting attendance is 82%.

Many parents often complain about the lack of time in raising their children, but the problems that arise cannot be explained only by this, because everything brings up a child: the attitude of parents to their work, to each other, to their appearance, clothes, manner of speaking, etc. Therefore, the class teacher organizes individual conversations, speeches, at which advice and recommendations are given to parents on how to properly organize the upbringing of the child with a minimum expenditure of time.

Parents love being part of our activities. Without this, there would be no mutual understanding, cooperation and commonwealth.

Extra-curricular activities held with parents are always a hit, children really like it when parents do some work with them when they feel their support.

Such activities undoubtedly contribute to the preservation and improvement of physical, mental and spiritual and moral health; but in general, the upbringing and formation of the Personality. The child rejoices that mom or dad not only came to the holiday, but together with him are participants in the holiday, and even organizers. And joy is a health-saving feeling.

So our parents took part in the Mother's Day event, New Year's party. Traditionally, we participate in seeing off the Russian winter on Maslenitsa.

Individual conversations between the teacher and parents, consultations, help to establish direct contact between the teacher and the members of the student's family, to achieve greater mutual understanding in the search for ways to jointly influence the child. Often meetings or telephone conversations take place with me at the initiative of my parents, because they feel that I, like them, is ready to make a lot of efforts so that their children grow up kind, smart, knowledgeable.

Talking with parents should be simple, accessible, convincing and reasonable, but always with a sense of concern for the child. Remarks that hurt their pride, constant complaints about the child, focusing on his shortcomings - this can only push the parents away from themselves and delay the achievement of the desired goal.

We must try to ensure that conversations for parents become a natural form of communication with the school, and they are not preceded by the expectation of an unpleasant meeting with the teacher, so that the student's parents feel that they are invited to the school not only to receive edifications and reprimands, but for concrete help in raising their child .

This is how the participation of parents in activities and the educational process helps to increase the emotionality and performance of children, and this, in turn, is an important factor strengthening the health of students and the formation of personality.

It is difficult for a class teacher to imagine his work without the regular benevolent help of parents.

The main thing in the work of the class teacher with parents is to ensure the unity of the requirements for the upbringing of students from the family and the school, to create normal conditions for their home teaching and to direct the educational activities of the family. The content and main forms of work of the school with the family are disclosed in a special chapter on this topic. Therefore, here we will limit ourselves to highlighting only some issues of the activity of class teachers in maintaining ties with students' parents.

A great place in the work of the class teacher with the family is systematically informing parents about the progress, behavior and socially useful work of students. To this end, parent meetings are held once per academic quarter, at which the state of progress and discipline of schoolchildren is analyzed in detail and measures are outlined to improve the work of the family in this direction. In necessary cases, when urgent family intervention is required in solving a particular educational problem, the class teacher visits the parents at home or invites them to school, and they jointly agree on what measures need to be taken to improve the learning or behavior of students. For example, a student stopped preparing lessons at home, came into contact with an unhealthy company. In this case, the class teacher advises the parents to increase control over his homework, as well as his behavior outside of school. In other cases, it is found that the student shows increased nervousness and often comes to school in a bad mood. The class teacher needs to visit such a student at home, get acquainted with the conditions of his life and work in the family, and agree with the parents on the need to create a calmer environment for him, and perhaps appropriate treatment.

Duty class teachers- to carry out pedagogical education of parents, especially taking into account the specific approach to students of different age groups. So, it is necessary to familiarize parents with the age characteristics of the upbringing and development of those students with whom the class teacher works, and to give practical advice about how these features should be reflected in the process of family education. Conversations, lectures and reports for parents usually cover the following issues: features of family education of younger students (teenagers or older students); relationships between parents and children and their impact on family education; how to help children learn; sanitary and hygienic regime of a schoolchild in the family; acceleration and its impact on the education of students; organizing leisure activities for children in the family, etc. The class teacher takes care of attracting parents to participate in the work of the school lecture hall, to attend classes at the People's University of Pedagogical Knowledge, and promotes pedagogical literature on family education.

Influencing the educational activities of the family, the class teacher at the same time relies on parents in carrying out educational work with students. On his initiative, parents often take patronage over "difficult" students who are not properly influenced by the family. Parents - specialists in various fields of knowledge and professions - conduct conversations with students on medical, patriotic and industrial topics, take part in organizing excursions, literary and artistic evenings, etc. Some parents conduct circle classes in manual labor, aircraft modeling, and technical creativity.

7. Planning by the class teacher of educational work

Maintain class documentation. The complexity and versatility of the educational work of the class teacher necessitates its in-depth analysis and thoughtful planning. However, not all class teachers understand this. In this regard, we will touch upon the questions of how this problem is posed in pedagogical science.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote that people differ from one another in that some of them first do and then think, while others first think and then do. Human activity, in contrast to the behavior of an animal, is characterized by preliminary deliberation, which means that it is predicted in advance in his mind.

The famous physiologist P.K. Anokhin, as noted above, substantiated the idea of ​​a person's anticipatory reflection of those actions and deeds that he is going to commit. In other words, before carrying out this or that work)" or performing this or that action, a person predicts them in advance in his mind, projects them and creates a more or less detailed "program" of behavior. This "program" not only determines his activity, but it also plays the role of an "acceptor of action", which allows you to control this activity, comparing it with the intended "program", and make the necessary adjustments to it.

However, a preconceived “program” does more than just make our behavior meaningful. If it is compiled and fixed in the mind of a person, it encourages him to perform the intended actions and deeds, giving them strong-willed character.

The more complex human activity and the longer it covers, the more important is its preliminary thinking, programming or, in other words, planning. It is these types of activities that include pedagogical activities and, in particular, the educational work of the class teacher. It is always calculated on more or less long time, is associated with the simultaneous solution of many problems and tasks, and if it is not predicted in detail and carefully planned, success will not be achieved. To work without a plan means, as a rule, to follow the events. To work according to a pre-conceived plan means to direct events, create educational situations and give purposefulness and effectiveness to pedagogical work.

When planning educational work, the class teacher should proceed from the following provisions:

a) the plan should provide for a variety of activities and types of work that would contribute to the comprehensive development of students;

b) since education is carried out only in activities the plan should provide for the inclusion of students in cognitive, patriotic, labor, artistic and aesthetic and sports and recreational activities;

c) the system of extracurricular educational work should be subordinated to the organization, education and development of the student team;

d) in the general system of extracurricular activities for the comprehensive development of students, it is necessary to single out one or another the leading educational task for this time and plan activities to address it;

e) it is necessary that the plan contains measures aimed at coordinating the educational efforts of the class teacher, teachers who work in the classroom, and parents.

What should be the planning procedure for the class teacher of educational work?

First stage. Starting to draw up a plan, it is necessary first of all to determine the level of upbringing of the class, its positive aspects and disadvantages. It is important to study the shifts in the life and work of the class, the level of development of the team. For example, progress has been made in the cohesion of the class, in the holding of exciting extra-curricular activities. So, relying on these positive aspects, we need to take care of organizing a more meaningful practical activity and giving it the character of interesting prospects, thus realizing the "law of motion" of the team.

The social activity of students has increased - it is necessary to expand social events, deepen their content. The class shows interest in sports work - it is necessary to make it so that it initiates mass sports competitions, sports evenings, holidays, etc. In short, everything that is positive and interesting in the classroom must be expanded, strengthened and developed. Education on the positive always brings fruitful results.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to the shortcomings that take place in the classroom: a decrease in discipline, a weakening of interest in reading fiction, deterioration of interpersonal relations, disunity of the team into separate groups, etc. Each of these shortcomings can become the subject of a leading educational task, the solution of which also needs to be planned.

Determining the features of the class, its advantages and disadvantages, you need to write the introductory part of the plan.

Second phase planning - the development of extracurricular activities for the comprehensive education and development of students. Let's try to imagine them, for example, in relation to the VI class:

a) conversation “Compliance with the daily routine is a feature of a cultured person”;

b) conversation "Techniques for active reproduction of the studied material in the preparation of homework";

c) class meeting “On the participation of schoolchildren in the work of subject circles”;

d) excursion to the factory; meeting with young innovators and


e) participation in the improvement of the school territory, planting decorative bushes;

f) a joint meeting of students and parents on the issue "On the participation of schoolchildren in domestic work";

g) a meeting with activists on the issue of "Increasing the role of activists in socially useful work";

h) factory bosses visiting the class: “Why do they say that labor adorns a person?”;

i) preparation of the literary evening "Motherland - in poetry"; j) participation in the sports contest of the school under the motto "Olympic Reserve";

l) conducting once a week a review of newspapers on the topic "How does the world live?"

Third stage - development of measures to solve the leading educational task "Increasing the responsibility of students for doing homework":

a) meeting with teachers working in the classroom and parents of students on the question "How to improve the quality of home teaching?";

b) a conversation with students "Basic rules for doing homework";

c) visiting students at home to monitor their home learning;

d) a meeting of students with the principal of the school on the question “What is being done in the class to improve homework?”;

e) conducting two practical classes on doing homework in mathematics and the Russian language;

f) a class meeting with teachers and parents on the topic “What has improved in our academic work?”

Fourth stage - drawing up a plan of educational work. If the necessary activities for the academic quarter or semester have been developed, they must be arranged in the chronological order in which they should be carried out. It is good to use such a plan, because it is clear what needs to be done and when.

All this work is carried out by the class teacher himself. But the drawn up plan must be discussed with the students, it is imperative to acquaint them with the leading task, to which they should pay special attention. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the suggestions of students, to justify the planned activities.

The plan is the most important document of the class teacher. But, in addition to the plan, he is responsible for maintaining a class journal, personal files of students, and, if necessary, writes characteristics on them. Some class teachers keep diaries of their work, as well as special journals, in which 2-3 pages are allocated for each student. They record the positive actions of students, as well as certain negative phenomena. If records are made regularly, the class teacher has the opportunity to observe the development trends of his pupils, take timely measures to improve educational work both with the class and with each student individually.

Literature for independent work

Boldyrev N.I. The method of work of the class teacher. - M., 1984.

Gorlenko V.P. Educational work of the class teacher at school. - M., 1998.

Demakova I.D. With faith in the student: Features of the educational work of the class teacher. - M., 1989.

Kutev V.O. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. - M., 1983.

Pedagogical diagnostics at school / Ed. A.I. Kochetov. – Minsk, 1987.

Stepanenkov N.K. Planning the work of the class teacher. – Minsk, 1996.

Shcherbakov A.I. Psychological foundations of the formation of the teacher's personality. - M., 1967.

Shchurkova N.E. You have become a class teacher. - M., 1986.

The educational and methodological complex of the program "Success" includes:

> Books for the teacher, the content of which helps the teacher not only effectively and interestingly organize classes, but also realize their own creative ideas;

> Student's workbooks, the structure and design of which involves the manifestation of creativity and imagination of each child, and various socially oriented tasks require them to express a personal point of view and make a moral choice;

> "Modern Parent's Notebook", in which moms and dads get the opportunity to get acquainted with the personal achievements of their children, as well as use the necessary recommendations for the successful upbringing of their son or daughter;

> Methodical materials for a teacher-psychologist, in order to provide the necessary assistance and maintain an individual trajectory for the development of students.

The second year of our experiment is already coming to an end. And we can say with confidence that the results that our team was aimed at have been achieved. And this is confirmed not only by pedagogical analysis and monitoring, but also by the joy of discovery experienced by our students. Students working in groups on projects: Cocktail for Friends, My Autograph, Happy Birthday, Theater for Friends, Exciting Glasses, Book Festival, Pyramid of Good Deeds, Chain of Cool travel” and many others learned to interact, communicate, express their point of view, discuss, be a leader and listen to the opinions of classmates, value their time and plan for personal success.


1. Abramova T.V., Baranova Yu.Yu. Guidelines on holding a school-wide meeting with parents of future first-graders in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. // Municipal entity: innovations and experiment. - 2011. - No. 5.

2. Akutina S. P., Nikolina V. V. Interaction of teachers and parents in the process of educating spiritual and moral values ​​of high school students. // Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2011. - No. 3.

3. Barmenkova O.I. The role of the project method in the formation of personal and metasubject results by means of a foreign language//Experiment and innovations at school. - 2011. - No. 6.

4. Nechaev M.P. Management of the development of the educational system of the school. - M.: Center "Pedagogical search", 2011.

5. Sidenko A.S. Secrets of productive professional communication during the introduction of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards at school: from theory to practice. // Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2011. - No. 6.

6. Sidenko E.A. Features of older adolescence. // Municipal entity: innovations and experiment. - 2011. - No. 2.

7. Sukhomlinsky V.A. The need of man in man. -M. - Soviet Russia, 1981.

8. Tkachenko M.O., Salnikova S.V. Starting diagnosis of the level of formation of UUD in first-graders. // Municipal entity: innovations and experiment. -2011. - No. 6.

E.V. Demidov


What is the strategy for interacting with parents?


Annotation. The article is devoted to the system of work with parents at school. The article discusses traditional and non-traditional forms of work with parents of students, methods of work of class teachers that help in interaction with parents of students.

Keywords: education, parents, family, parent meetings, trainings, lectures

summary. The article is dedicated to the system to work with parents in the school. The article deals with both traditional and nontraditional forms of work with parents, classroom management practices that can help in conjunction with parents of students.

Keywords: education, parents, family, parent-teacher conferences, trainings, lectures.

Innovation in educational institutions

The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation. At the same time, the family should be considered as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the unification of the efforts of parents and teachers will create favorable conditions for the development of the child.

The basis of cooperation in the interaction of the family and the class teacher should be based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other.

A significant place in the system of work of the class teacher with the parents of students is given to psychological and pedagogical education. The accumulation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents should be closely connected with the development of their pedagogical thinking, practical skills in the field of education. It is necessary that the information be of a warning nature, be based on practical expediency, demonstrate experience, specific facts. This determines the selection of content, as well as forms of organization of pedagogical education.

The problem of interaction between the school and the family grew out of the traditional pedagogical idea, designated in the literature as "communication with parents", "work with parents" .

But over time, the world changes, and with it the relationship of all social institutions. The new educational paradigm proclaimed parents to be subjects of the educational process. This means that parents are also responsible for the quality of education of their children. This article attempts to comprehend this problem through the analysis of their own work experience over a number of years.

Modern learning conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, appeal to the personality of the child, the desire to develop his best qualities, take into account psychological age features student .

Parent meeting in 8 "in" class.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky argued: "Without knowledge of the child - his mental development, thinking, interests, hobbies, abilities, inclinations, inclinations - there is no education." As no one better than his parents will be able to tell about the child.

In the materials of Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia on the Internet, the following concept is given to the word "parents":

"Parents is a general term for father and mother."

Parents and teachers are the two most powerful forces in the process of becoming the personality of each person, the role of which cannot be exaggerated. Both sides have their own advantages, their own merits, their own specifics.

The main thing in the work of the class teacher with parents is to "ensure the unity of the requirements for the upbringing of students from the family and the school, create normal conditions for their home teaching and direct the educational activities of the family."

So the main tasks of the class teacher are:

Formation of a classroom team as an educative environment that ensures the development of each child;

Organization of all types of group, collective and individual activities of the class team;

Ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

Traditional forms of work with parents include:

parent meetings;

All-class and all-school conferences;

days open doors;

Individual consultations of the teacher;

Home visits.

A universal form of interaction between a teacher and parents is a parent meeting.

1. The parents' meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

leader: Anushkevich I.G.

Innovative projects and programs in education 2012/2

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1. The theme of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

2. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: case studies, trainings, discussions, etc.

3. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.

Class parent meetings are held once a quarter, if necessary, they can be held more often. The parent meeting should become a school for educating parents, should expand their pedagogical horizons, stimulate the desire to become good parents. At parent meetings, there is an analysis of the educational achievements of students, their capabilities, the degree of advancement of the class in learning activities. Parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the successes achieved by the child. The conversation at the meeting should not be about grades, but about the quality of knowledge and the measure of intellectual effort corresponding to cognitive and moral motivations. For the parent meeting, it is necessary to prepare exhibitions of students' creative works, their achievements, and not only in educational activities.

There are many options for holding parent-teacher conferences. Their character and orientation are prompted by life itself, the system of organizing work in a children's team. The topics and methods of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

School-wide parent-teacher meetings are held, as a rule, no more than twice a year. The subject of such meetings is in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director, his deputies speak at them, the parent committee of the school reports on the work.

For example, an educational institution has passed certification and wants to acquaint the team of parents with the results achieved.

A school-wide parent meeting can be used to showcase positive parenting experiences. Yes, at the end school year it is possible to reward families with a positive experience in raising children.

Parent meetings with the participation of children provide one hundred percent attendance of meetings. What parent doesn't want to watch their child perform. Children in the form of staging, court, ring, raise any problem that needs to be solved during the meeting. Needless to say, such meetings arouse the liveliest interest of both parents and children.

The parent committee plays a huge role in the cooperation between parents and the school. The atmosphere in the school team, the relationship of parents with each other, communication between adults and children depends on how smoothly and responsibly the parent committee approaches its activities.

Parent conferences (general class, school) are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. Parent conferences should discuss the pressing problems of society,

children will become active members. Problems of conflicts between fathers and children and ways out of them. Drugs, sex education in the family - these are the topics of parent conferences.

Parental conferences should be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of psychologists, a social pedagogue who work at the school. Their task is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference and their analysis, as well as to familiarize the participants of the conference with the results of the research. Parents themselves are active participants in the conferences. They prepare an analysis of the problem from the standpoint of their own experience.

Distinctive feature conference is that it makes certain decisions or outlines activities on the stated problem.

Open Day is one of the most effective forms work, but also requires a lot of preparation. Parents come to school for lessons. The teacher should think about what he wants to show: these are some positive points, or, conversely, negative ones, and, depending on this, build work in the classroom. Carefully consider not only lessons, but also breaks.

On such days, parents see their child from the other side, they recognize him as a student, see how he works in the classroom, what problems he has, how he makes changes, behavior in the canteen.

Work with parents can be carried out not only during school hours, but also during holidays. Rest of children can also be organized together with their parents.

Individual consultations are one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is gaining a class. In order to overcome the anxiety of parents, the fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations-interviews with parents. In preparation for the consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. Individual counseling should be exploratory in nature and help create good contact between parents and teacher. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to acquaint the teacher with in an informal setting, and find out what is necessary for their professional work with the child:

Features of the child's health;

His hobbies, interests;

Preferences in communication in the family;

Behavioral reactions;

Character traits;

motivation for learning;

moral values families.

From the first day of work with the children's team and the team of parents, the teacher must ensure that both children and parents understand the importance of the requirements that the school makes on the family. An important condition for the interaction between the family and the school is the reasonableness of the requirements that the teacher makes to parents and the child.

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Innovations in educational institutions

A great effect in the interaction between the family and the school will be if the teacher gives the opportunity to take the initiative and support the parents in all matters in the classroom and at school.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents include:

Thematic consultations

Parent lectures

parent evenings

Parent training

parent rings

Family sports holidays

In each class there are students and families who are experiencing the same problem, experiencing identical personal and educational difficulties.

Sometimes these problems are of such a confidential nature that it is possible to solve them only in the circle of those people whom this problem unites, and understanding of the problem and each other is aimed at its joint solution.

In order for the thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an urgent solution. Parents are invited to participate in the thematic consultation with the help of special invitations. The thematic consultation should involve problem solvers who can help find the best solution. This is a social educator, psychologist, sexologist, law enforcement representative, etc. During the thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on the problem that worries them.

Approximate topics of consultations for parents:

1. The child does not want to study. How to help him?

2. bad memory child. How to develop it?

3. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

4. Punishment of children. What should they be?

5. Anxiety in children. What can it lead to?

6. shy child. Problems of shyness and ways to overcome it.

7. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

8. Talented child in the family.

9. Children's friends - friends at home or enemies?

10. Three generations under one roof. Communication problems.

Parental lectures are a very interesting form of work with parents, which will enable parents not only to listen to teachers' lectures, but also to study the literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. Parent lectures can be organized as follows: at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology that concern them most. The teacher collects information and analyzes it. With the help of the school librarian and other specialists, books are determined with the help of which you can get an answer to the question posed. Parents read books and then use recommended literature in parent readings. A feature of parental lectures is that, when analyzing a book, parents should state their own understanding of the issue and change their approaches to solving it after reading the book.

Here are some suggestions for lecture topics.

Approximate schedule of parent lectures in educational institution

No. Classes Date, time Topics Responsible

1 Grades 1-4 11/14/20 at 18.00 "Organization of educational work elementary school student in the process of preparing homework” Teachers primary school

01/23/20 at 18.00 "Methods of family education and their role in the comprehensive development of primary school students" Primary school teachers Psychologist

04/23/20 at 18.00 “Me and my child - the search for mutual understanding. Support as a strategy for constructive interaction with children” Primary school teachers Psychologist

2 5-6 classes 09/24/20 at 18.00 "Features adaptation period when moving to basic school "Class teachers Psychologist

01/30/20 at 18.00 "The influence of family education styles on the formation of the personality of a younger teenager" Class teachers Psychologist

04/16/20 at 18.00 "The influence of the class team on the personality of the student" Class teachers Psychologist

3 Grades 7-8 31.10.20 at 18.00 "Health-saving technologies in a general education institution" Class teachers Doctor

03/17/20 at 18.00 "Joint work of the family and school in the prevention of neglect and delinquency" Class teachers Psychologist

05/19/20 at 18.00 "Problems of relationships between parents and children" Class teachers Psychologist

4 Grades 9-11 18.02.20 at 18.00 "Professional self-determination of high school students" Class teachers Psychologist

04/21/20 at 18.00 "Joint work of the family and the school on civil law education" Class teachers

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Innovations in educational institutions

Parental evenings are a form of work that perfectly unites the parent team. Parent evenings are held in the classroom 2-3 times a year without the presence of children. Parents' evening is a celebration of communication with the parents of your child's friend, it is a celebration of the memories of infancy and childhood of your own child, it is a search for answers to the questions that life and your own child puts before parents.

The theme of parenting evenings can be very diverse. Most importantly, they must teach to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Sample Topics parenting evenings:

1 Year of birth of the child - what was it like, this first year?

2. The first books of the child.

3. The future of my child. How do I see it?

4. Friends of my child.

5. Holidays of our family.

6. Do's and don'ts in our family.

7. Birthday of our family. How do we celebrate it?

8. Songs that we sang and our children sing.

The forms of the evenings allow not only to express your opinion on the proposed topics, but also to hear something useful for yourself in the reasoning of other people.

children, to adopt something new and interesting in their educational arsenal.

Parent training is active form work with parents who want to change their interaction with their own child, to make it more open and trusting. Both parents should participate in parent training. From this, the effectiveness of the training increases, and the results are not long in coming. The training is conducted with a group of 12-15 people. Parent training will be successful if all parents actively participate and attend regularly. For the training to be effective, it must include 5-8 sessions. Parent training is conducted, as a rule, by a school psychologist, which gives parents the opportunity to feel like a child for a while, to emotionally relive childhood impressions.

With great interest, parents perform such training tasks as "children's grimaces", "favorite toy", "my fairy-tale image", "children's games", "childhood memories", "film about my family".

Parental rings are one of the debatable forms of communication between parents and the formation of a parent team. The parent ring is prepared in the form of answers to questions on pedagogical problems. Parents choose questions. Two families answer the same question. They may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the audience in the field

Innovative projects and programs in education 2012/2

Innovations in educational institutions

ku does not enter, but only supports the opinion of families with applause. The students of the class act as experts in the parental rings, determining which family in the answers to the question was closest to the correct interpretation of the answer to the question.

The competition "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family" can be attributed to the family-wide sports holidays. Such holidays with competitions and awards help to strengthen mutual understanding in families, improve the attitude of parents towards school. This is especially true in elementary school.

As can be seen from the diagram, traditional methods of working with parents prevail over non-traditional ones to a large extent. Although traditional and unconventional methods and forms of interaction between the class teacher and the parents of students set one common goal - the happiness of the growing personality, which is part of modern cultural life.

Well-established and organized interaction between the family and the school makes it possible for parents to realize the need to acquire new knowledge for the development of a healthy and full-fledged personality, and also forms the need for direct communication with those people who help them become real parents.

A huge role is played by diagnostics, without which it is impossible to plan the educational work in the children's team as a whole and to establish relations with the parents' team.

Any information received by the class teacher from children and parents provides an invaluable service to both the family and the child.

After spending diagnostic tests important to understand:

Strict confidentiality must be observed;

We carry out diagnostics with both parents and children;

The information obtained during the diagnosis is not always objective.

I will give examples of some diagnostic studies.

Preliminary diagnostics - allows you to predict the composition of the parent team.

Questionnaire to identify questions moral education in family

For parents

1. What positive qualities do you want to cultivate in your child?

2. For what do you praise, for what do you punish?

3. How do you encourage? How do you punish?

4. What qualities of a child's character do you dislike, and which ones do you like?

5. What is your child's hobby, what is his favorite pastime?

For children

1. What qualities of your character do your parents like?

2. Why are you praised, scolded and punished for?

3. How are you encouraged, for what? How are you punished for what?

4. What qualities of your character do your parents not like?

5. What do you like to do, your favorite activity?

Questionnaire for parents

1. How much time (approximately) do you spend with your child:

During the day...

In a week.

In conversations, conversations.

In joint work.

In cinema, club, theater, library.

In walks (to the forest, to the river, etc.).

2. Are there other types of communication? Specify them.

3. Do you think this time of communication is sufficient for raising your child?

4. Why?

5. Are you sure that you understand the developmental features of your child correctly?

6. Do you encounter difficulties in raising a child, and what are they? How do you allow them?

At the preliminary stage, the technique of unfinished sentences is very effective. This technique helps to determine the attitude of parents to the school and the teacher, which allows the class teacher to avoid problem situations.

Another type of diagnostics is the final diagnostics, which is carried out at the end of the academic year. This is necessary in order for parents to note the work of the class teacher, but even more so in order to carry out corrective work. Correctional work It is manifested in the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents and support in solving problem situations.

Evaluation by parents of changes in the nature of interaction with the child

"___" ___________ 20__ _________________________

("1" - does not appear, "2" - appears very weakly, "3" - appears sometimes, "4" - appears depending on the situation and mood, "5" - appears often, "6" - always appears regardless from the situation)

A. By mutual a) manifestation of tact, attention to me- 1 23 4 5 6

relationship and each other's proposals;

b) emotional readiness for co- 1 23 4 5 6

com joint activities;

c) satisfaction with its results; 1 2 3 4 5 6

d) respect for each other's position, empathy, sympathy; 1 23 4 5 6

e) the desire for official and informal communication; 1 2 3 4 5 6

f) the creative nature of relations, stimulating the initiative and independence of participants in joint activities 1 2 3 4 5 6

Innovative projects and programs in education 2012/2

Innovations in educational institutions

Criteria Manifestation features Level

B. According to mutual a) implementation of permanent contacts

named actions, active participation in joint

the effects of reactivity;

b) the initiative of the tyctiroevpeniya of various contacts, coming from both sides; 123M5M

c) coordination of actions on the basis of mutual assistance, consistency; At 23456

d) safety net, help, support of each other 1e3C56

B. By mutual a) ability to come to an agreement

influence on controversial issues;

with a child b) taking into account each other when organizing

work positions on each other;

c) the effect of yaboviovezvykhm cor-rietny according to NepyR zom-sk for mechant; d) ntmevkne 0001 (530 vovidvnin 0VI456

Average score:

After analytical processing of the received materials, I formulate the goal of interaction with parents - the creation of the most beneficial experience

The promoter of success in this case will be the class teacher's emenis to make the parents of his students allies of pedagogical intentions.

Well, well-established and organized interaction between family and school makes it possible for parents to realize the need to acquire new knowledge for the development of a healthy pi full-fledged personality, and also forms the need for direct communication with those people who are going to become real parents.

However, in the future, we should dwell on other important aspects of cooperation with parents, for example, building interaction with individual groups of szeeO (Ronitsei Rute Omreyasi Liska, parents of gifted children, rodvevlo about snvalids).

"^;^£^1^1szeyad;bvvya o redotway should be oayaakozo vtuechiogu dvvzhevy everything, coinciding both in its focus and goals, and in the forms and methods of implementation."

And thus, the interaction of the class teacher with parents is a multidimensional pedagogical neosmomo, for which it is necessary to unite the teacher and parents.

Soumzstevia tzoazeBeroch

education and development of children, ensuring mutual understanding and odnonapaoabobiosyai ooaarnniib ^ “tevy and families in the development of lhtoostHf-fDCHoa.

This goal is temporary, in addition to °) its “b” oh its in tasks, and in bviteotsuoopyazvdjazmr s^g^yahahee the content of the mutual relationship of tvodiaolamo, which includes the various types of oFidra zivmycsior ooyatoyzyo-sti throughout the wave of pro You^v^ s^iya robon kyai shsotya.

Such a task is the adaptation of the child to the school, which implies adaptation to a new social status yl-ls eosmeor "l very good upbringing positively" about oyav vz-.. useuiya ^0X0., the formation of vroyaocyanya. This is the result of the joint efforts of the teacher and the family, which can be solved by various means.

Thus, we come to the following main conclusion: the unification of the efforts of the class teacher and parents is a prerequisite for the successful solution of educational problems.

The relationship of the class teacher with the families of students should be carried out through the study of the family, its educational opportunities, the atmosphere of family education.

Based on common mutual moral positions, uniform pedagogical requirements for students are developed, which are implemented in various forms of joint activity.


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V. Akutina S. P., Nikolina V. V. Interaction of teachers and teachers in the field of spiritual and moral values ​​of high school students.//Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2011. - No. 3.

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5. Grekhnev V. S. Culture of pedagogical communication. - M.: Pryuov schttie, 1°z0.

7. Lapteva I. Interaction between parents and teachers in a modern school//Pedagogy, No. 4, 1996.

8. Nechaev M. P. Management of the development of the educational system of the school.- M .: Center "Pedagogical search", 2011.

9. Nechaev M.P. Pedagogical council: campaigns, technologies, methods. -M., 2009.

10. Sidenko E. A. On the issue of adaptation of a younger teenager in society//Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2011. - No. 1.

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12. Sukhomlinsky V. A. The need of a person in a person. -M. - Soviet Russia, 1981.

Innovative projects and programs in education 2012/2

The work of the class teacher with parents in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO The activity of the modern class teacher is the most important link in the educational system of the educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to pupils. It is due to the modern tasks that set before the educational institution global community, the state, parents, the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality, the disclosure of his talents and the creation of conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection. One of the most important social institutions of education is the family. The work of the class teacher with parents is aimed at cooperating with the family in the interests of the child. The class teacher attracts parents to participate in the educational process in an educational institution, which contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the family, the psychological and emotional comfort of the child at school and at home. At the same time, the most important task remains the actualization of the content of educational activities that contribute to the emotional development of the student, his speech, and intellect. “The family is the main instance in the life of a child. She provides him with security, guardianship and education. This is where children develop long-term relationships with their parents and other family members. Here the child learns what family norms and values ​​are, which in turn reflect the culture of their native places, homeland, region or group of inhabitants, ”such a definition of the family is given by the German specialist in child psychology and psychiatry U. Milke. He indicates the following pedagogical duties of parents: 1. 2. 3. Protect children from bad life examples. Education and upbringing of children. Helping parents to school In our modern society the crisis of the family is becoming more and more noticeable, the way out of which is still unclear. The crisis is expressed in the fact that the family is less and less fulfilling its main function - the upbringing of children. Among the most compelling reasons for the unsatisfactory upbringing of children in the family are the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The low economic level of most families. Low culture of public life. A double burden on a woman in the family - both at work and at home. High divorce rate. Exacerbation of conflicts between generations. Widening gap between family and school. The main directions of the reform of the general education school orientate teachers towards strengthening assistance to the family and raising its responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation, towards the widespread involvement of parents in educational work with students. Without a doubt, all schools want to maintain open and close ties with families. They know that learning is a collaborative effort between teachers and parents. They also understand that bonding with parents is essential if they are to develop the abilities of each student in and out of school. Educators who understand this will strive to achieve meaningful dialogue with parents and will maintain a warm climate in the classroom: stress-free, friendly, mutually supportive. The modern school knows that the relationship between the school and the family should not have only one direction, as in the old days, when the school indicated the initiative, ordering parents and students. Now teachers cannot do without the help of parents, without various cooperation at various levels. The rules for working with parents depend on the specific circumstances. Russian pedagogue T. Volikova writes: “The forms of teacher's work with parents are varied:    Individual: visits to families of students at home, conversations with parents at school, days of consultations of parents at school; Group: (Parents can unite into groups according to education, pedagogical culture, behavior and performance indicators of their children.) Here they stand out: the mutual work of the teacher and parents in the classroom, when parents help the teacher lead the lesson; and asset management. Collective: class meetings, school-wide parent meetings, parent conferences for the exchange of upbringing experience, consultations, question and answer evenings, joint extracurricular activities, etc. The content of all forms of school work with the family is to organize their active educational interaction aimed at comprehensive development of the younger generation” I.V. Grebenshchikov writes: “Parents must have a pedagogical culture. Pedagogical culture is understood as such a level of pedagogical readiness of parents, which reflects the degree of their maturity as educators and is manifested in

the process of family and social education of children. An important component of the pedagogical culture of parents is their purely pedagogical readiness: a certain amount of psychological, pedagogical, physiological and legal knowledge, as well as skills developed in the process of raising children in the process of practice. The main role in raising pedagogical culture belongs to purposeful scientific and pedagogical education, which is carried out by the same class teacher or teacher ”The following forms of pedagogical education are distinguished: Non-traditional: Business games Regulated discussions V. A. Sukhomlinsky answers the question on what foundations should the relationship between the teacher and the family be formed in order to be successful in education. “As few calls as possible to the school of mothers and fathers for moral lectures to children, and as much as possible spiritual communication between children and parents, which brings joy to mothers and fathers...” Working with parents, it is important to achieve mutual revelation, knowledge and understanding, to create conditions for parents get acquainted not only with the teacher, but also with each other, with the school and the school administration, submit as much information as possible about the school, about education, upbringing and other issues of interest to parents. Parents need to have their say. The work of a class teacher with parents is very difficult. Their influence is of great importance for the child, but in most cases this influence is spontaneous. Often, parents' assessment of their children's behavior does not coincide with the assessment of teachers, as well as with the assessment of the students themselves. Therefore, the teacher should look for a way to the heart of the parents to give them a positive direction. Relationships with parents are strengthened when:

      the teacher tries to give parents what is required from them (listens to their problems, expresses understanding and benevolence towards their children); the teacher does not forget that parents should look at the school through the eyes of children (first establishes contact with the children, and then with their parents); the teacher seeks to reveal the abilities of parents in certain areas of raising children; the teacher remembers that parents should not be told, let alone scolded their children; the teacher hopes for the victory of good in the soul of the child; the teacher shares his accumulated pedagogical experience, etc.” For successful educational work, a teacher must have pedagogical skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.         Know well and love his pupil and his work. Consciously strive to achieve the educational goals and objectives. Effectively apply educational forms, methods and techniques. Be able to communicate and interact with the family of the pupil. Raise the authority of parents in the eyes of students. Transfer scientific (pedagogical, psychological, legal, etc.) knowledge and pedagogical experience to parents. Start a conversation not with the problems of children, but with general pleasant questions, do not rush to solve problems; Show attention to parents, be interested in their work, home; Discuss emotions arising from school, teachers, children; Listen carefully and accept what parents say, do not criticize their opinion, but try to understand what allows them to think so; Agree on common goals and talk at parent meetings about what is important to everyone; Spend as much time as needed; Motivate arguments with the fact that what you are talking about is important to everyone and most support you; Inform parents personally, through letters or individual conversations. Information intended for parents should not be transmitted through children or other persons. Teachers of many schools are looking for solutions to problems, understanding and realizing that the relationship between teachers, parents and students is a closed triangle.

Teachers Pupils Parents And if the sides of the triangle coincide, then this is the strongest figure, and discrepancies and disagreements lead to a deterioration in interaction and mutual understanding of all “sides”. Therefore, if the school blames the parents, therefore, it itself makes mistakes and vice versa. And the school needs parents and the family needs it today. The teacher is the link between the school and the families of the students. Communication with the parents of their students is necessary for the teacher, because without this he is deprived of very important information. Teachers and families have common goals. Without their interaction, the child's life becomes poorer. The school gives the child scientific knowledge and brings up in him a conscious attitude to reality. The family provides practical life experience, brings up the ability to empathize with another person, to feel his condition. For the harmonious development of personality, both are necessary. All parents often consider themselves well prepared for educational work and do not consider it necessary for themselves to acquire special pedagogical knowledge. Lack of such knowledge leads to numerous mistakes in family education. For example, the following mistakes can be made: lack of communication between parents and children, which leads to the separation of children from parents, deprives adults of the opportunity to influence the child more actively; inability to organize labor education of children; inconsistency with the school; the presence of negative examples from the life of parents; poor knowledge of parenting methods, inability or unwillingness to change them as children grow older. This should be considered by every class teacher. The choice of forms and methods of education, taking into account the knowledge and experience of parents, established traditions in working with parents, is determined by the class teacher himself. The effectiveness of cooperation between the class teacher and parents is achieved through a combination of mass, group, individual forms of work with their continuity. An indicator of the effectiveness of the pedagogical work of the class teacher with parents is the good attitude of the child to school, the desire to learn, to be an active participant in school affairs. 1. The need for cooperation between the teacher and the parents of students in the framework of the pedagogical process So, one of the significant professional duties of the teacher is the organization of such cooperation with the parents of students so that it complements his pedagogical actions, constituting a specific sphere of parental influence. The teacher is involved in the system of relations "teacher - parents of students" by objective necessity and the very conditions for the implementation of the pedagogical process. This relationship system

is able to function without direct contact of its participants, because they are connected by the student as an object of mutual influence. The relationship "teacher - parents of students" is a significant pedagogical factor that has a great impact on the moral life of students. The implementation of the leading role of the teacher in cooperation with the parents of students presents a significant difficulty. The moral and pedagogical factor in the formation of these relations plays an important role. Another important circumstance that must be taken into account when studying the moral relations of the school and the family is that the school either develops the moral qualities of the child, which are inherent in the family, or is forced to re-educate him. In both cases, the teacher must know the family moral situation, and the parents must know the moral pedagogical requirements of the teacher. 2. Causes of contradictions between the teacher and the parents of students Meanwhile, it is far from always possible for the teacher to play a leading role in cooperation with the parents of students, for the reason that the teacher does not have any power other than his moral authority, and also because he has to establish appropriate contacts with any parents. Other reasons may include disunity between the teacher and the parents of students or their unfriendly relationship. Disunity arises due to the lack of contacts, the uncertainty of the teacher's idea of ​​the student's parents and those, in turn, about the teacher. Contradictions between the teacher and the parents of students arise for various reasons. Among them, the disunity of interests; a large number of obligations that are presented by the parties to each other; different types of relationships to the child; different levels of pedagogical qualifications. An unreasonably large number of obligations that are presented by the parties in the most general form without taking into account the possibilities and the situation, due to their impossibility in practice, lead to misunderstanding, ingratitude, annoyance. On the other hand, an increased level of requirements indicates a special status of the teacher, a high level of expectations from him. The difference in the types of relationships to the child stems from the difference between the institutions of the school and the family - they are different socio-psychological groups with diverse functions and relationships. Representatives of different groups begin to interact with each other, maintaining established and familiar (for their group) connections and stereotypes with respect to the student. These contradictions are intensified when the teacher is a formalist and considers his activity as a service, establishing only business relations with students. Parents and relatives show a human approach to the child, attention and care for him is a moral need. Parents of students cannot agree with the dry attitude of the teacher to the student, but the teacher will find these claims and feelings of parents excessive. Due to the different nature of the approach to students, dissatisfaction of the parties may arise if the teacher fails to understand and take into account

in their activities, the feelings and fears of parents for the fate of their child. It can be difficult for a teacher to take the place of his parents and realize that an invitation to school can cause a whole commotion in the family, excitement of parents, etc. Sometimes contradictions of this kind arise due to different awareness about the child: parents are more aware of their child's life outside of school, while the teacher is more aware of school performance, behavior in the classroom and at school in general. different level pedagogical training of parents and teachers can also cause controversy. A different level of competence in understanding the goals, objectives and methods of upbringing and education gives rise to a divergence of views, creates an unjustified desire for the teacher to dominate in matters of education and upbringing, disrespectful of the opinion of the other side, which makes it difficult to contact and the initial need for cooperation. The reasons for the contradictions between the teacher and the parents of students that can interfere with the establishment of pedagogically appropriate contacts contain factors that can often be mitigated 3. Requirements for the behavior of the teacher when establishing contacts with the parents of students and necessary when establishing contacts with the parents of students. Among them stand out:    Consciousness and moral responsibility to parents of students for the results of education and upbringing. Search for contacts with the parents of students and awareness of their responsibility for organizing such cooperation. It has already been emphasized that the parents of students and the teacher are two parties mutually responsible for the upbringing of the child to society. The pedagogical expediency of this requirement is based on the need for comprehensive information about the child and taking it into account in the work of the teacher, as well as on the need to overcome discord in the requirements in relation to the child between the parties. At the same time, the contacts of the teacher with the parents of the students should be permanent. The reasons for the unwillingness of the teacher to establish contacts with the parents of students may lie in the area of ​​high self-confidence in their pedagogical abilities, indifference, lack of a sense of consciousness and responsibility. Prevention of insulting parental feelings by unreasonable assessment of the abilities, academic performance and behavior of children. After all, any negligence and bias in judgments about children is experienced by them and transmitted to their parents, who are sensitive to this. The teacher is obliged to give students only an objective description. When the class teacher is aware of family foundations and knows how to

   understand parental feelings, he speaks respectfully and competently about the child, acquiring allies in education and upbringing in parents. Increasing the authority of parents in the eyes of children, the ability to evaluate and show children the most significant qualities of their parents. Moreover, the pedagogical expediency of this is great - the teacher introduces children to an important side of morality, makes them think about what interesting and respected people they live with. Sometimes the teacher, however, has to resort to efforts in order to overcome the alienation that could arise in the relationship between the child and his parents. The teacher, who was able to influence the growth of the authority of parents in the eyes of their children, also raises his own authority. Tactfully presenting the necessary requirements to parents in order to improve the upbringing of children and improve pedagogical views their parents, but without shifting their responsibilities to them. This means that parents can make mistakes in some ways, commit non-pedagogical actions, neglect the upbringing of children in some ways, follow outdated views - and the teacher, for reasons of cooperation and creating favorable conditions for the pedagogical process, should help develop the pedagogical culture of parents, explain to them the evil of pedagogical illiteracy in relation to to their child. However, at the same time, the teacher should not try to shift his responsibilities to the parents, since by doing so he signs his own pedagogical impotence and unwillingness to bear responsibility for the student. Analysis of critical comments of parents of students in relation to the teacher. Pedagogical morality requires the teacher to have a benevolent attitude towards the comments of parents addressed to him. Although, psychologically, it is far from always pleasant for a teacher to hear critical remarks, since many of those who express them are little versed in pedagogy in general. Criticism from the parents of students becomes more specific and businesslike when the teacher himself organizes the parents for it, convincing them that he needs to know their opinion about whether students and parents understand him correctly, whether there are mistakes in the organization of the pedagogical process. A self-demanding teacher with developed self-criticism will always find something useful in the comments of his parents. Moreover, in the absence of criticism, the parents' dissatisfaction persists, leading to mutual misunderstanding and distrust of the teacher's authority. Ultimately, parents should also evaluate the positive qualities of the teacher. The allocation in the system of moral relations of the subsystem "teacher - parents of students" proceeds from the fact that the family is undoubtedly the most important source of the formation of the child's moral positions, the consolidation of his moral and psychological attitudes. In the family, the child develops initial ideas about the purpose and meaning of life, value orientations, moral and social needs, etc. Therefore, the teacher must know what moral ideas are formed in the child, in what conditions this formation took place.

The nature of the relationship between parents and teachers cannot be represented as complete mutual understanding and conflict-free community, despite the commonality of their goals and objectives. It is important for the teacher to establish contact with the parents of students, to make them allies in the matter of education. In the best case, the teacher should become part of the family microenvironment (as the closest adviser to parents in the education and upbringing of their children), and the student's parents should become part of his school microenvironment (as participants in the overall pedagogical process). The basic principle of work is the principle of cooperation. The pedagogical team sees its goal of working with parents in that, having armed them with the necessary psychological and pedagogical knowledge, to involve them in organizing the life of the school. Over the years, the school has developed a tradition joint work with parents. Class teachers in their activities distinguish several tasks of working with parents: establishing and maintaining constant communication with parents; development of the unity of the requirements of the family and the school for the upbringing of the personality of the child; involvement of parents in the organization of work with the class. Attracting attention to the life of the child from the parents, active and fruitful participation in it is the main task in the work of the class teacher. Activities of the class teacher with parents: Studying the families of students; Pedagogical education of parents; Ensuring the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of collective affairs in the classroom; Individual work with parents; Informing parents about the progress and results of education, upbringing and development of students. Attending parent-teacher meetings At the beginning of the school year, class teachers, together with social educator schools draw up a class social passport, which contains information about housing conditions and family income, and the social status of parents. Class teachers carry out diagnostic work on the study of families and make up the characteristics of families of students. This gives a great advantage to teachers, because,

when they start working with children, they already have little information about them and their legal representatives. The main forms of work of class teachers with parents: 1. Group (parent meetings) 2. Individual (Visiting the family. Correspondence with parents, individual conversations) Parent meeting is one of the main forms of work with parents. All class teachers use the following form of holding parent-teacher meetings (problems of class life, student performance, attendance, about bad habits, about preventing colds, etc.). All class teachers hold 4 meetings during the year. Class teachers have already held 3 parent-teacher meetings on various topics, according to the plan. School-wide parent meetings were held on the following topics: “Parental responsibility for the fulfillment of parental duties in the education and upbringing of minor children”, “For the health and safety of our children”, a conference of fathers “Family and school are partners in the upbringing and education of children” assembly. However, it should be noted that the activity of parents, their attendance at meetings is unsatisfactory. There was a tendency for some parents to withdraw from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child due to concern about solving problems of an economic nature, ignorance of age and individual features child. Correspondence with parents is a written form of informing parents about the successes and achievements of their children. Class teachers send letters to parents, informing them of absences from classes, academic performance, etc. Great importance is attached to individual work with parents, visiting families. Individual consultations with parents at school are useful both for them and for the teacher. Parents get a real idea about school affairs and the behavior of the child, while the teacher gets the information he needs to better understand the problems of each student. After exchanging information, both parties come to a mutual agreement on specific forms of parental assistance. The main topics of conversations conducted with students and their parents: systematic skipping lessons,

behavior in the classroom, as well as the commission of unlawful acts by minors, study, appearance, adaptation of students, nutrition, being late, recommendations for doing homework. The main reasons for parents to apply: conflicts in the classroom, aggressive actions towards the child by classmates, as well as issues of guardianship, social. protection, free travel. Visiting a family is an effective form of individual work of a teacher with parents. When visiting the family, there is an acquaintance with the living conditions of the student. Class teachers regularly visit students' families in order to study the child's home microclimate and provide pedagogical assistance in raising children. The results of the visit are recorded in the diary of the class teacher. It should be noted that such work gives positive results. During the current period, about 90 families were visited. Some families have been visited more than once. The main reasons for the visits were: the absence of the child from school without committing a violation of discipline, a good excuse, delinquency / crimes against minors, as well as families where parents have withdrawn themselves from raising their minors or children and provided them with complete freedom of action, or parents are not an authority for their children, parents abuse alcohol. This method of working with the family is the most accessible and most effective. Under the direct supervision of class teachers and a social teacher, the entire contingent of children living in low-income, large and foster families was identified. Family category Large families Number of students 70 Families under guardianship Disadvantaged families Refugee families 8 3 4 students pers., 8a - 4 pers., 9 a, b, c, d - 8 pers. Kudryavtsev Yu. - 6a, Istroch P. - 5a, Muntyan S. - 6a, Kuznetsov V. - 6a, Limanskaya E. - 7a, Shumkov N. - 9a, Ushkova S. - 9b, Bizin I. - 10a Belashovy 6a, Kuznetsova A. 9a, Lesnukhina A. - 9a, Measures taken social support families.

Everyone large families turns out cash aid from the universal education fund, providing free meals - 70 people. At the moment, the school is under the control of 4 dysfunctional families. These families can be classified into categories: 1. Families in which parents abuse alcohol. 2. Families in which parents are not an authority for their children. 3. Families where parents have withdrawn themselves from raising their children or have given them complete freedom of action. These families are characterized by housing problems, alienation of parents, unsatisfactory financial situation. In working with such families, miniconciliums with the school administration, individual conversations, invitations to the prevention council and sending documents to the PDN as a last resort are used. Individual and group educational work and preventive measures are carried out with them.

“Styles and methods of raising a child in a family

Dear parents!

Purpose: to identify the style of parenting in the family

The survey material will be presented in a generalized form, on the basis of which the work of the lecture hall for parents will be planned.

1. Your child loves to play pranks, there is enough trouble with him - either he will return home with a bruise, or offended ...

a) You ask what happened, apply, if necessary, a compress. -3 points

b) Help the child, but at the same time constantly inspire him that this will end badly. -0 points

c) You pretend that nothing happened, give the child the opportunity to cope with what happened. -5 points

2. Your child has friends, but they do not obey their parents and, in your opinion, they are poorly brought up ...

a) You talk to their parents and ask them to pay attention to the behavior of their children - 2 points

b) You invite these children to your house, try to influence them positively - 5 points

c) You explain to your child that these friends are not a couple of points for him.

3. Your child wants to be the leader in all children's games and, if he does not succeed, then he tries to rebel ...

a) Do you think that the ability to lose will benefit him - 0 points

b) You try to explain to him what is the true reason for the defeat - 3 points

c) You try to play along with him so that he will certainly win and not experience defeat - 5 points

4. Your child is difficult to put to sleep in the evening ...

a) You constantly explain to him how important sleep is for the child-3 points

b) You allow him not to comply with the regime, but always lift at the same time - 5 points

c) You always put the child to bed at the same time without accepting objections from him - 0 points

5. Your child loves TV...

a) You let him watch TV as much as he wants - 0 points

b) You tell the child what he can watch and what he can’t-2 points

c) You yourself determine the circle of gears. Which a child can watch - 5 points

6. Since childhood, your child has not climbed into his pocket for a word ...

a) You explain to him. What is indecent behavior - 5 points

b) You forbid the child to behave in this way - 0 points

c) You reward the child for decent behavior - 3 points

7. Your child, who is still so young, is interested in the opposite sex ...

a) You are trying to cut off interest at all costs - 0 points

b) You leave everything as it is, believing that everything will fall into place by itself - 3 points

c) You absolutely truthfully explain the relationship of the sexes to the child - 5 points

8. Your child sometimes gets from peers ...

a) You teach your child to hit back bullies - 5 points

b) You conduct a preventive conversation with the parents and children of such students - 3 points

c) You ask your child to avoid contact with such children and ask the teacher to help you in this - 0 points

9. Your older child often offends the younger ...

a) You do not interfere in their relationship - 0 points

b) You punish the elder - 5 points

c) You try to pay more attention to the youngest child - 3 points

10. Your child is rude, fights with other children, becomes angry and heartless ...

a) You also behave in a similar way towards him - 0 points

b) You try to influence him with kindness and affection - 5 points

c) You look for the reasons for such a reaction in the surrounding people and the world - 2 points

Analysis of test results.

0-18 points. You consider it necessary to raise a child in your own image and likeness, counting. That he should repeat you in himself. You think that it is simply necessary to take care of the child, while forgetting that when faced with the adult world, he can simply get lost in it and not find himself .. Your methods require reflection and correction.

19-35 points. You think that a child should learn a lot from his own experience, by trial and error. However, you are not always consistent in your upbringing methods: trusting the child to make decisions, you sometimes catch on and try to take the reins of government into your own hands, which causes bewilderment in the child and can lead to conflicts.

36-50 points You do not distance yourself from raising your child, but walk alongside him, watching how he builds his relationships with loved ones, classmates, and teachers. You teach your child not only to be aware of their mistakes, to take them personally, but also create the conditions for their self-correction.

"Summary of the presentation"

Annotation to the presentation

For the class teacher and subject teacher, communication with parents is an integral and not always easy part of the work. But the effectiveness of educational activities depends, among other things, on the interaction between the school and the student's family. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize individual work with parents. Parents are the closest people to the child who are responsible for his fate and his health and who can influence the fate of the child as much as no one else is capable of.

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"Summary on the speech at the teachers' council"

Annotation for a speech at the teachers' council "Technology of work with parents"

To teach parents to see and understand the changes happening to their children; to conduct a joint search for methods of effective influence on the child, and the process of acquiring social experience and the formation of key competencies is the main task of the class teacher with parents. The essence of the interaction between me, as a class teacher and the family, is that we, both sides, should be interested in the high level of upbringing of students and the disclosure of their best qualities and properties. Such interaction is based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, mutual support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other. This helps me, as a class teacher, and parents to combine their efforts in creating conditions for the formation in the child of those qualities and properties that are necessary for his self-determination and self-realization of children in the future.

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Questionnaire Dear Parents

Dear parents!

We invite you to take part in a study conducted at our school.

Purpose: to identify the nature of the relationship in the family between parents, parents and children.

The questionnaire is anonymous. The survey material will be presented in a generalized form, on the basis of which the work of the lecture hall for parents "University of Pedagogical Knowledge" will be planned, the topics of individual consultations and parent conferences for the next three years will be determined.

When working with the questionnaire, you must choose one answer to question 1, 2, 4, 6 and no more than three in questions 5, 7 by circling them.

1. Do you consider relationships in your family:

a) very good

b) good;

c) not very good

d) bad;

e) not very bad.

2. Do you consider your family to be a friendly team:

b) not quite;

3. What family traditions contribute to the strengthening of your family?

(list these traditions)


4. How often does your family get together?

a) daily;

b) on weekends;

5. What does your family do when they get together?

a) solve life problems together;

b) are engaged in family and domestic work;

c) spend leisure time together;

d) discuss the issues of children's education;

e) share your impressions about your day, your successes and failures;

e) everyone minds their own business;

g) what else? ___________________________________________________________

6. Are there quarrels and conflicts in your family?

c) sometimes

d) do not exist

7. What causes quarrels, conflicts?

a) misunderstanding between family members

b) violation of the ethics of relationships (rudeness, infidelity, disrespect, etc.)

c) refusal to participate in family affairs, worries

d) disagreements in the upbringing of children

d) alcohol abuse

g) other circumstances (please specify) ____________________________


8. What are the ways to resolve conflicts in your family? ____________________


9. What difficulties do you have in raising children? __________________________


Thanks for answers!

Annex 1


Family and parents through the eyes of a child

(the questionnaire is designed for students in grades 7-10)

Purpose: to determine the degree of satisfaction of the child with his family.

Dear friend!

Invites you and your classmates to assess the importance of your family, your parents in your life. Please answer the suggested questions. In questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, you need to choose only one answer from those offered. The questionnaire is anonymous, the survey material will be presented in a generalized form and used to plan work with parents.

    Do you love your home, home atmosphere, is there something in it that is peculiar only to your family? ___________________________________________


    Did you leave home for a long time and how did you feel then? _____________


    Are your parents interested in your studies?


More father;

More mother.

    Are your parents interested in your relationship with classmates?

More mother;

More father.

    Do they attend school?

On call only

More father;

More mother.

    Do they help the school, the class teacher?

In the organization of class affairs;

In carrying out excursions, trips;

In carrying out repairs.

    How do you think they relate to the school and the teaching staff?


Don't trust;


    Are they satisfied with their work, their specialty?



Nowhere to go, they work because of the salary;

They work because of the apartment, etc.

    How do you find your family?



    What family holidays do you like the most? _______________________


    Is it customary in your family to give gifts? Which? ________________________


    Do you have a grandmother or grandfather? ___________________________________


    What is your relationship with them? _______________________________________


    What do you think the future holds for you? __________________________________


    What do you think your future looks like?




    Who are you relying on?

On himself;

to the state;

On parents.

    How do you think you'll be happy?

Thanks for answers!

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"reminder how to raise a child"

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad



about education

Child education

it's not cute fun, but a task that requires capital investment, hard feelings, effort, sleepless nights and many, many thoughts ...

Janusz Korczak

Children are wonders of the world

I saw it myself.

And counted the miracle

To the most wondrous miracles.

We are in front of the future in the answer:

Our joy, pain and sadness

Our future is children!

It is difficult with them - so be it!

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights.

If only the future was

As bright as they are

Use more often:

    you are the most intelligent, beautiful ...

    it's good that I have you...

    you are my good guy...

    I love you very much…

    Thank you…

    I wouldn't have made it without you...

Do not use expressions:

    I told you a thousand times...

    how many times do you have to repeat...

    Is it hard to remember...

    what are you thinking about...

    you become…

    you are just like...

    leave me alone, I don't have time...

    why ... so good, and you - no ...



Don't scold your child for a bad grade. He really wants to be good in our eyes. If this does not work out, the child begins to lie and dodge in order to be good in your eyes.

Sympathize with your child if he has worked for a long time, but the result of his work is not high. Explain to him that not only the high result is important. More important is the knowledge that he can acquire as a result of daily hard work.

Don't make your child beg for a grade at the end of the term for your peace of mind.

Don't teach your child to be agile, humiliated, and adaptable for the sake of a positive result in the form of a high mark.

Never express doubts about the objectivity of your child's assessment out loud.

There are doubts - go to school and try to objectively understand the situation.

Do not unreasonably blame other adults and children for your own children's problems.

Support the child in his, albeit not very significant, victories over himself, over his laziness.

Have a holiday to celebrate getting an excellent mark. Good, like bad, is remembered by the child for a long time, and you want to repeat it. Let the child get a good mark for the sake of being marked. It will soon become a habit.

Demonstrate the positive results of your work so that the child wants to imitate you.

Tips for parents

1. Trust is the basic rule.

2. Always tell the child the truth, do not deceive him.

3. Try to be an example for the child.

4. Respect the child as a person who has the right to his point of view.

5. Consult with the child.

6. Learn to correctly evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.

7. If your child needs help, postpone things for later.

8. Getting out of a predicament is a joke.

9. TV is good, but nature is better.

10. Knowledge, reading is a joy for the whole family. Read aloud constantly.

11. When judging a child for an act, remember yourself at his age.

12. Know your child's friends and invite them into the house.

13. In the evening, discuss with the whole family how the day went.

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"Reminder on how not to punish children"

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad


The child is a man! And this Man needs not shouting and punishment, but support and wise advice parents, not in evil and cruel treatment, but in kindness, care and love

5. Punishment makes a child afraid of losing parental love. He feels rejected and becomes jealous of his brother or sister, and sometimes even of his parents.

6. A punished child may have a hostile feeling towards their parents. And as soon as two feelings unite in it: love and hatred, a conflict immediately arises.

7. If you spank a child under a hot hand, this means that you control yourself worse than you demand from the child.

8. Frequent punishment encourages the child to attract the attention of parents by any means.


about punishment

1. By spanking a child, you teach him to be afraid of you.

2. Showing the worst traits of your character in front of children, you show them a bad example.

3. Corporal punishment requires less intelligence and ability from parents than any other educational measures.

4. Spanking can only validate, not change, a child's behavior.

How can and can not

punish a child

1) the punishment must not harm the health of the child;
2) if there is any doubt - to punish or not to punish - DO NOT PUNISH!
3) it is better not to punish if the punishment is late;

4) punished - forgiven, after punishment, forgiveness follows;
5) it is necessary to punish without humiliation.

1. If you want your child to respect you, respect him yourself. Recognize each child as an individual.

2. When criticizing the child's actions, do not get personal. Judge the behavior, not the child.

3. Do not demand from the child what does not correspond to his age or individual capabilities. 4. If there is a need for "working through" the child, associated with admonitions and reproaches, remember that they are effective only for 2 - 3 minutes.

5. Do not seek at any cost to get from the child the recognition of his mistakes and the promise "not to do this again." This is always either falsehood or humiliation, which the child most often does not forgive, especially if you forced him to endure this humiliation in public.

6. Seeing how your child flinches at a sudden loud sound or when you move your hand - parent, get scared and think!

7. Your anxiety, despondency, depression, fear are transmitted to the child, your explosiveness is contagious.

8. Know how to listen to children. Do not rush to express your opinion on every occasion.

9. Teach your child to make selfless gifts if you want to receive them yourself in old age.

What is the substitute for punishment?

1. Patience. This is the greatest virtue a parent can have.

2. Explanation. Explain to the child why his behavior is wrong, but be as brief as possible.

3. Slowness. Do not rush to punish your son or daughter - wait until the offense is repeated.

4. Award winning. They are more effective than punishment.

A special role in organizing activities for active recreation of preschoolers during the holidays belongs to parents, joint family recreation, promoting healthy lifestyle life.

Conducting a joint family vacation - whether it be family hiking trips, leisure on the sea, in the mountains, participation in sports family games, for example, “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, cycling in the forest, etc. – beneficial effect on the relationship between children and parents

Holidays are the best time for excursions, visiting museums. However, everything needs a measure.Do not forget that attending children's holidays and entertainment events is fraught with the risk of infectious diseases, especially during the period of epidemiological trouble.

Think in advance how the holidays will be organized? If you have the opportunity to go with your child to a rest home or sanatorium - that's great! We remind you that the duration of a continuous lesson at a computer for children aged 7-12 years is 20 minutes, and older - no more than half an hour.

Take advantage of the holidays to consult a pediatrician, optometrist, dentist, orthopedist. A frequently ill child will benefit from a course of medical procedures. A set of exercises for posture correction.

Walks, games and sports fresh air- this is the best rest after school. Stay in the open air as long as possible away from roads, transport, industrial enterprises.

It is necessary to observe the daily regimen, but some deviations from the regimen are possible. The younger the child, the more time it takes for his brain and the whole body to fully restore working capacity. Therefore, the need for sleep in winter is increased.

In order for the holidays to become a time of recovery and accumulation of strength for your child, it is necessary that his diet contains enough dairy and meat products, vegetables, and fruits. “What can be more useful than vegetable balm and fruit juice? They are healing from all diseases, And our life is lengthened.” (Avicenna).

.Joint active leisure:

1. helps to strengthen the family;

2. forms the most important moral qualities in children;

3. develops curiosity in children;

4. introduces children to the wonderful world of nature, educating them careful attitude;

5. expands the horizons of the child;

6. forms in the child the primary ideas about the history of the native land, traditions, culture of the people;

7. brings together all family members (children live the same tasks with their parents, feel involved in a common cause).

Spending leisure time together, parents and children have that spiritual contact that many parents only dream of .

Family code health.

1. Every day we start with exercises.

2. Waking up, do not stay in bed.

3. We take cold water as friends, it gives vivacity and hardening.

4. In kindergarten, to school, to work - on foot at a fast pace.

5. The elevator is our enemy.

6. Let's be generous with a smile, never lose heart!

7. When we meet, we wish each other health (Hello!)

8. Regime is our friend, if we want to do everything, we will!

9. Do not chew while watching TV!

10. On vacation and weekends - only together!

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"Technology for working with parents Microsoft Word"

Speech at the pedagogical council

technology for working with parents

Mikhailin Anton Gennadievich

Class teacher 7 "G" class

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad

For the class teacher and subject teacher, communication with parents is an integral and not always easy part of the work. But the effectiveness of educational activities depends, among other things, on the interaction between the school and the student's family. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize individual work with parents.

Parents are the closest people to the child who are responsible for his fate and his health and who can influence the fate of the child as much as no one else is capable of.

to teach parents to see and understand the changes happening to their children; - conduct a joint search for methods of effective influence on the child in the process of acquiring social experience and the formation of key competencies.

All activities of work with parents are represented by the following areas and forms:

    study of families and conditions of family education; informing parents about the content of the educational process in the classroom;

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents; interaction with the parent committee;

    joint activities of parents and students

Acquaintance with the child's family begins for me with a questionnaire, which I distribute to parents on September 1. The questionnaire is filled out at home by parents, and includes not only questions related to information about parents, employment and health status of students to fill in the pages of the school magazine, but also questions that allow me to get to know the features and conditions of family education of my students. In addition to preliminary diagnostics, which is carried out at the beginning of work with a team of parents, thematicdiagnostics. For example, parenting styles. 10% of parents consider it necessary to raise their own child in their own image and likeness, believing that he should repeat you in himself. Parents do not forget that the child must develop and form in himself such qualities as independence, independence, self-confidence, the ability to be creative in all its manifestations.

Do you think that taking care of a child is simply necessary. Your methods require reflection and correction.

30% of parents in issues of education are trying to keep up with the times. They believe that a child should learn a lot from his own experience by trial and error. However, they are not always consistent in their upbringing methods: trusting your child to solve some problems on their own and make some decisions, you sometimes catch on and try to take the reins of power into your own hands, which bewilders your child and can lead to adolescence to conflicts and quarrels.

60% of parents realize that a child cannot live his life with someone else's mind, and I create all possible conditions so that he can learn to develop his own initiative, logical thinking, the ability to analyze events and phenomena. Parents do not step aside from raising their child, but walk alongside him, watching how he builds his relationships with loved ones, classmates, and teachers. They teach their child not only to be aware of their mistakes, to take them personally, but also to create conditions for their self-correction.

A huge role in the cooperation between the parents of students and the class teacher is played by the parent committee of the class. Meetings with the parent committee are held as needed. Communication between parents is carried out by the so-called “cluster method”: each of the members of the parent committee contacts several parents, who, in turn, having received the necessary information from the RC, call several more parents. For this purpose (with common consent) a “class telephone directory” is being created. Everyone has my contact phone, and I have the phones of the parents of the whole class. Thus, any information that needs to be brought to the attention of the parents of all students can be transmitted quite quickly. The activities of the parent committee are carried out according to a plan drawn up in accordance with the plan of educational work of the class and school. Members of almost all families of students are involved in the implementation of this plan.

A very important form of communication between the class teacher and the family is class parent meetings. They are held at the beginning of the school year and at the end of the academic quarter to familiarize parents with the tasks and state of educational work in the classroom. Problems solved at the meeting, on the slide

For each parent meeting, I appropriately prepare a student’s success sheet (achievement, participation in olympiads, in sports events, in the social life of the school and class), the introduction of separate traditional headings into the content of the parent meeting:

Parenting Catchphrases, Parents' Bookshelf

Parents are frequent guests at extracurricular events One of the forms of interaction with parents has become the traditional holding of joint holidays “Everything starts with mom”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”, excursions to museums, this year I plan to hold a joint sports festival. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover the still unknown sides of their interests, hobbies, talents.


In the course of the pedagogical workshop, I propose to find a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and schools, etc., to explain their position in a particular alleged or actual situation.

Each parent expresses their point of view, then they come to a common opinion

Individual conversations with parents on: relationships with classmates; the need to strengthen control over the child; lack of attention and sympathy for the child; too rigid position of parents.

Dealing with specific situations with parents whose children tend to lie. contributes to the formation of analysis skills, the ability to highlight the main thing, listen and interact. This type of work allows you to demonstrate many approaches to solving a single problem. For a successful solution, it is necessary that the situation be real, problematic and described concisely and succinctly. When solving situations, I rely on the theoretical knowledge and experience of parents.

As a class teacher, I also use such a form of communication with the family as correspondence with parents. It allows them to be informed about the progress and behavior of schoolchildren, which helps to better understand the living conditions and homework of schoolchildren and facilitates educational work with them.

For correspondence with parents, I sometimes use a student diary. I make brief notes in it about the student's attitude to academic and social duties, about violations of discipline and order. Parents review and sign the diary.

Congratulating the student's family on various holidays, this contributes to the formation of a respectful attitude towards the teacher among parents, and among students - attentiveness to loved ones.

Both parents and the class teacher should understand that only common cooperation, co-creation can make the joint activities of students, teachers and parents meaningful, interesting, joyful. At the end of the school year, parents are given a commendation for good upbringing children, for helping the class teacher.

The essence of the interaction between me, as a class teacher and the family, is that we, both sides, should be interested in the high level of upbringing of students and the disclosure of their best qualities and properties. Such interaction is based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, mutual support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other. This helps me, as a class teacher, and parents to combine their efforts in creating conditions for the formation in the child of those qualities and properties that are necessary for his self-determination and self-realization of children in the future.

View presentation content
"interaction between the class teacher and parents"

Mikhailin Anton Gennadievich class teacher

7 "G" class

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad

Speech at the pedagogical council

technology for working with parents


joint activities

class teacher and parents

Mikhailin Anton Gennadievich teacher physical education MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad

The purpose of the interaction between family and school

Creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of the personality of the student, his successful socialization in society

1. concern about the degree of development of the child;

2. showing concern for the happiness of the child

  • familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process;
  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • involvement of parents in joint activities with children;
  • adjustment of education in the families of individual students;

Styles and methods of raising a child in a family

creation of conditions for the development of one's own initiative, the ability to analyze events and phenomena

the child must learn a lot from his own experience by trial and error

educate your own child in your own image and likeness, believing that he must repeat in himself their

Parental committee

strengthening the ties of the teaching staff with the parents of students and the public;

involvement of parents in direct participation in educational work with schoolchildren during extracurricular time;

organizing and holding meetings, conversations on the exchange of experience in family education;

holding recreational and cultural events with educational

parent meetings

"School - home - one family." Features of the development of boys and girls of adolescence

Family values ​​in modern society "

Children's aggression:

its causes and prevention"

Organization of joint

leisure activities

Excursions sports holiday



(a form of developing pedagogical skills for parents in raising children, effectively expanding emerging pedagogical situations, training pedagogical thinking in parents).

The teenager does not put his things back in their place, they are lying all over the apartment, which irritates the mother very much. Her repeated conversations were fruitless. Once, when my son was not at home, my mother cleaned the apartment, and then went to the store. When she returned, she saw that her son had come home and scattered his things again. Then mom...

Individual conversations with parents

  • relationships with classmates;
  • the need to strengthen

control over the child

  • lack of attention and

empathy for the child

  • too hard position


Solution specific


The child constantly lies to parents about where he was, with whom, etc. Once he went to school, but was absent from classes. The class teacher called home to find out the reason for the absence. So the mother found out that her son had lied to her. When he returned home (supposedly from class) and put his bag of textbooks, mom ...

Correspondence with parents

online consultations with teachers

by email

Family congratulations

  • Good for the child;
  • Worthy human Life;
  • Man as a vital value;
  • Activity as a way of life;
  • Creativity as a way to change life.