Family business. The most famous ghosts What does a white woman ghost look like

In our world, studied, it would seem, far and wide, there are still inexplicable phenomena. And, although the existence of paranormal phenomena has not been scientifically proven, many still believe in them. Perhaps because people are naturally curious, and ghosts are an amazing chance to at least look behind the veil of the secrets of the other world. Here is a selection of the most famous ghosts in the world.

1. Ghost of the White Lady

The White Lady is the collective name for ghosts. As a rule, eyewitnesses describe long-haired women in a white dress, with dark sad eyes and a thin, pointed face. Sometimes they also talk about bloodied hands and face, and Mikhail Rosenberg, during his trip to the Czech Republic, saw the Lady in black gloves.

This ghost is one of the most famous in the world. According to legend, the Czech White Lady is none other than Perhta Rožmberk, who is considered the guardian of the Rožmberk family and families close to it. Her story could have happened to any noble young woman who lived in the Middle Ages: young Perkhta was forcibly married to a man much older than herself, the aristocrat Jan Liechtenstein. He turned out to be a villain, a pervert and a sadist, often raped and beat his young wife, and also, not embarrassed by her presence, arranged orgies in the castle. The unfortunate woman endured bullying for 20 years, because the customs of that era did not allow her to leave her despot spouse and return to her family, and the church would not give permission for a divorce.

They say that before his death, Count Liechtenstein asked his wife for forgiveness, but she could not forgive him. Then the count cursed his wife with the words: “May you have no peace after death!”

Since then, Perchta has appeared in the former possessions of the Rožmberks: the old Sovinec castle and the neighboring town of Cesky Krumlov. It does not bring harm to anyone, but for the descendants of the clan it can mean a warning about the imminent death of one of the relatives. Her portrait with a signature in an unknown language has survived to this day. There is a legend that the White Lady herself will appear to the one who can decipher the signature and tell where the huge treasure is hidden.

2. Anku

The word "Anku" itself is translated as "skeleton" or, in some interpretations, "herald of death." This ghost was seen on the roads of Brittany. It always appears on old back roads and never near busy highways or settlements. However, the ghost did not disdain small villages and, according to legend, visited there often.

Anku looks like a dead man or a skeleton with long white hair. He is wrapped in a dark cloak with a hood thrown over his face, hiding the greenish putrid light in sunken eye sockets, with a scythe on his shoulder. It is always followed by a funeral wagon drawn by a skeleton horse. His appearance was accompanied by the ringing of funeral bells, gusts of icy wind and the dull, loud thud of horse hooves.

It was believed that the one who was lucky enough to see the ankh would die in the next two years. Some sources say that an eyewitness, when meeting with a ghost, was certainly knocked down by an unknown force, and earth was stuffed into his mouth, perhaps the same one that would soon be thrown on his coffin. If a person came across an anku at midnight, then he certainly died within a month.

However, anku is not just one mysterious entity. The previous herald of death was succeeded every year by another unfortunate man who happened to die last of the year. There is another opinion: anku is none other than the biblical character Cain, the first person to commit murder.

The last time anka was allegedly seen was 50 years ago. It is possible that there is simply no place left for such ghosts in our enlightened age.

3. Trembling boy

There is a strange place in Ireland - Gripmain Castle. Now no one lives in the castle, but it is well preserved and open to tourists. And, of course, as in most respected European castles, it has its own ghost, known to the whole world as the “Trembling Boy”.

It is said that if you stay in the castle for the night, then around midnight, a pale, translucent silhouette of a child with dark, falling hair will appear next to your bed. The boy will whisper, "It's cold, I'm so cold," and may even touch your face with icy fingers. Eyewitnesses said that after they woke up, the boy did not leave, but continued to stand by the bed and complain about the cold. It was removed only after the unfortunate visitor of the ancient castle turned on the light. At the same time, the ghost did not leave the room, did not evaporate, no - it simply disappeared, as if it were not there, which, however, is quite possible.

According to legend, the boy was the heir to a rich old family of Northumbrian earls and received the castle from his father, who died when his son was only six years old. His uncle, the guardian, decided to get rid of the rightful owner and assign the castle to himself, so he took the child to the field on a winter night and left him there alone. By morning, the boy was cold, and the uncle got the same coveted castle. True, along with a ghost: some sources describe that the boy “returned” the very next night after his burial and harassed his uncle for the rest of his life.

The ghost of a child is still seen in the castle, and some impressionable tourists talked about his appearance in the daytime. In some cases, entire groups of people who have never met before and who visited Gripmein Castle for the first time in their lives repeat with one voice about his appearance.

4. Lady from Eht

The Lady of Echt can be found in Holland. The ghost is not attached to any specific place and can appear anywhere. The lady from Eht looks quite impressive: a tattered dark dress, a thin cloak thrown over her shoulders, her head lying in thin emaciated hands, and blood oozing from the stump of her neck. However, this ghost is quite harmless to the casual traveler.

You can meet the Lady, as usual, only at night. In some cases, the headless female figure may simply walk by, and in some cases, it may stop in front of the person and speak to him. If for some reason a strange ghost likes you, it will take you to the place where the treasure is buried, but ask you not to take a single coin for yourself, but to distribute everything to those in need. If the one who got the treasure does not fulfill this condition, then the gold coins found and appropriated by him will turn to dust.

One day the Lady of Eht met a young man returning home at night on the road. She pointed out to him the place where the treasure was buried, and said that he could take it for himself if he only dug up the treasure without making a sound. But the stupid young man, seeing a chest full of gold, could not help shouting with joy, after which both the chest and the ghost literally fell through the ground. The headless ghost has not been seen since. Apparently, the Lady was completely disappointed in people and left for another world.

5. Black Lady of the Nesvizh Castle

The Black Lady is the ghost of Barbara Radziwill, a representative of one of the noblest families in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Previously, she could be found in one of the rooms of her family nest - Nesvizh Castle. The ghost looked like a beautiful blond woman with sad brown eyes in a rich black dress and pearls on a slender neck.

It so happened that, while still alive, the young and beautiful princess met with the heir to the Polish crown, Sigismund August. As usual, passion arose between young people, they became lovers and, as a result, secretly got married. Shortly thereafter, Sigismund August's first wife died of epilepsy, and Barbara was presented to the court as the legitimate wife of the king. Unfortunately, the queen mother of Bona Sforza hated all the offspring of the Radziwill family, and therefore Barbara was soon poisoned by her order and died in terrible agony. She was not buried in the tomb of the Polish kings, but the body was taken to her native castle.

Oddly enough, but this is perhaps the only ghost whose origin can be explained by something other than the rich imagination of the people who saw it. Barbara, for example, was seen by many people during a seance arranged for the inconsolable king by the famous "magician and spellcaster" of that time, Pan Tvardovsky. He summoned the spirit of the deceased queen with the help of the so-called magic mirror, having previously agreed with the king that he would not try to touch his wife. Of course, the king could not stand it, tried to hug her, and she disappeared with a loud ringing. The secret of its appearance lies in the mirror, which Pan Tvardovsky, who left the Nesvizh castle in a hurry, left there. Behind a thin layer of amalgam, the image of Barbara is engraved, exactly as she was in life. If the light hits the mirror at a certain angle, then the ghost appears in the room.

Agree, this is an amazing trick in its execution, and explains quite a lot. It is quite possible that the rest of the ghosts seen by people in other parts of the world and under other circumstances appeared due to some understandable reasons. Another thing is that these reasons are still unknown.

6 Ghost Ship

Surprisingly, the most famous ghost in the world is not a man, but a ship - the Flying Dutchman. It is observed off the southern coast of Africa to this day, however, always at a great distance. It is described as an old shabby sailing ship. Previously, until the 20th century, sailors allegedly managed to get close to the ghost ship, and then it was possible to distinguish the ghostly silhouettes of emaciated men (according to another version, skeletons moving along the deck).

Fata Morgana

According to legend, the captain of the ship Philip van der Decken fell in love with a girl, but she did not reciprocate, and then a stern sailor killed her fiancé. The girl did not survive this and threw herself off a cliff into the sea, and Van der Decken had to flee. When trying to go around the Cape of Good Hope, his ship got into a strong storm, but the ambitious captain did not want to wait out the bad weather in some bay. Instead, he began to blaspheme and swore that none of his crew would go ashore until they rounded "that damn cape", which brought a curse on himself and his crew. Since then, the ship has been forced to sail the ocean, and none of the crew has been able to go ashore. There is a version that the captain can set foot ashore once every ten years for exactly one day, and if during this time he finds a girl who voluntarily agrees to become his wife, then the curse will disappear.

The appearance of the Flying Dutchman is often explained by the phenomenon of Fata Morgana - a mirage that occurs in the sea above the surface of the water.

7. The Ghost of Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is another ghost not tied to a specific location. According to history, it can be found anywhere in the UK. Most often, eyewitnesses claim to have seen her wandering the corridors of the Tower of London, sitting near a window in Dean Convent in Windsor or on the estates of Blickling Hall. She is described as high beautiful woman dressed in white, carrying a severed head in her hands. Sometimes she was seen riding in a wagon drawn by headless horses, driven by a headless coachman.

The story of the ghost of Anne Boleyn originates in another legend of unrequited love. Anna was the second wife of the English King Henry VIII. For her sake, he founded the Anglican Church. This was necessary in order to divorce the previous wife: the Papal See at that time was categorically against divorce proceedings, especially when it came to monarchs. One way or another, the king married Anna, she bore him a daughter, but then the king's love ended, and he became interested in a new favorite. Heinrich accused the unfortunate Anna of high treason, took him into custody and subsequently executed him. Since then, Anna has been forced to roam the expanses of her native country, unable to find peace.

Interestingly, no one has ever seen the ghost of the treacherous Heinrich. At least, there is nothing about it in written sources. As for Anna, her frequent appearances are written in every guidebook of a more or less famous castle.

8. The Brown Lady of Ryman Hall

The Brown Lady is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole, according to official sources, the wife of Viscount Townsend II, who died in 1726. Her father for a long time did not give consent to their marriage, and when Dorothy nevertheless married the viscount, she very soon fell in love with another person. Her angry husband locked her in one of the rooms in their castle, Ryman Hall. It is believed that she died of smallpox, but some historians tend to believe that the cause of death was depression from separation from her lover. There is also a version that a jealous husband pushed her down the stairs.

Since then, the Brown Lady has been seen in the corridors of the estate more than once. It is believed that she cannot leave Ryman Hall until she finds her children, whom she did not see until her death due to her husband's ban on dating them. She looks like a blurry female figure in a strict brown dress. It's a pretty "peaceful" ghost. The lady never tried to make contact with eyewitnesses, did not speak to them and did not even look in their direction - she simply wandered through the corridors of the house and disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Surprisingly, there is even one photograph of this ghost, taken in 1936 by respected photographers Captain Provand and his assistant Indre Shira. These people had an impeccable reputation, so most of the inhabitants of that time did not question the authenticity of the photo. It was published in the authoritative magazine Rural Life and served as an excellent advertisement for the old estate. However, it is impractical to talk about the authenticity of the photo today: firstly, even in the first half of the 20th century it was easy to make such a fake, and secondly, there is no more documentary evidence of the existence of a ghost.

9. Black dogs

Black dogs are traditionally described as shaggy dogs the size of a calf with glowing red eyes and a baring mouth with huge fangs. They were seen only in Great Britain and Ireland, most often near river and sea shores or in cemetery graveyards. Otherwise, the legends about the terrible black dogs vary greatly. According to some sources, a meeting with a dog means imminent death, either immediately from its fangs, or soon from an incurable disease. According to other beliefs, dogs were considered, despite their appearance, good messengers and could lead lonely girls walking home at night along the road or lead a lost child out of the forest, and they were dangerous only for sinners or criminals.

Some esotericists explain the appearance of black dogs by the fact that some magnetic parallels supposedly pass in these places (controversial version). Others believe that dogs are an energy imprint of dogs that lived in the past in these places, and their appearance is due to meteorological phenomena. Still others say that these are just ordinary dogs that have appeared at a distance from you, and fear, as you know, has large eyes.

It has never been possible to shoot a black dog on film, so there is no documentary evidence of their existence. Of course, a century and a half ago, corpses with obvious traces of fangs on the body were found in the vastness of Great Britain, but ordinary wolves could also do this to a lone traveler.

They climbed Elbrus. A small group that decided to conquer one of the most beautiful peaks in the world. The penultimate in the chain was a 28-year-old climber, on whose account there were more than one conquered peak. They had already reached the snowfield, when the girl suddenly felt an irresistible desire to turn around ...

200 meters from her stood a dazzling beauty in a shining white dress. Long hair slightly swaying from the wind, bare feet and arms bare to the shoulders, it seemed, did not react in any way to the piercing cold ... The girl was seized by a feeling of incredible, unearthly, amazing happiness "such happiness simply does not exist," she later recalled. True, there was also a slight sensation of a trick, but somewhere far away, on the periphery of consciousness, a light haze flickered and disappeared, as it was not there ... Meanwhile, the woman raised her right hand and beckoned her to her.

And she went. Went, like a somnambulist, straight into the abyss. And she stopped only after the call of her husband, who realized that his half was wandering somewhere clearly in the wrong direction. Waking up from the eclipse on the edge of the abyss, into which her legs had already begun to slide, the climber fell on her back and slowly crawled away from the edge ... The moment she woke up, the girl heard her own broken scream at the bottom of the failure.

The climber was immediately expelled from the group and lowered down, detached to accompany the guy: the one who meets with white woman, he should no longer go to the mountains, the next ascent will turn into death for him, says the unwritten law of the mountains.

... An experienced 30-year-old climber was descending from the mountain. A blizzard began, and in the gap of the snow whirlwind he suddenly saw a blond woman in white dress sitting, hugging her knees, right on the snow. She was young and beautiful, and at the same time old and decrepit, a feeling of unearthly happiness and at the same time formidable danger emanated from her ... Not for a moment, according to the climber, did he lose control of himself, all the time, analyzing what was happening. True, this analysis, as it turned out, was in itself, and reality in itself. His climbing comrades suddenly saw that he deviated from the route and went somewhere in a snowstorm ... Only after a loud call from the climbers did he wake up and return to the “bosom of the detachment”.

According to researcher Dmitry Gromov, who collected many cases of observation White Woman, their plot does not shine with variety. The woman is clearly acting according to a knurled scheme: she draws attention to herself, causes a state of unearthly bliss, and then lures her into the abyss. According to a similar plan, the Two-Faced Woman of the speleologists also acts: upon meeting, she addresses the explorer with her young and beautiful face, leads him into some kind of trap, and immediately turns old and ugly. Some of her colleagues, however, act more honestly: terrible old women took it upon themselves to lead cavers out of traps, and young and beautiful maidens, on the contrary, lure them there. In other words, the division of labor...

There are a lot of similar characters in camping folklore: Black and White climbers, Crying Boy, Calling Old Man ... Yes, and in mythology different peoples they meet with suspicious frequency. These are Greek sirens, who with their own voice deprive sailors of the feeling of reality and direct their ships to the rocks, and Russian mermaids, luring bathers to the bottom, and Romanesque vampires, who bewitch their victim, and she goes to his fangs with great pleasure...

In my opinion, the most important thing in these descriptions, says Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, is that the phenomenon simultaneously occurs both in reality and, so to speak, in the mind of the observer. In reality, apparently, there is a certain object that is the source of the event, but it also feels quite comfortable in the mind of a person, manipulating it in strict accordance with its scenario. Which is very different from the description of "ordinary" anomalous phenomena: most of the descriptions boil down to the fact that someone observes something, while experiencing some feelings that do not at all dominate the consciousness of the observer ... That is, we are talking about some kind of something that goes beyond our picture of the world.

However, it fit very organically into the picture of the world of our ancestors. From the point of view of Russian old sorcerers, we live in a kind of field, which is made of the same “substrate” as the human soul. And many of the phenomena that we observe do not just occur in the material world or in our minds, they must be considered as a consequence of some (subjective and objective) complex within this special field.

Myrtle Plantation Slave

According to legend, once in one of the American mansions lived a slave, whose name was Chloe. The woman had a bad habit - to peep and eavesdrop through the keyhole for all the inhabitants of the mansion. But one day the owner caught her doing this and cut off one of her ears as a punishment. As a result, the unfortunate woman, in order to hide her wound, was forced to wear a constantly green scarf. But the punishment did not bring Chloe to her senses, but vice versa. She decided to take revenge on her master and baked a cake for him, in which she put poisonous oleander leaves. Only now the owner did not manage to try the poisoned food - he was ahead of his two daughters and his wife. As a result of terrible torment, the women died.

Mansion on Myrtle Plantation (USA, Louisiana, Saint Francisville)

The master's anger fell on his slaves, who quickly identified the culprit and hanged Chloe on the same day. The story has come down to us in the form of vague legends and old photographs. However, not only Chloe's ghost appears at the local plantation. In the mirrors of the mansion, they say, one of the girls she killed is displayed - a ghost sends curses to those who dare to spend the night in her room.

Today, the local mansion is one of the most famous places for those who dare to touch the other world.

The Girl from the Cemetery of the Resurrection

Mary's ghost asks for a ride, but disappears without a trace near the cemetery

In the US state of Illinois, in the town of Justit, people often have to meet with the mysterious ghost of a blue-eyed, fair-haired woman voting on the side of the road. The ghost is dressed in White dress and calls herself Mary. They say that she asks for a ride, but near the cemetery of the Resurrection, she disappears without a trace.

The legend about this girl has existed for about 80 years, it is curious that Mary is found not only by those who know about her, but also by complete strangers. So, in 1973, one of the taxi drivers complained that he picked up a girl on the side of the road who asked for a ride, and near the cemetery she mysteriously disappeared without paying. When the man was asked to name the signs of his companion, he accurately described the well-known Mary throughout the district.

Ghost ship

This ghost is known to all sailors. The Flying Dutchman landed in 1641. It was in this year that the captain of the ship of the East India Company, Hendrik van der Decken, decided to go around the Cape of Good Hope in a terrible storm, even if it would cost him his life. Since then, no one has seen the ship, but not far from the cape they began to meet the ghost of the ship. At the same time, he appeared so close to the sides that it seemed that a collision was inevitable.

However, the ghost soon dissolved into the mist that always accompanied it. The Flying Dutchman had many eyewitnesses, but the most famous of them was the King of England, George V, who even noted in his diary a meeting with a mysterious ghost. The monarch wrote that at first he saw a mystical red light, then the contours of the brig, with sails and masts, gradually began to emerge from the fog. Soon the ghost disappeared into the haze, and the sailor who first spotted the Dutchman fell off the mast and crashed to death.

Ghost of Anne Boleyn

The ghost of Anne Boleyn can be found in churches and castles in London

The second wife of the English King Henry VIII managed to stay on the throne for only three years, which, however, was enough to give birth to the future Queen Elizabeth I. Her Majesty was executed in 1536 on terrible accusations of witchcraft and incest, but today historians are coming to the conclusion about that she was simply slandered by envious people.

Since then, the ghost of Queen Anne can often be found in the old churches and castles of London. Eyewitnesses say that they met a beautiful woman in luxurious outfits. However, some see a completely different picture - Anne Boleyn is seen as a headless corpse.

Kate from Coronado

In California, the city of Coronado is located, in which there is a "Hotel Coronado", made in the Victorian style. Kate Morgan moved in one day nice woman, looking, nevertheless, tired and sick. Rumors immediately spread around the small town that the guest was trying to get rid of an unwanted child by an overdose of quinine. Soon Kate was found shot to death on the path leading to the sea.

There was a pistol next to her, from which she shot herself. It became clear that the poor woman was so exhausted nervously and physically that she had no choice but to commit suicide. However, the accident left a mystical imprint on the hotel - strange things began to happen there. The guests complained that someone began to constantly wander along the corridors and slam the doors. Later, some people in the hotel even saw the ghost of a woman wandering around it.

The Stanley Hotel and its ghosts

The Stanley Hotel was made famous by Stephen King in his novel The Shining.

This place was made famous by Stephen King in his famous novel The Shining and later in the film of the same name. The hotel is located in Estes Park, in the state of Colorado. I must say that the hotel is so grateful to the writer for powerful advertising that on Channel 42 the same film is constantly shown here, it is not difficult to guess which one. And there are actually ghosts. Guests complain that someone is constantly making noise and walking in the halls, but only now they are usually empty.

The noise of children's games is often heard in the corridors, although there is no one there either. But most often, ghosts visit room 407, where the main ghost appears - Lord Dunravin. It was he who once owned the land on which the hotel was built. They say that it is the lord who steals their valuables from the guests, any incomprehensible noise is most often attributed to this ghost. So, whether you like it or not, the Stanley Hotel lives its own life, full of mystical ghosts.

Ghost Reicham Hall

Another name for this ghost is "Brown Lady" as he is wearing a classic brown dress. The ghost was even able to be filmed in 1936 by the owners of the English house Reicham Hall. It is not clear who this woman is, but it is assumed that this is Dorothy, sister of Robert Walpole and ex-wife Marquess of Townshend. At the age of 26, she married the hero of her childhood love, who by that time turned out to be a widower.

According to legend, Townshend found out that Dorothy had been cheating on him with Lord Wharton and locked her in her own rooms. She died soon after under unclear circumstances, it is obvious that her death was somehow connected with this house. There is a lot of evidence about the meeting with the "brown lady". The most famous were the memoirs of George IV, who was then regent.

George IV recalled meeting with the ghost of the “brown lady”

At the beginning of the 19th century, he spent the night in Reicham Hall and woke up at night to see a pale woman with disheveled hair standing next to the bed. Another well-known case was an encounter with the ghost of Colonel Loftus in 1835. He met Christmas in the Hall and suddenly saw a ghost at night. The military man chased after him, but the ghost ran down the stairs and disappeared. The following night, another meeting took place - Loftus met the "brown lady" on the stairs, the ghost was carrying a lamp. The colonel recalls that the woman was dressed in luxurious brocade, and her hair was hidden in a cap. At the same time, the eye sockets were dark and empty. Loftus remembered this meeting so well that he even sketched a mysterious ghost.

The next known fact of meeting with a ghost was told by the writer Frederick Marryat. One night, he and two members of Townshend's family encountered the "brown lady". The writer was not taken aback and shot at her at point-blank range, claiming that the bullet went through the ghost. She was later found in the door behind where the ghost was. After that, the ghost was not heard until 1920, and in 1936, when shooting Reicham Hall, the "brown lady" was also photographed. The photo became a sensation, and the experts who examined it could not find signs of a fake. Since then, the ghost began to appear in the house much less frequently.

Clifton Hall

Today this mansion is worth three million pounds and is up for sale. The hall was built in the eleventh century and is located in Nottinghamshire, England. The building passed from generation to generation of the Clifton family. In 1958, the house was decided to be sold. It was first bought by Anwar Rashid, a rich man from Dubai, but after only eight months, he fled his new home with his wife and four children. The reason for this was a mortal fear of the ghosts inhabiting the house.

From the first days of living there, someone constantly knocked on the door and asked who was at home. However, there was no one at the door. The most terrible events happened one Sunday. Anwar's wife decided to cook food for the baby in one of the lower rooms. There she found her daughter watching TV. The woman called her daughter several times, but received no answer. Then she went upstairs and found the child sleeping peacefully in her bed.

white lady

The White Lady is the collective name for ghosts. As a rule, eyewitnesses describe long-haired women in a white dress, with dark sad eyes and a thin, pointed face. Sometimes they also talk about bloody hands and face, and Mikhail Rosenberg, during his trip to the Czech Republic, saw the Lady in black gloves.

Perkhta Rožmberk (life years around 1429 - 1476), portrait with a mysterious signature

This ghost is one of the most famous in the world. According to legend, the Czech White Lady is none other than Perhta Rožmberk, who is considered the guardian of the Rožmberk family and families close to it. Her story could have happened to any noble young woman who lived in the Middle Ages: young Perkhta was forcibly married to a man much older than herself, the aristocrat Jan Liechtenstein. He turned out to be a villain, a pervert and a sadist, often raped and beat his young wife, and also, not embarrassed by her presence, arranged orgies in the castle. The unfortunate woman endured bullying for 20 years, because the customs of that era did not allow her to leave her despot spouse and return to her family, and the church would not give permission for a divorce.

To the one who reads the caption to the portrait, the White Lady will give a treasure

They say that before his death, Count Liechtenstein asked his wife for forgiveness, but she could not forgive him. Then the count cursed his wife with the words: “May you have no peace after death!”

Since then, Perchta has appeared in the former possessions of the Rožmberks: the old Sovinec castle and the neighboring town of Cesky Krumlov. It does not bring harm to anyone, but for the descendants of the clan it can mean a warning about the imminent death of one of the relatives. A portrait of her with a signature in an unknown language has survived to this day. There is a legend that the White Lady herself will appear to the one who can decipher the signature and tell where the huge treasure is hidden.

Lady from Eht

The Lady of Echt can be found in Holland. The ghost is not tied to any particular place and can appear anywhere. The lady from Eht looks quite impressive: a torn dark dress, a thin cloak thrown over her shoulders, her head lying in thin, exhausted hands, and blood oozing from the stump of her neck. However, this ghost is quite harmless to the casual traveler.

You can meet the Lady, as usual, only at night. In some cases, the decapitated female figure may simply walk by, and in others, it may stop in front of the person and speak to him. If for some reason a strange ghost likes you, then it will take you to the place where the treasure is buried, but ask you not to take a single coin for yourself, but to distribute everything to those in need. If the one who got the treasure does not fulfill this condition, then the gold coins found and appropriated by him will turn to dust.

The lady from Ehta is dressed in a tattered dress, she holds her head in her hands

One day the Lady of Eht met a young man returning home at night on the road. She pointed out to him the place where the treasure was buried, and said that he could take it for himself if he only dug up the treasure without making a sound. But the stupid young man, seeing a chest full of gold, could not help shouting with joy, after which both the chest and the ghost literally fell through the ground. The headless ghost has not been seen since. Apparently, the Lady was completely disappointed in people and left for another world.

The Black Lady of Nesvizh Castle

The Black Lady is the ghost of Barbara Radziwill, a representative of one of the noblest families in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Previously, she could be found in one of the rooms of her family nest - Nesvizh Castle. The ghost looked like a beautiful blond woman with sad brown eyes in a rich black dress and pearls on a slender neck.

It so happened that, while still alive, the young and beautiful princess met with the heir to the Polish crown, Sigismund August. As usual, passion arose between young people, they became lovers and, as a result, secretly got married. Shortly thereafter, Sigismund August's first wife died of epilepsy, and Barbara was presented to the court as the legitimate wife of the king. Unfortunately, the queen mother Bona Sforza hated all the offspring of the Radziwill family, and therefore Barbara was soon poisoned by her order and died in terrible agony. She was not buried in the tomb of the Polish kings, but the body was taken to her native castle.

Oddly enough, but this is perhaps the only ghost whose origin can be explained by something other than the rich imagination of the people who saw it. Barbara, for example, was seen by many people during a seance arranged for the inconsolable king by the famous "magician and spellcaster" of that time, Pan Tvardovsky. He summoned the spirit of the deceased queen with the help of the so-called magic mirror, having previously agreed with the king that he would not try to touch his wife. Of course, the king could not stand it, tried to hug her, and she disappeared with a loud ringing. The secret of its appearance lies in the mirror, which Pan Tvardovsky, who left the Nesvizh castle in a hurry, left there. Behind a thin layer of amalgam, the image of Barbara is engraved, exactly as she was in life. If the light hits the mirror at a certain angle, then the ghost appears in the room.

ghost town

Near Chelyabinsk there is a fortress Arkaim, which is also called the "Russian Stonehenge". Scientists, in addition to buildings and ruins of streets, found wells, the remains of metallurgical furnaces, water pipes, and mines. The inhabitants left Arkaim almost four thousand years ago, but before they left, they set fire to their city. It is believed that they had good reasons for this.

Tourists on Mount Shamanka often see moving shadows

People who have visited Arkaim talk about ghosts living there. Tourists on Mount Shamanka often see moving shadows. Once, an archaeologist student during an excavation heard a voice calling her to the center of the excavations. The girl went there alone. Returning, the student sobbed for a long time, talking about the ghosts of the ancient inhabitants of the city of Arkaim.

Sukharev tower

A famous place in Moscow is the Sukharev Tower. There, the engineer, astrologer and alchemist Jacob Bruce, who lived during the time of Peter I, spent all his nights. According to legend, he kept there the famous "Black Book", written by the Prince of Darkness himself. This book terrified the townspeople.

Sukharev Tower - the place where the ancient spirits of ancient Moscow lived Even after the death of the famous alchemist, the light in the Sukharev Tower continued to light up every night. In 1934, the warlock's tower was demolished, but the ghost of a dry old man appears quite often in that place.

Miserly with Myasnitskaya

In Moscow on Chistye Prudy there is Myasnitskaya street. The house of the Kusovnikovs once stood on it. The spouses were famous for the fact that, with all their wealth, they were misers and misers. They never invited guests, they never gave gifts to anyone. Having gathered on a long trip, the husband and wife decided to hide all the treasures in the fireplace.

After they left, an unsuspecting servant lit a fire in the fireplace. As a result, wealth burned completely. On hearing the news, his wife died immediately. With the words "Oh, my money, money," the old man's ghost still roams the nearby lanes to this day.

WHITE (BABA, GIRL, WOMAN) - the phenomenon of death in the form of a woman, a girl, a dead woman, a harbinger of misfortune, a water spirit, a vision, a ghost that threatens a person's life.
“A white woman in a white shroud appears to one of the family who will soon die” (Raven), “After the bath, it became dark - white, it seemed high. I will resurrect a prayer, and everything has disappeared” (Murm.), “White man is standing – a sheet is thrown like this” (Novg.).
“Harbinger in white” (in white robes, a white hoodie, most often very tall) is one of the most popular characters of beliefs in the 19th and 20th centuries. In a story from the early 20th century from the Arkhangelsk province, the appearance of a woman in white in the poveti precedes the death of a girl. In a modern narrative, a woman dressed in white goes out onto the road and predicts the future: “Someone started a rumor ... As if one driver was driving, suddenly the car stopped abruptly, he sees: a woman is walking. Dressed in all white. She came up and asked him to buy white material from half a meter.
- And when you buy it, come here. Then we'll count. He went and bought.<...>And as the place began to pass, the car stopped again. Asks him:
- Bought? — He gave the material. - Whatever you want now ask, I will fulfill everything.
He got scared, didn't know what to ask. Then he said the first thing that came to mind:
— Will there be a war?
She answers:
“There will be no war” (Vost. Sib.).
A tall figure, “covered with all white,” appears to the father and daughter on the way to the fair: “A woman is standing ... and reading everything with her voice. High-oh-kai - high-oh-kaya this woman! So she was crying with her voice. And then two years later the folder died. Mom kept saying that it was Death that came to him ”(Novg.).
The image of a tall white woman, apparently, combines the personifications of death and fate in the form of a white oscillating figure, similar to a dead man in mortal attire. The deceased, according to popular belief, can come for the living and “take away”, destroy them - he brings death with him, embodies it.
White color in one of its main meanings is the color of death, non-existence, it characterizes the inhabitants of another world. The personification of "death-fate" in the form of a woman is also traditional: she gives life - and can take it away (sometimes the image of a woman in black or red clothes acquires a similar meaning).
In the beliefs of the XIX-XX centuries. a figure in white is called and not quite definitely (“white”, “high”) and is directly called death and, for example, in modern stories of the Novgorod region is interpreted as “a dead man turned into a sheet”.
The image of a white woman suggests slightly different interpretations. In the beliefs of a number of provinces of Russia, he is associated with the element of water. The white woman in the stories of the Vologda peasants resembles a mermaid: “In rocky rivers, she sometimes comes out of the water, sits on a stone and combs her hair.” A woman in white appears at the hole: “... We just approached - there is a woman! All in white, like a snow maiden. Everything around her head is on fire. A horse is standing by this hole and shaking his finger: “Do you know that you can’t go to the hole at twelve o’clock?” Even if you ask a neighbor for a ladle of water, don’t go ”(Vost. Sib.).
In the narrative from the Kostroma province white woman- the dead sorcerer, the “river friend” of the half-mad girl: “... we have already gone to bed, I hear someone knocking on the window, I got up, looked,<...>Yes, and she died with fear: Aksinya is standing at the window, all as she is, wet, and something is missing in her hem: and crayfish, and frogs, and some kind of water grass ...<...>Little by little I aroused my peasant, told him what was the matter - he took the stick, and I - the icon, parental blessing, and we went out of the hut with him, to see what would happen. As soon as we approached the corner, a woman, all in white, rushed towards us, yes, it’s true, my blessing got in the way - back, and she disappeared around the corner. As soon as the ribbon was gone, Aksinya turned around, clattered her teeth, looked at us and said: “Grafenushka, let me spend the night, I’m already cold.” And I say: “Why are you coming to me? After all, your hut is out, nearby. And when she burst out laughing, she started to run down there, to the river, and lament: “Marya! Marya! “- It was she who called this, her friend, and this, the river one ... well, after all, he turned into a white woman, but he was waiting for her around the corner ... "
A white girl can also appear in the forest, driving out the peasants who came to tear the bast from there: “Come on, I say, Lavrush, let's pick up the bastard! He stepped aside from me, cut down a birch, pulls a sib lyk, me too. Suddenly how to scream at the top of his lungs! He barely came to his senses and said: “A girl came to me, she was tall, white, her braids were loose, but how she grabbed my tie (scarf) with her hand and tore off the tie.” I looked, and there was a huge crimson spot on his neck ... “Well, I say, Lavrush, let’s run home as soon as possible, this goblin is joking with us, so that he didn’t do something bad, it’s clear that the birch forest is evo” ”(Volog. )
In the vicinity of Semipalatinsk, it was said that, according to legend, a treasure was hidden in one of the mounds near the Irtysh: “Sometimes at night a white woman appears on a white horse above this mound. None of the people used the treasure."
Diseases were often represented by women in white: “There are people who claim that they saw how at midnight a woman in white clothes entered the hut and, walking through the hut, disappeared no one knows where, or stopped in front of someone from the family and intently, for a long time at looked at him. The next day, this man fell ill ”(Raven.)<Селиванов, 1886>.
It is obvious that the polysemantic image of a white woman (like the whole circle of “imagining” and at the same time taking on a female appearance - MARA, MERMAID) image of a white woman is still most consistently correlated with the omens of fate - failure, illness, death.
A harbinger of misfortune in the beliefs of Russian peasants can also be a man in white. On the Tersky coast of the White Sea, a story is recorded about the appearance in the forest of a tall man in white, with a ribbon over his shoulder. He predicts a near war and death to a peasant he meets in the forest.
In peasant stories of the late XX century. a white woman more often still does not pursue a person and does not even enter into a conversation, but cries or wails, or simply stands motionless, like some kind of manifest sign of impending trouble (sometimes the appearance of the Virgin Mary, who also broadcasts disasters, is described in this way).

Marina Vlasova. // Marina Vlasova. Russian superstitions: encyclopedic dictionary. SPb., 2000.

Show maximum concern for everything that concerns you, for your life and your property are in great danger;
to see a ghost or an angel suddenly appear in heaven - the loss of a close relative or some other misfortune;
a female ghost appears in the sky to your right, and a male ghost appears to your left, and both look joyful - a meteoric rise from obscurity to glory, but your star will not shine for long, for death will come and take you away;
the ghost of a woman in long robes is calmly moving in the sky - you will make progress in scientific pursuits and become rich, but nevertheless, there will be a shade of sadness in your life;
the ghost of a now living relative - your friends are plotting something unkind, be careful in concluding business contracts;
the ghost looks haggard - this person will die soon;
a ghost haunts you - strange, unpleasant events;
runs away from you - anxiety will be small;
for young people - be careful in dealing with members of the opposite sex.
See also Clothing.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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