Very bad memory what to do. How to distinguish forgetfulness from absent-mindedness, and whether to panic. Causes and symptoms

Hello everyone, friends! Are you satisfied with the state of your memory, concentration of attention? Maybe you've been seeing them getting worse lately? If so, do not be upset and do not rush to the pharmacy for medicines. First, it is worth understanding the reasons for the deterioration of brain activity. Today I propose to talk about this tremulous topic, and at the same time find out what treatment methods to take note of if memory and attention have worsened. What to do in this case?

In fact, the deterioration (sharp decline) of memory, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness indicate a violation of one of the functions of the brain. The common medical name for these diseases is asthenic syndrome.

Of course, with a sharp decrease in concentration and a really bad memory, you need to go to your doctor without delay. Even if you avoid drug treatment, a trip to the clinic is needed at least for an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Don't neglect it.

Sometimes, on the contrary, a person is too worried about his well-being and about poor memorization as well. In this case, it is advisable to pause, calm down emotionally and think carefully about whether the object of memorization is of interest. After all, in essence, the problem of "bad" memory can be caused precisely by a lack of interest. Then it is worth checking the memory on something more interesting.

An effective technique for improving memory and attention

Among the effective practices for the natural restoration of brain activity, there are correct repetition of information, associations and the development of various impressions from it, and competent retrieval of information from memory. All methods can be conditionally decomposed into levels - from the simplest to the most complex. The main thing is that it is real to train your own memory, it is within the power of each of us.

That's it, friends. Learn to manage memory and share your experience on this topic in the comments. I look forward to your opinions on already tested drugs and various practices for the brain.

Also, for memory impairment, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins. In the absence of contraindications, drugs with a concentration of iodine and these natural vitamin and mineral complexes really help prevent the development of a particular disease nervous system.

Denis Statsenko was with you. See you

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Beach modern society. Memory problems can occur at any age. There are many reasons for memory impairment in adults, these are malnutrition , and the lack of saturation of the body with oxygen, bad habits, information overload and inability to use it (lack of memorization and recall skills). In order for your memory not to fail you, and at the right time you can always rely on it, you need to understand in more detail the causes of poor memory and eliminate them.

Causes of bad memory

A possible cause of memory impairment is bad habits, such as drinking alcohol (we are not talking about a little on holidays) and smoking ( after quitting smoking, I personally felt changes for the better, and not only in memory - my concentration of attention and observation). A lot has been said and written about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, and you yourself understand everything perfectly. If you care about your memory and health in general, give up these addictions!

Bad memory can be a sign information overload. An overabundance of information leads to a superficial perception of this information. A large amount of all kinds of information gives rise to reluctance, and then the inability to concentrate on one source (sometimes some people manage to watch TV while talking on the phone and at the same time actively search the Internet for the information they need). And if you cannot concentrate your attention on the subject of memorization, you will have nothing to remember.

Another cause of poor memory is poor nutrition. " Food for memory"- these are vitamins and microelements that accelerate biochemical processes in the human brain, have a stimulating effect on brain cells. Scientists have long found out that proper nutrition preserves and improves memory.

Lack of oxygen in the blood is another reason for poor memory. Sufficient saturation of the body with oxygen ensures high efficiency and activity of the brain, and, consequently, good memory. Get out in nature more often, breathe fresh air, go in for sports.

Often the cause of memory impairment is poor health, depression, anxiety and stress. All this narrows the perception outside world, to the limits of inner experiences. Memory weakens and deteriorates in proportion to the person's anxiety. By staying calm, you preserve the possibilities of your memory, and by worrying even about your forgetfulness, you thereby only complicate the situation.

What you not getting enough sleep, can also cause bad memory. Without healthy sleep, memory at the chemical level cannot work in full force. In addition, you need to sleep at night (it is during the dark time of the day that the complete restoration of brain cells occurs), since a person is tuned to the biological rhythms of the change of day and night.

Memory impairment may be the first symptom of approaching serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's. Therefore, if you have memory problems and a number of other signs indicate a “creeping” illness, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes the reason that we cannot remember something is a lack of interest in the subject, and not a bad memory. It's easy to see and easy to track. Pay attention to how you remember information related to your favorite thing, with your hobbies and hobbies. If you easily keep in your head a huge amount of information on a topic that interests you, if you easily reproduce any schemes from memory and appeal with a bunch of numbers and special terms, and at the same time did not spend a minute on cramming and memorizing this information, you should not say that you have a bad memory. It's just that what you can't remember doesn't really bother or interest you, and that's not helps to focus so memorization takes a lot of time and energy.

Of course, the main reason for poor memory is the inability to use it. The memory of a person works according to its own laws, by applying which you make it easier for yourself to memorize and recall information (even one in which there is no interest). There are various ways and techniques of memory development(competent repetition of information, associations, the ability to get impressions from the information that you remember, the ability to extract it from memory, etc.), memory development exercises, allowing to improve the ability to memorize and effectively retrieve information. So, the ability to memorize and recall is not a gift from above, it is a skill that can be learned.

Causes of bad memory at different people cannot be the same. Help in case of memory impairment depends on the causes that caused this disorder. Once you figure out the cause(s), you can always take specific measures and restore your fading memory in time.

Have a good memory!

P.S. An online simulator will help to constantly maintain the mind and memory in excellent condition VIKIUM and neuroscience exercises. Read - " Neurobics - exercises for the mind

Friends, good afternoon! Today we will talk about bad memory and what to do to improve it. What vitamins from distraction and inattention can be taken. The work of the brain is the basis of a full life, the ability to perceive the surrounding reality and adequately respond to what is happening around.

Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are not scary, of course, but always unpleasant. And it also happens to me that you go on some business, but in the end you forget something at home. Or even funnier. You set out to take a walk for herbs, but you forget the knife at home.

And somehow sad, and sometimes funny from such incidents. And you write down on a piece of paper, but it's all to no avail. Forgetfulness is not a serious phenomenon, it is not even a disease. Quicker sign of an untrained brain.

There is, of course, senile forgetfulness, already conditioned age-related changes in my head. There are even serious memory lapses when a person forgets the name of him or his relatives. This most often occurs after strokes. We will not consider such cases today.

Memory impairment is directly related to brain training. Although our brain is not a muscle, it requires increased attention. It lends itself to training and is able to memorize and store a truly countless amount of information. How to train him? What substances improve memory?

water for the brain

Dehydration of the brain is one of the causes of its disorders. We do not notice how we lose fluid. And it is extremely important for the full functioning of this body. Fatigue and memory loss are directly related to the provision of the brain with water. Drink at least seven glasses of water per day in pure form, not in teas or in the form of any mixed liquids.

B vitamins

Be sure to include B vitamins in your diet, such as B6 and B12. As well as thiamine and niacin . These substances have a beneficial effect on the restoration and functioning of brain tissue.

If you have bad memory and absent-mindedness, then eat bananas. These fruits are rich in vitamins B6, as well as other beneficial substances. And one more thing: have you ever seen a monkey with memory lapses?

Also a good supplier of vitamins of this group can be called whole grains. And especially seedlings of wheat and rye.

Eliminate saturated fats from your diet

All saturated fats clog the arterial lumen, which means that the brain and heart receive significantly less blood, and, accordingly, oxygen. We get saturated fats from butter and, more dangerously, from trans fats.

We get trans fats in ready-made baked goods - cookies from the store and any confectionery. And also exclude margarine - this is generally a slow self-poisoning.

The best meat is fish

Eat fish products two or three times a week. Tuna, salmon, herring and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These substances in a favorable way, indirectly, through the cleansing of blood vessels, also affect brain activity.

Take a multivitamin

They must contain vitamin B12, as well as folic acid. It is these two components that are responsible to a greater extent for memory. Even a very small deficiency of these vitamins leads to a deterioration in attention and absent-mindedness.

Fluff up your twists

The more we train the brain, the better it works, even despite the lack of some substances. It's a paradox, but that's exactly what happens. That is, he somehow mobilizes and still works. It is better, of course, when he is also provided with proper nourishment.

Solve crosswords, various puzzles and puzzles . Read educational literature. Teach foreign languages. People with a high level of intelligence are much less likely to suffer from memory problems.

Ginseng preparations

Very good effect on the mental activity of the brain. You can buy root tincture in pharmacies. Read the instructions and use this drug in order to improve memory.

I have a friend who can send real Chinese ginseng infusion. If you are interested, please write to my mail [email protected]

Asiatica herb or Gotu kola

It has long been used in Asia to improve the ability of the intellect, if memory has become worse, then people take gotu kola preparations or simply add leaves to salads. This plant is sold there in all vegetable markets, as a condiment.

It can also be purchased in pharmacies in the form of an extract and powder. People began to use this drug after observing elephants. Those ate grass and became noticeably smarter.

The stimulating power of coffee

Oddly enough, coffee can also have a positive effect. Only you need to drink grain coffee, and not a chemical poison in the form of a powder. Pitch and cook yourself at home.

I drink every morning - I brew a teaspoon of coffee without a slide for two glasses of water. I fill the ground powder with cold water and put it on a small gas. Bring to a boil and remove immediately. I insist another 5 minutes and drink with honey in a bite.

Perfectly improves efficiency and organizes thoughts. Elderly people are especially good for the brain. For example, the elders of Athos retain a clear mind and a strong memory to a ripe old age. They drink up to 5 cups of coffee a day. We don't really need that much. Enough for a glass in the morning and closer to dinner.

ginkgo biloba preparations

Take 120mg of ginkgo biloba daily. This plant has a good effect on the blood supply to the brain and improves its absorption of oxygen. Increases performance and memory.

Concentration of attention

There are special practices aimed at concentration. For example, contemplation of a candle, preferably a church one, since the power of faith is especially helpful. I profess Orthodoxy, so I focus on Christian values.

So, light a candle or lamp, and repeating Our Father, look continuously at the flame. To begin with, the practice should last about 5 minutes, and then you can gradually bring it up to half an hour. Your attention and concentration will improve significantly.

Memory impairment is often associated with a person's age. However, memory difficulties and absent-mindedness are associated with lifestyle. What to do in such a situation? The answers are in this article.

Addictions affect the body and in particular the brain. Memory disorders are associated with: bad habits, sedentary behavior, lack of oxygen, high information load or a complete lack of memorization skills.

Common Causes of Bad Memory

The most common causes leading to memory impairment and excessive absent-mindedness include:

  • Wrong way of life. Not only a bad habit, although smoking and alcohol-containing drinks can be attributed to the most serious enemies modern world. Bad memory is often the result of a person's inability to control the incoming data stream. Now various kinds of information literally pours from everywhere and often overloads the brain. As a result, the person cannot concentrate.
  • Distractedness and forgetfulness are most often the result of an unbalanced diet and low oxygen levels. The brain is fed with vitamins and microelements, they are important for its normal functioning. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy food and walk regularly.
  • Poor memory can be the result of physical and psychological illnesses. Experiences, lack of proper rest, a sharp change in the biological rhythm can provoke forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.
  • Most common cause forgetfulness is a lack of interest or inability to use the ability to remember. Their development is a complex and lengthy process that must be started in early childhood and worked on throughout life. The good news is, even if you missed it as a child, it's possible to catch up. However, such exercises should be done systematically.

The causes of memory impairment determine effective treatment. It is enough to change the way of life and everything will fall into place. We offer several effective methods to restore memory.

Presentation: "Memory"

Simple Methods to Improve Memory

Bad memory is treated and is not always needed for this. medications or secret techniques of Tibetan monks.

As a rule, it is enough to slightly adjust life and treatment will not become a necessity. Below is a list of simple but effective methods, which will help stop the process of memory deterioration.

  • Attentiveness. Every day you need to consciously exercise mindfulness and learn to concentrate on one process. Doing multiple things at the same time good idea. Most often, you do not remember something because you did not focus enough at the right time.
  • Logical connections. A game of associations and logical connections. New information, in any way related to previously learned information, is remembered many times faster. Practice imaginative thinking.
  • Physical exercise for the body. It's no secret that an active lifestyle improves. This is due to the fact that during movement the brain is saturated with oxygen. try to do physical exercise, because they help fight stress, which negatively affects the performance of the brain.
  • Consult a doctor. Of course, this does not mean that you need treatment. However, consultation and diagnosis is never superfluous. In addition, the doctor is able to determine that a serious violation or simple inattention caused memory impairment. Also, at the reception, the specialist will tell you what to do. Remember that self-treatment can lead to bad consequences.

Watch your lifestyle possible reasons deterioration, be active and inquisitive.

All this will save you from all sorts of problems. But, if you start to forget simple things, there are difficulties with cooking, because. If you forgot your prescription or if you have difficulty remembering the way to a familiar place, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Timely treatment can stop the destructive processes. After the diagnosis, the doctor will tell you what to do specifically in your situation.

You are what you eat

Memory impairment is a function of the brain. In the absence of training, the ability of the brain to memorize is reduced. Although there are no muscles in this organ, it is also amenable to training. In addition to special exercises, what a person eats also affects performance. Below is a list of things that will help improve memory.

One of the most common causes of brain disorders is dehydration. A person does not notice how the fluid level decreases, and it is the main component for functioning. This is another reason why you need to drink 5-7 glasses of water a day. At the same time, it must be clean, i.e. do not contain dyes and gas.

  • Vitamin B

The menu of a complete diet should include vitamins B6, B12, thiamine, niacin. These components contribute to the treatment of poor memory and improve brain performance. Foods that contain high levels of these substances are bananas, wheat germ and rye.

  • Refusal of fats

After conducting numerous studies, it was revealed that fat contributes to blockage of arteries. In such a situation, oxygen and blood cannot fully saturate the brain, which means that they block its normal functioning. So, butter with trans fats, margarine, pastries and store-bought cookies deal a severe blow to normal blood circulation. By giving up these products, you can help the whole body - the heart, blood vessels and brain.

  • Add fish to your diet

It is necessary to eat fish at least three times a week. Omega-3 rich mackerel, salmon, herring have a beneficial effect on the body, cleansing blood vessels and improving brain activity. Bad memory when eating fish will disappear.

  • Multivitamins

The complex of these vitamins contains both B12 and folic acid. These two components are responsible not only for good memory, but also for the reproductive function of the female body. Even with a slight deviation from the norm, their lack leads to forgetfulness and impaired attention.

  • Ginseng

Siberian ginseng root has a beneficial effect on mental activity brain and neutralize distraction. You can buy ginseng in a pharmacy, and use it according to the instructions.