Mother's 18th birthday gift for daughter. Best ideas: what to give a girl for adulthood. Gallery: what's sweet

18 years- a special date not only for the birthday girl, but also for her parents. Looking at such an adult, independent girl, they understand that their daughter will no longer have fun running with friends in the yard and playing hide and seek. Never again will she stand in the middle of a room full of guests and ask capriciously for candy. No, she is no longer the restless child she was some 10-11 years ago. Their daughter is a mature personality with her own views and her own understanding of the events taking place in her life.

It can be difficult for parents to understand the reasons for their daughter's sometimes unpredictable behavior, but they still try to do everything to make her happy. And on such a significant day, when their little daughter becomes officially an adult, they want to give her the best time, they want to present the most desired surprise. But how to guess which gift for your daughter for 18 years will be the best?

A gift for a daughter on her 18th birthday should be special. When preparing a surprise, you need to be guided by the daughter's preferences. It is important to take into account all her wishes. Giving one amazingly spent day to your daughter means leaving indelible impressions, inexpressible emotions in the girl’s memory for life. The choice is not easy: celebrate the holiday with your daughter or give her the opportunity to spend this day with friends, or maybe just give some valuable or unusual thing. But should be remembered no matter what you decide, no matter how you congratulate your grown-up daughter, this day will be the most magical for her.

The date when a girl turns eighteen is special. It is with her that a completely new stage in the life of a young lady begins. Ahead of her are new discoveries, ups and downs, delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions. But all this will be later, but for now the birthday girl wants to fully enjoy the celebration. To make this day memorable for a long time, parents organize an incredible evening, a real show, the apogee of which will be gifts. Mom and dad, relatives and friends try to decide in advance what to give to their daughter, granddaughter and girlfriend so that the present brings benefit and joy.

Gifts for the eighteenth birthday from parents and relatives

The eighteenth birthday is celebrated solemnly. Parents can organize an evening in a restaurant or youth cafe with a dance floor and live music. To do this, they start searching for an institution a few months in advance, discuss with the menu manager and make a list of guests.

If adults do not know where the future birthday girl would like to celebrate her holiday, it is better to ask her directly about it. Do not be upset that it will not be possible to keep all the main points secret. But this way you will definitely be sure: everything is organized at the request of the girl herself.

It is worth considering the fact that the young lady is waiting for special gifts for her coming of age. Therefore, mom and dad and close relatives try to please their daughter or granddaughter with expensive presents so that this day will be remembered for a long time and associated only with the best emotions and happiness.

You can order special invitations for the girl's birthday and send to all guests

Depending on the financial capabilities of the donors, for a birthday at 18 years old, an excellent present will be:

  • earrings or bracelet. Jewelry is chosen in a jewelry store or ordered from the master individually. Today, various pendants are popular, which are sold separately and complement the main surprise;

    Be sure to order an engraving, which will indicate the name of the girl or short wish, symbolic text of several words.

  • apartment. The young lady begins a new, adult life. Many go to other cities to study. If parents can buy their daughter a living space as a gift, this perfect option;
  • automobile. In the fast pace of life, having your own vehicle is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. The birthday girl will be delighted with such an expensive present;

    Before buying, be sure to consider the fact whether the hero of the occasion knows how to drive or not. For a beginner, it is better to choose a car that is not too large so that it is easier to get used to driving.

  • smartphone. A novelty with an excellent camera, a powerful battery and many useful applications - the perfect purchase for adulthood;
  • laptop. An indispensable thing for a student, because it is very convenient to take it with you to couples;

    Buy complete with equipment original case or a backpack with a laptop compartment.

    Before buying a smartphone, find out what color the model prefers the birthday girl For 18 years, gold jewelry is traditionally given For a young lady, choose bright models of equipment
    A bracelet with pendants will be a memorable gift for your eighteenth birthday A compact two-door car is ideal for a girl

    How to please your goddaughter or niece

    The closest people after parents and grandparents for a girl are considered to be her aunts and uncles and, of course, godmothers mom and dad. They watched the young lady grow up from birth, so on such a holiday they rejoice with the birthday girl and wish her only the best. Naturally, for the goddaughter or niece, they also try to buy expensive gifts:

    • chain with cross or icon. This is a commemorative gift from the godparents. Adults buy gold jewelry to please the girl;
    • pendant with the sign of the zodiac, the original figurine or with the letter of the name. Another interesting memento, which is also made of precious metals;
    • coffee machine. The morning of many young people begins with a cup of aromatic coffee. If the birthday girl is a true connoisseur of this drink, she will appreciate such an expensive surprise;
    • furniture in themed style. Perhaps the girl has long wanted a large bed or wardrobe. Order the product in advance from the master, so that by the date of the holiday it will be delivered to the house of the hero of the occasion;
    • design renovation in the room. Wallpaper with flowers and children's interior elements are no longer suitable for a young lady of eighteen years old. Invite a professional who will discuss all the details and preferences with the owner of the premises, calculate the required amount and draw sketches. And a team of craftsmen in a short time will transform everything in accordance with the modern style;
    • plasma TV. Another necessary purchase to create comfort in the room of a young lady. Young people need personal space to relax and watch exactly the movie or program that interests them;
    • kit professional cosmetics. Make up has already firmly entered the daily ritual of modern fashionistas. But quality skincare and beauty products don't come cheap.

      Choose cosmetics together with a young lady or give her a store certificate so as not to buy lipstick, eye shadow or Foundation not that shade.

    Gallery: gift ideas from godparents and aunt and uncle

    Buy a wall mount kit with your TV
    Choose cosmetics without harmful components in the composition. For a young lady, a bright-colored coffee machine is suitable. The pendant and chain can be packaged in an original way and presented as a present.
    A wonderful model of a bed with drawers for storing linen - a good gift option
    A chain with a cross is a great gift from godparents Girls love it when the design of the room is decorated in the same style

    Surprises from friends and girlfriends

    What holiday of youth passes without the best friends? Of course, they also will not leave the birthday girl without original, memorable and useful presents. Usually, young people buy symbolic gifts to please the hero of the occasion.

    If a girl has been dreaming about some thing for a long time, then invited friends can add up money and buy it. But more often, everyone gets something to their taste and gives individually.

    Recently, it has become popular to celebrate the holiday twice: with parents separately, and then in a club or cafe with friends.

    The most popular surprises are the following:

    • perfume. Buy a young lady's favorite fragrance from a branded manufacturer;
    • portrait on canvas. Such a gift is ordered in advance. The master draws a picture from a photo of a girl;
    • subscription to the SPA-salon. Any beauty will rejoice at the opportunity to relax and spend the day with beauty treatments;
    • individual photo session. Many photographers or studios organize all-inclusive shoots. The price includes the work of a professional, rental of premises, rental of outfits and creation of an image by a stylist and makeup artist;
    • original accessories for the computer (mouse in rhinestones, laser keyboard, speakers);
    • a player with luminous headphones so that the music lover listens to music when she wants to;
    • organizing a surprise party. This is one of the most unforgettable gifts for a birthday;

      Today, it's popular to plan ahead for a single-style celebration, such as a carnival, a princess ball, or a fifties-inspired party. It all depends on the preferences of the birthday girl.

    • fashion accessories (umbrella, belt of unusual design, sunglasses, stylish backpack or handbag);
    • hair styling products (hair dryer with nozzles, iron, cone curling iron);
    • stand-heater with a cup. This irreplaceable thing for a student. The product runs on batteries or from a USB cable that connects to a computer. Coffee or tea will always be hot;
    • electronic Notebook. To properly organize and plan your day, week or month, such a gadget will come in handy.

    Gallery: Birthday gifts from beloved friends

    Choose the best photo of the birthday girl and order a picture from it Electronic notebook - very necessary thing for a student Choose a curling iron with protection so that it does not damage the curls during styling Ask the girl in advance which scent she prefers Glowing headphones can be connected to a mobile phone
    Buy a stand-heater of bright color and unusual shape Original sunglasses will delight the birthday girl For a girl, choose a bright computer mouse in rhinestones

    gifts from boyfriend

    At the age of 18, many young ladies date young men. Of course, the birthday girl expects the most touching, unusual and special present from her beloved. Today, there are plenty of opportunities to present a surprise in a romantic style. The girl will definitely like it if her boyfriend on her birthday gives her:

    • ring. Such decoration is considered very personal, therefore, to receive such an expensive item for your holiday is not only pleasant, but also shows serious attitude young men to their beloved;
    • romantic dinner in a restaurant. A table for two, delicious and varied dishes, live music and slow dancing. What lady does not dream of holding her celebration in this style;
    • walk around the city at night in a limousine or in a carriage. Every young lady wants to feel like Cinderella. And with such an organization, the blue dream will come true;
    • huge soft toy. All girls just love fluffy products. Attach a set to the present balloons and the young lady will be delighted;
    • billboard on the street with a photo and congratulations. What could be more romantic than confessing your feelings to the whole city;
    • song in her honor. Even if the young man does not know how to sing on his own, you can ask to perform the singer's composition in a restaurant.

    Don't forget about the chic huge bouquet, because every girl loves to receive flowers.

    Gallery: how to surprise your girlfriend

    A walk in a carriage is a very romantic option to wish your beloved a happy birthday Photo and congratulations of a girl on a billboard is a very original present A girl will definitely be delighted with a big soft toy with balloons
    Before giving a ring, pack it in a beautiful case

    What to give a girl for her 18th birthday, depending on her interests and hobbies

    At the age of eighteen, a girl already has her own hobby or is professionally involved in sports, or, conversely, is just looking for a new hobby. That's why wonderful options gifts will be items or products, depending on the interests of the birthday girl.

    If you are not sure which present to buy, ask the young lady's parents or herself for advice. So you will know for sure that you will get the right thing.

    Table: gift ideas for the interests of the lady

    Gallery: lots of ideas

    Bright shades of a skateboard will attract the attention of a birthday girl A drawing set may include many elements, but the more of them, the higher the price of a gift Buy a karaoke microphone in original colors It is better to choose a musical instrument together with the birthday girl
    Painting in diamond technique - the perfect decoration for a girl's room For a girl of 18 years old, buy a hoverboard model without a handle

    Video: how to lay out a picture in diamond technique

    Is it appropriate to donate money

    Often a girl dreams of some expensive product, but she is not able to buy it on her own. Therefore, friends and relatives can agree and give money as a gift. And the birthday girl will spend them at her own discretion. Original ways to present banknotes:

    • surprise ball. It is ordered in advance, filled with small balls and banknotes. To get a present, you need to burst the largest ball;
    • card with funds. Parents open a savings account and replenish it, for example, once a month;
    • casket. look after beautiful thing to store jewelry and put some money in it;
    • homemade envelope. Masters will make it individually in scrapbooking style. In addition to banknotes, there will be congratulations for the hero of the occasion.

    Gallery: how to give money in an original way

    Order an envelope for money from the master self made Having opened beautiful box, the birthday girl will see banknotes Put money inside the ball

    Emotions as a gift for adulthood

    The young lady is full of delight, excitement and emotions, so friends or relatives can fulfill the birthday girl's dream and organize an unusual present:

    Today it is very popular to order fireworks as a solemn end to the holiday.

    Sweets for the holiday

    Sweet gifts are the highlight of any celebration:

    • cake. Order the most important dessert in a thematic style with an inscription of the girl's name or congratulations;
    • chocolate postcard. It is packed in a box and decorated with ribbons and warm owls. The sizes of such sweets vary depending on the wishes of the customer;
    • a bouquet of sweets;
    • cupcakes for each guest. They also order individually and arrange everything in the same style;
    • chocolate fountain. Such a present is set before the start of the holiday, and guests during the evening can come up and enjoy delicious melted chocolate.

    Gallery: what's sweet

    A girl will remember a bouquet of sweets for a long time A chocolate fountain is set together with fruits or marshmallows Make a surprise cake so that the birthday girl does not know about it before the holiday A guy can order a chocolate card for a girl, which consists of several pieces Cupcakes are decorated in the style of a birthday

    Eighteenth birthday is a special date, which is celebrated merrily with family and friends. For the birthday girl, they try to organize an unforgettable evening with many gifts and surprises. Try to start planning an important day in advance in order to have time to order various little things and decorate the room in the same style. The girl will remember a carefully thought-out celebration, presents and attention of loved ones for a long time.

    Choosing what to give to my daughter for 18 years, the best option will undoubtedly be an apartment or a car. But, if the budget does not allow to roam, look towards surprise gifts and family heirlooms, as well as classic women's and experience gifts. We have prepared a selection of great ideas for you. Read and choose.

    Expensive gifts

    Eighteen is the official start of adulthood. Many at this age study in another city and live separately from their parents. There are also many students who earn extra money in addition to studying, but few people can afford expensive purchases. And if parents have the opportunity to purchase housing or transport, then the daughter's 18th birthday is a good reason to do this.

    Apartment. An excellent gift would be the keys to the apartment - especially if the birthday girl is studying in another city.

    Automobile. You can drive a car from the age of 18, it remains only to purchase a vehicle.

    Bike. Does your daughter love extreme sports and speed? Then give her a bike. Now neither traffic jams nor distances will interfere with her.

    Studio. What to give a daughter who is fond of painting or photography? An excellent option is a workshop. Even a garage is suitable as a room, the main thing is to think over the interior in such a way as to accommodate all the necessary equipment.

    Bank account. If you decide to donate money, then this can be done in an original way. You need to open a bank account in the name of the birthday girl and give her a card with money in a beautiful design.

    Women's gifts

    At this age, girls spend a lot of time taking care of themselves. Therefore, the birthday girl will be very happy with gifts that will emphasize her beauty and femininity.

    Fur coat. A fashionable and stylish fur coat will suit the birthday girl very much. In it, she will feel like a real queen.

    Perfume. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, take a bottle of perfume used by your daughter to the store. Ask the consultant to choose something in this direction from the new arrivals, as it is important for an eighteen-year-old girl to be in trend.

    Shopping. Surprise your daughter and give her a shopping voucher at her favorite store.

    Treadmill. It is not always possible to go jogging in the park, especially if you live in the city center. Therefore, the treadmill will be at the very point - the weather will definitely not interfere with such activities.

    Certificate for a beauty salon. A great gift for a girl who loves to take care of herself.

    surprise gifts

    Surely parents know what their daughter dreams about. It's time to feel like magicians and fulfill her cherished desire.

    Drive. An unforgettable weekend in Europe is a great gift for your daughter. Venice can be chosen as a route, especially if the daughter is fond of painting. And for a long memory of this event, there will be photographs and souvenirs brought from the trip.

    Aquapark. A party at the water park is a great solution. Regardless of the weather and season, a fun party with friends in a closed water park will be remembered by the birthday girl for a lifetime.

    Photoshoot. The young girl will be delighted with beautiful photos taken by a professional photographer.

    Master Class. The choice of direction depends on what the daughter is fond of. Perhaps she would like to learn needlework or learn some kind of dance.

    Flight in a hot air balloon. An unforgettable adventure that will give a lot of positive emotions. It would be nice to give a small sculpture in the form of a ball as a keepsake.

    Commemorative gifts

    Many parents are anxious about the eighteenth birthday of their children, because this is a symbolic boundary between childhood and adulthood. Often on this holiday it is customary to give memorable and rare gifts - jewelry, figurines, paintings or watches.

    Jewelry. Chain of gold with balls decorated precious stones, - a beautiful and delicate decoration. It looks very original and spectacular, and the style will suit any outfit.

    Painting. If you want to surprise a birthday girl, order an original author's portrait from a photograph, for example, in the pop art style.

    Photobook. Order a photo book from the designer, which will contain photos of the most joyful and important points from the life of a daughter, starting from her childhood.

    Watch. Wristwatches are a good memorable gift. You can buy them in an antique store, then it will be a thing with its own destiny and history.

    Family heirloom. Many families have their own relics, so the 18th birthday is a great occasion to give your daughter a piece of jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation and was once given to her mother by her mother (grandmother).

    A gift to a daughter for 18 years must be made from pure heart. Indeed, despite the fact that she has already become an adult, it is still important for her to feel care from close and dear people, especially from mom and dad.

    It is not easy for parents to choose a birthday gift for children. It is especially difficult to decide on a gift for adulthood. In this case, parents are afraid not to please the child, to give a thing that will not be needed and will not be remembered. Mom and dad know their child best, but even they have big doubts about what their child wants. So what do modern eighteen-year-old “children” need, how to celebrate their 18th birthday and make a gift unforgettable?

    How to choose a gift for 18 years old daughter

    To choose a gift for an 18-year-old girl, you need to know what she is fond of, what are her weaknesses. Many parents do not even remotely know what they will give their daughter for 18 years. You need to remember: what did you want when you were 18? What did you dream about, what was missing at that moment? What did you expect for your birthday from your parents? Maybe at this moment the daughter needs a thing that she cannot buy herself. It could be:

    • limited edition book;
    • fitness membership;
    • brand clothes;
    • travel tour;
    • cosmetics for face and body care;
    • golden jewelry;
    • modern device.

    You need to listen to your child in advance: ordinary phrases can carry a lot useful information on this occasion. To arrange a real holiday, to celebrate an unforgettable 18th birthday, it is not enough to ensure that it is held with friends or in a restaurant. Your attention will be important for the child, which will be reflected in the original gift. Your daughter is becoming an adult. She enters a period of life filled with impressions and experiences. It is important at such a time to remember the care and love of parents. Looking at the gift, she will remember your love.

    What can you give a girl for her birthday

    You can give a girl on her 18th birthday any gift that is popular today. Advertisements on television, websites, fashion magazine articles and social media posts will help you understand what the youth of today are interested in. Girls pay attention to the style and originality of the performance of things, therefore a good gift there will be a name. It could be:

    • thermo mug;
    • 3D case with photo;
    • personalized flash drive on a cord;
    • bank certificate.

    An original personalized plate, a youth poster on the wall or an ordinary personalized chocolate bar and much more, on which you can make an individual inscription or engraving. Such things are often presented in sets, engraved or inscribed on each part, packed in beautiful boxes, bags or packages.

    Original present

    Original gift can be created by hand. It can be a soft toy or a pillow sewn by mother's hands, a pendant around the neck with a favorite photo, or a diary with applications. Based on existing layouts, you can create beautiful postcard with flowers made of felt, with beads and all kinds of inscriptions. Such things cannot be found on the Internet or seen from someone else, this is the whole pleasantness of things created by one's own hands. If there is no way to create, then “with your own hands” you can create a drawing or photo on any gift.

    Inexpensive souvenir

    If you like to give a lot of different things, then your daughter's 18th birthday gift can be an original souvenir consisting of several gifts:

    • photo magnet;
    • photo calendar;
    • Frame;
    • phone case with printed photo;
    • glossy magazine with a birthday girl on the cover;
    • t-shirt with a pattern.

    If your daughter has a soul mate, then you can give paired T-shirts, which will be a very nice gesture. Such gifts can be made by ordering at any photo salon in your city, or you can choose a service in an online gift store, where layouts for photos and inscriptions on gifts have already been created.

    Stylish accessory

    Young people love stylish things, especially girls. You can give a certificate for shopping to your daughter, or just buy fashionable clothes. If it is not financially possible to provide such a gift, then a shopping bag or an engraved pen will be useful. Such things will become a stylish accessory and a great solution for a birthday present. Stylish accessories can be created with your own hands. It can be:

    • beads;
    • pendants;
    • bracelets
    • rings.

    You can create them from combined materials which can be purchased at craft stores. Creating jewelry does not take much time, you just need to trust your taste and use your imagination. Homemade jewelry, which will emphasize the individuality of their owner, will become not only a bright and stylish accessory, but also a memorable thing that is created from the heart.

    What a gift to give a daughter on her 18th birthday for the soul

    The peculiarity of a parent's gift is that only they know their child like no one else. Therefore, their gift will be the most special. The point is not the price, not even the usual attention, but the fact that a gift made on this date will be special and will be remembered by your child for life. Attentive parents always know what to give a girl for her 18th birthday in any case, what subject the thing should be. A nice addition to the main gift can be cute souvenirs:

    • sweets Delicious help;
    • chocolate postcard;
    • chocolate in gift box;
    • fortune cookies.

    creative nature

    A girl who is fond of photography can give a camera or video camera. The person who draws - various art sets. Will be interesting Board games, 3d-puzzle, specialized books about artists, writers or with a certain technique of modeling, drawing, etc. It is fashionable now to give a certificate of a site on the moon or a personalized star, but such gifts are not always liked because of their impracticality. A picture painted from a photograph of a girl or a book printed with a personalized review will be memorable. Such gifts will be hard to forget.

    Lover of outdoor activities

    Girls who are addicted outdoor activities and an active lifestyle, you can pick up very practical presents. The date obliges to make special and expensive purchases such as a sports bike or skydiving. But such gifts can be not only expensive, but also dangerous to life and health. You can always find an alternative, and even then. It will be useful to give a heated mug or a trendy water bottle. The sets will be interesting:

    • for a picnic;
    • for camping;
    • for hikes.

    Branded sportswear and shoes will be a great solution, especially if you choose such things with your child. Such purchases can be made not only in specialized stores, which are many in Moscow and other large cities. On the site with gifts, you can explore the catalog with goods and choose what you like, spending a minimum of time and effort. Having studied the range, you will already know what to give your daughter for 18 years.


    If your daughter follows the latest fashion trends, treats her beauty and health responsibly and never goes out without makeup, then you can safely call her a fashionista. Beauty for such girls is necessary in this. They carefully take care of their image and ideal should be:

    • makeup;
    • cloth;
    • hairstyle;
    • shoes;
    • accessories.

    Any item from this list will be a great gift for a fashionista. It will be nice to receive perfume or expensive cosmetics as a gift. A certificate for going to the salon is an original, pleasant and useful solution in order to please a fashionista. It can be bought in the salon itself, ordered online.