How not to get chickenpox during pregnancy. Chickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness. How is chickenpox treated during pregnancy

Chickenpox during pregnancy is quite rare. This is due to the fact that most girls and women experience the disease in childhood, which leads to the development of lifelong immunity. But if this did not happen, the appearance of chickenpox in pregnant women is possible. This carries certain risks that must be taken into account when planning and managing pregnancy.

When can a pregnant woman become infected?

In a pregnant woman, the development of chicken pox occurs after a pathogenic virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses, enters the body. This is possible if the expectant mother will be in contact with children or adults who are currently sick.

Chickenpox is transmitted very quickly. Usually, 5 minutes of communication or being in the same room with carriers of the virus is enough. We must not forget that not only the contact of a pregnant woman with a sick chickenpox is considered potentially dangerous, but also with a carrier of herpes zoster.

A person is highly contagious not only at the stage of active appearance of rashes, which coincides with the period of manifestation of the main symptoms. A woman is most likely to become infected and become ill through contact with a patient who has not yet completed the incubation period. In addition, chickenpox in pregnant women may appear after communicating with a carrier of a pathogenic virus, when less than 5 days have passed since the discovery of the last papules on the body.

General description of the disease

Chickenpox during pregnancy develops in the usual way:

  1. incubation period. After a woman comes into contact with a patient, a pathogenic virus begins to actively multiply in her body. Usually this does not affect the well-being of the pregnant woman. The period can last from 7 days to 3 weeks. The duration of the incubation period is affected by the state of the human immune system.
  2. prodromal period. Usually lasts about a day and is characterized by the appearance of fatigue, malaise.
  3. Eruption period. This disease is actively manifested for 1-2 weeks.

chickenpox symptoms

If a pregnant woman has chickenpox, she will experience the following symptoms:

  • weakness, body aches and fatigue;
  • an increase in body temperature - is a great danger to the baby in the womb;
  • the appearance of a characteristic rash, which eventually becomes covered with dense crusts;
  • detection of watery papules on the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals (after a few days, erosions form in their place);
  • development of severe itching.

Is it worth worrying

Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women and for the unborn child? What happens if a woman gets sick? Most often, chickenpox of any severity during pregnancy is not an indication for abortion, but doctors carefully monitor the patient's well-being.

Usually, chickenpox affects pregnancy and the condition of the fetus as follows:

  1. Chickenpox during the 1st trimester of pregnancy is quite dangerous. Although the risk of developing negative consequences does not exceed 1%, chickenpox and early pregnancy can sometimes be incompatible. The disease can cause fetal death in the womb. The main danger is that the varicella-zoster virus leads to the development of serious pathologies in the child that are incompatible with life.
  2. Chickenpox in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is less dangerous. The baby is protected by the placenta, which protects it from the negative effects of the varicella-zoster virus. The second trimester is considered a completely safe period.
  3. Chickenpox in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is practically not dangerous. By this time, the fetus is fully formed and ready for birth. But there is a serious danger during pregnancy if the infection of a woman occurred shortly before childbirth.

Dangers for the child

Is chickenpox dangerous for a child during pregnancy at different times? It is terrible with such possible consequences:

  • Death of the fetus in the womb. Chickenpox in early pregnancy quite often ends in miscarriage.
  • Delayed fetal development. Violation occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The appearance of pathologies of skin development, which is manifested by scars, a violation of the integrity of the epidermis.
  • Problems from the musculoskeletal system. Various developmental disorders of the limbs (atrophy, malnutrition) are considered severe consequences of chickenpox during pregnancy.
  • Pathology of the formation of the optic nerve, cataract.
  • Various disorders of the nervous system.

If infection with a pathogenic virus occurred in late pregnancy closer to childbirth, the child is diagnosed with neonatal chicken pox. During the second half of the third trimester, the woman's body does not have time to develop antibodies to the pathogen, so it becomes extremely dangerous for the fetus. In this case, a few days later, the first symptoms of chickenpox appear in a newborn child, which are combined with severe damage to the epidermis, internal organs and nervous system. With this development of chickenpox, there is a real risk of death (about 20-30%) or disability of the child.

Danger for the pregnant woman herself

Why is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women, what are the risks? Very rarely, a sick woman has the following complications:

  • Lung damage. If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, there is a risk of developing pneumonia. Sometimes it even leads to death.
  • Pregnancy and chickenpox are compatible, but sometimes this combination provokes an inflammatory process in the heart (myocarditis).
  • Women who become infected with this disease-causing virus put themselves at an increased risk of developing glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the optic nerve, joints, pancreas, and encephalitis.

Is re-infection possible?

Can you get chickenpox again? Anyone who has previously had chickenpox acquires lifelong immunity to the virus. Therefore, women who are already familiar with him are theoretically protected.

But there is always a small chance of re-infection with the virus. A woman should not contact patients at all or limit communication with them as much as possible.

When can you plan a pregnancy?

If a woman has just had chickenpox, she should be carefully examined before planning a conception. It is important to find out what state her body is in.

It is desirable that pregnancy after chickenpox occurs after complete recovery. When a woman is already sick, specific antibodies are present in her blood that protect the child from the pathogenic virus.

Disease prevention

Anyone who has had chickenpox during pregnancy knows what a risk it is to the baby. That is why it is so important to prevent infection with the virus in order to prevent dangerous consequences:

  • Women who have not been ill before should avoid visiting institutions where there are many children - schools, kindergartens, hospitals.
  • Before planning a child, it is recommended to get vaccinated against this pathogenic virus.
  • If a woman has not had chickenpox and has been in close contact with a person who has signs of this disease, it is urgent to inform her gynecologist. In some cases, emergency vaccination is carried out using immunoglobulin containing ready-made antibodies to this virus.
  • If a woman has encountered this pathogenic virus for a period of 37 weeks or more, if possible, labor activity is inhibited or measures are taken to reduce negative manifestations in a newborn child.

This disease during pregnancy carries some risks for both the woman and her baby. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should seek the advice of your doctor.

Pregnancy and childbearing is an extremely responsible and important period in the life of any woman. It was at this time that expectant mothers fear the development of various diseases that can negatively affect the child.

Unfortunately, their fears are well founded, since numerous viruses and diseases are just waiting for the right moment to hit an unprotected organism.

This article will try to reveal a topic related to such a disease as chickenpox. Let's find out if chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy, what actions should be taken in case of infection and what are the consequences of such an infection.

What is chickenpox and at what age does it occur most often

The varicella zoster virus or chicken pox is called an infection that occurs due to the ingestion of the pathogen - the third type of herpes virus. Virus infection can occur in two ways:

  • through the liquid that is in the bubbles on the body of a sick person;
  • by airborne droplets.

There is an opinion that if in childhood a person already had chickenpox, now he has acquired immunity and will not get sick with chickenpox anymore. Unfortunately, this is a very big misconception. Yes, the immune system produces antibodies to the original virus and subsequently protects the body, however, the virus constantly mutates and acquires new capabilities and properties, which means that the likelihood of getting chickenpox again is very high.

Chickenpox during pregnancy is an extremely rare occurrence that occurs no more than one case in a thousand. Most often, children suffer from this disease. However, if a woman works in a children's educational institution or there are schoolchildren in the family, the likelihood of infection increases many times over.

Symptoms of chickenpox in pregnant women

Chickenpox develops gradually during pregnancy, and the first symptoms appear only 20 days after the virus enters the body. Only the next day, the first signs of the disease may begin to appear.

In the case of chickenpox, pregnant women may experience primary signs - numerous red rashes on the skin. Small blisters are filled with a transparent liquid, therefore, it is extremely important not to comb them, but to wait until after 2-3 days the blisters dry out and become covered with a thin crust. It is also not necessary to tear off the crust, since scars can remain at the site of damage for life.

Chickenpox during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  • the woman does not feel well, and the deterioration comes suddenly;
  • lack of appetite and nausea;
  • the expectant mother quickly gets tired and loses strength;
  • fever develops;
  • there are pains in muscles and joints;
  • the woman has a high temperature.

Since adults carry the chickenpox virus much harder and harder, you should not waste time and quickly consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. If a pregnant woman is sick with chickenpox, then you should not neglect these recommendations and self-medicate. Such an attitude can have unpleasant, and most importantly, irreparable consequences.

How to diagnose a disease?

Chickenpox during pregnancy is determined not only visually, but also in the laboratory. To do this, fluid is taken from a typical bladder, and then research is carried out so that there is no doubt about the diagnosis. In this regard, doctors are required to ask the following questions to the expectant mother:

  • whether there has been recent contact with infected people;
  • how long the contact lasted;
  • whether the woman is susceptible to infectious diseases;
  • whether any negative changes in pregnancy are felt during the onset of chickenpox.

If chickenpox occurs during pregnancy without typical signs, then the doctor prescribes additional studies that will allow the diagnosis to be made as accurately as possible. The methodology used is as follows:

  • viroscopy - silvering of the contents of the bubbles under light microscopes is performed in case of the presence of a virus;
  • serological technique - paired blood sera are checked for the presence of antibodies in the blood, which are produced in the presence of the virus.

How chickenpox affects the condition of the child and the well-being of the mother

Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women? It is impossible to answer unambiguously, since chickenpox in a pregnant woman proceeds in the standard mode. Bearing a fetus is not an aggravating factor that exacerbates the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, for the unborn child, this is associated with certain risks. In many ways, it depends on the timing of intrauterine development.

In the case of chickenpox during pregnancy in each trimester, the child may face a certain danger. Let's take a closer look:

First trimester

The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is the period in which the fetus is most at risk from possible infection. It is on this steel of development that internal organs, tissues, and the main systems of the human body are formed. It is for this reason that any virus can modify the state of emerging organs and cause pathological deformities. Usually, doctors reassure the expectant mother that the risk is minimal and is only 0.4%, although in reality this is not the case.

The most dangerous consequence of chickenpox during pregnancy is intrauterine chickenpox, which can provoke the following consequences:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • death of a child and miscarriage;
  • violation in the development of vision, hearing, limbs;
  • there are problems with the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract may develop.

Second trimester

Chickenpox in pregnant women during this period can also provoke the development of pathologies. To exclude such changes, doctors should examine the fetus and determine the degree of development of the limbs and skull from ultrasound images. In the case of chickenpox in pregnant women in the second trimester, the consequences may be as follows:

  • underdevelopment of the bone and muscle apparatus;
  • the appearance of scars on the skin;
  • violations in the field of ophthalmology;
  • congenital pneumonia;
  • symptoms of neurological disorders.

third trimester

When infected with chickenpox during pregnancy at the beginning of the third trimester, the risk of infection of the fetus is almost minimal, however, if this happens at the end of the period, the consequences can be very serious.

The most dangerous period of chickenpox infection in a pregnant woman is 3-4 days before childbirth and a week after the birth of a child. In this case, the probability of infection of the child increases to 50%, since the child's immunity has not yet been fully formed and did not have time to develop the necessary amount of antibodies to successfully resist the virus. In this case, the likely consequences of contracting chickenpox could be as follows:

  • congenital chickenpox, which is accompanied by significant violations of the internal organs;
  • the death of the baby before the very birth;
  • in newborns, a severe course of the disease can be observed.

Is it possible to vaccinate against chickenpox during pregnancy

To prevent infection with chickenpox during pregnancy, it is necessary to resolve the issue of vaccination in a timely manner. The thing is that the vaccination period may come just at the moment when the woman is already pregnant. In this case, the staging of the vaccine is strictly prohibited.

To avoid problems in the future, a woman should take care of resolving this issue in advance and consult a doctor. Medical advice may include:

  1. If in childhood a woman did not suffer from chickenpox, then it is necessary to vaccinate and wait 3-4 months with conception.
  2. After vaccination, you should not come into contact with people who have not had chickenpox, since the woman herself temporarily becomes a source of infection.
  3. If a woman has already had chickenpox, then you should contact a special laboratory and check for the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of the virus in the blood.
  4. You should not terminate the pregnancy if conception occurred before the expiration of the allotted time after vaccination. Doctors say that the consequences can be negative, although this should be said to the gynecologist.

How to treat chickenpox during pregnancy

With chickenpox during pregnancy, it is extremely important to consult your doctor in a timely manner and take appropriate measures quickly. If the first signs are already evident, then it is best to contact the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy.

This will help to significantly reduce the time to identify the individual characteristics of the woman's body and will allow you to quickly decide what treatment should be prescribed to the future mother from chickenpox.

When drawing up a treatment plan, the doctor must take into account the timing of pregnancy, as well as the complexity of the course of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of secondary infections. If the disease proceeds in a standard manner and does not have serious deviations, specific treatment should be abandoned and act in accordance with the standard recommendations of specialists:

blisters are treated with brilliant green or methylene solution. A bandage with calamine lotion is applied to the skin. This will help relieve itching;

It is not always possible to avoid scratching. To avoid this, it is worth lubricating the sores with the drug "Tsindol";

Overheating and water procedures are prohibited. In this regard, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and give preference to dairy and vegetable products rich in proteins and vitamins;

If the infection occurred in the first or second trimester, then the woman must enter a special drug - immunoglobulin. The use of the drug can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications in the child.

In severe cases of the disease, the attending physician prescribes the use of acyclovir, which acts as an antiviral drug. The composition reduces the severity of symptoms and successfully fights infection. An important condition for prescribing the remedy is that it should be taken within the first day after the discovery of the first rashes on the skin.

If the first signs appear right before the birth, doctors will try to slow down the disease to reduce the infection rate of the baby. After childbirth, the child is also injected with immunoglobulin, which contains antibodies to chickenpox, and the baby is placed in the infectious diseases department for a course of antiviral therapy.

Pregnancy is a wonderful state that a woman remembers for a lifetime. But sometimes this unique time is overshadowed by completely unexpected diseases. Today we're going to talk about a "baby" infection that can sometimes come to you during pregnancy and make you worry. Chickenpox is a common infectious disease caused by the Varicella virus and spread by airborne droplets.

Most often, all people suffer from chickenpox (chickenpox) in childhood, in this case the disease proceeds relatively easily and there are only skin manifestations (pustular rashes) that disappear without leaving noticeable defects, and a mild intoxication syndrome (malaise, subfebrile temperature). This is the most favorable scenario for a woman, since immunity after chickenpox is lifelong and the risk of getting sick again is minimal and tends to zero.

Chickenpox during pregnancy is a fairly rare situation, about 7 cases per 10,000 pregnancies. However, even 1 case suspected of chickenpox within the walls of a maternity hospital or gynecological hospital is an absolute indication for closing a medical institution for unscheduled sanitation and limiting the admission of women in labor and pregnant women.

Features of chickenpox during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a state of a priori immunosuppressive. Suppression of immunity is necessary so that the mother's body does not reject the fetus, which is genetically independent, and therefore a foreign object. However, in the case of infectious diseases, a decrease in immunity predisposes to a more severe course of the disease and more frequent development of complications.

The main clinical manifestations of chickenpox are classic, there is also a rash with staged development, fever and weakness. However, approximately 15% of sick pregnant women develop viral pneumonia, which has a severe course, is accompanied by severe intoxication and creates certain difficulties in treatment, since not all drugs are approved for use during pregnancy.

If, in addition to the rash and symptoms of intoxication, shortness of breath, cough (dry or with scanty sputum), congestion and chest pain appear, then pneumonia should be suspected and immediately contact the infectious diseases hospital.

If the symptoms appeared on a day off, then you can’t wait until Monday, you need to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room of the infectious diseases hospital yourself. Never refuse hospitalization if it is offered to you. In case of hospitalization, try to notify your local obstetrician - gynecologist.

The risk of viral pneumonia increases with infection in the third trimester, and also if the pregnant woman smokes.

The effect of chickenpox on the fetus

1. When infected in the first trimester:
- the risk of spontaneous abortion and missed pregnancy increases;
- up to 1.5% of children are at risk of acquiring congenital varicella syndrome: deformity of the limbs, cicatricial defects on the skin, impaired formation of the organ of vision with subsequent visual impairment, up to blindness, anomalies in the development of the skull and brain, which entail lags in psychophysical development and convulsive syndrome .

2. In the second trimester, the risk of fetal death remains, especially if chickenpox is complicated (with pneumonia and prolonged fever). The syndrome of congenital chickenpox threatens much less, since the hematoplacental barrier is already well formed.

3. In the third trimester, the prognosis depends more on the duration of infection:
- at the beginning of the third trimester, chickenpox infection disappears with little or no consequences for the fetus. 5 days after infection, protective antibodies begin to be produced in the mother's body, which also penetrate the child.
- if you become infected about three weeks before giving birth, then the child may develop chickenpox immediately after birth, or in utero. however, all organs and systems are already formed, birth defects do not threaten him. But such children have a high risk of developing herpes zoster (shingles) at an early age.
- if infected 5 days before delivery and within 2 days after delivery, there is a high risk that the child will get sick, but he did not receive antibodies from the mother, and the baby's own immune system is still immature and unable to give an adequate immune response, therefore, without treatment, the situation can be dangerous.
If the mother has chickenpox in the last 5 days before giving birth, then the child needs to be isolated from the mother and fed with mixtures.
The issue of breastfeeding is decided individually, at the time of the disease, breastfeeding is excluded.

A dangerous complication of congenital chickenpox or infection in the first days after childbirth are herpes pneumonia and herpetic encephalitis. These are indications for treating a child in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit, as a high degree of disability and mortality is recorded.

Diagnosis of chickenpox during pregnancy

1. Characteristic symptoms in combination with anamnesis data make it possible to make a diagnosis of chickenpox with a very high probability.

2. X-ray of the lungs in case of suspected pneumonia is carried out as a last resort, and always, covering the stomach with a lead apron. The patient should be informed about the possible risks of both insufficient diagnosis and exposure to ionizing radiation. The patient has the right to refuse the study, then the treatment is prescribed empirically, that is, focusing on clinical manifestations and using a drug with the widest possible spectrum of action.

3. Ultrasound. Ultrasound diagnosis is the main method for detecting fetal malformations. Therefore, in such a special case, ultrasound should be performed on an expert-class machine. Such an opportunity is available in city and regional perinatal centers, medical genetic consultations and advisory centers.

4. Consultation of a geneticist. Consultation of such a narrow specialist as a geneticist is indicated when malformations are detected and a malformation is suspected according to ultrasound. The geneticist will be able to explain all the risks and the expected prognosis for the life and health of the child after childbirth, as well as recommend which specialists you need after childbirth. For example, defects of the facial skeleton are consulted by a pediatric maxillofacial surgeon, malformations of the limbs are consulted by an orthopedic traumatologist.

Treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy

1. Local treatment consists in the treatment of loose elements with an antiseptic solution (for example, brilliant green) and hygiene.

2. Antivirals are appointed only by an infectious disease specialist after a joint examination with an obstetrician-gynecologist. In pregnant women, according to indications, it is possible to use the drug acyclovir in tablets or intravenously (in a hospital).

3. Interferons. Interferon preparations (Viferon and others) can often be prescribed as an auxiliary immunomodulatory treatment, but you cannot prescribe them yourself, not all drugs are allowed during pregnancy.

Indications for termination of pregnancy with chickenpox

According to Order No. 736 of December 03, 2007 "On approval of the list of medical indications for artificial termination of pregnancy", chickenpox during pregnancy is not an indication for abortion. The patient should be informed about the possible consequences and ways to prevent them, provided with highly qualified diagnostics. The mother-to-be always makes the final decision.

Childbirth and chickenpox

The type of delivery depends on the obstetric situation; chickenpox does not directly affect childbirth.

However, with the development of severe bilateral pneumonia and respiratory failure, with a threat to the life of the mother, a decision can be made to deliver by caesarean section. But such cases are extremely rare and the decision is made collectively.

Examination and treatment of the newborn

A neonatologist is necessarily invited to the birth, he is informed about the infectious history of the mother and the timing of infection. Examination of the newborn reveals external defects and signs of congenital chickenpox. According to indications, chest x-rays and ultrasound of internal organs are performed, brain functions are examined and narrow specialists (neurologist and others) are invited.

The treatment of a newborn is carried out depending on the severity of the clinical picture and the data of a laboratory blood test, immune sera (containing protective immunoglobulins against chickenpox), antiviral drugs (acyclovir) can be used.

Chickenpox vaccination

If the infection of the mother occurred immediately before childbirth, and the child does not have evidence of an active disease, then the chickenpox vaccine may be given to him.

Vaccination of pregnant women is contraindicated. But during breastfeeding, such a vaccination can be performed if there are appropriate indications.

Chickenpox prevention

1. Avoid contact with the source of infection. The source of infection is a person who has contracted chickenpox from the moment of infection (even if there are no rashes yet) until the moment when all the loose elements dry up and no new rashes are detected. You can also get chickenpox from a person who is sick with herpes zoster, as these are virally related diseases.

2. Prophylactic administration of an antiviral drug (acyclovir) after contact with a sick person

3. Prophylactic administration of specific immunoglobulin within 72 hours after contact with the sick person.

Is contact with a child/adult with chickenpox dangerous if the pregnant woman was ill in childhood?

If the patient reliably suffered chickenpox in childhood, then contact with sick chickenpox or herpes zoster is not dangerous for her and additional protective measures are not required.

But a patient who has a rash on the body is not always sick with chickenpox, many diseases occur with a common rash (rubella, scarlet fever, measles, yersiniosis and others). It is possible to say about safety only after an accurate diagnosis by an infectious disease doctor.

For the purpose of prevention, visits to kindergartens and other preschool institutions should be limited, if possible.

Herpes Zoster and pregnancy

Herpes Zoster or shingles is a manifestation of a dormant infection in the body after suffering chickenpox or shingles in the past. Relapse during pregnancy is possible in rare cases and does not pose a significant threat to the life and health of the mother and fetus. Primary infection with the Varicella Zoster virus with the development of herpes zoster is unlikely. But such a development of events is possible in patients with severe concomitant diseases (HIV infection, tuberculosis, severe anemia and other conditions that significantly affect immunity). Up to 26-27 weeks, the primary manifestation of herpes zoster is dangerous with the same consequences as chickenpox in the first and second trimesters.

The primary disease of herpes zoster in the third trimester has little or no effect on the fetus.

Treatment of Herpes Zoster during pregnancy is problematic due to the limited range of approved medications. If possible, local treatment should be dispensed with (ointment with acyclovir, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas), drugs based on paracetamol in a limited amount are used to reduce temperature and alleviate pain.

If you know that your older child has chickenpox in the kindergarten, or someone from the relatives has this infection in the family, then temporarily limit visits. It will take 3 - 4 weeks, and you will be able to communicate quite safely. If you suspect you have chickenpox, then do not delay contacting an infectious disease specialist, timely prescribed treatment will help to transfer the infection in a mild form and will not harm the baby. Look after yourself and be healthy!

Pregnancy is an important event in the life of every woman. I want all illnesses and hardships to pass away. But it happens that someone from the family gets chickenpox.

Chickenpox is a childhood disease, but adults can also get chickenpox. The kid will quickly and painlessly endure the disease, earning immunity for life. But getting chickenpox during pregnancy can have serious consequences. Therefore, you should know for sure whether chickenpox is dangerous for pregnant women or not.

In this article you will learn:

When to be afraid of chickenpox

If you have the following symptoms, you can expect a red rash to appear:

  • Weakness appears, supplemented by severe headaches;
  • A sharp increase in body temperature is recorded;
  • 7 days after the appearance of the first signs, the body is covered with pimples, characteristic of the disease, filled with liquid.

Due to weakened immunity, chickenpox is detected during pregnancy quite dangerous. The expectant mother is subject to severe intoxication. Headaches are not relieved by any previously saved medicines.

The disease is not safe either for the expectant mother or for the emerging child. Therefore, infection with chickenpox during pregnancy is a clear reason for the risk of complications and disastrous results in the form of a provoked miscarriage or the fixation of pathological developmental abnormalities in the newborn:

  • In case of infection in the first half of pregnancy, it is the most dangerous for the development of various serious complications and pathological development of the fetus;
  • The second half of the woman's interesting position - the possible danger to the mother and fetus is somewhat reduced;
  • Infection in the last stages does not carry the danger that is possible in the middle of the gestation period, but the woman in labor and the fully formed fetus (34-38 weeks) must constantly be under the control of medical workers. Chickenpox is a viral type disease, its causative agent is the 3rd type of herpes virus. In most cases, the disease affects children under the age of 7 years.
  • Infection occurs from an infected person by airborne droplets, through conversation or saliva. Upon contact with this infection, it is especially easy to become infected with chickenpox during pregnancy, because during the period of bearing a child, immunity decreases in the female body, which provokes various kinds of diseases.
  • When ingested, the herpes virus settles on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. The incubation period for the development of the disease is on average 1-3 weeks.

Thus, infection with chickenpox can negatively affect both the mother and the born baby. But the disease is not a reason to resort to abortion. The main thing is to detect the symptoms of the inflammatory process in time and seek treatment.

Consequences for the mother

There are no specific features of chickenpox in pregnant women. It is equally difficult for both men and women. In any case, the manifestation causes a number of complications.

It is difficult to predict which internal organ the chickenpox will affect in a pregnant woman. In some, it manifests itself in the form of chickenpox pneumonia. In other patients, a violation of the functioning of systems or pathological diseases of internal organs is recorded.

When a woman discovers pregnancy, contracting this infection does not imply rosy events. In the first 3 months (12 weeks), important internal organs develop in the fetus: the heart, brain, blood circulation is formed. A weakened immune system skips chickenpox, which can greatly affect not only the vital signs of a young mother, but also the development of an unborn child.

The following points are distinguished, why chickenpox is dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. The development of the myocardium of the heart muscle;
  2. Inflammatory processes with the organs of vision;
  3. Pathological disorders in the normal state of the joints;
  4. Inflammation of the appendix, as well as the negative development of pancreatic anomalies;
  5. The occurrence of glomerunitis is a violation in the functioning of the kidneys.

In addition, the manifestation of atypical consequences is possible - impaired coordination of movements, as well as the manifestation of encephalitis - inflammatory processes in the brain. All emerging processes have a negative impact on the emerging internal organs of the child.

You can learn about the pathological development of the fetus at the 2nd screening by performing an ultrasound examination. If a developing child has abnormalities that are incompatible with life, the pregnant woman is offered an artificial abortion.

If infection occurs, at this point the fetus is securely protected by the placenta. Therefore, infection of the child occurs only in extreme cases, even if the mother is affected by a severe form of leakage. The risk of disease in the 3rd trimester increases several times.

A child can become infected just before childbirth, when the uterus opens and the water drains, as well as on the first day after birth. In this case, chickenpox is diagnosed as a congenital disease.

Consequences for the child

The development of a child depends entirely on the health of his mother. If infection has occurred, the main points are highlighted, why chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy:

  • Fading pregnancy;
  • The death of a fully formed fetus immediately before labor;
  • Spontaneous rejection of the fetus from the body (miscarriage);
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin or the complete absence of skin;
  • Cataract or defective development of the eyeballs;
  • Abnormal changes in the symmetry of the fetus - atrophy on one side or hypotrophy of the arms and legs, extra phalanges of the fingers on the limbs;
  • Delay the formation of a child inside the fetus;
  • Violations in the structure of external tissues and internal organs affected by the herpes virus.

It all depends on the moment at which the infection occurred. If the expectant mother became infected with chickenpox before 20 weeks of gestation, then in this case, the child has a congenital chickenpox syndrome at birth. In this case, there is an incorrect functioning of the cerebral cortex, incoming convulsions, paralysis of the child, changes in the skin of the cicatricial type.

If infection with chickenpox occurs after 20 weeks, then first of all, an ultrasound scan is performed. The examination reveals possible deviations. To verify the accuracy of the anomalies, amniocentesis and cordocentesis are additionally prescribed. Such examinations are performed by sampling amniotic fluid and blood from the umbilical cord of the fetus. They allow you to determine not only genetic abnormalities, but also chromosomal.

The disease of the woman in labor a week before the birth threatens the baby at birth with the detection of encephalitis, respiratory diseases and pathological conditions of the liver. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to immediately consult a doctor when identifying possible symptoms of chickenpox. The immediate start of the treatment process can have a positive effect on the development of the fetus - the inflammatory process will not affect it.

How to protect yourself from chickenpox during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman had smallpox in childhood, she has nothing to worry about. Her body received lifelong immunity to chickenpox. She can communicate with an infected person, even in intimate settings. In most cases, the development of recurrent disease does not occur. In a situation where a woman in a position has not been exposed to an illness, it should be clarified whether chickenpox is dangerous for a pregnant woman during the period of bearing a child.

In order to prevent the disease, it is recommended to resort to preventive measures to influence the body:

  1. Stop all contact with small children;
  2. Do not visit places with a lot of people, especially hospitals;
  3. Communication with people who have a rash on the skin or other manifestations of the disease is recommended to be limited;
  4. If there are kids in the family or close circle who have not yet had the disease, they should be vaccinated against chickenpox.

If contact of an unprotected pregnant woman has occurred with an infected patient, the following actions should be taken:

  • Tell your doctor about the event in more detail;
  • Administer emergency vaccination within 96 hours of exposure;
  • Drugs should be administered intramuscularly and intravenously to block the growth of the virus;
  • If the gestational age exceeds 37 weeks, it is recommended to provoke labor or perform an operative delivery.

In any case, you should notify your doctor. The main thing is to take all measures that can contribute to the impossibility of contracting a dangerous disease.

Chickenpox vaccination

Preventive measures should be taken to protect against chickenpox. The latter are divided into arbitrary and special. It is better to conduct a survey of relatives to identify sick or not sick relatives, and most importantly, to find out if the pregnant woman herself had chickenpox in childhood.

There were no cases of re-infection. An emergency chickenpox vaccination is recommended. If contact was made with the affected person, then having chickenpox during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the unborn child.

Therefore, vaccination should be carried out at the time of pregnancy planning. Fertilization is possible only 3 months after the administration of drugs.

Thus, it is highly undesirable to contract chicken pox during pregnancy. Otherwise, it is possible to identify negative consequences, as well as the death of both the mother and the child. Therefore, it is recommended that when the first signs are detected, treatment should be started immediately.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus. The virus is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person by airborne droplets.

If you had chickenpox as a child, then most likely this infection does not threaten your pregnancy and will not affect the health of the fetus. If you have not had chickenpox, then you need to avoid contact with this infection so as not to become infected yourself and not to infect your unborn child.

Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, the unborn child may develop congenital chickenpox, which is manifested by scars on the skin, low birth weight, and mental and physical retardation.

The risk that chickenpox during pregnancy will cause certain consequences depends on the gestational age at which the infection occurred. Chickenpox in late pregnancy is much more dangerous than chickenpox in early pregnancy:

    Chickenpox in the early stages can lead to miscarriage, however, if the fetus survives, then the risk of complications of chickenpox will be very small (less than 1%).

    If chickenpox appeared in the second trimester, the risk of consequences is about 2%.

    The greatest risk is infection of a pregnant woman in the third trimester. If a pregnant woman has contracted chickenpox a few days before giving birth, then the risk of congenital chickenpox in an unborn child is 20-25%.

What should I do if I was in contact with a person with chickenpox during pregnancy?

First of all, try to remember if you had chickenpox as a child (if you don’t remember, then ask your mom).

If you have had chickenpox, then you most likely have strong immunity, and you will not be re-infected as a result of contact with a sick person. In this case, you do not need to take any action.

If you have been vaccinated against chickenpox, then infection will also not occur, and you should not worry.

If you have not had chickenpox, or are not sure about it, then you need to take a blood test for antibodies to chickenpox (antibodies to the varicella-zoster virus or Varicella-Zoster). If the analysis shows that you have immunity, then there is nothing to worry about. If there is no immunity, then as a result of contact with a patient with chickenpox, the risk of infection will be about 90%.

Symptoms of chickenpox during pregnancy

The first symptoms of chickenpox may appear 21 days after infection, although you may notice the first signs of the disease earlier (as early as 2 weeks after contact with a sick person).

It is believed that the older the person at the time of infection with chickenpox, the more pronounced the symptoms of the disease and the more severe it is. The main symptoms of chickenpox in adults (including pregnant women) are:

    An increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by headaches, malaise, muscle pain, loss of appetite.

    A rash accompanied by severe itching is the main symptom of chickenpox. Chickenpox rashes look like bubbles filled with liquid.

A person becomes contagious two days before the first rash appears and remains contagious for about a week after the last rash appears.

What should I do if I have symptoms of chickenpox during pregnancy?

Chickenpox can be dangerous for you and for your unborn child, so you need to consult a doctor immediately. Before visiting your gynecologist, be sure to call him and warn him that you may have chickenpox. Don't go to the doctor's office unannounced so as not to endanger other pregnant women waiting in line to see the doctor.

Treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy

If the diagnosis of chickenpox is confirmed, you will be treated with the antiviral drug Acyclovir. You will be hospitalized during treatment.

To make sure that the child is not in danger, the doctor will prescribe several ultrasounds during treatment and a few weeks after the end of treatment. If the ultrasound reveals severe developmental anomalies in the fetus, the doctor may recommend termination of the pregnancy.

What should I do if I get chickenpox in the third trimester of pregnancy?

As we have already said, chickenpox infection is most dangerous in late pregnancy, especially shortly before childbirth. If you become infected at the very beginning of the third trimester, then chickenpox probably will not cause serious consequences, since by the time of delivery your body will have time to develop immunity and pass it on to the unborn child through the placenta.

If you get chickenpox 3 weeks before giving birth, then the risk of congenital chickenpox in the unborn child will be increased. However, even if the baby has symptoms of chickenpox by the time of birth, they will be moderate or mild due to the immunity that has time to develop by the time of birth.

The most dangerous infection with chickenpox is 5 days before childbirth or within the first two days after childbirth, because in this short time your body will not have time to develop immunity and pass it on to the unborn child. In this case, the risk of congenital chickenpox in a newborn will be quite high, and without appropriate treatment, this disease can lead to very serious consequences.

In order to reduce the risk of complications, immediately after birth, the child will be treated with chickenpox immunoglobulin. This medicine is obtained from the blood of people who have had chickenpox; this is the same “immunity” against chickenpox that the pregnant woman did not have time to pass on to her unborn child. In order to overcome the virus, the newborn will also be treated with the antiviral drug Acyclovir.

Prevention of chickenpox during pregnancy

If you already had chickenpox as a child, then you do not need to follow any preventive measures. Even contact with a person who has chickenpox will most likely not be dangerous for you.

If you have never had chickenpox, or do not know this for sure, then you need to follow the following recommendations from experts:

    Avoid contact with small children and do not visit places with large crowds of people.

    Do not interact with people who have symptoms of a cold or skin rash.

    If you have children who have not had chickenpox, they should be vaccinated.

    Since the chickenpox vaccine cannot be given during pregnancy, do it immediately after giving birth. This will protect you from this disease (it can be more severe in adults than in children), and protect your future children if you become pregnant again.

Chickenpox vaccine

In Russia, there are two vaccines against chicken pox: Okavax and Varilix. Vaccines contain a weakened herpes virus against which the body easily develops immunity. The risk of contracting chickenpox as a result of vaccination exists, but it is extremely small (according to one study, out of 55 million people vaccinated, only 5 developed symptoms of chickenpox).

The chickenpox vaccine should not be given during pregnancy. If you are only planning a pregnancy, then at least 1 month should pass from the moment of vaccination to the conception of a child (and it is best to wait 3 months).